The History of CARBONARA

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[Music] you guys want to see how to make an italian angry hey ava come here uh what do you think about carbonara for lunch okay yeah but we have always one salad i was thinking what if we did like uh like a spicy carbonara and we put some chili pepper in or oh oh some indo-yeah we have some indoor in the fridge this is not a carbonara it's a spicy carbonara no spicy carbonara there isn't a spicy carbonara if you want a carbonara i'm making a carbonada egg it's just it's just a little twist just a little twist not twist your twist on your things not on my things so do you want a cardboard we do like i do the carbonara you don't want you want a twist cook by yourself hi i'm harper oh sorry about that hey sorry about that i was trying to prove a point okay so i've been thinking a lot about this recently there are some recipes like carbonara that italians really don't like you messing with it's led quite a few people i'll be honest including myself before i met you and had your carbonara to think that italians are close-minded that they're against progress that they're against change of any kind but if there's one thing i've learned with you it's that usually there's often a really good reason behind some of the italian stubbornness around food hallelujah so i myself am going to go into this with an open mind and try to understand exactly what is behind the carbonara phenomenon alpha there is a thing that you should understand and the thing is that during the course of the years carbonara wasn't the carbonara that already we know that nowadays we know because we changed the carbonara so it has evolved it has evolved the problem is there evolution not devolution of carbonara well maybe together we can learn a little bit about the history of carbonara how it has changed but first i think we need to start with a baseline which is the as of right now accepted canon official carbonara recipe take it away ava what we need to make a carbonara pasta and today i'm going to use rigatoni that is one of the most traditional italian pasta for carbonara now we are going to use eggs there are people who use the wall eggs other people you use just the yolks actually i prefer to use the yolks with some of the white not all but some one charlie no prosciutto no hammer nothing like that bacon a pear do you still want a carbonara sorry then let's be honest if it's hard to find the one challenge where you live it's acceptable pancetta then we need the cheese we are going to use pecorino cheese and i'm going to use just a little bit of parmigiano also here there are people who use just pecorino people who use just parmigiano personally i like most pegurino around hint of parmigiano because parmigiano is always good on everything except fish pepper because the pepper in carbonara is very important nothing else no peas no mushroom no onion no garlic not other strange things these are not karma [Music] is in the world it's a very simple dish see but it's one of the simplest dish in italy it's always time for a carbonara mora potato bon appetito i will admit that it's so good that the moment you take a bite you can't help but think don't change anything don't change anything stop it stop it but what i want to know is where did this incredible recipe come from how did it evolve like for instance what was the very first carbonaro recipe like i think that more than me i know someone who can help us and also our friends to discover the history the evolution of this wonderful dish i think i know who you're talking about this is luka chezidy he's a food historian and author of the book storia de la pasta indiacipiati or the history of pasta in 10 dishes america [Music] go [Music] [Music] do [Music] okay so we are making a frittatay pasta here the recipe says this and i'm doing what the recipe says all the the eggs is crumbling like if i'm making a sort of scrambled eggs so it's like a frittata i don't know [Music] before we jump into trying the very first carbonara recipe we wanted to let you guys know about our brand new guide to homemade pasta with this guide guys you can learn how to make a fresh pasta how to make semolina pasta fresh how to make a ravioli how to make a gnocchi plus ava shares a bunch of recipes that you can use to show off the pasta that you just made we're using a really cool platform that has a lot of awesome features for instance you can change the language if english is not your preferred language you can ask ava questions while you're cooking check out the link in the description below we appreciate you guys taking a look because it helps support the show on paper it's not that big of a departure from what should we say the the traditional recipe the recipe we know now but it at the same time broke like every little rule you could possibly break from the selection of pasta using egg fresh pasta using pancetta instead of guanciale using just parmigiano instead of pecorino cooking the egg in the hot pan this is the first recipe in the world for a carbonara so we need to try let's try it i'm very curious bon appetito i mean to put it quite simply it's not as good no it doesn't seem to it's a carbonara no no miss the taste of the pecorino means the creaminess of the pasta because here you feel the cooked bags yeah it it really does feel like scrambled eggs mixed with pasta you can see the seed of the idea here though because the ingredients used anyway there are pasta eggs yeah a cured meat and cheese but anyway it's very interesting to see the evolution why from here then we reached the level that we have now in italy what i've noticed as a pattern in italian food is what can seem like a very big resistance to change is is more of a resistance to unnecessary change which is of course subjective but you know this recipe has changed a lot over the years and from what luca tells us italians have tried a lot of different things when it comes to carbonara italian [Music] [Music] is so let's be clear here for once for and all for once for all italians aren't close and my clothes is closed-minded we knew we experiment old version possible on the planet of earth and then we decide which is the best that's why we keep our carbonara how it is what about the future of carbonara though i mean if the recipe has changed this much over the years and let's be honest the current recipe of carbonara is not that old don't you think it maybe will change again in the future [Music] hello [Music] [Music] for the carbonara of the future we need this giant tool that i never used in my life i know that is called the soviet and luckily we have this that will explain me how to use it [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the future is here yes and it takes one hour to cook that's true you guys would have no way of knowing but uh the egg and the cheese had to cook in the sous-vide bath for an hour so i hope in the future they have a lot of time on their hands and however good this is we need to balance that with the fact of how long it takes it looks excellent though so harper we need to understand how it is this future carbonara yeah it's creamy it's very creamy and it's it's a little bit thicker than a traditional carbonara potato carbonara is a good future that's pretty awesome it it thickens the egg a little bit so you know like with a traditional carbonara it's very easy if you add a little bit too much egg white or just use too much egg in general or not enough pasta or not enough cheese it's very easy for it to become kind of soupy yes you know also if you don't stir enough to make the egg yeah this does not have that problem no except that for when i was right right so as a completely unofficial representative of italy do you think that this is a good evolution of carbonara one that you can accept good pasta good one charlie good eggs good cheese so it's the same of now but with the scientific method to have this creaminess so yes italy can accept also because it's an italian creation also this method so yes that's true but so was cream in carbonara you're remembering don't remember it's true don't remember but that's another example of something where italians have already tried it and it didn't work guys we hope you enjoyed this look at the past present and perhaps future of carbonara if you'd like us to do the same treatment with another classic italian dish let us know in the comments below a huge thank you to luka chesari for helping us out with this episode we will put a link down below to his website his blog which you should check out and also to his new book at the moment it's not available in english but our italian speaking audience we highly encourage you to check it out hit that subscribe button if you haven't already follow us on social media at pasta grammar and we will see you next time [Music] [Music] let's leave this past in the past we don't need it
Channel: Pasta Grammar
Views: 143,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carbonara, carbonara recipe, how to make carbonara, history of carbonara, original carbonara recipe, historical recipe, real carbonara, history, pasta, spaghetti, luca cesari, future, scientific carbonara, sous vide carbonara, eva, ava, harper, how to make, how to cook, italian, italian food, origins, sous vide, best carbonara, easy, simple
Id: IUT70nrFUOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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