The Hill Farmer

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all right now you're all you want you don't need I mean I would bet the eat one her one of those great big cows myself would I might just manager little Galloway so just to demonstrate what we do now this little fellow seems to have bad news so we've been moving down quite a lot look they're white lap should be and so now he's about to be look mark so this is a an under key bitter and he's under key bit it on both here's one wait a minute - and then he's dropped on the left steer that's my love mark done and you're all done like that it's not anyone who picks him up now can see that's there my marks and then the Smith map is clean on the back and it slips mark is a pop on the tail head okay so that's him done so anybody can tell he's mine now wherever he goes this you'll be able to look in the book and see that it's mine and my neighbors will know anyway joy can you explain how you got your rightful if elegant well I am I bought some rights which were held in gross by who died actually I mean I bought a lot more land when you dispersed that farm rights as well at the same time so that was the first right to raise such a number of sheep on the fair or the equivalent taking into account ten sheep equals one cow twelve sheep equals one horse to keep it was one that's what I've got sheep sheep cows games horses and also turbulence the right to cut two feet on the fell Cu Samba is holding and the right to take Bracken for baby and the right to take stone pillow for you in the clockwise direction until it gets launched in the ridges and then you try your bottle time will tell so what I need to do now is pick up the gate get into the field hang the gate if I could hang in it never go anywhere on a farm without fits the baler twine my father you when he was alive used to come and help me when he died went through his clothes just baler twine in every pocket he had was he a farmer as well no he's a schoolmaster well it was a naturalist so obviously he loved the natural history aspect of it okay miss well when I first came here and made beautiful flower with a little little flower garden and wonderfully stopped vegetable garden she helped me do that she'll be ashamed of him now if she saw these these gardens which would been let go but then of course in those days I didn't have so many as much livestock was it a lot smaller than farm then yes it was 43 acres when I bought it and it's 85 now with fell rights so it's doubled at least yeah first of all I bought a goat then we then we've got six sheep and they were bred and went up in geometrical progression and then I got one cow and gradually built up her a herd and a dog or two or and a pig wasn't too far behind and I always liked um with pigs I selected this breed because they're the nearest to the native wild and they're hardiest they do their own thing they make their own life out here anyway I'll tie up this take off but now they know there's no food on this side of the gate they'll perhaps leave it alone how effective it will be Oh well your neighbors skeptical when you first meet it oh yes they thought oh good her she's come from away single woman there on that farm silly silly so-and-so she won't be there for long you didn't take me seriously for a long time but fortunately there was a farmer down below who knew who I was because I'm local from the other side of the estuary and that she had been brought up over there near where I was born she knew who I was and if it hadn't have been for her I would it would have I would have been it would have taken me a lot longer to be accepted then it really was I mean the other side of the issue is the other end of the world isn't how long have you been farming on your own Joyce just over 30 years now how do you any started about 35 in the prime of life and I was young and strong and nothing was any trouble I could do it all quite well then well you know don't let it bother me though if I just I'd rather be doing this and not doing it kind of business so I try first to find the mother make sure the lamb drinks two and a half days or something like that what's wrong with the you has something to lose here until she's forced to take the lamb but you really see that the better condition that use that you use are in the less likely you are to have orphan Rams I mean you might a say out of about ten you might lose a couple two or three it's just on a high spot like this the spring grass comes so very very late right yes people say your personal relationship and you hey I'm using work when I've got the first relationship what about Owen work combined in one yet so yes yes I'll be blasting hole up there woodland berries no this is grand you miss this if you're in the South of England I know my sister was also working in the South of England and she heard that ad come up and bought a farm up here and she's off blow me I'm not going to be the only one left down here with these little tiny these tiny little Mound somebody get help amongst the proper stuff big stuff so she came back soon after me as well I came back when it's about 35 you you
Channel: William H Park
Views: 38,434
Rating: 4.7738514 out of 5
Keywords: The Hill Farmer, Joyce King, Imperial College London (College/University), Science Communication (Literature Subject), Janine Myszka, William Park, Meredith Thomas, Documentary (TV Genre), Cumbria (English Non-metropolitan County), Fell farming
Id: tEPDyXrebdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 21 2014
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