Online church, Pastor Ed Newton, Community Bible Church San Antonio, Texas. We say thank you for listening and leaning in from abroad. We know that God is doing a great work. This series has been tremendous at a lot of levels. But this weekend we talk about the Holy Spirit being our promise, resting in the guarantee of being sealed by Him. And today, as we embrace this message, we hope that God would speak to you in a supernatural way. And we would love to hear how you respond to this message personally and individually. You can email us at or you can go to For those of you that feel a kindred spirit in connection to advancing the Gospel, we would hope and pray that you would make a financial investment in this ministry. Casting a seed of faith. Allowing us to take the Gospel to places that we've never been through this ministry. And so, in advance we say thank you and God Bless you for investing and partnering with us to make much of Jesus. Until we meet again, much love. Just talking to a sweet couple. Forgive me for just walking in late. I try to stand in the back after every service and high-five and hug as many people as possible. That's why I always sound like I'm out of breath because I'm literally waiting until the last song to walk in. This is what I've heard. Just in a little caveat conversation. When somebody goes, "Hey listen. We were on our way to another church. And all the sudden, we just felt the Holy Spirit of God go, 'Go to that one.'" And so all the sudden, when somebody says that to you and goes, "And oh, by the way, we won't look any more. This is where we need to be." When somebody says, "The Holy Spirit has been working in my heart." And just know this is a major victory. When somebody says, "I've been to church two weeks in a row." I mean, it was just a statement of victory. I've been to church two weeks in a row. And for that person to give their life to Jesus Christ. It's not by accident nor by happenstance. That God is bringing people here. But our prayer is not just for folks to come to the house of God. But to meet the God of our house. And to take the God of our house back to their house. (applause) That's the declaration. I dearly love you people. You're the joy of my life. And for such a time as this, we were created to be together. I've gone to a wireless or a countryman microphone versus a handheld because of some illustrations and some props that I'd like to just begin to speak into. This reality of the Holy Spirit as our seal. And so we've talked about how the Holy Spirit is a Person. We've talked about how the Holy Spirit has given purpose. Remember the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament rested upon. New Testament disciples He resided with. But now as post Pentecost radicals. That's you and me by the way. It's the Holy Spirit of God residing in. Which means, when you go to the gym in the morning. Guess who goes with you? Holy Spirit. When you go to work in the morning. Guess who goes with you? Holy Spirit. When you go to that Cowboys game fellowship party that you got going on where there's gonna be a lot of chicken wings at that. (laughter) Guess who goes with you? Holy Spirit and that is the beautiful promise that He'll never leave you nor forsake you. He is with you always even to the end of the age. That there is a promise. The Holy Spirit today, as we speak about this subject matter. There's a promise. And we can rest in that guarantee. And as He is that promise, I want to show you this from God's Word. So if you got a Bible. John chapter 14. We're gonna go back to our foundational passage. John 14:16-17. As we talk about He is our promise. Let me just make this very candid confession. I was an evangelist for 13 years, before I had the sacred privilege of becoming the pastor of the greatest church in the world, in my humble opinion. That's you people. (applause) And in that. This is the candid confession. For two-and-a-half years, I was doubting my salvation. I don't know if I could ever put into full words of what it's like to stand in front of the masses inviting people to put their faith and trust in Jesus, and be struggling with my own salvation. See when you hear statements like, "If you're 99% sure, you're a 100% lost." Some of us have heard that. And then all sudden the fear kicks in. And I would read verses like John, 1 John 5:13, 'I write these things that you may know you have eternal life.' And I would make this statement, "If I could just go walk in the footsteps of Jesus down the Via della Rossa. If I could just go see the hill of Calvary." I was just like Doubting Thomas, the realist that goes, "If I could just touch the nail scarred hands." And so I went to Jerusalem, longing for that doubt to go away. And it didn't. And finally in my accountability conversation with a pastor friend by the name of Mark, in Memphis, Tennessee. He looked at me and he said, "Ed, either you believe God's Word or you don't. That this verse says, 'Whosoever calls on His Name shall be saved.' Not if. Not but. Not maybe." And then I realized something. And this is the game changer conversation that's been happening across our house this weekend. I just heard a sweet saint of God go, "Every time I make a mistake, I feel as if God has left me. But now, based upon this Message, I realize I have been sealed by Him." And I want to talk to you about that. Because this was life-changing for me. And I pray that it would be life-changing for you. That you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit. Couple of announcements I need to make real quickly. We have always been a church that says that we embrace this title: 'It's Okay Not to be Okay.' We're a church for broken people. We just go ahead and tell you that from the stage. Begins with me. Authenticity, transparency at a lot of levels. We're kicking back into the flow of what God's doing here a ministry called Celebrate Recovery. I just want to ask the question how many of you in this room. Whether you've been sober for a day. You've been sober for four days. You've been sober for a week. Or two weeks. Or seven weeks. Or seven years. 14 years. You have been delivered by Jesus Christ to overcome an addiction. And that is your story. Would you just raise your hand? How many of you would just be honest about that right there? (applause) You're not alone. You're not alone. And you are loved here. And the reason why I've asked these men and women to raise their hands, is because many of these men and women are serving in our ministry. Helping other addicts find victory. Celebrate Recovery is for anyone that would say, "I gotta hang up. I got a habit. I need help." And this could be this answer that to some of you that are going, "I got a question. And I just wonder, what does this church do we do?" We do this. And that is, we specifically. Specifically give towards the recovery of people finding their identity in Christ. So when you give through this church. It is going to ministries like this. So we could do it for free. Because that's the Kingdom. And so I just pray that for some of you that are interested in that, I need you to go out into that lobby and sign up and be a part of this incredible ministry. Also, next weekend we will celebrate Baptism. As we have done once a month beginning in January. Since January, baptizing every month, we have seen almost a thousand. We are right now at 971 baptisms going into the month of October. (applause) Almost a thousand people going, "I'm not ashamed of Jesus Christ." And for those of you that are going, "I gave my life to Jesus but I've not been baptized." Would you sign up? You can take the tear-off portion, check that box, "I want to be baptized." Drop that in our offering box as your gift. Somebody's gonna get you signed up. Or you can go to the website at You can sign up online. So we're just praying next weekend, that we could just be able to, just to once more, be reminded that we are celebrating life change. Now, as we get to John 14, beginning in verse 16 and 17. Eleven o'clock crowd, are ya'll with me? Come on say, "Amen"; let me know you're here. A lot of energy in this room. That's why I love you people. Now I need you to shout this pastor down today. And what that means is this. I need some folks to talk back with me. Talk to me. Come alongside of me. I'm battling a little bit of what's known as. Not that you know anything about this. I'm battling, as a newcomer to San Antonio, Texas, a little Ragweed. (laughter) So if it sounds like I'm still going through puberty. God Bless you. (laughter) Some of you are going, "But hang on. Because Mountain Cedar's are around the corner." (laughter) So I need you to help me preach this message today, is what I'm saying. In John 14:16-17 it says, 'I will ask the Father and He will give you another.' That's the Holy Spirit as a Person... 'Helper'... That is, His purpose... 'to be with you forever.' That's the promise. What we're doing is, we're breaking this down. As the young people say, "We're chopping it up." Just chopping up. Just breaking it down. Chopping it up. So we can understand it. So as we talk about the Holy Spirit being with you forever. What we understand is this significant statement. That salvation is not a feeling. It's a fact. That we've been sealed by the Holy Spirit. So as we talk about this concept of the seal. A seal was given for security. A seal was given for authenticity. A seal was given for ownership. And a seal was given for authority. Now those are words. But if you're like me, where you got some learning disabilities and you need to see it visually. Thus I got a whole section of props I'm going to somehow, someway, give you a little bit of visual. Which is why I got my Garth Brooks microphone on. (laughter) And can I say this? Since I just mentioned Garth Brooks. I get this every time, "Ed, when are those boots coming?" When they come, you will know. And I promise you. I will decree a date that will always be on our calendar as 'Roundup Weekend.' Alright? (laughter) And it's gonna be a 'put your boots on and your belt buckle and your bolo'... I'm coming strong that weekend. I'm just telling you. I'm coming strong. (laughter) So let's talk about the seal the Holy Spirit. If you're with me right now. Come on, say 'Amen'. I want you first to see the signature of security. Signature of security. A seal was given for the signature of security. It's a form of protection. It's a mark of authority. All those notes, right there; signature of security. I gave you two references. Daniel chapter 6. Do you remember when King Nebuchadnezzar threw Daniel into the lion's den? What did he do? He took that signet ring, pressed it into wax and that was a signature of security. That the verdict has been given. Therefore, don't you tamper with the pit. When Jesus was crucified and buried in a borrowed tomb. The Roman Emperor of the day sealed the tomb with his signet ring as a signature of security. The reason why the Roman guards were on the outside. Was because there was, if you will, these statements that were being made. That he's gonna come back from the dead. So to extinguish this rumor, the Roman guardianship guarded the tomb. But if that seal was broken, your life was taken. And I just was processing. I like to refer to it this way. I was marinating. On the seal of security. And I just wrote this down. It's not inspired. I just know that the Holy Spirit pressed it on my heart. And I want to share this with my friends. And I hope you get as excited as I did when I wrote this down. 'The seal that was placed externally on the tomb was broken internally.' Let me just slow my roll for just a second. The seal was external but the seal was not broken external. The seal was broken from the internal. Not by a robbery. But by a resurrection. Now listen to this. 'Therefore, the resurrection that broke the seal on the tomb provides a seal on you that will never be broken.' And what you've got to understand. Now hang with me. Because I'm gonna need you to shout in just a second. What was on the inside, got on the outside. So we on the outside, can get on the inside. And when we get sealed, now that we've been on the inside. We can't get back on the outside because we've been sealed by the Holy Spirit. Now I need you to clap your hands and shout that truth. (cheers and applause) Come on. I've been sealed by the Holy Spirit and I can't get back on the outside. I'm on the inside. Speaking of trying to get the product of what's on the inside, on the outside. Anybody else getting frustrated with these medicine bottles? (laughter) Whether that's vitamin C or over-the counter medication. It's been sealed. It's childproofed. Sometimes it's adult proof. (laughter) And then you crack the seal and take the lid off and guess what's underneath the lid? Another seal. I just hope and pray that the next time you go into Walgreens or CVS or to the HEB. H-E-B, as you go in there. And you see just some medicine bottles, that have been sealed. I just pray that you would breathe a prayer to the Lord, "Holy Spirit of God. Thank You for sealing me. Because I was on the outside and then You put me on the inside. So no matter what I do, You're not going to kick me out. You've been sealing me by the Holy Spirit. So thank You for the signature of security." I just need somebody just to be reminded today; you've been sealed. (applause) D Rob, I need you to help me a little bit, sister. I hear you down here on the front row preaching at me. Come on. I need you to help me today. And so point #2. Not only do we see the signature of security. But #2, I want us to understand the evidence of separation. The evidence of separation. A filter. Here's the phrase. A filter for perception. It's Ephesians 4:30 that says, 'Do not grieve the Holy Spirit but you have been sealed unto the day of redemption.' When is the day of redemption? When Jesus comes back for His people. So from now, till then, we are sealed. Not only with the signature of security. But in evidence of separation. So when, in a book called Ephesians, there's a town called Ephesus and when lumber was purchased. Therefore, there was a branding on that timber and they would send it down the river and you picked it up. So you were at the commerce section; the marketplace. And you purchase the timber. And they would brand it. And as the timber came down the river, whatever the number was that was branded on the timber, you gave that number. And that's how the transaction took place. See, a transaction has taken place. You've given your life to Jesus Christ. He paid for you in full when Jesus said, "It is finished." The phrase is 'paid in full'. And not only was there a signature of security. There was an evidence of separation. You were branded. Sealed with the Holy Spirit. Now, I have a branding iron. And for many of you ranchers in the house. Many of you understand in the cattle industry there can be a lot of land that is leased. But to clearly identify your livestock from someone else's. It's branded. Which, by the way. Can I just get you to zoom in on this for just a second? Notice on this branding iron, there's no eraser. (laughter) For some of you that are grillsmen or grillswomen. When you go to an event and they say bring your own meat. A BYOM; bring your own meat. And you show up with your filet mignon. Your angus beef hamburgers. Some of you are so skilled in what you do, you brand your burger. Just to make sure there's no confusion. (laughter) Don't be trying to steal my burger. It's got my name on it. Isn't it interesting in Revelation chapter 7 that the 144,000 Jewish evangelists. Which, by the way, some of you are like, "Ed, I didn't grow up in church. Help me understand." So, when Jesus comes back for those who have been sealed by the Holy Spirit. There will be what's known as a tribulation. And the 144,000 Jewish evangelists will preach the Gospel to those who've been left behind. Which, by the way, He's always a God that's just given second chance. After second chance. After second chance. After second chance. After second chance. (applause) Just giving. Just giving more opportunity. The church will be resurrected. And He uses the 144,000 Jewish evangelists to preach the Gospel. How will we know they're the Jewish evangelists? They've been sealed. There's a seal; a mark. That's why in Mark chapter 12, when Jesus goes, "Bring me a coin", when He was asked the question, "Is it lawful to pay taxes?" Anybody else just wishing he would have said a different answer? (laughter) Oh Lord. I just wish you wouldn't have said that. But You did. You said, "Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar." Which in essence is, "Pay your taxes." Now, in the church of God, what we've done is we've taken that statement where Jesus said, "But render to God what belongs to God" as a statement of giving and tithing to the church. But understand, there's an image on the coin. And what Jesus was saying is, the image of Caesar renders that you are under his authority. Though you may own that coin. It is yours. You earned it. You spend it. But just be reminded that you're under the jurisdiction of the Caesar. But when he said, "Render to God what belongs to God." You and I were made in the image of God. And when you and I've been changed by the blood of Jesus, receiving Him as our Savior. You've been sealed with the seal of security. There's an evidence of separation. We belong to Him. So our response, since we have been sealed by Him, is to render to God what belongs to God. To give Him our lives in full submission. And by the way, going back to this branding iron. It's with great intentionality that we had the number three branded. Here's the reason why. Because you were branded by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And no matter what you do, that's not erased. (applause) John 10:27-28 says, 'No one can snatch you from the hands of the Father.' Romans 8 says this, 'Neither death nor life nor angels nor demons nor present nor future could ever separate you from His Love.' See, it sounds arrogant for me to stand up on stage and say, "I know, that I know, that I know. I'm going to heaven." Somebody might go, "Wow! That's arrogant." See it's arrogance if I go, "I'm going to happen because of me." But I'm not going to heaven because of me. I'm going to heaven because of what God has done through Jesus and sealing me by the Holy Spirit. I'm going to heaven because of Him. And because of that. That's not arrogance. That's confidence. And by the way, can I just speak this into your life? You can walk in a God given confidence that when your life comes to an end you're going to heaven. You can walk in a God given confidence that everyday, though I don't feel like it, (applause) I've been declared that I am sealed by the Holy Spirit. Signature of security. Evidence of separation. But point #3, write this down. You'll see this in your notes. We'll see this third concept of the adoption as sons. The adoption as sons. It's a fact of position. A mark of identity. Now, for some of you in the room, you're going, "Ok. Uhm... Can you holler at the ladies for second? Like, 'adoption as sons'? What is it that? Are you being discriminatory?" No, no, no. Listen to this. When the Bible uses the verbiage 'sons', it's not making females feel lesser than. I just need to enlighten our house today. To understand when the Bible says, 'You're adopted as sons.' Which I'm going to read this verse. It's a statement of inheritance. Inheritance. So you realize, that when it comes to inheritance, the firstborn gets the majority of the inheritance. So how does God see you? Yes, His son and daughter. But your status before Him is, son. You get the full inheritance. That's why Romans 8:17 says, 'We're joint heirs with Christ.' So, whatever Jesus got, by His victory, providing for us salvation. We get the full blessing that was bestowed upon Jesus. For what he did for us. And as we think about being joint heirs with Christ, we are adopted as sons. So now that you have that context. Listen to Galatians 4:5-7, 'We receive adoption as sons and because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" So you are no longer a slave'... That's a good word for us... 'no longer a slave, but a son'... firstborn, is how you're seen... 'an heir through God.' Have you heard of a place called Chuck-E-Cheese? My wife and I refer to it as 'the kids casino'. (laughter) They'll be folks that are being counseled going, "So. When did this gambling addiction begin for you, sir?" (laughter) And without hesitation. It will be, "Chuck-E-Cheese." Some of you know what I'm talking about. Moms and dads, where you go into that place and you see the ticket counter; the exchanged department. And everything in them wants to get this particular prize. And you're calculating. You're like, "I can go to Dollar General and get that 47 cents. (laughter) But that little thing, in this store, is gonna cost me $47.20. So it was a birthday party for friend of Liv and Lawson. Liv is in the fifth grade. Lawson's in the third grade, at this present day. But back then, Liv was early Elementary and Lawson has just been with us for a couple of years. And for those of you that don't know my family dynamic. We're just meeting for the first time today. Which, by the way, so good to have you in the house. I hope you come back. Here's the thing about our family dynamic that you'll hear me say often. We're a lot of flavor. Not only in our church. But we got a lot of flavor in our house. See. I just want to say this. I hadn't said this in any other service. But let me tell you why I love this church. Because my son won't be the token black kid in the youth group. Can I just say it that way? Because the last thing I want to be part of was just an all-white church and my son would just be the token black kid. (applause) I'm just telling you. That's why I love this church. A lot of flavor in this house. Because I didn't want him to be referred to as the token black kid. I wanted to be referred to as Lawson. Lawson. Just Lawson. (applause) No disclaimers. Just Lawson. So we adopted him from Ethiopia, Africa. And at this particular time, when we go to Chuck- E-Cheese. For those of you that have been there. And you brought kids in. Especially when there's birthday parties. There's that moment where they stamp your hand. Some of you are already going, where I'm about to tell you. (laughter) So Liv gets '4', I get '4', Lawson gets '4' and it's only apparent underneath the black light. So we go into the birthday festivities and it's now time to leave. Security has shifted on their post. And all the sudden, in order for us to get out, we had all put our hands underneath the black light. So Liv puts her hand underneath the backlight. She has blonde hair/ blue eyes, by the way. Number four shows up. Dad. Underneath the black light. Four shows up. Lawson puts his hand underneath the backlight. Nothing. I go, "Hey buddy, I think it's your other hand." And all sudden... Nothing. They go into security protocol. Like it's red alert. They think I'm trying to take my son. (laughter) Like they think I'm trying to... Can I just be honest? Regardless of color. Who's trying to take a toddler? You know what I'm saying? (laughter) Like... Hello. I'm trying to leave you at Chuck-E-Cheese. (laughter) Not try to take you. So all the sudden in that moment. It's chaos at the front. I mean it's like Code Red. I go, "Whoa, whoa, whoa." She immediately chooses to talk to Lawson. In parentheses, Lawson has just got to America; he's just learning English. Just broken English at that. And combine that... I just read this Galatians 4, the word 'Abba'. You've heard that before. Means daddy. He's from Ethiopia. The language is Amharic. And the word for daddy is 'ababba'. Ababba. So he called me ababba. Well my three daughters got such a kick out of that. They were like, (in a sing song voice) "Ababba. Ababba." (laughter) And finally, much like what family does. We just start nicknaming each other. My girls started calling me 'Bob'. (laughter) So 'ababba' was too long. And so it just went to 'Bob'. So let's go back to the story. All the sudden... Four. Four. Nothing. Security. It's Code Red. At that moment, security officer goes right to Lawson and goes, "Little fellow, what's your name?" "Lawson." And then all of a sudden. She points at me and she goes, "Who..." And I thought, "Oh!"... (laughter) "Who is this?" He looks at me. Looks at her. Without hesitation. Without deliberation goes, "Bob." (laughter and applause) She doesn't check up. Because she doesn't know our story. She now looks at me and goes, "Sir, could you identify yourself?" And I went, "Ed." (laughter) She goes, "Excuse me?"... "Who's?"... "Bob."... "Sir?"... "Ed." She's like, "What is going on here?" I go, "Listen. Before you call the police. I just need you to understand something. This is my son." And at that moment, I brought out documentation that had been sealed by the United States of America. I said, "Hey listen. I know he doesn't look like me. To be honest with you, I wish I looked more like him. But I just need you to understand something. That's my son. I'm his father and nothing will ever change that." I just need somebody in the house of God to understand this. (applause) When you were purchased by Jesus, you were adopted as sons. Positional. But we're sons and daughters. We're a part of the family of God. There'll be moments where you go, "But I don't look like Jesus. I don't act like Jesus." Listen to me. Though I want you to fight for holiness in your life. It's been signed, sealed and delivered. And secured by the stamp of the Holy Spirit (applause) That says, "You are mine." You are mine. That's why Isaiah 43 says, 'I formed you. I created you. I redeemed you. I called you.' And Isaiah 43:1 says, 'You are mine.' The enemy will go, "You're not a son. You're not a daughter." And you begin to battle depression. You begin to battle discouragement. You feel disconnected. But God goes, "Young man. Young woman. Adult in the room. Hear this. You're sons and daughters. Sealed. Secured." It's not only a seal of security. It's a seal of separation. It's a statement of adoption. And if you're putting these principles together. And I'm trying to train you to think this way. I'm giving you points that are flowing. But when you look at your outline. Guess what the outline is revealing. It's revealing an acrostic. 'SEAL'. S E A and then our last point begins with L. SEAL. Because I need you to walk out of here with the full confidence of what the Lord has done for you. Because the enemy will cause you to doubt your salvation. And here's what happens. Then you become ineffective for the things of God. And you may not feel this. You may feel as if He has left you. But when we stand on the authority of God's Word. We understand something significant. That leads into this last principle. And that is, it leads. The Holy Spirit leads in sanctification. You go, "Ed, that's a big word. Such a big word." When we think about the big word of sanctification. What we understand is this. Sanctification means to be set apart. To set apart. See, have you ever heard the word 'justification'? I've taught you that word. Justification. As God looks at me just as if I've never sinned. Which, by the way. You go, "Ed, I'm a sinner." Yeah, me too. But that's not how God sees you. God sees you as son and daughter. And since He sees you as son and daughter, you've been justified. That's a legal term for 'not guilty'. You go, "Ed, but I'm guilty." But God sees you as not guilty because Jesus paid your penalty. But as we talk about sanctification. Sanctification is a principal not a position. But a progression. For example. I was at BAMC this past week, visiting one of our Green Berets that's in rehab. And I was in a conversation with a military man. And you just gotta understand. I'm new to San Antonio. And I love having the military a part of our church presence. I just asked this conversation. I said, "Sir, why is the flag on your right arm look backwards?" And it was such an enlightening moment. Because your flag on the other arm, as I face it, looks as if it's in the right direction. But as I see it on your right arm, to me it looks backwards. And I'll never forget this. He goes, "Pastor, to you it looks backwards. But the flag on the right arm is not so much a statement for you. The flag on the right arm is a statement for me. So when I looked down, I see the flag not backwards. But I see the flag moving in a direction. The blue stars are pointing in the direction that I'm going. And the red stripes are in the wind. And it's a statement for all military men and women to understand that we are a country moving in a direction. To a mission we have been given." You understand obviously the significance of this vote that's coming up. And I don't meddle in politics. But I just need you to understand. That it's not gonna be a party that rescues us. It's Jesus Christ. (applause) And we've been reminded of the craziness of all of this. It's Jesus. Our country has been blessed. We're moving in a direction. But I just need the people of God to understand. We're moving in a direction every day. The Holy Spirit of God, who has sealed us, is making us more like Jesus. Which is why 2 Corinthians 1:20 would say this, "All the promises of God are "Yes" and "Amen" in Christ. It is God who establishes us in Christ and has anointed us.' Which by the way, I just need some paradigm shifts to happen. Often times people say, "Well, Pastor you're so anointed." Which by the way, thank you for that. But you're always going to get this rebuttal, "So are you." You walk in an anointing. You've been appointed and you have an authority. An apostolic blessing. As we discussed last weekend. You have been anointed... 'Who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.' So as we discuss the Holy Spirit in this principle of leading in sanctification, everyday you're being made more like Jesus. And I want to give you this last illustration. So bear with me for just a moment. One of the things that happens for me every time I see Tupperware, I think about the phenomenon that happens in my dishwasher. Does anybody else got this deal going down? (laughter) Where you put Tupperware into the dishwasher. And somehow, the lid goes missing or the lid never fits ever again. (laughter) It's the same phenomenon that happens in your dryer. You put a pair of socks in and somehow one pair came out and you're like, "Where in the world did that other sock go?" But as I discuss with you today what's called 'The Tupperware Gospel Presentation'. Louie Giglio, who's a phenomenal pastor in Atlanta, Georgia that one day I hope to get here. Phenomenal man of God. Shared an illustration called 'The Tupperware Gospel'. And let me begin. We begin with Tupperware piece number one that says 'me'. You're fearfully and wonderfully made. This says 'me'. But I need you to make it personal to you. You're fearfully and wonderfully made. God loves you. God knows the stars in the heavens and He knows you by name. But the Bible teaches that we're born in sin. Psalm 51:5 says, 'We're born in sin.' Romans 3:23 says, 'For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.' Therefore, religion can't get you out of this. Your good deeds can't get you out of this. Your good works can't get you out of this. That's why you hear me say that good people don't go to heaven; forgiven people go to heaven. And forgiveness comes through the blood of Jesus. Which is why I've taken the third piece of our Tupperware and put the name Jesus on it. The Name that's above all names. Written in red. Because, without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. When the Bible says that 'Whoever calls on His Name shall be saved.' There is a truth and a declaration that you are in Christ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the old has gone. The new has come. It's Romans 8:1 that says, 'There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.' The enemy tries to get you out but he can't get you out. Why? Because you've been purchased and bought with the blood of Jesus. You are His. But I need somebody to walk out of here with an understanding that, not only is that true. But see, there's a good good Father that loves you. He seeks to provide for you. He's the one that wants to speak into your life. And because of that, not only did you put your faith and trust in Jesus. But you understand that there's a good good Father that loves you so much. That He sent Jesus to die for you. Not so that you get better and then come to Jesus. But you come to Jesus just as you are. And as you come to Jesus, just as you are, He changes you from the inside out. And therefore based upon that principle. Here's what happens. You have been sealed by the Holy Spirit. And here's what I need you to embrace. You can't get out of this. That is, you've been bought with Jesus. (applause) The love of God has wrapped you up and you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit. Come on. Let's get on our feet together today. Come on. As we're standing, we're celebrating. We're clapping. Embracing this truth. What a Word. What a Word for us today. I've been sealed by the Holy Spirit.