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[Music] all of these cookies right here that I can't survive one single night in a Minecraft bunker that she just made me like it's actually almost nighttime so I mean really all I have to do is just go ahead down here and just stay the night I actually haven't seen this yet so we have what is this awesome some bricks looks like oh she got me a nightlight I mean it's still it's pretty easy down here notice it we also have a chest we have a lot of pork chops you have a stone sword leather armor some bread I don't really know why would need a that stuff but okay looks like it's turning 90m say hey guys I'm just gonna head to bed I'm gonna throw out the light and then I'll catch you guys in the morning and then we'll celebrate by eating all the cookies I'll share some of you guys somehow I guess I'll send them in the mail hey guys let's head to sleep and let's wait a for morning lights our best day I did it we have liftoff I have all the cookies now so what the boys and girls what the where's Betsy Oh wolf pack ladies and gentlemen I don't know what the flip is happening so he's saying let's just go back through that again so I made the bet with Betsy it was a very easy bet I was gonna get a lot of free cookies and send some of you guys in the mail somehow and then I went to sleep and is that a zombie during the day bro would to flip is going on okay let's just maybe if I go back to sleep maybe this is all a bad dream let's go back slip down the turf lights do I I really have to wait till nighttime bro all right uh-uh okay we have some new books what happened and missions alright so there was a nuclear petal between the fake Betsy's and the peacock cassowaries the entire world is destroyed she's felt destroyed wrong sticking now Bessie good luck love you cow Bessie okay well that explains everything just a little bit so there was a nuclear warfare kind of thing that happened and we have missions make crafting table build a house got 20 zombies find materials and find survivors all right well I don't know if Bessie or anyone else is still alive but yeah I guess I guess the bunker actually worked out all right sure I mean we might as well start out these missions so we have ourselves a lot of pork chops which is cool we have a stone sword minimal armor right here and also some bread just in case my pork chops run out but here we are I don't know if I'm really prepared for this I guess yeah I'll just leave this stuff here and let's head out so the first mission was to find some sort of like crafting table and to make it but there's no wood anywhere and I'm pretty sure you can't make crafting tables out of cactus so I guess I'm gonna have to go exploring uh I said is this entire thing just a giant desert now Cougars literally nothing left Oh boys there we go so yes there's a lot of fire but it looks like we also have some wood this way there's also this weird stuff which okay whoa okay we have woods so I guess this is uh leftover from I guess just a millage all right subscribe this there's a lot of zombies around me hopefully who's just underground yeah we have ourself let's get how much wood should we get probably some and then I'm curious if I'll need like water or something yeah let's do that in there we have ourselves a lot of wood let's get ourselves a crafting bench as well no I don't know what I'm really gonna need a craft but the next thing I need is actually to like make a house so we have a crafting bench where that grab some sticks I don't know why I just made eight sticks I guess we can make ourselves an axe right here we should probably actually get a pickaxe as well alright so I think that meantime I should probably go grab some stone looks like we also have some iron over here which is definitely useful so let's grab ourselves some stone so we can make some better tools out of stuff let's see we should just get enough I guess for like an axe and then a pickaxe will be pretty dang cool and then eventually have to find survivors which I'm hoping this some out here let's get back up to our crafting bench and let's go see what else we can find I'm hoping it's pretty easy to find survivors and stuff so we can fix this giant mess hopefully there's no peacock asteroids we're cuz that'll be bad especially if they start doing us more nuclear warfare stuff I would kind of cry a little bit there we go we have that let's get herself an axe as well alright so scope grab I guess that iron just in case we need that for later there we go is there any zombies like I haven't seen anything other than that one zombie yet let's get the bread down my gullet alright there we go I'm hoping that's enough Oh what all okay we have our first doodle who carry with zombie miner what's up man oh my gosh disgusting alright let's get rid of him get the flip out of your probe I also have more iron Oh weird shift Cooper's okay yep don't feel like doing this at least they're not new to the creepers bro you would Allah just made a giant avalanche all right well yeah that's enough for me I'm just gonna get the heck out of there let's go crafting bench I might as well grab some more wood so that we can make some sort of house cuz I don't know if a bunker is the best house and you know post-apocalyptic warfare I mean it definitely could be in the wasteland I don't really know petain there's solutely fire everywhere yeah oh I do it I got to do it we got to make all this fall oh dude that's awesome alright guys sorry about that let's go Soph with the nether act oh my gosh bro the entire world is actually just demolished alright hopefully we make a nice easy house so we could complete all the Betsy's missions I think they're Bessie's missions anyway so let's grab this and then we should be good to go to survive in this world for this like crazy minecraft challenge there we go I don't know how much wood I haven't really put a house in a while I don't think I'm gonna be able to build a good house cuz I'm not the best builder really I'm also just realizing now all the trees don't have any leaves anymore they lose just probably just got birth the heck out of there there we go we have a lot of wood it should be enough to make like a small house at least alright we don't need that anymore don't need this we have some sand I guess we make some glasses well we also need a sort of furnace eventually well wait I actually think this might be some sort of house over here so maybe I could just you know add an extra story to this one and then that counts as building a house but every single tree is just Ashley rekt it looks like okay we have some houses those survivors yet minds will grab some mushrooms do we have some seeds which is probably super useful in like the wasteland world okay let's head over here let's check up this thing apparently there are survivors so okay all right definitely hello I think good sir oh no no no dude he's got serious man all right no Matt Miller with this today bro seriously the post-apocalyptic world oh my gosh there's crazy zombies and those respond to uh my rap well I just got one shotted please just get out of here can I break this thing please only break sing please me break it come on I don't want to do which is bullcrap today I please get these thinking nubs out of there alright I think I just stored the spawner Oh bro that was extremely scary alright we have our stuff hopefully I can just comment near this house if we have one of them - Alamut put on all this stuff which is cool alright so we have all that we can plop down there to have their own crafting table try let's see anything cool in here a bunch of mechanical parts I don't really need half this stuff anyway say let's put it all in there heavy cloth we have a lot of iron so I could definitely make some stuff with this and then we have some weird crate looking things but yeah that's really it this is a post-apocalyptic I guess this was like a village house before but yeah now it's just super scary alright sorry go since we have it might as well make a chest plate out of this probably gonna be a little bit useful so there we go I mean in a post-apocalyptic world we have full armor which is something probably not a lot of people can say we also get a sword as well more sticks out of there alright let's see let's get yeah at least one iron sword and we could also get an iron pickaxe as well alright there we go boys we're actually not knowing super bad in the post-apocalyptic wasteland that this thick of pig Bessie's caused all right so so far I haven't really found survivors I don't know if you can consider that survivors but I guess I'll just take this as my own house see look I'll put one block right there BAM this is my new house yeah I'll just leave that there we'll try remember where that is but I'm hoping I could find survivors before anything else let's see what else what other missions so we already have a house we found a lot of materials we have to take out at least 20 zombies which I think I've taken out at least five so far looks like we have another house coming up here hello is there any survivors in here oh my goodness what the heck is this thing alright so ever I definitely do not hear survivors but I are flipping zombies in here no no's not show me the face think of bro seriously man that was my coolest oh no no get the heck don't stop it no okay I think I took them down oh no I forgot destroy spawner bro stop okay oh okay there we go gotta all right I think I took it out alright that's gotta be at least 10 zombies I've taken down I could sorry I cus burning some of my iron in here as well is there anything up here I mean chests with redstone and mechanical parts like I don't need this crap what I could really use is some nice fresh cookies I'm still kind of a little bit angry that I didn't win the bet yet cuz you know Bessie kind of possibly may be dead but me still I was looking forward to some gosh dang cookies okay let's grab the rest of our iron uh yeah don't really feel like waiting for it I think we have enough iron stuff for right now but I really just want to find some sort of survivors it looks like we also just leave there just ruins everywhere around this world now I'm a little bit scared to go underground I mean it's probably only the safe spot but yeah I don't really feel like it there was like creepers and a lot of other stuff there could be nuclear mobs so I don't want to mess with that crap I've literally been walking around for like 20 minutes and all I see is like burning down trees and then a bunch of like just ruins you also have what uh a sugar cane what the heck is this stuff yeah what the slimy trail what it's supposed to be like nuclear waste where I'm not going down there that's disgusting and the only two BIOS by the way in this apocalyptic wasteland is like giant sand dune biome and then we'll just have dirt and trees that's woulda Lee ever ething in this world alright I managed to find myself another bunker with a giant Chaka dude here stop it no we got to shotgun dude bro not cool not cool don't you don't you don't show be broke okay there we go and then now in and out Bob we've oh there we go check that out dog dog don't touch me stinking zombie - bro stop it you stop it you stop - gosh dang a man it's nice critter now let's destroy this thing okay here a lot more zombies outside I'm not trying to deal with no okay that is doubtful jambe you doesn't seem to seem yet oh come on man alright let's just take you out nice and easy don't make it too difficult there we go I managed to take them all down anything cool that is a lot of iron and I mean it's pretty dang good they're gonna already have all the iron stuff that I could use hold on let me go check outside what uh yo dude sweet zombies everywhere okay uh we see okay there's some more ruins this way please take up some zombies on the way we shopped out I don't buy em out of here I'm definitely taking out more than 20 zombies today alright let's say BAM get the heck out of here folk get the flip away from me there we go took out the zombies so let's go see know if I've checked out these ruins yet alright well this city looks pretty dang cool we have a bunch of stuff I mean I guess I could turn this into a house if I wanted to but oh dude if we saw chests up there hold on gotta see I just honestly I just want a flippin gun there's something that could maybe help me a tad bit more than what I have and there's literally Ron flesh dude rod flesh and also some weed but it was one piece of wheat so I really can't do anything cool with that so on we go into the abyss of nothingness I really need to find survivors that's the last thing I have to do before I can get off this naked minecraft world and just delete it and then you'll fix my other one so that there's no nuclear apocalypse if wasteland I still have really--it to find anything cool with that cause this stuff is this some sort of like copper or something actually we have tin ore I mean I don't know maybe I can craft guns eventually not really focused on that right now really just want to find like bunker or a place that isn't absolutely destroyed yet what uh okay this kind of looks promising we have some sort was this a giant camp hello anybody home other than giant zombies foot up okay it looks like we have survivors what's up everybody oh are you guys doing well that's not cool bro alright guys so I was able to survive in the wasteland apocalyptic world this is probably one of the hardest minecraft where else I've ever had to survive in so I think I'm gonna wrap up the video there if you guys did enjoy and the one to see more awesome minecraft for a challenges or if you wanna try it out for yourself I'll leave a link to it down below in the description also leave like food enjoy comments more ideas down below my name is dr. Jack this was literally the hardest minecraft whatever and I will see you all next time peace out dudes [Music]
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 598,821
Rating: 4.9030266 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, best minecraft mods, minecraft map, beckbrojack, beckbro, mini game, mod, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, maps, secret, mini-game, traps, trolling, glitch, moments, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, minigame, troll, adventure, beckbrojack minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft mods, hardest minecraft world, hardest minecraft map, most difficult minecraft map, extreme minecraft, minecraft nuke, minecraft wasteland survival, hardest minecraft challenge
Id: kbNSllQnf4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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