The hummingbirds

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tenderness is the key in our following story a lot of sugar for this sweet encounter between birds and human beings thousands of kilometres away from the harpy eagles nest input the Javad on the shores of the Paraguay River Dona Maria sweetens the lives of the sweet tooth hummingbirds a woman and an ecologist in this manner she fills her garden with happiness and by shoddy news as she calls this woman likes birds and attracts them to her home with kindness and understanding her garden is a refuge an oasis in the cruel desert of the bird hunters and the birds are ever so grateful in Brazil many people like herself do not know what it is like to feed a pigeon but do know what it's like to feed hummingbirds the identity of the tropics besides enjoying this friendly story it also permits us to get close to surprising behaviors for example observe this hummingbird it feeds on nectar as to all the members of its family and that's why it goes up to the artificial flower that Dona Maria has sprinkled with water and sugar but something is going to make it change its diet today the ants are attracted by the sweet temptation and get dangerously close to the nest this will force this nectar eating bird to devour ants in flight more in defense of its chicks than as an entree its nest is the size of a locker glass and is built with saliva and spiderweb hummingbirds have very big salivary glands precisely for the building of their homes the female is the only one responsible for reproduction in all known species the agility control and hyperactivity of these animals attract our attention hummingbirds put a lot of heart into their lives exactly 20% of the total weight of their little bodies too much heart an enormous motor for a minut hyperactive bird just to get an idea in our case the heart is one-half of one percent of our weight in comparison noting the sharp beak is vital for sucking the nectar but with a tongue inside that completes the sophisticated instrument the tongue of this specimen is 4 centimeters long and acts like a precise hydraulic pump a hummingbird can suck nectar non-stop for 16 hours a day filling its crop with food that would be like a human being eating 50 kilograms of bread what happens is that its metabolism transforms all that excess into energy the fuel needed to move the turbo of its wings and how they move this mail of the Calif locks genus reaches 80 beats per second and the sound it produces in flight is characteristic accordingly a mosquito moves its wings 500 times in the same period that's why the buzz it produces is fine and bothers there are people in Brazil who can distinguish the types of hummingbirds by the buzzes and sifting they produce each specimen a sound a cylinder capacity another of mother it's murmurs from the air you
Channel: New Atlantis WILD
Views: 4,739,960
Rating: 4.801744 out of 5
Keywords: hummingbird, hummingbird fly, wings, wild, wildlife, bird, brazil, fowl, hunting, hunt, hunter, ornithology, ornitologia, pets, birding, birdwaching, taxidermy, dissect, dissected, fly, fowls flying, taxidermy birds, hummingbird flying, nectar, hummingbird eating, hummingbird tonge, Nature, nest, hummingbird nest, Eagle, Owl, Parrot, Duck, famous animals
Id: EQZ_BYjfIy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2013
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