The WEAKEST Each Hearthstone Class Has Been

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over the years blizzard has tried to push certain archetypes that just kind of suck and today we're gonna try to win with the worst one for each class and believe me you want to see the Rogue one looking at the decklist some of these are absolute booty but uh we'll get there when we get there you guys will see how bad some of these these uh these decks are oh ew the Rogue one oh God all right this is sick because my rogue opponent did absolutely nothing which means we can coin out this and then we're gonna kill them what is this guy playing what the hell that's oh God I don't even oh oh we have Maeve bet you haven't seen this card Mr Rogue or Mrs Rogue wait I just might have they're my EVS minion oh okay well I guess we did it that was the first that was Dean Hunter's worst archetype now here's the thing about Demon Hunter okay here's the thing about Diva Hunter Demon Hunter has actually been pretty good throughout its entire life so I didn't think Demon Hunter was going to be that hard right oh it Druid surely we got this fun fact for you chop when this deck was released innerbate was giving you two Mana crystals yes I am a Hearthstone Boomer I am listening oh biology project thank you so much now I can curve into this you're so kind oh wait a minute I can make a spicy bear oh god oh Jesus Christ yeah so you because we're playing the worst decks I don't have that card and I feel like I got scammed but we have a five eight so our five nine sorry my apologies Jesus oh we're dead maybe not oh we're dead oh we're turbo dad so while we're dying let me tell you guys a little story um the grand tournament was not a very good expansion and it turns out that when you have the card called Guff uh you're at a significant Advantage compared to the deck I'm running right all right we got Doug on the Mage Doug's not ready for Beast dude we got the haunted creeper ooh spicy wait Drew to the Fang they don't get oh the jungle Panther all right here we go it's even better we play the B the Beast we have another beast and then we innervate into the Druid of the Fang he's coining he's doing things oh oh all right miss miss miss miss miss okay I mean I'm gonna be a I'd be upset if I was that guy absolutely but I'm not that guy so I'm pretty stoked let's go I like the charge damage to be honest crap another night on the prowl into the pack oh it's some spicy damage here oh they don't know what hit him all right I'm gonna be playing with your big snake on stream listen it's that was bound to happen once right oh the snake one let's go oh baby so so can we go coin into the disc oh never mind man buff this card that's also fine that's fine we'll we'll take those we'll take those those are W's all right um I want to go coin into my boy uh Savannah here so maybe we just do this maybe we do this if it hits the doppelgangster I might go Doppel gangster so let's do this all right now we got it now we gotta make that decision uh coin hero power sounds bad so we'll just hit face like a champ excuse me I just got I just got double snap for East in 2023. man I want to go coin Savannah but like how often do you get to play 99 of stats for five Mana get em boys oh a blizzard we're playing the boy oh my God flame strike what is this guy going for dude we're gonna try to buff our boy here and I think it's guaranteed right nice oh it's big damage they never see this coming oh oh that is the opposite of good uh barrier it would be better oh that's the frost spell okay oh good draw though draw you draw a great draw actually all right I surely will be okay here I think we're gonna lose this one I think we lose this one by the way one by the way Donny oh my God it's the dream look at this dude he's a beast oh and we got Donnie right on schedule all right Donny's dead bye Donnie man I haven't been able to hit face in like four turns with like actual notable minions here what's this I have enough Knuckles what's up dude um all right here we go here we go here we go I'm thinking I'm thinking hover anyways oh God speaking of bran okay um how about we stop what we're doing this is just mean I feel like I'm getting bullied how much damage is this by the way this is uh 14 16 and a turn he's gonna upgrade his hero can I leave brand on board I think I have to right all right we just have to live for two more turns I think that's pretty reasonable [Music] all right I think we're dead no well we do this we do this oh it's so annoying man that's a nine and I have to play it right just unfortunate because I don't actually get to deal any damage here oh man that's actually okay sure sure uh are they just dead this is so much damage I'm just gonna point my hand here and there that darn cool all right that's not like a real one with this deck we finally did it we did it all right I better go with a really bold shot here watch this this is not the one one okay watch this watch this ready ready look at the totem look at the totem or do you get who does that you're literally Frost bolting a taunt totem are you serious in the current year all right we're back we're back okay perfect actually I think his play is just arguably better than mine but wow look at these whoa we've never seen a bigger taunt totem dude shut the frick up man how does this guy have an answer to everything I'm doing I'm literally playing the best I possibly can with this duck and it's still not enough oh I'm upset oh look at this please chat chat chat chat pay attention pay attention everyone looking everyone looking look at this I have never seen this car and actually use its effect we're watching so many cool things today it's amazing if I'm a four it's got Arcane explosions ask me how I'm doing not okay healing totem healing tone I'm healing time healing tone yes yes yes yes yes yes be cool man now for it's a real is the same guy who Frost bolted my taunt totem on turn two and he's just running this card like an absolute freak are you serious all right we're gonna devolve this all one Health all right that's actually good because this gets popped killing totem healing totem healing totem healing totem healing totem oh thank God okay I think he's dead actually is he dead for I mean he's not dead oh God am I gonna lose I have to go face I actually don't really care about this right actually I do care about this because that means he can't kill this with just the uh oh he gets frog actually by cuck me man no no it's fine um I I kill this I should right oh I'm gonna do it that way he can't use like a Sarah I want to throw up in a forest if I'm gonna be real with you Chan I'm gonna just find a forest throw up all over all the trees this looks like a w it's now a not a w ow [Music] yeah oh we're so okay like if a guy he was saying I had lethal if it did okay um oh my god dude this hand is so bad okay well you know the bread said about this is oh the CR no okay we'll do this we'll do this all right so here's the thing if this Mana Thai totem lives that means we have an influx of current draw and um I'm really excited for it all right we attack we do this this way this stays alive look at this plate look at his place man look at these place we're Unstoppable with this this guy's cheesed if he Fireballs this Mana Thai totem I call it a w oh my God you're absolutely I mean it's already Frozen though dude what are you what are you freezing for oh no he froze my totem that's already Frozen what will I do right look at this go man we're chilling I want to throw up actually do I want to throw up it's not that bad depending okay cool cool cool big fan uh not a good draw uh we just saw fire sales so am I feeling a little froggy chat all of your energy come together for a healing totem thank you so much oh imagine if it actually worked though man oh oh oh my God if it isn't thrall deaths here all right win me the game I'm gonna be real with him um this was pretty bad so we're doing this we get ragnaros just kidding we got another five five because we're pretty sick at this game thank you oh I missed the spellburst it's fine I have to hit face if I don't hit face how do I win I'll kill this I guess oh you are absolutely just you were just apps Reno just oh God that was disgusting okay King Crush can Crush can Crush can Crush can Crush can Crush it's actually not the worst thing reignite is probably waiting for the game to be okay it doesn't matter what I was saying he conceded I'm counted as a dub I don't want to hear anything in chat that's a victory you see it on screenshot look at this let me let me point it out for you hold on Victory wow so exciting okay cool cool is the pun by the way all right let's put this with the last colinasaur what's I do I can't pronounce your name but what's up dude uh we're gonna play the quest um so we're gonna go sword of darkshire into lost in the jungle the thorax so this is a pretty sick turn [Music] oh my God don't involve me don't do it oh dude's hair maybe so our next play is gonna involve this little button down here into this button oh that's hot I don't know if I ever want to keep this I probably don't I should have kept it I should have kept it dude can I get some cards to play here what the hell the voodoo doctor what a freak love to see it though love to see it okay what are we doing here winfury is an adapter we always get him oh they suck man oh man damn dude I would have loved to have that card why are we what are we you know what I'm not gonna I was gonna say something about this dude's deck but you know what my deck is probably worse than his so that's unfortunate this is gonna die maybe we actually will get the last kaleidoscope Vera looks like he works midnight shifts at a local gas station I mean I'm just gonna do this we have this guy it worked out it worked out flawlessly for us man a card that's not in this deck is needed to win with this deck it's all booty aha but we can do it again oh I'll take it I'll take it let's go we're gonna win this is one of the Battlegrounds is this we're uh we're playing my favorite archetype taunt Quest warlock against my other favorite archetype this thing and uh we did it all right we're out of here finally moving on all right we got our win condition feels good feels good love to see it easy it's already over I don't know if you realize but your deck sucks I'm just gonna tell him this is that good hand I'm gonna be real here man I like this hand a ton and I'm gonna play it hey what the [ __ ] polymorph oh positioning I got fisted dude Mage is so snooze especially the deck like this where I'm just playing for board and praying to God it works you know what would your Hearthstone card stats and grotto card be like I have no idea excellent question wow that was the that mask was abyssful that's my that would be a mask I would play I oh God that's all right well we can do this into this I'm upset for this guy this goes all face and I think we're vibing because this gets progged oh my God sometimes sometimes you say hello to someone and the very next second you're getting fisted [Music] politics that's the first thing you hear when you enter this stream all right at least we can play the card let's go I'll just do this now I get an a concert in the arc page I think I'm pretty stoked about it oh my God see this is that like this is why I think have put this archetype here because this this this weapon is so unintuitive when it comes to the actual big archetype because they want you have to play little spells in order for you to Discount your big spells which doesn't make any sense that being said I will play this it's gonna discount you or you I have a discount for this nice well once again we're doing absolutely nothing dude I don't even care do it again you might as well just do it again I was just talking how useless that weapon is you win the game okay nice win the game win the game oh damage okay too healthy easy freeze oh sure excellent really archmage well done well done either of Secrets [Music] are you serious I guess he put that in his deck for a reason but all right I'll say this does two how do I I must have casted a box wait is he dead oh God it did okay oh okay okay oh hit him oh all right Jesus Christ I think they're done oh maybe not oh I think they're dead oh my God dude [Music] I'm never gonna kill this guy he's unkillable we're so close I mean technically Honestly though it's lethal because the red of Hunter's secret oh my and that's Dan if that's not Hearthstone I don't know what is if that's not Hearthstone I don't know what is man tour guide's probably fine for the most part you shut up uh does anyone know the uh the thing the map thing you go what the hell does that mean [Music] s oh man oh my god look how cool that was man now the volcano erupted what is this dude's deck um this is a full Berkeley right and then this guy's face oh God we're sick let's get it oh my God it's my dad so I I want to say hi to my dad drum big leaf shell big leaf medium leaf oh my God I Ran's Dad I is the deck batter is the pilot bad these are the questions you have to ask yourselves ow I think I'm dead I'm dead it's role play when you play this game like how many of you guys say ow would you get hit is that just a me thing all right it's either I'm dead or he's dead that's usually how Hearthstone goes my dad just cleared his board though it feels good uh mama oh oh God he hit the two best ones he had two of my dads we're not done oh my God my father oh [ __ ] in my eyes what's wrong like that all right give me a bunch of three threes nice other three three okay what is this guy playing is he playing like secret Paladin for regular day oh great card I don't care if he gets a card oh that's fine and a protection nice okay this tree is here right we hit him with the old spinner he did we go face they're drawing cards but I mean look at my board look at my fell demons they're looking sick okay we'll do this I'm gonna I'm actually gonna play this card correct this time the top selfie oh yeah big Damage Big damage huge damage just face just face just face oh let's go all right warlock's finished let's go not a moment too soon chat not a moment too soon I'm gonna tell you guys a little story a little story I've wanted a Tesla for a very long time because I think they look really nice I also really like the interior uh I was fortunate enough to Blizzard flew me out to California before March of the list came dropped so I got to go to California and when I was in California I got to meet Dexter for the first time in real life Dexter phenomenal man also this feels phenomenal bye idiot I got to meet Dexter for the first time ever uh in real life and it was really cool to meet him but Dexter he drives the Tesla so he was oh my God hold on let me I keep getting interrupted but I keep absolutely wrecking this kid anyways he drove me in this Tesla and I really liked it and and now I really wanted Elena recall uh to the mill nothing we just do this we do this I don't know what this guy's playing rip oh could do this we'll do this God I love coffee so much this priest has never seen this happen and if he has it's gonna make him feel old all right this deck sucks dude I have no draw I need like uh I need something to do here hold on I gotta see what this guy's doing he's blessing up old next oh it's a Highlander duck that's rough okay we're chilling we're vibing any vibers in chat oh we're going for a little spicy plan um I'm looking for good cards that's great that's a good card honestly do you have dead man's hand in here no dead man's hand was not in this deck when it was created that's why this deck is so bad ew man what round you stop bullying me hey not not as normal anything but not as normal I love Hearthstone yeah hold on hold on what idea I have an idea let's go our starts breaking hearts does Lily breaking you guys all saw that all right why are we still here are we just here to suffer remember when that brawl left not as normal to live remember that chat you guys were there I love brawls okay hey it's actually good bro oh my God nice nice all right we can actually win this we can actually win this hold on okay hold on this is actually with a ball now for those of you who are wondering where why aren't you playing this it's because if he has Reno which I guarantee he does I would I would oh that's fine I would 100 bet that this dude has Reno right so if this dude has Reno I don't want to play this until he's taken enough fatigue to die in this like in one turn I forgot Reno it's in the deck oh my God I wonder if this is a brawl angle he took oh it's just game oh it's just game hi let's go let's go huge I felt like that could have taken so much longer but let's go that that's rough dude that deck's rough we needed like a player like this who's playing some Super Value oriented deck all right last but not least chat is the rogue deck now I was I was saying to you guys at the start of this video man the rogue deck is pretty ridiculous you guys ready to see this this was a deck and this deck is winning the game with the least Star Seeker and trying to get as many golden monkeys as possible that's your win condition here so we're ending on an absolute banger manager I might stop this crap dude I need I need to find a lease I can't take the damage I literally have to do this I didn't we're dead I can't even sap this oh my God just get me out are you the dog oh my God never in my life have I ever been so lucky I've just taken raw damage here dude so it's always interesting to think to yourself if you're in a simulation what does that mean all right I'm moving on I'm dead all right once again we're beating our head into the wall hoping for the best here we're gonna play cool light Oracle maybe get some Shadow steps going we'll see I'm about to cry myself to sleep tonight I think [Music] it's monkey time hold on I need to uh [Music] what do I do with his hand listen how many games do I have to do before I just give up okay okay these are good no no are you serious what is this consecration me it's 2023 actually just I am never gonna win with this [Music] dude I can't I just I can't I I just chat I can't I can't I can't I have been doing this for too long it's so bad okay I'm doing one more chat that's all you're getting I'm doing one more I can't do it after this all right I can't spend my whole life on this one deck this is it my head hurts foreign [Music] this was that lethal it probably was no [Music] I give up I've I've I'm gonna I'm gonna uninstall this game at this rate I I appreciate you guys watching right thanks for chilling if you guys like this make sure you subscribe I'm gonna go uh
Channel: Rarran
Views: 229,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, card game, new expansion hearthstone, new expansion hs, kripp, trump, regiskillbin, zeddy, hs, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone rotation 2022, hearthstone new, hearthstone gameplay, thijs, thijs hearthstone, sunken city hearthstone gameplay, review, hs review, hearthstone review, core set, hearthstone core set, new core set, best colossal hearthstone, tier list hearthstone, tier list, grapplr, magic the gathering, magic online, pvddr world championship, pvddr
Id: Gmq0NBeri5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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