South Korean’s Worst Killer | Memories of Murder

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video my friends we are going somewhere we've never ventured before and that is the beautiful it looks like on tv country of south korea i'm pretty excited about this not gonna lie i mean i suppose not sure if i should be because well you know this is a long story went on for quite some time beginning in the 80s ending in 2020 twists and turns galore i'd say they should make a movie of it they have and the movie is real good but the movie is like less crazy than what actually happened in real life and that is something i'll tell you about right now via me uh via me you know butchering the pronunciations of korean names and places so uh look forward to that let's give it a give [Music] it is to hwasong we're off to a city about an hour south of capital seoul it is a rural enough city in a gyeonggi province primarily known for agriculture huashong is really the breadbasket of seoul it would be known for rice farming along the floodplains though recently it has seen a factory boom today it has a population of over six hundred thousand people but we're not going to be uh talking about today at least not yet no we're gonna go back about 30 years when hassan was a bit more agricultural than it is today but you still had like factories and farms right beside each other perfect place for a serial killer to come and go as they pleased and for five years they did in 1988 the people of huasang lived in constant fear the constant fear was reinforced you know on the morning of the 17th of september when another weight was at it that morning 14 year old girl named park sang-hee was found murdered in her own bed in her family home she had been sexually assaulted and strangled park sangie was not the first victim no i far far from she was actually victim number eight but it might have been the worst one up until that point uh due to her age and the fact that she was attacked in her own bed with just a wall separating her from her parents who slept through the entire thing this was a grim reminder of who was out there something that had been you know out there for two years at this point almost two years to the day previous on the 15th of september 1986 71 year old lee wanim was on her way home from visiting her daughter and as she was walking home on a quiet country road in an yandong she was attacked her naked body was found four days later in a rice field not far from her home she had been sexually assaulted and strangled to death so this was number one and who i see who could have done this there was no evidence left behind this instantly became the talk of this quiet simple you know country town and as that talk you know started to die down happened again on october 20th 1986 25 year old park hyun sook got off the bus from town at about 10 pm she disappeared straight after as she walked home that dark night on the 23rd of october her body was found in a canal once again same modus operandi sexually assaulted and strangled to death so that's two victims within a month of each other you know they were the buddies were discovered 15 minutes apart both assaulted and killed in the same way not exactly hidden they were their bodies were left not far from where they were from where they were attacked pretty much like out in the open little to no evidence was also left behind this time though they did find a trace of semen this was the 80s though so you know it wasn't really much she could do other than yeah that's that all right and then two months later dread returned on the 12th of december a housewife 25 year old kuan jingbon disappeared from her neighborhood the same neighborhood the first victim was murdered in she wasn't found for four months and this time when she was found it was the same story she'd been gagged with her stockings her underwear was over her face and bodily fluid was once again found on her two days after jungbong went missing on the 14th of december 23 year old lee kaisouk got off a bus from town last seen walking home at 11 pm a week later her body was found in a rice field hands tied behind her back girdle over her head definite pattern was beginning to emerge here and everybody started [ __ ] bricks right there was definitely a serial killer amongst them somewhere in like these this rural enough area women walking home alone at night not a good idea but then again one of the victims was taken from pretty much like right outside her house she wasn't walking home she was home so they were kind of [ __ ] either way police were you know scratching their noggin not doing much and a little local people who were you know obviously absolutely terrified they started looking for comfort and help from other sources beside the authorities who seemed useless shamanism was turned to for protection from this bastard and the police growing frustrated and knowing people were frustrated with them began to turn to violence themselves during the entire investigation police looked into more than 20 000 people as possible suspects they spent millions of man errors on the case with jack [ __ ] to show for it and so well you know desperate times lead to desperate um measures he did it though didn't you come on you can tell you can tell me all buddy we'll share a glass of sodium you can tell me all about it that kind of [ __ ] began to happen they would drag people into the police station to have this [ __ ] kicked out of them you know uh people who are just scared editor wits mentally disabled anybody is like you did it you did you [ __ ] you did it over the next couple years four people who had been uh basically interrogated by the police would take their own lives and it believed to be you know due to the assaults by the police the stalking the harassment the police were doing on people they thought could be the serial killer so quite a few things weren't done the right way and as we will see later quite a few things that should have been said weren't by the pack of bastards but the killer was uh still you know out and about on the 11th of january 1987 19 year old high school student hong jin young was found dead in a rice field she was last seen the night before just about 9 pm when she got off the bus jin young was once again tied up gagged with her socks and sexually assaulted she was then strangled to death with her own clothing after time well as i said superstition started kind of returning to the area people believe the uh killer was targeting women wearing red like a bull if you wore red jesus you're [ __ ] sorry you made the list and so nobody especially women they stopped wearing red all together around this time and hope in hopes of avoiding a brutal encounter unfortunately the killer wasn't so picky on the 2nd of may 29 year old park unju went missing while delivering an umbrella to her husband she was found a week later on a hill same condition as the previous victims and throughout this entire time there were a number of sexual assaults in the area committed by the killer they knew this because the modus operandi was the same he would put their underwear over their heads only he well he didn't kill him it would then go quite for a few months uh spring turned to summer turned autumn but the dread never left then on the 8th of september 1987 he struck again this time 54 year old angie soon she had once more gotten off the bus and was walking home when she was attacked her body later found in a canal it was at this point once more a woman attacked while she was walking home off the bus it seemed like the killer was taking the piss it seemed like he was just making a mockery of like the police he could come and go he could do whatever he wanted and he knew it they would have undercover you know female police officers out there wearing red you know walking around a place at night hey look at me he never once fell for it however they were getting somewhat closer a sketch was made of the possible killer based on a description from the bus driver who dropped off angie soon and this was reinforced by survivors of sexual assaults in the area the man was in his mid to late 20s he was 165 to 170 centimeters tall he had a sharp nose and neatly cut short hair one survivor also added the man's hands were soft she remembered that from when he placed his hands around her mouth during the attack now most people who lived in that area would be you know blue-collar manual labor uh workers so a guy would ooh soft hands yeah that would stand out and so these posters went up everywhere that probably scared the bejesus out of the killer because for an entire year he didn't strike again until when we go back to where i started the story in september 1988 when 14 year old park sang-hee was brutally attacked in her own bedroom and this is when they finally got a break in the case right finally after two years of constant attacks and it led to a man named yoon sung yo sung yo was 22 years old living in one of the villages in huasang he had a limp and worked at a local farming machine repair shop he got the laser eyes from the cops right and when the police found a pubic hair at the crime scene of park san he it was determined there was a 40 40 chance of being a song yos so 40 is that even a pass mark on an exam i mean 40 means probably not but um there you go he was taken into an interrogation room and held for three days and he confessed to the murder of fourteen-year-old park sang-hee according to himself that night he was out and about for a walk uh with his limp and then he saw a light emerging from a house he said he felt quote an urge to rape and in he went that was that and he was charged with the murder a a murderer one of eight they tried to see if he was related to the other seven at this point nothing didn't seem like uh that at all and in fact two more murders would occur while he was actually in custody yoon seong yeo was determined to be a copycat killer obviously a big fan of the real killer known as the huasang killer or also called the korean zodiac killer so that's one of eight solved getting there in november 1990 14 year old kim me joon's body was found on a hill this was well it had been two years since a murder three years since well the police believed the actual serial killer struck and it seemed like he had been saving up kimmy june's hands and feet were tied together her bra uses a gag and multiple items were used to assault her including a ballpoint pen a fork and a razor blade five months later in april 1991 69 year old kuan soon sang was last seen you know the drill getting off a bus her body was found the next day and from how it was found it was clear who's behind this same guy almost five years later still out there from there things would go quiet for a couple of years right until there would be another murder not in huasang though this time this time it was in a place called chongju about two hours south east there i would like you to give a good ol annyeonghaseyo to a guy named leechunje on the 18th of january 1994 lee jun jae was arrested for the sexual assault and murder of his 18 year old sister-in-law apparently chun jae's wife left him and so a few weeks later he lured his sister-in-law over drugged her assaulted her and then killed her he then disposed of her hiding her under a tarp at the back of his shop when people went looking for her well lichen j was a great man he was a big help when her body was finally discovered a few days later leech and jay became suspect number one and uh well arrested after he asked the police here ready just shoot the [ __ ] off dumb how many years do you serve for rape and murder in south korea curious he was arrested charged and found guilty of her murder he was sentenced to death in may 1994 but this was later reduced to life possible parole after 20. [Music] so who was lichuan jay really an absolute monster wearing a human skin he was born on the 31st of january and 1963 in huasang he was quite as a boy even quieter after his sister died of drowning when he was very young he was allegedly sexually abused as a kid not much is known there he finished high school in 1983 entered the military as part of the conscription they have in korea it's mandatory to spend between 18 and 21 months in the military elite in jail would become a tank driver and he was out of the army in 1986 january of that year he went home after he got out of the army and the first murder would occur in huasang eight months later so after he left uh the military he seemed all right you know happy out doing all right he was really anything but after leaving the military he had no drive in his life he just had an urge and yet fantasies both of which would get stronger and stronger in february 1986 he would go out at night dressed in black waiting for vulnerable women to show up unfortunately they did and over the next few months he would assault over half a dozen women eventually sexually assaulting them wasn't enough and in september 1986 he would become or set off on the road to becoming a serial killer as i said right he would finally be arrested in 1994 for the murder of his sister-in-law but he wouldn't be linked to the huasang murders until much much much later it was in 2019 that forensic science caught up with him he was still incarcerated at the time his profile in the system but you know he refuted that he had anything to do with those serial killings but it wasn't just dna they had at the time pointing to him being the what's calling it the korean zodiac killer in 1989 he was arrested for breaking and entering he got a year and a half for that during that time there was no murders he also lived at the time of serial killings with his wife in a house right smack dab in the middle of like the danger zone he didn't want to go too far for his hunting ground he would eventually confess to being the killer probably the most famous in korean history he would also confess to four more murders bringing his total to fifteen so that is the ten huasong victims from 86 to 91 then his sister-in-law in 1994. and in between all that there was another four uh people he killed the gyeonggi-nambu provincial police agency said wednesday that the suspect in a string of murders in hwasong city in the 1980s has confessed to the killings that shook the nation at the time police had been investigating the prime suspect after the national forensic service found that dna collected from the underwear of one of the victims matched the suspect's dna the male suspect in his 50s is currently in prison for murdering his sister-in-law he initially denied being the hajn city murderer but finally confessed in the face of mounting evidence including new dna matches and witness accounts he also says he committed another five murders and police are looking to verify his claims in december 1987 he murdered 18 year old kim misoon in suwon north of hwasong in july 1989 he took eight-year-old kim hyunjong she's never been found then 17 year old park sunja in january 1991 in chengdu and also in chengdu 27 year old kim jinnah in march 1991 he also confessed to over 30 sexual assaults by the way you'll notice that i said 10 murders in huasang right that's because in 2019 lee shoonjay was in court not for himself he was a witness at the retrial of yoon seong yeo who killed the 14 year old park sang he or did he he confessed right back then he confessed under great duress you might too if the police did to you what they did to him since yoon was confirmed innocent he will receive criminal compensation for his 20 years after being imprisoned and it is estimated that june will receive compensation of up to 1.76 billion won when multiplying the amount of compensation per day and the number of days in custody according to the korean herald yoon said he has forgiven lee as well as the police officers who tortured him he said i had to make peace with the past and the people who wronged me and accept the fact that some things can't be changed so that i can move on immediately after he confessed he denied it said he had nothing to do with anything uh that fell on deaf ears he said he had been intimidated and tortured it didn't matter he was still sent away for 20 years [Music] [Music] would confess to killing 14 year old park sang sang-hee in her room he described it in great detail there never was a copycat killer just the actual killer an actual killer who would actually uh come and say he couldn't believe it took them that long to catch him he never he said he never really tried to hide from the cops quote i still don't understand why i wasn't a suspect crimes happened around me and i didn't try hard to hide things so i thought i would get caught easily there were hundreds of police forces i bumped into detectives all the time but they always asked me about people around me there was one occasion where i was brought into the police station after being searched but i was never put on the list of suspects there were multiple occasions in which i could have been caught i don't understand why i never was he really could not believe the incompetence of the police and guess what else you won't believe lee tune j will never face prosecution conviction for any of the murders he did in wasan but even if the suspect was the murderer in the infamous pason case he will not be punished for those crimes as the statue of limitations expired in april 2006. the serial killings received new national attention when the case was made into 2003 movie memories of murder over 20 000 people were investigated for those murders a figure that hasn't been broken since he'll get off those ten scot-free because the statute of limitations expired in 2006. yoon sun yeo was released in 2009 however he'll never get those 20 years he spent behind bars falsely back in 2019 he was acquitted when the real killer confessed to everything eight of the original investigators who did him in back then were later charged with abusive power and stripped of their titles that wasn't the only thing shitty thing uh the cops did one of the additional murders lee choon jae confessed to was that of eight-year-old kim hyunjong in 1989 her body was never found or at least that's what the police said yeah her body had actually been found by the police back then but they covered it up they also hid some of her belongings and never told anyone especially not her desperate desperate parents when they found her it was obvious she had been murdered but the police let it remain a missing person's case so they wouldn't have to do much about it this only came out when lee choonjay confessed again two police officers were charged when it all came out due to the statute of limitations nothing could be done leech unj is is definitely not the only criminal uh in this old one he's definitely the worst for sure he never showed any remorse for the 15 people he murdered and he will die behind bars for all the horror he committed victims left behind victims like yoon sung spending two decades behind bars for a crime he didn't commit and the parents of kim hyung-jung who were waiting 30 years for their daughter to come home a lot of tragedy in this one and there you have it if you're interested uh in this case uh i guess there's a this is a south korean movie uh based on it it's called memories of murder i'd recommend the movie it's good and what's funny about it is that it came out in 2003 so over 10 years after the murders were committed but before they knew who was behind it before lee toonjay was found responsible for them what's super interesting about it is that they actually got a lot of things right about who the killer would be and it was done by your man who made parasite uh wang joon ho [Music] memories of murder ends with the main character staring at the camera looking at the killer in the audience who when the movie was released was was still out there haunting south korea for some time i wonder uh what he thought of it [Music] thank you so much uh for watching i really appreciate you taking the time to be here with me uh here we go and i'll see as always real soon in the next l1 until then please look after yourselves i love you [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,821,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, lee chon jae, lee chun jae, hwaseong strangler, korean serial killer
Id: 4Xv58Scy7W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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