The Hunt for Martin Bormann - The Complete Series

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[Music] so who was Martin Borman born in 1900 he had served in the artillery at the tail end of World War I leaving the Army in 199 an estate manager during the viar Republic period he joined a paramilitary frore unit of disgruntled right-wing soldiers an accomplice to a political murder in 1924 Borman served a year in prison released in 1925 he went on to join the Nazi party two years later becoming a regional press officer and later working in the sa brownshirts insurance office in Munich he gained a reputation as a financial expert becoming a powerful figure in the control of party finances after Hitler came to power in 1933 Borman was appointed Chief of Staff to Deputy fura Rudolph hes and given the rank of reiches lighter the highest political rank in the nsdap from 1934 onwards Borman was a member of Hitler's Inner Circle accompanying the fura everywhere making himself indispensable Borman oversaw the renovations of Hitler's private home the bear and the process of buying up adjacent properties to create a private Nazi leaders gated community at top oras salsburg Borman also had the Eagles Nest built as a gift for Hitler's 1939 birthday he became in effect Hitler's private secretary also responsible for Hitler's private finances and collecting royalties from his book mine K which ran into many millions of marks using his position as Chief of Staff Dees to give him access to Personnel files Borman was able to influence Hitler regarding important appointments Hitler deliberately played the Nazi leaders off against each other to prevent a challenge to his authority and Borman was increasingly able to control who accessed The furer Becoming Hitler's gatekeeper the flight of hes to Scotland in 1941 helped Borman enormously Hitler promoted him to become Minister without portfolio in the government Borman also earned a nickname behind his back due to the color of his Nazi party uniform of the brown Eminence during the war Hitler was busy at his headquarters dealing with military matters and Borman effectively ran the nation's civilian bureaucracy for him in this he was deeply involved in the extension of anti-Semitic measures to the conquered Eastern territories sharing this responsibility with reich's fur SS Heinrich himler he and himler were were also responsible for the creation and raising of the fkom Germany's last ditch militia of old men and young boys to try and help the regular Armed Forces stop the Allied advances into Germany in 1944 to 45 so wherever Hitler was so was Martin Borman as the war situation deteriorated borman's power steadily increased and his power within the inner circle of Hitler's loyalists became immense until by early 19 1845 he was effectively as I mentioned the gatekeeper through which everyone had to pass to see the fura when Hitler transferred his military headquarters to Berlin from the Adler host his last Western Front headquarters on the 16th of January 1945 Borman and his staff moved with him aboard the fura zuk Hitler's personal train Hitler continued to sleep and eat in the Reich chancell until incessant Allied Air Raids forced him to to begin sleeping in the fura bunker beneath the Reich chancell Garden in mid-February 1945 in mid-march he gave up using his office and the new Reich chancell for military conferences and retreated to his bunker fulltime Borman maintained his own party chancell apparatus and office nearby but as Hitler's gatekeeper Borman himself took over a small office in the lower bunker opposite Hitler's Suite of rooms while continuing to sleep in his own bunker accommodation close by Albert Shar Hitler's armaments Minister noted how much of a hold Borman had over Hitler since 1942 quote after any conference with Hitler it sometimes happened that the agitant would announce Borman who had come into the room carrying his files he spoke monotonously and with seeming objectivity and would then Advance his own Solutions on the basis of one word agreed or on the basis of a vague comment from Hitler Borman would then draft lengthy instructions in this way some very important decisions were taken end quote Borman was of course greatly feared because he could change Whispers into death sentences by telling Tales to Hitler Hitler even signed blank sheets of paper onto which Borman had typed orders and directives later on the other Nazi leaders feared Borman even himler head of the SS and he had handled Borman with kid gloves and carefully maintained his own very close relationship with Hitler who trusted him completely Borman was never removed from Power because though the other leaders feared and despised him they also spent most of their time vying with each other for Hitler's favor so precluding a United stand from developing against the Sinister Borman Borman spent the last weeks of the war keeping Hitler busy with paperwork and administration in this way limiting his contact with the outside players in this he was aily assisted by labor front leader Robert Li and the oneeyed doctor hunt slummer head of the Reich chancell as the Soviets surrounded Berlin and began to fight towards the city center Borman had prepared plans to save Hitler and himself as I outlined in a previous video Borman had put in place an evacuation scheme code named Operation salio to move Hitler and his seat of government from besi Berlin by a fleet of Transport Aircraft to the ob zburg to continue the war from the Bavarian Alps Hitler resisted deserting Berlin but many personnel and records were flown South in a series of flights from the 20th of April 1945 onwards Hitler's last birthday 10 aircraft loads of people and papers Got Away successfully while a last plane carrying Hitler's personal papers was shot down in Eastern Germany on the 21st of April Hitler being greatly upset by the the loss of these records the problem for Borman was that his entire power rested on being beside Hitler without Hitler's protection Borman would have been rubbed out by himler or some other top leader so though records clearly indicate that a plane was kept standing by outside Berlin to fly into the city to bring out Hitler and his staff the passenger manifest listing Borman among those due to be on board Hitler died for days about leaving Berlin until by the time he announced that he would die in the capital most of the airfields had been captured by the Soviets and the only way out by air would have been a very risky flight from a light aircraft from the temporary air strip created on the eastwest axis in the tiar garden park Borman couldn't desert Hitler while there was still a possibility that the fura would decide to leave Berlin so he stuck at his post and through his intrigues managed to orchestrate the dismissals of Herman guring and Hinrich himler guring who had fled Berlin for Bavaria on the 20th of April 1945 unwisely attempted to succeed a still living Hitler on the 23rd of April when news arrived that Hitler had suffered a nervous collapse following a very stressful military conference the day before during which he had announced that the war was lost and he would die in Berlin Boran managed to spin ging's moves into treason and Hitler ordered the reiches Marshall arrested and stripped of all his officers of State on the 28th of April Borman received reports that himler had been secretly negotiating with the Western allies to surrender Germany Hitler went berserk and ordered him's arrest and Borman gleefully transmitted orders to Grand Admiral Carl duritz military commander in Northern Germany for him's arrest in the event durit ignored borman's orders and himler would hang around duritz's headquarters for several days before the events that led to his mysterious demise at the hands of the British in late May 1945 began but though Borman took evident pleasure in eradicating his greatest competitors in Hitler's Inner Circle plenty of evidence shows that in private Borman was drinking heavily and was increasingly stressed and worried by how close the Red Army was getting to the bunker he also championed several pointless military operations designed to relieve Berlin by weak German forces that all came to nothing on the evening of the 28th of April 194 5 the day that himler was ousted Borman sent a message to Grand Admiral deret that stated quote Reich chancell a heap of rubble end quote the end was now very near that same evening it was reported to Hitler that General valter venk's 12th Army had failed to penetrate the Soviet ring around Berlin and relieve the baguer fura and his Circle the inevitable end of the defense of the government quarter now depended on how much ammunition and willpower remained among the mostly SS troops Still Holding Out fiercely the last air escape from Berlin also took place that night when test pilot Hannah Reich flew the new commanding officer of the Luft fer field Marshall Robert Ron Grime out of the tiar Garten emergency air strip in an arado 96 training aircraft no evidence has ever emerged since 1945 that any other German aircraft left the city center after the 28th of April this discredits wild conspiracies claiming that Hitler and perhaps Borman escaped by Light plane at the last moment the only way out of the capital now was on foot by attempting to infiltrate through the Soviet lines not a very enticing Prospect for middle-aged outof shaped leaders like Martin Borman to contemplate the remaining two days of Hitler's life are well known from the testimony of Bunker survivors in the very early hours of the 29th of April he married his girlfriend AA Brown in a simple ceremony in the fura bunker the two witnesses were Dr gbbl and Borman Hitler then dictated his political and private Wills to his secretary troud yunger these documents were witnessed by gobbles Borman and the two Army generals vilam Bergdorf and Hans Krebs Hitler retired to bed at 4:00 a.m. on the morning of the 30th of April Hitler was informed that the units holding the government quarter would be out of ammunition in 2 days but in the afternoon the government quarter commanding officer SS brigard fura VH Mona reviewed this estimate Hitler being told that resistance would fold by that night General viding Berlin battle commandant asked Hitler for permission for the remaining Defense Forces to break out to save themselves at 1: p.m. Hitler gave his permission it was clear that Hitler would shortly commit suicide Borman remained loyally at his master's side but then again he had no means of Escape but we can be sure that a man like Borman would not have intended to kill himself he was a natural Survivor a cunning and careful man who would use what remained of his authority and power to somehow survive so what evidence is there that Borman intended to survive Hitler's demise well on the 5th of April 1945 he had written to his wife confirming that a senior Nazi official was arranging for her safe passage along with his 10 children to a place of Refuge in Bavaria on the 24th of April Borman sent an order from the fura bunker finalizing preparations for two huts on the Eastern side of the ho girl Mountain near beus Garden to be stopped with Provisions to receive a group of people on the run on the 29th of April Borman telephoned his wife confirming the arrangements he had made and that he would be in contact ATT with her as soon as possible these are not the actions of a man about to kill himself anyway at about 3:30 p.m. on the afternoon of the 30th of April Hitler and his wife committed suicide in Hitler's sitting room much debate and Intrigue surrounds the details of Hitler's death which will be dealt with in a later series of videos suffice it to say a dead Hitler and AA were carried from the lower bunker study up the emergency exit staircase to the Reich Chancery Garden placed in a shell hole doused in petrol and set a light one thing further demonstrated that Hitler was definitely dead before the breakout attempts of the night of the 1st of May 1945 the Escape groups that were organized were all too small to have successfully protected and escorted Hitler a man who was having difficulty walking or standing for long periods of time and was suffering from an undiagnosed shaking syndrome as well as several other medical maladies Hitler could would never have walked out of Berlin unassisted the approximately 780 SS troops and bodyguards that guarded the Reich Chancery in those Final hours were too few to be able to fight their way through the Soviet rings on mass they would instead attempt to break out in small groups less likely to attract too much attention it is also a fact that brigard fura Mona who commanded the bunker breakout operation had little idea of the current dispositions of Red Army units around the government quarter as Communications broke down with German Defenders as they were killed or overrun SS briard of fura vham Mona commanding the forces defending the Reich chancell area had organized 10 Escape groups Martin Borman being in group number three so where were the Escape groups heading what was the route out of the Soviet encirclement of the city Mona decided that the key to getting through was to travel largely underground using the uban Railway tunnels where thousands of civilians had already taken shelter which the Soviets were very wary of entering at this time the direction would be Northwest under the river shpr and into the workingclass District of Ving and then to a rendevu in a wooded area near Shin north of the Elba River 80 Mi Northwest of Berlin from there Mona's plan was to continue on to German hell territory in the north and Grand Admiral der's headquarters in schic holin moner and Borman carried the original Hitler documents his last will and testament that had to be hand delivered to duritz as well as a protocol drawn up by Reich Chancellor GBL before his suicide earlier in the day a final message sent to derit seems to confirm Mona's plan and borman's part in it at 2:46 p.m. on the 1st of May 1945 GBL had sent a message to dernitz informing him of Hitler's death the day before and his appointment as Reich president one line in gal's message reads quote Reich slighter Borman intends to go to you today and to inform you of the situation end quote so this is the motive for borman's attempts to escape the bunker in a breakout group that same night he still had a role to play in the Nazi government and he intended to go to duritz and take his place within that last Nazi government that still controlled some of Northern Germany all of Denmark and Norway and half of the Netherlands returning to the actual breakout it had been decided that they would depart between 10:30 and 11:00 p.m. using Darkness as cover most of the escapers wore military uniforms they largely abandoned any fancy party uniforms and armbands for plain SS or vermar field gray steel helmets and plenty of small arms Witnesses report that Borman was dressed in either his brown party uniform without Insignia which seems very foolish or is SS obren fur's Feld gry uniform Borman being an honory SS general or even in civilian clothing as some members of The Escape groups were wearing there are several immediate problems with this firstly how could so many witnesses all of whom had known Borman every day for weeks months or even years not being consistent regarding how he was dressed from the breakout it can be explained in a variety of ways people were looking only to their own Survival they were under considerable stress or they were recalling the events in retrospect and mixing up how they recall Boran dressing in the days preceding the breakout secondly it makes no sense for a man like Borman who was the senior surviving Nazi leader in Berlin on the 1st of May 1945 to attempt to make a very dangerous evasion through an active Battlefield dressed in either of his usual uniforms the brown nsdap uniform would have simply marked him out as a senior leader and he may just as well have painted a giant Target on his back wearing his SS General's uniform was likewise foolish the chances that his Escape group might have to Bluff its way past Soviet patrols was high so any uniform that Drew attention to one's real status was counter productive Borman was not a stupid man he was also almost 45 years old portly balding and would never have been mistaken for a Frontline Soldier some investigators mentioned that he was wearing a field gray uniform stripped of Insignia which would have been sensible allowing him to pose as an older folk home Guardsman ditto with civilian clothing anyway the clothing issue is just the first of many such problems with borman's attempt to escape Berlin the first two Escape groups followed the same route away from the bunker group one of 20 men and four women led by General Mona included borman's secretary Elsa Kruger Hitler's agitant Schuman fura Guna and Hitler's cook and his two secretaries group number three which contained Borman also included Hitler's pilot hunt bow and his second pilot Bates gbl's agitant SS hubam fura and one of Hitler's doctors ludvig stumer group four behind was supposedly led by Hitler Youth leader arur axman but he ended up with borman's group the first stage in the journey was a 100 met Dash Under Fire from the bunker to the kaiserhof yuban station they made it under cover of Darkness smoke and Rubble they then walked along the tunnel toadm station by the time Mona's group reached stad only about 15 people remained the rest having made themselves scarce at STM station yuban carriages were being used as an emergency operating theater Mona's group allegedly was forced to surface at Friedrich stasa station due to the tunnel Beyond being sealed by a huge metal bulkhead guarded by two Railway employees who refused to open it we are to believe that Mona's heavily armed group of desperate SS and party officials argued futile with the railway Ys and meekly gave up and went up to the street which was an active Battle Zone seems a bit unlikely it was noted by other escapers that this barrier was open an hour later as for borman's group they missed an important turn in the tunnel halfway between schad mitter and friederick stasa stations they backtracked to schmitter and decided to come up the street level at the Jean Mark opposite the max Reinhardt theater but progress was clear clearly too dangerous descending back into the station they tried to get to Friedrich stasa again again moving above ground at the ven arm Bridge they discovered that their way forward was blocked by a tank barrier here Things become very confused apparently a tiger tank or tanks was active at the bridge part of the SS nordland Division and a made an attempt to force their way across under heavy Soviet fire to clear a path for many German troops and civilians trying to escape behind them many testimonies claimed that Borman was actually riding in a tiger tank that was hit by a captured German Panza house rocket launcher and destroyed this story was first published in English by respected British historian and World War II intelligence officer major Hugh Trevor roper in his seminal work the last days of Hitler first published in 1953 his main witness appears to have been Eric kempker Hitler's chauffeur who ran the Reich Chancery Garage in his book I burned Adolf Hitler published in 1950 kemker said that he saw Borman riding in the tank that was seconds later totally destroyed by the anti-tank weapon kemka was sure that Borman was killed kemka managed to make it to Freedom at the Elba River where he was arrested by the US Army the major problems with the kemka story are obvious firstly if Borman was riding in the Tiger tank kemka could not have seen him in battle conditions the tank would have had all hatches closed and locked secondly there is no space aboard a tiger for passengers the only way Borman could have been inside the tank was if a crewman gave up his seat considering that the tank was seen fighting its way over the bridge presumably Borman had taken a secret Panza Gunnery course so he could replace the Gunner or loader in the Tiger's turret the biggest howler is even placing Borman in a tank in the first place a huge tiger would have been the focus of Soviet fire and been lashed with anti-tank shells captured panza's Machine Gun and Rifle fire with its immobilization or destruction a distinct possibility so what about the Tiger tank or tanks in question SS gurer Gustaf krukenberg who was commanding the nordland division in the area gave testimony that five of his tanks were ordered by him to smash their way through the vendam bridge barrier at 2: a.m. on the 2nd of May 1945 and that they successfully pushed on further up the Friedrich straser engaging Soviet forces kenberg had no knowledge of Borman in or on one of his tanks and there were no other German tanks in the vicinity however other German Witnesses gave different versions of the Borman Tiger tank story Hitler's pilot Hans Bower was later captured by the Soviets and spent years in Moscow being brutally inter interrogated regarding Hitler's whereabouts and fate Bower claimed to Trevor Roper after he had returned from captivity that Borman had definitely been killed when the Tiger tank had exploded a story also confirmed by SS major Hines linger Hitler's Valley who also was captured by the Red Army and hell for 10 years but after Bower had started discussing things with arur axman the Hitler Youth leader who joined boran's group from the group behind and ultimately successfully escaped from be and was later apprehended by the Americans in Bavaria Bower's story changed in the late 1950s Bower now claimed that Borman had not been killed by the tank explosion and that he had even accompanied Borman further along the Escape Route historians subsequently altered Bower's testimony to fit axman's story who became the Allied star witness to the events surrounding borman's disappearance Bower claimed that Borman had gone ahead but that he Bower had caught up with him sitting on the stone steps of a bombed out house the location B gave was the corner of shiff badam and Fred straser on the Soviet side of the vendam bridge B axman and gbl's agitant gaman said that the remainder of group three moved along the shiff dam towards the Lea railway station a very dangerous route that would have taken them past the re's tug which was surrounded by Soviet troops the time Bower had actually been wounded in both legs as he tried to clamber down onto the road from the Railway Bridge over the Holt Harbor bow stated that he last Saw Borman when the group was opposite the reug standing on the Lea railway tracks half a mile from the station he reported that Borman and Dr stumer broke away from the group and walked East along invalid and straza towards theeta station but if B was wounded before reaching this point near the Lea station this testimony is also suspect the next important piece of testimony concerning borman's movements came from arur axman he claimed that during the tank battle at the vendam bridge he had taken cover in a shell hole finding Borman Vera nman gamman B and stumer also doing the same moving along the railway tracks towards the Lea station axman claimed that as they jumped down from a bridge over the friedi list uer west of the Hol Harbor the bridge leading to the L espan station several of the party landed among some Soviet infantry camped beneath it they were surrounded the Soviets were friendly and fascinated by axman's artificial arm he having lost his arm when serving as a soldier on the Eastern Front they offered the Germans cigarettes clearly they thought this group of largely middle-aged Germans dressed in a strange variety of outfit FS to be harmless vuler home Guardsman however axman stated that Borman and stumer moved away and then ran off shortly afterwards the Soviets becoming suspicious axman and his friend major Gunter velin did likewise moving East up inven stasa axman claimed to have found the bodies of Borman and stumer lying behind the bridge where invalid stasa crosses the railway line the Lea station and the surrounding Bridges have have all been knocked down and rebuilt in 2005 to 6 and all of the original buildings to do with the Borman Escape have now been destroyed axman described how Borman and stum fega were both lying on their backs apparently dead but with no visible wounds in the Moonlight he was apparently certain that both men had killed themselves with poison neither he nor major Vin took their pulses and they quickly moved on the problem with this story is the timeline axman and his historians who have repeated these claims all agree that the touching scene occurred between 1:30 and 2: a.m. whereas multiple testimonies claimed that the tank battle at the vendam bridge occurred at about 2:30 a.m. it doesn't make sense axman's testimony was obviously wrong other writers have pointed out that axman behaved strangely when he allegedly discovered borman's body axman knew that Borman was in possession of Hitler's last will and testament and other very important documents yet he made no effort to retrieve these documents from the corpse another big problem for the Boran death scene was that no one else reported seeing the two bodies laying on the ground in the position reported by axman they simply weren't there they disappeared Into Thin Air following axman's alleged sighting of the two bodies Martin Borman was not seen in Berlin again until 1972 when his skull was found under rather fishy circumstances close to where axman said he had last seen the body was Borman seen alive after 1945 and [Music] where we left episode 2 with Martin Borman and His companion SS Dr Schumer lying apparently dead on an overpass Bridge connected to the Lea railway station in Berlin as reported by two witnesses Hitler Youth leader arur axman and his Escape companion Army Major G velin only axman would ultimately survive to explain to historians the apparent circumstances of borman's death if you recall axman told the Americans in about 1947 that Borman and stumer lay dead their faces clearly identifiable in the Moonlight of the early morning hours of the 2nd of May 1945 lying on the bridge over the inven straser neither man had any obvious wounds and axman asserted that they both must have taken poison axman did not examine the bodies closely and he crucially did not search Borman for the original copies of Hitler's last will and testament that the reich's minister was conveying to Grand Admiral dernitz in the north of Germany who was the new Reich president even though he knew Borman had these documents and that they were needed urgently in the North after this touching scene the Borman trail goes dead in Berlin but was Borman ever seen and identified after the war many of you are undoubtedly aware that in 1972 borman's skull was recovered close to where axman said he had seen him dead and that modern DNA tests have proved Beyond any reasonable doubt that it is borans what I'm going to show you later is many of the glaring inconsistencies that exist in the official West German story of The Remains Discovery and how forensic examination of the skull actually showed up several problematic pieces of evidence suggesting that Borman was alive after 1945 and far from where his skull was conveniently discovered in 1972 certainly the Western allies believe that Borman escaped from Berlin in May 1945 Soviet historians also alleged that Borman had been arranging his future safe passage and possibly that of his wife Gerda and their 10 children via his economic advisor Dr Helmut vonel letters from Borman to his wife dated the fifth of April 1945 confirm his use of fono who was head of group 3B of the department of economic and social Affairs it was fonel who was talked into setting up the two huts on the east side of the ho gold Mountain near beus Garden that I mentioned in the first episode the idea being perhaps that they could be used by a single person or a group on the Run heading south this order was made by Borman on the 24th of April 1945 it is allege that when Borman last spoke on the telephone to his wife on the 29th of April he told her to place herself in Von's care and that he would be in contact as soon as possible Soviet historian Lev binsky using a official Soviet files alleged that Borman crossed into Italy on the 16th of August 1947 but no further details were revealed when binsky spoke to fonum the German was evasive and said that borman's reference to make a quote Southward overseas shipment end quote in the cable he sent to fonum referred simply to moving documents South to safety and Munich and not to moving Boran the United States Army's Counter Intelligence Corp the direct ancestor of the CIA thought that Borman was alive in 1945 and they posted agents around fra Borman who was dying of cancer in a hospital in Morano in the Italian Alps hoping Borman might show up Gera Borman died on the 22nd of March 1946 without further contact with her husband the Soviets did mention that they had found borman's diary in the leather coat of a German corpse in Central Berlin the body laying close to a knocked out German tank the Soviets stated that neither the body nor the coat were borans they surmised that Borman had stuffed the diary into the coat in order to appear dead to investigators a sensible move for a man on the Run by the way one really big thing in boran's favor was his anonymity hardly anyone outside of Hitler's Inner Circle knew who he was he never spoke publicly and all his appearances were as a background character this fact would Aid his evasion enormously unlike someone like Hinrich himler who was distinctive and world famous several witnesses placed Borman in Northern Germany or Denmark in June 1945 the author ladislas farago found a Danish doctor called price who claimed to have been approached by a Nazi friend asking for money to get Borman out of Denmark Borman was next cited in September 1945 in the Via Leonardo da Vinci in Morano Italy by someone who knew him extremely well a fra thalheimer the wife of one of his personal doctors whom he knew socially the doctor's wife's story so convinced Hugh Trevor Roper the famous British historian and World War II intelligence officer that axman's story of a dead Borman on the Lea Bridge must be unconvincing so why would Borman be in Northern Italy rat lines secret Nazi Escape Routes ran from Germany and Austria into Italy whence some Vatican officials connive to Spirit wanted Nazis out of Europe via the port of Genoa to South America and the Middle East this was how several high-profile Nazis escaped in the years after World War II including Adolf ikman the administrative head of the final solution an Infamous aitz Camp doctor ysf mangela they are just two cases of thousands who were helped to flee by sympathizers by Nazi networks that were put in place before the war ended and even by United States officials who employed wanted Nazis for intelligence reasons in the years after the war during the early part of the Cold War and in fact allowed many of them to escape into anonymity in South America and elsewhere rather than admit they had been using these men who were wanted for heinous crimes committed against the Jews and many other groups certainly the Israelis believe that Borman was alive and well in South America interestingly during the interrogation of Adolf akman following his kidnapping by mosad agents and removal to Israel to stand trial akman told german-born Israeli police officer Captain avner Les who was one of his interrogators that Borman was alive this was in 1961 this claim was repeated by Aikman's son Nicholas who told reporters quote Borman is not as poor as my father was not even the Jews with millions of dollars can get him end quote lots of claims concerning the whereabouts of Borman and how he escaped Europe were made in the 1960s and70s though most were dismissed as Fabrications or fantasy but despite the nonsense that clouded the true story an Israeli team continued to hunt him indicating that there must have been real evidence otherwise why waste the time and resources of a National Intelligence agent agency the team was led by none other than Dr fredman Who had led the operation to kidnap adol hman these were very serious people it was not only the Israelis that believe Borman was alive following the discovery of Dr Vera Haider an SS doctor and wanted war criminal the Frankfurt State prosecutor in West Germany Dr Fritz Bower conducted a leny interview with him on the 11th of February 1964 as a result of this interview a statement was issued which read quote despite allegations to the country including the testimony of hansbauer Hitler's pilot the Office of the Attorney General of the state of Hessa continues to pursue its search for Martin Borman in the factual belief that the head of the nsdap survived end quote it was clear that Dr Haider had told the West Germans some interesting things that corroborated their own investigation of Borman however 2 days after the statement was issued Dr Haida was found hanged in his cell what Haida had told the West Germans was that in 1945 he had hidden Borman in the SS hospital at gron near the Danish town of zorg in July 1964 State prosecutor Bower told the press that he had been informed that Borman was living in Paraguay and interestingly had been seen in the company of Dr Yusef mangela on several occasions in the capital city of sunion by August more details emerge Borman was dead he had died in 1959 in the house of a paraguayan German named Bernard Yung the body had been buried at the Village of eer 35 km from aunion a West German journalist went to eer and actually dug up the grave but the bones appeared to be those of a much older local Indian man Bernard Yung was traced to Spain but he refused all interview requests interestingly when France stangle the death camp commandant who had been in charge of trinka and soore at different times and was responsible for nearly 1 million deaths was arrested in Brazil he talked to tegel a German newspaper and said that Boran had been quote one of us end quote that is a fugitive Nazi in South America lots of charlatans tried to get attention or to make money out of the Boreman story but one of the best pieces of evidence of boran's survival came from a former gbl's propaganda Ministry official and honorary SS major named Dr Johan Fon he fled to Argentina in the late 1940s founding a Nazi journal in buenosaires in 1950 later he moved to Egypt working as a political adviser for president NASA's government converting to Islam and taking the name Omar Amin he died in Cairo in 1965 some letters written by Von leers came to light in one he wrote to a friend that Borman was in South America then living in Brazil this letter is significant because it was completely private and written years before the Press coverage that surrounded the story in the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s journalists and historians did find several witnesses in Paraguay who claimed that Borman had died in the city of aunion of cancer in 1959 following treatment by Dr mangela and other igrade doctors and was buried secretly at eer but all of this is of course anecdotal evidence and not concrete proof of borman's survival after the war the writer ladislas farago gathered a lot of evidence concerning Borman though some of it was tainted and turned out to have been forged by paraguayan officials for money however among all the druss there were some good pieces of circumstantial evidence for Borman being in South America and this of course is overlooked in the rubbishing of Fargo's work farago claimed that Boran crossed the Atlantic from genua Italy to Argentina aboard an Italian liner arriving on the 17th of May 1948 via Vatican ratline Personnel he had obtained a Red Cross passport for stateless persons Fargo's information was that Borman traveled under the name elisia Goldstein a polish jew born in 1901 occupation geologist much of Fargo's evidence was later rubbished under investigation though some of it still stands up to scrutiny it is interesting to note that Soviet investigators came to the same conclusion as farago though independently that Borman had indeed escape to South America via Italy the Argentine government actually released its files on Martin Borman on the 1st of February 1992 their file had been opened on him in 1948 the same year farago and others alleged that he had entered Argentina by ship the file contained all the allegations they had ever come across including correspondance with the United States and West German governments but they had been remarkably slow and apparently disinterested in following up All Leads concerning Borman interestingly the government office books for the period 1957 to 60 and 1960 to 67 were missing allegedly destroyed by flooding in the archive thus a lot of the information from the real height of the Borman hunt was missing Borman was officially declared dead by the West German government in 1973 from the circumstantial evidence presented it is certainly possible to reconstruct a possible Escape Route for Martin Borman beginning at the moment when he and Dr stum feger ran off from the Soviet troops who surrounded them in the early hours of the 2nd of May 1945 near the Lea station after his Escape group had jumped down from a bridge and landed among the camped Soviet infantry platoon Borman next popped up in sches holin before being placed in June 1945 in the SS hospital at sorg Denmark we know that Boran had ordered hats to be prepared on the ho girl near beas Garden so there was a possible staging area if he had chosen to go south and he could have posed as just another middle-aged bombed out Refugee moving around shattered Germany he was identified in Morano Italy in September 19 45 by the wife of one of his doctors at some point he must have been in Rome obtaining the necessary passport and Argentine entry Visa next verago placed Borman now calling himself elisia Goldstein disembarking from a ship in Argentina on the 16th of February 1948 and finally we have some interesting anecdotal evidence from relatively good sources of Borman being in aunion Paraguay in at least 19 59 and dying in that year from cancer age 58 or 59 he was then buried in Secret near the capital in the next episode we will deal with the elephant in the room the discovery of Martin borman's skull in 1972 in Berlin close to where he was said to have died in 1945 for those of you who think Hitler youth leader arur axan was telling the truth about seeing the corpses of Borman and Dr ludvig Schumer on the Lea station Bridge consider this information that supports the theory that Borman didn't die exactly as reported on the 14th of August 1945 gerud stumer Dr Schumer's Widow received a letter from a man identifying himself as B the postmaster of the Lea station it read on May 8th this year a soldier was found by employees at this post office on the railroad bridge Crossing invalid straser a military pass in his pocket identified him as ludvig Schumer your husband was buried together with other dead soldiers in the grounds of the altendorf in Berlin Northwest 40 at 63 inv valid straser end quot included with the letter were personal photographs that Schumer had been carrying postmaster B noted that Schumer's military pass had later been destroyed the Schumer family used Burn's letter to obtain from a court proof of death of the doctor two points are worth raising the letter doesn't mention that stum feger was found lying close next to another dead soldier or even allude to other corpses being on the bridge secondly the Borman family did not receive a similar letter from the L station Personnel concerning the discovery of borman's corpse the West German magazine Des spegel thought that this was odd and investigated further in an article dated the 14th of February 1964 deagel noted quote in actual fact the corpse of schum fega was found but of Borman who was said to have been lying alongside there was no Trace end quote we can discount a series of claims made after the article appeared by people who claimed to have helped bury borman's corpse and claiming that they recognized the dead man when of course we know that very few outside of hit 's Inner Circle actually knew who Martin Borman was now we come to the circumstances that led to the discovery of the bones of Borman and Schumer in 1972 The crucial person was a Hitler Youth leader named yokan Von Lang who in May 1945 had been an axman's escape group from the Reich chancell the group axman had later lost to join borman's group that was moving in front Von Lang dedicated many years to trying to prove that Bor man had died in Berlin on the 2nd of May 1945 in September 1962 arur axman gave evidence to Frankfurt State prosecutor's office lawyer yakim R axman knew that his original testimony was in doubt not least by historian Hugh Trevor roper in 1971 Trevor rooper even said of axman quote I do not rule out the possibility that he made up the story in the first place to cover borman's tracks end quote it is very important to note that ARA axman was until his dying day an unreconstructed Nazi indeed when he escaped to the West in 1945 he set about trying to organize an underground Nazi party organization using his network of former Hitler youth leaders and Personnel he didn't simply go to ground and do nothing or try to escape to South America he made an active effort to try to keep the flame alive and indeed in one of my previous videos concerning Hitler's ashes I contend that he was in fact carrying a small box containing some of Hitler's ashes from the fura bunker and that he later deposited those in a grave somewhere in Germany therefore Regarding axman why would he have told the truth to American investigators and why wouldn't he have tried to help Borman to escape I cannot stress any more emphatically the point that the entire story of borman's demise is based on one man's testimony The Devout ARA axman whose several Intelligence Officers called The Keeper of the flame of national socialism post 1945 in any other case of a mysterious death such a witness would long ago have been dismissed as biased and unreliable I believe Hugh Trevor Roper called this one right in 1971 when he realized that axman was a liar in 1965 a former Hitler Youth member whom yoran Von Lang had known in 19 4 Herbert zidle contacted him with his eyewitness account in early May 1945 Zyle then age14 with a friend had been foraging for food in the Lea station Freight yard when he said that he had seen two bodies on the left side of the Railway Bridge Crossing invalid and straser zidle hadn't known who Borman was and he hadn't identified the bodies he had seen but had placed them roughly to where axman reported seeing Borman and Fager's corpses then another witness came forward a retired post office worker named Albert krumov in May 1945 he claimed to have been part of postmaster Burn's corpse burial unit at the Lea station krnov and his post office colleagues venu and Loza had been ordered by the Red Army to bury corpses that were laying around the Lea station krnov claimed his unit had buried on the 8th of May 194 45 both bodies bargan fo had buried Schumer and krnov himself had buried Borman they hadn't recognized either man at the time and for some Curious reason they said the two bodies were buried some distance apart from each other even though found alongside of each other on the bridge even more strangely the corpse of the 6'4 in tall schump feger was without its uniform being dressed instead in new long Woolen white underwear which makes some mockery of postmaster bn's claim that he retrieved Schumer's military pass and family photographs from the dead soldier did stum feger keep his papers stuffed down his underpants the shorter man buried by krnov was dressed in a field gry army uniform without any Insignia krnov even claimed to have specifically chosen the burial site of the shorter man's corpse placing it below a stand of Three popler Trees he said to later remember where it was was this is rather odd why would he have to remember where one particular corpse was buried if the man he didn't know who it was hadn't identified it wasn't wearing a uniform of any significance and indeed the entire station and the surrounding area was full of corpses which there would have been in hurry to bury interestingly postmaster burn already noted stum Fager's burial place as the alpendorf berin Northwest 40 number 63 invalid straser based upon these Witnesses the West German prosecutors that were searching for borman's remains became very enthusiastic and Von Lang managed to persuade them without too much difficulty to start digging for the bodies to settle the issue of borman's Escape once and for all the problem was the Berlin Wall which ran right through the site however the area where axman and krnov claimed to have seen borman's corpse was on the West Berlin side of the wall an area called the ulap fairground a search of official records at the time revealed told nothing about either burial the ulap fairground was located at alpendorf galenda Berlin Northwest 40 inidan straser 63 the address today has changed now being 63 to 68 inidan straser and the entire area completely rebuilt however in 1965 the stand of popler trees noted by krnov as the spot where he buried Borman was still growing in July 1965 the spot was duly EX vated with journalists standing by for the scoop they removed a large amount of berin yellow sandy soil reaching a layer of Ash marking the May 1945 ground level but no Boran was found Von Lang worried wanted to dig up the entire sight to find the bones of Borman and Schumer but this didn't happen in fact nothing happened for another 7 and 1 half years until December 1972 when the authorities announced that two sets of Bones have been accidentally uncovered by workmen digging only 13 M from the spot where krnov alleged he had buried a body resembling Borman in May 1945 but the authorities contention that the discovery was accidental was not quite the whole truth in Summer 1972 Fon Lang had found out that building work was to commence on the ulap fairground site St magazine had been alerted and the West German authorities concerning the possibility of finding boran's remains in fact many of the workmen on the site thought that they would receive a big reward if they found Borman so it was a hunt for Borman that ended with an accidental Discovery now for the weird parts of the story or I should say the weirder Parts the skeletons of a short man and a very tall man were found buried beside each other the tall man's feet next to the shorter man's skull but wait a minute postmaster B had written written to fruma in 1945 without recording another body laying right next to her husbands and if you remember Albert krnov and his burial detail from the post office had interred the two corpses quite far apart they specifically mentioned this now in 1972 the Boran corpse was found 15 M from where krnov had noted it as being buried beneath a small stand of three popler trees that were still growing in 1972 this is is all rather strange Dr Schumer's corpse if we are to believe postmaster B and post worker krnov had also managed to move a considerable distance following interment to lay next to borman's corpse which had also shifted 15 M from where it was buried again rather weird unless of course we completely dismissed postmaster burnt post worker krnov and all the other witnesses as Liars or faulty memories but the weirdest thing was the condition of the smaller man's skull in comparison to the skeleton of Dr stumer the latter was identified based on a rough Dental sketch from 1945 that the West Germans had in their archive the shorter man's skull was completely encased in a reddish brown clay stump feger skull did not exhibit this strange coating it looked as though Borman skeleton had not originally been buried in the yellow sandy soil of Berlin but someplace else and at some point reburied next to Schumer skeleton at the old ulap Fairground the skull was later cleaned this volcanic reddish brown clay material but such a said type is native to one area long associated with Martin Borman eer in Paraguay where it is said Martin Borman was buried in 1959 after dying of cancer before we move on to the question of why boran's skull may have been planted let us consider some of the other interesting points concerning both bodies one of the major problems you will note if you look at both contemporary coverage of this story or modern retellings is the way Borman and Schumer's skulls are repeatedly mislabeled in photographs Schumer's skull is often labeled as Borman you may also note that a large portion of the left Vault of Schumer's skull is missing indeed the skull was found in the state the authority claimed at the time that this damage had been caused by a steam shovel Duren excavation if that was so the skull due to the great power of the shovel would be cracked radial cracks spreading from the damaged area this is not the case the broken bone or parts of it would have been driven into the brain cavity and should still have been present in the soil the missing section actually shows a vertical cut Edge a pattern completely at odds with the downward force of a steam shovel the missing skull Parts give the impression of having been surgically removed the cuts reminiscent of surgical sores the missing parts of the skull were never found in the soil around the skeleton despite the area being repeatedly searched some researchers have suggested that the skull was worked on postmortem to conceal evidence of a gunshot wound remember arur axman asserted that Borman and stum feger had killed themselves using poison this became the official government position as well even though axman was heavily doubted later on including by such authorities as Hugh Trevor Roper Dr Schumer's skull having a bullet hole in the left temple would have made a mockery of all the eyewitness testimony and put in doubt the story of a dead Boran lying on the bridge whether schum feger killed himself or was killed in the fighting that was still ongoing around the L station remains open to debate what we can say however is the skull is very strange cyanide capsule remains were indeed found in the mouths of both skulls in 1972 but they turned out to be of a type not used by German Personnel in 1945 again strange Borman was initially identified by his teeth based on the memories of Hitler's dentist Professor Hugo blaska who was captured by the Americans in 1945 Fritz Ekman a German dental assistant who worked for Professor blaska also agreed with blaser's diagram of borman's teeth borman's dentition mostly accorded to the two Dental experts Recollections interestingly an upper jaw dental bridge made by Fritz Ekman for Borman was missing from the red clay en case skull found in 1972 although the yellow sandy soil around the corpse was thoroughly searched repeatedly the bridge wasn't found forensic odontologist Dr ryar SNES asked the West German Chancellor vly Brandt for permission to examine the borman's skull as he had collected extensive data on borman's dentici from historical sources and he wanted to help in the identification of the corpse while s's request was being debated by the powers that be borman's missing Bridge work was suddenly found 3 months after the skull had been located and it was found only 1 meter away from the ground even though the site had been very thoroughly sifted many times when Dr SNES discovered discrepancies between the skull he examined and Professor blaser's records the authorities neatly explained these Away by saying that blaser's records were wrong but blashka records were meticulous and were deemed accurate enough to enable the West German government to state that the skull was definitely Martin borman's leading to him being declared legally dead in 197 3 therefore the official story remains that Boran died by cyanide poisoning in Berlin in the early hours of the 2nd of May 1945 so what did Dr SNES discover that is it at variance with the official line put simply SNES found evidence of dental work on borman's teeth not noted by Professor blashka or his technician ehman work using materials that could only have occurred after 1945 basically the state of boran's teeth indicated more dental problems than those noted by the thorough and professional blaska before May 1945 the first area to be red flagged was the two lower Central incizors on Dr blaser's diagram both teeth were natural and without fillings on the Bor man's skull found in 1972 the teeth had been replaced by two plastic posts to support a bridge SNES couldn't understand how blaska could could not recall fitting such a major piece of dental Furniture during his treatments of bourma this was explained away as blaser's poor memory interestingly another of Hitler's Dental technicians K Haman had when interviewed accurately described borman's teeth producing the same pattern of denti recall by blaska and Ekman when hoan was told that Borman had a missing lower front inzer bridge she was in disbelief Fritz ehman had made bridges for Professor blaser's patience and when interviewed he had no recollection of making one for the front of boran's teeth and also contended that Professor blaser's diagram of borman's teeth was accurate but there was more blaser's diagram noted that borman's first upper left Muller was missing as well as the third upper right Moler but on the skull both teeth were present and had gold crowns this indeed is very strange there were also several other areas of concern noted by Dr SNES over eight in total that challenged the notion that Borman had died in 1945 in fact if you believe that Borman died in May 1945 you must base upon the skull's dentition believe that Professor blaska was completely wrong in his Recollections of the Dentistry of one of his most important patients and furthermore you must also believe that his well-trained and skilled Dental technicians hoan and Ekman who both independently certified that BL 's diagram of borman's teeth was correct were also both wrong unable to recall work they had undertaken and incompetent that's three respected Dental experts versus the evidence of post 1945 dental work on borman's skull the borman's skull was DNA tested in 1998 and was apparently a match for Boran though we don't know the absolute details of this test the anomalies in the dental record have led many researchers to surmise that Boran was alive after 1945 in the previous episode I laid out the story surrounding the discovery of the skeletons of Martin Borman and Dr ludvig stumer in West Berlin in 1972 And We examined in some detail the troubling forensic evidence on both men's skulls in stum Fager's case a strange excision of a portion of his skull and in Borman case evidence of post 1945 dental work suggesting if true that the reiches minister had survived the war and then there was the mysterious reddish brown clay substance that coated borman's skull but notched them figures a kind of soil completely different from the yellow sandy soil upon which Berlin was built but superficially identical to soil found in eer in Paraguay where many sources claim Martin Borman was buried in 1959 after about 14 years on the run from Justice in this episode I will attempt to answer the following questions could borman's skull have been planted in West Berlin in 1972 and by whom and for what reason I will also reveal government documents that came to light in Paraguay that support the supposition that Borman did in fact Live and Die in Paraguay after the war as many old Nazis and Nazi Hunters alike had claimed throughout the 1950s to the 1970s so could someone have planted borman's skull in 1972 sounds like the plot of a cheap Thriller but the circumstances of its Discovery inexplicable forensic evidence and the bigger picture suggest it was possible as I see it there are three possible scenarios scenario one is that Borman died in Berlin on the 2nd of May 1945 the current official story and was buried in an unmarked grave by post office workers from from the Lea station under orders from the Red Army and found by accident in 1972 when construction work Disturbed the site scenario number two the West German government found and retriev borman's skull from its grave at ITA Paraguay and planted it and Dr Schumer's skeleton in a grave close to where post office workers had reported burying them in 1945 they did this knowing the area was under Redevelopment and helped construction workers accidentally find them but why the answer May lie in the poor report of the West German government in its ability to help find fugitive Nazi war criminals to put it bluntly from the 1950s to the 1970s the West German federal government was less than proactive in pushing various South American dictatorships and democracies to arrest and Deport wanted Nazis certainly in comparison to the Polish and Israeli governments for example in fact the the West German diplomatic service was still employing ex-nazis on a massive scale with many ambassadors and consoles former nsdap members the figures speak for themselves researchers have found that in the period 1950 to 1973 at the worst case 77% of senior officials in the west German Justice Ministry were former Nazi Party members this map from 1962 shows West German ambassadors those marked with a swas of former Nazi Party members while those with a diamond had worked in Hitler's diplomatic service these men showed a disinclination to hunt out former fellow Nazis this attitude only changed from the 1970s onwards as a World War II Ira employees retired from senior positions their places being taken by the Generation untainted by association with Hitler it's been suggested that many in the west German government and the foreign Ministry wanted the whole sworded Nazi past forgotten as the Germans worked hard for readmission to the human race therefore dragging old Nazi monsters out of their South American hidey holes to allow the Press another opportunity to bash the Germans over the war and the Holocaust was not desired so could the West Germans have pulled off such a stunt the BND the West German intelligence service had ironically been founded by Major General Reinhard Galen head of the World War to Eastern Front intelligence service FR deiro OST and his network of Agents included many former gapo SD SS and upir men who went to work for the BN under us protection in the 1950s the BND was founded in 1956 by Galen from an earlier post-war group he called the org formed from a number of upair ss and gapo agents it worked exclusively with the CIA Galen remained in charge of West German intelligence until 1968 a very large number of Nazi war crime suspects found employment with the BND including many intimately involved with the Holocaust this was all ignored by the CIA and indeed by the West German government in the Cold War against East Germany and the USSR it is not beyond the Realms of possibility that some bndd men were still sympathetic to the old regime and maintained some secret contacts with Nazi networks in South America the discovery of Martin borman's skull in West Berlin in 1972 allowed the West German government to state that Borman had never escaped justice as it had maintained all along and Justified its curious inaction for hunting for Borman in the intervening decades he had also conveniently ended public interest in looking for Nazi war criminals as the admission that the hunt for Boran had been nothing more than chasing Shadows was sure to end public Fascination in the subject and allow West German ger to put the war once and for all behind it and get on with the European project and the creation of the new Germany certainly the discovery of borman's remains in 1972 was very convenient for the West Germans conspiracy or no conspiracy hence his great haste in declaring Borman legally dead in 1973 and its rubbishing of any evidence that ran contrary to its official line scenario number three is linked to number two in this scenario borman's were planted in West Berlin by shadowy Nazis or their Neo-Nazi helpers in order to take the heat off them in South America again the discovery of borman's skull and its identification was once more very convenient for The Wanted men hiding in various South American nations since the late 1940s the last important Nazi fugitive had actually never left Berlin according to the official story so who cared about the underlings whose names hardly anyone knew Nazi hunting continued after 1972 of course particularly the hunt for Dr YF mangela but never with the same fever pitch of press excitement as during the Borman years neither scenarios two or three were impossible with careful planning and some knowledge it could have been done but if it was done whoever did it made mistakes someone ignored these significant of different soil types someone tried to tidy up the schump feger skull so it conformed to the official story which was of course based entirely upon the unreliable testimony of a Nazi Hitler Youth leader arur axman and axman alone someone didn't realize that borman's dentition could have changed from 1945 perhaps the operation was done in haste as it was important to get the Borman remains found and identified before the ulap fairground site was redeveloped in West Berlin it can be suggested that both sculls had evidence of having been worked on Stump Fager's skull showed signs of having had a portion excise for some unknown reason Borman skull had a missing lower Bridge which was eventually found 3 months later after the site had been repeatedly searched Borman skull was encased in a reddish brown clay that was not found in Berlin this material was washed off before it could be properly tested boran's jaw show clear evidence of post 1945 dental work the bodies were discovered in a position completely different to that noted by arur axman and in locations some distance from where post office workers testified that they had buried them both Jaws contained glass fragments from cyanide capsules but the capsules were different from those used by the SS at the end of the war these and several other points have never been properly addressed by the German government so the truth has to be either scenarios 1 2 or 3 there are are no other realistic scenarios to the story of the recovery and identification of borman's remains now we turn to the evidence that emerged from the paraguayan archives in the decades after borman's skull was found in West Berlin after the fall of General Alfredo Strossner's fascist regime in Paraguay the records of the former Administration was searched and cataloged as this awful period in paraguayan history known as the terror was addressed police records from the min hisory of the Interior revealed that Borman had indeed been an aunion entering from another South American country in 1956 he had then settled at Colonia hoau a German Town 350 km south of the capital living for a long time in the house of a man named Alban Krug Borman had also received dental treatment in 1958 at the time he was suffering from an undiagnosed stomach complaint this later turned out to be cancer Borman died on the 15th of February 1959 in the home of German VNA Yong at C General MacArthur assion this information which emerged in the 1990s from paraguayan files is almost exactly the same as the information I outlined in previous episodes which came from Witnesses in the 1960s and '70s they are unconnected but almost exactly the same which does lend some Credence to the idea of Borman actually being in Paraguay and 50s so Borman died on the 15th of February 1959 according to official paraguayan government sources 2 Days Later Borman was buried by Germans at ITA 35 km southeast of aunion the files reveal that Borman had come to Paraguay under str's protection the dictator employing many old Nazis these records are genuine and they still exist today and if they are truthful make for quite a story however they contain no photographs no fingerprints and so have very limited use forensically I'll leave it up to you to decide who may have placed borman's skull in the grave in Berlin and for what reason or whether indeed you believe the German story that the remains were there since the 8th of May 1945 when the bodies of Borman and stum fega were interred suffice it to say there are enough pieces of evidence and enough questions raised by the Bor man's skull and the story of boran's death and burial to lead to further investigation simply dismissing any questioning of the official narrative as conspiracy theory in inverted commas is rather naive and goes against the whole idea of historical inquiry there is more to the story of the death of Martin Borman than meets the eye incredibly after being stored for many years borman's remains were cremated by the Germans in 1999 and Scattered in the Kila book outside side of German Waters this means that there is no forensic evidence left that can be re-examined in this case using modern techniques or new technology you can make of that what you will many thanks for watching please subscribe and share and also visit my audiobook Channel War stories with Mark Felton you can also help to support both of my channels of PayPal and patreon details in the description box below
Channel: Mark Felton Productions
Views: 912,118
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Keywords: Mark Felton, Martin Bormann, Battle of Berlin
Id: rjUtrTAtPFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 25sec (4525 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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