The High Sierra Trail - Sequoia National Park to Whitney Portal

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] that right behind me is the General Sherman tree it's huge is actually the world largest tree by volume it's pretty awesome we get to experience here on the first day out here in support a national partner huge so we're just exploring the park today and just have a little bit of fun before we start the high sierra trail tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] last night we stayed over here at dorsal Creek Campground you see the group behind me first way to catch a shuttle we got to do three stops the third yeah three stops we go from here to lodgepole and lodgepole to the forest museum and then from there over to the Crescent meadow but you can see how smoky it is in the air last night winds must have shifted and from the Ferguson fire up north in Yosemite who's blowing the smoke in over here that's it we're gonna take off and start at the high sierra trail here we are Saturday August 4th I Sierra Trail you have to see the sign behind me 60 miles of Mount Whitney but we've got a total 72 to go cuz we go to Whitney portal where we've got Paul West Matt and Steve waiting for us here we go this is a high sierra trail [Music] we've made it to a 9 Mile Creek camp we're trying to push a little further like a late start I'm not doing the best having trouble breathing up here she could probably tell we're gonna make some dinner I call it early night we all washed up in the creek gets feeling good from that yeah just that make some nice dinner and some packet gourmet a head head to bed early [Music] [Music] [Music] here we are bear bear problem editors resort everybody's got the snacks just a nice relief off the trail we've got four miles ago that handle print and look at this out here gasps something I've been waiting to see for a long time that right there has a great western divide and we're gonna be going up over Korea gap over there at the ten thousand six eighty and then we go down so beautiful just beautiful [Music] [Music] right here guys it is a Malone palm tree look at this drop this is a way is down come to this side look at this view Wow then if you look down right there is the old bridge that they built of course wasted from avalanches and floods and stuff put this big old piece of rock here that just wedged in there wonder where that came from to come back up look at that view can't be that for me a little quick pit stop here and then we're gonna head up we've got two miles to go the Hamilton Lake perks that make a pretty good time today I'm feeling a lot better this morning woke up with puking pooping everything it's having trouble breathing throughout the night headaches shivers everything good feel a lot better now trail will do that to you go get you going especially in this beauty I want to show you the trail crossed away so Bearpaw is around the corner and there's a trail that goes down to Lone Pine Creek down there and now we just go up the switchbacks it was tough huh that's a tough switchback today when you got the weight on our packs it with you two it's about kicker but we're making it or probably a Hamilton Lake move in hour and a half or so yeah there's some water up ahead filter some water that's a little dry the views are starting to suck a little bit now because of the smoke game blown in earlier were just immaculate out there [Music] [Music] this is our stop for night to upper Hamilton Lake it's beautiful here guys just beautiful great fishing you got Monica David back there fishing Roberts gonna clean up here in a few you got your ping back there Robert and Eric I'm sorry Don and Eric jeez I'm losing it already up here here it is so just wanna show you guys my salute set up for this weekend this week Kevin lunar solo Oh II the inside I got my Cedar Ridge quilt and my big axel sleeping pad should do me him really well God ghost whisperer as well I'm using the optic 58 from my bag yeah for tomorrow you can see where Monica Donna over there we have to go up along here back and forth up up up then there's a big waterfall right here and we're gonna be going the precipice Lake and then across the Cahuilla gap and then down yeah didn't realize how beautiful it is out there man that is beautiful of course dry out my clothes highlighter boxers give you guys a good laugh [Music] [Music] morning a day 3 maybe a long day today a few up with some packet gourmet West Memphis grits souffle this is a view of we woke up to awesome woke up at 5:00 it's about 6 o'clock right now and our goal for the day is well one of the goals is getting up to precipice Lake then up over quia gap that's downhill so let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can see behind me we are at precipice Lake beautiful spend all day here for wand to use a killer but Google hike coming up from Hamilton Lake not gonna sugarcoat it one of the hardest days on the trail for me so far especially with a pack pushing 40 pounds when you come to this makes it all worth it you get a Eagle Scout peak right over here then in about a hour or so we'll be going up over there and going up over quia gap which would be us crossing the great western divide [Music] just made it to Korea gap amazing easily the hardest hike I've done so far coming up to her [Music] you made the big arroyo camp this is one hell of a day not for Eric Eric just like just like a cat oh god oh he's like running down the rundown no problem I don't know the hand that was a hard height going up to Korea gap I'm doing my jet ball here that's what you guys are hearing but dinner tonight there's another pack of gourmet is a 12 side bean and cheese burrito you're gonna try that one out it's got a lot of you know beans so you get some protein this is actually a very nice site you got within 50 feet of us is there one of the rivers going through yeah Robert here get Eric over there Don's doing some laundry I got David Maka's over there ship things over there got a few more people coming in to camp there and then a big group went down that way of like 10 people yeah this will be home for the day day three we got a day for tomorrow good uh was it 14 miles probably should I get the current hot springs I'll be fine what are you cooking there chicken steak Texas State Fair chili another packet gourmet me uh let me get let me get up oh my gosh right I get up I'm gonna have you Eric tell you what he's got here well this is a carrot satay that cold soup it's got carrots pineapple brown sugar pecans and reasons and it's really good this is the money for main course garlic parmesan ramen okay he's even get as old labels made every nine hundred eighty two calories for this meal yeah that's why you're cooking on the trail look at you all these calories here's the finished product bean and cheese burrito you get the Cholewa sauce with it and on top of that you got some tea pomegranate white tea little stevia that's from Trader Joe's pretty good stuff I already tried a little bit this pretty damn good let's see if I can make a burrito without going all over the place winner winner winner you're that guys nice going trout [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's right and we made it to upper front stem camp everybody's ass setting up the tents already so I've already been set up you gonna make some dinner here and fry the call of early night I still need to wash up to get some dinner and me wash up clean off my socks and I'll be good to go and this will be the end of day four [Music] morning a day five and we are heading out got a long day today try and get past Junction meadow hopefully get to Wallace Creek today we'll see that we will have an easy day tomorrow on day six just going up past guitar lake but it's been a blast this campsite here and upper Funston amazing you got the one of the creeks flowing right over here yeah a little fire this morning got David back there showing off with mussels and look at that cliff back there Wow Suns just hidden we're gonna have an awesome day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just made the current Hot Springs you can see the bathtub here and it's got some good flow going you got a sign over here it just says to use a lower pool because there's an upper pool right here and they don't want to use that one pretty darn warm [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay Josh Amy did you work and okay you guys are all from where nice where are you from again okay I am it's all article in Outside magazine about the icier Trail and I was like screenshot it send it to them and I think by Sunday night we're all awesome I think you were saying you actually subscribed to me watch some of the videos yeah awesome yeah enjoy the trip guys and have a good one Jory Whitney yeah be a blast [Music] there's a night of day five and we are up here at the Tendo Lake Junction camp so let me show you around I'm gonna flip the camera around show you what we got over here Rio Tinto Lake Junction camp I got my Luna Solo right there we got the Firefly monkeys tent got david lunar solo right there she pings at the lower designs tent back in the back there is Don's tint had a Firefly she can get the fire going for us tonight I'm throwing out some boxers David was kind enough to do a water run for us just got a bunch of water from the creek down below right behind my tent and then uh come around it's gonna be hard to see in the distance right over there we got a cabin hold like loggers cabin we have this whole campsite to ourself here to kind of like Junction camp got a nice fire going look at that good fire and down below a junction meadow that campsite was like packed I must have been 15 people there and then the other camp that we were trying to get to tonight Wallace it's another four - we probably could have pushed to get there I know Eric and Robert are there but I don't think I'd have the juice to get there so we decided to make camp here [Music] morning at day six we're gonna be heading out getting past guitar Lake today and we get an easy climb up to trial Karis tomorrow and then whoever wants to summit Whitney gets the summit Whitney and then we're gonna be meeting some friends over at outpost camp so here we go but start day six [Music] oh we made here to wallace creek camp gonna have some lunch here just across the river and should be a nice day i think there's some clouds forming up overhead so we might get some thunderstorms but looking towards where Whitney is there's nothing actually it looks like it's filming over the Kern River Basin let's get some lunch some fuel at me got a hold soaked ramen thanks to David he let me use this pulp Sookie Potter [Music] you [Music] morning at day 7 or have to trial crest camp at guitar Lake last night was a little cold but here we go up to Troy crest [Music] [Music] this is where the JMT and high sierra trail come up meets with the whitney trail which goes up that way to Whitney where we started I was over on the other side of all those mountains in Sequoia Crescent meadow not this mountain not the next one next one over would be a or Cahuilla gap is and we came down the big Arroyo camped there and came up and visited moraine lake went down to upper fronting camp which is in the Curan River drainage which is on the back side to both those mountains went up that all the way to past junction meadow and went to upper Tyndall camp and then from there we went on the back side of this mountain over - Wallace Creek and then around he passed by bet that meadow there come down through Crabtree past Timberline Lake and we can ticket are like last night then we came up all the way up here took these switchbacks up early and now we are here and we're gonna be heading down the outpost camp here shortly and then they'll be our last night and we'll be heading out to Whitney portal that little guy [Music] [Music] [Music] look who showed up Matt and Steve and they brought us a little treat just hotdog buns it's all just kid thank you guys we do appreciate it truly appreciate it after seven days on the trail some real food here we are last day didn't be hiking out to the portal outpost camp got a group right here camped by the waterfall last night here we go the last Trek of the trip [Music] you [Music] stopped here at Lone Pine Lake just to do a little fishing before we head back down as our trips almost over and just a relaxing time here yeah it's some of the group up there just relax in the shade got Monica on the fly rod Don over there chip Gaines taking a bunch of pictures which she's loving then coming over this way try give this guy on a fish hopefully we get him on one [Music] you [Music] that was the high sierra trail guys hope you guys enjoyed the video we had a blast hike in it eight days seven nights on the trail so many different campsites that we got to say that there was so much different scenery out there didn't see as many animals that we would like but it saw tons of deer out there pikas marmots squirrels tons of birds lots of fish caught lots of fish just didn't see any bears sort of hoping to see a bear out there you guys get out of the high sierra trail it was just something magical out there don't know how to describe it but it hits you like right in here art there's a just a good feeling when you're out there experiencing nature like that that was my longest backpacking trip ever and I went river that had great friends along on the trail six great friends there and then it had four more towards the end that met up with us and we're darn lucky to have that experience Matt and Steve came up rough hot dogs we just thought they were bringing up candy they brought hot dogs and that really hit the spot and we got down the Whitney portal and there was a ride thanks to Weston Paul Paul drove that van all the way up and all the way back we truly appreciate that a blessing right there one of my favorite spots along the trail was coming up from precipice Lake to Cahuilla gap and that was something I really wanted to see was across that Great Western divide to get we a gap when we got there and we looked down the valley into the bigger boy oh man it took my breath away it was a white pocket moment if my friends know that white pocket took my breath away good there too it was great like just seeing how deep it was how vast the whole valley was so many lakes out there that we could see the river flowing just awesome God's creation it's awesome out there Sierra Trail I would recommend to anybody out there you ever get a chance that the friends have done in five days we did in eight days it's all up to you hike your own hike do it you'd like to do figure it around your schedule if you only got five days to do it do in five days yeah eight days make the days a little bit shorter like what you want out there see what you want to see there's many people that were on the high sierra that did side trips some with a nine mile lake some other people went up past the Tyndall camp we were out to the Tyndall lake you can do all sorts of stuff out there hitter to yourself but definitely recommend the high sierra trail you will certainly enjoy hope you guys enjoyed the video I enjoyed making it I know we all enjoyed hiking it it was a blast out there if you do give it a thumbs up give it a like always appreciate those leave a comment below always appreciate all the comments I try to respond to all of them the best I can and if you're not a subscriber subscribe I'd appreciate that so thanks for watching guys we'll see you on the next adventure work it [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Huck Outdoors
Views: 13,235
Rating: 4.9766765 out of 5
Keywords: High Sierra Trail, Mt Whitney, John Muir Trail, HST, PCT, JMT, Sequoia National Park, Whitney Portal, Greast Western Divide, Kern Hot Springs, Wallace Creek, Junction Meadow, Kern River, Moraine Lake, Big Arroyo, 9 Mile Creek, Cresecent Meadow, Huck Outdoors
Id: uRhNWy5RUyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 25sec (2425 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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