The HIDDEN Lore of Season of Discovery (Part 1) - Guzu reacts

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the hidden lore of season of Discovery season of Discovery there's lots of new content but with it they've also introduced new lore within the classic wow Universe along with mysterious implications and call forwards to lore that will occur in the future events of Warcraft now I will be going over every new tidbit of lore introduced but I will be going into the stories that interest me the most starting off with murder okay um with in the desolate fields of desus players can stumble upon a crime scene here they find two dead humans and a dwarf their wounds and the absence of their belongings suggest that this was not done by a wild animal during their investigation players question a nearby Goblin bibbly futs Buckle downlo this Quest who explains that this is not the first time this has happened in fact it seems the only people targeted in these attacks are humans and dwarves okay the attacks only stopped when an alliance Marshall started investigating the area futz Buckle suggests players should travel to a port town to try and catch people who did this and when players travel to booty Bay there's an orc who explains that she was a mercenary hired to attack those alliance members in desus and the person that hired her left to go to their secret hideout in arrai Highlands once the alliance Marshalls started investigating this Hideout is a remote location off the coast separated from the Zone players find the culprit lari dusk feather and ask if she was the one that killed those Alliance citizens and she says yes and she'd do it again players ask uh why you're a night elf you're also a part of the alliance and in response she goes cumor belongs to the calor I refuse to see it defiled by the Lesser races dude I've said this so many times nides are like the most racist raay in World of Warcraft they literally hate anyone that's not night elf like no meme they literally do our leaders act as if the alliance and The Horde are so different but they debase our lands all the same do you not see how the dwarfs plunder the Earth for all that they can do you not think the human appetite for expansion will not bring them to the foot of tasil one day blades and torches in hand to think my people bow to those Vermin over a few orish Lumber camps pathetic M if our leaders cannot protect us then I will do what must be done oh [ __ ] forward and Alliance players will then be forced to fight aari dusk feather which can prove to be difficult because of high level during the fight right before she is killed she vanishes away leaving a key on the ground that players can pick up to open a chest which contains a rune but if you're a night elf you have a dialogue option where you can agree with aari's Viewpoint and she'll just give you the key and I love this character you know I've mentioned in previous videos that there's a distinct disconnect between night elves being these prudish holier than thou Tree Huggers incraft 3 and they're just nice tree huggers in Warcraft and I feel like this Quest does an awesome job at addressing that and since no matter what option you pick arari survives I'm sure we'll see her again in the future phases of season of Discovery that's cool what's this oh the land of the cows hiding in Thunder Bluff there is a newly added NPC unknown to many players concealed in stealth Boron shade totem is a Taran Rogue that tasks players with a quest to sabotage the local harpies and ventco mercenaries and mulgore now Borton shade totem is actually a character introduced in the dragonflight expansion when Rogues became an available class to every playable race in the game dude listen man a Toren Rogue it it it really doesn't make sense all right like I'm sorry dude but they have hooves man and they're so big it does make sense it really doesn't man there a tar and Pirates well there's a difference between being a pirate and being a rogue a rogue is like you know you got to be stealthy you got to be sneaky you're like a big cow Borton shade totem is the Rogue trainer in Thunder Bluff and the perplexing thing is is when players talk to him in season of Discovery he says I speak to you from your future when The Horde faces threats you cannot imagine since others cannot see me I rely on you to learn my skills and pass them to the tribe Y which I guess indicates that not only is Borton shade a rogue but he's also a time traveler that has ventured back to the classic wow timeline to warn players about the next nine World of Warcraft expansions how did he manage to travel back in time I'm not really sure but this also isn't the only instance of time traveling characters within the season of Discovery mhm what else wait what's this oh black F during each phase of season of Discovery players can craft an epic quality void touched item during phase one this involved a long quest line that took players into the black fathom deeps secret area underwater to loot an item simply called The Box I think these Quest chains for like the gear was so sick I I like new content like this little Quest change I think it's super dope man it it's nice the next part of the quest line involves traveling to a remote area above the ravenol Manor in the Hills Brad Foothills where there's this giant glowing crystal here you destroy the box and what remains after is a void Crystal and then out of nowhere a shadowy figure appears this shadowy figure is of a female highelf who explains to players that what they hold is a powerful artifact that could be used to their advantage I really love that they used the old model for the highes oh my gosh I actually didn't even realize that it was the old high model at first the player character is apprehensive with the use of such evil but you can also craft epic quality armor with it so uh that's good H who cares you know what curse wait what is that hold on a second this little breastplate is kind of he's showing off the okay I didn't I actually never saw that before okay who cares you know what curse me with your Void knowledge God damn now the speculation amongst the community is that this is zotth a void entity that is going to be one of the main antagonists in the war within expansion the reasoning behind this is that it's a void being in the guise of an elf and she also has a curvy blade so the question is are they going to like intertwine like retail and S now like is this actually going to be a thing uh yeah that's pretty much it but if this is the case that would mean that she is probably traveling back in time to the EV wow because during classic her Essence was bound within the blade of the black Empire which makes sense you know time travel and void Shenanigans go hand in hand now there is a way that this could be zotth during the classic wow timeline that doesn't involve time travel but somehow it's a Mor doing BFA we found a void artifact and used its power to possess the corpse of an elf to give Cel a Corporal form while she is still being bound within the blade of the black Empire it's possible this game would have happened in classic I guess but there is no evidence to that dude where would I be in World of Warcraft lore without Platinum wow like this guy is is like a blessing I swear to goded than time travel and then during phase two of the season of Discovery the shadowy figure returns in the next quest line that involves crafting a pie void touched armor this quest line involves charging a void core players find a void core by killing on an island in feros but this void core isn't charged with power in order to charge it you kind of just need to have the void core in your bags and kill any mobs anywhere in the world and eventually the shadowy figure will appear and offer to charge the crystal for the player and in return she expects the player to help her in the future the loot hungry players agree of course of course so now we are in the shadowy figures debt and I'm sure that she'll be returning in the future phases of season of Discovery and ask a favor from us a favor which will probably be morally dubious at best yeah okay what do we got next oh the dead wind pass is an obscure Zone within classic wow it's a Barren Wasteland you must Venture through to get from duskwood to the swamp of Sorrows but in season of Discovery is where players travel to begin a worldwide investigation near the entrance of one the zones there's a dalaran agent who explains that there's been a heist of the city of daran's artifacts yep somehow some way they were able to sneak past the giant magical bubble protecting the city to do this the dalaran scryers detected the presence of seven hooded figures on a horseback matching the legend of the dark Riders of Kazan players are given a trinket ardan sigil in order to detect their dark presence and hunt them down this is really cool man like these random little like Quest chain I know some people find them really tedious but I like him and I guess there's some lore to it too right legend of the dark writers is a tragic one long ago a group of charlatan Merchants led by a man named ardan settled in deadwind pass really and these swindling salesmen approached the Tower of Kazan where medivh the guardian and the most powerful magent Azeroth lived and they tried to convince him to buy these totally fake mags little did they know miv had G mad possessed by the Demonic Titan sargeras and he cursed these charlatans turning them into the dark riters and they've haunted azoth ever since in search of real Priceless artifacts oh that's cool now the dark writers have been mentioned in passing ever since classic wow wait really he flipped before I could catch him and I couldn't linger for I was hot in heels of the dark Riders yeah it's kind of like the nas ghouls of Lord of the rings in a way wait so the the lore is actually in vanilla for the dark Riders as well that's actually kind of cool you don't know svn's story not fully know I mean I've done a lot of um I've done a whenever I leveled gsy I actually did a lot of like reading of the quest and stuff like that but apart from that from my hardcore like Journeys in in wow I've never really read the quests too much right it was there all the time yeah but most players probably you don't you play classic for 20 years and don't know any lore bro listen man up until like I did my hardcore content for for for like you stream and YouTube and stuff I literally never read a quest I literally just open the quest click accept go on the go on the map where it tells me to go right but I actually really did enjoy like reading through the quest and like immersing myself more into the game when I was doing hardcore stuff it was actually really fun remember them in the legion expansion because they play play a key role in the artifact weapon quest lines for the weapons apocalypse the Scythe of aloon and youth alesh but in season of Discovery ardan sigil helps players track down each of these writers and they might need some help from other players to kill them because of their Elite status you'll have to travel to deadwind pass the swamp of Sorrows duskwood Badlands arathy Highlands the Barons and desol a lot of places so it's a very travel intensive process yeah but when players return to the Dall an agent they will be rewarded with one of their classrooms very nice and probably really sore feet and this Quest is just yet another sprinkle of lore to experience yep but it isn't the only new content that involves a ridiculous amount of walking okay is it the sleeping bag a sleeping bag crine is a newly added piece of content thats players with well a sleeping bag that gives you an XP bonus I'm sure if you've played season of Discovery you've done it before but hey let's be honest uh did you actually read the quest text season of Wowhead let's be honest chat I mean that's what most people got damn did okay I will just say though actually I haven't looked up any of the data mine content of like phase three so far okay we've actually avoided it all right apart from the the video that blizzard uh like released on their YouTube channel uh I haven't been looking stuff up no of course you did this Adventure Starts in West where you find a scene of Bert remnants in a note that says yeah I did see the the gozza reference but that's because people kind of like you know spammed it in my chat so I I I saw it that way not all that burns is lost find the twin land F place it's location that's a really really big thing for me man I think that's so cool the other side of the world in the baren where we find a similar scene of burnt remains yeah here another note reads the mission said they were both making deliveries for new play looks like simple Apothecary accidents to me find my cozy spot in the mountains between the barens and desus if you want a safe place to talk Yep this new plague is a chemical gas that the undead Apothecary Society was concocting that is most well known for being used in The wrathgate Cinematic the Wrath of the Lich King expansion but really the undead loved using this stuff for the pole expansion also this new plague was mentioned in multiple quests in classic wow like in the Hills Brad Foothills where you help member of the royal AP oh yeah that's where you killed the little the little toad and you killed the dog as well Society who says and I quote I look out my grimy window and long for the days our new plague brings this world the death it deserves what the hell and then you force feed it to a dog and kill it yep God I just love when forsaken are so comically edgy and evil okay sorry I uh I got distracted there so when you're doing the sleeping bag Quest you travel from the ston Town mountains to the ladan dam and then there's another note stating that the writer is loyal to the eagle and fist which is the symbol of the kingdom of stuard you get more hints that lead you to thorin's wall and there is another note that states that this mysterious writer must take his work back underground so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands and at this little base camp players get their sleeping bag ah comfy and uh that's the end of the quest but ke players will realize that they're being watched yeah I saw this when we did the quest man there is some like I don't remember the name like uh there's some people watching you basically look at one of the sections of thon's wall and you'll spot two secret agents spying on you and one is tagged as a beast and they're also level 77 so maybe they're part it's the furies it's the godamn furies Man part of the si7 a from Stormwind but wait it gets weirder these secet agents are all around Azeroth spying on the player from afar as far wait this I didn't know actually what as I know there are four different locations there's one here at thoren's wall another on a seemingly random island in the swamp of Sorrows another by the dust well of marsh in and also pillar overlooking the old man cave entrance I only knew about the one in uh at the sleeping bag Quest and when you approach any of them they just say we've got got friends and then they just disappear like what who the fck are these guys are they just an Easter egg a clue to a hidden secret in the season of Discovery yet be discovered well I've Got a Theory perhaps maybe just maybe okay these characters are added by blizzard in order to integrate the Men in Black franchise into the warcraft universe that's right just hear me out Will Smith and those wacky aliens are now Cannon I mean it just perfectly fits within the season to these secret agents will use their mind wiping device called a neuralyzer to wipe our season of Discovery characters Minds so they unlearn all of the runes and then they can be integrated back into the Original Classic wow servers with no memory of the new abilities that they learned during the season of Discovery it's such a crazy idea that it might just [Music] work dude honestly that could work man cuz everybody keeps asking always like what's going to happen to our characters when season the discovery is done yeah man the minute black comes out and they flash your eyes and then you go to the Eros servers and then they make classic plus with all the information gathered throughout season of [Music] Discovery yeah damn dude what a cool video though I like that a lot what other new bobbits in l would you have to meet cover next I think it's is fun seeing seeing um Platinum while going over this stuff cuz like I mean I know some of it but like he explains it in such a nice way that's so digestible man to be fair I would defend my land against those old D models too okay dude the quest lore is a very fitting for vanilla actually surprised it didn't budg it I think I think it's really great honestly bro it's the little things to separate you from the other L creators the subtle playing of the box is the perfect example I just I I think his his editing his like funny little like his little jokes he he weaves in sometimes are really good too I feel like some creators like some videos like the jokes and like whenever that they try to be funny it can come off really tacky but he does it in a very very good way like he he he like weaves in like some good jokes and some memes and stuff which is really [Music] sick
Channel: GuzuTV
Views: 20,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WOW, Classic, Wow Classic, WoW, Warcraft, World of warcraft, vanilla, classic wow, classic wow beta, classic fresh, classic wow gold, warrior guide, guzu, guzutv, the burning crusade, react streamer, twitch, twitch streamer, shorts, short, clip, stream clip, twitch streamer clip, livestream, stream fails, streamer fails, streamer funny, wow hardcore, world of warcraft hardcore, wow hc, wow classic hc, wow classic death, wow classic deaths
Id: nvD88Gfc_QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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