The Hat in Alhambra - Original 1951 Location of Best Pastrami Sandwich in The World - Food Review

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welcome everyone out of the whoo here to day number 16 of this current series where I visit and focus on notable Southern California eating establishments gonna head up to Alhambra I'm inviting you to join me chow you got my glasses getting my bag let's go you're right big the foot that is a little tiny vehicle you want to drive it located on the corner of Valley Boulevard and Garfield have is a classic establishment one that I have wanted to visit for quite a while highly recommended by many folks it's finally happening the best pastrami sandwich in the world [Music] I love that old neon got its name because of the chef's hat it's up there on the classic signage looks as if currently cannot sit in the dining area there is no indoor section it's all it's all in the exterior open air well I'll tape that stated here just good food not only the pastrami dip which is what they are known for but also have hot dogs and burgers as well this is the original the very first they do have other locations but this is the one that started it all back in 1951 classic it does say dine in however around the back not really appearing as if that's possible to find a park nearby down on the floor that have the stickers the markers they love the checkerboard I'm gonna go with a win in Rome moment pretty much the classic this is the menu board featuring the world's famous are featuring the world famous pastrami dipped for 10 dollars and 79 cents but they also have cold sandwiches side orders like chili fries an assortment of drew oh my goodness look at this I recently tried this about a week or two ago for the first time the orange bang I'm gonna get one I'm gonna get I'm gonna get myself an orange bang and the classic pastrami dip don't mind if I do [Music] thank you okay thank you it didn't take you long to get my food how long at all maybe a minute or two if that maybe take 45 45 seconds is quick I think I didn't count it down it have a timer offer very fast service granted there's not a lot of people here but very very equipment didn't have to be patient at all they just brought it right out prepared it service with a smile and quickly intersection is rather busy two thoroughfares with a lot of traffic a listing of some of the other spots that they have they branched off on the cup here the decent sized decent sized portion and I didn't get any other I didn't get any fries or anything I just got the sandwich itself which is right inside there and as stated not going to be able to sit here and eat let's go find somewhere also should point out there is 30-minute parking so if you drive you will have a place to find a spot for 30 minutes while you while you order and are you eat nice perspective of the mountain up there just down the ways a bit huh madam like I was saying just about a mile is al-mansur Park and there's plenty of spots for my vehicle time to eat got a sweet little setup here in the back of my trunk ahead the like a rocking chair it's a you said have these when I had my RV store I had two of them so now I carry them around in my car and can use it whatever cuz it's called picnic tables out here but they're filled up was quite a few people out here and the picnic tables are accounted for so at least I have a seat nice view of a baseball field got my spot did not include any plastic cutlery but not gonna need it cuz the sandwich I did put in a straw a few napkins and the total was fifteen dollars and twenty cents just the basics shifted where I was sitting just a bit I was about five or ten yards that way but of a lawn care maintenance guy has backed his truck up behind where I was so the view by be doing this this style are you what a scene was a landscaping mobile this is a little more decorative anyway should also also say that there are picnic tables I was stating how all the picnic tables were filled up there are two over there that are not filled up but they're directly in the Sun where this has a nice little shade tree area that is good that is so good I kind of kind of regret not hearing about this particular drink before before I've gotten to my current age because this is good some compare it to other establishments which I have had but it seems like it has its own - orange Bank has its own taste I like it a lot and I'm glad that I'm glad that it filled this cup up nicely and this is what weird eat it up side down this is what that's upside down - what's that this is what weird deal is very it's got some weight to it there's a lot going on inside this wrapping the Hat since 1951 world famous pastrami but don't forget about the burgers the dogs and the chili which I am NOT gonna be trying at this moment maybe another time but I had to go with what they are noted for yeah that's heavy that's a lot there's a lot to this the unwrapping has begun okay there's one wrap there's just one wrap here okay flip this over okay wind is blowing just a little bit well we got a little sample got a little sample there should I should I go with that first oh my gosh that's good it's peaking out there just a little bit unpeeling Oh what in the head look at this thing that's what I'm talking about house smells so dang good that's a meal and they didn't cut it I should I ask them to cut it so I could have saved a little bit for later Wow yeah I would have slice it in half that might have been that I kind of pulled it apart a little bit and they did they did slice it down the middle even but I did not get I did not get any fries or chips I don't even know if they serve chess but I didn't get anything other than a sandwich so maybe I could polish off this all in one is falling apart I should get to Eden this is most likely going to be messy because I don't have a tray table it's gonna be messy it's gonna this kind of hobby fall all over my torso but hmmm mustard pickles the appropriate amount I like both mustard and pickles and they are very prevalent in the flavor of this it's more or less like the perfect amount of the perfect amount of I'm just like I'm drawing a blank the taste is so good but you got all the pastrami sandwich falling out of the bread then you also got pickles and mustard down in there okay it is it is a real mess but it's so dang tasty dog back there watch them fight I can see why this place just talked about and has lasted as long as it hath only my straw sleeve down in the bottom there yeah for future reference ask for a fork or a spoon or you know that's a fork could make more sense scoop it up a little bit better you know is eating with your fingers that gives a chance to really see its ingredients however this is a conglomeration of a flavor Wow this is the other half I haven't I haven't put in my belly yeah so underneath all that is that mustard will see the mush I guess it's kind of blended in now but underneath they would be pickles oh here we go right there you can see kind of protruding out as a pickle if you like mustard and if you like pickles if that is not your forte and this might not be for you of course you could ask for it without but I for me it's like just a perfect combination of everything between two pieces of bread so much going on in fact that it is it's it's wrapped up in not one not two but three maybe even four look at that four four pieces of paper to keep it keep it secure of course want this unwrapped you're on your own I could probably finish off the rest of this in one sitting but I'm gonna attempt to wrap this thing back up and have this for a little whoop it's starting to oh gosh we're ethical but better all back nice and neat and it's paper bag style lunch sixty-five years well back in 2016 it celebrated 65 years open in 1951 so I got some leftovers from doing these the series of you know kind of makeshift food reviews I am NOT a food reviewer by any means but I do like to eat and I like history of places iconic notable spots so I'm kind of mixing the two up but I don't want to overdo it so I'm gonna taper back a little bit on the portions so that's why I did not get fries or any dessert just the classic sandwich that everyone knows and loves from the Hat I only had half of it I had even considered maybe getting a water you know instead of a soda I probably start cutting back cutting back on soda for a long time I didn't drink so that but it's you know when you're out and about especially when you're eating out it's very tempting to just get a cola a pop depending on what area of the country you're from and how you refer to it so I'm thinking as this continues if this series continues for unbeknownst amount of days I might start getting something that's a little less Cola driven but I could not pass up on this this might technically probably be worse than Cola but you can't get this everywhere but I do like the way this series is going starting to learn my way around the Greater Los Angeles in Orange County area better than I ever had because everything's so spread out oh what's this what is up in there I see you a little bug wanted Sasha wrap this up a little better so it's a good trade-off to continue this but you know not gorge myself each and every day I think it'll work and who knows maybe even some extreme healthy options and places that serve those type of items don't don't make any promises but you never know I never know how things are progressing you have a little more perspective where I was having a little camping momentary camping spot right here next to these fields under the beautiful shroud of shadiness whoa is that a-- okay first I thought that was like a wasp nest but I think finessed some sort or is it just piece of the limb that used to be there tough to tell see anything buzzing around it transporting the chair back to my car this parks hours are from 5:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. each and every day thank you for keeping it cleaned with a nice view of the mountain range that's going to do it for today if you're new here please subscribe by doing so helps keep you in the loop and I'll tell you a few droplets here on this channel take it a step further reading that notification pal and if you enjoyed this particular episode give it a big thumbs up lets me know you care I believe I might have ordered what I wanted wrong and did not state to get that supposed to come with like a dip something you I believe it's called the pastrami dip I might have just ordered the pastrami sandwich I'll see you the next video the vlog could be wrong on that than the yep I'll see the next video of the blog itself er what's that big the foot you fancy yourself a bit as a tennis player who knew
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 104,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hat, alhambra, california, pastrami, sandwich, socal, food, food review, review, may, 2020, best, famous, things to do, vlog, vlogger, foodie, open, take out, to go, adamthewoo, adam the woo, adam, the, woo, thedailywoo, daily, series, menu, valley blvd, 1951, original, garfield ave, first, location, almansor park, big the foot
Id: 0zdk-A8_jYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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