The IMPOSSIBLE Goblins Vs. Gnomes Challenge

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and goblins vs gnomes we were introduced to some of the worst legendaries that Hearthstone has ever seen and I'm going to see if it's still possible to win a game with each one while making it the reason why I win probably the worst challenge I'm gonna do I decided to start off with the hardest one in this challenge trade Prince gallywix the problem with gallywix is that it heavily relies on my opponent to do something so this one seemed to be the worst case scenario for gvg but I didn't think it was gonna be this bad Pratt Myra's evasion oh god well that's the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life uh I hope I gotta hope it's on Ice trap then right your power evasion prep Myers galleyworks why do you have to why he he wrote he just runs that card man I decided it was probably better for me to do that legendary later so we move on to the iron Juggernaut for warrior this one was actually really cool it just shuffled a mind into your opponent's stack that dealt 10 damage and with the tools that control Warrior has currently this one seemed to be a pretty easy one to get done for goblins versus gnomes okay priest listen all right we're gonna move on okay warlock warlock is good right they're running around a thought at least they're gonna be tapping I'm pretty sure Ruby and egg you say what the hell just happened yo the space kind of popping off I guess I should draw first if I'm gonna do it wait that's at 811 oh my God okay that guy's bit all right not the 811 not the 811 not the 811. free we'll do this first I'm looking for good currents okay he's kind of doing damage which is good for the most part here I haven't drawn any of my combo pieces right I'm still looking I may have to just play this just to draw he's tapping though Captain's good anything that gets their life points a little bit lower feels pretty great he's doing damage and he's drawing through his deck that's really good I guess we'll do this where is my combo bro damn this guy's kind of popping off here we could get this we can get this I just need to basically at this point find the card where is the card Barefoot is actually not the worst thing I've ever seen I can kill this I think I'm okay with that at this point I don't even think I I need discounts though I hit this hit this hit this boom Oh upset no no no no no no no no no no no no put that back I don't play that card rareness and believe me in the heart of the cards listen all I do is believe do you know how much copium I need to do these videos you guys have no idea this guy deciphons Ole Miss I'll take it if you believing enough you draw the card shake my head are you insinuating that I am not believing what is this guy doing is he about to drop like molten Giants or something ah give me a card all right that's strong we're drawing dude if we get the card next turn it's like they're turbo dead like it's it's unreal amount of dead how dead they are it's crazy this guy's gonna kill himself before I even get to do anything what do you get Spirit on me too oh my God it's is that the card it's not even the did you know that you can just draw the card wow I'm dead I want him to explode you know what I mean all right if I don't draw the card here I'm actually molding and I'm gonna concede that's the card okay wow all right so this is worth playing ran ellick Alec Iron Dragon take this card back into our hand I don't know why this even matters I guess we could do it again I could have shuffled in the cards first but I'm pretty sure it's I'm dead or he's dead this turn right okay I swear to God draw bomb [Applause] I mean it's just that easy guys it's just we didn't need all those bombs let's go see how well Aaron's doing with gallywix [Music] play it don't play the card my goose is cooked bro still suffering I see so we're gonna move on to our next legendary which is malganus also known as the turtle nowganis was actually really good back in the day and with a new card called the Jailer which makes him immune we can basically make our hero immune and that's exactly what we're gonna do against priest yeah even Mage is a little spooky to be honest but I'm not too worried what does May generally play these days they don't run removal right all right well there's my minions I need basically at this point we're just hoping that he doesn't have mass polymorph far away to cast Mass polymorph or anything like that I don't need this card this card's useless now do I want poke health I don't think sorry it doesn't seem very useful very uh inconvenient here that I'm actually not drawing anything good the next card easy is Tome tampering it's always Tom tampering tone tampering all right some tampering it doesn't exist I swear to God so I guess we're gonna play this next turn into no into this it's fine I don't care about Dana Jacob suck it I mean I have to do this well I guess they summon another water Elemental but again if they kill this I'm pretty happy with that right we're chilling it's probably ice block five to guess all right everyone just believe we don't die actually free it's it's they're reading the card I I need them not to do five I guess four with ping but five oh no don't join me stop stop stop what is he doing [Music] all right now we wait you got jailed my am I right we just see if they can kill me it actually only comes down to do they have Holly last probably more afraid there's no other card I think in Mage second wait devolving missiles would also do it they never have devolving missiles someone shut up because that way does hero power his face the whole time right it's also root of the arc Mage there's Pop there's POG box of yogg Saron it has to be ice block right we can attack with this I'm gonna play these just in case oh there's also the arena Jackson here right yeah yeah yeah let's be really oh free dude you no I'm dead I gotta get rid of Shadow stuff I gotta get rid of shots that they're doing absolutely nothing oh my God this is so miserable all right as raren keeps suffering with gallywix we're gonna move on to our next legendary which is neptulon neptulon wasn't inherently great it was a very slow card that didn't really give you enough of a payoff but over the years we did get a lot of murloc synergy making this one not as impossible as it probably could have been I'm in a full mole for looking and then we just we just aren't free that's fine they queued up AFK Mage well I mean they did Mulligan we saw them do cards right so hello Mr chipper chipper I honestly don't understand how people like queue up and then just leave he might be in the process of wiping dude how long does it take for you to wipe are you there for a whole freaking 60 seconds I mean I respect it for sure but if you're wiping like white ones do your turn and get on with your life you know what I mean oh this is a great all right it's fine it's like it's like we're right back where we started man this is a great hand so turn seven we go into neptulon I'm gonna devolve this I think I don't want to deal with that this guy's playing some interesting aggressive deck and we have a great hand so next turn I'm going to go for the fleurcle into toxin clear and we're gonna roll them I was gonna play Thor's in the following term but I feel like that's wrong oh we definitely gonna miss that I'm gonna totem first just so in case what does this do one damage okay anything but this I think I'm just gonna play this wait he left us alive okay Thorson living is actually just the best thing on the planet because now we get neptulon so this is or anything is awesome it's always absolutely okay then we can do this do this oh my God it's like a dream all right he's playing gallicon he's playing galacton so he he's killing Thor sitting here every step of the way we have a three Mana natural aren't we this is actually broken so all we need now is old murkai and I think we're chilling speak of the freaking double bro is this lethal depending on what this is actually it might be I want any of these doesn't matter oh all right surely he doesn't kill the murloc right so I'll have six Mana next turn I hope he leaves the murloc alive that's actually like best case scenario for all this is lethal this is we go uh you you you you you you you you you I didn't think that's gonna be so easy dude so we're going you away you you can go face I can trade here I can't put evasion if I want but I'll just kill that minion I think this is I hate this so much dude all right hold on yeah I might have to put Jailer in there's at least Jailer makes gallywix immune well raren tries to figure out how to make Galley Wicks work we're gonna move on to vol'jin which was used quite a bit back in the day it was a pretty great way of removing a big minion while developing your own and it was used in a variety of priest decks now unfortunately vol'jin isn't the coolest minion in current day and age there's just better removal so rather than just him taking some minions health I decided to get an odk with him resurrect is not good unfortunately because I got a six two it's a great hand I mean I'm gonna be real here this is an act okay all right I'm gonna tell you exactly how this game's gonna go out and it's gonna work just as I'm saying because I'm I'm talking to the developers as we speak to make sure this happens I am gonna play illuminate does that make a difference this is still fine I am gonna play illuminate illuminate is gonna get me Idol of yah shiraj that means that means oh my God it actually worked okay that means we can now play vol'jin on turn four you may have noticed that on turn four a turn five they will be dead that's the plan now I just need to not chargeable engine okay that's really good that's povertying actually the following turn is really good right yeah palm reading and on turn five would be the best card in my deck snapper the world holds many Terrors behold my an unkillable troll thing and he's looking at the card he's like what is that I don't know what that is okay it's not threatening his past you're at 40 life I would agree with that 2022 is pretty wild oh my God all right well now the question is chat do we think this was good enough Chad agrees it was good enough see rare and twitch hat doesn't only care about your suffering true okay so it's jailer galleywix and next time we play this I'm oh you why are you why are you running what is this man oh before we do the next legendary I had to buy some goblins versus gnome packs in the current year of hearthstone I know it's ridiculous but if you do enjoy the video so far I spent around 150 on Pax so I would really appreciate a subscription and a like thank you the next legendary is arguably the coolest one in this entire expansion and that is gazrilla I don't know if I'm pronouncing that correctly and I don't care if I am I just think the legendary is cool this legendary wasn't inherently great it did take a long time to get set up but if you did it was the most satisfying thing and that is exactly what we're gonna do with it we're gonna kill our opponent with big attack now I know we're going for some juicy otk here what if I just play the gazrella if I get ice trapped here I'm just gonna play it I would count the intimidation of him winning that game but I don't think that's actually what I want for a YouTube video okay we're playing against meme Shaman this might actually be good we need to find gazzarella what did this guy play snap right can I come we're gonna bring it so it won't draw every single Card unfortunately but I can't play this because I'll need to play something else with it so we could probably just send out an explosive here okay so this I believe will give us Emperor Thorson right I need to find the twin spell card or I need to find more damage oh that's annoying that's actually really bad whatever cthune shows up in these challenges ran size relief knowing he finally keyed up into his paid actor nice [Music] I guess you leave Thorson up or you don't what you you leave the man up this is Turbo lethal right oh this is so much damage oh this is so much damage oh my God I almost misplayed that wow oh smack em baby let's get it all right well that's Godzilla or guys whatever you pronounce I don't care I think it's fine [Music] I my bla my brain is like my brain's numb bro my brain is so it's just numb it's just dumb I'm not real I don't exist life isn't around I had the Myers first we then move on to the Druid legendary malord which was not very good at all it was very slow and often felt like it was just a dead card when you actually put it into your deck but this card does enable one of the coolest otks I've ever seen with the Undertaker even though the otk takes about 500 years to pull off all right priest I that you know what dude we love to see priests okay we love to see it I'm gonna goth right now Guff right now nice I actually don't want to play that yet though this gives me yeah does priest have a way to transform so if we go this is a seven eight we play into this you can use the nurse to draw mind control bro I haven't seen mind control in 500 years at this point I can't play around uh if he has like a tomb or something I just have to hope he doesn't he's looking at the card like what now here's a watch free chat if this dies do I still get the death battle with this card gain the death metal effects of three friendly Minions that died this game it seems like it would so this draws me selfish it shows me shellfish why is everyone Lauren golden I opened them in gold all right Amber's here too okay cool so we just need to find Guff I couldn't tell you my house cost card is no it is the skills of a Nixie in Keystone's career please kill my guy perfect that works out for me or anything's fun so we we're definitely playing this okay now we have the shellfish I need Prince telegram still sure actually this kind of helps me out doesn't it that way I don't have to attack into this absolutely relevant okay so we can do this this I'm looking for Prince I'm looking for Prince I'm looking for Prince please oh my God last card pog [Music] I figured did it I only lose the game if they have a silence it's fine that's great that's great that's great are you guys ready for this dude I'm so excited to see this actually work so it's Umbra Undertaker this trades there's gonna be a lot of animations here it's infinite though it should oh my God dude the animal s [Laughter] what is going on the animations actually are so brutal so unfortunately Umbra will die here this guy deserves to lose this guy deserves to lose silly though man God that is that is spectacular that was that was something else man how did it not take him [Laughter] [Music] bro what are we running here I dude I am oh my god oh my God oh my God okay the next legendary is for Paladin being bolvar for Dragon now this legendary kind of sucked back in the day not only did you have to get it in your hand but you also have to have a ton of minions die for it to be basically useless but with the addition of a recent card we can make bulver is very own win condition I think christology is fine okay do I want lost in the jungle maybe at one point all right we got both here and we got the boar okay this is a priest let's hope they don't play these stupid quests play like a normal priest that does nothing good cool awesome all right now we can do this Demolisher I can't find that I am gonna play this though because then I can kill this I want to do this more but I think this is fine it's kind of weak though I guess we do this actually sure ah damn are you pressing the button I need to get all my minions out of my hand like it's like like anything so basically like the combo here in case anyone's curious is we're gonna get this really big we're gonna play this bore in hand we're gonna righteous defense it so the board gets really big and then we kill him so I need to get all my minions out of my hand and I also have to hope they don't conceive I that was a mistake on Purpose By the way okay um we don't really want that I'm probably just gonna play that oh do I only have that what the hell oh there's like no Battle Cry animation interesting so I'm gonna play this guaranteed next turn because I need to get this out of my hand and then the following winter we just get rid of every single Minion and we just over the bust God if I had one more man it'd be perfect if I don't draw a minion here we can actually get this don't drop minion no you don't draw Minion it's just as simple as that oh full heal pretty much perfect maybe I should have fun with the weapon there because now he has life still all right not a minion not a minion not a minion can we do this here 31 33 could be 36 36 I think this is lethal right no it's the attack on the last turn actually mattered a ton if I attacked the last turd it was actually lethal it's fine it's fine it's fine I'm not even mad what the hell the temple enforcer really seals the deal here right all right wasn't the greatest game but it is what it is man after much Deck iteration we finally get to the point where gallywix might actually win us a game they've been stuck on Rogue I don't know long enough I guess I don't know wow I'm so glad I did that all right we can still do this we could do this we can do this everyone everyone wake up wake up say oh my God I can't believe what I am seeing here that's useless doesn't do anything okay that's fine if I died that I finally do it oh my God thank you oh thank you I don't care oh my God oh my God this is so close I've never been this close please just let me win please please oh my God he didn't swing why didn't you swing wait I literally think years were taken off my life you know unlike you you take a test and then you get your mark back and you didn't study at all and somehow you got like an 80. that's how I feel right now and now we're on the hardest one the last legendary is flame Leviathan you could just look at this card and know it's absolute garbage but with the help of the quest released in angoro we could do something incredible get erosion music 40 life is actually miserable for me I need to dig draw technically Cold Case is the better card okay I really hope they don't pop the block here uh only on a ton oh please don't freaking shot us at this God forsaken card I beg you no okay game it's fine it was fine please don't make me draw that's fine okay I should be alive uh at this rate is I think the only card in the game currently that would actually do it we could stab would also do it ran plus this is two two coins do they pay for themselves okay okay so this is this is I think this is good enough right foreign let's do this first just in case I goof it says fine so generous I'm counting that I don't care what any of you guys say I'm done I'm done I'm done guys I'm gonna be honest with you I have I have never been more miserable in one of these Challenges ever this was absolutely the worst thing I've done in Hearthstone and I don't wish this upon anyone don't do this these three oh my God I actually I ended stream yesterday because of this one this one took me so long oh my God Time Warp was a really good idea Whoever thought of Time Warp God bless you because I I think that would have been awful thank you for watching the Goblins vs gnomes challenge I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did I would appreciate the subscription in a like
Channel: Rarran
Views: 135,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, the best hearthstone deck, hearthstone new expansion, how to get legend, hearthstone gold, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone mathmatics, hearthstone duels, hearthstone 2022, best hearthstone deck, legends of runeterra, lor decks, best legends of runeterra decks, legends of runeterra gameplay, lor gameplay, voyage to the sunken city, hearthstone voyage sunken city, hearthstone vs legends of runeterra, hs vs lor, runeterra, card game
Id: lsNTUAjyUBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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