The Hidden Most OP Champ In URF (SNIPER REK'SAI)

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i've been wanting to play ap rek'sai for so freakin long i am beyond excited bait them in here we go here we go here we go guys if you're not excited for some ap rex sign then i don't know what's wrong with you i have a build that's gonna work out beautifully and we just got to go hey there big guy how you doing let's do that i missed my auto reset oh that's not good that is good though that definitely is good get over here set your money first you next nice ball nice ball and i'm [ __ ] dead we're going mid because uh exp is our biggest thing right now i'm not sure what the heck just happened with our camera but that was all over the place and i think this one's gonna be a fun one okay let's go this way and now we can press q for those who do not know my q does damage like this okay that's what scales with ap it might not seem like much but in earth mode oh it's more than you can even imagine baby boom 59 damage wait for it boom 50 okay we missed that one that one doesn't count you get where i'm getting that though all right with a little ap behind you you'll be surprised how good this actually gets i don't want to take free poke but i also need to hit this cs oh yeah yeah get over here skittle here we just canceled their jump i like that and it's one of those weird abilities where i don't know if you guys know how like sivir works or whatnot but she skills with ap but the ability the ability itself still does physical damage so i have an interesting build to go along with it that i think you guys will like and you my friend need to die now oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i want to start landing some snipes but hmm i feel like one snipe plus a flash cue and she's done so oh you think you're slick huh oh not bad i knew if i hit a q somehow some way we could get the big damage off i like that i like that i like that now it's tower time so build wise a little bit lethality will go a long way and then we also need ap to go along with it that's where things are going to get interesting out oh oh oh oh oh okay i don't want to piss her off too much and i really hope she doesn't come stop our back but let's see here lethality plus night harvester will be our best bet baby here we go here's the lethality here comes the night harvester okay remember we scale with ap so we'll notice this q do much more damage now check it out we're in our tunnel elon musk style and you are going down my friend just adding a few points to this will be so good for us get the heck over here get the heck over here where are you wards are also going to be our best friend considering our vision when we're in tunnel mode definitely yeah not the best not even good at all actually let's get that going beautiful we can actually mow down towers i like this our q damage much much better and it's an auto reset where's this whatever her face oh she's roaming sorry team oh we're getting slapped dude we are truly gonna see if a reksai can carry we'll see how this goes oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy good good very good all right we have our old that's actually huge i wonder if we send it now let's have some fun shall we gotcha let's get in there take this tower then peace on out this gives so much gold check it out i swear i just shot a q in my other form that was weird that was weird roman when you're a mid laner it definitely has its pros and cons this person just saw the cons of those let's put one of those there can you not ward while you're portaling that's crazy let's drag the faster we get drags the better and we need more ap now what's the first item we're going to want to put in i'm leaning towards this bad boy an enemy is unstuck we are just getting slapped left and right oh my goodness they have so many tanks this is not cool oh now that's some damage i can get used to this is something i can definitely definitely get used to ow ow ow ow ow where am i oh my god that would have been a sixth night hey nunu you're dead this is where the ap comes in handy dandy get over here oh that's one way to do it that's a fatty shutdown as well i got you my friend i got you you've got yourself baby can i plates plucks here we go here we go here we go here we go oh gosh we are way too low on hp for this we might die doing it but i think it's worth it oh goodness one more plate and it's so worth it boom baby boom baby boom baby we might be able to kill him actually come here a little bit of lifesteal or spell vamp would actually go a long long way uh i have my e so we're actually pretty mobile right now oh no you don't oh no you don't what the snowball killed me you've got to be kidding me you hate to see it yeah hey to see it oh here comes the sniper rescue one two baby boom we're gonna be dropping bombs guys if you've not played ap rek'sai you have not lived in league of legends alrighty if you haven't i'll tell you what you can proxy it through me it's only really good on earth because the cooldown is too long um in non-earth and once upon a time ap rexella actually did magical damage with his q so it was actually like 10 folds better because you could buy magic pen boots and it would actually do something you know what i'm saying who the heck is this guy shen's showing up to the party listen you can hold me oh gosh okay maybe not anymore oh yeah yeah oh we're okay we are just taking this guy for a freaking spin to say the least coming through i love this champion i love this champion oh so much you get over here the things you can do are actually nasty get over here no you don't no you don't i'm looking for uh shen we can play things slow because we're so agile on how far and where we can go yo listen i'm trying to kill this guy over here my guy you gotta give me some time you slippery little dog there we go there we go uh oh spaghetti oh coming through i honestly think this champion is nasty get over here let's play this cool calm and collected baby oh we need my ulti now we have so much damage more than we even know what to do with right now how you doing uh how do we miss that how the heck did we miss that thank you i'm getting the heck out of here oh that's not good this person is not our friend i just need to go back and buy honestly they never expect the damage to still keep on coming oh gosh see you later what we missed no no no no no no no no no no no no no here we go here we go dude i freaking love it death cap acquired collectors one that i would like for an execute but i feel like we can grab some other goodies ah this wouldn't be bad we would be able to heal off of our damage we deal with our q let's go to ability power and take a moment to think for a second cosmic insiderowski i would not mind move speed let's send it who doesn't want to be a fast missile shooter of death you know what i'm saying that sounds like a good time to me these dragons oh gosh what the heck is this that guy's launching oh my gosh our damage actually skyrocketed help me ward a lot please thanks to my only uh downside where i actually need a team is when wards come into play and you can see the aoe radius on this is actually not the best there's people here nice nice oh gosh but being able to stay this far back is nasty what's up swan boy are we doing this oh my gosh yep we're in there dude where the heck are we going i don't think i want to go in there right now i got you friend oh even that damage to shin is ridiculous if they want to chase me they literally just die and then the second they want to run that's when we send it on him [Laughter] whoa okay yep we'll pass on that no you're supposed to leash that for me my friend what's up with that let's go this way say hello to shin and you know what we'll go for a spin what is going on right now what is even going on i'm safe in here and we're safe out this here ridiculous actually ridiculous noodle where you at let's pay attention to our little ripples and see what we got going on let's see we have a good buying base i'm leaning towards rallies to make plays but you never know you know what i'm saying oh they're starting to juke them now i don't really want to get in the middle of that let's go this way oh gosh my way out was actually new to there believe it or not okay that noodle is not happy wow he's fast i have bad news fellers bad news this air drag not gonna help us much it's sad to say but it's totally true i think the only way we're gonna be able to make this work is oh gosh hello it's if we fight around where we just have a crazy amount of wards go get this crab out of here what's he doing it's not safe here for him oh oh my gosh we were in the middle of that ulti oh we got the crab too hello uh dragon how are you my friend this dragon's actually pounding on me coming through oh let's go this way we have a nice little system going on around here you my friend will die soon i'm not gonna let her destroy my portals going under this champion is nuts now where are you okay i almost flashed over the wall i was so scared of him ah let's see i thank you for that i appreciate that wow that was freaking close let's work on this guy and this is the best way we're going to deal damage right here like i said once we get that one item then we'll have vision for days oh boy they have vision of me that's no bueno there is a lot of them how you doing swan boy oh god i really want this do we snipe it or what oh i couldn't press r because i was in that are you kidding me no i can't do it anymore i'm so dead no we're not no we're not no we're not no we are not no we are not nunu you're going down buddy get me out of here oh my goodness that guy is so scary the fact that he's that fast kind of pisses me off shen what do you want what do you want very good very good very good okay i think we pick up the item lifesteal will be nasty for us okay so let's put a little bigger focus on it shall we here we go thank you very much ap why not even a red pot would be good because we heal off all the physical damage we deal that's what a red pot does and remember we're still dealing physical damage we just scale with ap damage hopefully that makes sense i know it can be kind of confusing but uh rex iop that's the tl dr these things really pack a punch now oh yep that's the issue of not being able to see dilly squat you just witnessed it firsthand beautiful this might be a little too deep give me the heck out of here i'm looking for you my friend oh gosh shen scares me thank god i actually clicked on that portal my gosh who do we got here said your money i'm okay with this i'm actually okay with this oh hello how are you doing no sorry you don't we're okay we're okay we're okay dude we're nasty we're nasty [Laughter] this is why i love this champion you can get out of situations just like that all right when you think it's grim just believe hello check out the healing now on our q's though that is nice to have even though it's a little bit a little bit can be a lot a bit all right that's our motto a little bit can be a lot of it i don't know why we have such a formation in mid it's just that's how things came to be but you know what 94 damage on that one get over here get over here get the heck over here oh god not this guy again oh you hate to see that out oh i'm so dead i am so freaking dead or not thank you for that i appreciate your soul why are you there oh no can i ward while i'm inside of that i don't think so right guys it's time to put on our late game right side pants okay i don't put these on too often but when i do they're lit oh i love the far dash you'd love to see it i'd love to see it who's over there who's moving show yourself i don't want to get bopped by people behind us what is going on dude i can't even tell by these pretty pebbles that's a nice snipe this is something we could use whoa there uh i think we're good oh we're taking tunnels we're taking tunnels on out no you don't i really don't like this nunu i really do not like him not even a little bit oh my gosh how is he alive how am i alive i need more wards dude i can't see crap in here i wish i could still do that dude i'm coming for you i maybe i should pop my head out every once in a while to get actual vision rather than this crap all right we have to make sure nunu doesn't actually press q on anything i can't stop baron though that's for sure oh my god did he just predict my tunnel this guy's insane doing damage on nudu is honestly uh quite difficult oh my gosh i feel like we need to put our focus towards this oh my god pick me up i'm sorry oh yeah yeah i forgot about the swain i actually just do that so hard steal the baron okay well you tried coming through baby coming through oh gosh they have the baron they're working on the dragon did i see about this air drag oh i think i could have stolen that oh boy we need we need time to get our damage off that's the hardest part i literally missed every single cube come on buns come on buns let me if i hit anything it's good anything nice where do you think you're going i'm one of the best at cleaning things up maybe this is our time to do this now fellas we gotta push keon is the last thing on our mind oh no if these creeps die we're in big trouble no if i actually click on this portal i'm gonna be pissed it's actually much harder to push in earth than you'd think hello i'm hunting you down coming through nice nice where the heck are we going as long as he doesn't take our minions we're fine he actually might be able to end with his cue oh boy let's focus on mid shall we one step at a time let's take this tower on out it dies so quickly wow fighting around allies is the nicest thing i can actually see through are you kidding me i missed the bus oh we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay i can go over many more walls than you can my dude oh that guy i don't like wait she's on my team we gotta let sniper rex side take on over right here oh this is good this is good this is money there's a lot of them in there dude we're sniping we're sniping oh my gosh oh my gosh oh that sucks a lot i really hope this guy's nice we got a tunnel a heck out of here i don't know how we're gonna get out of here please god oh my gosh no we almost freaking did something cool we got to push bot now this is good this is good they're very busy with creeps bombarding their base oh my gosh that was scary listen you gotta get out of there buddy oh no you don't it is kind of late game rex is officially falling off or maybe not maybe i'm just picking up some steam huh where you going big guy where are you going all right maybe falling off is the wrong terminology where are you going where are you going slow push bot slow push bot let's take things slow let's do it right okay we got a lot of portals let's go ahead and use them use them i need to do a better job of utilizing older portals properly like we kind of did in that previous fight something similar to that for sure i just want to poke and chill even if it's on sedge of money any poke kelps we're getting damaged off oh my gosh i was thinking about it i was thinking about it nice nice that's smacked off we got damage being flown oh boy i'm just gonna lay down wars and hope for the best that's a guaranteed shot might as well take it we need some teammates over here i'm going in oh my gosh oh jen's coming in hot and nude is coming in hotter i want to hit a q but it might be greedy here we go not bad not bad at all sometimes a flash is the answer please die thank you oh this is scary listen i wish i could help you i definitely cannot give me the heck out of here oh their base their base their base their base is in shambles big time dude if i can just stop these guys from recalling we're big chilling we see nunu we see him [Laughter] oh my gosh they're based what is happening right now what is happening give me the heck out of here baby get me the heck outta here am i safe i think i'm safe oh my gosh we're safe dude talk about a stalling tactic i freaking love that uh ryze ult creeps on us you know what this might work okay this might backfire oh gosh i gotta get out of here i can get these though that's good for us that's very good for us i'm spooked are we taking this are we crazy oh gosh this is stupid this is stupid this is actually stupid we gotta bail dude earth late game gets intense get me out of here oh my god he killed me mid travel are you serious that's not cool i've heard good news and bad news good news we didn't lose bad news we didn't win hello hello hello hello snipers for days baby oh gosh you know what this is my sniping sanctuary oh this is bad this is bad actually we can't die right here we cannot die we cannot die we gotta kite them out and do our thing baby oh that's money oh that's money i'm scared of them back door like crazy but we know we might need a risky for the biscuit he's trying to have grump protect him where are you going one more she dies we see nunu how did i miss that hello am i stupid dude she's insane she's slippery than i am get over here calista i am very sorry for this i apologize all right nunu had to base and we need to push do we care about the baron this is the latest earth game i've played in a while okay i thought someone was on that jesus um i said you're pushing hope for the best can you take that i feel like you might be able to let's freaking take it screw it i can't wait any longer all right maybe someone having patience is smart here not bad not bad not bad at all what's up shannon how you doing buddy oh my gosh this is scary to say the least i need to make sure i do not accidentally click on a tunnel i've done it before are you kidding me that would have been a seriously good ulti here we go i think we go nice what's even happening anymore dude what is even happening if i hit jenny's dies oh my god i was gonna ulti right on after him this person scares me it's too slippery for my own good with more minions we'll get more vision that's honestly the main reason why i like killing these little suckers uh-oh uh-oh do we really want to go back in where we came from i guess so it's so nice that portals come up to use again once more rise i'm glad to take this trip with you my guy that was a heads up play oh my goodness that's a wrap let me know what you think about the ap rec site if you're gonna run it that's a noodle a thumbs up helps a lot that's a wrap guys i appreciate it peace peace peace out bye
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 83,575
Rating: 4.9122972 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol, ap, rek, sai, rek'sai, sniper, nuke, ability, power
Id: lXYY4l9W2V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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