The Homeless Catfish That Became a Killer... | The Case of Ingrid Lyne

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with a full-time job and three children ingred line was a hardworking mother and nurse with many responsibilities following an amicable breakup and 2 years of self- rediscovery she was ready to find love once again but with an extremely busy schedule she didn't have much opportunity to get out and after downloading the dating app Plenty of Fish she found herself talking to a man named JN but JN was not who she thought he was and after falling in love with this tailored facade she unknowingly allowed a dangerous man into her arms and trag I Ally the consequences would be terribly enormous welcome or welcome back to Coffee House crime folks my name is Adrien and today we're looking at how a date from Plenty of Fish turned into a brutal murder Ingrid line was a loving mother a hardworking nurse and someone who deserved to find love but sadly after a stroke of bad luck she found a lunatic instead just to let you know Coffee House crime is all about True Crime strange and chilling stories so if you like Darkly fascinating content please please consider subscribing and if you enjoy drinking coffee while watching my videos then please check out my very own exclusive coffee brand classified I'll leave a link in the description down below and now with all of that said please grab yourself a coffee pull up a seat and get ready for the Deep dive this is the case of Ingrid [Music] line welcome to Seattle folks now when it comes to Seattle the obvious thing to talk about would be coffee and no surprise you're right the city first began producing fresh roasted coffee more than 100 years ago fast forward to the 1960s and the coffee house scene suddenly introduced espresso drinks to the menu a move that eventually would transform Seattle into a caffeinated Powerhouse from primitive kettles to state-of-the-art espresso machines the signs of roasting and the Art of Brewing has evolved thanks to local innovators and a tech avvy environment where coffee has become an integral part of the city's Metropolitan ident ID entity so you probably won't be surprised to learn that I was actually born here and suddenly it's all starting to make sense now isn't it today we're traveling 10 m south of baby adrianne's Hometown to Renton Seattle Renton is a relatively small City in King County with a population of just over 100,000 residents Boeing dominates the employment Market here and interestingly enough is the final assembly point for the Boeing 737 other than that there is not a lot to talk about here but it's does play home to a very important person in this case and her name is ingred line born on August the 2nd 1975 Ingrid was a small girl with a big personality and while details about her early life are fairly sparse it is obvious that the people she touched in her life cherished her greatly described as someone always smiling and laughing she was a bright spark and was very easy to get along with moving into her young adulthood ingred set a sights on a career in the medical field it was for that reason that alongside some encouragement from her family she decided to study nursing after graduating high school at Canyon deloro in tuon Arizona she then worked towards a degree at the University of Arizona much like high school ingred excelled in the classroom and while at University she received her bachelor's degree in 1997 and 3 years later at the turn of the New Millennium she moved to the small city of ranton now Seattle's coffee may be out of this world but so is its medical care this means that in was in the right place to let her career flourish and so after moving into the area she began work at the Seattle Swedish Medical Center much like her academic performance she was known to perform well in her job and worked with both skill and Grace with her vibrant happy goodlucky attitude she was the type of woman to naturally attract people around her and eventually this included a local man named Phil after a chance encounter the two fell in love rather quickly and moving forward several years they were married with three children named re Brooke and Noel sadly All Good Things eventually come to an end some much quicker than others and after 14 years together in Seattle ingred and Phil decided to break up despite the marriage ending the two kept in regular contact and made sure that their kids had well-rounded childhoods as a result they would often share schedules Phil described his ex-wife as someone that he respected immensely she was kind caring and loving and the type of mother to put her daughters First Love is something that takes time to grow and sometimes even longer to let go but 2 years after divorcing Phil and at the age of 40 she was finally ready to start dating again being a mother and a nurse was a very time-consuming combination however wanting to get back onto the dating scene she downloaded the app Plenty of Fish to get started while here she looked around for someone who may catch her ESS and not long after joining the dating site she ran into a handsome cleancut man named John John Robert Charlton was a 37-year-old man with green eyes and an average build of 5'9 in his profile he claimed that he was a non-smoker and that he only liked to drink on occasion he further wrote that he was a student from Seattle and was a Catholic looking into his self-written biography ingred noticed that his longest relationship was also just over 2 years ago John wrote my intent here is to Simply make friends and to meet up for conversation not much of the crowded bar and Club type melow is is quite more My Scene not here for dating only friendships this is not some scam to get laid either however if we did meet up as friends and grabbed coffee beer comedy show Etc whatever people do as friends now despite the weird wording Ingrid didn't notice any immediate red flags everything seemed to check out John was a student religious and mely seeking friendship the two soon began to message each other regularly and after several wholesome conversations JN and ingred decided to meet up in person following a successful first date the two agreed to meet again and this would eventually turn into three or four dates per week John would always travel to her home in Ron where they then spent their time together going out for drinks socializing at bars and spending the nights together in bed now it did take a while for a secret to start to emerge but after some time together Ingrid realized that JN didn't in fact seem to have a place of his own in addition to this she realized that he didn't own his own car or even have a steady job either although these were the first of serious red flags Ingrid didn't seem faced JN treated her with kindness and respect and in all honesty she did really enjoy his company Ingrid was a naturally hardworking person and with a job in nursing and three young girls to look after she really felt that she deserved time off whenever she could take it it is worth mentioning though that although Ingrid did appreciate her time with John she kept him a secret from her friends and family maybe it was was because Jon didn't have much going for himself at the time and so she felt a little embarrassed to associate herself with him but in her mind this relationship was casual at its core and was not something to write home about either way the night of April the 8th 2016 was similar to any other Friday earlier in the day Phil had taken their three daughters who were now 12 10 and 7 respectively away for the night and now that a shift of the hospital was finally over and her daughters were in the safe hands of their father ingred got ready for another night out with joh the two had plans to watch the Seattle baseball team known as the marinas play at their home stadium but first they traveled across the road to a nearby bar named the beer gardens a few drinks later and the two made their way to the home stadium but that is when ingred realized that Jon appeared to be much more drunk than she'd previously noticed despite this they both made it in time to watch the game and as far as we know at this point in time they had another enjoyable night together April the 9th 2016 at 7:30 a.m. the following morning Phil arrived at Ingrid's house to drop off the kids however as soon as he arrived at the property something seemed wrong in Grid's car a 2015 Toyota Highlander was nowhere to be seen hopping out of his car he knocked on the front door but worryingly was met with Silence with no response he called her mobile phone but still nothing next he sent her a text message but yet again he was met with an unread message and a lack of any response at this stage Phil felt a sickening feeling growing in his stomach it was very unusual for Ingrid to leave her messages unanswered like this she was a very reliable and punctual woman especially when it came to her daughters and so not knowing what else to do Phil called Ingrid's mother Georgia by the way Georgia and Ingrid were very close to one another not only sharing a Veron mobile phone account but also having a spare set of keys to each other's property after learning that her daughter was missing Georgia understandably began to panic and she too had a feeling that maybe she was in danger after rushing to her daughter's home she used her spare key to gain entry the house was eerily silent and despite calling out in Grid's name no one responded room by room Phil and Georgia were met with emptiness and opening the door to the master bedroom would spell serious concern an overwhelming smell of bleach filled the room and her belongings including her wallet keys and phone were scattered across the area indicating that Ingrid had probably intended to be there herself after following the smell of bleach with their noses George and Phil found themselves outside of the bathroom door and after opening the door they were greeted with the chilling sight of a 15-in pruning saw which remained haphazardly propped up against the sink with large serrated and curved blades pruning saws are typically used by Landscaping professionals and are perfect for cutting through vegetation and thick tree branches following these terrifying Clues George adal 911 immediately with police officers on the way Georgia left in Grid's home to speak to all of the neighbors nearby while simultaneously messaging friends and family to ask if they had any idea where she was one of her friends mentioned that at around 10:30 the night before she had messaged her to say that she was out on a date with John but hadn't heard from her since and one of her neighbors mentioned that the name JN sounded rather familiar to them and perhaps he was the last person to see her now thankfully since Georgia shared a phone account with her daughter she could actually check the phone records to see if anything unusual stood out and found within these records Georgia noticed one number that came up much more frequently than the others and surprise surprise after Googling that phone number it came up with a Facebook profile that went by the name of John Charlton out of desperation for more information she texted John for support he would reply almost immediately saying this is John Charlton I thought she had her kids today Georgia mentioned that despite her daughter being missing her purse keys and phone were at home and she further told JN that she had already called 911 for support John responded with 911 what's going on we went to the marinas game last night but we didn't stay the night together because she had her kids today not sure what she told you about mine and her relationship after this message JN suddenly turned Sil shortly after police arrived on the scene and upon inspecting the bathroom one of the first things they noticed was the saw now obviously finding a soore in a bathroom was highly suspicious and this immediately gave officers the impression that perhaps Foul Play was involved with closer inspection of the bathroom forensics could not seem to find any trace of human tissue and to add to this there were no obvious signs of a struggle or altercation however what they didn't know is that several miles away and at the same time police received a very disturbing phone call 911 what are you reporting this is going to sound really bizarre but I went to go grab my recycling bin and there were three white trash bags in the recycling bin and I went to lift them out and honestly it's freaking me out but it looks like it's only 10 mil away from Ingrid's home and located on 21st Avenue East Pine Street a resident had found human remains in one of his recycling bins although Seattle did not instantly make the connection between Ingrid and this morbid Discovery it would soon become obvious who the severed body parts belonged to and 6 hours later at 4:30 p.m. that assimilation would finally be made when compared to a picture taken from Ingrid's driver's license a visual confirmation was made of the remains it turns out that the condition of Ingrid's head was pristine and had no signs of decomposition it was for for this reason that police made the sad realization on her identity and although it took several days for analysis to confirm a match between Ingrid and the body parts everyone was under the strong assumption it was her broken blood vessels observed in her eyes alongside hemorrhaging on her neck made it clear that Ingrid had fallen victim to strangulation the extent of her injuries was so severe that it was believed that whoever had killed her must have done so with a lot of force possibly suggesting anger behind the motive although no drugs were found in her system it was noted that she was drunk at the time of her death with a blood alcohol level of 074 with a murder case on their hands police wasted no time in moving forward within 24 hours of the discovery they obtained a search Warren for grd's home and after a close examination of her bathroom Trace Amounts of blood were found in the drain removing the drain and examining the plumbing beneath forensic investigators found much more obvious signs of tissue and blood and after searching the kit kitchen they discovered an empty box of trash bags notably they were the same type of bags used to dispose of her limbs only one day later and on April the 11th police located a missing vehicle which was parked in downtown Seattle and only 3 miles from Seattle Stadium officers therefore knew that this was very unlikely to be a coincidence thankfully Georgia was able to help with this as she had successfully completed her own part of the investigation she shared the messages she had had with JN officers who in return quickly marked him as a suspect and only a matter of hours later he was found almost 50 mil away at Lake Stevens Jon was immediately brought in for questioning where officers quickly noticed how strangely he was behaving to begin with Jon seemed completely matter of fact and nonchalant in fact he didn't even appear to be phased that his partner was missing or dead as soon as officers began to ask questions his demeanor shifted to one of annoyance almost as if he couldn't be bothered to help officers find her Jon also seemed to have abrasions on his forehead and hands as well as scratches on his lip chin and chest no surprise this raised further suspicion amongst officers who now wondered if these were perhaps self-defense wounds when questioned about ing's disappearance JN continued to sound disinterested however he did admit that the two went to the beer gardens before watching the game he also revealed that rather conveniently he blacked out soon after the game finished and couldn't remember anything later that night but you see John also claims that although the two must have made it back to Ingrid's house she wouldn't allow him to stay the night because she wasn't yet ready for him to meet the kids and shortly after making this comment he seemed to smarten up a little bit and asked for a lawyer I wonder why while investigators decided what to do next in the other room Jon casually rolled up his jacket placed it on the floor and then tried to sleep is anybody else getting JY arus Vibes here without any solid evidence officers were forced to eventually let him go but regardless he remained their Prime Suspect and many believed that he had something to do with in grd's death as a result he was kept under a very close watch as Jon walked away as a free man police scoured for more evidence back at her property they searched high and low for any potential clue that could link Jon to her death and 2 days later on April the 13th investigators finally found what they were looking for they found solid DNA evidence between himself and the crime scene that of course being located in Ingrid's bathroom he was therefore arrested on charges of first deegree murder and auto theft and was booked into King County Jail on a $2 million Bond and with a bond this High there was no way he would get out of jail while a case was built against him sadly as JN sat behind bars more people would make more disturbing discoveries it was on a April the 15th that more remains were found in another recycling bin in Seattle before happening again for a third time 3 days later on April the 18th and as the general public learned of these discoveries the media also revealed that Ingrid's supposed killer had finally been caught police near Seattle are holding a man suspected of killing a mother of three that he met online ingred Lyn's body was found over the weekend she was supposed to be with the suspect John Charlton on the night she disappeared John Blackstone shows us how police are checking to see if he's connected to other crimes the murder of ingred ly a single mother of three young daughters has shocked her close-knit neighborhood friends say line planed to go to a Mariners baseball game Friday night with a date she met online 37-year-old John Charlton hours later and 10 mil from her house a homeowner called police after finding body parts including a foot in plastic bags left in a recycling bin we're working closely with the victim's family uh all the evidence leads in in the direction of that particular victim detectives connected the two cases searched lines home for evidence and identified Charlton as a suspect we use some forensic evidence dealing with uh telephone uh calls and and cell towers by utilizing those we were led to a suspect early on neighbors say Charlton has been staying at this home he was arrested Monday and booked into King County Jail on suspicion of murder the investigation is ongoing police found lines missing late Monday night they're also looking into whether Charlton could be tied to similar crimes we'll look at other crimes and and if any of them uh uh seem to be similar in appearance then we'll continue down that road for CBS This Morning John Blackstone with this story becoming quite notorious in the Seattle area it caught the attention of one of John's ex-girlfriends and safe to say her story was not reassuring she was able to confirm that Jon was in fact homeless and that she sometimes let him stay over at her place whenever he seemed interested now JN was actually supposed to help her with some yard work on the Saturday morning after the baseball game but showed up much later than expected and when he did she noticed multiple small wounds all over his body when he arrived when asked about it JN appeared to be dismissive and frustrated he claimed that someone tried to Rob him but it wasn't a big deal deep down she knew that johon had to be lying but eventually dropped it he then remained with the for 48 hours through Saturday and Sunday night interesting side note but that ex-girlfriend was eventually invited onto Dr Phil's talk show where she would go on to discuss what exactly happened that weekend she also mentioned that although John could sometimes be very loving she was not surprised when she heard the news about the murder no surprise it turns out that this was not Jon's first run in with the law and in fact he had a plethora of charges and convictions before meeting ingret this included charges between 1997 to 2009 ranging from Felony theft and aggravated robbery through to negligent driving and two misdemeanor assaults due to these nefarious actions he had been jailed twice before which is something he had failed to mention to ingred no surprise but Jon had a troubled past when it came to alcohol and drugs and his relationship with his parents Ry and Joanne also became strained as his behavior became more erratic in fact they became so disparaged by it that in the year 20 06 they filed a restraining order against their son this was honestly a fair decision to make too John would often arrive unannounced at their property both drunk and Furious he was often verbally aggressive and abusive and even tried to provoke fights John's father would also admit that his son's bad habits were causing tension amongst others in the family and that JN admitted to him that he felt that he was becoming mentally unstable and possibly unable to control his actions moving into the legal proceedings of this case prosecutors immediately got to work on building a case against JN meanwhile his defense team did their very best to cover all possible counterarguments and after almost two long years John Charlton was finally put on trial for his actions where he would face Ingrid's family friends and community at the stand now despite initially denying his involvement John would actually surprise the judge by pleading guilty to murder in the first degree this decision would thankfully save Ingrid's family and friends from having to relive the traumatic experience and provide some privacy but the judge would not let him go easily as before a sentencing she would read more than two dozen letters made by family and friends Ingrid was described as a bright and humorous woman who was filled with spirit and these letters served to highlight the impact this crime had on the people of ranton her ex-husband Phil took to the stands to address the court and tell of how the case had affected him and his daughters in a heartfelt statement he said there will be no more motherly advice from ingred no more July the 4th holidays in Big Fork no more trips to the beach and no more Thursday night dinners at a steak house my children's children will never have a maternal grandmother now despite Jon literally throwing the towel in his defense team would still stick their own necks out in the courtroom they urged the public to exercise caution before demonizing someone who had yet to be convicted while the evidence pointed towards Jon including JN himself it is true that a clear motive was never esta estblished and that this could have had the potential to trip up the prosecution directly addressing John Robert shalton Superior Court Judge Julie said what you did was vicious and cruel Beyond anyone's belief despite initially stating that she would lock him up for life she eventually sentenced John to 28 years in prison which under the state sentencing guidelines was the maximum sentence she could serve but before his trial finished Jon himself would address the courtroom in a moment of genuine remorse I do agree there are no words that can there's no words that can alleviate the pain that I've caused and for that I'm truly sorry and with that said JN was led away to begin his 28 year long sentence Behind [Music] Bars one important thing to note here is how well the police responded to this case for those who have been following the channel for a while now you will know that police are often slow to get things done and sometimes it can take multiple days to even take an emerging case seriously but in this case local police immediately sprang into action listened to Georgia obtained a warrant and legally pinned Jon down and because of their rapid response and dedication to the case he was compromised in record timing which gave him no chance to cover his tracks or even try to escape sadly though none of this will ever help bring Ingrid back and as a result three daughters have had to face childhood without a mother an ex partner without a good friend and a family without a bright cheerful spark as you likely expected especially if you come to this channel often ing's death highlighted the absolute importance of Online safety she had only been dating John for around about 1 month before she was murdered and so this story reminded people how easy it is to allow someone dangerous into your life one thing that's surprises me is the lack of verification required to message or hook up with other people online and to answer that there is no actual way of telling if people are convicted felons or not while certain apps are now requiring verification there are still many that have yet to catch up and the terrible thing is this has been going on for Years anyway folks I think that pretty much covers our case today thank you so much for being here for another video today by Coffee House crime I really do appreciate it so what are your thoughts about this case and furthermore what do you you think about dating apps requiring verification to sign up as always please share your thoughts in the comments section down below and if you like coffee or want to support me in the channel then please check out classified coffee I'll leave a link down below and finally if you want to catch me in Nero on my social media then please check out these links or alternatively check out my patreon and yeah I think that's pretty much it today folks thank you so much for watching and as always I'll see you again very soon for another video Until That moment arrives though remember to look after yourself look after each other and of course stay safe sa thank you and goodbye
Channel: Coffeehouse Crime
Views: 785,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffeehouse crime, true crime, coffee house crime, crime
Id: 3B1iYquACeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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