The Hobbit (Calm Ambient Mix by Syneptic) | Episode II
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Channel: Syneptic
Views: 12,217,838
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Keywords: The Hobbit, Calm, Ambient, Mix, by, Syneptic, Howard Shore, Soundtrack, HD, HQ, Full, Album, Collection, Official, Original, Battle of five armies, audiobook, Trailer, Song, Full movie, Theme, OST, Peter Jackson, Hobbit, Desolation of smaug, dwarf, Music, jrr tolkien, tolkien, Hobbits, elves, playlist, full, an unexpected journey, bonus tracks, billy boyd, video, misty mountains, best, i see fire, lotr, lord of the rings, sound, lyrics, download, free, chill, relax, study, studying, sleep, sleeping, 2017, 2018
Id: JV_PfGcPewY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 56sec (3476 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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