How Elsa And Anna’s Parents’ Death Was NOT An Accident In Frozen...

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in Frozen 2 Anna and Elsa finally learned what happened to their parents ship when it disappeared when they were younger but it turns out that they might not have learned the whole story according to a fan Theory King agnar and Queen aduna's ship was destroyed in the dark sea on purpose instead of the random happenstance that Disney made it seem like and to make matters worse if this Theory ends up being true then that would mean that the events which caused their ship to go down and ultimately kill them were set in motion long before Elsa was even born Frozen 2 finally gave fans insight into what happened to Elsa and Anna's parents when they disappeared but according to this theory that was just a piece of the puzzle in the first Frozen Disney showed us that King agnar's ship was sunk during an intense storm as he and his wife tried to travel across the dark sea on it and in the sequel fans watched as Elsa and Anna along with Olaf and Sven worked their way through the Enchanted Forest which led them to answers that they didn't even realize they were looking for as the group traversed The Enchanted Forest Elsa began to meet the embodiments of the other elements like the win in spirit named Gail and Bruni the tiny flaming lizard that represented the Fire Spirit but along the way one of the most impactful discoveries that Elsa and Anna made was when they came across the remnants of their parents ship that they were last seen on and it's those remnants that helped the Two Sisters figure out what really happened to their parents all of those years ago or at least a part of the story after Olaf helped Elsa realize that the water that was frozen around the ship when it was stuck inside of the boards of wood that made up the hull contained the memories of what happened she was able to use her powers to see what her parents final moments were like and just as heartbreaking as you'd expect it to be Anna and Elsa watched their parents hug each other close as the water came rushing into the ship around them it was at that moment that the two sisters discovered that their parents attempted to cross the dark sea in search of atahala the mythical river that was believed to hold the memories of the past idouna and agnar wanted to use the memories in the river to figure out why Elsa was granted her icy powers but his Frozen two showed us they never made it there now according to a fan Theory this was only up piece of the puzzle and it actually turns out that it wasn't an accident the king agnar's ship went down in the dark sea according to this Theory the force that targeted eduna and agnar's ship was the very same being that tried to drown Elsa as she attempted to cross the dark sea knock the water spirit was shown in Frozen two to be the most aggressive Spirit out of all of them and if Elsa hadn't been able to calm the spirit down it likely would have killed her Elsa began her journey across the dark sea on foot and though she seemed to know what she was doing using her platforms of ice to Traverse the sea as soon as she began to make real progress the waves began roaring around her that was when Disney officially introduced knock the water spirit that took on the shape of a horse knock used its fast maneuverability through the water to overtake Elsa and pull her down into the water where it tried to drown the queen of Arendelle now if knock was willing to kill Elsa without her doing anything to offend it then it's likely that it would attack and try to destroy anything that ventured into its territory which is exactly what happened to King agnar and Queen iduna according to this Theory and it might not have been with any specific malicious intent either because when you look at the mythical creature that knock was based on it's actually just in its nature to drown its victims you see the design and characteristics of knock were based on a big from Scandinavian mythology known as a kelpie much like knock a kelpie is a water spirit that was typically known for taking on the shape of a beautiful and Powerful black horse according to the Mythos Kelpies would usually be found in deep bodies of water including rivers lakes and seas and they would prey on any human that they came across it was believed that the water spirit would pull its prey Into the Depths and watch as they drown and if Disney did take inspiration from Kelpie folklore then there's a good chance that it was just in Knox nature to take down anything that deer tread through its Waters this included Elsa which is shown in Frozen 2 but it also would have included the ship that agnar and eduna were traveling on and unlike Elsa her parents didn't have any way to calm the spirit so all they could do was Comfort one another as the spirit destroyed their ship and drag them to the bottom of the dark sea according to this Theory that's exactly what happened when the king and queen of Arendelle began their search for adaholan they might have expected to encounter harsh terrain and even harsher weather but they most likely never expected to encounter an aggressive water spirit and when they did there was nothing they could do to stop knock from ending their lives whether the theory proves true or not that would still be a horrifying way to go but there might actually be a bit more to it than that and the death of agnar and eduna might have actually been caused by the actions of their ancestors long before the king and queen ever boarded their ship as Frozen 2 showed before the crown fell to King agnar his father runard was intent on taking power away from the tribes of North aldra he built a dam under the guise of Peace but its true purpose was to cut off the north aldrin's supply of food and water and when they were desperate for resources King Renard hoped that they would turn to him for help and during a celebration between north aldera and Arendelle which took place in the forest the chief of the north aldrons realized how harmful the dam was but when he confronted Renard he was killed and that caused a war to breakout between the two groups which resulted in brunard's death but not before the spirits of the forest became enraged and that rage might have led to the death of Renard's son agnar and daughter-in-law iduna you see as Frozen two informed fans for the next 34 years the Enchanted Forest had been covered by a veiling mist and during that time each of the elemental Spirits was in a frenzied State and according to this Theory with the spirits unable to take the revenge on King runard himself they waited for the chance to kill his Heir so when king agnar and queen aduna reached the dark sea on their ship they were already on the top of Knox list and specifically targeted by the water spirit which would mean their death wasn't an accident at all interestingly enough if you take a look at the scene in Frozen 2 when Anna and Elsa are looking at their parents last moment together you can see that water was rushing around them as if it had burst through the hull of the ship and was pouring into the cabin that they were all standing in but that's not typically what happens when a ship sinks and instead the water would have come crashing in as the ship more submerged into the water which would have given agnar and naduna time to get out of the cabin and maybe even into a Lifeboat that would mean that Knox specifically smashed its way through the hull of the boat into agnar's cabin to ensure that the spirit got what it came for which in the case of this Theory at least was agnar and aduna in the same sense though there is an alternate version of this theory that sees iduna and agnar's death not as being an accident instead of it being Renard's fault he was actually Elsa's fault now this version of the theory is a bit more of a stretch but still makes some sense when you look at the facts in Frozen 2 Elsa learned that she was the embodiment of the fifth Elemental Spirit which in part was why she had been able to communicate and calm the other Spirits as she came in contact with throughout the movie in fact the movie showed us that this was part of Elsa's entire purpose she was created with the intention of lifting the veil uniting the people of Arendelle and North aldera while also calming down the elemental spirits but by the time her parents decided to seek answers on their own she hadn't been able to do any of that and though it wasn't Elsa's intention they might have been what got the king and queen kill you see it could be argued that had agnar and eduna decided to stay in their castle and help their daughter learn to control her powers rather than teaching her to conceal don't feel she might have gone with him on their journey to atahalan when they were all good and ready but instead agnar naduna decided to lock their daughter away in the castle and make sure that she feared the idea of anyone even her own sister finding out about her magical powers and in doing so and deciding to look for answers on their own they inadvertently might have sealed their own fate whether or not any versions of this Theory proved to be true it can certainly be argued that if the king and queen had stayed and parented their children things might have turned out totally differently for the kingdom agnar and naduna might have even been able to live to see old age you never know who do you think was to blame for agnar and eduna's death was it because of the actions of agnar's father was it because Elsa had yet to tame all of the elemental Spirits or was it simply because that's what Kelpies are known to do make sure you let us know in the comments below
Channel: Deluxe
Views: 184,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, disney universe, disney universe review, top grossing pixar movies, highest grossing pixar films, movies, prince charming, Disney, Deluxe Disney, Deluxe Disney theories, elsa, anna, frozen 2, frozen, frozen theory, theory, disney theory, disney, discovering disney, anna and elsa's parents, elsa and anna's parents, who are elsa and anna's parents, king agnarr, agnarr, iduna, queen iduna, arendelle, northuldra, disney plus, disney+, explained, disney explained, elsa and anna parents
Id: u9a0kSQntiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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