The Iceberg Presidential Facts Chart

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I’m Mr. Beat, ok? Hey, speaking of ok, did you  know that the 8th President of the United States,   Martin Van Buren, was a big reason why we say ok? It’s true, buttercup. You see, one of Van  Buren’s nicknames was “Old Kinderhook.”   Ya know…because he was from Kinderhook, New  York…and he was…uh…old. Anyway, in 1840, when   Van Buren sought a second term as President, his  supporters formed “Old Kinderhook” clubs, or “OK   Clubs” for short. OK Club members began regularly  using the term “ok.” While they didn’t invent the   word….it actually was invented the year before in  a Boston newspaper…they definitely popularized it. That was a fun fact, eh? And yeah, this is  probably not breaking news to you, but I love   presidential facts. Heck, I even carry my Facts  and Fun About the Presidents book around with me   everywhere I go in case need to inform my friends  about random facts about American Presidents.   Yeah they love it. Anyway, due to this, I thought it’d be fun to  make an Iceberg Chart of presidential facts. Clone: Woah woah woah, what’s an Iceberg Chart? Ok boomer. Clone: Look I know what an Iceberg Chart is,   but you might want to explain what  it is to all the normies out there You mean the folks who actually  touch grass once in awhile? Clone: Yeah Alright, fine. It’s a meme that blew up a couple years ago,   which is why I am just now all into it.  I’m usually two years behind trends,   ok? The iceberg image is supposed to represent  ALL knowledge about a subject. Iceberg Charts are   broken into tiers to categorize that knowledge.  The iceberg is a metaphor. As you likely know,   most of the mass of icebergs are hidden under  the surface of the water. So the metaphor is,   there is a HUGE hidden depth of knowledge  for any given subject. And indeed, since   most people know very little about a lot, and a  lot about a little, most of our knowledge about   most subjects is up here. However, these, lower  tiers below the surface are examples of stuff   that only experts on a subject know about. The  deeper the tier, the more obscure the knowledge. Did I explain it well enough? Clone: I guess. You’re kind of  mediocre at explaining stuff.   You might want to get a new job. (walks off) Dang, that was harsh Matt. (meme) Anyway,   I made an Iceberg Presidential Facts Chart.  And so did Drew Durnil! The famous YouTuber,   who, according to Wikitubia, has  hair that looks like a paintbrush. We recently revealed our Iceberg  Presidential Facts Charts to each   other to get our reactions.  But before I get into that,   this video is once again sponsored by Morgan  and Morgan, America’s largest injury law firm. Remember the old days when we used actual, printed  maps when we wanted to go on road trips? Now we   have navigation built into our cars, for goodness  sake. Things are so much easier. 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Ok, so let’s go all the way back  to the year 2023, and revisit when   Drew and I first shared our Iceberg  Presidential Facts Charts to each other. It was good times. So we both independently   made an iceberg chart and we chose presidential  facts that we dug up I will say I actually have   this book here from my childhood I literally got  this in the third grade and I even referenced it   when I made my Iceberg chart so that's what  you're competing with I'm really scared Mr B   because I have a feeling that you have probably  seen all of these facts before and I just think   that it's going to be mostly uh just repeated  information for you but hopefully at least for   some other people they'll be like surprised  by some of the things that I was able to   find that's okay I mean I'm literally known as  the president's guy on this platform actually   researching for this video I found out things I  didn't know oh really I'm just hoping that I'll   have one thing here that uh that you wouldn't have  heard of before so we'll see so we're starting off   at the top level and because of the top level  it's got to be like really basic information   right yeah just so everyone knows we only did the  sixth tier some people do like 18 here a hundred   yeah okay top tier I put up there Joe Rogan  because this tier represents the average Joe   ah perfect Abraham Lincoln was president during  the Civil War George Washington was the first   President I mean we learned that in elementary  school and Obama was the first African-American   president which most of us lived through that  so yes from mine so I still have the same sort   of basic information that everybody knows but I  tried to make it a little bit um you know okay   so my first one is uh Andrew Jackson is on the  20 bill so that's something that I think I think   people can no uh second one is Joe Biden is the  oldest to be elected oh yeah good one yeah and   then I got Abraham Lincoln was shot in a theater  yeah I'm hoping that most people would know that   information already I don't know you were more  creative than I was with this top tier actually   these first two tiers above the water are just  so boring you know yeah I want to make a little   funner okay so the second tier okay I had uh Conan  O'Brien here because he doesn't necessarily know   a lot about American presidential history from  what I can gather but he's a history fan so this   is your average person who's maybe they're a fan  of history as well so they know a little bit more   Conan O'Brien would know that Nixon was the only  president to resign he also would know there have   been four presidents that have been assassinated  while in office Lincoln Garfield McKinley and JFK   and he'd know that Franklin Roosevelt was the only  president to serve more than two terms but again   boring I I no that's like if you told me really  quick the four presidents who were assassinated   I don't think I would have been able to name them  like really fast I think would have taken me a   second to think about it so all right so uh for my  second tier John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died   on the same day not only did they die on the same  day they died on the 50th birthday of the country   on July 4th 1826. pretty cool Tay Roosevelt's gave  a speech after being shot that one is could be   like I'm not sure how much the public would know  about that but if you're in like the meme sphere I   feel like that is always memed because of how you  know Chad Teddy Roosevelt was for getting shot and   still giving a speech so I review memes about that  constantly so that's why I put it in my second   tier and then finally uh FDR used a wheelchair  so I'm noticing because of the different worlds   that we're in my tears are going to be a little  bit more different so I see memes about the tier   2 stuff all the time but maybe the general public  doesn't always see that stuff because they're not   so in the meme Universe you know what I mean so  I almost put in tier two the FDR in a wheelchair   thing actually uh yes because you know he kept  it from the media and it was you know he tried   to keep it under wraps but now a days I feel like  a lot of people know about it maybe not everybody   but tier three we're going underwater hold your  breath all right oh first of all that dude do you   recognize that guy uh I've seen his face before  but I'm not sure that is Steve kornacki he is one   of my favorite political pundits when it comes  to both presidential and midterm elections is   that the guy that usually like has the map and  he's doing like the you know like when there's   a presidential election and he's showing off the  Electoral College and he's doing that like does is   he one of those guys yeah Ah that's how I know  him yes I would love to be that guy one day oh   it's like a dream job but anyway yeah so he would  know that Ronald Reagan was a famous actor before   entering politics yep Reagan was a Hollywood star  for decades before first becoming the governor of   California in 1967. he would also know that more  presidents have come from both Virginia and Ohio   than any other state eight presidents are from  Virginia George Washington Thomas Jefferson James   Madison James Monroe William Henry Harrison John  Tyler Zachary Taylor Anne Woodrow Wilson indeed   seven of the first 12 presidents were from  Virginia Ohio is close behind though seven   of the next 17 presidents were from the state  Ulysses Grant Rutherford Hayes James Garfield   Benjamin Harrison William McKinley William Taft  and Warren Harding James Buchanan he would know   that he was the only president not to marry I was  so close to putting that into my tier list but   I did not so that's funny that you brought that  up yes that's good as I brought up in this video   some even speculates that Buchanan was sexually  attracted to men not women okay so for my uh tear   below the surface I have Van Buren was the first  president born in the United States you know what   I mean by that like officially yes 1782 I think is  when he was born you can tell me if you know about   this one Mr beat John Hansen could technically  be considered the first U.S president under   the Articles of Confederation or so I have seen  you know some people argue like he's the first   I don't know to be clear I don't consider John  Hanson a president because under the Articles   of Confederation the country didn't even have an  executive branch he was the president of Congress   man and the third thing is uh John Quincy Adams  approved a Voyage to the Center of the Earth   people thought that he was a hollow birther but  he wasn't but he approved a you know in those   days they thought the Earth was Hollow and he  did approve a voyage to go to the Center of the   Earth obviously they never did that but holy crap  I didn't know about this you already stopped okay   that's all I needed that's all I needed so there  are there are facts on the internet that is that   are claiming that John Quincy Adams was a hollow  earther but I don't think that's true I think he   just approved it for political purposes but he  didn't believe that it was going to go anywhere   in the first place oh wow that's like a scandal  yeah yes yes it was a hollow Earth yeah I looked   this up later it's totally true I can't imagine  what the sixth tier is going to be like if if   you put that in the third oh my goodness no no  you know you definitely definitely know some of   the things that are going to come up I think so  fourth tier JJ McCullough these are things that   he would know now I will say JJ he's Canadian but  he knows American history impressively well more   than the vast majority of Americans I would  argue absolutely but he will just message me   a random presidential fact that I didn't know  so that's why I put him on here also the whole   idea of doing this video was JJ's idea so another  shout out shout out to JJ for recommending this   because I thought it was a brilliant idea anyway  Andrew Jackson had a bullet stuck in his chest   for most of his life so that was one of the duels  that he was in did you know any like did you know   that yes I did know that one okay a dude named  Charles Dickinson apparently talked trash about   Andrew Jackson's wife Rachel and as All American  history junkies know you just don't talk trash   about Rachel Jackson or Andrew Jackson will try to  kill you in a duel indeed he killed Dickinson in a   duel on May 30th 1806. however Dickinson had also  shot Jackson since Jackson had apparently let him   shoot first the bullet missed Jackson's Heart  by little more than an inch while it shattered   his breastbone and rib cage it didn't threaten  infection doctor said if he tried to remove the   bullets it would certainly cause him to die so  he just left it in his chest for the rest of his   life even though it often caused him tremendous  pain Bill Clinton was the first president to have   an email address ooh I should have known that  but I'd never officially knew I mean you could   probably guess that though yeah I could guess it  you have just the time period in things what was   the email rolled out could it have been George  H.W bush it could have been but he was afraid of   technology so yeah 1993 was when when Clinton was  in there he's like yeah let's do it Bill Clinton   was also president when the White House launched  its first website we talked about this I know you   knew this but John Quincy Adams regularly went  skinny dipping in the Potomac River sometimes   other people would join him he's like yeah come  in picking clothes off and join me in the Potomac   I'm sorry to put the image of a naked John Quincy  Adams in your head but it's absolutely true JQ was   an excellent swimmer and apparently skinny dipped  into Potomac quite regularly throughout his life   something that I noticed that was funny creating  this Iceberg meme challenge with you is that it   was hard to not just put everything about John  Quincy Adams because he just has so many weird   things that he was doing yeah it's like dang I  could fill this whole thing out with just his   stuff I have John Quincy Adams kept an alligator  in his bathroom did you know about that Mr B as it   turns out I did know that because I mentioned it  in my presidential pets video hey check that one   out for my second one I have a Dwight Eisenhower  wanted to assassinate these squirrels by the White   House you know oh you know about this he asked  the Secret Service to get rid of all the squirrels   because they were messing with his golf game right  yep as you may remember in my Dwight Eisenhower   video Ike was a pretty big golfer and these  squirrels were digging on his putting green at the   White House he once said the next time you see one  of those squirrels go near my pudding green take a   gun and shoot it for my third one I have maybe to  put this one lower let's see if you know this one   Mr B Paraguay loves Rutherford Hayes possibly  more than anyone here in the US and uh do you   know what oh you already knew this and you know  why because the paraguayan war they have a whole   uh District in Paraguay named Presidente Ruther  Ford I believe something like that also shout out   to Emperor Tigerstar who has a whole video about  why that is Rutherford Hayes played a big role in   negotiations in a border dispute between Paraguay  and Argentina that ultimately gave Paraguay 60 of   its land yeah there's statues of him everywhere  apparently in the country as well so crazy so   crazy I just they learned about that recently  so I'm just like wow this is this is amazing   fifth down yeah this tier is that that guy is  his name is Mr beat uh yes this is stuff that I   knew already that I would say that a lot of people  don't know sorry JJ it's not that I'm smarter than   you because you're a smarter guy Than Me overall  but I think I might have a slight Edge on you when   it comes to presidents I mean you live in the  U.S he he does you have a home field advantage   you should you should Mr B if you don't that's  really bad but hopefully you know what I mean   all right so anyway Teddy Roosevelt drank a gallon  of coffee every day did not know that why is that   I wonder if you think about it this one makes  perfect sense considering how much that dude got   done in an average day Gerald Ford almost played  professional football in the NFL I think I have   seen something about that yeah it's well known  that Ford played football for the university in   Michigan but what's less known is that he turned  down offers from both the Detroit Lions and Green   Bay Packers to play in the NFL instead going to  law school and coaching and you probably knew   this one Richard Nixon loved rap and dreamed  of becoming a rapper I did not know that that   is crazy yeah yep I love that fact though that's  like my new favorite fact so what's the origin of   that do you know they didn't know it until after  he died apparently they were going through some   old recordings in the 90s uh after he died okay I  will start to promote this because I'm not seeing   nearly enough information about this I have often  thought that if there had been a good rap group   around in those days I might have chosen a career  in music instead of politics yeah that's an actual   quote from Nixon I imagine if he did pursue a rap  career his stage name definitely would have been   tricky dick this should be everywhere okay so the  fifth tier down I have okay let's just start with   this I'm just gonna say Lyndon Johnson's jumbo  do you know about this do you know jumbo private   part yes this is the name of Lyndon Johnson yeah  uh this it was that it had a name I don't know I   don't know his name jumbo I guess we'll get into  that anymore but that was just like that was just   I only put those three words Lyndon Johnson's  jumbo next up George Washington's teeth might   have been made out of animal teeth and other human  teeth specifically slaves I've actually seen his   teeth in person a couple times at Mount Vernon  they have it there all I know is it's not just   wood right we all thought it was just wood but  it's possible that there's probably a plethora of   things that went into those Dentures back in the  day yeah the wooden teeth thing is the myth but   other uh also Ivory gold and Lead they were just  kind of throwing whatever they could in there they   were just like put that in put that in that that  could be a tooth he lost all his teeth like when   he was your age dang he had already lost all of  his teeth yeah regardless it must have worked he   was good good guy good president you know at Mount  Vernon they actually don't say this but after   further research yeah it appears that some of his  teeth did come from former slaves apparently the   uh third fact okay again three words it's Jimmy  Carter's urine and that is because at one point   I guess it was radioactive have you heard about  this Mr Bean he had uh I guess he had jumped   into some sort of radioactive water or something  like that and so for like a week there I guess his   urine was radioactive wow why was he jumping in  and radioactive it was accidental I I think and   I think it was really young I looked it up later  and the reason why he had radioactive urine was   actually quite impressive while Carter was in  the Navy he helped clean up a nuclear reactor   that had a partial meltdown he later said he  had radioactive urine for six months after   that but hey Jimmy Carter is still kicking today  at 98 years old so I guess what doesn't kill you   makes you stronger that's the second one you  stumped me on the thing I always like to tell   about Jimmy Carter is how a rabbit once attacked  him when he was in a boat fishing this is while   he was President speaking of Jimmy Carter and  before we get into Jimmy Carter here the guy on   the right there his name is Douglas Brinkley he  is a presidential historian he knows everything   you could possibly know about any president this  guy is underrated when it comes I'm not where   he would definitely know that Jimmy Carter could  read 2 000 words a minute although I will say that   was allegedly because that's what Jimmy said at  one point two thousand words a minute with 95   comprehension which is insane it's like speed  reading hey James Madison we talked about his   height but he also only weighed a hundred pounds  today the average American male weighs about twice   that amount he's a tiny man and I actually went  down a rabbit over this one Thomas Jefferson   I'm pretty sure he was the first American  to grow and eat a tomato wow the tomato is   kind of a big freaking deal yes like imagine this  country without the Tomato it's you can't even do   it Thomas Jefferson brought us pizza basically  Jefferson grew at least 330 different types of   vegetables and 170 different types of fruits at  Monticello okay so for my uh last year I have a   JFK's missing brain did you know about this one  of the conspiracy theories isn't it uh yeah I   mean all we know is we just don't have his brain  anymore like someone just it was kind of chaotic   when they were trying to get his body afterward  or something I don't know do you know about that I   I do also love JFK conspiracy theories so much uh  but I don't know exactly the reasoning we had the   brain for a little bit and I guess like a month or  two later supposedly it just disappeared I looked   it up later and apparently there is some evidence  that maybe John F Kennedy's younger brother Robert   maybe took his brain I have a Nixon used to  drive his wife on dates with other men wait   say again Nixon used to drive his wife to dates  with other men now like that is a very clickbaity   way to phrase this but when Nixon first met his  wife it wasn't his wife it was just a girl that   he liked uh she wasn't interested I guess for the  first six months he would drive his wife to dates   with other men just so that he can get more time  to talk with it and eventually I guess that ended   up working that strategy ended up working because  eventually she picked Nixon and I got married and   everything no idea I went to the Nixon Library  when I was out there in California last summer   of US History tubers did and that wasn't brought  up at the Museum and uh the final fact I have is   that Bill Clinton might be a brony a brony is a  person that really enjoys My Little Pony yeah I   have not heard about this he was on uh maybe some  sort of NPR interview or something some interview   back in 2011 and he was asked three questions  about the show My Little Pony and he got all of   them correct it's true Bill Clinton called in to  wait wait don't tell me Peter Sagel expected to   stump Clinton with these My Little Pony questions  but Bill got them all right surprising everyone so   you know a lot of the speculation has been  you know he is one of the fan like a brony   is an overly obsessed fan of My Little Pony or  maybe just Chelsea Clinton was a big maybe that   too maybe two we don't know yeah we we don't  know yeah so uh you got me on three at least   nice how many did you not know time oh actually  uh quite a bit once we got past your like third   tier several of that idea this was a very good  learning experience for me for sure yours were   way more interesting than mine miners like I I'm  such a boring teacher I swear I'm like who's focus   on stuff that's more important it's only because  I can uh phrase the phrases in a clickbaity way so   you know like you look more into it you dig more  into it thanks for joining me here uh everyone   subscribed to Drew dournal it's Journal right  not Darnell it is Darnell it is Journal at least   that's how I've been uh told to say it the whole  time who told you how to pronounce my grandma my   grandma so I I don't know Grandma's making  it up yeah she could be she totally could be In the description of this  video you’ll find a link   to my Iceberg Presidential Facts Chart notebook  that you can purchase if you want to. Thanks to   Drew Durnil for collaborating with me for  this video. He also is releasing a video   at the same time as this, as matter of fact. He’s  such a nice guy and has an awesome channel that   YOU should subscribe to. So what’s YOUR  favorite obscure presidential fact? Let me   know in the comments. I hope you have the best  Presidents Day ever, and thanks for watching!
Channel: Mr. Beat
Views: 179,034
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Keywords: The Iceberg Presidential Facts Chart, the iceberg presidential facts chart, the presidential facts iceberg, The U.S. Presidential Iceberg Explained, The American presidential facts iceberg, american presidential facts iceberg chart, obscure presidential facts, american presidents iceberg explained, the presidential fact iceberg explained, president iceburg chart, weirdest presidential facts, weird president facts, strange presidential facts, interesting presidential facts, Mr.Beat
Id: TG-6eLZst0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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