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[Music] [Music] [Music] you're not ready for this i'm not ready for this nobody can possibly be ready for this i have never before created a video like the one you are about to see this is part 21 of my theory on mort from madagascar if you haven't seen parts 1 through 20 yet i will link the playlist above now or you could keep watching this one unprepared which would be well certainly an experience of some sort basically there are six theories on mort himself then my eight theories on the lore of shrek then my theory on the humans of madagascar and my theory on the film over the hedge this left us at part 17 back in february where i reveal the purpose of all this the cute little lemur from madagascar is at the center of a massive shocking truth interwoven through every single dreamworks film it is not a joke in the slightest and it's absolutely unlike anything part 17 was manic but it was just a taste of this video this video being the stuff you've been waiting for you'll see that i did in fact end up adding my three megamind videos to the playlist they are critical and thus we've been bumped up to part 21 basically have you seen them good because last we spoke i revealed to you my prime discovery the french pattern now it's time to solve the truth of this pattern this is my grand unifying dreamworks theory hello i'm the theorizer i like mystery history and long walks on the omniversal fabric i also like roasting lovecraftian demons on skewers or so my meme desperation would imply so we're currently at around the 5 hour and 15 minute mark of this mort playlist and things can finally get interesting er i'll have you know that i've reached the point of being well just speechless tenfold more than i was even in that alien cult video because things are finally getting real commenters delivered a lot of nifty stuff a lot of stuff i've been hinting at for this video but a lot of stuff that has completely slipped my mind as well there were even a couple things i didn't register until i found them autonomously but for the key ones that go to commenters i will credit it as such unfortunately there were lots of repeat points so i'm not sure who to credit with what and when we'll see how the evidence plays out but luckily most of this is just the culmination of my years of foreshadowing because it once again appears as though i have stumbled upon something horrifying and this time something that permeates through all of dreamworks time to explain myself i have been referencing something building to something a freelance organization funded by the gods that seeks to suppress animal intelligence and more importantly the core of them all the faceless being of destruction mort himself this video is going to have far more offhand revelations than usual which is to say that there will be many game-changing twists here that i will not dwell on but hope you will wrap your head around as quickly as possible so we can quickly start off with the gigantic titan snail that the bell gods warship as it turns out this crazy development from all hail king julien is explicitly connected to both turbo and monsters vs aliens which is a revelation i exhumed in tandem with a viewer on twitter you see last time i deemed monsters vs aliens to be a critical chunk in the dreamworks timeline given how it displays the issues of forced evolution in humanity it contains such important developments as the missing link or the attempted creation of a sentient entity or the mutation of insects and susan the implication is that humans are on a sort of path trying intentionally and not to force evolve themselves unnaturally and the results are problematic beings like dr cockroach doing what he does failing like he fails this is the monsters vs aliens piece the turbo piece however is something we went into a bit deeper last time in turbo the plotline is basically a french race car driver facing off against snails the rise in animal intelligence is the snails and he is the faceless organization's representative in said film pause quickly i will hereby stop referring to this faceless organization as a faceless organization for many months now on twitter and on my second channel and to myself i have referred to them as what they are the france established exterminator terminators why do i call them this because it's what they are damn it but it's a long title so i've just been calling them by their acronym feet because they are mort's weakness my goosebumps have goosebumps have i outdone myself no not really alright so gigonye is a part of the feat organization very obviously very clearly and on twitter me and user at doomfor zombies had an enlightening conversation about the nature of oxymoronic gastropods and i'm not talking about gary not today anyway there's something here do you see the connection the french eat snails this is a critical plot point seen everywhere most notably in all hail king julien where we discover that the world's most intelligent snails have departed to madagascar so as to evade french cuisine it's fascinatingly specific here's the big one though at the very end of monsters vs aliens we get another one of those pesky offhand comments this time it's from the general the general's existence is identical to the idea of a secret international organization revolving around the assimilation of evolved humans that's literally the plot of the film his offhand comment that's what gets me though the general ends the movie by saying he needs the monsters on another mission already and guess what that mission is taking down a giant snail named s gargantua this is exactly like a jingle jangle and can you guess where this is happening can you possibly for the life of you guess where this giant force evolved mutated snail is wreaking havoc france nuclear mutation is also a subplot of all hail king julien in the episode where they mutate the mango into literally becoming a conscious lovecraftian beast that absorbs people and then they nuke it to pieces mutation lovecraft beast mango just like the sky god fruits all of these plot threads and a couple more are so entangled with every dreamworks film that it's quite frightening actually so maybe we shouldn't be letting madagascar off the hook so easy is there more to its core i've been missing perhaps as i determined in my traumatic viewing of all hail king julien the sky gods are localized to madagascar because of most likely mort there's little doubt in my mind that this is the case of course the fruits reign supreme over the sky god's heaven because they are them this was one of several conclusions during my original six mort videos they are keeping tabs and have pinned mort here so as to gain the upper hand a small leap in any other canon but a graceful stepping stone here i have great reason to believe that one of the main reasons madagascar has evolved differently than the rest of the world why it has profoundly unique wildlife being the only place in the entire world to have lemurs in it is because of the sky gods i'm telling you they're doing this it's the way dreamworks has unfolded the lore in their story clever is all hell it roots back to mort as smartmort is aware of the sky gods mort knows and parts of him are unruly hence this whole mess in the first place mordeca's khan anyone suppression but the big question how do the french tie into all this what like how does this organization that is so desperate to stop animal intelligence how do they play into all this it's quite simple really if you haven't guessed they are lined with the sky gods i'm certain but now we know it must have even more weight than previously anticipated because we see humans in all hail king julien studying mort they rip him from his habitat and come back night after night analyzing him he is genetically anomalous which is to say he is without a species or rather that mort is every species at once evenly distributing his intelligence so he can return to form with an army of his own the entire animal kingdom this is why they wear freaking hazmat suits for a tiny ass mouse lemur we've been over this scientists can't classify him his genetics are alien mort states this in show this is known but now we're on the receiving end of the theorizing this human angle they're all tied in here just as hard and if you don't believe me get a load of madagascar's official national language french spoken only in tandem with the native language malagasy they speak french because madagascar was colonized by france itself and if you still don't believe me get this the penguins who i determined to be on the forefront of this war for animal intelligence end the third film by shipping the feet organization's very own lead general to madagascar itself dubois in a box sent to the front lines the snails and their exodus from enemy territory jingle jangle the mutation angle the linchpin is that every time humans rise up there's an animal just waiting there to stop them with utmost desperation and underhandedness each keeps the other in place and they're so desperate my god one are physically powerful one are mentally powerful and the war is nested in the overlap an overlap established and maintained by the true forces in this game mort and the sky gods this is what i've been trying to say the france established exterminator terminators have been desensitized into believing that mort is the ultimate threat i bet they've been promised immortality how do i know this his name is death for he is mort the lemur you were all hung up on the fact that he's the grim reaper but not the fact that i keep repeating which is that mort means death in french all romance languages have a similar sounding origin word so it has to be one of them and while latin is classically cooler sounding we now know that not to be the case i keep mentioning this although thank you commenters for stating it even clearer as many of you ended up independently concurring they call him mort for he is death the great grim reaper that claims them all the promised evil as for whether the sky gods can genuinely prescribe immortality i do not know i do not care the feat organization seems to believe it with all their might let's not forget of course that nana is also a part of all this as it is her infamous link to dubois that i was trying to figure out for three years following that video i made in 2018 on them this is it nana is russian a recurring theme in the spin-off show oligarch dolphins anyone remember in part one when i said speaking of the soviet union this is it the skills the madness the nana she's not explicitly fringe which is why that video's whole purpose was to serve this link force evolved exterminator terminators is more like it though i'd rather stick to the term i've got already as i found the fringe connection to be far more critical here so madagascar as an island is also a crucial factor here with that in mind let's apply our newfound knowledge to the shrek videos where we find many candidates with similar motivations traits and pattern clicking lord farquaad for one fits the bill in at least some ways once again this was something i kind of was iffy on but commenters as usual have bulldozed it into view the top comment regarding this contained a reply that solidifies farquaad even harder as duloc does seem indeed to be named after a former quebec city or in other words french connection but the main fact of the matter is that farquaad's task is literally to eliminate highly evolved intelligent life and we know that he's not the only purist in this series because the fairy godmother follows suit and has magic supernatural forces granted to her by who exactly unclear the gods perhaps this much we cannot know for certain but if it is the case then it's most certainly the baby stages of this whole conspiracy let's not forget one of my most insane videos the reggie one which concluded that merlin and the fairy godmother possibly have an intricate connection between them in the form of a musical meme cult designed to usurp the royals a cult you say sounds kind of like the medieval beginnings of an organization remember how i said robin hood looked like reggie and farquaad robin hood the musical man who was so underhandedly desperate to eliminate shrek the intelligent evolved animal robin hood who they for some reason chose to make fringe what what oh no this means reggie blared his unbridled snark as i put it out of mockery from his disdain at an intelligent beast rising to power not just because of the monarchy also charming did the exact same thing when he recruited villains in a cult of his own one of whom was the evil queen who wanted to open up a spa in france and did you sincerely think i forgot that insane puss and boots cameo and all hail king julien no how is this possible if not for the anomalous space and time i have now theorized this island of madagascar to have barring mort's own interdimensional hyper-realism stunt this island is reaching and yanking the most intelligent medieval feline threat into its modern battles similarly to how reggie was granted a song from the future and what is puss in boots doing here singing a song counterforces from the gods themselves as it turns out the sky gods also have distinct incarnations appearing in the puss and boots spin-off show at least according to commenter daniel adams who seems to be completely correct if google is any indication after reading even more of these comments on the alien cult video i've been tempted to include aardman animations films because the comment section was most filled with them above all else you see despite being claymation and very questionably canon they are riddled to the core with this french frogs spiteful towards humanity and a literal secret underground society with intelligent snails check chicken run is the distilled incarnation of my inverted linchpin double check also by the way thanks to six different commenters it turns out that my lazy hunch was on point as yes the b-movie lawyer montgomery also has a name rooted in french so there's that connection but speaking of that enigmatic part 17 don't think i've forgotten about said alien cult's alien role in all this so now things are taken a step yet further we get to the megamind and galaxar segments the promise of a thumbnail four months past due the key connection i was implying near the end of that video has reached its moment and it's why i've added the megamind theories to our playlist megamind himself is from a solar system with three planets his metromans and a mysterious third planet that i deem to be minions this could well and truly be false because look at the obvious we're going all out now and galaxar is on the table here we have a bluish alien with a massive head whose planet was destroyed in a cataclysmic event of his own creation let's also not ignore the fact that monsters vs aliens was released just one year before megamind and thus i'm inclined to say that galaxard did this but that's just how the megamind planet theory ties in take a gander at my city theory wherein the government meticulously subdues aliens so is to keep them fighting one another sound familiar the humans aren't just facing animals but aliens as well as expected i suppose you see in my megamind city theory i concluded that metro man quit upon the realization that he was being used this is clear and obvious and it's the city that is responsible if you don't believe me that this is the case then you've clearly forgotten about the result of his midlife crisis an identity known as music man music man random right wrong the sky god's very own musical meme feat cult teachings were instilled into him by this government that's known to be shady from the earliest possible age as a backup plan how do i know this because we see it he is encouraged to share his singing in the prison systems school regardless of whether it's actually good or not and i'm not even sure what to do with the fact that metro man and farquaad looks so similar that they've both been memed in the form of markiplier like it's absolutely insane how similarly they look but that is much definitely coincidental i'd say the alien connection however is most certainly not aliens are an unforeseen red herring in the eyes of the feed cult and this is where mort ties back in being the supreme leader of all aliens and animals and anything organic and inhuman basically we can confirm this even harder using the massive revelation that i somehow forgot but the comments certainly didn't that being the fact that home a film about an alien invasion has the aliens assimilating and setting up their headquarters in paris stop doing this to me stop doing this to me stop it right now i need to cut away from those alien connections before i absolutely lose it let's return to my happy place the madagascar films the penguins fled to monaco right they went undercover with the chimps as a rich human right so they could cheat the system and bankrupt their enemy from the inside france france france the penguins know things the animals have their own organizations look no further than the north wind itself how is all of this coming together how is this how i returned to these films to evade the stresses of megamind and galaxar the penguins get ambushed by alex and friends which alerts lead commander captain dubois to their presence as she explains this is the moment she has been preparing for her entire life as the sky gods have prepared her for this film mort's entire life story is tracked and monitored by the gods and this is a huge blow to the sky gods the big threat was discovered and prepared for so what is this huge threat well it's obvious it's an all-animal circus that distracts the masses and dominates entertainment outside of all rules and regulations killing the catalyst alex is her life's purpose and her failure gets her sent to the front lines to be chewed up and spit out like an irrelevant ragdoll literally chewed up by the way as she is sent as sacrificial food and she knows it look at the sheer horror on her face when she reads madagascar and who put the nail in her coffin who finalized her defeat why it was none other than the nail in everyone's coffin the grim reaper himself this is my point the sky gods are banning death mort himself but is it necessary we see the lengths they go to and dubois willingly sees herself as satan it's amazing how everyone in monaco just knows dubois she's famous and all she is is an animal control officer no she is the most important character in all of dreamworks she's so much more whereas a regular officer would be shocked and horrified by this monkey-operated plane vehicle she expects it she has no shock at the intelligence of animals because she has been preparing for it her entire life and i'm thrilled because she's probably my favorite dreamworks character but here might be the wildest revelation of them all who does julian send after dubois when she's clinging to them mort and then they cut her rope while she hangs hundreds of feet in the air with mort staring dead in her soul as she falls damn close to death look at that grin especially compared to alex's regret it's like he's the actual devil on his shoulder do it alex kill her my child she is a threat to my empire to the nirvana of oblivion i know this to be true this mid-air situation here is mel-min's dilemma and alex is the protagonist so of course he's there but this critical scene dwells on mort as well why well given that he is the protagonist of dreamworks itself he is just his primary it's why julian kicked him down there mort shows off his horrifying grin from all hail king julien a show focused heavily on his creepy behavior it was legitimately a freak coincidence that she fell in this pool by the way alex had no visual behind him let alone the ability to time this it's why he showed such glum regret before slicing the rope the pool is a literal deus ex machina from her gods don't believe that she's tied to the supernatural forces how could you not do i need to remind you of the fact that she holds a plane back and can literally run through walls to the point where i made a video inconclusively calculating it she's force evolved ever notice how she has the head of alex the limbs of marty the neck of mel-min and the ever curvaceous bod of gloria dubois being a perfectly balanced absolute unit has finally reached lower significance it finally happened dubois has been preparing for this film's plot her entire life and she is a literal perfect blend of animals just like fort a curvaceous counter strike for the love of god the most unshakeable proof i can give you that she's magically tethered to the gods is the scene where she literally sings in french mind you and it magically heals all of her troops they cry as they behold the beauty of the sky god's prodigy and it's fully french this scene comes out of left field makes virtually no sense has no reason to be included with such drama and profoundness as if we've just witnessed a rebirth or something unless we legitimately have this is yet another example of a musical cult don't tell me that french song is not a meme because it's a prime example it's a french classic and this scene reeks of meme material it's all french mort is the target and he is death he'll claim the souls of anyone he can his own team was in a car hanging over the edge of a damn roof all terrified and mort's just delighted at the prospect of spirits for his collection look at that face dubois is an evolved animalistic commander of the organization and is the result of sky god desperation so intense they've created satan we see the fire and horns and maybe even the tail during her introduction and it's possible she has recruited other redheads like alice we know she's a step up from law enforcement because she calls the policemen stupid bozos as opposed to her being a step down like your typical animal control officer and again she's bizarrely famous in monaco it's her territory and the monkeys themselves state that french labor laws are different from the rest of the world i will repeat once more that alice of the central park zoo is directly tied in here as she literally calls in secret agencies to suppress the penguins officer x is a part of this thank you to many commenters the penguins of madagascar alone borders on canonizing half my claims because its whole focus is animal intelligence up close and personal with aggressive humans out to get them the central park zoo is a feat outpost which is exactly why dupois is so comfortable killing there but each member has their own place some know more than others more is merely the overarching goal whether one member or another knows it or not they only have one focus and it's their own desperation as montgomery himself says following his assault on animal intelligence by the way i haven't forgotten about the verminator terminator duane lafontant himself this guy of course has the same tracking abilities as dubois but he somehow has access to a weapon so powerful and he employs it so nonchalantly it has the ability to create what equates to a supernova that breaks the laws of luminous flux and there's a reason we get a view of it from outer space itself the territory of the gods demanding it this is a supernova blast designed to kill an elder god obviously with over the hedge being our original light bulb moment we also know all about the suburbs suppressing the forest animals blah blah blah blah blah but i would like to highlight that hammy is granted supernatural powers upon drinking the soda and considering he's directly an enemy of the feet and considering he's also a small rodent-esque animal i think we might at least have one more semi-solid link between mort and animal intelligence this all of course just goes to show how expendable the feet are in the eyes of their own gods like how dubois was abandoned after her failure and left a sacrificial food lastly in this insane video is the one that seems to be important but refuses to fit cleanly kung fu panda is all about balance we discussed previously how it quickly becomes clear upon any amount of theorizing that it must take place in the world without humans implying post humans this is because again they use human technology and skills kung fu for example but it's far more supernatural in nature and they all speak english in china if this ties in like i assume it does then it would imply this is the fallout of some cataclysmic decimation of humanity the great reaping i don't have nearly as much evidence for this but i know it's somewhat important so i'm absolutely going to keep it all in mind give me evidence from the kung fu panda tv show i remember getting a comment on a kung fu panda video a while back like in 2016 saying that vern from over the hedge is actually oogway but i can't possibly comment on whether or not that's the case i mean i suppose it's sensible given that oogway created kung fu and the new world order and over the hedge's ending indicates that vern is a key player in the uprising but what i can say is that if you have anything to say about any dreamworks show or films comment it now and more specifically if you have anything from the penguins of madagascar tv show that you think can tie into all this then comment it absolutely because this just got so much bigger the big one that you don't have to mention though is vincent who we saw in the bee movie as a victim of the feat he was included in the bee trial to defeat humanity but that's likely just the cherry on top of a remarkably solid foundation anyways also also many people have asked me over the years as i have promised over the years to discuss how lord farquaad's ghost works this is how as a prime founder of the feat he's granted supernatural life extension absolute answer and who kills him who has the power to break his spirit why an intelligent beast of course also finally looping back to where we started the monsters vs aliens general claims to be 90 years old life extension and now he's the adviser to president hathaway so we're not close to done obviously there aren't even like half the dreamworks films here and there's still so much more depth to go into here but this video should more than tie you over considering this is what it's all been about this is why i do what i do once all the connections are found and i mean all of them then i will create the timeline that will test my plot hole navigation skills it'll be similar to part two of my final pixar multiverse trilogy if you've seen it that's basically the video where i quote flatten out the logic of genetics time frames surnames and geographies i fear the day upon which i will apply that to this but it's coming your comments are more important than ever though so don't hesitate like the video and definitely subscribe with the bell enabled this is exhausting to the point where the all hail king julien theme song gives me severe goosebumps and makes my stomach sink like the roller coaster it is i figured my disparate dreamworks theories would all come together eventually the same thing naturally happened with my pixar theories in a mass interconnection extraordinaire the next part will detail all the intricacies of the twisted evil plans of every other character and it'll be even more intense i'm not done proving half the insane i pulled out a thin air here either until then though i'm the theorizer [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 223,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Madagascar, Madagascar 2, Madagascar 3, Penguins of Madagascar, All Hail King Julien, Madagascar 4, Madagascar Theory, dreamworks, theorizer, the theorizer, mort Madagascar, theory, theorizer madagascar, the theorizer Madagascar, mort, clip, clips, scene, scenes, madagascar mort, madagascar movie, the theorizer mort, theorizer mort, mort theory, mort madagascar theory, dreamworks theory, theorizer dreamworks, the theorizer dreamworks, dreamworks movies ranked, shrek, over the hedge
Id: fgXth0z3EeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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