The Icelandic Sheep are Finally Out

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well it's morning on the farm and we started chores for today but geese are out pigs are out horses are in um but today the project is running the sheep to the back we finally finished a pasture yesterday um now channel's not completely finished we still have to do along the riding ring and blocking off the pit and we still need some gates so basically my plan is i'm going to take the electric netting and kind of rope off we have three strands of electric netting and there's three spots that have gaps so i'm going to quickly go back with those and rope them off and make it so that they can't escape and then we're going to try and take them back this will be their first time to the back of the property so it could be interesting so i figured i would take you along but anyways we're gonna go and uh gather up that netting that's still all in the front yard from when we let them eat the grass and see what we can do oh boy bucky lucky hey buck he's old bucky will be he's 24. so he's getting up there and here's nikki hey knicker nicky's 23 but you wouldn't know it to look at her or by the way she acts hi girl anyways we haven't really featured the horses but it'll come our dumpster arrives today we are so excited to get this mess all cleaned up before uh winter um a lot of this stuff is things that just kind of were kicking around from the old people and stuff that we brought from the old place that we thought maybe it'll be helpful and now we're just ready to blitz it out but but there yonder are the noisy culprits who are looking for greener pastures and there yonder and over there on the front fence is our electric netting which i now have to go and collect i've already collected up one strand here so we're gonna get the rest pull it to the back and see what we can do our electric fencing all gathered up i have some strings for tying it if i need to and now to get past the beast i'm standing down in our circle that will branch off into all of our pastures we're looking here at the gate a temporary gate cattle panel got it pulled open for them to run into that pen i've done my electric fencing all around the outside of my circle so hopefully they can't escape it's not electrified because i don't have an electric fencer out here right now but we're hoping that they're going to respect it now the big question is going to be are they going to come all the way down the 650 foot channel to come into this pasture there's a lot of food even in the channel so it's going to be interesting but we'll give it a shot i think they know something's up i'm right now untying the gate that kept them from being able to go to the back down the channel we still haven't completely fenced off the riding ring as you can see the sheep can still go through that wood fence but that is on the agenda we haven't figured out exactly what we're going to do with it yet we're discussed now it's stuck baylor twine baylor twine temporary fixes for everything but it sucks it sucks we hate temporary anyways this is enya right here she has such a beautiful fleece we're gonna see i think they won't make it past this side of this gate because look at the clover what do you think beauty are you going to make it past this bit you're excited all right is everybody here one two three four five six seven eight nine 13 14 15 is correct all right now is the test come on girls come on lila our leader sheep come on well they made it past the clover i'm surprised try and keep you steady as possible [Applause] we haven't done much on the sheep so far this one here is double one of our new rams but we breed registered icelantic sheep uh we have nine breeding used this year i'm going to kind of just let them slowly work their way down there as i said none of this is actually electrified so i'm hoping to push them down into the pen rather than leave them in the aisle hello boy come on dub so far so good so these guys are all just about ready to be sheared again we shear them twice a year usually in end of march april and then again in september they grow a lot of fleece as you can see but that's what we wanted we do spin it the main reason we have them is for meat guys but um the fleece is a beautiful secondary product we're almost down to where the gate is i think they're going to figure it out come on girls come on coco everybody's in yay the sheep are in their pasture sweet well we managed to get the sheep to the back now it's on with all the rest of the chores that i've put off until uh to get that done so we're working on the bunnies giving them some food it's pellet day um and then we've got to empty a load of wood out of the truck and what else i have to do something with tomatoes story of my life right now doing something with tomatoes um the garden we had a bit of a frost but now we're back up to 23. yeah crazy weather so we've got a up until the weekend we've got really really nice weather so i'm really hoping that the rest of my tomatoes will ripen but the kids and i did pick pretty much everything that was left out there so we will see how we do with that don't really know what to make i've already done pasta sauce italian style tomatoes lots of italian style tomatoes um i've got juice already made so i think i might try and make some curry i have a really really nice uh i know i'm gonna say this wrong i've really nice gel frizzy recipe and a balti curry um which i would like to do so that may be on the agenda we'll see really should get chris to dig up his ginger to see what we've got to work with because i need a lot of ginger for those recipes but anyway that's about the excitement here we really need to do a video on all the things that we'd like to get achieved before the winter really sets in there is a lot on that list we just take it a day at a time and keep going but anyways i'm going to finish up the bunnies and i'm sure we will tune in a little bit later with some other stuff that we're working on um it feels like we're at crunch time and there's a lot going on and i don't know how to film at all anyways we'll keep going another thing we forgot to include in our video yesterday of stuff we'd done this weekend um was putting this run onto the chicken coop that's the front of our chicken coop and you can see that pen over there that's the one that they've had access to for quite some time we give them tons of manure out of the stalls they love the horse manure to dig around in and this time of year we've got tons of squash seeds and cucumber bits and all that sort of stuff that uh the chickens love to have so yeah each side has an opening and so these girls in rooster they're one group of ours of our portrait channel claire's will be able to come out into this side hopefully soon so we have another one on that side which is a second group this is so that we can keep our genetics organized but anyways they have a run already off the one side which is connected to our little sheep barn and our next project is to put the run on that side and do the second sheet barn anyways a little digression from chores but i thought i would share the bin has arrived yay [Music] it's big chris chris thinks we have enough junk to fill this [Music] time to get rid of some stuff everybody is still accounted for i think i haven't actually counted them but we're going to assume they're all here [Music] hatches who's looking super fat everybody looks good what do you think beauty you like it she approves they all look exceptionally fat so we're back from checking on the sheep still in their pen it's a good thing they all look exceptionally fat which is also a good thing and now it's time to get rid of this bit of wood that we picked up from the cottage last time we were there adding it to our pile of other wood that we've somewhat collected i also collected this little bit of wood when i was walking back from the sheep we've got some on order for winter time and that will just take the edge off of having to make sure we get lots cut and ready uh we have two wood stoves in the house so that's our main heat for winter anyways time for me to get to work it's been a busy day we've gotten a lot of done and pleased with that now it's time for us to head to town and uh yeah we managed to get chores done before dark today which is awesome um but anyways heading into town gonna get a few things somebody's birthday is coming up hope you have a great day
Channel: Hickorycroft Farm
Views: 629
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Icelandic Sheep, The Icelandic Sheep are Finally Out, hickorycroft farm, ontario homesteading, ontario farming, canadian farming, canadian homesteading, fencing a pasture, pasture rotation for sheep, life on a farm, small farm canada, country lie, grow your own food, daily chores on the farm, day to day of homesteading, How to homestead, country life, Country life vlog, ontario canada homestead
Id: TkYW05v6kqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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