The Highwaymen - Highwayman
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Channel: HighwaymenVEVO
Views: 29,024,606
Rating: 4.8531442 out of 5
Keywords: The Highwaymen Highwayman, Silver Stallion, The Highwaymen Highwayman live, The Highwaymen lyrics, TheHighwaymenVEVO, acoustic, stripped, music, instrumental, The Highwaymen official, vevo, Best of The Highwaymen, The Highwaymen Highwaymen lyrics, official, download, karaoke, remix, Ghost Riders In The Sky, lyrics, audio, official video, cover, Sony, The Road Goes On Forever, music video, single, album, full album, The Highwaymen live, live
Id: aFkcAH-m9W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2013
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What little country music I like usually involves Johnny Cash and or Willie Nelson and this song is one of the best.
Not sure if this is the reason you're posting, but PBS just aired a great episode of American Masters about the Highwaymen.
Did someone watch Mr. Robot last night?
Best song in GTAV
This song is so optimistic with all the people so proud of what they do, but yet so melancholy at the same time. Always get a little choked up hearing it.
It's all fun and games until someone starts babbling about being a starship captain.
I actually made this song a major plothook in my D&D campaign, it starts off with the players getting robbed by a Highwayman, and before he could be brought in to the local lord to face his crimes, succumbs to poison if they didn't manage to identify the symptoms (He was getting nervous, sweaty, and red in the face. Perception+Knowledge(Medicine)/Ranger Knowledge/Knowledge: Poison).
A sailor during an encounter goes to haul the sails while they're being pursued (Enemy archers are trying to light it ablaze, and the current is fast enough that they didn't need wind) he gets hit with a ballista.
After that, they have a small encounter with a Dam builder who falls off to his death thanks to a fairly high DC handle animal check.
And the final bit is a Spelljammer touches down. I had based an NPC pilot on Johnny Cash (Guitar and Drug addiction and all) to take the campaign from vanilla D&D to a Multiverse Spelljammer campaign that would have also crossed into the Planescape realm. Spent about two years working on it, and we alternate between the games we play, so I'm waiting for one of my players to figure it out.
For anyone interested,
the cover by The White Buffalo
remains my favorite iteration of this song. The also cover House of the Rising Sun as well as some other songs for Sons of Anarchy.
Always loved the warcraft based video that Cranius did for this classic. Goes along very nicely.