The History of Computers, Programming, and Coding

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this story of well computers and coding you can  really have computers without coding can you well   yes you can and that's one we'll talk about eating  today's presentation the story of coding so let's   start with coding but let's start with computers  well what came first the chicken or the egg we're   about to find out right check it out the idea  of coding has been around since the 1800s but   guess what there were no computers in the 1842  in the textile industry you know what the textile   industry is kids for those kids watching doing  school projects and research textiles are clothing   man it's like rugs it's like giant blankets and  these are actually punch cards that were used back   as far back as the 1800s and each one of those  holes told the Machine where to put the thread   and then you were able to get really cool-looking  blankets and rugs and all kinds of other stuff   that would have taken a tedious amount of effort  to do manually you could do this with machines now   by using those punch cards and what they did is  they just found the holes in the punch cards and   that said alright put a thread where this hole is  and they could do these really complicated designs   over and over and over again much faster than any  human codes because it's on a machine back in the   1800s punch cards remember that it's gonna come  up again now a woman named Ada Lovelace it all   goes back to Charles Babbage in 1822 he came up  with this idea of using these punch cards they   were already used in the textile industry who's  why can't I make a calculator with these punch   cards and the thing is he could a little bit later  on 1842 Ada Lovelace was charged with translating   Charles Babbage's writings they actually knew each  other they used to meet and I'll talk about this   punch card thing in the theories so she realized  hey you know what this machine could work even   though Charles Babbage couldn't really build  it at the time because the technology either   didn't exist or was too expensive one reason or  another they never built this thing back in the   1800s but she upended her own little note to the  translation for this mathematical calculation that   would have been the computer algorithms so the  industry kind of widely considers her the first   ever computer programmer that's right ladies  a woman was the first ever computer programmer   that blows the glass ceiling off the building  doesn't it Lovelace predicted that one day the   theoretical computer would be able to play music  as well as chess Yeah right never happened right   but she also said that a computer would never  think for itself and we are beginning to take   the wraps off of that right now here in the 21st  century so we'll see how that pans out here's one   of the first punch cards supposedly created by a  Babbage no Babbage uses the base-10 system for his   machine from what I understand and wasn't really  the best way to go as well find that a little bit   later so what are we using computers we've got  1 1 0 0 0 1 1 problems that translates to 99 for   those binary geeks and bits ain't one you get it  99 problems and bits ain't one so what is binary   code we typically count using the decimal system  or the base 10 system of 10 digits why probably   because we have 10 fingers who knows we can't go  back that far and ask the guys back in wherever   it was that came up with this thing you know  prevalent in Middle East somewhere saying hey   why do we use the base 10 system well we don't  know but check it out we go from 0 to 9 so we   have 10 digits we start with 0 not 1 we go to 9  and then what happens when we hit 9 we run out of   numbers right so we're gonna roll over so we use  something called a prefix or positional notation   we had a 1 so we go from 0 then we go from 9 and  10 then 100 when we run out of those digits and   you know that's how we count it's called base 10  or the decimal system so what is 30 mm my zip code   30 2922 in decimal we go from right to left you  see the positional notation values increase by   a value or a power of 10 as we go further to the  left so we start with the ones and the tens 100   probably so we know that 32 9 22 we add up all  the positional notation all the values in those   little buckets comes out to 32,000 920 to get it  makes sense based well computers use electronic   switches to function they can't count to ten  they can't count on their own computers are   inherently stupid until people tell them what to  do I know it's hard to imagine a computer being   stupid especially we have these fantastic things  like Siri and Alexa being able to we'll go into   that later how that's even possible it's it's  nuts but electronic switches think on and off   we've got a voltage or we have no voltage that's  actually oversimplifying it will either have a   higher voltage and a lower voltage or a mid-range  voltage that's kind of thrown away or no voltage   at all in some cases but I don't know but goes  back to George Bulls algebraic logic again from   the 1800's of true or false suppose that he could  use his algebraic logic to figure out any problem   any mathematical equation using just true or false  statements and you know wasn't the most efficient   thing but hey it worked so binary is different  the base-10 it only uses two digits the only two   digits you will ever see in binary is 0 or are 0  & 1 & 0 indicates an off state and 1 indicates an   on state and then when you run out of digits you  add a prefix but what's your prefix well in binary   each prefix you add that one to the beginning  of it it increases its value by two times you   get it because you only got two digits you can't  increase it by 10 because you don't have 10 digits   you only have two so check it out this is how it  works this is 0 to 4 in binary on the right you   see decimal on the left you see the binaries you  see if you go 0 & 1 are the same but then you go   to the number 2 no you gotta use that positional  notation gotta put a 1 there because you ran out   of numbers right and then 3 is 1 1 and then 4  we're going to bounce out again so you can see   how these numbers can get tediously crazy long so  let's do a simple conversion we're gonna take 0 0   0 0 0 1 0 1 convert it to decimal right remember  positional notation values increase from right   to left for going to the left here so the decimal  value in a binary situation it's going to increase   by 1 power of 2 so any number to the power of 0 is  1 you remember grade school math I didn't how to   look it up and then we go to two to the power one  right it's gonna be 2 and then 2 to the power 2 4   sit her all the way down all right so what's  1 0 1 when we look at the switches here think   of these numbers these binary numbers as switches  they're on or off remember and a 1 in the case the   switch is on a zero indicates the switch is off  so we have two switches in the on position right   then the ones column all the way to the right  the one switch to to the zero power the value   of 1 and decimal it is on we go one to the left  and that second positions off so we don't count   it we go one more over position number three is on  it's 2 to the second power to the two power which   is 4 so the decimal total we add these together  we find out that 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 in binary is 4   plus 1 it's 5 and decimal you get that it's not  rocket science it's just thinking of things in a   different way so what's a bigger number 1 0 0 0  0 1 and decimal well switches are on and the in   the first position all the way might be starting  to right and go to the left and then in the 6th   position if we take a look at that through our  decimal value we're going up to a little bit   higher now we're going up to 32 so we see that the  ones switch is on 2 is off or is off 8 is off 16   is off oh hey the 32 is on so if we look at this  in decimal we can add these numbers together it's   a 32 is on the ones own we add those together  when we get 33 1 0 0 0 0 1 in decimal it's 33   now remember this number 33 for a second alright  1 0 0 0 0 1 is 33 in decimal now check this out   so zeros and ones might look like gibberish to you  right and to most people that does until you know   what you're looking at but in binary code using  ASCII values which is a table that translates   that binary code into something else that we can  understand these numbers are actually saying look   at these numbers remember the one on the end the  one zero zero zero zero one it's saying hello and   those numbers underneath the letters those are  asking number 72 69 76 679 and 33 is the ASCII   code for the exclamation mark check it out now  you won't have to remember these computers do all   these calculations for you in binary of course  but this is how it all works everything you put   in the computer is converted to zeros and ones  two binaries on or off switches to electrical   impulses to magnetic or not everything is code man  everything is binary your colors your shapes your   numbers your letters everything you put into a  computer is converted to binary pictures every   single pixel every color it reline every tiny  little thing every animation every video every   music note everything you do in a computer is  converted to binary at some point until it can   be executed by the processor so I mean it looks  to us it happens like in real time so we don't   even realize anything's going on under the hood  but in reality and as will explain and there's   so many of these calculations happening that you  are not even aware of that it will blow your mind   but you have to understand this if you want to be  a decent coder you have to understand the process   of it so let's take a look some code right this  is a that cat in code in black and white this is   some of the code that we be generated by taking  that picture and throwing it in the binary again   it looks like gibberish right remember the matrix  you saw those green things that's probably before   your time but all those green codes coming down  the screen that's its code everything is code   man everything do on your phone everything in your  laptop everything your electronic toothbrush does   it's all code code is critical man so important  we'll talk why so we're talking boolean logic from   the 1800s true or false holes or no holes and  punch cards on or off in electrical situations   zeros are one when we go calculating the code the  most important thing to remember is code is binary   on/off zero one hole or no hole true or false  code is binary it it's deepest deepest root level   everything is zeros and ones so now we know that  here's a punch card this is a more modern punch   card there's actually people still using these  things this is what I learned to code in back in   the can't even tell you how old that is but um  people still use these you can see that there's   holes or not holes the indication of holl means  it's on no hole means it's off and that's what a   punch card is that's what it told the early days  you needed something to fill those holes before   we had electrical impulses our way to transmit  those electrical impulses or tell if something   was on or off before transistors before vacuum  tubes even before magnetic tapes we needed a way   to tell computers whether something was in the  on position or the off position and mechanically   punch cards were the way to do it so Herman  Hollerith you may have heard his names around   the herd his name around the hallways of IBM this  guy's invention led to the creation of IBM or the   biggest technology companies that has ever existed  so he developed this machine using punch cards for   instructions his code is program was actually  on punch cards and it used binary zeros and one   so the board he created allowed his machine is  tabulating machine to use separate to do separate   tasks without having to be reconstructed between  each one what's that that's coding right this is a   picture of his machine from IBM's library he was  used to help count people for the United States   Census you don't know what the census is and  something in the United States is legally bound   to do by the Constitution we have to count how  many people are in this country every 10 years so   we know how many people are here and we can figure  out how many representatives to send to each state   or each geographical area we have to know how many  people are here what we're all doing here and kind   of how to look after ourselves so it was kind  of an ingenious thing that the the creators of   our country put together and say hey we need  to know how many people are here so every 10   years we're tasked with counting over the problem  was it took so long to count all these people in   the 1800s when the population was exploding it  took 8 years to finish the counting by the time   you had to count it was already obsolete because  they had to do it again now we took eight years   with colourist machine was reduced to two and now  they could do some really cool stuff because they   could do something called sorting never before  they were able to do this within that eight year   period he could sort things how many people are in  a household how many people live in this state all   from the holes and nose punch cards because each  hole had a different piece of data in it and now   we're able to do some really really cool numerical  statistical calculations now have you seen the   movie hidden hidden figures he talked about human  calculators so human computers were actually what   they were called like rooms and rooms filled  with people doing these manual calculations   for trajectories for things that we needed to get  people in the space and on the moon and back safe   again so teams a human computers a lot of more  females a lot more women with these advanced   mathematical degrees and they sit in these rooms  and all they would do is calculate a small piece a   very very complex program or a problem and then he  put it all together afterwards and this happened   even into the 1960s 1970s because computers  didn't have the wherewithal to throw together   so let's go back to the history of computers per  se because this will help tie it all in so in 1941   and not a lot of people talk about this I don't  remember learning about this guy konrad zuse in   school supposedly in 1941 his z3 computer was the  first ever electromechanical computer designed in   the world and it could actually run programs with  code stored on punched film this thing was built   in Germany but we had World War two going on so  we didn't know what was gone on over there and   supposedly the original that was used to compute  aerodynamics by the German army was destroyed   by a bomb in 1943 so they but this is actually a  replica of it using his plans I guess they found   later on and then in 1943 so work was happening  simultaneously here in the United States and   supposedly due to the war they were in the United  States wasn't talking to Germany because we were   sworn enemies this was happening right here in  the United States at the same time it's kind of   a weird coincidence isn't it and this guy Howard  Aiken was working on this he's in charge of the   similar project called the mark 1 on the United  States and look at this thing man it's a monster   and this was built by IBM back in the 40s then  in 1945 at the University of Pennsylvania came   up with this thing called ENIAC and this is like  a room size computer this is where things really   began to get interesting with electronics  we started to do things with electronics and   vacuum tubes instead of electromechanical meaning  flip switches and stuff now we had these vacuum   tubes there were truly electronic but the room  was filled with like eighteen thousand vacuum   tube so it was like an a Bake Oven the thing  had to be manually programmed with these wires   into something called plug boards so again women  showing their leadership in this industry they   would be responsible from number one figuring out  how this thing works was there not a lot of people   know how to figure it out and they were kind of  learning as they went along and the number two   actually making the schematics of the program's  themselves because each one of these plugs had   to be put into a certain plug in the plug board  to tell the computer which calculations to do and   every time you wanted to run a calculation you had  to reset all these plugs and make sure they're in   exactly the right place and then test them with  a sample problem and make sure your output was   correct and then they'd run these things for weeks  and man what a crazy thing that was it can imagine   a room full of wood filled with these things  and then in 1950 something called the ACE the   automatic computing engine was built in England  in Great Britain and it was this early electronic   stored-program computer with code designed by  alan turin and this was happening back in the   50s so you see this computer and coding stuff goes  way back here into the 50s 1951 they come out with   the UNIVAC and this became a big deal this is  when people started taking computers seriously   it was like I don't need one of these it's not  going to do anything for me but this thing they   programmed it in a way that was able to predict  the election of 1952 in a way that people in the   press couldn't it took data and compiled all this  data and created all these calculations that said   you know what Eisenhower's gonna win and the news  people people news reported on this didn't believe   it they actually threw it or like no way man  Stephenson's totally gonna win by a landslide   but this computer figured out this problem based  on the input it was fit and then people started   taking it seriously this was the first computer  to use magnetic tapes instead of punch cards to   store all the data so think about that how things  started to change in the 50s and then John Backus   created Fortran for IBM back in 1954 I didn't  realize Fortran was such an old program it's   America's first high-level programming language  supposedly the konrad zuse created one a few   years before that in germany but the first one in  america became the first commercially successful   one was Fortran by IBM so I actually used a little  bit today you can make a lot of money if you know   Fortran there's a lot of companies I think mostly  banks that still have some of their systems their   mainframes tied up in this thing and they can't  afford to change him for one reason or another   so this is the basis of HTML and C++ I'll start it  with Fortran and then dr. Grace Hopper which a lot   of people have heard of led the team that created  COBOL the common business oriented language the   first supposedly user-friendly business computer  software program we learned this back in college   also COBOL and Fortran were the two industry  leaders back then pretty similar in what they   did just a different way of getting there so let's  look at the hardware and software innovations in   the 40 years from 1915 to 1919 kind of made all  this possible so we started with these things   these are vacuum tubes so essentially there are  the these glass tubes with electronics in them   that either were in an on or off position and  remember some of the earliest first computers   right on these things you had to have like  18,000 of them think of these things like   old Incas incandescent light balls I just read  really really hot sucked up a ton of energy you   just we're incredibly inefficient but it's the  only thing they had back then and then later   in the 1950s we came up with something called  transistors these essentially did the same thing   the vacuum tubes did except in a much smaller  scale using something called semiconductor so   we started doing this in the 1950s and they were  able the important things were able to scale down   the size of things now we can make things called  transistor radios and back in the late 1950s early   1960s this was a big deal because a radio used to  be the size of a washing machine because of all   the tubes and all that tronic parts in it but now  you can scale it down and actually hold a radio   in your hand into a lot of people to millions  B well that was just the coolest thing in the   world not just kind of took off from there and  then in the 1960s we shrank even smaller smaller   smaller took all those transistors and were able  to link them all together on something called an   integrated circuit where other people call them  chips and this is the technology we still use   today millions and millions of tiny microscopic  transistors some thinner than a human hair some   closely to the atomic scale tiny tiny transistors  on and off switches all on this little board that   are put together to do one simple task or execute  many tasks because we'll find out a little bit   later on so in the 1970s hate to skip through 60s  but uh things get smaller smaller we're kind of   working things out with coding and programming  and languages and transistors and chips and all   that stuff but it wasn't till the 1970s actually  in 1970 and I never seen this before it's called   the datapoint 2200 which was supposedly the first  personal computer what's interesting about this is   it had a built-in screen in 1970 and yeah I think  it's just an IBM typewriter actually throw it on   there but this is one of the first personal  community been the first personal computer   in 1970 and then in the mid 1970s this is where  it really started to take off and become more of   what we recognize today the Altair 8800 was the  first mini computer kit that rivaled commercial   models you were actually able to take a computer  now it was used to just financially be limited to   these giant companies who have millions of dollars  now you could build something for a couple grand   in your own home and bring a computer into your  home I mean who did that it's still there a bunch   of naysayers you know say oh you'll never need a  computer what are you gonna need one of those for   so these two guys get together Paul Allen and  Bill Gates you may have heard of them and they   wrote some software for the altar using the new  basic language and they formed their own company   called Microsoft back in 1975 hard to believe it  was that far back right this thing didn't do much   did simple calculations but people were able to  actually with the development since a hero able   to do some games and some really creative things  with this thing this is really where it started to   explode then 76 Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak you know  these guys started Apple computers with the Apple   one and it was the first computer with a single  circuit board then the Apple 2 in 1977 and then   this is the first computer I ever remember seeing  the first personal computer I ever remember seen   after coming off a teletypes and now punch cars  man but I was like wow this is amazing technology   1981 1980s was when IBM started to take off and  make these things smaller more affordable and   actually functional enough they appeared in almost  every professional office this was the first PC   to gain widespread adoption by the industry a  four point seven seven megahertz processor not   gigahertz using Microsoft's ms-dos and this is  really where Microsoft began to take off - in   the 1980s Apple's Lisa comes up with the first  graphical user interface they call it a GUI and   this is where you see the little mouse move around  the screen and you can click on icons instead of   typing in words so soon Microsoft Windows and the  Mac etosha would adopt the GUI and that's kind of   what we use today imagine typing things on the  screen to do your programs it's got to be kooky   right people coders still do it so there was a  1984 was a big year for the personal computer   and Apple Macintosh came out in the IBM PC 80  and color displays and see that thing on the   right that's called a modem that's how we used  to connect to other computers and chat about   that a little bit later in 1986 the desk pro 386  now this was a big deal I remember hearing about   this like whoa you got a 386 before that was  a 286 which was really slow sluggish with the   386 man you could do some really cool graphical  stuff with this computer this was actually my   first business computer a 386 computer what I was  working for an insurance company man it was just   the coolest thing in the world what you could do  on a screen with these things with spreadsheets   and word processing things he couldn't do before  then in 1988 man this is when the industry really   began to explode and you started seeing store is  like CompUSA pop-up but in the Gateway country   stores and computers just stores filled with  computers and games and peripherals and monitors   and the smell of plastic in that place was just  unbelievable this was the coolest thing that ever   happened in my life to hang out in these stores  I just go to the store I couldn't afford a lot   of stuff in there but I just go and just every  couple of weeks just be amazed at all the new   technology that came out so yeah I used to hang  out in these stores even until the 1990s til   they went away it should broke my heart when  they disappeared I hope they come back I mean   fat chance but probably not the Internet then in  1989 the 90s the the Internet he saw AOL jump on   the scene and then lose it to broadband you saw  Yahoo become the king lose it to Google Amazon   still here and Google's Nile Connor king of the  industry we saw my face get eclipsed by Facebook   a lot of changes which usually saw was the the  pioneers usually didn't make the cut they had a   great run they made millions of dollars within a  number to a more nimble competitor took over and   did things a little bit better I think blockbuster  and then Netflix think Yahoo and then Google think   AOL and then all these broadband providers think  you know it's just and then the modem this is how   people used to connect to the internet back in  the early days over is called Potts plain old   telephone service or plain old telephone lines and  it was painfully slow 56k was as fast as you could   go and they had some compression algorithms made  a little bit faster but really not much he wasn't   really made for streaming video until a broadband  became mainstream your cable companies and your   phone company started offer a DSL and that's  what really made the internet take off but the   fact that you could send an email to somebody who  go out in the world without putting a stamp on it   and you didn't have to wait for it to get there  it was there like it seconds was the coolest thing   in the world I still remember sending my first  emails to and it just blew my mind opened up a   whole lot of opportunity for a lot of people who  wouldn't have had those opportunities including   myself doing my first book deal my first magazine  article so the age of the internet and then once   the internet became everywhere everybody had  to have these things but now these computers   in the 1990s you could do banking you could play  games on him computers were dropping the price   he could do shopping he never had to leave your  house anymore email people were using this for   customer service for everything computers were  omnipresent in the 1990s every house had one but   they were still kind of pricey back in the day but  the prices were dropping and there's getting more   and more adaptation and it really blew up into  the early 2000s until about 2007 and everything   changed again you know what happened in 2007 this  guy Steve Jobs said let's come out with something   called a smart phone now we had the technology to  basically do almost everything we could do with a   computer and put it in your pocket you were  no longer stuck in one place having to plug   something in now you had this battery-operated  device the device of the last most of the day   now you can send emails on it you could check  your stocks if you check the weather you could   play games basically everything you could do on  your computer or your laptop they but you've got   a you're kind of had your hands Tyga's you had  to be in kind of a stationary location now you   could do this on the go you could do it on a bus  you could do it on a train that are playing in an   airport doctor's office while you're waiting I hit  one of the first iPhones in Brevard County I saw   this coming and I owned a computer repair facility  back in the day and I saw this in 2007 I said this   is the end of us it's just a few years because  you couldn't repair these things I mean you   could repair them but she really didn't repair me  replaced them every year or so and you know a lot   of computer businesses kind of faded and folded  because of this technology but it still to me is   the coolest thing in the world and they got faster  and faster and smaller and smaller and now you've   seen a fundamental change where people are are  no longer storing things on their computer their   story in their pictures during their document  story their videos in the cloud and what is the   cloud people ask me is it actually a cloud no it's  not a cloud we just think of it that way because   it goes somewhere and it's up there and we need to  worry about it no more because it's a cloud just   go with the cloud it's actually a great term you  think about it clouds are up there they have their   little function and they're there one day they're  there and well they're not then that's a problem   but the cloud is essentially a a bank of computers  think of it like a network of computers maintained   usually by a large company with redundant backups  all over the country even all over the world is   store your stuff and it's pretty darned reliable  - and now applications like Google Docs have a lot   of kids that have never run Microsoft Word they've  always used Google Docs because it's in the cloud   and it's free for most people well I spent a  subscription for office if you don't have to   this thing does basically everything office does  this slide deck drawing on Google Docs so your   documents your pictures your data is being stored  on applications are moving to the cloud too so we   went from smart computers to we actually went  from dumb terminals that were centralized like   this running on a local cloud to smart computers  that didn't need a cloud and now we're back to   the cloud again so it's funny how these things are  cyclical the history is still being written ladies   and gentlemen every day a change comes up in the  electronics and technology industry that's going   to change the world tomorrow make it completely  different than anything we know so what's behind   all this stuff we go back to code zeros and ones  binary what is coding well look on the left it's   uh this kind of weird combination of words it's a  way to tell computers what you want them to do in   a language they'll understand basically again  computers are stupid they don't know what to   do until you explicitly tell them what to do in a  language they understand that language is binary   but the way to get there is you have to use some  kind of code which will then be translated in the   binary so we had to set up a set of rules all  right if we write these words in a certain way   in a certain order then we can convert that to  binary in the computer I'll know what to do we   call that coding so all computers have this thing  called machine code it's kind of like a real real   low-level language used to tell computers how to  manage values calorie carry out calculations where   to store things in memory essentially instructions  for the computer with what to do with the hardware   in the computer and all computer languages must  know at their lowest level how to talk to this   machine code and translate everything to binary  this is where it all then set up and some people   could actually program games and applications  in machine code and supposedly this is the most   efficient way to do it but it's the most difficult  way to do it too very few people do this so what   happens with a computer program with some cold  what happens well the speed of light well nearly   speed a life speed of light in a vacuum anyway  it's pretty darn close you take your top level   language or your lower level language whatever you  use create your code in your favorite language and   then you're gonna interpret or compile it we'll  talk about that if necessary and then execute   it so then some cases it shoots it to something  called assembly language right it takes a human   readable code puts it into an intermediary another  language is something a computer understands and   then your computer translates that into machine  language it begins to send those instructions   in machine language to your processor in your  memory and to your video card to perform those   calculations and a single modern CPU can execute  over four billion instructions in a single second   think about that number for a minute four billion  instructions or calculations or whatever in a   single second that's just mind-blowing that it  could happen that fast and be done so well and   perfectly almost all the time it is mind-blowing  I've got to be a lean logic right and then when we   have that machine language it sends it to your  computer you remember your cpu logic gates and   your hardware does all this stuff and then it  returns a result again in something that you   as a human can understand a picture a word a sound  whatever it was a result on a calculation whatever   you told it to do through that code or whatever  you told the code to do or whatever the coder   told the code to do and then you put your data  input in there whatever you understand what I'm   talking about but basically it's doing whatever  the code tells it to do and then returns a result   automatically at the speed of light based on that  input that you threw in your computer it's hard   to think of but let's take a little deeper  so we have something called compiled code so   we write code in like C or Fortran in a human  understandable language and the whole code is   converted to machine code before executed so a lot  of people think this is more efficient because it   cuts a few steps out it's a bit faster there's  some downsides to that too it's much harder to   troubleshoot because now you can't take it apart  in pieces you got to think about the whole code   to find out if there's a bug and you know people  it's a lot harder to learn to write code this way   too and then there's in curtain interpreted  code like Python and Java and there's a Java   compiler too but it's wedges to be simple it's  read and executed by this intermediary program   that converts it to me machine code line by line  as it's executed the advantage is it's easier to   debug the the con is it takes a little bit longer  because there's an extra step in there too can you   notice the difference in speed usually not some  people say they can but no no who knows just need   to know those two differences and then there is a  couple there's actually multiples which is narrow   I'm down a procedural and object-oriented program  paradigms so these are the most prominent things   you're running today think of procedural like  a straight line of code all the way downs got   to follow these things specifically an  object-oriented programming can kind of   spread out the little buckets you can kind of  put things together a little easier and reuse   your code so that's an advantage of that it makes  it a little cheaper and a little quicker to write   so procedural this is a procedural example it's  again it's oversimplified but it's just a list   of logical instructions the computer follow step  by step so if I follow to the right I asked your   age from 18 to 29 I like kpop and I'm going  to self-destruct the computer get it machine   languages or procedural languages like C Fortran  and COBOL kind of go along that more procedural   programming and then there's object-oriented  programming like Java C++ Ruby Python all these   other ones they kind of take these little chunks  where you can use this reusable code to lower the   time and cost of development so most people are  learning object-oriented program now because it's   a little more inexpensive and a little easier to  learn - this is kind of puts everything in little   buckets and the buckets are kind of all assembled  together and handled neat little chunks so it   makes a little more sense to a lot of people now  as far as the distribution according to   back in 2017 and this obviously will change Java  is the big dog Python JavaScript C++ but there's a   lot of jobs out there and this is what I'm trying  to tell people going to school now that you know   there is a ton of jobs out there it is not the  easiest degree to get a lot of people fall out   of this thing because not because of math it's  just because the logic thinking is it's kind of   difficult and the other thing about it too is you  kind of have to you don't have to be introverted   but you know introverts kind of do a little bit  better in this profession because you really need   to sit down and concentrate on your code that's  object-oriented programming anymore but the   procedural stuff but uh yeah there's just about  a - a ton of line of job openings in languages   for experienced coders and look at some of these  salaries man big money some of these people make   close to this coming right out of college I know  kid came out of college started about eighty-four   thousand dollars a year right out of college  his first job right out of college with a coding   degree didn't really know any of the higher-level  languages and they taught him everything on the   job but and this is back in 2015 some of these  had gone up - and there's some new languages that   aren't even shown on here - big money it's not  uncommon to get a six-digit job in coding so it's   some good money it's a great gig and honestly  I don't think it's going anywhere I think the   need for coders is going to increase for the next  several years until code learns how to code itself   but I think we really need to come a long way in  AI I think we've got a decade or two before that   happens but let's look at some of the top level  languages are some of the more popular languages   Python you've seen this on YouTube Dropbox Google  Instagram Spotify a lot of software developers use   this a lot of people are teaching and a lot of  schools are teaching this now used in scientific   computer data mining machine learning it's growing  like crazy and big and machine learning too so if   you're thinking of machine learning and AI a  Python might be the way to go nice thing about   this is if you know the basics and in terms of one  of them it's not hard to transfer over to another   language basically the theories and their logic  are about the same some the commands are pretty   similar - so it's not uncommon to see one person  know multiple languages so Java over 20 years   old it's like a granddaddy used by millions of  developers and billions of devices they call   this thing right once run anywhere all Android  apps are based on Java and many large companies   use it you've seen this in Minecraft OpenOffice  Gmail uses parts of it and a lot of Android stuff   then there's JavaScript which has nothing to do  with Java just conveniently has the same first   name used by whole bunch of websites today for  front-end dynamic logic for doing like forms and   anything that really requires any user input like  emails and stuff surveys and you see this look at   the list on the right Google Facebook YouTube  Yahoo Amazon blah blah blah blah javascript is   everywhere a great front-end language to learn  and a great skill to have in your pocket again   Java is not equal to JavaScript JavaScript is  a they call it a lightweight scripting language   use the whip make web pages interactive Java's  more complex hopi program than pretty much could   do pretty heavy-duty compiled programs that run  everywhere now an alternative to Java is this   new one called Kotlin and a lot of people rep may  flip over to this you see some of it on Pinterest   Affleck and Netflix and uber and supposedly it's  more efficient so here's an opportunity for a new   code or learn something called Colin see how that  shakes out then there's one of the old another   one of the granddaddy's the c++ used actually  to code I think most of Microsoft Windows and   Google Chrome a little more complex a little more  difficult to use but it's heavy and it's still in   place at a lot of places you definitely won't  be lacking for a job if you've got knowledge   in C++ or C sharp for that point you'll see this  in the Unity game engine and a lot of people who   run Microsoft's dotnet platform it's a lot of big  companies you'll see a lot of internal developers   write custom programs like time cards and all  kinds of weird stuff and small companies using   c-sharp so another great skill if you want  to work for a big company then there's Perl   kind of on the downslide now it was a big deal  15-20 years ago but uh yeah it was run part of   Amazon and IMDB but pearls popularity is kind of  declining I mean people say there's no such thing   as a dead language you know they're always looking  for coders to code some of these older languages   that are in your favor anymore noobs on the way  up Swift used for Mac iOS and OS and watch OS   so Swift code heavy-duty if you're in the Apple  stuff you want to learn a little bit of Swift   and then there's rust developed by Mozilla and  it's kind of a low-level language it's a little   more difficult to run but it's highly efficient  and people say it's gonna be really good in VR   applications that really really need a lot of  processing power a little difficult to learn   but potentially higher pay for rust and then  Google come out with this thing called go kind   of like Python but supposedly more efficient and  supposedly this strength is it's able to address   multi-core processor features so you may see this  pop up in a lot of games and incredibly analytical   programs so these aren't really programming  languages we've still got to think about it   like a coding process html5 what most of the  web's written on controls the design of webpages   with CSS and JavaScript html5 kind of ties it  all together so basically everything you see   on the web's html5 then there's anger which is a  client-side side JavaScript framework it's run in   places like ups and etrade and AT&T it's very very  popular right now and this was actually introduced   by Google in 2009 Ruby on Rails is incredibly  popular too on the other side of that angular   thing a lot of people use this kick starter fiber  github a lot of people like Ruby on Rails kind of   a a little bit more of a framework and it kind  of does the same kind of stuff as angular but   a lot of people prefer that and then there's SQL  they call it sequel you don't call it SQL cuz you   look like a weirdo that a noob so you definitely  call its sequel how sq all ends up being sequel   I'll never know but this is database technology  anytime you want to store manipulate information   you're gonna use a database so important to know  databases will never go away so sequel is a great   skill to have PHP is used to kind of interact with  my sequel databases so that's kind of important   still around too and then there's these new things  some open source some not these are called stacks   and these are used for writing web applications  basically programs that exist on the web don't   really need to buy a separate piece of software  you just log into the website and there's your   application and a lot of these are run and managed  with something called stack so mean and lamp or   two of the biggies there's a bunch of other ones  out there too and they're customizable so again no   such thing is a dead computing language a Fortran  Perl see a lot of those things still running on   big company computers and government computers and  it's just unwieldy or too expensive to change so   those coders can end up making some serious money  so don't discount those older languages so why is   good code so important well as we start letting  planes fly themselves cars drive themselves   surgeries be done by robots and even our military  running by robots and what they call artificial   TechNet artificial intelligence or AI man we're  gonna need very very reliable code because our   lives they already depend on it but our more and  more our lives will depend on it on the first wave   of being directly connected with this stuff so  that's why more now than ever code really needs   to be tight it needs to be really really good and  the world needs coders right now this is we're in   this fundamental change this fundamental paradigm  shift from human computers from human thinking to   a world that will soon be thought out for us  meaning AI and machine code a machine when   that machine code meant machine learning where  machines will get smarter and smarter we're not   talking like terminator stuff although that is a  distinct possibility that people like Steve Jobs   were afraid of and Bill Gates's spoke out against  I think Elon Musk has a thing about it too but as   long as the code is good and you've got safeguards  built into it we're gonna be okay in our lives   will be better these computers will be able to  think about problems of the world without bias   well they'll always have computer the code or  the original coders biased but they'll be able   to figure out solutions to the things that we  couldn't think of ourselves and it's just really   an exciting time to be a coder and as only as  a student right now I think it's a great time   to be involved in coding and a coding career is  really really exciting things happening right now   we're kind of at the forefront of that change  of that whole dynamic change so again a lot of   openings 1.4 million jobs in computing related  fields by next year and us graduates can only   fill one out of three of those jobs if you were  saying well that's great for India and China and   even Africa Kenya is bringing up a whole bunch  of coders now but it's better if those jobs are   here so we can supply tax revenues we can build  our infrastructure we can kind of make a better   Lodge for ourselves in this country in the United  States or any country that you're thinking of for   that you in your own country you definitely want  to build up coding education in your own country   wherever that is but even right here in the u.s.  man one out of three we can only fill 30 percent   of those jobs that's pretty embarrassing what  does everybody else studying man we need to get   people on track to learn coding and that's what  I'm trying to do with myself and my kids and my   classes right now so let's get it together  this is just the beginning people let's code   let's learn the code let's make it a better  world and let's have a little bit of fun and   see where this exciting new journey takes  us Chuck fresh with computer care I'm out
Channel: Fresh and Felicia
Views: 354,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history of computers, charles babbage, konrad zuse, ada lovelace, alan turing, howard aiken, grace hopper, herman hollerith, history of computers timeline & evolution, history of computers for kids, history of computers crash course, computer history, history of computer, evolution of computers, invention of computers timeline, evolution of computers assignment
Id: M4d3FXu9-3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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