Roy Keane Leaving Nottingham Forest

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the scouts on me the right there forest was the right Club the trial they set me over on trial and I was like bring it on just give me that trial it's unbelievable that isn't it because when you think of of the system now the academy system you don't you know even sort of your kids you feel like you have to be in this Academy system you've got to get this training you've got to get this sort of foundation to then become a player and you going to be one of the best Midfield players you know the world seen and you've got none of that sort of but that Journey would I don't think that if I'd gone offland a 14 or 15 like one or two my buddies off the clubs and they were like the yts 16 I don't think that would have suited me I think I would have been I don't think I would have survived com England as 16 I I think the the journey I had playing League of irand for a year was perfect for me and coming over to England at 1819 and going to Forest I again I go back to that little bit of look going to the right Club even getting the trial even but when I went over on the trial I was there for the first week and they had me training with Forest U team so remember but I was going to go over there as a pro so I had a week with him and I went back and I went was a confusion you were in the wrong group you shouldn't have been with the U team I was like well it this seemed a bit strange and all I did was training Jord wi got no game they said we'd like you to come back and trade with the kind of the reserves and maybe have a game and I went yeah perfect and there anyone there at at who was went on to do well at Forest with the forest well in terms of the young players what that I trained with I can't remember who I who would have been in the group at that time um but then I went back for the trial and in the week I was kind of home back in Ireland they was said Spurs came in for me spurs would you come and trial and Spurs is my team but I said no listen I promise Forest I go back for the second week and when I back to Forest it was a trial that says we've got a game for you because I don't think I would have impressed anyone in training you wouldn't watch me in training going oh he's good he's got I don't I need you need to see me in 11v 11 on a big pitch and farest said we have a game at the city ground and I knew farest was a big pitch you 111 I went perfect like I just knew that that signed me honestly after a game they took me off after about 75 minutes and I went into the dress room and I cou this kind of coaches came in Alan Hill and these people knowing oh we'd like to sign you and I remember thinking to I knew you would no but not the I just went yeah but of course I said had to go back to Ireland they had to do a transfer was it like when you went when you went back to Great was everybody oh of course and I think forest was just the forest was the right fit for me I can't The Lads I lived with obviously going to with Brian Koff and I signed in May but even you about how innocent it all was so I signed at may come the end of the season and I went to watch the first team play and they sat me on the side of the dog and I had a kind of a Blazer on I just watched it like where the ball boys are watching the match and the ne they put me in these digs the next morning I came into the training to the city ground where you used to train you get changed for training go down to train so I came in the girl said what are you doing I says well I just signed yesterday I'm just over from Ireland the woman say well the season's over so I say what do I do she went you go home can you book me a flight you we book you a flight you got a couple of flights in your contract I said when do I come back she went we'll be in touch and I remember kind of as we walking I went do I still get paid like you say brilliant I remember home for two or three months honestly I remember at Palace I remember when they enry uton and tease me about okay you know you know you don't get paid in the summer I'll go back to work or something they tease you about not getting paid but even though we're back obviously the contract remember it was a three-year deal it was 250 pound a week and I went back to Ireland people saying what kind of deal is you have 250 pound a week and you like Sterling that's like Sterling like double the Irish pound a time that was like a billionaire at the time you know I mean so the whole family were buzzing and I was I couldn't believe my luck was the opportunity but I signed a two-year deal and I I also knew then my mindset was do not be coming back lot of lot of kids from Ireland go to England are back after one or two years I just this that's not going to be me so where did the Roy Keem kind of like um focus and you know determin where where was that I just realiz that people I look I look at my background at my family environment all my family were sporting people my three brothers played football at a good level my dad um I just had I had good DNA I had good DNA so wanted to Forest again I I spent years back in irland as a kid looking out the window at school one of these people just get me to England just love the game I'd be watching any football Dutch Football Italian football I like me and I liked all different sports I played Harland football where I lived in the estate I lived in I opened the door there was a game going on somebody I was in I was in competition from eight nine years of age so that was when I went the forest and all of a sudden you're going you're getting paid to be a full-time player I it was like I died and gone to heaven I couldn't believe my luck 18 19 years and talk about picking the club for me forest was perfect the city was the right size for me Brian KF they put me in digs the right digs near the train near the stadium I met some good lads who I big friends with now I just I couldn't have picked the it was the propect environment for me well you mentioned DNA and that you've got zero tolerance when it comes to standards around discipline late you you zero you are the one of the highest only as I got all Gary oh but I'm saying as you as a youngster you had that you said you turned up you're always on time you work at where did that because usually that comes from you know at my dad sometimes you'd have a little bit of fear wouldn't you of your dad in terms of like if you did something wrong or you didn't play well or if you were if you were late where did that fair come from from you when you were younger that I just your mom or your dad or yeah obviously brother yeah yeah i' like to me family had good habits with that but it wouldn't have been I think don't remember you don't remember anything like not really no not really not not not my family kind of being I just thought if you're training be I had just had it you should be on time for training and be on time for the matches yeah I just had that I think that was just a natural thought process not that I was never not late for training I had me moment of course and I was out a forest you about discipline listen I was a young player I was out enjoying myself I I done da stuff I done da stuff when I first went to United would it be out drinking or whatever so I don't think for one minute I was just perfect Pro but I had certain principles I thought listen if I can yeah try and be on time for training and train properly like like you're supposed to have ice SPS but no no big discipline stuff from how was it with your brothers when you were growing up in terms of that environment it was good because I was in competition I had two older brothers and one younger brother so again when we were out playing football or if I was playing the school every day of the week I was playing football I was getting Touches at the ball whether it be at school where I lived playing against lads who were older than me obviously two older brothers you'd be playing against you just constantly in competition and when I played football back in the day when you played on the street You' be playing lad you were 16 17 I'd be I'd be 10 or 11 you just and to be hitting you you were and and I got good to have Rock on the team I went to which really important they're really good players and they a couple of good managers and they would speak about me in the Midfield and getting stuck in all these type of habits I picked up so I was surrounded by really good people really good people I again unbelievably lucky what was your um your first first interaction with Brian kluf like what was like you say you you messing around a bit I obviously I didn't really see Brian Club because preseason I was obviously with the the younger players and the first year pros and the reserves so what about when you got towards the first team my first involvement with Brian kff was probably the real proper chat I had with him would have been when I made my debut right preseason I was away with the reserves I never another but I again I was lucky when I was a forest and because I was um again I was full-time training so I was I was feeling great I thought Jesus again I've amazing and I played a couple of friendly matches and as you do preseason with the reserves and I I scored a few headers and it was only years later on I speak to Martin and Le said apparently Brian kff would love players who could head the ball love players who can head it and I scored I think a couple in a reserve match in like a friendly match in front of him and um and so I must have been winning them over the fact I was I was getting forward and like my Forest career getting on the end of things um and they were obviously I was like you do when you're manager watching players you're looking what's he got and then but the first game of the season Forest on the satday forest played to QPR I think they drew with him and I the reserve team went the reserve scams were playing Monday night and then Forest the first team we went to Liverpool on the Tuesday and Liverpool obviously really strong at the time and I was put up the used to put the team up on the Monday for the reserves and I was sub for reserves on the Monday night and I was delighted reserves sub for the reserve brilliant progress already have only just come over I get on for about 10 minutes in reserve match and apparently some of the staff Brian K did already left with 10 minutes to go so I play 10 minutes of reserves I was delighted always said we went for a few points after the game you know we reserves and I came in on the Tuesday morning so I played 10 minutes for reserves delighted with myself going made a bit of progress already and I was told oh you're going up to you're going up to Liverpool tonight if the team already gone up you're you're following them up with Ron Fenton and Brian K we picked Brian kff up on the way Derby to in the car yeah me Phil starbook and Ron Fenton was the assistant manager we picked Brian kpp at his house we go in I remember sitting in his house and he comes down he says I gave I remember he gave me a pint of milk but I thought I'm going up P of milk I thought I'm going up for the experience being with the first team and help helped the kit man we see lots of clubs do that with young players um and he came in I remember gave me a pint of milk and I went I don't I said I don't like milk he says you better drink that he says I'm putting the bottles out fing I through the P so I know what the dealing with him and then I went up met the players and I I got to the stadium at Liverpool and um I was putting the gear up with the Kitman bran CL said what are you doing I said I'm just putting the gear no you're wearing that tonight did you start I started at Liverpool in Tuesday night wow so Subs reserves on the Monday window had a few points didn't go crazy what six seven point the Tuesday I got and play at Liverpool and Liverpool bar and Ronny wheel and all these boys and players came over and were introduced to me and cuz I W even in the dressing room with him I hadn't even gone had a training session with him stand I played on the right side of Midfield he the mil up he said the first thing really he said to me regarding football and I made a career out of it he just said you're putting that on he says that's I've seen you preseason I was like but I wasn't that intimidated by Brian KF because I was young and innocent yes he I've seen you preseason he said you control the ball I was like yeah he said you can pass it I said yeah and he said you can run I went yeah he went just do them three things for me and I went yeah and I go every time even when I left forest or I went to United or I might have be out difficult spells I remember they were the basics for me control the ball I know people laugh when I say control the ball pass it and run that was my career that's what he said to before my debut can you do that for me absolutely but he a box to box you scored a lot of goals yeah at farest my role was again I was yeah and and Forest again had the perfect players be Nigel Teddy League Glover Tommy they strike because you were very good on the half turn and St again go back to Forest Brian kff Lov Center forward you got a hold of it yes loved it I know know the games are slightly different we and I used to get and all I did in Forest if you I just ran I just like a headless chicken so there' be PL to Strikers I be if you look at lot any of my goals at Forest I'm just running I'm just I'm gone I'm not even involved in the buildup play which I had to change obviously when I'm T United different uh different test I suppose but piery would honestly Whi it into Nigel Nigel get a half turn and I'm gone Nigel would just be picking me out League lover was very good I don't know if you remember League lover yes very good on the half turn so Forest again was a perfect club for me but um but BR Club was very tough for me as well you know as much as he gave me my debut and gave me great advice be it was really it was a tough School in that dress room I I found a hard something you'd be homesick and uh but he was also he he'd be on my back Brian K he'd be on my back and but I was you going back often then you going I was gone probably too much yeah yeah yeah cuz every time I went to see him remember I was doing really well I'd go back probably every four or five weeks I tell to him I go back and he go of course I was doing well for him he go yeah off you go I go back for a few days and um and obviously family coming over so it was all the for stuff was the forest stuff was amazing and again I had know again I had no responsibilities I was living with a couple of lads I'd great Freedom Jesus Nottingham was a nice place for night out I was playing the first team I was getting a few Bob Happy [Music] Days who you speaking to when it when it was when it started to get to that place where you're like you I need to go home was there anyone you could speak to to make you feel like no not really no you just no no not not when I was um no you kind of just you just get on with it yeah but I again I I I looked at senior players at Forest I know we've been laughing a joke about it those senior players I looked and I go yeah and I'd be I'd be picking up stuff and making mistakes you know I had to make mistakes I had to do da things at ningan but I was 19 20 years of age I I was going to make those mistakes but I was learning my trade also before I knew it at Forest and then I was got obviously in the Irish Squad before I knew it I was after playing 100 110 120 so I was getting a foundation to my career and then I was on that roller coaster as well of FA Cup finally the first year we got beaten second season we're doing well we got United beat us one0 in the League Cup Final and my third season we got relegated and that's what I obviously I just signed a new deal a few months earlier and I was kind of learning then the business side of football cuz I really at Forest I kind of on roughly I hadn't really sign a deal who did that contract for you the I done it myself I done I done I done one before you left to go I done that and I just had that clause in where it was like uh obviously looked like we want to get relegated and Brian kff a lot of pressure on me at the time again I was a young player Brian kff was using the media a lot saying I'm being greedy and all this but I just said I've been on the same money for the last basically two and a half years i' I've been playing for Ireland I've been week and week out and I was on about 7 800 a week for all that so I've never in my life went for a new contract ever so Wendy said we like you to sign I said well and I remember I stuck to my guns went they were saying I says I want uh I thought piery was on about 250 I want I want 250,000 I stuck to that and Brian CL said we're not going to give you that but when it came to that contract situation I remember going I'm not budging and Ron Fenton was in negotiation and Ron Fenton was going listen you have to sign a deal we've looked after you we brought your from ir and I said no problem I said that's fine yeah and I I get it but I've done okay for the club and I want 250,000 did you get it in the end I got it in the end and did and you put the relegation clause in as well I had the clause in yeah that if we got really good office I could leave for 3.5 mistake I made is I said I want to go 3.5 million but it was after the first of September which was after European deadline so they still that's why it had to be three points that's why United had to give the extra bit to get the deal done Blackburn offered four that's why I nearly signed for Blackburn wow Blackburn offered four to get who the manager then Kenny well I met Kenny it's amazing in life you're talking about so Forest agreed to sell me Brian kff left in a time and Frank Clark and and it was all fun and games going on then when the clubs are in for me yeah um met Blackburn I can usuge respect Blackburn making noises sign my deal of forest we obviously got relegated uh during the summer met Kenny and went to do they agreed a four million deal with forest forest were delighted because obviously blackb would give the 500,000 extra they not wait until first of September it's just they wanted to be there for preseason of course can a Le I I think it was on 250 at Forest I said to Kenny v said we can give you 400 I think I asked for 500 again I was I heard share was on that I what he's getting but so G eventually says 400 I was on 250 at Forest I went 400 not bad like nice little pay rise and I said I was sitting in the office like this and I went okay do the deal I said brilliant Shot Hands and they said it was a Friday evening and they said all the people in the office are gone we can't draw the contract up that's it they're to blame I I get a flight that I get a flight I think I I don't know if I flew back to next morning Saturday morning I said well come back next week we start it out and this is not good on me because I shook hands with Kenny D le somebody have huge respect for I flew back to CLK went out Saturday night had a good night saying I'm going to Blackburn I'm getting a nice little PIR rise Sunday morning I'm in bed not in great form phone goes my mother comes up you Alex Forex under phone for you so I come down I said he said I've been trying to speak to with forest and whatever I said well have agreed to go to Blackburn even if you signed anything I said no he said would you meet me tomorrow I flew to Manchester on the Monday to meet him Kido picked me up at the airport went went to Frog's house not a regret um but just I'm surprised that you didn't see that deal through the way you are with Kenny and say look you know I mean because as you the way in which you are yeah but I Al to step back and go at least speak to Man United at least speak to man united and um and take no aging right Sil with no aging and also I'm jeopardizing the Blackburn deal because CU what happened of course a drag this dragged down for a couple of months I had to go back preseason far as because United didn't want to give him United didn't want to match Blackburn because the first time United had come in yeah but I've been told they were trying to get in touch with for us they were like not getting back to him with messages and obiously Brian is that because of the money they before Frank clar came because they offered that much yeah but United point would have been going what your Clause is 3.5 but Forest have you heard saying yeah it's after the 1 of September if you want to do the deal a bit earlier if you don't do if you do after first September especially for United he I wouldn't be able to play in Europe I think that was the cut off point you have to sign so that's why you ended up being in you have to pick man united don't your head of black you know what yes Jimmy but I again I shook his hand and was it Kenny that was the sway for you or no no Blackburn meanes when I thought Blackburn I could I could see it I listen I wasn't and obviously they agreed it's not as if I was it' be different know you'd be a bit smarter you I'll just wait I'll see who else is out there but I wasit again I was a bit innocent and I thought but then I went back to Forest and I was learning then Forest then were saying Forest owed me about 600 or 700,000 for saying yeah we agree these deals but we're not giving you the few Bob you're and I went well I'm not leaving unless you give my my few Bob that's the what I'm entitled to and then I we a game with Ireland so this is all I'm guessing towards right the end of the season Internationals toward the end of the season and I'd know this is where I eventually got someone to help me with the contract so Blackburn said they give me 400 and United at the time were at 300 so at 250 at Forest United was saying we can get a deal on the forest bear with us and I was like okay I'm I'm I'm I'm jeopardizing a deal with Blackburn here and I was when I was we with Ireland we did an international game the end of the season were they going to give you the same money or more noed united no nowhere near well United were offering me 300,000 wow and I was saying but black when never said well take the 4 black I so so is this is this dragging on through a whole toward like when I black B are trying to thinking this the end of the season like a couple of weeks after but you know some there an international match three or four I remember being away at the international team and speaking to some of the players they were like cuz I remember they saying where you off to and I went and I was kind of explaining go my black for offered me 400 but you either at 300 and Dave oair he was in the group and Dave went who's doing your deal I I'm doing myself and he went he would you use my I've got Michael Kennedy who is a solicor in London he's done all my contracts I said I'll speak to him so I rang him literally that night from her I said Michael this is the situation all right I've been reading about it I went if you could speak to Martin Edwards about I think it was Martin obviously doing the deals he and he got back to me the next day he went United will go to 350 I went I got to United but then obviously had the thing with Blackburn and what I should have done him was rank Blackburn straight away but I kind of dragged that off Michael you pH black no no and I didn't get back and you know what about a week or two later I was going on holidays and I remember it again Kenny rang me and I remember going TI app with a few Lads from forest did you send a postcard and um he he Kenny gets me is it I heard under you know you're often I said keny I said listen I said to be I felt about that big I said I should have gotten touch you was you scared to pH him right yeah bit embarrassed yeah of course yeah and I don't think the United thing was quite over the line yet so this was the game I was playing I'm trying to keep United on side or whatever and um and Kenny went mad absolutely he like well on the font yeah yeah he and I was and I remember what did he call you H he just something like you're a joke no one does this to Kenny DL and but he was right and he was saying we've Shu hands under a deal and I remember he said something like in Scotland if you share Kansas a deal and I was like but you would think that as well wouldn't you um you would yeah but not but if I was a manager not not until the deal is signed I suppose but yeah you agreed to come now and you shook hands yeah but I listen I've done that with players I've been a manager and they said yeah and then the following day they G somebody else listen we all know but if they' got if if things were done that night I would have sign for Blackburn yeah so listen they have to take respons that wouldn't happen to a club now everyone would stay behind it's not as if people leave at 5:00 so they have to look at you know I'm sure but Kenny was going mad and he was going and I said look I remember saying Kenny I'm going my holiday this tomorrow I says listen I'm going to enjoy myself you know that's you know I sign for him when I get back so I said and done he I'll find you h i was Ina for the week looking over be sure I swear it's like taken I will find you I swear but then listen all obviously I've seen Kenny since and listen a brilliant guy again huge respect I can't say that enough about him and then I came but I still had to go back preseason with forest and Forest was saying still not giving me the few Bob that I was old but eventually I went listen here's you few Bob and and obviously I done I done the United obviously eventually but it dragged on for a good number of weeks I I had to go back to Forest preseason and I was training with the U team for Frank Clark I went back and Frank Clark was going mad Frank was the new manager after bran Club left he said all everything we've done for you I was like Frank you've been here two minutes man I says listen I I don't want to play in the championship and the World Cup was coming up I say listen and and again I just they oh oh that was over the the few Bob they wanted their few B didn't they got no they got there they got your 3.75 off United but basically I was I was entitled to what was left in my contract so everyone was saying to me don't sign the new deal but I knew if I signed a deal of forest and we got relegated and someone came in for me I'd kind of win I'd get me a few ball United and obviously Forest would give me like a few Bop to go which I felt I was entitled to but I think Brian Club I think Forest certainly Brian klopp always held out against me that I left with what six or 700 to whatever I got having only been there kind of two or three years as a young player he he definitely felt I probably didn't deserved that got sold for 3.75 they can't of course of course listen they made a nice little profit they bought me for 40 50,000 what where did the boss take you when he first met you I went to his house and you didn't take you to Old Trafford or just to his house just to his house and he obviously he made a point and my family are big United fans I was a sports fan but my dad my brother so once I went over to meet him you're thinking it's hard then to turn on United whenever with a few Bob the few the few Bob involved but when I met him I was like obviously kid was there and chatting about where United ago and he said I think we'll win the league chat about we can win the league again he said you would help us but I think you'd help us in Europe the usual chitchat you'd have with a manager so I was like yeah someone's okay but I was trying to be business-like as well with it I was trying to think what's best for me and the beauty is when I went to United for all my little not Hang-Ups but about the deals involved in not being a United fan again I was Spurs so when I went to United They just won the league but as soon as I walked into United I loved it
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Id: A5nD2cH9AIs
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Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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