The HIDDEN SECRETS of Arendelle Revealed in FROZEN III !

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did you know that one of Disney's greatest love stories is in Frozen and we're not talking about Anna and Kristoff or the sisterly love between Anna and Elsa or do you have any idea that there's a hidden character that appeared in both Frozen movies and will be one of the protagonists in Frozen 3 and four most people have no clue but the story of Frozen is one of Disney's richest and most complex full of mysteries intrigues and lots of emotion today we're going to reveal all the incredible hidden secrets in Frozen that will surely appear in the upcoming films of the kingdom of Arendelle the hidden voice in several moments in both movies we see Elsa compelled to do certain things and take specific actions after hearing a voice calling her many people believed it was some kind of call from the spirits of the Enchanted Forest who were searching for the fifth Spirit which was supposed to be Elsa however we know it's not quite like that as the water spirit even tried to drown Elsa herself for this reason the directors of the Frozen films came forward and confirmed that every time Elsa heard a mysterious voice it was the voice of Queen aduna her mother and no it wasn't just memories of her mother's voice that Elsa heard in her head it was actually sounds uttered by the queen of Arendelle to guide her daughter who always needed support especially from her parents in other words from the very beginning of Frozen aduna is one of the main characters who has kept the gears of the icy tales in motion in fact she is probably the most important character in the entire Frozen story but how is it possible that Queen aduna could still communicate with her daughter through her Voice Even after so many years of being gone there's an explanation for that and is closely related to another of Frozen's best-kept Secrets adona's origin if you're thinking that aduna was just a member of the north aldra tribe I'm sorry to inform you that you're still misinformed because nothing in Frozen is as simple as it seems yes it's true that aduna lived with the north alra when she met the Young Prince agnar but the truth is that aduna was already an orphan at that time and we can see that her appearance doesn't quite resemble the other members of the tribe they have beautiful indigenous features unlike aduna whose features are more similar to those of the people of Arendelle so much so that she pretended to be one of the people of the Kingdom after the Enchanted Forest was engulfed by the Mist which prevented anyone from entering or leaving for many years therefore one of the biggest secrets of Frozen lies in the question who were adona's real parents and what happened to them but before we answer that question subscribe to the channel here so you don't miss our upcoming videos about Frozen and other movies and animations all right regarding adona's true origin the strongest theory is that the parents of the future queen of Arendelle were a couple who were members of a clan of Magic wielders on a journey in search of the secrets of atahalen and ended up Shipwrecked on the shores of the NRA islands and probably little aduna was the only Survivor this would explain part of the origin of the magical powers that Elsa possesses and Anna will probably have them in Frozen 3 and four as well it would also explain adona's Affinity with Gail the wind spirit as we can see in deleted scenes from Frozen 2 but not only do these deleted scenes reveal something that those who only watch the movies wouldn't imagine but it also explains and connects some loose pieces and scenes we see in Frozen 2 such as the king and queen's relationship in Frozen we can see that young agnar is captivated when he sees young aduna floating in the air thanks to her ability to communicate with Gail after that they interact a lot with each other and start building the first Bond of closeness and friendship this leads us to when Elsa arrives in atahalen and we see in one of the water memories is the teenage aduna covering herself with a blanket and Prince agnar unconscious next to her both in a carriage but how and why did this happen during the battle caused by King rard who assassinated the leader of the north alra agnar is severely struck in the head and faints with Gail's help aduna manages to place agnar in the carriage and they leave the forest far behind as soon as they exit the forest the magical Mist appears making it impossible to enter or leave the Enchanted Forest the detail is that part of agar's memory was forgotten due to the trauma he suffered in his head including the fact that he already knew and had played with aduna as well as the fact that aduna was a North aldra who were now mortal enemies of the people of Arendelle as everyone believed they had attacked first with the help of Lord Peterson a nobleman who would help agnar become king aduna lived in an orphanage for many years to stay safe and during all those years she remembered very well having already met agnar but the Future King had no idea who the girl was even though they had played together in the forest this explains why again returning to atahalen we see the scene where aduna tells agnar now both adults that they needed to talk about their past this leads to another secret and a big mystery Frozen's greatest passion even though agnar had no idea that he had already met aduna they always played together and eventually became best friends and when they turned 18 during a visit by aduna to the castle where they were both arguing over a Little Mermaid book yes the Disney one they accidentally found a secret room behind one of the book shelves agnar recognizes his father's notes and realizes that there are many Secrets he never knew before despite being upset and irritated by the situation in that secret room agnar and aduna share their first kiss and from that moment on they begin a hidden relationship as agnar is promised to a princess from a neighboring Kingdom The Disappearance of King agar's Mother after the couple finds a map with the letters not from the King this time but from the queen who had abandoned King rard and Prince agnar they follow the maps directions and end up in the center of the troll Valley there they see an ice vender having her memories erased by the trolls at her own request agnar then realizes that his mother did the same as that woman and then left without remembering him or her former husband King rard the situation brings the couple even closer and after agnar confesses his feelings to aduna they argue and aduna proposes to him and they get together yes aduna was the one who proposed to agnar now that's a woman of action if you think queen aduna of Arendelle was a determined woman comment down below # aduna in an important detail during all that you've heard so far at the request of Lord Peterson aduna didn't reveal to agnar that she was from the north alra even after they were married and had their two little daughters aduna still kept this huge secret in her heart until the day came when she decided she couldn't keep it to herself any longer and she was about to tell him everything but right at the moment she opened her mouth they heard a scream because something happened the accident between Elsa and Anna that's right the biggest secret of Frozen the origin of Queen aduna was about to come to an end but in that moment in the first movie when Elsa accidentally strikes Ana with her ice touch aduna is interrupted and the king and queen rush to the children's room agnar and aduna remember the trolls and take the girls to Grand pabby who ends up saving Anna but also erases her memories and not only that he also removes all the magic here comes a very very good theory that says that at that moment Grand pabby unintentionally created a kind of blockage that prevents Anna at least for now from developing her magical powers just like Elsa had and her mother also partially had as she could practically control the wind Anna is saved and Elsa begins to try to control her magic with aduna help who was quite skilled in the subject even if agnar didn't remember that moreover aduna returns to the secret chamber of King rard to try to find some materials that would help Elsa better control her ice magic this causes aduna to have no time to even think about talking to agnar about her oldest secret and then she finds a m that leads to atahalen when she shows this possibility to the king he doesn't believe that's the way so finally after decades aduna manages to tell her husband her secret and her North aldra upbringing even though we are sure she isn't originally from the tribe and this is exactly the scene where Elsa sees her parents together with aduna saying she needs to talk about her past and all these scattered scenes from Frozen now make sense but unfortunately the worst secret Is Yet To Come the Shipwreck after deciding to go together in search of atah haland we see the king and queen boarding what would be their last Voyage the journey becomes extremely stormy and everyone on the ship including agnar and the queen understands that everyone's fate would end that night aduna then goes to the edge of the ship and in that sad moment she experiences a deep Joy when she sees in the water through her own magical powers the future she sees Elsa along with the spirits of the Enchanted Forest which means that people had finally been able to return to the Enchanted Forest at the same time she sees Anna being crowned as the queen of Arendelle and then she realizes that everything would work out even though she and her beloved husband never reached atah halan at that moment a part of aduna spirit detaches and begins to closely accompany her daughters which is why Elsa hears her voice and follows it in the most important moments king agnar and queen aduna Embrace in a moment of deep love and together they await their last moments alive this is certainly one of if not the greatest love story between a couple and their daughters in Disney's history truly Frozen is one of the best franchises in history and since we know you've enjoyed the revelation of all these secrets so much as a reward we've selected a few more videos for you to continue having fun with our incredible content just choose and click have a great time
Channel: CineWave
Views: 18,632
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Id: O05NF60M88c
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Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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