The Importance Of Walking → Improve Your Overall Health

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hey then my friend this is dr. Anthony wall doozy found her here at the fit father project and the fit mother project in today's video I want to talk to you about the importance of walking for good health there's a famous Greek physician by the name of Hippocrates he's largely credited as being the father of modern medicine and he has a very famous quote that says that walking is the best medicine and it's literally taken me around 20 years of health and medical study to figure out why he said this now I believe it to be foundationally true walking is essential for good health and we're gonna go over some of the research back benefits of walking in this video but I also want to talk about some of the bigger picture philosophy but let's start with the actual benefits the research is very clear you take a 30 minute walk per day your heart health is dramatically better because as you're walking your heart is pumping in a nice relaxed manner circulating that oxygen-rich blood throughout all of your tissues and we know that when your tissues are getting vital oxygen and vital nutrients they stay younger they stay healthier it removes more metabolic wastes we have our blood circulation but we also have these vessels in our body called lymphatic vessels that run near our blood vessels and when lymph vessels do is they carry your immune system and they remove a lot of cellular junk and get it out of those tissues and recirculate it throughout the body so walking gives you this heart benefit it also boosts your immune system through those lymphatics and also a 30-minute walk can boost your metabolism for up to 12 hours afterwards crazy right so if your goal is to lose weight you pair a healthy diet with some walking and the research is very clear of this you do a 30 minute walk per day with a healthy diet you start losing weight the weight falls off people we've had members in our fit father and fit mother Project programs who've literally lost a hundred pounds without touching a dumbbell and not doing anything other than daily walking it's that important when paired with a healthy diet walking can improve your metabolism as we get older especially for women when estrogen levels decline our bones become more brittle walking helps strengthen that it's the perfect amount of mechanical load as we're shifting our weight moving our feet it helps strengthen our bones obviously boosts our metabolism but it's not just with this the physical skeletal structure it also improves our memory in our attention there is research from the University of Michigan that showed that when people took a walk specifically in nature they showed a 20% increase in attention and memory directly following the walk and why is this this kind of comes down to the philosophy component of this video on us humans when we are born the first things that we the first big challenge that I since we essentially have is learning how to walk we start crawling which gets our muscles stronger and then eventually we start finding our balance working our way up and walking we are bipedal creatures and we walk so that we can explore our environment and do things in fine food and eat and we have this ancestral baked into our our genes in our history the need to walk gives us these health benefits but also we're meant to walk outside where we came from and when we get that sunshine for the vitamin D when we're breathing that fresh air it calms the nervous system down improves our memory and our attention the different colors they actually call it like green walking or forest bathing basically taking nature walks is phenomenally good for your health is is real science not just foo-foo stuff we obviously have the immune boosting benefits of lymphatic vessels and this is one of my favorite benefits too for those of us who want to lose weight and want to have healthy blood sugar walking helps cut the blood sugar spike after eating we are meant to do light walking after we have big meals let me explain why when we eat food often times it has carbohydrate they gets broken down into glucose and fructose and the different kinds of sugars that raises our blood sugar and normally we get this big spike after we eat a meal well guess what walking does it activates some of these glucose receptors in the muscles of our legs and it sucks that blood sugar up there's some studies showing that walking can lead to up to a forty to fifty percent decrease in the blood sugar response after a meal by walking so you want to lose weight you want to have more energy you want to avoid diabetes and include your improve your glycemic control take a walk after your meals ideally in a perfect world after every single meal but certainly after a big dinner meal I think one of the best health habits I could recommend for you and your family is to take a 20-minute walk after you have a dinner meal it's gonna help shift your body into a rest and digest mode it's gonna help lower that blood sugar it'll improve your overall health so what do I suggest in terms of incorporating walking well I believe there's to a primary important times to walk the first thing you see if you can first say in the morning our bodies are stiff from sleeping we need to first stop get up rehydrate with some high quality water with some pink Himalayan sea salt for some of these trace minerals our body's needs then we hit the pavement we go for a walk we get outside we get the sunshine on our skin for the vitamin d3 we get it in our eyes which helps regulate our circadian rhythm and we get our bodies moving we get the circulation we get the benefits of pumping those lymphatic vessels so first thing in the morning great time to walk and then after your biggest meal is the second best time to walk so personally I walk first thing in the morning and I also walk after dinner I understand your schedule might be different that might not be possible for you even just accumulating more steps throughout the day is great breaking up you're sitting at your desk with some walking whenever you can is great accumulate walking accumulate steps I will say this though to hit on the meal thing the researchers did compare sometimes people taking a a 45-minute walk in the middle of the day versus the benefits of walking specifically after a meal and there's tremendous benefits to walking after a meal in terms of improving your blood sugar responses so a lot of people right now are afraid of eating carbohydrates a lot of people are going ketogenic diets because they don't want their blood Sugar's to spike well guess what we're not meant to eat food and then sit on our butts we're meant to eat and then move this is the foundational aspect of what it means to kind of be a human operating in this ambient environment that we're all in we're built to walk so walk more and this is the kind of exercise you can do into your 80s near 90s you might not be able to do that intense circuit workout or the CrossFit or the p90x or whatever you do but you can walk and as you get older your ability to walk it becomes even more important it becomes the quality of your life so start walking now especially if you sit a lot and now how you incorporate walking with your workouts well I think the perfect scenario is thinking of walking not as exercise but as daily baseline movement this is what is required by this body every single day we need to move it in some capacity then doing three 30-minute workouts per week pulse throughout the week of higher intensity is perfect for your health and fitness goals it's what our program members unfit father project and fit mother project do they pull C's higher intensity workouts in they walk every single day ideally after meals and if you want help with some workouts because obviously I think you got the walking thing figured out by now scroll below in the description get our free workouts for fit moms for dads we have women's and men's workouts they take under 30 minutes you can do them to comfort of your own home we're on 5 feet of floor space and their incredible workout so we have that for you as well kee here walking is great for your brain for your heart for your immune system for your bones all of these things walk more walking is truly medicine I hope you enjoy this video my friend if you found this useful you learn something good hit that like button give us a thumbs up it really helps the YouTube algorithm spread this video across the internet to find other people like you who are interested in good health and fitness it really helps our channel and we appreciate it very much and if you did enjoy this drop us comment below I would love to hear from you I'd love to hear that you took a walk today make you very happy and if you like videos like this hit the subscribe button to across our fit father and fit mother project channels are you literally have five hundred plus videos on small health tips like this but also full meal plans free workouts exercise form guides how to get and stay motivated how to get healthy for yourself and your family where they fit father project and fit mother project this is what we do hit that like button hit subscribe I'll see you around a channel my friend and I'll talk to you very soon fit father project calm
Channel: Fit Father Project - Fitness For Busy Fathers
Views: 135,541
Rating: 4.96173 out of 5
Keywords: importance of walking, IMPROVE Your Overall Health, benefits of walking, lose weight walking, taking a walk every day, walking research, walking benefits for men, lose weight without exercise
Id: fx7qA7ulwnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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