Physical Therapist Shows How To Walk Correctly

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hi everyone this is dr. Justin Lin over at rehab and provide physical therapy thanks for coming to watch this segment today we're gonna talk about walking and walking correctly now walk is important everyday function thing that we do we walk roughly we're supposed to walk about 10,000 steps to be healthy that's roughly around 3 to 4 miles but 10,000 steps pretty good but even if you're not most of us are walking about a thousand steps per day so that's the most repetitive thing you're gonna do your body you're gonna break down your back you're gonna break down your hips knees ankles the whole thing and actually there's been lots of studies for people with TMJ and headaches the link of poor walking mechanics and link to these headaches and and neck problems so very important I want you guys to listen closely about changing some of the way you normally think about walking so what we're gonna focus on here is the glute area I want you really to concentrate this this your hips absorb about three times your body weight your knees about seven times your body weight so your hips really need to do their job otherwise your knees your ankles have more stress very important so we want to be able to push off a lot of people think military and they're thinking the Nutcracker and they want to move their front leg forward more than then they should but really it should be thinking about the hind leg I want all you guys to think about behind leg being able to push off being able to push off through the back leg and that will force the other leg to go forward so you don't even have to really think about the front leg I want you guys to think about the back leg so once again it's the back leg to push not the front leg to lead I want you to really take and flip that paradigm a little bit very important concept here that I had to revolutionize and rethink for for my patients but the next thing is very important is arm swing some of you ladies are holding handbags purses whatever they're really or backpacks or even strapping a lot of a lot of folks down so arm swing is very important because what that happens there what happens there forearm swing is actually a counter torque in that abdomen that's going to force this tip or the opposing hip to to come to come up and that's free assistance you don't have to fight your own body at all you don't want to fight your body because if you're walking like this you're going to fight your own body but if you walk with a little bit of this hip rotation is what we call it it's a little hip elevation you're gonna save your your body from a lot of breakdown gonna save your body from a lot of stresses and it's just gonna save you energy overall to be efficient so once again the review we're gonna push off and you're gonna throw that opposite leg throw the opposite leg and opposite arm forward so now I'm going to do this in real time okay right here we're going to push all right I'm going to throw my arm like this it's the opposite leg opposite arm push off push push push now I have a bunch of patients generally holding their their buttom bottoms you know they want to use their buttocks so in order to feel that you gotta make sure you're doing it so you're gonna push push push push push push make sure that muscles engaged because if you go back to your old old way of walking I'm bet you're gonna feel more on your front muscles and that's usually because you're thinking about having that lead and what happens if you can see I'm leaning forward I put more stress in the anterior or front muscles and that's what we're using all constantly everyday sitting so really this is very important I want you guys to really change and shift that paradigm a little bit about how you walk and you're gonna save yourself from a lot of chronic injuries thank you
Channel: Rehab and Revive
Views: 3,287,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: california, pain, tustin, orange county, physical therapist, exercise, personal trainer, fitness, physical therapist shows how to walk correctly, walk, walking, correctly, form, proper posture, walking techniques, walking posture, pain-free, life, corrective, corrective exercise, correct walking pattern, correct gait pattern, Dr. Lin, low back pain, back pain, headache, tmj
Id: -fD2TSL2s7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2012
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