The Igloohome Smart Bluetooth Padlock - Tested & Reviewed

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is this the smartest Bluetooth padlock on the market let's have a look do you tailor here and I'm looking at this pretty cool this is the igloo home bluetooth padlock and they just came out with it on the market so igloo home has been really trying to figure out that middle ground between padlocks and locks and security and air B&B so they'd spend a lot of time looking at how do you get remote codes how do you set up access how do you do timers on access so I actually have an igloo home lock on my back door similar sort of design this one of course is a padlock now here's the thing there have been a couple of companies coming out with smart padlocks and they've had issues so one of the great things about it little home is they've learned from everyone else so this gives you access control you have multiple shackles you can buy this longer one it's 15 bucks pretty painless and you know really everything works with the mobile app but before we get there I wanted to show you a couple of things first off is that it does have a battery there is a compartment in the back for the battery and if you have this special thing you could open it right no not exactly so I fit this in and it doesn't actually open because the lock is locked so they've thought that through because I know that on some of their competitors one of the complaints people have is you can pop the back you can take the battery out and now you can actually go and monkey with it this doesn't let you do that instead you have to use the app so let's get this app rolling and see if I can find it and here we are so let me go ahead and I'm gonna actually record what I'm doing so you'll be able to see in the inset so here I am I'm in the igloo home app and you can see I have garage door and I've called my padlock Patti it seems like a good name for a padlock and first thing you can do is since it's a Bluetooth lock I can just unlock it and it's unlocked so now I can obviously put it on something but more importantly notice now that I actually can access the back so I can get this in and so now I could actually go and put in a new battery is needed I'm seen so you know that's also how you actually change the shackles if you want to do that but I'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna just close this back up and get this lock back into a good space oops that is not how to do that standby you know live demo and all that so let's see there we go ICU has a counter screw you have to do it the other way but so now we have it it's open and of course I can close it but here's what makes this really interesting is that it has all sorts of access codes and different kinds of access you could set so here I only have access for myself but let's go ahead and add something I'm gonna go ahead and add you can see there are four choices I could do a permanent pin which is someone and that will always be in access or we can do what's called a duration pin so again this is the air B&B model maybe I just want to have something where it's just for the week that you've rented the house this is gonna give you access to the storage shed with the bikes or something like that I can do a one-time pin and I can also send someone a Bluetooth key now let's do a one-time pin just to see how that works and so now I'm gonna give it a name we'll call it one I know my name is a nut super imaginative that's okay and let's see one and so you can see it gives you the pin and so this is the thing you sort of have to wrap your head around because for it to be able to assign pin codes mean I have to be within Bluetooth range of the lock and so you know if I want to set it up where it's like you'd last four digits of your phone number or something like that then that's all well and good but I need to go and physically visit the lock to do that so what they do at igloo home is they have something very interesting called algo pen and it generates eight digit pins from anywhere I don't know exactly what the magic is but this has given us this pin and now if we try it so it's two nine seven five five nine four and unlock and it works now of course I am in Bluetooth range but I could be across the country and actually set that code up and it's just a one-time code so now it's locked and it's done alright so let's try that code again and see what happens - let's see - nine I'm not sure that worked let's try again - nine seven five five nine four unlock and now it gives me the flashing red it doesn't work anymore how cool is that a one-time key and I could have set this up a hundred miles away so that's good now let's try doing one more we're gonna do access and we're gonna do duration so duration we're gonna call this two because we used one right and it's gonna start on today May 28th at 7 a.m. and we're gonna end it tomorrow and we'll end time will be let's just make it at noon and again create pin and so it's created a pin and it doesn't communicate that with a lot because the lock algorithm again already understands how this works so now I have this pin and I can even share it by tapping on the arrow and I can text it to someone for example and we can try this one but I think you pretty much get the idea that you know it's not handy little two or three or four digit pins that you want to use that like are something memorable this is gonna be a random sequence of eight digits but that's pretty darn secure so as I said you could set up all sorts of different codes and then what one thing I really like about this is that it gives you a log file let's go back to the thing let's see and here's the log and the log file actually shows you when things have been used now I have to synchronize it and it does then want to be near the lock and that's because it's getting data the lock itself Mint remembers who used it or at least what pins used it at what time so now you can see that I did the the third one down I did the one time pin code that worked but then I tried it again and it didn't work that's cool and then I just see that I can have created this pin code that has that specific duration really nice I really really appreciate the way that they've designed the app let's go ahead and stop recording so some of the other neat features that this has is it has Auto relock it has a failed attempt lockout and one of the things that I really think is interesting is it only actually looks at the last eight digits so if you want to like you know someone's staring at you and you want to put a couple of prefix digits on there or something that's totally fine it'll understand and it'll work and then someone will be like wow 14 digits that's a super secure code and you're like well all the intro digits don't actually count what you obviously aren't going to tell them that but you can also actually you know obviously if someone's really staring at you you could change the code though if you finally memorize that eight digit owner code then that might be annoying so worth knowing about it is of course completely weatherproof its IP 66 and it has an operating range of like minus 20 to plus 40 or something in centigrade you want to double check with their site but it actually is gonna be just fine outside in the winter or in the heat of the summer in the Sun now it is metal if it's in the Sun it's gonna get crazy hot be careful don't get burned right the battery I'm not gonna open it again but you saw it's just one of these little tiny cr2 batteries they last about a year and the app actually shows you where you are with your battery life and it will remind you that you know you're getting down to 10% you need to replace the battery super easy to do and here's the thing is that these guys actually did this through an IndieGoGo campaign and it went great so on indiegogo they raised over $300,000 on pre-orders for this so this is just coming to the market I'm not sure whether they still need to fulfill all their IndieGoGo orders first but it's pretty nice the only comment I will make about it is that it's pretty heavy too it's just about a pound so that makes it a pretty substantial padlock versus like the cheap ones you're gonna find at the Target or the local hardware store but you're getting a whole lot more smarts for that and I really think that especially if you have reasons for remote access it's pretty darn cool and you know yeah the downside is that you actually get their pin codes as opposed to setting your own and I was like using pin codes that are things like people's phone numbers so they remember what the number is but it's awfully easy to send someone the code again like a text message or something and then they can just look at their phone and punch in the numbers slowly but then when they if they do it accurately then boom it opens up we already saw that it's super easy to work with so only thing to talk about is the price but before we get to the price can I ask if you can subscribe and if you're using any sort of smart padlocks or Bluetooth padlocks leave me a comment and tell me what you're using and how it works and I know there are a lot of like super excited lock pickers and lock hackers and I will tell you that igloo home and I we've had a lot of conversations about how this lock fits in and what they say is that this is a very secure very tough lock but this is not like military-grade security because there's a balance if you want to get something that's that super monster secure then you're gonna pay a lot of money or it's gonna end up being massive so this is that middle ground you know for a school locker for the shed in the backyard of your house I think this is gonna be just fine for your storage bin if you have one of those storage lockers and a facility this is gonna work just fine someone's not gonna spend half an hour trying to get it to open and they've really thought through all the basics in terms of like access to the battery and all that sort of stuff and by the way on the bottom if you do have it die then you can always use a nine-volt as like a jumpstart like a car you'd jumpstart right but that doesn't magically open it you don't just put a 9-volt battery on there and have it open so you still need the access so it's not like that gives you an easy way to circumvent or sidestep things okay so this is the igloo home bluetooth padlock and it will cost you one hundred and nine dollars and check it out at igloo home CO and I'm a big fan I really like in particular that it has the longer shackle cuz for plenty of situations I'd use it for I want something that gives me a little bit more flexibility than this very small shackle super easy to change love all the pin codes I especially love that it logs all the events that's really good to know that you can see looks like people are trying to hack into my combo lock right so cool definitely has the coolness factor of being bluetooth and lighting up and all that sort of stuff so I say if you're in the market for a smart padlock this is one you should definitely check out and with that I will catch you in my next video [Music]
Channel: Dave Taylor
Views: 11,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Igloohome Bluetooth Padlock, smart padlock, igloohome, bluetooth padlock, padlock, smart lock, security, duration codes, smart home, lock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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