How to Get Sniper Entries When Trading | (Part 1)

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[Music] oh-ho let's get right to it gang life without we in a Belgian man I mean making a lot of videos lately of course I'm staying consistent on this channel so before I even talk about these sniper entries and how to get you know the best and most perfect entry possible when you're trading because obviously you need to maximize your reward to minimize your risk go ahead and subscribe below because like I said I'm coming out with videos every single day if not every other day but for the last thing I've been doing it every single day so you can be notified when these videos drop but today's video is about sniper entries I'm going to tell you exactly where to get in what you should get in where you should be scaling in at I'm certain time frames I did like a poll under my comment section next everybody what video I should do next everybody saves time for entries I'm going right back into price action and talk about my branches right now so let's get right to it alright so we have our chart right here we're on euro USD for an example I went back in time and got a specific area so I can show you guys exactly you know what I would do in certain trades on a live trade just going back in time so we have price going all the way to the resistance right here and I have an alert here apparently because I was trading USD a while ago which word is this right here there's this one exit out so I'm not trading yours right now because the markets are closed so I mean Miller right now anyway we have a resistance level here at one point 12500 if you haven't watched my video on support and resistance along keep my levels X go back to my videos and watch it it really explains everything you know from top to bottom um so we have our resistance right here so we can see that price is clearly consolidating right here's all bumps together so I would do is it's all a nice little dim box stretching across right and not necessarily waiting for it to break the box because like a lot of trader will say wait for it to break the box and didn't get in that's not a sniper entry that's that entry you're gonna mean but that's that's a more relaxed way and like I said it took me a while to get um you know sniper introverts like alright let me get in at this case possible and obviously just FYI there's no such thing as a perfect entry but maybe a few times you'll get a perfect entry but you won't get a perfect entry every single time what you can do is get you know as close to perfect as possible like when you're trading you'll really see this pair right here I'm waiting for it to break the boss I'm waiting for a break a structure within the bus that only price is gonna go up or down being an experienced professional trader in the market for five years now price is consolidating added resistance that clearly means prices heading down so right now I'm not waiting for it to break up or down I'm waiting for it to slowly break down it's not gonna prices and consolidate on a resistance level and then just all sudden breaks through like it's not gonna do that the same with support if it's purely consolidating added resistance or added support chances are it's going the opposite way so I'm looking for sales right now so if I click Play so I'm waiting for a break of structure the breaker structure means to lower high and lower low so right now still just purely consolidating purely consolidating purely not waiting for it to break the bottom line for a break the structure for a breaker structure no okay cool boom this is what we're looking for plain and simple right here look at this price was going down up down up every single time right here is where price is finally like trading way lower and making lower ten sticks and what it usually does so right now on a two hour time frame we want to scale down to the fifteen minute time frame and just look for a good entry that's telling you hey price about to drop all the way down I'm gonna see that price is consolidating right here again so I'll get another box and wait for a break of structure with this box as well sniper price gone below prices below prices going above fake out below that's a fake out I'm waiting for like a moving average crossover but also a breaker structure have you seen a brick structure like obviously price went below and anybody who would have traded this lot I'm afraid or wait for it to break the box cuz that's what it retest the box every single time broke below two bucks if it's all right there you don't want because when right back up I'm waiting for a break-up structure price action and click play I see the move now just slowly starting across over finally if you look over here the moving averages is apart from each other apart apart apart apart apart got close together but no right here starting across like I can see it clearly crossing clear as day so what I would do is I probably would get in but I wait for one more boom right there cross boom short position I probably would have got in right here stop-loss is above the last above the last lower high right here and our tape profit we go back to a two hour time frame our take profit is the next level like I said if you ever watched my support and resistance video I trade in levels so my take profit is way down here which gives me a 1 to 13 risk to reward ratio that's what I talk about in my videos riffs reward ratio 3 and up I don't trade 1 to 1 risk to reward ratio or 1 to 2 because like I said if you trade a one two three one two for one the fire risk reward ratio you can lose 70% of your trades and still make thousands every single week because your reward ratio is so high you know what I'm talking about go back to my videos and watch the video I said you know the most important Forex strategy ever because it technically is you're throwing 10 so this would be our stop loss and this is our take profit so we just go back down to a 15 minute or even 30 minute and just look at it I'll go to a 50 minute time time to see if it goes below to what it wants to do to play Broome huge drop below huge drop huge options up cool boom we're way in profit right now you see it we see it you see it so prices starting to come back up just a little bit and this is another video I have to make about scaling in that door right now so once the trade goes into profit and it starts you know retracing a little bit once it continues in a direction that you're trading in move your stop loss from negative $200 or negative $1,000 depending on what your account size is whatever your threshold is of losses move that into profit move that to the point where price retrace that because that is a new level that price will not go above so price is going down and comes up a little bit and then go down again move your stop loss to where it went up before going back down because price won't go back up that level and then drop that a brick structure it can't bridge structure it'll go down up a little bit down up a little bit down up a little bit and you keep moving your stop-loss every time to retrace it every single time so right here now there's coming up I'm waiting for a price that you know slowly go back down because it goes back down I can move my stop loss from negative like for me for example maybe netted over $1000 negative $50 to at the worst-case scenario like with a two or three or four lot size this is a good amount of money it's probably a thousand two thousand dollars I owe you from Shannon so at the worst-case scenario that's the money I would make so I have my stop-loss whatever price stop set before going down and at the best-case-scenario that's what I make you know five grand six billion settlement depending on my lifetime it's nonsense so that is what you should do for sniper injuries you get a good entry and make sure you move your stop loss once it reached raises you can't just move it to a random point like I can't just move my stop loss to like right here because guess what price they easily hit it and go back down and didn't break structure but if price retraces like this and then comes down guess what price can't get back up here again your stop losses now moves right here and watch price to do this come back down move your stop loss and out of here this comment down will you stop tossing out of here it can't brick structure different brick soldier guess what it's going up and take this out boom play I made my speed it up just a little bit just to show you guys examples of like what you would do so I'm not trying to do it live and trying to speed it up is to give you guys examples and make it faster boom surprise - doing this no boom drop below so now okay this was a last high and May before going down guess what our stop loss is now no more of a stop loss bonus from all the way down and guess what now your stop loss is placed right above here so your interest will appear but now your stop loss is in profit you phone saying it's in profit now so it's a risk free trade so now and I'll make another video some skelion but what you can do for another sniper entry is once price clearly makes this you know lower high blue over here price the moving average never was across back down once the moving average cross back down over here you could easily for another trade for your second trade which i usually do i scale in a lot got in right here minute price close with a little moving average stop-loss right above here and it's a profit could be way down here as well he's what I'm saying so just work on your entries work on scaling in as well and work on my car engine getting as close to it as possible don't wafer to go all the way down and then get in like once you see price slowly breaking structure ordinary resistance and consolidating or near support in its consolidating guess what you need to be on a 15-minute timeframe you looking to insert waiting for a break the structure just looking at pure price actually I'm looking at the Japanese chemistry's looking at the moving average looking at seeing how you know prices we checked enough to support or reject on that resistance and then waiting for a break of structure a lower high a higher low then paint enter so back to this straight I can go back to our time frame boom much of all way down click play just watch it go watch it go I should go I can see price and solid leading right here so what I would do honestly like I said if price is consolidating you see price making lower highs so now my stop loss is above here so now I'm more in profit and have my stop-loss at the worst-case scenario being here like a few pips above the box and our prices that box guess what I just made a couple grand you thought I'm saying it looks like play boom looks like pie stopped me up cool price stop me out so I made a couple grand boom so now right now I'm looking to see what it wants to do with bringing this box all the way over looks like prices retesting the box right now we go for this last low right here so we click play we can see price clear as day if you go to one hour two hour prior to be tested the box you'll go to a 15 minute time frame you see prices consolidating right here here to here kind of waiting for a real life break of structure play boom moving average crossover I'm in turn sore position right here stop-loss right above here now I take profit again this so this district on the braddock doesn't stop me out in profit this is now the valid trade boom all the way down here one to six point seven aka a 1 to 7 roots of ward ratio we click play make it go fast never really negative never a negative never really negative going right to the take profit level boomed out the trade you are done and that all happened what a perfect sniper like into look at it scaling a little bit we got in right at his moving average crossover on a 50 minute time frame like I'm gonna go to 50 minute right now our entry was we saw a breaker structure moving average crossover conformation boom intro right here our first trade which was way way up here we saw price consolidating up down up down up down up down up down up down then right here started making little candlesticks little kim 6y scaled another 15 minute time frame not this one but the one up here scaled oh look at the little candles saw it saw this breakage folks right here lower high boom interred stop-loss is right above here just a little bit above here you'd have like a 10 pip stop loss and a 90 put a profit you see the risk to reward ratio how big it is spots to go all the in profit and don't forget that rule once price starts retracing and then it continues in your direction move that stop goes into profit let's little another here alright so we are on GBP AUD and you can see price consolidating right here bone consolidation I'm on a blank chart so I have my levels in but I would have it at like I said if you ever watched my support and resistance of a go watch it model key levels I'll just do it on right right here for you I would have it at 1 need 5 flat just a blink chart so I'm trying to draw it on see you right now 25 flat we can make that right now I'm on my 5 flat I need 0 flat that's already on which is perfect boom and one seven five flat boom drop down in round numbers boom alright cool look at this that's gonna create an alert alright so now we have our levels on and we just want to see a break of sucks right now to break up the actual box and break a structure let's play it fast okay I wouldn't gotten in right here because like I said prior to death over here over here and over here I'm looking for a little 10 steps you see how price know comes down comes up a little bit and then still that goes down but goes up I mean for price to come down start making a little constructs like I did over there and then exact like price will give you signs and clue that is about to taint or it's about to shoot all the way up like the price is consolidating it's about to shoot up that's what I do it'll consolidate up down up down and start making little candles at the top and then boom it'll shoot up saying we're going down it over they go down up down up down up start making a little pins on here and then shoot down that's what I'm waiting for you click play okay boom okay we see something here this is a bearish engulfing waiting for a moving average crossover it's starting slowly crossover boom confirmation crossover don't the entry is right there short position boom short stop-loss right above there take profit is way let's go down first a profit could be here and but the second take profit could be at 175 by trading levels so that's the first thing profit one in three risk reward ratio remember I said like anything less than 1 3 I'm not trading it as and click Play we can watch price Claire's day hopefully a little money a zero it should just annoying all from trading alone boom take profit complete you're out to trade done now we see if it wants to break one eight zero come up we test this box or go to 175 I'll go back up to 185 we don't know we play it by ear you adapt it could play just break it but it comes back up make it real fast real quick comes up we test the box okay cool okay boom right here I'm looking for an entry why because look price tried to take out structure boom high low lower high lower low lower high this high did not go above that high it did not at all look at this this is still the last lower high and this got right here then it came back down and guess what this is considered another lower high I could see price boom look at this down up a little bit another lower high down my entry is right there short position once it couldn't break above here and got right here boom short stop loss as a few pips above it you could even place it above here but you can place a few coats above here you're still cool as well take profit at all all the way down here to 175 boom one two seven risk to reward ratio we click let's go to our real quick we click place and it wants to do I just push it down comes up a little bit pluses down now okay now price got below one eight zero remember what I said about scaling in click play I'm not gonna get a sniper entry right now I'm gonna give you guys an example play part spells back down boom now your stop-loss is an apple with the whole thing now your stop-loss is no longer a stoploss and now your stop-loss is right above here and guess what you could have entered again when price made a doji consolidate it right here consolidated broke below and I was down to two I'm pretty sure - moving average crossover yeah moving average crossover another entry right there now you have two trades running with a with a stop loss that's already in profit maybe a couple hundred dollars cause it's close to our entry but good now have to work the scenario you won't lose money so risk-free phrase but we try to do we try to keep it risk-free minimize our risk maximize our rewards so play comes up a little bit makes another lower high start losses now move to though I think we wanna hold in stop losses now moves right here every time we sell Ojai to move your stop loss chop-chop-chop-chop drop drops all the way down another lower high so now you're now you're thought let's move to right here keep moving your stop-loss every time I create structure keep moving your stop-loss play another one right here Laura hi keep moving it so now you're more on privates like the worst gets in there with it takes it out you just made a couple grand you just made a thousand two thousand three thousand dollars and you take profit best-case scenario is that a hitch if it doesn't if it takes it out oh well if it hits it hit symbols that everyone's hit our take profit which is I drag it over essentially maybe miss the ball a little bit but I probably would have manually took the tray anyway if not how it played out regardless boom trades over so like I said if you want a sniper entry and like a one to twenty risk/reward ratio one to ten one to fifteen one two seven one to eight you have to be aggressive when you see price break instructions who cannot be afraid to get in a lot of people are afraid to get in you are really really really afraid to get it and that's what stops me from making a lot of money i sniper entry in that aggression there's a difference from making five hundred dollars and five thousand dollars or five hundos and two thousand dollars it's a big difference when you get in right here and watch it go all the way down then right here and watch it all go down you don't think so I hope you guys enjoyed that video you guys access time for entries this is a price action video part two are made of price action video so like I said I hope you guys enjoy that you have any questions email me at chris access web if you want to know more about my actual training and how I actually teach people ww-why Academy comm they're have one-on-one mentorship please people I give them my personal cell phone number FaceTime calls room sessions Skype sessions analysis have a social time where they can write to other members similar to Facebook or Twitter they can message other members they can set friend requests all that stuff just WWE kept me calm you won't regret it aside from that let me know in the comments what videos you want to see tomorrow cause like I said I post videos every single day and I will make that video tomorrow I said it's terminal afternoon everybody says sniper entry so that's the video I gave so let me know what videos wanna see tomorrow and I'll gladly leap that for you I hope you can implement sniper entries into your training because guess what like it makes the world difference it changes the whole game so I'll let you guys subscribe below and as always game
Channel: Chris "Swaggy C" Williams
Views: 509,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forex, forex trader, forex trading, how to learn forex, how to trade forex, how to learn how to trade forex, forex strategy, forex strategies, best forex strategy, best price action strategy, best forex strategies, forex for beginners, forex for starters, forex for dummies, learning forex, forex lessons, forex online course, forex profit, forex flipped account, forex sniper entry, Jeremy cash ceo, Jeremy cash ceo forex secrets, Jeremy cash ceo forex revealed, forex tips
Id: sXKLyERv90c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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