The Hardest Mandelbrot Zoom in 2017 - New record, 750 000 000 iterations!
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Channel: Fractal universe
Views: 2,277,978
Rating: 4.9250617 out of 5
Keywords: Record, hard zoom, mandelbrot zoom, iterations
Id: aSg2Db3jF_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Just watched the video full screen. Now the comments look like they are zooming out.
If we take that last dark shape to be say 10cm wide, how "big" would this whole thing be?
after watching for a minute or two look at something else in the room (like a picture on the wall). it's like one of those optical illusions that mess with your vision for a few seconds.
Terence mckenna is turning is his grave. Or maybe thats just my eye lids.
I'm just curious what's at the bottom of it all?
I've watched a few of these off and on over the years and am still confused by what it means to "hold a new record". I get the general idea of what a Mandelbrot Set is, I just don't understand what it means to "hold a new record" or why that's impressive/important.
Can anyone explain?
This is what it's like when you're dying
What is a mandelbrot?
It just occurred to me this would be a good way to illustrate the size of atoms. Just keep zooming in at a constant rate until they're discernible.