The Horrors these Serial Killers Unleashed in California | Randy Kraft, Doug Clark, Carol Bundy

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[Music] when police discovered a handwritten list of 61 initials tucked in a suitcase in the back of Randy Craft's car they were puzzled by what it meant later it became clear the list was a scorecard of men Randy craft had murdered for more than a decade Randy craft predit UND dozens of young men around Southern California intoxicating them first with his charm then with alcohol and drugs followed by some of the most sadistic acts of torture and murder ever to confront law enforcers born in March 1946 Randy Steve craft grew up in a homely environment with his parents and three older sisters in a conservative middleclass neighborhood in Orange County one of the the most intriguing things I find about Randy craft is when he became the killer that he was he had a a really stable childhood he had a doting mother he had three Elder sisters and they all doted on him craft excelled at school while attending Westminster High School he graduated among the top 10 out of 390 students winning a scholarship to the prestigious Claremont men's college he then enrolled in the reserve officer training Corps and marched in support of the Vietnam War in his second year of University he was embracing his sexuality entering into his first homosexual relationship in 1966 at a time when homosexuality in California was still illegal craft was arrested for lwd conduct with another man in Huntington Beach he graduated with a degree in economics and a few months later was accepted into the US Air Force station at Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California he rose to the rank of Airman First Class that same year he came out to his family his mother was apparently understanding but his father took a lot longer to accept his son's sexuality by July 1969 his blossoming Air Force career ended abruptly he had a good education he was intelligent he had everything G for him and he tried various jobs University um he went in the military did all the American things and it seems that his life really started to unravel when the military kicked him out because he came out as being gay so 1969 they kicked him out the military cuz he was gay and the next year 1970 the sexual assaults started from him Randy Craft's first known assault was on a 13-year-old runaway called Joey fer who he met at Huntington Beach Boardwalk craft enticed fer back to his apartment where heed him with alcohol and pills before sodomizing him when craft left his apartment to go to work fer fled Barefoot and ended up in a hospital where doctors pumped his stomach police paid a visit to Craft's apartment and as well as finding illegal drugs found 76 photos of craft engaging in various sex acts with men no charges were pressed because police had searched his apartment without a warrant 2 years after he was discharged from the Air Force craft enrolled at Long Beach State University where he met and moved in with fellow student Jeff Graves although craft was now in a steady relationship it did nothing to stem his desire to coax young men back to his place he would uh ha the bars the gay bars um he would pick up U someone apparently he was really charismatic he was intelligent he could hold conversations with u people about any subject he liked military people cuz he'd been in the military before so he used to like young marines and he'd invite them back to his place afterwards and they drink and their chat and their talk and some of them have even mentioned that he was almost hypnotic without any suggestion at all that there was a sexual undertone into the the pickup that he effectively just made there was a a lot of people who escaped Randy craft so they've been able to talk about it since what propelled craft to unleash such torturous Horrors upon so many young men remains a mystery Edward Moore was a 20-year-old Marine he was last seen alive leaving his barracks on Christmas Eve 1972 2 Days Later his body turned up on the 405 freeway it had been thrown from a moving vehicle an autopsy however revealed the scope of Horrors inflicted on him he'd been bound beaten bitten and grotted while a sock was found forced up his rectum it would become a grotesque signature of Randy Craft's crimes that would scar Southern California for more than a decade over the course of 1973 craft brutalized at least four young men in February a body as yet unidentified was found on Terminal Island freeway he had been strangled and a a sock forced up his rectum 2 months later craft murdered at least three men among them was 17-year-old Kevin Bailey who was found dead in Huntington Beach he too had been sodomized but also emasculated he is the only person I've come across that would uh emasculate men in other words he would actually cut uh the testicles and the penis off uh and and hold it up to the victim but he'd do it to a live victim I've had it done tragically to people that are already dead and it it took me back to Medieval Times and you die of shock because once you IM masculate a man the blood loss is horrendous by December craft had resorted to dismembering more body parts of his victims 23-year-old art student Vincent Cruz mestas was found in the San Bernardino Mountains as well as having a sock inserted into his rectum his hands had been cut off this is a sadistic thing he obviously gets off on the pain the anguish and the agony of his victims the more Agony his victims in the more he gets his sexual kicks from it at least three murders were attributed to craft in 1974 20-year-old Malcolm little 19-year-old James Reeves and 18-year-old Marine Roger Dickerson he developed a type of victim young Caucasian male he had also developed a method to his murder alcohol and drugs same old story they would have a drink together he would then administer drugs somehow till they were really under his control and then that was it they were bound and they were over to him he could tie them up he could do what he want with them but he would have had to have taken them to a remote area because to do that to a live victim the screams would have been just inhuman so that's the really mystery side of Randy craft why was he so violent he would enjoy the kill he would prolong the kill and he would make it last as long as he could and the problem was what he did to his victims would leave a mess as far as a crime Scene goes messy crime scenes would come back to haunt Randy craft years later in the meantime craft was insatiable in January 1975 he abducted and murdered 17-year-old John Larry the high school student was last seen alive boarding a bus in Long Beach his dead body was found with a foreign object inserted in his anus in the same month police investigators convened to try and crack the case that had become known as the Southern California Strangler they even came close to making an arrest in May 1975 craft was questioned by police about the murder of Keith crotwell friends of crotwell had seen him slumped in a car belonging to craft but a Corner's verdict found crotwell had died from accidental drowning curtailing any plans the police had to arrest craft instead the bodies of murdered young white men continued to be found in and around Long Beach Craft wasn't the first or only serial killer to Target men but the extremity of his calculated sadism was shocking even to veteran forensic investigator Robin Napper the anger that he took out on his victims is frankly a level above anything I've ever seen in the summer of 1975 craft split up with his live-in partner he waited until New Year's Eve to murder again unleashing his most vicious AXS to date on 22-year-old Mark Hall craft bound Hall to a tree in a remote Canyon Hall had also been sodomized emasculated and his rectum inserted with a foreign object this time however ever the foreign object was Hall's own genitals the autopsy reported that Hall had died from asphixiation not from being strangled but suffocating on leaves and Earth that had been rammed down his throat burns from a Car cigarette lighter were found all over his body including his scrotum and eyes the one thing that's really staggered me about Randy craft is the violence that he used to use on his victims it is some of the most extreme ex violence I've ever seen anywhere used to like to stuff items of clothing up the anal passages of his victims or Jam something down their throat so once you get these telltale signs on a body and it happens consistently within a geographic area you've got your first indications that you've got the same person operating he gets his kicks a certain way uh and it's like us when we go to the bar for a drink we like a certain type of drink we like a certain type of food and we'll regularly go and do that to get the most pleasure in 1978 craft butchered and killed six more young men including Marines Scott Hughes and Richard Keith most of the victim's bodies were found on the side of the freeway pushed from a moving vehicle this Grim pattern continued well into the following year when he murdered five men in 7 months his obscene blood lust had escalated to severing the limbs and heads of three of his victims though only two could be identified as 20-year-old Gregory Wallace jolly and 19-year-old Mark Allen Marsh yet another Marine the 1980s saw no letup Craft's disturbingly distinct trail of murdered men now stretched to Oregon in Colorado with a discovery of dead bodies coinciding with his business trips to those States at last in 1983 craft cfic axe came to an end one main night craft was pulled over by two California highway policemen officer Sterling and officer Howard for driving erratically failing the breathalizer test officer Sterling arrested craft for driving Under the Influence officer Howard proceeded to look on Craft's passenger who was slumped under a jacket in the front seat he was arrested for something quite mundane um drink driving the California Highway Patrol saw him driving erratically 1983 pulled him over and there's handy craft driving the car they took him out the car went to speak to his passenger who wasn't very responsive for a very good reason cuz the passenger was dead it was his latest victim that it actually killed so the uh the police realized oh holy moly what have we got here the police officers had discovered the body of 25-year-old Marine Terry gambell although his body contained high levels of alcohol and a prescription tranquilizer Gambrell had been in fact strangled to death with a belt craft was taken into custody when police searched his car they discovered a handwritten list with more than 60 coded initials inscribed on it to their horror they soon worked out they were looking at a scorecard of Craft's deadly encounters so Randy was taken in custody the car was taken in custody and when they searched the car they found this Infamous scorecard there was a list there with 61 initials on there which had been written by Randy craft that we now know indicates a lot of the victims that he actually killed they think that that scorecard which is where he got the name the scorecard killer came from uh indicates probably up to 67 victims that he may have killed um but they've only been a to put names to about half of those they've been able to take some of the bodies that they found certainly there were two initials at one stage and they related to a double murder he did one night so they were able to match that one up and obviously they were able to match the times and the dates up as well but he was killing between 1970 and 1983 so this list spanned a 13-year period and they're only the ones he killed there could have been others that possibly escaped who possibly could have fought back um but he almost had had a lucky run not to have been captured for 13 years evidence retrieved from Craft's car and later from his home incriminated him in unresolved murders the Trove included Polaroids of murdered young men belts shoelaces and human blood stains Craft's trial began in September 1988 more than 5 years after his arrest after listening to testimony for 13 months months the jury found Randy Steven craft guilty of 16 counts of murder one count of sodomy and one count of emasculation he was sentenced to death it was a throwaway remark from an eager policeman and it's stuck like glue during the search for a killer who had taken six lives in two separate incidents in February 1991 Lieutenant Ray biondi was addressing local media in Sacramento in both incidents there was evidence of low-level robbery but the callous disregard for life did not appear to fit the extent of such minor crimes beyonde was asked what could possibly motivate such an extreme and murderous outcome and his answer would immediately give media a label to attach to the man being hunted by police that was my mistake and interview they asking him why did he kill these people and I said probably for the thrill of it couldn't figure out any other reason boom that was the headline police were on the hunt for the Sacramento thrill killer Eric Royce Leonard was just 8 months old when he had a seizure brought on by a high temperature by the time he was four he'd been diagnosed with epilepsy and was prescribed medication to control his seizures he lived variously with his parents who had split soon after his birth for a while staying with his mother in Missouri but mainly making his home in California he graduated from high school in 1988 and although he enrolled in junior college in 1990 a life of crime came suddenly in January 1991 he was arrested for stealing bathroom scales and on February 11th he pled guilty to the crime the following day Eric reyce Leonard pulled on a black trench coat took his father's 25 caliber Beretta pistol and headed to the local Quick Stop convenience store with no apparent motive he walked into the store and shot dead from close range store assistants Zed obid and Steven Anderson and customer Thor Johnson what was weird about that was uh it wasn't a lot taken from the store except beef jerky that kind you pick up off the counter because we found a lot of the containers for it outside the back door where they had been abandoned so we're working this and unfortunately this quick stop market is right there uh near close to an offramp of Interstate 80 so we're thinking a a couple robber robber came through town and Boogie on up or went north or south on on 80 you know it looked like just a robbery in a store and somebody wasted everybody was in there the following Tuesday less than a half a mile away in a Round Table Pizza in the evening in a very busy shopping center Somebody went in there and shot all three employees again with 25 caliber uh they were all remember head shots so yeah we hey things are hooked together now we had like two theories going at the time one is maybe we got some really bad guys who came into town on 80 cuz both places were right next to the off ramps stuck around for a week and committed these or it's somebody who's right in the area lives in the area familiar with the area and that was kind of where I was leaning so after the second Tuesday the sheriff's Bara really mobilized I mean we had people all over we ready for the third Tuesday and unfortunately there was a young man who stole a car and drove into that area and probably never saw as many guns at that particular Point here are all these sheriff's deputies dressed as gas station intendance store clerks and there's helicopters over here Highway Patrol but it wasn't the man police were searching for after the convenience store murders of Zed obid and Steven Anderson and customer Thor Johnson Leonard had caused Citywide Panic by waiting just 7 days before shooting and killing three staff members at the roundt pizza store Sarah crook Kyle Reynolds and Andrea coladangelo had all been shot in the head multiple times from close range concerns that the thrilled killer could strike again as coldly and brutally as he had on two consecutive Tuesdays LED California police into a frenzy of activity we kept a real intensive canvas going behind the apartments where the market was was a lot of apartments and we were just knocking on doors knocking on doors as as often as we could we also had some sidy ings and some other stores further away kind of a suspicious looking character some of the sightings talked about kind of a young man in this trench coat a full trench coat heavy kind of trench coat which was kind of peculiar in Sacramento I me if you live in New York you wear trench Co but you don't wear one here just two days after the Roundtable Pizza Store killings Eric Leonard who had been seen near the Quick Stop on the night of the first three murders was interviewed by sheriff's deputy Robert Bell according to the court records the sheriff's deputy considered Leonard to be timid frightened confused and appeared to be mentally disabled as a result he was ruled out as a possible suspect on the third Tuesday with Sacramento on high alert there was relief when there was no further related tragedy and The Manhunt continued for 17 years Lieutenant beyi had chased criminals primarily to bring them to justice but there was also a personal and more emotional purpose to his work on his retirement the unsolved murder still lingered in his mind as did many of the dreaded police death knocks when he and his colleagues delivered the tragic news of murdered loved ones to Partners brothers sisters sons and daughters that was difficult during the death notification uh I'm sorry your son didn't come home last night he has been murdered not he's deceased or passed away he has been murdered and we found his body blah blah blah uh those are hard I learned quickly you got to get somebody in there with you in one particular case went in uh and the family went berserk I mean everything but nearly breaking the windows out there standing in there and all these people are going just bananas I don't know if it's going to control them or or not uh but yeah think you need to think about how you're going to do it and if they have other people oh never do it alone never do it by yourself with only one relative or parent or whatever it is the desire to avoid another of these emotional conversations continued to drive lieutenant beond in his pursuit of the man he had inadvertently dubbed the thrill killer but it would take months for the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department to catch up with Eric Leonard we were pretty successful cuz we had a very small unit at sometimes I only had two detectives myself that was our unit it got up to six and eight sometimes but uh so we tried hard to when we had a murder go down and we would try to solve it that night if somebody was even slightly a person of interest whatever they're downtown we're talking to them right then we didn't do Sur surveillance and hang around and background checks forever and all that cuz didn't have the Manpower really you just had to to go hit it really hard call it Goya code get off your ass and knock on doors no matter how gruesome the case or how hard he was required to work Lieutenant Beyond stayed on the case I can remember the chaplain's come around and said Ray how you doing I said hey I'm fine are you you know a cup of coffee there were a couple that were really sad you know when you walk in the scene and you're trying not to step in two inches of blood uh see something horrific but it after a while it's uh you know they got isolation of effect that's a body and that's a great big piece of evidence you need to really concern yourself with knowledge of the weapon the same 25 caliber Beretta that was used in both incidents the description of a man in a black trench coat and even the packets of beef jerky snacks left at the scene were critical in Leonard's eventual arrest 3 months after the murders and still searching for a solid lead local store assistant Charlotte henstra and office worker Shane witcom added to the trench coat Theory when they both told police they'd seen a man wearing the same coat on the night of the quickstop murders on June 4th detective Stanley re learned of Deputy Robert Bell's previous interview with Eric Leonard and made a connection when Bell told Reed he had taken a photo of Leonard the picture was shown to henstra and witcom who identified the subject a local gun shop owner also told police he'd seen the man in the picture in his store before the shootings and Sally Thomas the fiance of murdered Steven Anderson provided a further positive identification of Leonard at the quickstop convenience store on the night of the first murders we started focusing on Eric Leonard uh we went to his apartment and we picked him up in fact I picked him up we took him downtown and we started talking to him and he had some kind of convoluted story about oh yeah I had some ammunition I bought it and I had some I bought it for some other guys and whatever he was saying never made any sense he was going to Junior College at least he told his dad he was he wasn't actually attending in class we found in his apartment where he had been making jerky but he didn't really give us anything and he didn't know anything about any murders and stuff so I found out his family was divorced his dad lived out in the in the area out here and so I go out and talk to his dad I asked him know you got any guns and all that he said yeah he said would you check and see if it's there and so he did he had a Corvette and in the Corvette he had this 25 I said oh mind we want to want to match that up we go examine it so we took it to the had somebody take it to the crime lab and we're all sitting there waiting and the detective comes back and he says H [ __ ] you know he say it matched so we had him but what was strange about that is I was interviewed prior to that and they asked me about who I thought it was I mean what kind of who were you looking for I said you know we're probably looking for somebody when all the people on the freeway kind of leads went away I said we're just looking for somebody right in the area and knows what's going on probably borrowed a gun from his uncle or his dad and put it back and he did exactly that he had put it back so de even though it was been used Eric Roy Leonard was 22 years old when he was arrested and interrogated by police but refused to admit his guilt the black trench coat so crucial in identifying the perpetrator showed no signs of blood which seemed incon consistent with Point Blank Range shootings police explained the absence as simply the result of Leonard having washed the coat some time during the four months between the killings and his capture during the pre-trial hearing Leonard stunned the courtroom when he uttered I am guilty before attempting to retract the statement the Outburst resulted in a psychiatric assessment and he was declared competent and ordered to stand trial in Court the defense argued Leonard had been incapable of committing the murders because of his mental and physical disabilities caused by epilepsy the prosecution contended he'd been solely responsible for the murders of Zed obid Steven Anderson Thor Johnson Sarah crook Kyle Reynolds and Andrea coladangelo after years of legal argument in May 2007 Eric reyce Leonard was convicted of all seven murders and sentenced to death why he killed them all uh he kind of felt like when he had that trench coat on and that gun in his pocket he was really in control because he was kind of a slight kid really that he was somebody I think was was some explanation to what he did he was all powerful he went in there and kill everybody in November 2002 Leonard was transferred from Death Row to the vodka V medical facility and placed under psychiatric medication after claiming Jesus had told him to put his hand in boiling water in 2018 he was yet to face the Executioner now retired from police work former Lieutenant Ray biondi lives with the memories of catching Killers including Eric reyce Leonard I think if I had any regrets it was bittersweet cuz I dedicated too much time to that job wasn't smart enough to go fishing with my sons more often I know know my family paid for it I think but I always thought I had the most important job in all law enforcement and I got solve these murders during the summer of 1980 the deadly combination of Douglas Clark and Carol Bundy brought murder mutilation and necrofilia leashed on the streets of Los Angeles turning the City of Angels into the place of nightmares that's how this this bomb is put together it's it's always the same with couples that kill you've got the grenade and then you've got the fuse and they're inert but when you put one into the other you get you can have an explosion you have a classic case here of two damaged individuals who come together and create Absol solute mayem Doug Clark was a sexual stist with an antisocial personality disorder at his trial a psychiatrist described his Psychopathic personality as being characterized by extreme narcissism and self-destructive Behavior it's the only killer that I've ever interviewed who was Shackled and the reason he was Shackled because he was so angry with everything the guards everything the way he been treated it took me about we had an hour it took me about 35 minutes before I could calm him down he was that Furious and wild uh he looks good like that on TV his teeth are rotten his eyes are blue and staring his hairs was matted he looked like a monster in his prime Douglas Clark was considered a handsome charming man born in Pennsylvania in March 1948 he was the third of five children born to blanch and Franklin Clark the family frequently reloc located across the US and overseas as a result of his father's job as a career Navy officer when Franklin retired from the Navy he took on a senior role with the Transport company of Texas generating more International postings the overseas assignments afforded the Clarks a privileged expat lifestyle Douglas with his older brother Walter were sent to Switzerland's exclusive aola International School all the while Clark was developing unusual sexual fetishes that persisted as he Grew Older when he was nine he was caught wearing his mother's and sisters underwear Doug Clark uh who again is um a strange individual um when he was at school he showed a very unhealthy interest in all sorts of deviant sex as a school boy which is most unusual he was trying to get threesoms at school and this sort of thing while most people are still studying for exams Douglas although intelligent was lazy and disruptive after a series of misdemeanors including drunkenness and writing an erotic letter to a teacher he was expelled at age 16 his parents dispatched him to Culver Military Academy in Indiana where he soon alienated most of his classmates with his boasts about his wealth and sexual exploits his conduct led him to a series of meetings with the school therapist who wrote to Clark's parents informing them of their son's bad behavior Clark graduated from Culver Military Academy in 19 67 and he enlisted in the Air Force he was posted to Anchorage Alaska tasked with decoding Russian messages although he loathed the military discipline he enjoyed the night life and the dancer bars but before his first term was up Clark was mysteriously although honorably discharged he left with his benefits intact and a National Defense service medal the king of the one night stand as he liked to call himself headed south to California he liked kinky sex he um he didn't like to work too hard he would use his charms he was quite a goodlooking guy he used his charms to Weedle in with someone and to live off of people and then once he' sort of bled them drve of everything it just move off somewhere else in 1972 he married his first wife Sue and together they established an upholster business it failed Clark retrained as a steam engineer and took up work with the Department of Water and Power in Los Angeles during their marriage Doug sought out prostitutes by 1976 he and Sue had divorced 4 years later in April 1980 he went to one of his regular drinking HS where he met an unassuming vocational nurse called Carol Bundy she had a horrendous childhood uh both parents alcoholic um so they weren't interested in the kids at all and when her mother died when she was a teenager uh the father just said well you've now going to take mom's place and she was pulled straight into a bed to sleep with Dad and uh become a pseudo wife if you like so she escaped as soon as she could and she actually tried to better herself she became a nurse U but she had physical problems with her eyes she had really really bad eyesight and after a while her eyes started to deteriorate and was very sadly for it stopped her nursing so she got a little bit lost in life she tried to uh build up a relationship she had one or two serious relationships but nothing really worked for her she was a bit lost and in the midst of all this being lost and loneliness and looking for happiness she unfortunately bumps into Doug Clark the 37-year-old twice divorced mother of two had gone to the little Nashville bar to watch her lover John Murray perform she ended up being bedazzled by Douglas Clark within days he had moved in with her Carol Bundy was short fat even shorter sighted I mean her glasses were bottle thick glasses and lenses ugly craved sex a dumpling of a woman who had a vicious streak in her he saw her as a meal ticket he saw as I can get some money out of you and that's how that relationship started to develop and then you know he drank a lot um but he was an extremely handsome man in his day Carol was so needy that she wanted to keep Doug happy so all of a sudden Doug realized he could ask Carol to do virtually anything and she would do anything to keep him happy and he managed to for example he managed to get her to purchase two um two handguns 2.25 hand guns guns in her name uh so he could have one she could have one but if they ever get caught uh the handguns would come back as been registered to her Clark made himself comfortable moving in with Bundy he carried one of her guns drove her car and solicited prostitutes for threesums on one occasion Clark even brought home an 11-year-old but instead of alarming Bundy she participated in the pedophilic activities by taking photographs of Clark molesting the child the couple were intent on gratifying their most vicious fantasies once she saw that he was happy then she was happy for him if you like so when they were doing the threesome it kept Doug happy she was happy and because it ultimately led to Doug saying to her a woman that really loves me will kill for me so that's when they went out picked a prostitute up and committed their first murder together and the tragedy is that Carol actually admitted in the police interview that she actually enjoyed the experience because it made Doug Happy um she enjoyed the murder and it was something she never thought she would over the course of 15 weeks six people would be shot dead by Clark and Bundy and two of them would be decapitated 17-year-old runaway marnett comr was last seen live on June 1st 1980 wearing a pink T-shirt inscribed with Daddy's girl across it Clark had picked her up on Sunset Boulevard in Bundy's new car he shot her four times as she struggled to escape then gutted her with a knife her mummified body was found 3 weeks later in San Fernando Valley on June 12th 1980 a highway worker found the bodies of 16-year-old Cynthia Chandler and her 15-year-old half-sister Gina Morano their dead bodies had been dumped beside a freeway ramp Clark had shot not dead both girls then raped their dead bodies when Clark divulged his deeds to Bundy she rang the police but didn't give away his identity 12 Days Later exie Wilson and her colleague Karen Jones were looking for clients along Studio City's Ventura Boulevard Clark picked up Wilson and drove to a quiet spot a few blocks away as Wilson Orly copulated Clark he shot her in the head with the 25 caliber revolver Clark then cut off her head with a buck knife leaving her body on the side street Karen Jones was the last person to see exie Wilson alive so Clark returned to Ventura Boulevard and shot her dead that same night Clark later told Bundy he'd killed two more women this time Bundy showed no compunction to call police instead she helped Clark realize his necrophilic obsession there were several murders but there was the the real grotesque sexual twist to it that the the next two murders they did they killed two prostitutes in one night but one of them they actually decapitated they they took the head off um Clark cut the head off The Prostitute took it home and put it in the fridge as you do you know kept it there and Carol saw the head in the fridge the next morning but what she didn't realize was that Clark wanted to use the head for his Necro filc purposes and she takes the head out of the fridge and she puts makeup on it for him and gives it to him so he can go off in the bedroom and do his grotesque sexual things that he did with the head and when the head is eventually discarded in a box where it's found by someone uh when the medical examiner examines it he actually finds traces of semen around the lips of the mouth so it's a horrendous necrophiliac sexual kick and Carol was helping Doug do it the couple wrapped up with Wilson's head in a pink Daddy's girl t-shirt just like the one worn by marnett comr they put the head in a wooden box and dumpt it in an Alleyway close to where Clark had left Wilson's body the discovery led to a police press conference seeking help from the public the slangs alarming the local community were now being described by the media as the work of the Sunset Strip killer in late August 1980 the body of an unidentified woman was discovered by a water tower she'd been shot in the head Bundy alleges Clark shot her dead as she performed oral compulation on him and then sexually assaulted her dead body Clark alleges that Bundy shot the girl in the head as she performed a sex act on him the secrets were becoming too much for Carol Bundy who vented to her ex-lover John Murray now it's quite interesting because Clark actually liked having Carol around because he could manipulate her he could live off of her the guns were registered in her name um but there was a problem Carol suddenly realized that Doug's really not the full ticket and she might be the next victim so she wasn't quite sure whether keeping him happy was going to keep her alive and she actually discloses to an ex-boyfriend guy called John Murray that she's a bit worried because her and Doug have gone and killed people well muray initially didn't believe her he thought she was just talking rubbish you know she had too much to drink but she said look I'll explain to you tonight and on the promise of a sexual favor uh John Murray took her to his murder home one night and what happened was they didn't have sex Carol actually shot him she shot him in the head with her 25 and she then proceeded to decapitate him in the Caravan and she took the head home to Doug Clark and uh she opened the conversation up saying I've been to see John tonight and and told him what we've done and uh and course Clark exploded in Anger then she said here have a look and then she takes the head out and presents the head to him thinking she's keeping him happy that's how twisted and morphed her mind had become she also said an interview that she wanted the head because having shot him in the head she knew that ballistics and forensics could actually link it to the gun so she wanted to take the frics with her and the only way she knew she could do that was to cut the head off so Clark had effectively warped This Woman's Thinking Beyond Belief 8 Days Later the stench emanating from John Murray's decomposing body Drew attention and Carol Bundy had reached the breaking point somebody reported the motor home smelling really high obviously there was a decomposing body in there then they find the head missing from the body the last person known to have been with him was Carol Carol Bundy so she's picked up and eventually she confesses everything and she's told how it happened how she met him and that's when Clark got himself arrested Carol then tells them about the other prostitute murders but of course when Clark is then picked up and interviewed uh he just said hey I know all this from Carol he said she's killed all these other women and he immediately went into self-preservation mode criminologist Christopher Berry D thinks Clark was justified to go on the defense ducky Clark's a very intelligent man don't get me wrong he's not a fool he's not a r you know you might be a bit of an idiot for getting involved with Bundy he was certainly fitted up by police over blood stains which were allegedly blood stains in a garage where he chopped exie Wilson's head off but there was no blood there it was all what the police fitted up and fitted the case up to convict him the evidence continued to stack up against Clark he knew that the guns that have been used to kill were registered to her police hadn't actually found those guns at that time and it wasn't until they did a really thorough search of um Clark's place of work they found both of the guns hidden so they were able to get the guns out match all the cartridges and the bullets and to prove that they were the guns that actually uh caus the murders Clark admitted to using prostitutes but he denied any involvement in the murders claiming Bundy and her ex-lover John Murray were the culprits he completely sold her down the river she was the Mad one she was the killer she was this she was that Barry D has reached a different conclusion about Clark's involvement yes he he was with Carol Bundy when she shot one woman I know that he disposed of the head of a man in a bin but he didn't pull the trigger and I don't believe he was complicit in the murders it was Carol Bundy she was the Mover but he was the idiot that went along with her Douglas Clark is is an intelligent man but let's just say he's not StreetWise I mean when he knew that when Carol Bundy took douge out for a birthday present to find a hooker so Doug could have sex with the hooker in the back of the car and Doug is having his birthday present and Carol just leans over with a pistol and shoots the girl in the head now douy hadn't ble you know you couldn't understand what happened it wasn't the plann he didn't plan to kill her he could have really gone to the police straight away and said hey I was in the car but but then she saying to him well I'll say you shot her and that's how the control comes into it everything he was telling me about Christopher you've got to understand this had happened but nobody's ever in take taken notice of me Carol Bundy was ly lying they fitted me up in October 1982 Douglas Clark stood trial for six counts of first-degree murder attempted murder mutilation of human remains and use of a dangerous weapon during the trial he represented himself accusing his lawyer of being a buffoon attorney and half inebriated he railed against the court procedures and the authority of the judge and was repeatedly warned about his behavior even being removed from Court after her in too many profanities many serial killers I interview are very calm and calculated they're very controlled Douglas Clark is the only one that's loosed off at me furious at the whole system it's almost screaming I'm innocent don't you people listen to me please listen to what I'm trying to tell you but he can't describe it in an eloquent way he's letting his emotions come out I suppose the only good thing could say about the court process was they didn't buy it they realized that probably she was the one that had been manipulated and abused even though she had culpability for the murders that she did actually commit so ultimately they both got convicted of murder in January 1983 the jury found Douglas Daniel Clark guilty of all charges and was sentenced to death Carol Bundy plea bargained she was found guilty of two murders and sentenced to 52 years in jail she died in 2003 of heart disease having served 30 years of her term she was aged 60 Douglas Clark remains on death row at San Quenton prison in spite of numerous appeals he continues to await his [Music] fate [Music] [Music] d
Channel: True Crime Central
Views: 63,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australian Crime, Crime Stories, Jeffrey Dahmer, Serial Killers, Ted Bundy, True Crime, True Crime Central, asmr, cases, cold cases, community, crim, crime, crime recaps, doco, documentary, full episodes, gangsters, murder, murder mystery, podcast, podcasts, recap, treu crime, true crime, true crime addict, true crime asmr, true crime podcast, true crime recaps, true crime interrogation, true crime movies, true crime movies based on true events, true crime recaps jeffrey dahmer
Id: foO2aEH6I6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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