the Higgs Paradox

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[Music] but the decades-long hunt for the so-called god particle may soon be over they believe the so called the Higgs boson particle is key to explaining what gives mass to our bodies and to the world in general because the system you chew Kaku joins us now to explain do they actually find the god particle or are they just certain that it exists ten billion dollars have been spent to find the Higgs boson the latest rumors are that they found something they found the spike in the data but they're not quite sure that it's the Higgs boson now remember that if it's not the higgs boson we physicists are gonna have a heart attack the foundations of modern physics will crumble if we don't it that Thorne particle and tell me why I care so much if we find this vein and how does it affect me what's the what's the key thing that I take away from this the origin of everything stems on this experiment it is the big question okay I don't want to make too many words and I asked Joe Incandela from CMS to take the floor okay pilot pilot pilot we've eliminated the impact of pilot pileup this is background and this is data least background a little bit more background remove jets from pile up and cross checks look at all this data to try and extract a fairly significant signal main backgrounds reducible backgrounds nice symmetric distribution now well backgrounds from data reducible backgrounds data discrimination between background and signal signal background here's the data comparing to background signal for all the backgrounds it's rather well distributed reducible backgrounds background is really signal if we combine the Z Z and gamma gamma combine significance of five standard deviations [Applause] novice go immediately to address fabula channel t please thank you it's not easy to speak second because all the clever things have been already already said anyway so i lap my lap by lap backgrounds a background baile pile up is the challenge in 2012 as you can see my lap by lap by lap by lap which is file a file APIs to pile a pileup of Pyla the signal to background the ratio pileup pile after pile up with pileup is pilot irreducible background to the pileup pile a pileup reducible backgrounds pile up by lap of a huge background as a function of pile up to extract a narrow peak on top of this huge background signal from pylab pilot pilot pilot background this means mission accomplished in the rejection of this background pilot pilots a subtraction of the background background background background which can pile up let's move to the result reducible background signal the reducible background and here are we have an excess excess excess of one big spike here in this region here [Applause] [Music] as a layman I would now say we have Bang the Higgs boson quiet bang Howard Bang the Higgs boson could explain the spark that set off the Big Bang cheaper to pay the Higgs boson [Music] and it's wonderful to be at a physics event where there is applause like there this of the football game congratulations everyone you have a discovered you have observed a new particle consistent with a exposome which one that remains open which one Wow now that physics has reached climax and the LHC is in afterglow so to speak how do we make sense of it all I've been for the BBC canteen and I want you to imagine that it's the Big Bang way back then we didn't have a Higgs mechanism okay so they're going around through the universe at Lightspeed now unless some of these particles have mass they can't clump together everything in the universe that we know would not happen unless they have mass now a few fractions of a second after the Higgs mechanism after the Big Bang openness we get the Higgs mechanism it's permeating the whole of space so now we have the Higgs mechanism permanent permeating the whole of space that interacts with our particles now some particles as they move through the Higgs mechanism get very involved down and they become very very massive and there's one sort of particle this one's called a photon has no mass whatsoever and that continues to fly off at light speed okay but that essentially is what Higgs mechanism is and that is one of the particles in the Higgs field itself that's what they think they've done today and that helps them explain it's just why everything has substance why it has mass in a BBC documentary about the search for the Higgs boson which aired prior to the July 4th announced just before Christmas researchers working at CERN near Geneva announced that they caught a tantalizing glimpse on the Higgs boson it'll be evidence for one of the most all-encompassing ideas in physics that's at the heart of everything is the simple and enchanting idea of symmetry as the heats and fury EV doubt of the Big Bang so the theory goes the Higgs field condensed as particles travel through this field they get slowed down like traveling through treacle this is what gives them mass after decades of work the left Collider at CERN a predecessor of the LHC ruled out the Higgs being at the bottom end of potential masses and by November 2011 the LHC had already radically narrowed the search the new lower limit has risen to a hundred and fifteen GeV and the new upper limit has dropped to a hundred and twenty seven GeV the reason the LHC experiments weren't able to exclude anything inside this remaining window is that in fact they see an excess of events and the excesses were in practically the same place CMS observed one at 124 GeV an Atlas one at 126 there was a little insignificant variance mentioned it appeared that CMS and Atlas were detecting different particles this slight gap between the CMS and Atlas data has never been elaborated on or addressed again to my knowledge while I was coming over the data of CMS and Atlas their July 4th 2012 results regarding their search for the Higgs boson I noticed again the same pattern but this time it was inescapable these are the two high sensitivity channels the channels he is referring to are the Z Z and gamma gamma signals the two channels that had an excess of events significantly greater than that of the background this is adding the W now if we add the other two channels before below 5 Sigma when added to the statistical analysis of the data they lower the p value of the data by 1 Sigma and we appear to be we would have expected 5.9 so we appear to be about a sigma blower expectations are these missing signals of the Higgs boson adversely affect the data indicating that a new Higgs particle theory one absent these two channels is needed which is not dramatic yet we'll have to see how things go with more data in other words these are the only two signals of the Higgs boson that match prediction by the standard model well we looked at two is how well the w w and z z channels are are performing relative to each other because you expect custodial symmetry so it's consistent even cross-checks of the experiment indicate that systematic error cannot be blamed for the missing signals so to quantify the excess the usual p value plot already shown before which 25 the consistency of the data with a background only expectation so if you are below one sigma are fully consistent with the background of this one sigma level if you are beyond there you have a different level of consistency sir Sigma is 1 or higher than we have something to talk about if Sigma is less than 1 we have nothing more than background so you can see that the largest deviation is absurd for an X mass of an under 26 GB it is at the level of 3 Sigma and this is how the XS shares among the values channels it is driven by X - gamma gamma X - 4 electrons let me repeat these P values correspond with the Z Z and gamma gamma signals notice that the BB and tau tau channels are missing why why x2 that problem doesn't bring much so although this observation is in good agreement with that expected from the standard mode there is also very well compatible with the background so it's not really conclusive since the missing signal from the other channels is more consistent with the background than the standard model the data is not conclusive regarding the standard model version of the Higgs boson here we observe under 90 events and we expect under 47 so you see the observation given access the observation is 30% larger than what we added what what we expect in agreement with our measurement of the Z Z cross section she is discussing that there is an excess in the Z channel specifically greater than that predicted by the standard model and in general we have some excess in the data in by boson compared to the prediction so there is some work still to be done with our with our friends theorist but anyway the impact of this success on the low mass region has been checked carefully it and it's it's totally negligible even though this excess is clouding the data so to speak it isn't enough to cover for the missing channels an expected significance from a Standard Model Higgs boson at for a 4.6 Sigma so you can already see here the compatibility between what you observe and what we expect from a standard mode thus I need for a theoretical adjustment what is the consistency between these results we observe an excess mix two for electron in gamma gamma you may remember that the maximum of excess was at under 25 G for for lactose at under twenty six point five GD for gamma gamma what is the consistency so we have made a two dimensional likely to fit to the mass and the signal strength for each new gamma gamma needs to four leptons and these are the results you can see here the curves and I don't have to spend much time to convince you that there is compatibility at this level of fluctuation and statistics something hit me when I saw this chart because it was the third piece of a puzzle that matched two other pieces that didn't make sense until now are we dealing with one type of Higgs particle or more going back to the BBC documentary the CMS and Atlas data in my notes from 2004 what I found was a major discovery not only did I see something significant in the data that seemed to have missed everyone it just so happened to confirm exactly what I was predicting back in 2004 in order to illustrate this let's first examine the LHC and then let's go make our own shall we send spectacular Large Hadron Collider hydrogen atoms from this gas cylinder are fed as a precisely controlled rate into the source chamber of a linear accelerator where their electrons are stripped off to leave hydrogen nuclei these are protons and have a positive charge enabling them to be accelerated by an electric field their journey to eventually take part in ultra high-energy collisions by the time this packet of protons leaves Linnet - it'll be traveling at one-third the speed of light the packet is divided up into four in order to accelerate the packets they are repeatedly circulated and the electric field is now pulsed powerful electromagnets are used to bend the beam of protons round the circle the booster accelerates the protons up to ninety one point six percent of the speed of light recombining the packet from the four rings it's then flung on into the proton synchrotron let's just follow to such proton packets reaching over 99.9% of the velocity of light taking a closer look at this animation illustrating the formation of the proton beams it becomes apparent that there are several ways the protons could be entangled given their proximity and relativistic speeds quantum entanglement occurs when particles interact physically and are then separated such that pairs of particles are properly described as having the same quantum numbers of states when a measurement is made on one of the particles it causes the particles to take on a definite value the other entangled particle will be found to have taken on the appropriately related value this correlation is observed even if the entangled pair has been separated over long distances the added energy manifests itself as increasing mass of the protons in short the protons can't go faster so they get heavier the packets of protons are now channeled into stage four the super proton synchrotron soon the packets of protons will be energized sufficiently to be launched into the orbit of the gigantic Large Hadron Collider or LHC there are two vacuum pipes within the LHC containing proton beams traveling in opposite directions using ultra sophisticated kickers to synchronize incoming packets with those already circulating one vacuum pipe has injected into it protons which will circulate clockwise and the other protons which will circulate anti-clockwise applying concepts found in the classic double slit experiment the LHC can be viewed as a double double slit the entanglement between events at CMS and Atlas reflect interference pattern within the experimental results the counter-rotating beams cross over in the four detector caverns where they can be made to collide and it's the debris from these collisions that is tracked in the detectors for half an hour the SPS injects protons finally there are two thousand eight hundred and eight packets each proton whose velocity is now so near the speed of light that it goes round the twenty seven kilometer ring over eleven thousand times each second now the protons are ready to collide in a detectors a staring magnet finally brings them onto a collision course what do I mean by a double double slit experiment well first let's familiarize ourselves with a double slit experiment in this Discovery Channel documentary the bizarre nature of quantum behavior is illustrated through an actual double slit experiment this simple configuration shoots particles of light called photons one at a time through two tiny slits in a screen since the photons travel one by one some through this slit some through that slit you would expect them to leave a pattern of two stripes on the wall and you would be wrong they mysteriously create a band of stripes this is what you would expect to see if a constant beam of light shined through the two slits it was spread across the wall like a wave so how can single bullet like particles of light create a wave patterns this could only happen if the particles go through both slits at the same time in other words the particle is in two places at once but strangest of all is what happens when you put detectors next to the slits when the photons are being watched the wave pattern disappears take away the detectives and the wave pattern comes back looking at the construction of the LHC and seeing that where the proton beam splitter is in relation to the beam cleaning mechanisms that because one of the distances that the proton beam travels after it's been split is shorter than the other distance that the the beam cleaning mechanisms cannot eliminate entanglement even though they are for the most part eliminating most of the excess halo so if you think about the delayed choice experiment you can see how this would apply and that we can still get entanglement between the events in CMS and Atlas if we're presuming there to be two versions of the Higgs particles that are entangled for some reason that the LHC experiment is captured rather than being averaged together what if there were two Higgs particles being detected one with a lighter mass say 124 GeV and the other with a larger mass say 126 GeV I've arranged the p-values the channels and the mass information in such a way that we can see the bizarre behavior the Higgs particle is displaying at the LHC if we look at the channel information it becomes real apparent that we have a mass to channel relationship that reverses at CMS and hatless the Higgs to gamma gamma channel is associated with the lighter mass with the CMS data yet the Higgs to gamma gamma channel in the Atlas data is associated with the larger particle and then likewise the the Higgs to Z Z channels associated with the heavier particle with CMS and the Higgs to Z channel is associated with a lighter particle with Atlas and at the same time the mass distribution between the heavier and a lighter particle is maintaining a more or less similar p-value between CMS and Atlas such that we can argue very easily that CMS is detecting lighter masses on average than Atlas and Alice is detecting heavier masses on average then CMS herein lies a problem if we assume that there is only one type of Higgs particle reflected in the data then there is an asymmetry in the mass distribution leaning towards the 126 GeV and the decay mode p-values are inversely correlated between the CMS and Atlas results mysteriously which is more indicative of two types of Higgs particles being reflected in the data furthermore if there were only one type of higgs particle being detected in order to maintain the slanted mass distribution consistent between CMS and Atlas while at the same time maintaining the inversely correlated decay mode channels we see in both CMS and Atlas data sets together the Higgs particle events would need to be entangled between detectors half of a Higgs particle event would need to occur first in one of the detectors while the other half of the same higgs particle event would occur subsequently in the other detector for instance if one half of the Higgs particle event occurs at CMS then the other correlated one half of the same event would subsequently occur in Atlas and or vice-versa in other words a single Higgs particle event would have to be spread across two different detectors sequentially but this cannot be the case because the decay mode channels are from different higgs events at the different detectors separately to illustrate this paradox even more if we assume that we have two Higgs particles the h plus and H minus the question becomes okay well which one happens at Atlas which one happens at CMS if we follow one of the possibilities where it happened let's say at Atlas because it did not happen at CMS well then the question is why do we have the channels for the h plus spread across Atlas and CMS and the same for H minus in other words we have the channels for one or the other particles spread across both both detectors that would assume that there's just one particle and we want what run through the data the same way what we end up with is sort of a similar problem and that is that we have the same eggs event being spread across more than one detection in order to maintain an account for the mass distribution between Atlas and CMS and also the reversing of the mass channel relationship if you will there could be two different types of Higgs particles one with a mass towards 126 GeV H+ and another with a mass towards 124 GeV H - and that for some reason the H+ type is detected more at Atlas and the H - type is detected more at CMS design variations between detectors could arguably account for this now in here if you look we're going to go ahead and associate H naught with the idealized Standard Model Higgs of 125 GeV and then we're going to go ahead and associate h plus with the heavier version of the Higgs and H minus with the lighter version of the Higgs there are already Higgs models that incorporate an H plus and an H minus and there is some similarity between those three the Higgs and what we're about to do however this is not the same thing so don't get these two confused in order to illustrate this double double slit experiment we're gonna need our own LHC let's go ahead and just make our own however I don't have ten million dollars to you so this'll have to do but I think it will serve our purposes just fine assuming that there are two different types of entangled Higgs particles occurring in either CMS or Atlas congruently if one type of Higgs particle is detected in one detector then through an action at a distance due to entanglement the other type of Higgs particle would be detected in the other detector or vice-versa in this way to get the slanted mass distribution consistent between detectors while at the same time maintaining inversely correlated decay mode channels if one half of the Higgs particle events of one type occur in CMS then the other half of the Higgs particle events of the other type of Higgs particle should occur in Atlas and vice-versa however comparing CMS and Atlas data it appears that half of the decay mode channels of one type of Higgs particle events happen in one detector while the other half happened in the other detector one half of the Higgs plus decay mode channels and one half of the h- Higgs decay mode channels occur in one of the detectors and the apparent correlated decay mode channel occurs in the other detector but this cannot be the case either because as stated before we cannot have a single higgs particle event spread across two detectors only one type of higgs particle event can occur in one or the other detectors at a time not both a single event cannot be spread between detectors one Higgs particle event in each detector at a time in other words if it is assumed that there is one type of higgs particle it appears as though it is one particle in two places at the same time suggesting two types of Higgs particle however if it is assumed that there are two types of Higgs particles in some kind of entanglement then the particles appear to be in the same place at the same time suggesting one type of Higgs particle what are we dealing with here the concept of identity crisis and how it relates to quantum entanglement is captured very well with this ongoing Higgs particle search that's going on at the LHC the idea of the inclusion principle in relation to the exclusion principle can be used to not only describe what I call identity crisis but even more interesting a new concept called cross conjugation and what I believe is going on at the LHC is that the data between Atlas and CMS is representing quite well this concept of cross conjugation or what I also call cross symmetry well as it would turn out this was another phenomenon I've been looking for to verify a radical new concept for physics namely identity crisis here we have what I call the bose condense the eggs which more or less is the same thing as the Standard Model Higgs with the idealized 125 GeV and in the existing seek way shion's given that the bose condensed higgs is its own self conjugate pair for lack of a better for a lack of better terminology we'll go ahead and have it as the same particle relative to itself so 125 GeV over 125 GeV giving us 1 so the identity constant being one reflects that the bose convinced higgs is one of the same of itself whereas the inflated higgs we have a Higgs plus and it Higgs minus one is associated more with displacement energy one is more associated with rest mass one is associated with being in the future or moving forward in time one is associated as being in the past or moving in Reverse time this particular Higgs field if you will is in three dimensions of time it's the most condensed eggs inflated or expanded into a three-dimensional time space where there's three dimensions of time and three dimensions of space and here we go ahead and use the basic existence equations to derive the 126 and the 124 GeV respectively as an approximation to so that the existing sequins work quite well in accounting for the Higgs mechanism what we have here is the Higgs particle data in relation to spatial coordinates and here we have the Higgs data in relation to temporal coordinates if you recall in the existing seek way shion's the higgs particle relative to itself which we're going to associate with the Standard Model Higgs the Higgs plus with 126 GeV GeV we're going to assume has more momentum and then the Higgs with 124 so in relation to position the heavier Higgs particle is further along however because the the heavier higgs particle has more momentum time relative to it is slower than time relative to the Higgs particle with less momentum so it's further into the past whereas the lighter particle is further into the future so this frame of reference corresponds with Temple coordinates when we take the spatial coordinates and the temporal coordinates and apply them together through cross symmetry or cross conjugation what we're able to do is superimpose these two reference frames on top of one another and while we can see as we end up with an identity crisis do we have two particles and h plus and NH - if so where is one or the other and if not - do we have one particle do we have the conventional standard model pigs or do we have the h plus and the H - as reflected in the CMS and Atlas data or do we have an identity crisis which is basically both at the same time in layman terms an identity crisis is when two particles quantum states are in close enough proximity with each other that they become both one particle in two places and at the same time two particles in the same place at the same time in other words their identities are indistinguishable and there is interference in the wave function of both particles it is verification of a newly discovered aspect of quantum entanglement the inclusion principle together through quantum entanglement the exclusion principle and now inclusion principle can be used to account for not one not two not three but all four known forces not only preserving in completing the standard model but tying it all to gravity in the most shocking way imaginable and it is all startlingly consistent with experiment the existing seek way shion's as a simple approximation can be used to unpack what may be experimental confirmation of identity crisis other new physics principles and their association with the higgs boson further results from the LHC CMS and Atlas should shed more light on this recently discovered mystery the Higgs paradox
Channel: gavinwince
Views: 46,005
Rating: 3.8619719 out of 5
Keywords: Higgs particle, Higgs-like, Peter Higgs, Standard Model, Quantum Mechanics, paradox, philosophy, CERN, ATLAS, CMS, Large Hadron Collider, Higgs Mechanism, Higgs Discovery, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Organization), Bottom Quark, T-violation, B-meson, The Dark Side of Time, Gavin Wince, Leonard Susskind, Stephen Hawking, Sean Carroll, Brian Greene, Three dimensional Time, Higgs Field, Quantum Field Theory
Id: F-zh5kjkA0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2012
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