The holographic puzzle is hiding a big secret

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okay okay okay here we go here we go here we go here we go Moment of Truth here we go oh my God oh my God so one of my favorite things to do here on this channel is to feature vintage puzzles that have never been seen on the internet before welcome to the internet honey you'll love it it's a great place here so basically I've been researching this puzzle company nordevco and as part of my research I was making a spreadsheet of every puzzle they ever released and to do that I went through every single worth Point listing and then buried deep into the archives of fourth point I felt like the puzzling Indiana Jones I found this holographic puzzle that I didn't know existed and I was like oh my God a vintage holographic puzzle that I didn't know about where did this come from unfortunately in this listing there was just one really bad photo not a ton of information so I added it to the list and I was like keep an eye out you know it doesn't exist anywhere else on the internet and then literally just like weeks later I got a message from a viewer named Carolyn who was like I have some vintage puzzles you might be interested in and she sent me beautiful high quality photos of this exact puzzle and so we worked it out I paid her a whole lot of money and now I have it and I can open it up for all of you when we were messaging Carolyn was like I cannot bring myself to open the shrink craft so I'm gonna sell it to you and then you can open the shrink wrap so let's take a look uh for the first time on the internet this is go to pieces with the ultimate jigsaw puzzle uh warning Insanity may occur a few minutes after starting this puzzle I have genuinely No Doubt I think the insanity is deciding to do this puzzle in the first place the sides are pretty standard we really don't get a lot of new information all that we get is the address which they put on uh pretty much all their boxes a barcode a style like an ID number nothing new on this side and then um just the same warning here on this side and there is nothing on the back all right this is the moment oh people are gonna be so mad at me for opening the shrink wrap but how else will I solve this puzzle like these just don't exist okay no going back now oh oh my gosh it's even more beautiful without the shrink wrap on it I can't believe I just did that I can't believe I just did that all right and now it's time for the second Moment of Truth what is inside okay okay okay here we go here we go here we go here we go Moment of Truth here we go what could possibly be oh I see I see pieces I'm starting to see pieces and okay it's a bag of pieces a little anticlimactic there's yeah there's nothing else in here just a bag of pieces but okay thank God thank God oh my God pieces are random cut that's gonna make it so much easier it's not gonna be a million false bits of pieces that are all the same shape I am so happy right now I'm so happy I'm so happy okay okay okay let me take a breath and then I'll show you so here's what we've got if we look at these pieces the cut actually looks fairly familiar to me and that's because nordevco as far as I understand it [Music] and so these pieces look like eating puzzle pieces okay now that we've opened this up and this is going to be a much easier puzzle than it theoretically could have been let me tell you about a way to learn math and science in an easier way than you may have learned them before that was that for a connection so today's video is sponsored by brilliant something that I'm always going to promote on this channel is learning and education and Brilliant is the best place to learn math data science and computer science interactively so maybe you're a student maybe you're just interested in the world around you but either way brilliant is a super fun way to learn the lessons range all the way from basic algebra up to data analysis AI neural networks algorithms and if you have kids on summer break right now I think that brilliant is a great way to keep their minds active when I was a kid to keep me like learning over the summer my mom would make me do an hour of sat up every single day like out of those giant books oh my God it was so boring but brilliant is completely interactive it feels like you're playing a game but you're learning at the same time you can go completely at your own pace and it works on your phone computer and tablet so you can work your way through the lessons anywhere so if you want to try it um there's about a month of Summer left and what do you know you can get a 30-day free trial so you can try 30 days of brilliant completely free at Karen puzzles and the first 200 of you are gonna get 20 off Brilliance annual premium subscription so all of that info is gonna be at down below but right now let's get back to the puzzle [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you oh wow these pieces are so beautiful I'm having so many flashbacks to that Springbok prism magic puzzle um I'm gonna pull that one out and do a full comparison once I've solved with this one so just like you would expect from the box uh there's no picture on here it's literally just this holographic like Square texture so it's basically a solid color puzzle there's nothing to go on the pieces feel like pretty good quality not quite Springbok thickness but pretty solid and uh yeah I think I think this will be doable so let me do some sorting and then I'll share what I think my strategy is gonna be [Music] [Music] oh wow look at all that puzzle dust you can really see it on this black background that I put down foreign [Music] foreign [Music] definitely looking a little overwhelming but trust me there is a method to this madness so up here I have uh this shape of piece they're all facing the same way then we've got a bunch of Castle pieces there's only two each of the four Inns and four outs down here I have these guys with the squares on both sides over here I have the smallest puzzle pieces up here I have all of this standard puzzle pieces and then everything in the middle is um miscellaneous and it actually overflowed over here so as I get these put in place I can move these onto the board but I got the edge completely done I had no false fits um luckily this is the kind of puzzle where you know for a fact when you get a piece in the right spot and these are definitely wacky wacky pieces like look at how giant this guy is there's also a ton of pieces where they split the connector in the middle so um these I mean these don't go together but you can see how when you put them next to each other it forms a usual puzzle piece connector so I also turned off all the lights number one because it's gonna be very hot in here this afternoon and the lights just make it warmer and warmer but also this is great timing because with this puzzle specifically um it's easier to see the color is in the holographic pattern without all the bright lights when you have the bright lights on it just basically washes out the entire design but without them you can really see the rainbow colors come through which does not help at all when putting it together because as I said it's basically a solid colored puzzle but it'll look better on camera and it'll look prettier to me here in person so it's uh almost 1pm right now I have all afternoon to just sit here and power through and listen to all my podcasts uh wish me luck wish me luck [Music] [Music] thank you oh my gosh I just worked on that for four and a half hours straight I'm up to five hours and 27 minutes but I have to stop um number one it is getting dark especially without all the lights on and uh number two I'm just so tired I don't think I've put in a single piece for like the last 20 minutes but the reason I just did a time lapse of all of that is because this is the most boring part of the puzzle it just goes so slowly at the beginning because there are so many pieces to choose from but I think this is a solid effort for day one um even though it might not look like it I think I can finish it tomorrow so okay I don't know I'll I'll tell you more tomorrow I'm I'm so tired now this took everything out of me [Music] all right it is day two of the holographic puzzle but before I get started today I just want to see something so these are the two eaten puzzles that I've already done uh this is a puzzle plus and then we have Haley's Comet and oh my God oh my God that is the exact same cut that's the same puzzle cut they definitely flipped it because this is the front of the puzzle and this is the back of the puzzle but like just follow along look at that it's the exact same cut and so this means I don't have to solve this puzzle properly I can just follow along I have a cheat sheet everyone always asks why I keep my puzzles together in the Box this is why so oh my gosh am I actually gonna do it I mean I already put five and a half hours into it I kind of want to know what my final time is just on my own do I really want to cheat now now that I'm already halfway into it well okay I think I'm gonna let's see it is 8 44 a.m right now I'm gonna see how much I can get done by noon if I'm really not making a lot of progress at that point um I may cheat a little but this is just good to know that I have a backup so let's let's do it for real uh for another couple hours and we'll see oh wait and just so that we get the full picture it looks like the Haley's Comet puzzle is also the exact same puzzle cut I wonder if they only had one puzzle cut okay this one piece I cheated on when I was looking at those puzzles I I was so stuck on this piece last night that I just glanced at what I should be looking for oh okay wait I just made another Discovery I started noticing this yesterday but I I needed to get enough done so that I could pinpoint exactly where it is so there's actually a line running all the way across you have to get it like just the right angle to see it do you see it right there running all the way across the puzzle here and then there's also one coming down here you can see it again right there I hope that's picking up on camera and then it looks like there's also one right here so basically anytime I see a puzzle piece that has a line like that in it I know that it's gonna be on one of those axes thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right I'm at just about eight hours it's about 11 30. so I definitely think I will go ahead and finish this without looking at my cheat sheets I still haven't put in this big chunky guy but I have put in some of the big pieces it's always so extra satisfying thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't believe I actually did this the very last piece and I'm done that was a lot so that took me just under 10 hours and I mean now that I've conquered the ultimate jigsaw puzzle we can all just go home right you just go ahead and wrap up this channel now [Music] let me add a little bit of spice [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] oh no disaster I was trying to do the pickup challenge in the dark and now I'm gonna have to rebuild this entire side of the puzzle [Music] oh my God what was I doing this whole time this is how I should have been doing the puzzle um if anyone else ever finds one of these do it at night oh my God this is so much better [Music] laughs [Music] okay is that puzzle not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen you can see how in bright light it just kind of looks gray but then at night it's like a disco ball all the colors come out it's so beautiful so just to be sure I pulled out an additional four eaten puzzles because I wanted to know if they really do all have the same cut or not and these are actually all different cuts from this holographic puzzle I don't know for sure if they're different from each other I'm gonna have to solve all of them and like make another spreadsheet but I think it was just a coincidence that the first two that I pulled out were this exact cut [Music] foreign and then as you saw I also got out the Springbok prism magic puzzle so let's compare them you can see how they're very similar to each other both just this all over holographic texture I actually think the Springbok one is prettier during the day because even in bright light you really do see some of the colors coming through but I think the nordevco one was prettier at night also the Springbok one had a little bit of a picture that you could follow in all of these uh hexagons whereas the nordevco one didn't have any of that besides these lines which I think were a mistake the Springbok one is also um so solid you can like throw this in the air and it's totally fine um the nordevco one is definitely a lot looser so I don't know which one came out first I don't know the exact release date for either puzzle I know they both came out in the 80s but I cannot say who copied who or if the two companies just came to this idea independently like who knows I couldn't say but fun fact they're not the only ones that ever released a holographic puzzle foreign [Music] I think this is all of them uh just a casual nine holographic puzzles so I did full videos about Chris magic and then the Gold version of prism magic literally so beautiful I can't handle it I've also talked a lot about the frustrator also by Eaton which is this colorful design I really wonder whether this puzzle directly led to this one like what that process was like then we have the silver optic puzzle which was released in 1970 by American publishing Co um this one I have not solved yet that's why all the pieces are loose but you can see again it's another just shiny silver design and I believe I saw a second version of this one on worthpoint however these are super rare so I don't know if I'll ever get that one then we have the three flat puzzles also by nordevco which I talked about in my haul video with just a couple weeks ago and finally we have the enchantment jigsaw puzzle from Springbok also known as the magic mirror puzzle this one doesn't really count as holographic because there's no pattern on here it's just shiny silver but I don't know I feel I feel like it matches I feel like these could go in the same category do you guys think this is the first time all of these holographic puzzles have ever all been in the same place at the same time I would not be surprised all right so the reason why I was so surprised to see Eaton puzzle pieces in here is because even though nordevco did re-release some eaten puzzles under their own branding they always seemed to keep the box design almost exactly the same whereas this one is completely different this is a total outlier nordevco Never released another puzzle that I've been able to find that had a box design anything like this and there is no indication on here that this has anything to do with eaten puzzles I mean they bought all of the Eaton equipment so clearly they kept making puzzles that were exactly the same as the old eaten puzzles I'm just gonna have to do a lot more nordevco puzzles to see if I can uncover all of the secret Eaton puzzles so that's actually what I wanted to ask all of you is there something in your hobby where one item is secretly exactly the same as another item but you wouldn't know unless you're like in the know and like really deep into that hobby like I don't know are there cheap knitting needles that are secretly exactly the same as like expensive knitting needles so your code word for the comments if you watched all the way to the end will be ultimate alright that's all I've got um thank you for watching and I will see you all in the next one
Channel: Karen Puzzles
Views: 174,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jigsaw puzzle, karen puzzles, karen puzzle jigsaw puzzle, 🧩, jigsaw puzzle collection, how to do a jigsaw puzzle, rare puzzle, karen puzzles collection, karen puzzles vlog, eaton puzzles, vintage eaton puzzle, karen puzzles eaton, holographic puzzle
Id: HNieUipWv0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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