The HK VP9SK raises the bar on sub-compacts

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hey guys today we're going to talk about the H&K vp9 SK this is a sweet little carry gun this thing right here if you want to simplify it you guys you know I like things kind of simple it's pretty much a cross between your vp9 and your p30 SK the biggest difference being that this costs a little bit more because it is a hammer fire gun the vp9 is actually it kind of took the world by storm the trigger is an awesome little trigger they couldn't keep these things on the shelf then the p30 SK comes out and they couldn't keep these things on the shelf and I guess HK because HK really doesn't care what the general public thinks about their guns they're focused on military and law enforcement I guess military and law enforcement said hey we'd like a combination between these two basically we want a striker-fired p30s k is pretty much what they said from a subcompact standpoint that's when the vp9 sk was born it is nearly identical to the p30 sk in terms of body and say nearly because i've seen some people say that they are identical and they absolutely are not you can tell the Terr not they just don't line up properly or the same way I should say it is actually closer in terms of the vp9 of course internals too but everything from the controls and all that it's just a smaller version of the vp9 the cool thing about this gun is it's extremely concealable you're carrying ten rounds plus one in the magazine you can get some extensions out there it does take numerous other magazines of larger sizes that's nice the vp9 SK does take P 30 SK magazines as well as vp9 magazines so it's extremely versatile if you're wanting to mix and match these guns up a little bit it comes in a multitude of different colors Cera coated finishes and whatnot I think you're going to find that you these are these are very high-end guns that you can get at a reasonable price being in a striker-fired realm the hammer fire cost a little bit more to manufacture those so those guys are gonna be a little bit more expensive already so you can get into the striker-fired market which most people want anyway you can get into one of these guns for a whole lot cheaper and that's what makes these things so attractive to me and obviously guys look it's an HK so it's it's it's very well made the gun itself has very striking characteristics to it it's got so many things that you're gonna like it's got the front and rear serrations those serrations have a slight bit of a bevel to them so you're going to get positive grip no matter what where you grab this thing and when you grab this thing wet hands gloves whatever you also have these cocking ears on the back I'll have to look up and see exactly what the right nomenclature is but I call them cocking years some people have complained that they are in the way I personally feel like if these things are in your way and you're that much of a concealed carrier you're probably too tactical for me these things will not get in your way in fact they're rounded off they're not going to drag on anything they're not going to snag on anything they're not going to be in your way the benefit of having these obviously is so that you can [ __ ] this thing on belt loop your belt if you have an injured support hand you won't need your hand to actually work the slide so I find that very beneficial they can be removed you can take the rear slide off and remove those and put like a flat plate or something like that on there I think that's a total waste of time you're not giving anything up you're not gaining anything by giving that up so it's totally pointless to do that I do like how the controls are recessed in the pistol excuse me if you're going to be that much into the hole snagging or anti snagging wanting to conceal this weapon then definitely recessing those controls is certainly going to help you I do like the way it's got the European paddle for the mag release ambidextrous of course you can actually use your trigger finger if you want to release that mag instead of always using your thumb you can you can simply use your trigger finger and not lose much range of motion by cocking the gun to the side or anything of that nature I actually like the position of it it's actually a little bit forward of a towards the trigger guard so you don't have to reach out for it or reach back for it in some cases on a standard mag release you're reaching backwards whenever you're trying to release your mag rather than just having a natural swipe going downward right here and be able to just release that thing that's nice I like that it's definitely got some cool features to it the cocking indicator on the back of it I guess it's nice to have but I'm always cautious about that because two things number one I don't want any one to rely on a visual indicator on a gun to think that a gun is safe or not safe what I mean by that is let's say for some reason you don't see the orange as you're looking at it right here and you feel like okay my gun is safe that may not be the case now I have an older Walther from back in the 90s and from shooting the things so much that little orange piece on the back fell off now I never used it as an indicator but just one day I happen to notice that it was not there anymore so if you're relying all these indicators to tell you that your gun is safe and you handle this gun without actually making a visual check to see if there is a round in the chamber yourself with your own eye to see if there's a bullet around in there then you're making a huge mistake so these things are nice to have as a backup system so to speak but it should never be your primary means of determining if the weapon is is safe and look for that matter unsafe you could very easily [ __ ] this thing if you're and again I'm not going to get to the whole argument of carrying one with one in the chamber but if you care with one in the chamber and you have this gun as you can see it is not loaded okay but it's cocked now so now that I have it cocked my indicator is showing but there's no rounds in there so if I happen to be goofing around with my gun and I hate to use that term because I don't goof around my guns but if I happen to [ __ ] it and I leave the indicator actually exposed and I grab a good magazine and I put it in there and I don't put one in the chamber if I holster this then I'm gonna go to my next I guess the next day whenever I'm gonna go carry my gun and I holster my weapon put it in there thinking that I'm good to go and I'm locked and I'm loaded and if I happen to pull my gun out I don't have it so I'm not protected like I thought I was so the gun is not in a firing position as the indicator actually shows this is simply saying that the gun is cocked it's not a loaded in the chamber indicator so there's some reasons why this is nice to have but there's there's equally enough reasons to not rely on that as your primary means to determine if there's actually a bullet in the chamber or not a bullet in the chamber all right guys we're going to see how this thing shoots now this is the 10 round magazine or one of the ten round magazines that comes with the b.p 9sk they send another one that has the little finger extension on the bottom it's not a plus one so I guess if you feel more comfortable holding it with that extra of a pinky finger on it that's a psychological edge that you have because you feel like you're going to shoot better and of course they have one of the regular vp9 full full-size mags and I'm going to use also let's get this thing a whirl and see how it shoots [Music] all right guys we have our target set up here at 7 yards that's my most common attacker distance if I'm shooting at somebody that's 25 yards away I'm more of a murderer I guess it's an eye helm a self defense guy I'm not shooting at somebody 25 yards away unless they're shooting back at me most cases are probably have their back to me so again I like to set up at a seven-yard distance that's what the FBI and some of the other guys out there like to use in terms of a distance that's going to be more routine for them to engage an attacker so we're at 7 yards here and not that we expected that not to work but you know you've got all your rounds on target at 7 yards very easy here let me see how I do again with this is what the if you notice the pinky extension that will shoot here I mean I don't feel like I got any more control with it I feel like it's a it's a probably a fact that you get with these two fingers right here you have such a good grip on your pistol already that if you don't think about it you feel like you don't think that you're missing something by not having your pinky on there you're really not you're very it's very easy to control the gun and again I have a good firm grip of my support hand you know our good friend max Michelle has told us many many times you need to have more of a grip with this hand than this one anyway so you have such a firm grip even if your finger your pinky if you notice how my hand is on the gun now in fact let me show you real quick put this magazine back in there the regular one without the pinky extension if you notice my pinky would hang off the edge well well my support hand comes on I'm covering all that up and you wouldn't know anyway because I get so much of a good grip my support hand so I think there's a little bit too much weight that gets put onto that extension and think it's more of a psychological thing to most people show you how I was talking about earlier if you want to drop it with your your finger right there your trigger finger this is my vp9 magazine same thing I mean if you want to use your slide release you can use that also I mean it's not like this is gonna be hard to do I'm gonna see if I can't pop the head of that thing real quick yeah I'm innocent sooo poops I missed that I pulled it actually trigger I pulled it too quick yeah I'm popping the head on this one like it's nothing right over the top right over the top that's all user error on my part gosh anyway this is going to be something that you're gonna find is going to be something that you're going to really enjoy shooting because it's effortless very very little effort and pulling the trigger on this thing because it has such a smooth trigger actually let's go weigh this trigger and see what this thing is all right guys let's see what our trigger weight is I like the old-school old-fashioned trigger pull gauges alright guys let's see we got [Applause] pull straight back straight back as I can ooh come off okay that one broke right at five pounds if you guys can see that I know it's a little tough sometimes broke right at five what a shocker right another gun that's fun to shoot by HK this vp9 SK is a nice gun like I said earlier I carry one of these on a regular basis it's in my routine rotation that I have with my carry guns on a daily basis I'm a big fan of it I don't necessarily use the little pinky extension I just have that feeling that if I'm trying to go for a subcompact I want to keep it subcompact if I'm not carrying any more rounds then to me it's not enough of a psychological advantage to have my pinky resting on something that might actually make my pistol print now where maybe it's more concealable atleta like this so I'm not one that's going to be looking for that pinky extension if I don't need it if it's not adding rounds to me I'm keeping it at the house this thing is nice though very easy to control the features that it comes with and you're just not going to find this on a subcompact gun you've got the interchangeable side panels the back panel again the slide serrations on the front they are angled so they look a little better this little cocking ear thing on the back I do like the full ambidextrous of this again I know lefties are people too so I try to point that out the sights are nice the sights takes some some light to light them up because they don't stay lit all the time it's not like a tritium or something like that it's more of a paint that that lights up but whenever they're lit up they're bright extremely bright like I said earlier don't pay a whole lot of tension to the indicator on the back that's cocking indicator but it's a nice thing to have again it's if you're using it kind of as a backup or maybe to reaffirm something it's nice to have thing breaks down easy from what I've been told these barrels are Canon grade steel and I think they've want to say I've read somewhere that HK hit tested these rounds up to 90,000 rounds fired through them so I think you're going to have some reliability with this thing when it comes to the type of steel that they're using factor these again a nice pistol I recommend you go out and get you one if you're if you're in the market for a gun of this size again it being the striker-fired nature it allows you to get into that HK theater of guns a little bit cheaper than you might would on some of those other hammer fired guns that they have you're getting the same HK quality so don't think for one minute that because it's cheaper that there's any particular reason in terms of how it was built or materials that are being used same materials it's just the build process is a little bit simpler want a striker fired so they can sell these things for a little bit less don't look for a whole lot of help from HK if something goes wrong on HK is notorious we're not really giving a rip what the consumer thinks of their gun they're focused on that law enforcement military market the good news is you don't really need to contact HK because not a whole lot of quality control issues that happen with their guns they all made right they're made right so check while if you get a chance the HK vp9 SK [Music]
Channel: Legally Armed America
Views: 356,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legally armed america, paul glasco, heckler and koch, hk, h&k, vp9, vp9sk, p30sk, 9mm, ccw, concealed carry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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