The Harsh Truth About The TikTok Creativity Program...

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let me guess you want to earn thousands of dollars a month just like your favorite Creator show in the Tik Tok creativity program if you clicking on this video I'm assuming you've already seen countless other YouTube videos about the best methods and niches to join the cpb but having seen those videos you still aren't in the Tik Tok creativity program why because those videos do not give all the right information creators are keeping secrets away from their viewers because they don't want you to know or worse they do know but are scared to admit it so in this video I'm going to be peeling back the curtain and giving five secrets you need to know about the Tik Tok creativity program if you want to earn minimum $10,000 a month on Tik Tok so let's get into it one of the biggest misconceptions about starting a Tik Tok account number one there is no best Niche now on YouTube there are plenty of creators who claim they have found the best Niche on Tik Tok but truthfully there is no best Niche if a niche is that good in 2024 is most likely oversaturated and even if it's not competitive the Creator won't tell you what that Niche is because they want to keep it to themselves and you know this is true as well because how many creators have made videos about their Tik Tok success and in that video they won't even tell you what the account is called and refuse to tell you in the comments as well so if a Creator is telling you they have found the best Niche they haven't and even in a hypothetical world where they have the amount of people that will see that video and then launch their own account in that Niche it will become so saturated from that anyway that's why in my videos I rarely give one best Niche I try to give at least seven or so at a time so people have options as to what to go with this leads nicely onto the second best kept secret on Tik Tok no one knows the next Trend to come out no one knows the next best Niche because we are not Time Travelers for context this Creator got into the Tik Tok creativity program with one video that got over 13 million views in a niche that I did not even know existed and I guarantee for an absolute fact not a single YouTuber would have told you about this idea if you have a fresh idea go for it it's much better trying that than something saturated like Reddit stories secret free is quantity matters but quality matters more what do I mean by this well a lot of people have the assumption that you need to post three or four times a day on Tik Tok to be successful not true a couple of years ago I would definitely have recommended this post as many times as you can but with the Tik Tok creativity program being so lucrative for creators so many people are flooding to Tik Tok everyone is trying to post on Tik Tok to take advantage of just how much you can earn on the Tik Tok creativity program and the increased supply of video is outpacing the increase for demand and that is a big problem for creators so if you want to stand out nowadays on Tik Tok and go viral the quality of your content has to be very good and how do you know you make good quality content well you've got a high retention curve and average watch time and this can be achieved by implementing a great hook especially if you are making videos that are 1 minute or longer people instantly clicking off the video can be so detrial to its performance by the way I still recommend you post at least daily on your pages but if you have the choice between posting posting two good videos or one exceptional video nowadays post that one exceptional video because as I showed before all it takes is one viral video to get you into the creativity program okay secret number four is a big one because this mistake alone cost me thousands of dollars and that is to understand that your Tik Tok account will not last forever this is primarily if you are a faceless content creator because Tik Tok will either ban you or find a way to remove you from the creativity program if you become too big it's happened to me twice and it's happened to plenty of other people I know personally Tik Tok do this because they do not like pushing faceless accounts that are too big it doesn't generate them enough income they prefer when celebrities and influencers are the biggest accounts on Tik Tok because it brings it out to a wi audience and helps sponsorships and Brands come to Tik Tok which all results in more money so if you have a big Tik Tok account do not get complacent find ways to monetize yourself Beyond just Tik Tok so even if you get banned or the creativity program gets removed you still have a way of making money my biggest ever Tik Tok to account I had was back in 2022 it had over 500,000 followers and was bringing in over a million views a day but the problem was I was only getting paid on Tik Tok in the Creator fund and towards the end of 2022 without any warning I just got banned and my income went to zero overnight I had over 500,000 people following me and did not even get a chance to monetize it myself if I could go back I would have milked it with online communities digital products a mailing list something sustainable that I could find to monetize those 500,000 followers Beyond just Tik Tok so even if the account got banned which is what happened I still had a way of making money off of it instead I did none of that stuff and I lost everything overnight because I got complacent and I was too excited I was just getting paid by Tik Tok and not thinking about the bigger picture so if you are watching this and want to get into the Tik Tok creativity program or better yet are already in the creativity program ask yourself could you still get paid if your account wasn't in the program if the answer is no you've got a big problem because trust me when my old Tik Tok account got banned and I went to zero that messed me up differently I could not even work properly for a week I don't want you guys to make the same mistake that I did have some sort of exit plan that worst case scenario you can use and secret number five no Creator wants to admit this but it's true it takes luck I don't care how skilled us creators think we are going viral on Tik Tok takes a large element of luck and there's no shame in admitting that unless you are already a celebrity like KSI or Mr Beast who are guaranteed to go viral because they are famous making a faceless account there is no guarantee of that I would say I've got good knowledge in Tik Tok I've created accounts that have over 500,000 followers 25,000 followers but I've also created accounts that barely reach 200 followers and other creators do exactly the same thing they just won't admit it you could have posted at the perfect time the perfect topic of video and the first 200 people that Tik Tok showed the video to were genuinely the perfect target audience so the stats were Immaculate that's good luck but equally bad luck can happen that should just social media in a nutshell but the beautiful thing is that if you keep trying eventually something will stick it's just like business maybe you have to launch 10 different companies for one to make you a millionaire this video should have given you a better insight into the truth behind the Tik Tok creativity program and if you implement the tips in this video it should help you on your journey importantly if you do not have access to the Tik Tok creativity program because you do not live in one of these countries or you want to benefit from having the highest possible RPM you need to get a us-based Tik Tok account and you can do exactly that by the link in my description and in the pined comment also down there there is a link to my Tik Tok growth guide that is completely free to download and will help you as well on your Tik Tok Journey alongside that if you want to stay up to date with any more Tik Tok advice videos you know what to do subscribe down below and hit the Bell notification button I've already made a plethora of Tik Tok advice videos on this channel and plan to make many many more in the future you subscribing down below to watch more videos may just be the reason you get into the creativity program in 2024 if you listen to point4 correctly and want to find out how you can monetize your Tik Tok account Beyond just a creativity program just like creators like Alex hosi and Iman godzi are doing so you have to check out the video right here where I explain all of that and much more I'll see you guys there
Channel: Deniz Sancar
Views: 11,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok creativity program, what is the tiktok creativity program beta, how to make money on tik tok, faceless tiktok, easiest way to make money in 2024, how to make money with ai in 2024, how to make money with tiktok, tiktok themepages, how to grow on tiktok 2024, tiktok creativity program beta, tiktok creativity program tutorial, tiktok automation, tiktok viral niches, how to grow on tiktok fast, high rpm niches tiktok, tiktok cpb, tiktok, tiktok creator rewards program
Id: hg1sB52zE0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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