Lessons From Andalusia | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all praise is due to Allah who knows what the hearts concealed and what the tongue shall not reveal in front of whom all kneel and on the day of judgment to whom All Shall appeal the study of andalus is a topic that intrigues every single one of us when we hear it we're fascinated why is that the case because generally speaking many people are not interested in history but for some reason andalus strikes a cord the reason for this is that andalus represents the most successful intermixing of east and west in the entire civilization before our time represents Islam as practiced in Europe it is European and Western Islam and so especially for us here in America and all across the Western world andalus represents a glorious past that gives us actually hope for the future if Islam survived not just survived thrived not just thrived reached its Pinnacle and superseded everything in Europe when it was based in Europe then surely there's hope for us here now as while andalus represents for us a lesson in every facet of History the conquest the rise the glory the civilization the knowledge and also the fall and the internal bickering and the Civil Wars and the backstabbing and the alliances with kaffir regimes against other Cafe regimes and we are stuck in the middle like a pawn literally andalus is like a microcosm of what we are facing right now and that is why I feel very very passionate about this topic it's one of the topics I really love immensely I've taken at least half a dozen trips to Andalusia and I take tours inshallah they going again uh this year I'm going to Morocco next year inshall I'll be taking a tour to andalus as usual before cover almost every single year especially for our youth it really makes them understand what is the reality of Islam in the west and there is no dichotomy you don't have to be East versus West no you can be a western Muslim an andalus demonstrates this now what can we accomplish in one hour what can we accomplish in one one seminar one session not much we're not going to go over the chronological order but what the point is to really make us start thinking and to incite within us a passion because the books are all there the lectures are all there but we need a motivation to go read those books we need the motivation to listen to 5 10 20 hours of lectures online so the goal of today's brief what 45 minutes then q a inshallah is really to spark that Curiosity and to give us the impetus to give us the the the motivation that you know what I want to study this region and I want to benefit from the realities of the rise and fall of Western Islam and subhanallahs not just Western Islam and the Lucia over all the Quran the Quran always preaches to us through history one third of the Quran is in fact nothing but kasa's stories one-third of the Quran one-third is laws and one third is theology the entire Quran one-third is stories why there are lessons in the stories of the past and Allah tells us go travel in the land and look at what happened to the people before you look at their remnants Allah says in the Quran go look at their remnants look at what they have left behind and take a lesson from that so Allah is telling us to explore and that's why by the way I'm a strong advocate of Islamic tourism I'm a strong Advocate yes we should have fun with our families yes we should go but rather than just go to the you know Fun and Sun and games let's go to a place that yes there's a lot of interesting things but also intellectual stimulation I'm a big Advocate that that's one of the best ways our families come together we go to places where we study the past Uzbekistan and once when China goes back to normal maybe go to China I've been to China in the past as well all of these lands we go to Islamic tour of Egypt go in and connect with our civilization and one of the places we need to connect to is andalus now I'm not going to give you a long rundown but there are some basic facts that we should all be aware of these basic facts we can divide the study of andalus into a number of broad eras okay broad eras so inshallah we can figure this out broad eras the first era the first era is the establishment of andalus as a province within the broader Islamic empire and this era begins in very easy Day to Remember especially the elders amongst you maybe the youngsters don't know but 7-Eleven I'll just all know what 7-Eleven used to be back in the 80s and 90s but I think the youngest youngsters don't know do you know what 7-Eleven is what is 7-Eleven one of the stores yeah so 7-Eleven okay so this is the date by the way this is called a mnemonic device you should figure out how to memorize dates by these mnemonic devices 711 is the beginning of Islam in Andalucia and we can go all the way to around 950 for first year this is very broad you know like basic introduction to Andalusian history this is the establishment of Islam as an Emirate as a province so Andalusia andalus was a province within the broader Muslim empire and of course 7-Eleven is when Andalusia it was called Andalusia by the way the term Andalusia by the way it is from the Roman and before that from uh the ancient local regions uh one of the Germanic tribes invaded in ancient Roman times to this region and that Germanic tribe they were called the vandals vandals and every history students knows the vandals the vandals invaded and conquered andalus the people of andalus the Spanish people the original people didn't have V so they called the people that were invading andalus not vandals Andals Andals and when they called them Andals then they called the land after them the land of the Andals Andalusia that was in their life in their region in their language so when the Muslims came they took this name and they arabicized it and they lose and the this is where the term comes from from vandals you all know what vandalism the term vandalism right you all know what vandalism means right why why does vandalism come from vandals I'm a linguist as well I love these little quirks of history when the vandals invaded a particular European city the first thing they would do would be to deface and Destroy iconic sites vandalism so the term vandalism comes from vandals and the term Andalusia is therefore linked to vandalism indirectly anyway that's a little tidbit of History so 7-Eleven is when the famous General we all know the story he was a young General maybe 19 20 years old gathers together the forces especially the Berber Arabs of North Africa and they cross over the Straits from Maghrib from Morocco they cross over they land on that little land the little island that probably didn't have a well-known name before uh jabal Tarik it was called the Gibraltar as we call it now jabal thought it you can see Jebel Tarik from Morocco from Morocco you can see you can see Morocco it's a two-way it's a two-way Vision over there and so he lands on jabalik well known and he begins conquering now why did he begin conquering this region a number of stories are told most likely one of the local Kings by the name of King Roderick was greatly despised this is a a story that is found in our books of history and one of his prime ministers revolted against the king and he tried to do a coup d'etat against the king who everybody hated the standard tyrannical King he was caught and he was going to be executed this prime minister managed to escape and flee for his life and he fled down south to the land of the Umayyads the umayyad region in North Africa and he went to the governor Musa and he said to the governor hey I'm the prime minister coup d'etat failed we hate our King Roderick we are more than happy to let you invade and you take over we know you guys are going to have less taxes more freedom pause your footnote there was a lot of religious tension between the Christians as you're probably aware and various segments of Christianity could not practice freely under other segments and the Christians knew that the Muslims didn't care if you're Ali kitab you're going to be able to worship and they're not going to care which version of Ali kitab are you so the Prime Minister basically comes one of the main ministers and says to the king or says to the uh the ruler Muslim he says look you guys invade and I'm going to be your guide I'll tell you exactly what you need to do I mean he's the minister you know it's exactly what needs to be done where to invade from what day what forces everything he became a traitor to his King thinking is going to do good to his people and it did bring good to his people and that's why modern Western historians point out that when the Muslims quote-unquote invaded in reality the people did not stop them from invading the people of the land that's why barely had when he landed he had a few thousand and within a few months he got another few thousand you cannot conquer Europe with ten thousand people it's not possible you cannot conquer Spain with 10 000 people it's not humanly possible did it why and how this is how Allah works this is the Junaid Allah when Allah wants to do something mysterious ways happen and beyond your control there is no human way that a small army of 5 000 people initially then another five thousand reinforcements can conquer the entirety of Spain because the Muslims within 20 years they reached Madrid a lot of people don't know this they reached Madrid Madrid way up there they had all of Spain they even reached 100 miles from Paris a lot of people don't know this the Muslim Army reached all the way outside of Paris in a very famous battle called The Battle of Tours and the Battle of Tours is when long story short that's when the Muslim progressed into Europe was stopped and the Muslims then basically receded back until they had the southern part of Spain but for a few decades they controlled not just Spain all the way up to France there was an article in BBC by the way last year you can look this up they uncovered a group of uh uh a graveyard a hundred miles outside of France where Muslims were buried how did they know they were Muslims all the bodies were buried facing parallel to Makkah with the heads facing Makkah they found little settlements this is in the heart of France they found settlements of the Arabs for those few decades there was no pushback the people wanted Muslims to come for one simple reason not because they loved Islam per se but they knew that Muslims would give them better Justice and better system and less Taxation and more freedoms and in the end of the day what does the average person want just the peace to live they want Society to allow them to live and the Christians of that time frame fully knew that this king of ours under the pope is not going to give us our religious freedoms their version of Christianity was slightly different they weren't Catholics they were a different North African version including some Aryans by the way the um uh anyway that's not good on that tangent too many tangents sometimes I speak and I don't remember where I'm what was I saying before I went into this what was I saying they went all the way to France and then they came back so then southern Europe was conquered this is 7-Eleven now the sad reality andalus was not given the attention by the umayyas that it deserved why is this the case you're in Europe how can you not care about andalus multiple reasons first and foremost Europe in 700 CE was literally one of the most backward places in the world you have to understand Europe was not something civilization was not in Europe London at the time probably had 5 000 people living in it that's it and London was still Pagan half of it was Pagan 700 CE you still had Christianity wasn't even the norm you had Pagan Emperors and you had Christianity battling it out so when we say Europe you have to understand Europe it was nothing for the time frame the civilization of the world was Byzantium Byzantium which is now Istanbul that's where Eastern Europe Christianity not Western again long story but Western Christianity the Catholics and then the Protestants Western Christianity only began to rise and gain dominance after the Crusades pre-crusades Western Christianity is nothing it's not worth your attention why should the Amaze pay attention it's literally a backward land literally barbarians the term barbarians comes from this the hands of Germany and the vandals these are a bunch of Barbarians nobody cares and the number two the umayyas had enough trouble in their side of the world as well back in Damascus what's happening in 7 10 7 20 7 30 the buses are on the rise and it's only a matter of time 7 52 the Abbas is overtaken the um got thrown over Civil War as usual this is the reality of politics right so the umayyas have enough on their plates to deal with they don't worry about andalus and so what happens becomes somewhat of an independent principality it's not it's not given the attention it's due and that's one of the main causes for why the Muslims did not go up north believe it or not again all of these what-if moments in history if the Umayyads had paid attention and understood the importance it is very very likely that all of Europe would be a Muslim land today like Andalusia was for so long 800 years it was very likely but Allah we accept Allah we accept Allah for wisdom known to him so because of the politics actually Musa uh with the governor and father the the general were actually called back they were rebuked and humiliated for internal reasons again the reality of the ummah the good the bad the ugly and I've said this many times that beginning students of History innocent Muslims they think our past is all Rosy and glorious they have a very romanticized notion of the past and I want to be blunt here no our religion is divine our history is very human our religion is divine our history is human and you have the good and the bad you have the beautiful and the Ugly you have the positive and the negative every negative you can think of you'll find it and every positive as well you'll find it so when you read history you have to understand history is a learning technique and a lesson that's one of the reasons to learn history to not mistake to not perform the same mistakes of the past right the problem is as the famous uh German philosopher geta said the problem is the problem of History is that one thing we learn from history is that nobody learns from history one thing we learned from history teaches us that nobody actually studies from history the same mistakes are repeated over and over and over and over again by every civilization including our own every civilization every single Dynasty every superpower the rise and the fall same problem same issues historians in their Ivy Towers understand and study but the masses don't care they don't care they just go with the flow and this is the reality even as we see it today in any case so Andalusia was given a very um peripheral region and it wasn't given the attention it was due now Allah azzawajal willed that that lack of attention turned in his favor how so when the abbasis came to power 752 CE they wanted to eliminate the opposition and that's the omeya dynasty and so they began massacring every single Royal Prince of the Umayyads they were now in the hundreds Dynasty the clan and one of the most infamous one of the most infamous massacres they invited the omeyads to a big feast and banquet again nobody learns from history this is the oldest tactic in the book right free Biryani they'll still come doesn't matter okay invite them to free meal fancy meal lock the door everything that's the way it goes right standard story literally been there done that you never learned from history so they did that the royal family is being massacred one of the minor princes the first one of the minor princes fled to Baghdad far away and you thought Halas I'm going to live the life now undercover okay he's living now in Iraq from from where the umaya's base who can tell me where the umayya is based Damascus very good okay you're a student of History that's good the umares are based in Damascus the umayyad mosque is still standing to this day one of these minor princess the first him and his mother and his brother and I think his sister as well they go and live Undercover nobody knows about them well that's what they think the abbasers are getting free for all money give us I mean not money what do you call it bribing they're bribing the people if you can tell us a prince will give you the money tell us where they're living eventually one of the people betrays him and so when they're washing clothes living their daily life whatever one of the Neighbors comes running and say you better run away I saw the troops coming they're coming for you completely unprepared so abdulrahman the first and his younger brother age of 13 he was 17 18 at the time his younger brother 13 14. held on to his hand took a bag of gold and they fled for their lives this story wallahi it's as if it's out of the Arabian 1001 Knights it's one of the most bizarre stories in our Islamic history right it deserves a full cartoon and even a movie it deserves a full Hollywood movie one of the most it truly you know this story is definitely a romantic epic it is an amazing reality long story short his brother was killed in front of him the Umayyads literally so sorry the idea the Abbas has literally saw him run for his life swim over the Euphrates river right with his bag of gold in his mouth like literally unbelievable right five years later from Iraq he makes it from Iraq put you put your map in your head he makes his way to andalus Undercover five years it takes him to make his way from Iraq Baghdad all the way to andalus undercover nobody can betray him or else he's going to be killed and along the way he begins a call of insurrection against the umayyats again sorry against the abbasids he's Royal Blood he is the great grandson of Hisham the the Khalifa Abdul Malik he is from hisham's line so he is the sorry the grandson of Hisham so the great grandson of Abdul Malik so Abdul Malik the one of the founders in my Dynasty the one who built the Dome of the Rock this is his great great grandson you can say right so abdulrahman the first makes his way to andalus now his father is hashimi um his father is you know back to uh his father is one of the sources of the conflict right the abbasids are technically hashimi the Umayyads are not hashimi they are korashi they are so abdulrahman his mother was North African berber and he spoke Berber fluently and this is what he used to Rally up the berbers in North Africa in Morocco to Rally up the berbers to come under him against the abbasids you understand this point he is Berber as well his mother's Berber he speaks the language is ethnically you know half there and whatnot and he uses that the berbers don't like the abbases for many reasons he uses that to overthrow the little government government in um uh in in Andalusia and he establishes an independent umayyad Dynasty around 750 CE so this is where andalus breaks away from from what guys are you following are you lost are you following what does it break away from the abbasids andalus breaks away from the abbasids and establishes Independence under abdulrahman the first and abdulrahman the first is therefore the founder of a new version two of the umayya dynasty but based where and andalus and they shall remain there for 350 years Dynasty the Muslims for another 800 years but the andalus sorry the umayya dynasty he's the one who establishes there and he establishes his base in portoba and he purchases the church and he builds the grandest mosque known to mankind at that time which is still standing to this day Allah it is mind-boggling if you think about it 1 300 years old and is still standing and it is a work of art to this day when you see it your jaw drops it is so beautiful a lot of you don't know this listen to me carefully the architecture of Medina you know those beautiful pillars and whatnot right it is taken from kurtuba it is not medani originally it is that entire structure when you walk into the Masjid of cortuba the first reaction hey I'm in Madina now no Medina was taken from cortoba the modern you know Masjid right now you know the Arches and the pillars and the you know the designs and the motifs right it is taken straight from cortoba Cordoba was the one that began when you look you see all these pillars exactly the same as far as the eye can see he built the largest Masjid in the world at the time abdulrahman the first and he established his Bastion and it remained therefore around you know 300 years but he didn't declare himself to be the Khalifa he simply said we're an emirator he said basically he didn't use any titles he simply said I am the sultan Sultan is not the Khalifa but the power is going to rise and with that you know the sense of Independence and so again I'm being very rough here with the dates we don't have to memorize the dates but roughly around 930 940 uh CE Christian era one of his Descendants the great great grandson called him abdulrahman III so these are simple names the first abdomen the third abdulrahman the third the Pinnacle of umayyad power is now going to happen abdulrahman III throws off the shackles of being a minor minion and says why should we not declare ourselves to be a a what I am the Khalifa of the ummah abdulrahman III why should we follow the abbasids and when he opened this door the fatimids of Egypt followed suit and they declared themselves as well so for around 80 years we had three khalifas one in Egypt one in Andalusia and one in Baghdad so abdulrahman III reached the Pinnacle of umayyad power and he decided to build an entire city from scratch and he named it after his favorite milky Amin or wife Zahara so it is called Medina to Zara and it is still half of it is standing to this day when you go you will see the pillars and the remnants of Madina to Zara over there and this is considered to be the Pinnacle of the umayyad time frame he minted coins in his name forget I have my own I don't need you guys he minted coins in his name I am a coin collector and I quickly looked up so this is one of the coins of abdahman III I'm a numismatist for the nerdy people in the audience that's what nerdy guys do in the numismatists I collect coins this is my passion and hobby well along with scuba diving with sharks but this is one of the things that I do so I have hundreds of old coins and I have a number of coins of my Dynasty There's an actual coin abdulrahman III when he minted it in if you want to come see it afterwards it's here inshallah to see so he minted coins in his name he also built a city Madina to Zahara and he financed the largest library in the world at the time the largest library in the world to outbeat the library of Baghdad because it's a matter of show you have to show the people who we are build the largest Masjid build the largest mother I said build the largest Library build the largest they did this all and he built a library they say more than half a million books were there again half a million for back in the day handwritten books these aren't printed copies right more than half a million but you see what happens with power and we see this in across the world all the time when politics and when power corrupts and when you want to flex your muscles and show Who You Are all of these projects who's going to finance them you're building a city from scratch that's going to cost the equivalent of a billion dollars who's going to finance in the end of the day where is money going to come from tell me taxes taxes so here you are living in your palaces with all of the you know and when people see the Palaces this is the reality of molooks all Kings and by the way before you criticize her in the worthy of criticism simple question to you had you been born in the palace and your father was the king how Pious and righteous would you be just blunt question think you think that it is so easy to criticize the Royals and we'll lie they're worthy of criticism no question about it but I personally thank Allah that I wasn't born inside the palace because I don't know what I would have done if the keys of the country had been handed to me and said oh just because your father is the king you're going to be the next king let's see how Pious a person becomes then when you have access to that much wealth and that much power thank Allah that you have simple and easy lives you don't have to answer to Allah for that type of corruption and whatnot easy to complain but that type of power we haven't been tested with it in any case power corrupts absolutely and absolute power corrupts absolutely as well as the reality so abdulrahman III indeed he builds his City but subhanallah within 35 years after his death within 35 years he the city is ravaged and destroyed not by outside forces not by kufars coming to invade no by local Muslims the people of cortoba who are starving to death and there's gold plating inside of the palace what's going to happen it's human nature and these types of things are generic we have by the way eyewitness accounts by Venetian ambassadors European ambassadors who visited Medina unbelievable we're talking about 900 CE way before Europe is anything and there are peacock water clocks a water clock built in the shape of a peacock that's telling you the time there is running water in the city the Royal City by the way do you think you could live there no no no no no this is for the elite the creme de La Creme this is for the wealthy the nobleman this is for if you have blood royal blood or you're connected to the Rockefellers and the other Giants of that nature then if you're the Bill Gates you can live there yeah but if you're me and you working for the Bill Gates no you're not gonna you're gonna be the servant and the worker over there so what's going to happen but we have eyewitness accounts and when you visit Medina even though it is completely in Ruins subhanallah but the foundation is there no structure remains because of the Muslims themselves I mean you don't really blame them but it is what it is right they destroyed the city took all the pillars all the gold what not this shows us this is the beginning of the downfall this is the beginning of the downfall simultaneous to this another movement begins and this movement is called the Spanish term of reconquer the Spanish term is reconquesta reconquesta it's a Spanish Germany is reconquered and this notion or this point of reconquering uh the lands of andalus it is contemporaneous to the Crusades that are taking place in Jerusalem you have to a lot of people don't get this point the notion of reconquering the Holy lands actually andalus is sparked by the Crusades and the Crusades is sparked by andalus they are interconnected intertwined the notion of getting back our land is beginning at this time around 1000 CE one thousand one thousand twenty CE and the reconquesta of andalus is what sparks the idea if we're doing it there we might as well try in Jerusalem get back the land of Jesus himself so we're not going to hold on the Crusades and wear this whole different tangent but understand the Crusades are actually linked theoretically to andalus and some of the people involved in Andalusia and the conquesta Went to went to Jerusalem to participate in that because the pope said if you reconquer southern Spain andalus then you are a martyr you are a crusader and the term Crusader well I gotta mention this a little bit sorry but the tomb Crusader what the pope said was um Pope Innocent III who was not as innocent as his name suggests Pope Innocent he gave a fatwa and their fatwas are binding on the Catholics when the pope gives a fatwa it's not like me and you my father means nothing who cares if I said it but according to Catholics when the pope speaks it's not the pope speaking it is God himself right so when the pope gives the fatwa that is a verdict from God directly and the pope gave a fatwa that whoever undertakes a journey to reconquer andalus or Jerusalem automatically as soon as you put the cross on you that's what the Crusader means you put a cross on you you know this the Crusaders would put a cross on them once you put the cross on you and you're marching no matter what happens you have a plot in Jannah automatically if you die if you live if you win if you're not no you shall be a person of Jannah simply by participating in the Crusade so a religious fervor overtook the people in andalus and across the world to go to Jerusalem but in andalus is what's important and the Spanish locals of the North Region began allying with each other and attacking Muslim lands long story short the first city that they conquered was the city of Toledo Toledo Ohio no Toledo andalus okay Toledo Ohio is named after Toledo the Toledo andalus Toledo that's the original just like we have York and New York and you know a new Michigan all of this news from England well same thing with the Spanish names as well Toledo the original is in is an underus and if you go to Toledo today it is one of the most iconic cities in the world because they left the houses as they are 1 000 years old you see as if you're back in Andalusia back in the time amazing amazing and Toledo was conquered in 1080 to 1085 so very early on and the Muslims were still all across Andalusia southern Spain so because the Muslims are still everywhere and Toledo is kind of a Border Town between Christianity and Islam the Christian Empire allowed Muslims to live in Toledo and they converted the universities to be Christian friendly this is a very important Point listen to this all the universities were Arabic they remained Arabic for a while but of course pre-reconquesta the Muslims are all I mean only the Muslims are studying what is a universe what is it what are you going to study in a university that's what the law was when you become a lawyer in early Islam what is a lawyer of the time where Islamic universities Toledo became a Christian land with a large percentage of Muslims living in it and the universities became Christian friendly eventually they started teaching in Latin but for a while they're teaching in Arabic and Christians are now coming to study this Sparks the first of what is called the translation movements pay attention to this it's very important Christianity was in the Dark Ages why because Christian Christians believed that one should not study any Sciences from any other peoples other than our Pious priests you cannot study science from the Greeks from the Romans from any other civilization they're pagans it is not allowed to study Aristotle Plato to study books of medicine Galen has written a book on medicine you shouldn't study that there according to them they're kufars right can't study from the kufars we still have the fundamentals of our time they say the same thing about many Sciences but that's besides the point we generally speaking our ulama never had a problem never had a problem studying Sciences from other people we're not studying shady and we're studying The Sciences as you know we had no problem studying medicine chemistry mathematics arithmetics astronomy we took the Greek Sciences we did and we took the Greek Physicians and we built and we multiplied and we Rose all the way to the heavens with their names and everything we had no problem we took science to a whole different level andalus is where it began by the way all these people you hear of Ibrahim and all of them all of these people of where is the blood coming from and what is the Optics and all of these but most of the people that we hear about most of them for sure the guy who first started to fly he wanted to fly this is andalus there's a bridge outside of Cordoba called fernas bridge to this day because that's where he died the guy with the wings he tried to fly we needed him to get to the Wright brothers he inshallah he died for science like we needed to do something started the process you know I'm saying he went to the pillar and he tried to to Flap some wings whatnot point being Muslims reached literally the skies and the Europeans are completely backward completely dark ages when does the light begin to shine in Europe from Toledo in 1085. how so this is when for the first time Europeans are now studying in Muslim institutions Muslim books even seen as catabushifa which is the standard textbook of medicine for 500 years brothers and sisters can you believe even seen as shifa was the standard textbook of medicine up until the 1700s can you believe 1700s the founding fathers of this country are alive and have been seen as book as being studied across Europe and commentaries of Aristotle and Plato by people like IBN Russ by people like al-farabi al-kindi the Arabs had obviously mastered in studying them so now in Toledo for the first time in Christian history far from the pope because Toledo is the end of the world the pope cannot tell them no it's too far away what do they do in Toledo they start what is called the translation movement what is the translation movement for the first time the classics via Arab commentaries and Muslim are translated from Arabic into Latin the first time Latin is the lingua Franca everybody speaks Latin Aristotle is not written in Latin Plato did not write in Latin they're writing in ancient Greek Europeans don't know ancient Greek anymore where do they get it from from the Arab commentaries of these Sciences the book of Optics the book of astronomy the book of physics the book of science the book of medicine all of these the Muslims not only preserved they wrote commentaries they took it to a different level and from and there's a good Ted Talk by the way good Ted Talk five minutes long everybody should watch it where does The X come from in in algebra from the scene that the Spanish translated Shea something they have the scene there right you can look it up the X where why do we have x in algebra why do we have it from the Toledo translation movement from this translation movement and this translation by the way also by the way again um all of these are just miscellaneous facts inshallah the point is too what is the point of today like to remind me what's the point of today's lecture what's the point what's the what's the goal to make people go and read on their own I cannot cram 800 years of history in 45 minutes what I can do inshallah is make you all so curious and so intrigued that you'll go home and you'll start reading on your own and listening on your own and insisting that people teach you the history of andalus and then inshallah accompanying people like myself and others to the land itself so that you'll continue to become Learners brothers and sisters I will not show other brothers and sisters I have a phrase I always say it you don't have to be an Alim but don't remain a jahil you don't have to be in Adams not what you and we need diversity we need Engineers doctors lawyers we need everybody but don't remain a child always learn always be a thought of it and always learn always and Allah bless all of us with Minds we can continuously learn until the day we pass away so the point being that this translation I was going to say another thing the first time the Quran was translated into a European language was in Toledo Toledo the first time the Quran was translated into a European language was in Toledo and the the the the pope uh Pope Pius who wasn't very Pious Pope Pius um visited Toledo and he saw that the students of the university all spoke fluent Arabic even though they were Christians and the Crusades were full swing taking place in Jerusalem the Crusades are happening in Jerusalem the pope visits Toledo and he sees these students studying in the Seminary and they're studying in Arabi in Arabic and so he comes across the idea let us translate their holy book not so that people convert so that people from his perspective know how evil the enemy is so we translated a very evil translation a very bad light translation and we want them to read in Latin what the saracens they call them at the time say what the Muslims say and so he found one of the top students in the College of Medicine by the name of Robert from the British city of ketten so he is called Robert of kitten Robert of kitten back in the day they called themselves from the city so this Robert of ketten who was a medical student paused here footnote Once Upon a Time Europeans had to come to Muslim lands to study medicine literally literally they had to come and study medicine in andalus why because that's where medicine was taught way better than anything in Mainland Europe so Robert of ketten travels from England all the way to Andalusia to become a doctor little did he know the pope is going to make a way and hijack him and basically say forget being medicine you have to translate the Quran so he finds a local Chef who we still don't know his name because his name is not recorded and with this help of the local Sheikh intellectually because remember Toledo still had intermingling Toledo you still had Muslims and Christians living side by side for another 200 years he finds and that both of them with the help of the Adam with the tafs in particular for some reason I don't know why they like to build Lobby there so he translated the Bible sorry the Quran into the first Latin translation and this is the translation of Robert of kitten the first time this by the way again all of these bizarre foot and look out how history is linked together this exact translation was read 400 years later by none other than Martin Luther not Martin Luther King I Have a Dream no no guys there's two Martin Luther's okay there's Martin Luther the modern the king the African-American civil there's the original Martin Luther the one who began thee the Protestant movement break away from Christianity America is a Protestant Nation the evangelicals are Protestant they're not Catholic our founding fathers of this country were Protestants and anglicans they wanted to run away from the pope that's why they're coming here and establishing 13 independent principalities each one of these provinces each one of these states was a different version of Christianity because they thought we can't live under the church we have to break away so Martin Luther the original reads the Quran translated by Robert of Captain in Toledo and then all of a sudden he began preaching a different version of theology interesting what does this version say what is the difference between Protestants and Catholics well number one there's no Pope every person should go directly to God does that sound familiar to you guys number two every one of us should be reading the Bible directly I don't need to go only the Sheikh can tell me the Quran the Quran is meant from the Bible excuse me I don't need to go to the priest to read the Bible why can't I read if the Bible is the word of God why can't I read the Bible directly does that sound familiar to all of us here number three one of the main points he attacked those 95 Theses on the church door number three what right does a pope have to forgive only God can forgive does that sound familiar and on and on and on and on guys you see where I'm heading with this where did he get these ideas from go figure okay all of these is linked together guys the entire split of Christianity the entire Breakaway of protestant and under this place of vital role here andoro says smack in the middle of this entire story of what is going on again so much to say time is running out radically finish up here so that the conquest that begins around 750 1080 with Toledo and there's two phases of the conquest very briefly there's two phases the first phase lasts 200 years so from 10 50 being very generic so that you memorize the dates 10 50 to 1250. in those 200 years slowly but surely every single Muslim city of andalus is conquered in 200 years every city is conquered except one small Province at the tip and that is Granada Granada is basically connected to let's say Gibraltar okay Granada is a very tip why couldn't they conquer Granada because Granada had very strategically is situated with a large mountain the Sierra Nevada the original Sierra Nevada not the one in California so again all of the names here we're very not original we take it from the Europe European stuff the original Sierra Nevada there's a series of mountains and uh Granada is strategically fortified with those mountains and also it has direct access to the ocean so ships can come in with trade with supplies so you can't really lay Seas to Granada so Granada was very wealthy and the nasirid dynasty 1250 or so decided you know what we can't fight these Christians let's just pay tax to them we've got plenty of well we've got plenty of gold let's just eek out an existence and they did for 200 years 250 years so the reconquester was successful 80 percent till 12 50. the entire Spain is reconquered back and up until this point in time Muslims are not persecuted by and large they can't be because Granada is Muslim we don't want to we don't want to exacerbate our enemies so Muslims are allowed to live if they migrate maybe able to pressure extra taxes but there's no massacres there's no Force conversions why because there's a mini superpower of Granada next door they don't want to make things difficult so until 1250 or so 1250 the narcity kingdom of Granada Begins the Alhambra all of you over this built by the nasiris right Alhambra Palace it's very much later after the Masjid dates to 750 CE Alhambra Palace 1400 CE 1350. big difference 700 years between the two so Alhambra is a different version of Andalusian Islam so the now cities remained 250 years eking out an existence paying taxes but you know what in the end of the day subhanallah they have all a huge you know down downfall inner War uncles against nephews cousins fighting for power standard stuff standard Civil War stuff very very dirty politics literally brothers killing brothers and whatnot as you expect eventually certain Brothers Ally with people up north are you the Christians say I'd rather have you than my brother in power and so the internal war begins long story short in 1492 in 1492 Isabel and Ferdinand two rulers of two large states that were at war with each other in Spain decide to get married and unite Their Kingdoms so remember Spain is not one Empire it's lots of just like Muslims are divided they're also divided the two largest principalities it so happened you had a son and you had a daughter and they decided you know what let's just marry these two so that the king and queen former United Kingdom that United Kingdom became so powerful they can now put their attention down south to Granada and that's exactly what happened and in 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella after six months laying Siege to Granada with the largest Force ever to attack Granada finally forced the last nasirid Sultan Abu Abdullah or Bo Abdullah is called to hand over the keys of the city to Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492 before I come back to the story what happened the original treaty is still there the original keys of the city are still there you can see them in the palace the original treaty has its main Clause the sultan put in there the Muslims shall not be persecuted and the Muslims will have the right to worship and to pray and to wear the hijab and all of the Shahid of the Deen nobody shall interfere with them that's the only condition we have to surrender and all the conditions they have number one condition you have to have all of these Muslims protected and Ferdinand Isabella no problem sign and within 10 years persecution taxes within 30 40 years you can't live here as Muslims within another generation the Spanish Inquisition begins people are given a choice convert or die that's the choice convert or die lots of massacres lots of very evil very nasty stories for the next 150 years what happens the Muslims have Civil War they fight there's a number of insurrections right they flee from Granada they start living in small principalities in the land is one of the regions right outside of Granada for a hundred years the Muslims live independently outside of the city of Granada in The Villages in the in the in the forests and the trees they're living there for a hundred years you still go there we go there every single year you'll find the last Fortress of al-pohara they had the last stand for another 100 years they're maintaining their Islamic identity until finally even that is not allowed so they are forced to convert and these are called the Mariscos or the mudihars they're forced to convert to to Christianity so for the next 150 years you have a group of people whose ancestors were Muslims and who are forced to be Christian now what's going to happen they take their Islam and they hide it and we are discovering a lot of interesting stories and anecdotes this is in the 1600s now 15 1600s the last trial to take place in Spain against the quote-unquote crypto Muslim you will be shocked at the dates 1722. 1722 somebody's brought to court and what is the accusation he's a secret Muslim the founding fathers are here in Washington at that time they're here in New York and 1722 you still have crypto Muslims and they were not able to pass Islam down however many families especially in the inner regions are well aware that their ancestors were Muslim I myself have met a few who found out that they were of those types of forced and their great great grandmothers preserve something of Islam some Heritage and so many of them converted back to Islam because of this but by and large the majority are not you know Arab and Muslim but it's a very sad story perhaps the saddest 1622 King Philip I think it was don't quote me on the names and Days by the way this whole lecture is from memory so I'm just saying in case I made a mistake please cut me some slack and don't have a long refutation video that I made a mistake the concept is there you know I'm saying like Annie Allah inshallah if I made a mistake in the slip of the tongue by a name or it is literally you know from the top of my head is memory here so please understand 1622 I think King Philip I'm not sure exactly but roughly um perhaps the most painful King Philip made a decree that all of these crypto Muslims must be expelled to Morocco and Tunis perhaps a hundred thousand they were actually Muslims but they would say they're Christian everybody knows this everybody knows this the Inquisition would come they would hide the qurans under you know they had special boards right one of the tests by the way of the Inquisition really sad and that's why if you ever go to Spain listen to this wherever you go in andalus you will find big slabs of ham just hanging from the wall in the restaurant why nowhere in Europe is this the case literally the leg of a pig hanging in the middle of the restaurant everywhere I swear to you you're going to be shocked everywhere you go it's culture to have the leg of a a you know a pig in the middle of the restaurant why this is one of the tests that they had they would force one of these crypto Muslims eat pork and drink wine now what's going to happen if you force a Muslim to eat pork and drink wine how's it going to react even if he does it how is it going to react it's going to vomit it's gonna vomit I mean I hope Allah has protected all of him alcohol it smells disgusting and hope inshallah nobody eats pork here it is disgusting really the texture and The Taste is utterly disgusting and when a Muslim has never tasted it and you put it in his mouth he's gonna gag that's the test right there if you're gonna gag execution you're a secret Muslim so they started hanging legs of pork and you know I mean yeah Pig and whatnot everywhere so that when Muslims pass by they might gag in the streets or whatever and to this day that culture is there so they expelled over a hundred thousand but then the king the very evil verdict he said hold on a sec you adults I don't want you here but your children we need them for the future so the decree is all of your children below the age of what 10 or 12 or something are going to remain with us because you I mean a hundred thousand people the world needs kids babies you know what I'm saying you can't just expel half the city so you adults get out of here children shall be adopted by all of the families here horrific scenes voila you read the books of History your heart just mothers separated from babies parents never to be seen again alas an entire generation and those kids what is going to happen they're raised in Christian households Allah is gone and this was I mean it's a very smart and evil tactic and it's it worked it is this is the end of lived Islam 1622. even for another 100 years you still had just by name I know I'm Muslim wasn't good enough 1722 was the last trial and then of course Islam completely vanished from that region until it began again slowly but surely final point to Charlotte with this inshallah we conclude and open the floor for Q a and then I think inshallah our Sheikh has an announcement to make what year did Granada fall what did I say what year 1492 what's your name Ayan Ayan what else happened in 1492 Christopher Columbus reaches America where was Christopher Columbus Spain interesting so 1492 it just so happens Christopher Columbus discovers America from Spain and 1492 it just so happens andalus Falls coincidence I think not the first time I visited andalus um I read books in Arabic about the history of andalus big mistake you'd never restrict yourself to one language you always read what different sources say of course the Arabic books obviously stopped at what year 1492. Okay so I didn't know anything this is the first time obviously I've been like 10 times but first time I went I've never I didn't know anything about 1492 connection literally so I'm in I'm in Granada and the tour guide is showing what's the the Palace of the um Alhambra Palace and in one of The Gardens of Alhambra Palace to this day there is a statue of Christopher Columbus in the Palace of the Nazareth King and the guide said this statue of Christopher Columbus is where Christopher Columbus was standing when Ferdinand and Isabella accepted the surrender of Abu Abdullah and took the keys of the city Christopher Columbus was standing right there and my mind is going everywhere like wait what wait what it's complete disconnect what what are you talking about Christopher Columbus what is he doing in this picture at the time I'd only read Arabic books so what's gonna happen 1492 right and so I said to the guy hold on hallway wait hold on time time time Christopher Columbus is here what's he doing here and she said yeah he was literally following Ferdinand and Isabella place by Place battle by battle begging for money for his fanciful project of going overseas and it was only after they conquered Granada and they had access to the Muslim treasury exhibit a they had access to the Muslim Treasury was he able to acquire the funds right here in this Palace from the treasuries of sulfon Sultan what Abdullah and my mind is literally going everyone's like I just completely like awestruck as they say and I'm like well I mean is there anything left can we go there and she's like yeah well there's a city uh an hour drive away where the Nina and the paint and what now actually launched from and the original structure where Christopher Columbus lived for six months is still there including his desk and chairs still over there this is like 550 years old right now being the Patriotic American that I am right very patriotic mashallah may Allah protect all those that are protecting the Deen and otherwise to otherwise inshallah um where was I larabida so being the Patriotic America that I am I said I got to see this darabita I got to see this I gotta change my itinerary I'm gonna see this took a rental car drove down to this lazy Village maybe a hundred people live there no idea I'm like nothing you know small little village in the middle of nowhere and find you know figure out where it is and find this this little Monastery not a single tourist I'm the only tourist walking in okay and there's a lady there selling the ticket and um I purchased the ticket she looks up to me at me she starts speaking you know fluent Spanish all excited okay I'm like you know I'm from Texas but no see hablo espanol Urdu you know man so she's trying to explain something to me really excited and in her broken Spanish in English and whatnot she asked me are you Muslim and I said yes I'm a Muslim I'm a Muslim yeah I'm Muslim so she said this Church used to be La Mesquite a mosque and she was so excited she took she became a tour guide from the ticket office there was nobody there it's one room she took me in and she showed me this is where the mehrab used to be this is where the minarets you see the minaret they cut it off and put the the cross you see the minaret what not right and again my mind is just exploding Christopher Columbus lived in a Masjid planned the charts out now of course he was a man so when he got lost he didn't ask for directions that's understood okay that's totally understandable he's a man we cut in some slack lost halfway across the world don't dare ask for directions think you're in India no problem okay still he made his plans in a Masjid and then she's like larabida Arabic term like what do you mean Eric looked it up Medina the connection was just mind-boggling it's not a coincidence that andalus falls in 1492 and America is discovered in 1492. it's not a random coincidence there's a direct causal linkage literally causal linkage we would not be here this country would not be here this land would not be here Europeans would not be here whether that's a good or bad thing I'm not going to go down there but this land would not be here had it not been for the 1492 connection with the land of andalus do you now see why we should study history do you not understand the connections and the interconnectivity and how everything is somehow beautifully linked together and subhanallah we as a Muslim ummah contributed so much at every single stage well Allah we have so much to be proud of and yes some things not to be proud of as well we learn from those as well so not to repeat but we have so much to be proud of Islam flourished in the heart of Europe and it would have flourished forever had it not been for our own downfalls and our own intrigues and our own interfighting which I didn't get into even more so it would have flourished it was the primary cause of downfall we ourselves bickering amongst ourselves fighting amongst ourselves and what happens happens so in any case um there are many a good um books that one can find about uh about uh anderus the most the most famous One written almost 30 40 years ago let me just get the title for you uh it is um uh Harvey's book about Muslim Spain it's called Muslim Spain uh Harvey's book Muslim Spain and I'll get you some other titles as well I have so many books at home so I forgot which one is the one I would recommend for when you start and but LP Harvey has one of the classics and also um Maria oh I forgot the name um I'll have to look it up uh I'm trying to see if I can find it here I'll have to look it up but there's a book that uh one of the professors at Yale had written oh yes I here it is it's called the ornament of the world this is the book the ornament of the World by Maria Rosa menu call m-e-n-o-c-a-l this is one of the best simple introductions to uh the history of Muslims in andalus I keep on saying one final just one final point is then I'm done I promise inshallah one of the things that fascinates me the most about andalus is that Andalusian Islam was very different than the Islam and the intellectual ulama and the thinkers of mainstream ummah we had some of the most exotic and brightest and unique Minds in andalus from Cordova IBN hazem from andalus you had some of the great minds the thinkers a shout to be both a shout to be our both the boat shelter bees are from andalus yeah with utmost love and respect at 500 hijd 500 CE 600 700 800 500 muscle didn't have ulama muscle only had after the time of the memory it was only after the bamaluks where Egypt began to rise your type of era before this time it didn't have that intellectual with utmost for him being honest here just like India it didn't have the type of ulama until for example and before him you know so it you had a few Sparks that sparked an entire uh Revolution Hindi was one of the main founders of Indian intellectual Islam right before we didn't have that type of independent thought anyway these are all separate andalus andalucian intellectual Inn was so unique so different not just realm of Science and Technology but the realm of Islam we had some of the most interesting minds of the ummah in andarus why what was different about andalus andalus was never majority Muslim it's true I'm just telling you a fact at Max portoba was 50 Muslim at Max and most of the countryside 78 Christian the ruling power Muslim like India the morals the ruling power Muslim but the bulk of the people 30 40 50 remain Christian maybe in some small places but in the larger cities 60 Muslim maybe yeah but the smaller Villages and whatnot in that intermixing of cultures and give and take of different civilizations the Mind forms a totally different understanding and what you come forth with and every of every knows this you are a graduate of Azar the way you're thinking now in America you would never have thought a thousand years of Roman in Egypt I know this because I was aim in Medina if I remained in Medina that bubble that's why people don't like me because I'm not in that bubble but anyway if I remained in that bubble you don't think like this you are forced to think outside the bubble inside the box right that's what our ulama Andalusia did and to me this gives me hope for the ummah in Western lands because the types of challenges we have in America in Canada and Australia and England in Europe are radically different I'm not saying they're better Challengers I'm just being frank here it's different set of challenges and the people that are going to have to respond to those challenges they cannot Beulah from Azhar or madin or Timbuktu it's not going to happen you have to have people who understand what's happening locally to under to answer to those challenges and therefore this gives me hope and it inspires me it happened in the past we had the best and brightest Minds in andalus the most unique the most exotic the most thinking outside the box why because Society in andalus was not like Baghdad it was not like it was not like uh Damascus it was a different land and similarly if you look at what's happening in the in the west right now and the types of duat and preachers that are coming again I'm just being honest here they're very different than the preachers of the East very different I'm just being honest a lot of people don't like that differences that's why there's so much tension so be it I am who I am and others are who they are and I'm not planning to change this is I think this is the future we have to rethink through the challenges of the East if you listen to my talks we can't preach people sectarianism and this subhanallah to move Beyond this we have challenges that are so different our children are leaving the faith and you want me to teach you to hate another to find another mosque and say they're wrong people come on world is different the real challenges or agnosticism atheism liberalism humanism secularism these are the challenges with utmost love to our Messiah back there they're not going to answer the challenges of secularism they just can't we have a different set of challenges and to rise up to those challenges you have to have people who have lived in those challenging times and experienced it directly so just like an andalus it happened in the past insha Allah I'm confident insha Allah that is going to happen over here and what we do collectively all of us what we do might inshallahu ta'ala influence and benefit people around the globe just like with underus did ended up benefiting to Adam around the globe with that I ask Allah to bless us all within that is beneficial and with the humility and with that is pure and good ask Allah to keep our hearts clean of any evil animosity ask Allah to bless this Gathering to protect our children I ask Allah to allow our children to taste the sweetness of Iman and to carry that Legacy down to their children after them I ask Allah to make us in our children of those who established and who paid as a car and who faster Ramadan and who have a love for Allah in his messenger and respect for the teachings of this faith I ask Allah remains forever in our progeny and their progeny after them ask Allah to allow all of us to become instruments of good instruments of instruments of barakah to allow the legacy of this Faith to spread far and wide and ask Allah to allow us to live as Muslims and to die as means and to be resurrected with the prophets and the righteous and what a noble companionship they are and with that I'll hand it back to our local Sheikh which is foreign [Music]
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 101,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yasir, qadhi, official, islamic, scholar, Islam, Quran, Sunnah, Hadith, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Mercy of Allah, Blessings of Allah, Qadr of Allah, Jannah, Jahannam, Halal, Haram, Growth in Islam, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Yasir Qadhi, Being A Muslim 2022, mohammed Hijab, Ali Dawah, A True Muslim, Muslim Converts 2022, The Cave of Hira in Islam, Lessons From Andalusia, Islam in Spain, Muslims in Spain, Islam in italy, Muslims in Italy, Islam in Europe, The Rise of Islam in Europe
Id: if2b1aDUHWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 9sec (4329 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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