The Hobbit - Production Video #7 (2012) Peter Jackson Movie HD

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hi so welcome to our new blog we've taken you away with us on location but we thought that today you might enjoy having a little look into our studio stone street at the public obviously uh nalaut and here while we're shooting morning but we thought it would be great to give you all a private little tour around the world of The Hobbit here at Stone Street and Miramar New Zealand used to be an old paint factory we got hold of it just before we started Lord of the Rings we built one sound studio for Lord of the Rings we've got another one on King Kong and we bought a couple more here for The Hobbit and it's actually a great place to make movies right now hi this has got for the production office morning this is the office in our boss Brigid your what you barely have in this folder here you got some filing skills Megan I love to open in closes Emma processing contracts and the mother freighter or three foot seven Kate Mulligan we'll find you whatever crazy thing you need and this is right she coordinates and distributes all my script revisions hi there I've just got some urgent script permissions to go out to all cast immediately so I'm just gonna hand these ones over to Mike he's going to take the road to Jimmy news but for us you kamichan peasy yeah don't look at me directly in the eyes ha oho Thorin Bard Gandalf nothing for me come in then they'll see the world that we inhabit here for the last 25 years decorate the trailer with things that remind me of home villages on the seaside in Northern Ireland where I am from my horse Riverside Theatre I was Martin he plays um one of the characters in us and there's the main character me b'fer hello everybody my name is Luke Evans and I play bug and I'm going to take you on a little trip around trailer park we have 21 trailers where we've been living for the last seven and a half years today I look at hilly he's my neighbor he'll these guys yeah I don't know they just said try to show them round Steven oh yeah there's a long time we spend here sometimes in them and they're setting up scenes and things like that it takes a long time so it's like flaking isn't basically what's laughing do you know I think you pull a young good-looking lads at one end see all the ugly bugger and say they just don't want to mix with us mrs. green frog good morning and welcome to stone street I'm just off to my prosthetics morning all okay so this is my spot currently with lovely Rachel and now we're about to start the process come and see me again in a couple of hours when I look radically different two hours later here we are hey Peter we are traveling in five okay hey guys come on to me take you to the 80s Porter comp home for a lot of us so down here in the eighties Porter calm we've got 11 80s and work on mania we come up with bit of a plan then we run it from here action so fun with the child locations Department decide to put some beautiful pictures up of sunny New Zealand here in Wellington we hear sunny days but they are few and far between we get a lot of rain whereas but we also get hail also hey common in the block three there's some busy little bees down here hey guys how you doing welcome to the top of stack department I just guys okay so this is intensely we'd like to bring onset every day hopefully you enjoy hey come on guys let's go when on set come on let's go hi welcome to the hair makeup department here we are on day five thousand 953 of shooting and we're now actually trying to repair the wigs that have been doing the barrel sequence for the past three days as you can see this week's lovely lovely natural blonde color whereas the other wigs that we've now got here which have been bleached and so now I have to try and turn these wigs back into this week so that's my job for the rest of the day to get all the week's ready for Monday we are in their costume workshop and we've got racks lined up here for all outdoors because we have to do constant repeats for their stunt double that photo doubles then we've got our flesh factory where three people have been making the dwarf fat suit components so this is a stage this is the stage that we built in time for Lord of the Rings that was our biggest stage then so we did things like Elrod's chamber at Rivendell where the Council of Elrond took place B stage has amazingly enough been used for a lot of shooting there was a lot of Lord of the Rings Bag End was built here in B stage you can hardly call the studio really it's just an old tin ship kind of feels a bit like I'm driving the tram at Universal Studios hey over here we do have our biggest sound stage which is called K stage K being named after King Kong we've had some pretty big set pieces in here recently Mirkwood forest and some of the cultural forest scenes here we have F and G these are our two newest stages being built specifically for The Hobbit they've pretty much got the latest technology inside them and rather large extraction units for all those fires and flames and smoke at the very end of the studios is the art department the home of Dan Heller Ellen Lee and John Cal when a guys welcome to the art department come on in I think the production designer is in g'day dan fantastic with God six weeks in two days of principal photography week we're shooting slices of money which is film 1/6 we're very busy and this over here is our set decorator rather than sent hi I'm come with me I've got something very cool to show you this is my favorite place it brings into play all of the ideas from all the individual contributors in the art and they get to share all their ideas in here and this is where the first spark of inspiration begins and in this office is only and John how : I'm John good afternoon we basically sit there all day long doing drawings three years of it a couple of thousand drawings each and amazingly enough was to let me fun we see the light at the end of the tunnel we thought for a second you might be a train that turns out as a dragon come to this way I'll take fatal model-makers add calligrapher Daniel Reeve in this way to the model makers so here many models we have to make we've done approximately 115 sets to date and each one of those sets we try to make a model to show Peter before we begin construction that's kind of things much we've got the smaller we showed Peter this morning where there's a few adjustments we have to make for it and then we'll be straight in the construction of this we shoot this in one week's time welcome guys really on the stage come on in that's where main units surely today we're doing a scene here for film one it's a scene in the troll cave so follow me we'll come here but then I love the producer emotionally and in richardson's living and a for me we'll go on set but I'm quietly day rehearsing it yeah I'm current of the bus where the stoning the sound recordist these are some of the newest stages head soundproofing which makes it fantastic for us being as there's an airport just over the hill that way that's the first production that's been done here and one of the biggest things is this Headroom up here now so the guys can walk all the way down these walkways without bumping the head on stuff I'm the specialist roof dweller teni if you don't have a fear of heights very embarrassing if you drop something plus you to doesn't be but now we're just gonna walk away hi my name's Deon I'm here to technology on the hobbit just gonna show you through my office in my space known as the ten cheap come on it we look after the technology rigs cameras this rig here is a surface rig for shooting on water going in next couple of days to shoot a very exciting sequence with the dwarf she's all wireless and all made here in Wellington over the last couple of weeks well g'day you've seen some pretty good technology back there on the tin sheet I understand kind of a lookout here because this is pretty basic technology this is where we've built humongous green-screen this is called the BEC lock now the backlot is where we shoot all sorts of the outdoor scenes it can be battle scenes they can be which sets and obviously being a green-screen the backgrounds can be change later on and post-production have a look down here for now you can see we're on top of the green screen this rig up here is a rig designed by Tony Kitty the key grip this rig holds huge shade cloth to block the Sun off when we're filming there we don't want the Sun going in and out of clout all day okey what's going on down here this is nine square it's pretty complicated get the ball head up to the next play get it out of your squares he's cold anything on the line of the less pretentious it's all about attitude do not give in do not make eye contact make your call with FRA while you wait for it's always by school guys please I'm trying to do something this is where we still with the lead weapons you can see a multitude of boxes each box is one leads characters weapons this is Glines box of beauties and they belong to Gimli in the law the rings and loin his father for the hobbit boy they are in fact the same apps that just been made in two different sizes I think we've now reached about four scales for every weapon we make probably about time that you went down to see who made all these weapons where to workshop very easy just around the corner out the front drive makes you take a ride you've got past the tight place then turn there you're all the way down the end the road don't stop you'll get to the end the rows 90-degree turn you need to turn our ad your hip way to watch and you guys come on in it's pretty crazy at the moment come on down here it's all cars weapons end up and clean up and this young chef Alec is medley trying to get the exes finished bowstrings weapons lined up for the day's painting so Kerry's just putting the aging pass on quite a decent croquet hammer another painting area this is model the milling Department injection molding under this gun strange remain sending engineering bending cutting dies got to mold making flesh making bone fillings and then for every one of the lead actors that has a full prosthetic and of course with buffer has X we also make scale doubles of these welcome to the scary Porter come by I'm Callie I'm Sophie I'm Brendan and this is Bertha the hopeless romantic we're scale doubles so we spent a lot of time being short yeah I'm paid to be sure they wanted us for our bodies hey have you guys seen the behind the scenes team yet I know we do for me what are you doing I've been filming the blog it's like a pet project filming the blog yeah that's very good but shouldn't you be killing orcs or something shouldn't you be directing a movie yeah right so here we are at the end of the blog you've enjoyed this tour around our little world down here in Miramar New Zealand I hope you particularly enjoyed the camerawork I thought it was terrific wonderful in fact I think we should take that wig off and get you behind the camera I'll take over the role don't worry you want to be legal owners Kieran as legal as this is it's a done deal okay so we're going to come back with another blog when we wrap it in a few weeks time or shortly after we rep so look forward to our final blog of our shooting period coming up soon the bitter end the happy end happy you
Channel: Rotten Tomatoes Coming Soon
Views: 565,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit trailer, The Hobbit HD, The Hobbit movie, peter Jackson, Martin Freeman, Cate Blanchet, Bilbo Baggins, Luke Evans, Elijah Wood, Benedict Cumberbatch, andy serkis, Hugo Weaving, Orlando Bloom, movieclips, movieclipsdotcom, movieclipstrailers, movie, clips, popuptrailer, the hobbit production video, the hobbit production video 7, the hobbit production video #7
Id: CkfwlcMk-90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2012
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