THE HUNGER GAMES: Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes Reaction *where is lucy gray?!

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one [Music] [Applause] [Music] go sorry this is the first I was going to say it's the first time I'm talking today but that's a boldfaced lie I just feel a bit you know sometimes you just got to anyway hello hi welcome we're here we're sitting down to watch the new Hunger Games right not seeing it yet really really wanted to go to the cinema but I thought no I will say when this movie first got like the trailer got released and whatnot um I'm not sure if I actually have watched the trailer but I remember thinking oh like why are they trying to remake a classic but then I rapidly realized that oh no they're not trying to remake a classic like with just different characters this is like a origin story of snow I believe so I was like okay now now I'm on board okay now now I'm now I'm intrigued because my initial thought was why the [ __ ] is Jennifer Lawrence not in this movie but then obviously this makes more sense now that this is meant to be like an origin story so after I realized that then I got excited and now we're here we're going to watch it I've bought it on YouTube it's a long ass movie and it cost me 20 before we do get in I want to just quickly shout out the patrons thanks for being over there thanks for supporting the channel it's because of you guys that I'm able to make videos as consistently as I try too um so thanks for being over there if you guys do want to check it out and you haven't yet every single upload whether that be movie or a TV show that I put on this channel goes on patreon a few days in advance completely unedited so you get to watch it the whole way through with me with no edits and there's also another Tia where I host once a month movie Nights this month's movie night is actually coming up this weekend so yeah check out the patreon check out my second Channel bit more brand where I post other content besides reactions my merch oh just just quickly to mention my merch is only going to be available for a little bit more time I'm not sure when you're going to be watching this but when I'm filming this it's like another 12 to 13 days so it might be around 10 days um when you're watching this on YouTube so if you do want merch and are interested in this launch check it out because once it's gone it's gone and I'm going to be doing some new things this year so check it out if you want otherwise guys let's go oh [ __ ] we've got text the dark days 3 years before the first annual Hunger Games oh [ __ ] God so the Hunger Games hasn't even started yet [Music] wow did that dog have rabies I think it had rabies Foy at the mouth right that's a rabies thing [Music] thing why she doing this is he chopping up bodies he's starving wait cannibalism nice oh I can't man I can't imagine chopping someone's leg off and just go into town munching on it your father is dead cor elanus it was a rebel they said coriolanus that's a word isn't it it's up to us now to make him proud and the rebels are bad aren't they cuz that's what catniss was in the original Hunger Games oh [ __ ] okay we got parts Part One the mentor [ __ ] guys I honestly have no idea I've not read the book nothing so I have no idea what we're going to get here look at me me not thirsting bet you all expected me to thirst hey and love to you oh shut the [ __ ] up granny Tigress I'm sorry I know I'm late but look I did it I I did something I think it's really gorgeous it's beautiful I love Hunter oh my God she's a major selling point for this movie in my opinion I told fabr at work F the tessay buttons I made from the bathroom tile DIY Queen should really eat something today save them for Grandma you looks so handsome Grandma God darts and everything [ __ ] get it are you sweating it's reaping day we gave driver the morning off hungry cook serves steak for breakfast had to throw half out actually no that's not the truth Oh wait we're acting sh on Coro don't you know that they're Starving in the districts we're acting as though we're not living as a paa I guess it's to fit in with all these wankers right who won the prize oh no I'm not going to ruin my father's big day no one here actually likes him but they do love his money you know what that's like don't you ragon funny so this is the reaping I know you have high hopes for this but there is no prize today what do you mean what do you what do you mean what do you mean not anymore well we were banking on that money where's the [ __ ] money gone babes where is the prize icon icon tantalizing Viola Davis I am Dr volumia GA your humble head game maker the creator of The Hunger Games themselves Dean Casa High bottom tyon sick name select students faculty he created the hunga games [ __ ] I am here to tell you that there has been a change this year one final assignment to prove your worth uh the plint prize will no longer be determined by who has the best grades excuse me but by who is the best Mentor in The Hunger Games wait so I mean that makes sense because in the in the other Hunger Games obviously that's what Effie and Sheamus that's that's who they were they were mentors okay so this is when that started your role is to turn these children into spectacles Miss crane not survivors so they don't have to make their tribute win anyone caught cheating to give their tributes an unfair Advantage we'll just have no future at all [Music] oh and here we go the rug girl District 12 she belongs to Cory Elena snow so we get the last one yay Lucy gray failed outfit oh my God hello gown oh my gosh she looks [ __ ] cool wait a minute sing your way out of this one Lucy gray don't like her what is that dress it's called Chic you are not one to comment on style my darling I didn't know I didn't know I'm sorry I mean she kind of she kind of looks like she's about to own own this [ __ ] I'm a snake I'm I swear little snake a snake she just put a snake in her top my daughter help her it's said it's his daughter o so I wonder if she so I wonder if he has seen to it that she gets piics because clearly they've got some sort of rivalry or unfinished business or something cuz she was like sing your way out of this one Lucy [Music] gray oh my God we're all singing nothing you oh wait a minute I'm hearing something Lucy gray nothing you can take this is all already entertaining is it not this is already what we want well done cor oenus she's making a spectacle out of herself and doing it flawlessly can't take my humor go on girl take Capital says keep rolling absolutely fascinating it's just rumor wait she's good guys she's good I know know we had like the Hanging Tree song but it wasn't this was it she's on the mic too she said you can kiss me yeah you can kiss it oh I've got goosies well she's mentally ill she's mentally for singing sorry if you don't know fun sorry if you don't know vocal Talent your makeshift shirt and your two tight shoes trying desperately to fit oh God we're not being classist again I had this in saltburn can we leave the poor people [Music] alone guys I love her dress am I supposed to to think that's ugly cuz I don't welcome to the capital hi Lucy when I was little my mama used to bake me in buttermilk and Roose petals tastes like bedtime maybe she's a bit unstable I'm your Mentor what does my mentor do besides bring me roses I do my best to take care of you good luck with that gorgeous oh guys she does exude confidence doesn't she like she doesn't seem worried she doesn't she doesn't seem like fragile in any way so what are we doing why would you get in into a truck with a whole load of tributes when you're very clearly from the capital get him Reaper I will kill you right now he'll do it too I say we all kill him I'm in we're going to be mad angry and upset want you in there miss St you're not very bright I'm so glad we had that [Music] talk well we'll give them a chance to stand up and catch their breath I'm jealous to that entrance we've put them in a [ __ ] cage like animals that's right the capital Zoo where this year's tributes will be held here they're being held in a zoo oh God what in a gem of pan you see that's a Academy Rouge no an academy Rouge who are you and why are you in there with them we're liveing say something on it mhm she's giving [ __ ] him advice well that's something you don't see every day they're holding hands I mean he's working it already guys how do you do my name is Cory Elena snow and this is my tribute Lucy Grey barar from District 12 hi there my name is punches camera time working Diva where did you find that snake oh he found me must have been a music lover must singing calmed him WRA down gag your little Excursion is in violation of about five different Academy rules Mr snow I'm moving for the game makers to disqualify you as Mentor immediately you make it look as if one in the same as those animals we're all human beings can we all just realize that and that goes for life oh guys this is going to get me on my soap box I feel winning a war 10 years ago doesn't justify starving people's children taking away their freedoms their rights snow fell down in the cage at down I love her guys I do love I came here to ask your star Menor question star Menor ooh someone said look at this tyoo what are the Hunger Games for they're to punish the districts for their Uprising punishment can take Myriad forms WHY games cous your sadistic [ __ ] I don't see how making children fight each other to the death is protecting anyone get him maybe sanus is on to something here maybe we should be viewing those tributes as human beings because then you have a connection and if someone dies then you're going to be sad about it look I I know Lucy gray may not win in the arena but if you give her a chance she'll put on one hell of a show that's for damn surea I don't agree with the games obviously but if we're thinking about it and we're thinking about clicks and Views it works I'd like you to write up a proposal of these thoughts tonight Mr snow corus and I are class Partners we do all of our assignments together what the [ __ ] what the Miss Diva you're not hanging on the end of my coattails thank you very much sit sit your ass down the [ __ ] he was my classmate back in to his tribute [ __ ] my father bought him for me you know at the raping just so he could show me that I could never go back to two his father bought him and made him his tribute just wow I'm not hungry you think I can't hear your stomach growling Jess of digs what's on his neack Bat BT rat bite or bat bite come on try hard one thing I learned in 12 is that hunger is a weapon what are we doing what are we doing are you going to share everything that I give you with Joseph oh why you think I ought to build up my strength so I can strangle him in the arena you seem like a good man Corina snow sure would have been nice to meet you under different circumstances one of your shows maybe yeah I mean he yeah it does seem decent but what [ __ ] changes you know how do you become so [ __ ] disgusting and oh my God deserve sorry deserved she kept saying to her take it do something take it make a scene well here you go buddy you got one where's the blood guys there's no blood what you're just lucky that your song bird didn't Peck out your eyes too she's not a rebel grandm she's just a girl trust me that one hasn't been a girl in a long time oh I hate the oldies outside this Capital they're Savages guys there's so many things that relate to real life in these movies she will use you you must use her or you'll end up dead in the trees like your father and I love that Tigress obviously we kind see kind of see what happens to her in the other movies but I'm happy at least somebody sees the [ __ ] truth of the matter which is that these are at the beginning and the end of it just humans like everybody else and that doesn't change based off where you from or who you are and what your upbringing is you [Music] know it's Reaper right um let me read you what oh you [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] [Music] bastard I'm so sorry about your classmate thank you oh my God that really took me [Laughter] about I need you to sing in these interviews later oh come on girl you need to be liked if you want gifts you need to be liked and what how are you going to do that by [ __ ] you really want to take care of me in that Arena corus start by thinking I can actually win I like her she's she's buy people oh [ __ ] Snakes song birds and snakes okay I'm getting it which one of you actually wrote it well I was inspired by cor lenus yesterday of course his little vedding idea I'm about to beat this [ __ ] up but the sponsorships and the gifts in the arena those were all mine CL is she for serious unfortunately my assistant Mook it for trash this morning please miss doot retrieve it for us won't you so we might all consider your inspired ideas she's got to put a hand in there if they're used to your scent or if they've inhaled the sweat of your Palm on a page they'll leave you alone f a new scent however Fu it's not her scent she's going to get eight you'd be on your own little girl retrieve it Miss Viola she knows she knows this is [ __ ] she's she's proving a [ __ ] Point all right all right all right I'm not above using spectacle to create a little terror the strategy your classmate here articulated very well in his proposal [ __ ] period She Knows will she die I hope so welcome to the arena for the 10th annual Hunger Games tributes mentors you have 15 minutes to survey the space and discuss strategy oh stunning okay that's good at least they get to find out where all the hiding spots are and what not psych what why is it blowing up and like a l [ __ ] B [ __ ] bollocks guys okay so this this is definitely going to be some sort of like Rebel attack i' imagine cuz they obviously weren't planning on that because they said like you've got 15 minutes to survey the survey the space help me Lucy gray help us please oh my God she's actually coming back rather than leaving while she has a chance the gate's open come on he would have saved [Music] you this is [Music] wild as if she went back and saved his ass she's a great one Marcus got out he's the only one peacekeepers are hunting him in the streets but at least he has a better chance out there than he would tomorrow so Marcus the one from District Two is got out good for [Music] him she's connecting with people Miss Lucy gray thank you go home go to bed get a good night's sleep you got a big day tomorrow oh God I can't imagine the night before knowing that tomorrow I'm to go into an arena and fight for my life and potentially not come out alive like how is that oh my God the way that would [ __ ] up a person I'd have to plan something I'd have to plan something really [ __ ] up I would I would have [Music] to she great what are we doing so he just went and like I'm assuming scoped out the place cuz they didn't actually get chance to did they but what are we doing with the rat prison it's okay I am going to get you out of here that song that song was payback my old boyfriend Billy Tae he was cheating on me with the mayor's daughter the tea is exceptionally good today who made this the girl from the re yeah she got crazy jealous she had her PW read my name up on that stage and that's that [ __ ] and that's that guy was like I'm so sorry no it's too fun it is not a gift it's alone what's in here don't touch it don't even breathe it in because small amounts can be deadly what guys I think we're cheating this this is cheating right stand on your mark or you will be shot guys I can't imagine it can't imagine it can't imagine it this is [ __ ] up and crazy and we're not some of us really aren't doing well oh oh [ __ ] the monsters all of you we are so glad you came bye-bye oh my God as if they [ __ ] killed him straight away they weren't even allowed to compete in the [Music] games I'm scared guys I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared Jess Jess he told you to run leave Jessup waa oh I don't like how this is shot this is really freaking me out guys I'm having a break down oh my God they're not the guys they're not [ __ ] around I mean she's dodging them very [Music] well grab grab the pitch for and stab we got to go come on get out of here we got to go we got to go yeah but they're chasing you you can't go under ground cuz they know where you are they're following you that eliminates the whole purpose of being able to hide does it not oh I hate it I hate when people have to squash through tight spaces oh I don't love I don't love absolutely not wait so is he dead or not oh he's not dead guys he's moving so they've just put him up there to make a scene oh we're going to put him out of his misery for [ __ ] [Applause] sake [Music] dust oh my God it takes 320 donations to get a bottle of water what in the [Music] world well that wasn't quite successful was it maybe we should have worked out the Kinks who do you think makes that final decision for the prize you so covet Mr snow I will do everything in my power to ensure that you don't see a dime why why don't you like me didn't he say that he was friends with our dad I'm not sure I drink that what have you done to it I didn't do anything Jess just you okay honey no it's going to it's going to be all all kinds of [ __ ] up that bite is's not going to be doing doing him any favors I'm sorry guys I would have left him SAS I believe sustenance for a fallen comrade District 2 superstition why is he in there why would you go in there oh dumb [ __ ] you choose to be friends with this radical it'll look a lot worse if the tributes killed two of us so don't let them we you get them out unscathed you want that plin prize don't you I'm supposed to go in there and retrieve some [ __ ] that's stupid enough to go in there in the first place is clearly got no regard for his own life that's all I'm going to say which to be fair fair enough given the circumstance but he's not just going to come back out is he you know or he woulded it already what the [ __ ] are you doing in a queen you need to go Coro I'd like to I really would but I promise to get you out why because you're my friend and because I want the prize go cut the feed tribute to kill you in here she's just going to say you die to the flu so that's why he went to show like people watching in the districts that like he cares come with me spend your father's money do some real good well yeah cuz no one's no one's going to find out regardless of what happens in here they've caught the cameras dead ass oh he's got a machete guys he's got a machete ah is his leg I don't want to hurt [Music] you the oh my God self-defense boots wait they sent me into the Arena tonight Tigers what she get a Jus out oh my God she's guys I'm sorry I know it's a deep moment but she is so shake you do live killed one of the tribute it must have been awful it felt [Music] powerful excuse me what now I know you want to be like your father but what are we doing what I remember the most about him was that in his eyes it was just a h you don't have to pay the same price just to survive no F can be good absolutely they can [ __ ] get him together Tigress she said shut the [ __ ] up with this [ __ ] you've killed someone and it's bad but you had to do it self-de self-defense boots but we're not going to begin liking it no no we're not oh my God hello her outfit I'm sorry I would not be sat there with him is is clearly going through something like paranoia is setting in fing what did you do to me ly what is he doing something's wrong he he wouldn't turn on her like this just it'll be the bite infection rabies or something I think it's rabies absolutely Raby boots that bite send him water rabies it makes you afraid of water send him a drone miss vicker's going for her community pad early thank you sending a drone nothing to be proud of oh my God she's saving Lucy gray in this moment where going rabies makes you oh rabies makes you scared of water the [ __ ] I didn't know that gosh you know what I'm finding though although obviously there's been gy scenes we're not seeing any blood or anything so is this meant to be PG Lucy babes we got to go somewhere we can't stand here there's been a Ruckus caused here people will know that you're out in the open Lucy gray yeah that's going to be a problem isn't it just stay right there I never understand though I never understand when like this whole pack mentality in this situation specifically Mr snow going for his communion head because realistically you all kill everyone off yeah all right fair enough but then there's four of you then that have got to battle it out oh we're using the drones as a weapon sickening okay and they come in switch hey you can't attack the tributes I'm just sending water loophole you two can watch that beam while we get your little friend from back home up there at [Music] least I know what would do him she's going to get that [ __ ] rat poison she's going to and she's going to go put it with the rest of them so then so then they'll drink it and then ding [Music] dong we're all oh my God big fat stab in the back big fat stab in the back oh and we're emptying the rest out so they have no choice but to drink it that's an even SM [Music] idea like guys where's the blood you know I can't see it I can't see it what are we doing Queen guys oh she's not yeah she's going to go drink that [ __ ] godamn water ain't she really I mean I suppose I suppose we're going to die I mean I don't suppose that but I mean I suppose it is what it is she's kind of got to die so we can survive but [ __ ] he just tore down the flag oh we're all outraged just because he tore down a [ __ ] Flag but no one's outraged that there's people fighting for their lives for no reason here reason here are you going to punish me now are you going to punish me Capital citizens God I got goosies then before the sun goes down tonight a rainbow of Destruction will engulf our Arena the snakes even if it means there's to be no Victor in these games well yeah I mean this is kind of a foreshadowing to what we see in like the other ones because in those ones obviously they were sending [ __ ] obstacles in the whole time to make it harder he's going to put that he's going to go find the snakes he's going to put that in there and then Lucy is going to be safe I know it slay but once again that's cheating it's not good guys it's not good meanwhile oh rat poison right on your [ __ ] face and Garb I've got you now so bird wait oh I'm scared what's wrong with [Music] treat did cor do something to treat oh my God Lucy gray back it up Queen why are we staying [Music] there guys it's the snakes the snakes are coming in God she has H hung around as she shoving some snakes in there is it over can we go home now wovie what are you doing wovie wovie down goes Wy oh no [ __ ] oh that's brutal oh that's brutal oh that's rough and he's not even moving he's not even fighting it no we're not helping you Queen you just tried to kill me it's not fa it's not life's not fair life's not fair [ __ ] good luck I can't have killed them all for nothing oh that has got to be brutal realizing that you've literally killed all these people and it didn't it didn't even matter because you're you're also going to die oh I suppose you don't have to worry about it for too long though do you it's over she's one she's W let her out afraid that's not your call to make Mr snow she said even if it means we we don't have a winner but what the [ __ ] is the point in watching then if we're don't going to get get any winner what was the point of it [Music] all sing babe sing she's got a lovely voice don't girl she won there's some about her voice guys it gives me goosies it's over let her out que let out oh my God guys this is kind of iconic what the [ __ ] how do they film this is this is this all CGI because surely we can't have her swarmed by this many [Music] snakes people like her get her out then when I'm pure like Ave when I've learned oh my God guys she's kind of she's kind of serving get her out get her out period get her out everyone's saying it get her out get her out get hey yeah who will watch the games if there's no Victor oh the [ __ ] up [ __ ] period I wish I'd just said that get her out you can't make this whole thing for nothing you know oh my God she's won where go winner but guys we've got like another hour left okay Lucy gray there's going to be something going to miss here cuz why have we got an hour left you know there's got and and also like there's got to be a reason why he ends up the way we know he ends [Music] up oh [ __ ] they've realized he cheated far you'll serve your capital in exile for the next 20 years as an anonymous peacekeeping grunt what we've got to become a peacekeeper oh well that's not what we hoped is it [ __ ] oh wait a godamn minute I've not thirsted up up until now but wait a godamn you know I thought I might find you here sitting all by yourself oh wait a minute oh he look gu he looks great with a bus C make me barely made the train because of this stupid knee but it's okay oh guys he looks so good with the bus cup [ __ ] me they never told us what you did I cheated save Lucy Gray from the snakes do you think they killed her oh my God it's so beautiful [ __ ] me up wait a minute the the hair was masking all this for me this is what happens when you challenge the capital's rule of law run run oh hiola [Music] hideous oh my God I'm not the [ __ ] Jabba Jays repeating it what do she kill to you being directly associated with Rebels what more do they need you need to find a way to make peace with our life here now the thing is obious viously we're on the we're on the side of the rebels here but there's obviously rules and if they find that someone's killed someone then they're going to get killed that's that's the that's the rule Mur is wrong murder is wrong so like and and his job as a peacekeeper like it's not like you can [ __ ] stop them from killing people you're part of the problem now no the only Lucy gra Lucy Gra oh my good God Lucy gray is alive and she's in district 12 go on is this what she sang at the reaping worth keeping oh guys we're having a ho [Applause] [Music] down who are we talking to sir he's going to get himself into trouble I think is this this is this her old boyfriend who cheated on her you've got some nerve come on settle down settle down you've got some nerve my man I know you missed me Lucy get your hands off me right now whoa what you punching me for [Laughter] get him don't [ __ ] with Lucy gray not on corus's watch that is a mouthful he is what are you crazy come on at It's a grand song coming to the tree okay we have a call back a call thought you know what hey girl hey they said I might find you out here sorry I still got one foot in the arena he's got a [ __ ] little waste hasn't he even in even in that baggy number like he has cinched that to filth go on your Dean he told me the strangest thing he said he was glad that I survived you huh what what does this what does this Dean guy I can't remember his name what does he know about him that we don't yet cuz obviously we know what he turns into your boy coming see you later guys he's he's causing trouble figured you'd be a while so I decided to explore town no you're not you're you're you're doing things dodgey dealings are you trying to help these people don't you think they need help period I'm not about to throw away any chance I might have of getting home someday just because you feel a bit guilty oh he's not going to allow himself to be um like to basically go down with him when he gets found out for doing dodgy stuff you know because obviously his his best interest is to obviously go home go to Tigress do other things you know so I mean it is it is understandable that like he doesn't want to be associated with it but he he's already going to get assoc associated with it because he is his friend like look what happened with [ __ ] the games when he went into the games you choose to be friends with this radical she went straight to him cuz she knew she knew that they were friends you know I brought you something it was my mother's I'd like for you to have it a thanks babes still smells like roses has he not washed it some people call it swamp potato I think Katniss has a much nicer ring don't you what Katniss's name means swamp potato what snow I received the results from your aptitude T morning over your training records too your performan is exemplary well thank you you I'm going to reassign you to officer training in District 2 you'll earn a real wage you even have another shot at the Capital One Day ah so maybe maybe this is what it's going to be then maybe he's just going to choose choose that path instead of Lucy gray it's [ __ ] talking to the woman in there he's going to get himself in trouble whatever it is you're doing you need to stop it they know we're friends you're going to get us both killed you told me I could do something you told me I could make a difference I mean yeah do it the right way though babes maybe they're going up north to start a new life far away from PanAm okay they need money for supplies they told me I could go if I got it for them oh so we so we're just trying to help the locals get out and live a better life I'm not planning on doing anything dangerous okay it's all dangerous guys is recording him Spruce he wants to get a sister Lil out of jail on base HF is going to execute her just because she knows the man that they killed it's wrong I'm going to help them get her your father will just buy your way out of it like he always does well I'll be hung just for knowing you she's got a point it is going to [ __ ] his whole life and his plans for his life over in the long run I don't need you to rescue me Coro and we got all that on tape on the bird they're just doing what anybody else would do cry we're grassing PL oh a plenty oh I do live these are supplies what would you think this a game you said that nobody was going to get hurt what are you doing guns s Janus ah so supplies meant goons are you crazy there are peacekeepers right out there there's another one in here now too I mean they're they're going to need guns if they're going to get get that woman out of prison aren't they it's not going to be easy for them they can't just wandering and be like we want her out he be she's okay Spruce she's join us to she's with me she what she's not going anywhere and neither are you my P's going to string y'all up wait so is she with them she'll get us all huh he's right no she won't Spruce she's all talk no action I don't believe that I don't believe that no absolutely not what do you think Lucy gray hey how' you enjoy the capital exactly she got her [ __ ] sent into the into the arena bastard oh my God guys he shotter he shotter guys he shot her I mean she was going to grass but oh my God you and me were going to be all right he was going to think this was us you car surprise comeing Capital boy I think he's just [ __ ] up his own life a little bit there oh my God Billy ta's gone too [ __ ] hell murder left right and Center you're going to sing like nothing is wrong and I'm going to find us a way out of this okay same those guns were the only loose end besides the four of us so we're going to be okay okay not a word guys he's like he's fully backstabbing him cuz like he's just said like we brothers or whatever he sad my brothers so whatever you've done I swear I will keep you safe but you [ __ ] SA a [ __ ] Jabba off to Grass these murderers shall be brought to Justice if the killers are still in Pan's grasp they will hang before the week is out [ __ ] crazy you okay me's going to get me kill Gus really tote mayther both did I could see how that looks it's not going to be good for her is it I just wasn't thinking I have to run guys he didn't hesitate at all I just learned office sending me to two for officer training but none of that matters now you were going to leave it's all pen as soon as they find that gun they'll hang me yeah we've got no choice I guess we're leaving with her we got one I think we got one oh was that him that killed was it Billy I don't know if his name was Billy get the other one up here it's going to be his friend isn't it cuz that recording it it it said exactly what they were planning on doing so like they know that he was going to it was a part of it what play the recording the leader Spruce he wants to get his sister liil out of jail on Bas I'm going to help oh no oh we really [ __ ] him and surely she's guys she's going to have she's got to have some sort of inclination that he was the one that sent it I'm sorry it's a dog eat dog world out there a it I suppose he just did what you had to do that's the tough one that's going to weigh [Music] heavy go on girl sing it sure it will be nice not to have to kill anyone else up north though huh three is enough for me you killed three as he just [ __ ] up who's the third what person you killed corus he said you killed three people I only know about too surely he's talking about Sir jamus he's [ __ ] up I think my own self I killed him I could come with you shut up oh she's not going to believe that no she's too smart guys she's too smart to believe that I know Lucy gray she ain't believing that bollocks that is crazy crazy if you want to fish there's rods under the floorboards oh [ __ ] are those those guns well that's not a [ __ ] fishing rod is it what is it we destroy that gun you're free no more list I mean yeah there'd be no besides me oh oh I don't like that besides you babes be careful he's got a gun there it could shoot you just going to go dig up some cat n thought it was too early for that the world changes awful fast it's still raining well I'm not made out of sugar she's acting weird guys she's acting weird is she gray oh sorry I was just plugging in my laptop cuz it's dying oh [ __ ] what was it oh a snake bite does she set that there cuz that was his mom's scarf you trying to kill me Lucy gray Lucy Gray I said are you trying to kill me oh he's crazy he's [ __ ] shot Lucy gray is he killed Lucy gray or has she got away are we a petray or something yeah you know where are we I've asked president Raven still to Grant you a full pardon effective immediately siing so you'll be studying under me now at the Capital University well that's how a certain Mr strael plinth has offered to pay for everything you need while you're there all for being such a good friend to his s Janus oh my God his father is paying paying for everything for us because he thinks we're a good friend I used to think that the Hunger Games Were punishment for the district God so this is how he turns into a stone cold [ __ ] idiot now I know the whole world is in Arena and who are you do you determine the Victor welcome home Mr snow what the [ __ ] so the the like betrayal from Lucy is kind of what makes him now see the world for what for what he well what he thinks it is what that's crazy she had every reason to do what she did Queen you look so handsome I prefer him with a bsut sorry what do you think I think you look just like your father Cory elus oh [ __ ] and that's not a good thing in her eyes cuz she had that whole discussion with him about his father before and said that he doesn't have to be like him people can just be good because I'm assuming like his father wasn't a very very good person so Janus Clint's personal effects from District 12 you grew a heart in the districts no not in the districts in The Hunger Games I should be thanking you the credit for the Hunger Games goes to your father half of it at least oh okay I only dreamed them up as assignment a joke when I sobered up I wanted it destroy but your father my best friend he'd stolen it from me that's why guys that's why he's got a disdain for our existence and has done this whole movie because I tried morphling the night that first child fell his dad was the creator of the games basically I tried to stop them however I could but then you came along gag snow lands on top [ __ ] this is wild guys this has been a very good sorry I'm spitting everywhere this has been a very good movie what was that is it poison has he just killed himself I wonder if he knew that that was poison and like killed himself as a relief it's the things we love most that destroy us wow wow guys that was a really good movie okay I have got a few questions so if you guys can let me know down below that would be fabulous because I would like to know if Lucy gr is alive do we know is there going to be a second one of these cuz they they easily could give us a second one cuz I would love to know what happened between Cory elanus and Tigress and why obviously like he banished her how like she ended up the way she did that whole thing cuz we don't know obviously I imagine it's just like his choices now moving forward just drove them apart because she clearly doesn't agree with the games the ideas of the capital and the way they see people in the districts and whatnot right so I imagine that would just be what it is but I would love to see it I would love to see that played out in a movie and kind of like yeah that whole thing unfill yeah Lucy gray big question mark did he kill her did she get away what because my thought is if she got away and she didn't die I suppose she didn't have any proof did she to obviously prove that he saw to it that sir jamus got found out and killed and and also he killed Mayfair or whatever his name was so I guess she can't say anything because there's no proof cuz I was going to say well why why won't she just come back and tell people but no proof there God Almighty and then yeah other last question the guy at the end did he know that little vial of thing was poison or did cor oenus put poison in them afterwards so I have a few questions but guys brilliant movie brilliant movie very pleased East thank you so much exceeded my expectations for sure I was obviously excited to come into it but that was really good Love Lucy gray hope she's alive what queen anyway let me know your thoughts down below please do subscribe like comment do all the things if you made to this point comment down below oh God what can we comment for this one oh comment down below where is Lucy gray yeah comment that down below if you made it to this point and I will see you all soon when the another video bye
Channel: Brad Evans
Views: 144,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hunger games, the hunger games: ballad of songbirds & snakes, ballad of songbirds & snakes, the hunger games reaction, the ballad of songbirds & snakes reaction, the hunger games: ballad of songbirds & snakes reaction, brad evans, Brad Evans reaction
Id: 9voEP40YTzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 0sec (3360 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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