The History of Luigi's Mansion

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games have always had a player too whether it be a backseat gamer a younger sibling holding an unplugged controller an online opponent or a friend on the couch helping clear a difficult level one character throughout Gaming's Short History has become the face of player 2. the face of the younger sibling and an industry icon in the shadow of his older brother Luigi [Music] Luigi would make his debut in the Mario Brothers arcade game as the character for anyone at the player 2 position he would continue as Mario's lesser-known brother through the Super Mario series on NES and the SNES mainly being a simple Sprite swap in the Nintendo 64 era Luigi wouldn't make the cut for Super Mario 64. but would continue to appear in Mario Kart Mario Party Mario Tennis and Mario Golf always ask the second choice after Mario [Music] after he didn't appear in Super Mario 64 it seemed that Luigi would stay in the shadow of his brother only showing up in spin-offs and side games with little siblings everywhere never getting a chance to take the lead all of that would change with space world 2000. [Music] Luigi's Mansion officially shown off at spaceworld 2000 was shown with many other games as in-development titles for Nintendo's newest console the GameCube the game featured Luigi starring in his own solo Adventure while it wasn't Luigi's first go at being the protagonist it is certainly his most memorable the story Luigi must go through a haunted mansion filled with nasty Ghouls and ghosts all to save his older brother Mario with Luigi's Mansion being a launch title for the GameCube it would make the GameCube the first Nintendo console to release without a traditional Super Mario game this is the story of Luigi's Mansion [Music] like many games that were released for the GameCube Luigi's Mansion began as a game developed for the Nintendo 64. while there isn't an exact timeline on when the game began development it's most likely to have started sometime around 1998 or even 1999. rumored to have been developed for the Nintendo 64 disk drive a failed add-on for the Nintendo 64 that gave the console increased specifications an interview with Nintendo online magazine translated by Insider reveals the game was in fact originally on the Nintendo 64. eventually development was shifted over to the GameCube which was codenamed dolphin at the time some sources claimed the game's development was kick-started after the demo was created according to design director Tadashi sugayama the game began with the idea of having the player explore a huge house initially it started out as a Japanese style ninja house before shifting over to an apartment complex and then finally the American style Haunted Mansion while the game was in the early design phases the primary idea was having the player walk around and explore the many different rooms similar in vain to The Legend of Zelda series dungeons the setting was then changed to a dollhouse due to the player only being able to see three walls of the rooms since the GameCube was in such early development the design team for Luigi's Mansion were able to make requests for the technical capabilities for the console one of those requests was for a robust lighting system since the team had decided they wanted to create a lighting scheme that focused on darkness and shadows they transition the dollhouse into a haunted house with the transition from the dollhouse came another change in development Luigi's Mansion was almost Mario's Mansion as the game didn't have a specific Direction while doing the initial designs they toyed with who the main character would be eventually the team landed on Mario himself while Mario was the main character throughout early development once the game had switched to a haunted house setting Hideki Kono director of Luigi's Mansion decided that Mario quote has too much of a reputation for being a hero to be believable as a frightened Explorer and it quote wasn't part of Mario's personality to be surprised or frightened so the development team decided on the Cowardly Luigi instead luckily for Kono and the team Luigi being a bit of a coward had some history behind it not only with the Atari Mario Brothers commercial with Luigi screaming out for Mario but with the voice actor Charles martinet in the 90s Martin a would do a facial capture animation with Mario at trade shows answering questions in the two familiar Mario voice some kids would ask about Luigi though and how would Mr Martinez react [Music] ing spaghetti [Music] intentional callback or not Luigi would now become the owner of his very own mansion with the main setting decided and Luigi becoming the main character Luigi's Mansion began going deeper into development with the main idea drawn out characters rooms and more specifically the room layout began being built the team had decided early on that a three-floor one basement layout would work best but the challenge for them was how to make it interesting Hideki Kono was originally making Maps based off the original idea of it being more Mario themed some of these ideas included not only a desert area but a prairie area as well since they moved over into a more western style they included things like a huge staircase a bathroom on each floor an in-home gym a music room a game room and much more while they were conscious of each space there were plans to include an underground cave to extend the environment past the original Mansion idea early designs even included an RPG style system where the game would upgrade the stage if the player performed certain actions while Kono and the others were working on the map and layout of the Mansion the team had character designers working in parallel while they had designs of the characters on paper with thoughts of this being an N64 game one question was brought up early on should the game include Mario characters of course you had Luigi but would the ghost be Mario characters we knew and loved while the developers weren't too sure on whether they should include familiar faces from the long-running franchise as they didn't want it to feel like simply another chapter in the series this development continued they would eventually include booze given it took place in a haunted mansion towed as a way for the players to save and Bowser who's mainly just a surprise at the end one new character added to the mix was Professor egad with a very punny name egad would help Luigi in the mentor role throughout the adventure and would become a staple of sorts to the Mario Brothers lore Mario himself would make an appearance but this time he was the one needing to be rescued trapped within a painting with development moving out of the design phase and onto the GameCube the developers had a chance to play around with the hardware and since the game was expected to be a launch title it gave the team a chance to play with new graphical features according to Hiroki sotoike the main programmer for Luigi's Mansion the team wanted to quote create Dynamic lighting with really crisp Shadows with the way the Nintendo 64 handled light rendering crisp Shadows were not feasible the GameCube on the other hand wasn't fully developed by the time Luigi's Mansion team had started their work this meant that they were able to make requests for technical capabilities such as the ability to create nice shadows in developing a dark horror-esque game light became incredibly important the developers were able to attach real-time Shadows to all objects and it was rendered in real time thanks to the gamecube's flipper GPU while the gamecube's new GPU was pretty fancy something the developers had to get used to was the use of disks to compensate for the lower read write speed of disk based consoles Luigi's Mansion only loads a few rooms at a time this makes loading time for the game relatively short overall along with that all cinematography for the game is an engine meaning they didn't have to use the space for CG pre-rendered cutscenes while they were working on the lighting engine for the game the rest of the team started looking at controls since the GameCube was still in development the controller had not been finalized meaning the Luigi's Mansion team could also make requests in that department as well Hideki Kono stated that they had always wanted to use two analog sticks one for movement and the other for control of Luigi's flashlight and vacuum with that in mind the team also further simplified the use of buttons since much of Luigi's Mansion gameplay came down to using both sticks once the GameCube controller's design was finalized the core gameplay Loop of Luigi's Mansion would include the use of both the man analog stick the c-stick the L and R buttons and the B button if you look at the gamecube's controller the layout itself emphasizes the Big Green a button however in Luigi's Mansion the a button is only ever used to interact with the environment and Mario since the majority of the gameplay is using both analog sticks it's pretty easy to see that using the c-stick and the a button at the same time is a bit tricky so they moved the sucking power of the Poltergust to the R button helping players move and vacuum at the same time the development team would add a strafing option though which would make things a little simpler when using both joysticks although developments seem to run smoothly ideas were implemented last minute as is the case with most games according to sotoike the development team ended up adding more ideas toward the end of development than cutting features one of these features added late in development was the use of the B button entirely in game the B button acts as a toggle for your flashlight allowing the player to hold down B and let it go to capture a ghost more easily the legendary shiguru Miyamoto came up with that idea believing the players should have more things to do with the A and B button one of the things the team focused on was also directly influenced by Miyamoto responsiveness konosan States Mr Miyamoto really values the feeling of control responsiveness in our games for example when you check the walls Luigi used to go through an elaborate animation before he tapped on the plaster but Mr Miyamoto thought it was very important for Luigi to tap the wall immediately after the player presses the button one of the most famous and interesting bits of scrapped content for Luigi's Mansion is of course the stereoscopic 3D in an interview with Edge in 2010 leading up to the 3DS launch Kono who had become the producer of the 3DS stated that they had experimented with having an additional display that would attach to the player's screen to enable 3D effects sotoro Iwata who became president of Nintendo after the GameCube launched told in a nuwata ask column that the GameCube had 3D functionality built into the system itself to enable the functionality players would have needed to purchase an LCD screen that would seemingly have attached to the GameCube according to Kono the costs associated with 3D displays and the low resolution of Luigi's Mansion meant it couldn't show 3D quite right so it ended up being scrapped with the game finishing up development the team at Nintendo hoped Luigi's Mansion would prove its worth when they decided to announce it as a launch title foreign [Music] with Nintendo space World 2000 Nintendo wanted to wow fans and the Press with the graphical capabilities of their new console codenamed dolphin to do so they showed off a Sizzle reel of upcoming games and Luigi's Mansion in particular was shown off in this reel the footage shown did not include any gameplay but did give a solid look at how the game was pushing the GameCube after spaceworld there wasn't a lot of information that was released regarding the GameCube and Luigi's Mansion in fact players would need to wait until 2001 to get a better look at Luigi's 128-bit Adventure with E3 2001 being held on May 17th through May 19 2001 Nintendo would showcase the GameCube in all of its Glory showing many in development titles but most importantly giving a new look at Luigi's Mansion through a trailer the trailer included footage seen at spaceworld 2000 but would also Show gameplay showing real-time Shadow mapping realistic looking vacuum physics with dust particles and Luigi exploring a seemingly complete Mansion players were also given a look at how the game would play with Luigi rotating and shining his light on a pink ghost stunning it and revealing its heart Luigi would then use his backpack to suck it up this early footage of the game also shows a meter as a part of the HUD which when it reaches 10 seems to make Luigi's backpack explode from heat knocking him back and losing the ghost he was chasing players are also given a glimpse at some more human looking ghosts which would eventually be known as portrait ghosts it also seemed to include a clock in the bottom right corner letting players know what time it was possibly hinting at a limited Play Time much like Majora's Mask one shot in the trailer also shows a glimpse of the Game Boy horror which is used in the final game to communicate with egad and view the map of the Mansion while the game looked graphically impressive in this state giving Luigi Great Expressions rounded features such as his nose and showing scenes like Luigi opening the door which isn't CG much else regarding the game wasn't shown off in that trailer of course the game also had a live demo that showed more of these features in real time like Luigi pulling the curtain in the bathroom to the side and showing off the L button which allowed Luigi to spit water out of his backpack in this demo one of the main features that was highlighted was how fast the game loaded with Nintendo proudly showing off the nearly zero load time the game also had an on floor demo allowing attendees to take Luigi for a spin in this brand new Haunted Mansion one player Shane Satterfield of Gamespot details that quote controlling Luigi is simplistic yet refined and further gushes that quote the bathroom is virtually a real-time GameCube Tech demo steam comes from behind a shower curtain transparent ghosts fade in and out and Luigi's showers the room with real-time lighting from his flashlight while his image is being reflected in the mirror IGN also had a chance to demo the game at E3 and wrote about it as well some of their comments include quote exceptionally good character animation dazzling lighting effects amazing transparency simple yet addictive gameplay and a fresh inventive soundtrack complemented by quirky sound effects though they did note some negatives like how quote the E3 version had a lack of puzzles and boss enemies adapting to the controls team proves difficult at first dual analog doesn't seem quite Nintendo style and textures on World objects suffered in detail overall the game seemed to be quite a hit at E3 with many players enjoying the experience overall especially praising the fun gameplay and beautiful Graphics shown off its last appearance pre-release would be at space World 2001 which was held between August 24th and August 26th the main takeaways for this build that was shown off was that it was a more complete game with better ghost AI higher quality visuals and some changes to design mainly with the ghosts IGN did note that in this build it was visually crisper with no slowdown or frame drops their biggest concern was still the Dual analog setup making it harder for new players while that was IGN's biggest concern for the game Nintendo's was making sure that it shipped on time right after space World 2001 the game was due to launch with the GameCube on September 14 2001 later hitting North American shelves on November 18 2001. worries the game itself starts with Luigi traveling to This creepy Mansion one that looks much different compared to the brochure Luigi happened to win the mansion in a contest he didn't enter and upon entering it finds another person Professor egat after running from a group of ghosts egad takes Luigi to his lap this lab area acts as a bit of a hub world for the player instead of saving a specific room or floor for the player to start at when the game begins you start back at the lap with egad asking where you'd like to go Luigi finds out Mario has already entered the mansion with egad not seeing him after he entered egad believes the only way to save Mario is to give Luigi his Poltergeist 3000 to help fight the ghosts the player is then given control in the training area teaching the player the basic mechanics of the game the gameplay Loop is as follows ghost appears player shines light at the ghost either by turning quickly or pressing B to turn the light off and on when the ghost is stunned the player presses R to start vacuuming while vacuuming the ghost will deplete Health ranging from 0 to 100 and once their health hits zero the ghost is sucked up the main control stick moves Luigi around with the c-stick controlling where Luigi faces the R button turns the Poltergeist on to suck up ghost and the B button is used to turn the flashlight on and off egad helps the player through these controls and gives hints like how you can turn the flashlight off and turn it back on when you're ready to hit multiple ghosts at once or when you go to catch a ghost you can pull back on the control stick to deplete their health faster once you complete the training egad will show you the gallery here you can look at all the portrait ghosts you've captured displaying them in a beautifully hung portrait once you come back to it egad also equips the player with the Game Boy horror which serves as the menu for the player giving access to the map money they've collected ghosts they've captured and allows the player to enter a first person Viewpoint to get hints about ghosts or teleport with mirrors and of course communicate with egad through FaceTime then it's off to the mansion the Mansion itself isn't much different from the initial training segment except now you have a bit of exploration and puzzle solving to do like in the first room the player needs to blob the purple candles to begin the battle or how opening this wardrobe spawns a hiding ghost then you rinse and repeat for each quote area of the Mansion the game has four areas in total instead of having Luigi go through the game linearly each area has ghosts scattered throughout Area 1 mainly covers the basics with a couple ghost rooms and three portrait ghosts total including Neville a father who loves to read Lydia the mother who cares about her looks and Chauncey a baby that hates playing with grown-ups going back to the lab beating Chauncey gives the player a cutscene with egad using the portrait vacationizer to turn the ghost back into portraits here you can tell how well you did against the portrait ghost the player is given one of three frames a gold frame a silver frame and a bronze frame gold frames are awarded for taking the ghost below 10 of its HP within your first sock silver is awarded by draining 50 to 89 percent and bronze with 49 and below for Boss Battles like Chauncey the player must take less than 10 damage throughout the fight area 2 begins to flush it out a bit more giving access to the rest of the first floor and introduces new mechanics with the elemental coins these coins allow the player to press the L button to eject fire water and eventually ice this can be used to solve puzzles like lighting the butler's candles sending him back to his room so he can sneak attack him or conquering environmental obstacles such as doors that are on fire they can also be used to stun special ghosts that may be frozen or on fire using the element will hurt the ghost which is slower than vacuuming them up but still works while exploring area 2 Luigi meets a friendly ghost named Madame clairvoya who tasks Luigi with finding Mario's five items his hat his shoe his glove his letter and his star Luigi also accidentally releases booze into the Mansion including the great King Boo himself egad advises that Luigi would need to search each room to suck up the booze as they gain strength when they're together they also act as a key of sorts meaning that the player cannot continue at certain points in the game until they've caught a certain number of booze the portrait ghosts in area 2 are the floating orlindas a dancing couple who can no longer compete in the waltz competition Shivers the butler who is in love with pianissima but lacks the courage to approach her Melody pianissima herself a beautiful pianist who loves video games as evident by playing the Overworld theme from Super Mario Brothers 3. Mr logs the first optional ghost in the game is a 30 year old man who ate himself to death spooky the dog and then finally the area's boss which is bogmeyer a manifestation of the mansion's fear and despair Area 3 continues to open up the Mansion allowing the player to access the rest of the second floor and some rooms on the first that they hadn't yet explored Luigi also gets access to the final Elemental coin ice in the dining room with the rest of Floor 2 now unlocked Luigi has quite a bit more rooms to move around to but no new mechanics necessarily the player does do some backtracking moving back and forth between each room each floor all of that just to do some exploration but at this point in the game it becomes fairly linear with the Game Boy horror giving you a spot on the map telling you which door to open with each key that you get though this area does more specifically focus on trying to find Mario's items which are required to capture Madame clairvoya then once you capture 20 Boos you're on to the boss and into the final area of course you do take the ghosts you encountered back to egats for the portrification and the area 3 ghosts include Biff Atlas an optional bodybuilding ghost who loves his muscles Miss petunia a shower loving former Miss ghost competitor Nana a knitting Grandma who loves to play pranks on petunia slim bank shot a competitive pool playing Legend Henry and Orville twins most likely named after Henry Ford and Orville Wright and the older brothers to Chauncey and finally Madame clairvoya herself who after showing all of Mario's belonging asked to be put back into her portrait then the player captures boo losses a large boo made up of about 15 smaller Boos these Boos do count towards your overall boo total launching it up to 35 if you collect the minimum needed after putting them back in portraits Luigi heads back to the final area area four heading to the attic the Mansion is struck with lightning causing the blackout period the player must head to the basement and turn the power back on but during this time all the lights are out meaning ghosts start spawning again one of the benefits to this blackout period is the ability to catch blue ghosts in Luigi's Mansion as you play it the player is able to quite literally pick up cash coins dollar bills gems and more a goal that isn't quite explained to the player until the end of the game is to collect as much money as possible special blue ghosts or quick ghosts spawn in certain rooms these ghosts are a bit harder to catch as they are much faster than the normal ghosts but if you do catch them they spawn money and sometimes gemstones you can catch them normally in the room that they initially spawn in but if you forgot to check a room you can do so during this blackout period area 4's final ghosts are the three Clockwork ghosts which are as they say Su p a seven-year-old who refuses to wet the bed giving the player a hint on how to provoke her Jarvis a ghost who loves jars so much that he lives in one sir Weston and Arctic explorer who hates being a ghost so much he hides in ice and finally Vincent Van Gore one of the main antagonists who is actually creating the minor ghosts that the player has been catching with the final key leading to the basement Luigi goes into the altar room to find King Boo admiring his portrait of Mario King Buu reveals that he's the one who told Luigi he had won the Mansion wanting to get back at the Mario Brothers for all the trouble that they had caused King Boo sucks Luigi into Mario's painting revealing Madame clairvoya's prediction correct that Luigi would need to battle Bowser himself though once you hit Bowser it's revealed to be king Buu controlling a robotic Bowser essentially with kingbu defeated Luigi goes to egad to get the ghost turned into portraits egad then reverses the machine allowing Mario to be sucked out of the portrait giving the brothers a happy ending with Luigi being the hero the core gameplay Loop of going from room to room searching the huge mansion and capturing ghosts is a fun one if a bit simple the designers argued back and forth while creating the game on how hard or easy the game should be according to Kono we wanted to make a game like Yoshi's story where you can reach the ending after several hours but you feel motivated to play the game again some of the mechanics introduced like the element medallions initially stemmed from wanting to display realistic effects like the dust particle one of our early challenges was to display fire water and Atmospheric effects realistically at first dust clouds used a fixed animation that looked the same every time it didn't look very interesting so we created a solution through programming that would change the amount of dust that flies around the room depending on the level of activity in the room the team also made use of motion capture to display Luigi in a more cowardly way showing off the technical capabilities and the controller of the GameCube was very important to the team Technical Innovations aside the team also wanted something new we wanted to create something that is innovative something that no one else has experienced before Mr sotoike once Luigi claims his crown of being the hero and after you see the credits you are then given your rank for the game depending on your rank you get a different mansion and in theory a different ending with ranks going from a b c d e f g and even H the rank you get is solely dependent on how much money you receive or collect through the game with a rank you need to at least finish the game with 100 million dollars be rank you need at least 70 million dollars crank 60 million dollars d-rank 50 million dollars e-rank 40 million dollars F rank 20 million dollars g-rank 5 million dollars and H rank five thousand to four million nine hundred ninety nine thousand dollars the a rank is easily one of the hardest to get almost requiring the need to catch these special ghosts and of course get some of the bigger gems like the pink diamond or the regular Diamond whereas the H rank is almost impossible to get because normally if you complete the game like a normal person you will at some point get over 4 million dollars since it's not that difficult Luigi's Mansion is not the type of experience you traditionally expect from a game launching with a new Nintendo console not just anyone can pick it up and start playing and anyone who thinks this is a sequel to Mario 64 should be forewarned those issues aside this is a fantastic example of what the GameCube is going to be about and a masterful example of game design to show off to your friends Luigi's Mansion is a must-have for GameCube owners and gives the system a new star Tokyo Drifter was the team able to achieve what they wanted according to the critics at the time yes albeit most had a feeling that there should have been a bit more the game currently holds a 78 out of 100 on Metacritic and just about every reviewer has praised the graphical features on display with Luigi's Mansion and many reviewers loved the overall design and gameplay the biggest complaint levied against Luigi's Mansion was its short length Matt casamasina from IGN wrote Luigi's Mansion is fun while it lasts it really is the problem is that the game doesn't really offer much in the vein of variety and the adventure ends abruptly five or six hours after it started this may be Nintendo's internal Flagship launch title but it's certainly not the GameCube equivalent of Mario 64 as many of us were hoping for bran Williams of games 5 wrote it looks great plays well and is pretty unique which is becoming more and more unusual these days but the bottom line is that although Luigi's Mansion is a technically competent and fun title title it really lacks any kind of longevity or replay value and can become a tad repetitive while it was lacking in length Luigi's Mansion really did receive praise in every other department just about every critic heralded it as one of the most visually striking games with Gamespot noting it's the little things such as these that show the attention to detail that was paid while creating this game and that set it apart from majority of early GameCube offerings and GameSpy stating the gamecube's visual prowess manifests itself with superb lighting and Miss slash dust particle effects as well as gorgeous transparency and reflective routines many reviewers also praised the uniqueness of the game referring to the gameplay as quote brilliant and on par with miyamoto's best and quote a masterful example of game design famitsu even gave the game a gold rating giving the game two nines and two eights while reviews were positive to Nintendo one thing mattered most sales with the game launching first in Japan it probably sold less than Nintendo would have liked with about 116 000 units being sold within its first Suite it was however the best-selling launch title in Japan when Luigi's Mansion launched in the US it became the best-selling GameCube launch title and the best-selling game of November 2001 selling over 257 000 units during its first week Nintendo even made the claim that the game was one of the main reasons the GameCube was selling so well stating it had sold more copies in its opening week than Super Mario 64. Nintendo claimed to have shipped around 740 000 GameCubes within its first week meaning roughly 30 percent of GameCube owners also owned Luigi's Mansion assuming all 740 000 units were sold by the end of its lifetime Luigi's Mansion would go on to sell roughly 3.33 million copies worldwide 348 000 units would be sold in Japan 2.19 million units sold in North America leaving around 800 000 units sold in Europe and elsewhere while the GameCube and Luigi's Mansion managed to do well upon its initial release there was one thing that made players and critics across the globe questioned Nintendo's launch strategy this over a new Mario game of course players would get to play Super Mario Sunshine a fairly divisive title less than a year later in 2002 the biggest question was why why did it take nearly a year for an Nintendo to release a new Super Mario game and instead launched their brand new Next Generation console with Luigi's Mansion the boring answer is because Super Mario Sunshine had a tumultuous development cycle Luigi's Mansion had originally been in development for the Nintendo 64 before switching over to the GameCube and with the info on how the team influenced the graphics and controller it's more than likely their development team had come up with a solid idea for a technical demo that was then further fleshed out in Mario's case there had been rumors of Mario 64 too and a demo showed off titled Mario 128. Mario 64 2 seemed to be a possible Nintendo 64 disk drive game or add-on that was more than likely canned due to the failure of the disk drive Mario 128 became a very well-known Tech demo but it seems the team was unable to fully make a game out of it they were still looking for a new element to add to the game and eventually they landed on flood thanks to the gamecube's analog triggers years later a similar sentiment would hit the Wii when it also launched a no Mario game but at least that had Zelda other than speculation no one really knows why the GameCube launched with Luigi's Mansion but 20 years later many have found that it was a launch day gem with Gamecube sales always playing catch up to the PS2 and eventually falling behind the Xbox of all consoles Nintendo would need to change their strategy for the Next Generation eventually they would release the Wii in 2006 becoming the fifth best-selling console of all time and a console you could also play Luigi's Mansion on the series itself though laid dormant after its 2001 release it did become a part of Luigi's Legacy and plenty of other games though like Mario Kart and Super Smash Brothers as well as making characters like King Boo and Professor egad stables in the franchise yoshihiko igebata claimed that Nintendo had been wanting to create a sequel to the first game for many years and it wasn't until the Nintendo 3DS that they felt it was the right time hearkening back to the original 3D capability pitched by Kono the sequel was initially thought of thanks to the Poltergeist of all things according to ikebata I think it was just the very basic feeling of using the Poltergust to solve riddles and sucking ghosts with your vacuum cleaner it felt so good that basic gameplay and the satisfying nature of that action in the game really stuck with us and made us think about a sequel finally in 2013 the long-awaited sequel Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon would release while this game was more level based foregoing the portrait ghost and Mansion style it was still well received and enjoyed by many fans then in 2019 Luigi's Mansion would hit the switch with Luigi's Mansion 3. almost 20 years after release of the first game Luigi's Mansion 3 for the switch was showered with praise and managed to sell over 11 million copies making it one of the best-selling switch games Luigi's Mansion 3 was also praised for much of the same reasons the first game was praised it was a tactical Powerhouse for the platform and it returned to a portrait ghost Style with different floors the player needed to explore and capture ghost in Luigi's Mansion would also get a remake on the Nintendo 3DS finally fulfilling the team's initial stereoscopic 3D Dream headed by grezo Nintendo's miracle workers of remakes the game added a few features from Darkmoon and would release a year before three in 2018. by now it's well known that the first game may be a tad short but it's an exceptionally fun game not surprisingly Luigi's Mansion was overshadowed by Mario Sunshine as a fan favorite for GameCube owners but it's still a favorite of many especially the ones who grew up as player 2. [Music]
Channel: Video Game Docs
Views: 13,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch, mario, mario movie, luigi's mansion, luigi, history, video games, video game history, gaming, luigi's mansion 3, super mario, super mario bros, shigeru miyamoto, video game documentary, spooky, poltergust, luigi's mansion beta, mario is missing
Id: QlmKTQk_2nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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