The HARDEST CHALLENGE I've Ever Played in Bloons TD 6!

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name's Ryan r2d and in today's episode we're gonna be going into balloons and we're gonna be going up against the advanced challenge which is hold alt modes call for ultimate strategies are alternate strategies and I'm a little bit nervous but at the same time I'm pretty excited knowing most the time I'd make tart I tried challenges that I create but it's gonna be interesting trying out a challenge that somebody else has created it's gonna be really interesting okay so monkeys available okay so we have these monkeys let's see oh my goodness there is so many things on here what is even happening okay well let's do this I am I'm ready I'm ready I believe okay I believe in our ability to be able to win this guy's so wait oh I start off with infinite money wait wait I start off with $90,000 okay so if I start off with $90,000 how do I want to go about this but round 80 I feel like I just want to get one engineer so if I get one engineer and we're gonna put one engineer here and we're gonna go ahead and we're just gonna get 1x xll trap right at the beginning that's it and so then we're gonna have one trap and then let's go ahead and I feel like we're gonna also want to get money well not really so with $20,000 we might be able to do something with that um what if we get oh you know what I just realized there might be some camo blues so let's just make everything right here right so we're gonna go ahead and get radar scanner and then we're also gonna want to get oh we can have four of these you guys know what we're about to do right we're gonna go ahead and we're just gonna get ourselves extra rain track from cluster bombs recursive cluster bigger bombs and heavy bombs and let's just do one more and then I we might not be able to get it oh we can there we go and that leaves us with $3,000 and now we're gonna just go ahead and we're gonna put down striker Jones and now I don't think we really need anything else I actually think that's more than fine right because he should be under just right yeah he just absorbs them I don't know why it's gonna be like super difficult but here okay we can just turn on us on auto start I don't think we're gonna need anything oh no oh no oh no we lost we didn't absorb everything that was definitely not the right plan okay let's uh let's restart let's restart the challenge I had a good plan but that did not go according that did not go as well as I wanted it to we could just get a bunch of bombs down you'll see I kind of liked the idea I feel like we're gonna need a village right and I like this or maybe we do it right here so we put our village right here bigger radius and then we get monkeytail this girl leaves us with $76,000 what can we do is $76,000 the first thing that comes to my mind is definitely we can get like a boomerang we can get like a Glade board and we also have a nice monkey that's pretty convenient we could have an ice monkey and glaive board right here we could also have them both right here to it like right up right in the beginning yeah let's restart I have an idea I have an idea of what we can do here so what if we get a village and we put a village right here and then and now we now our villages here that's great so ice monkey so we put our ice looky here you guys know what's up we do snowstorm snowstorm larger radius refreeze now we got ourselves a glaive Lord where's our Glade lord we've put one glaive Lord right here and then we level this guy up to glaive Lord do I want faster throwing or yep probably so I went faster throwing faster rings so that leaves us with $20,000 to kind of deal with right so this will deal with a lot of things but we're definitely gonna want something that deals with Moab's I still think the best bet is we're gonna get one recursive cluster with bigger bombs and heavy bombs and then I say we do we do the same thing or do we want something that's gonna be able to deal with like it no I've assassin I kind of like the idea having one mole of assassin so target strong bigger bombs and then we're gonna go more episodes let's see what happens in this situation so let's see will this guy be able to deal with this move not with double HP so that's not gonna work that definitely doesn't that doesn't do as well by with my court to do okay so let's reach let's restart that this is difficult this is a little bit more difficult than I thought but we'll figure out a strategy I kind of like strike your junk we can strike your Jones I also want let's let's do our old strategy you guys know what I like to do is get it armor-piercing darts and longer range and then we get both of these because they're relatively cheap ticket and now they're gonna be attacking the entire range so now we have this guy we kind of want to have let's see let's see there's gonna be a lot of camo we only have one village so we could put our village here I still think that's the place by putting a village here I don't think we need monkey intelligence bureau though I don't think that's that big of a deal I think we have four of these I think we line them all up her I think this is the path to success is we just get a bunch of these guys and then we also want to put an alchemist right here with stronger stimulant and faster throwing and now we probably just want more more bombs right I think with more of these they just do so much damage that it would be silly to not have them all so here let's put this guy yeah let's put him right here and then this guy I want to get bloom crush but since that's not going to work let's get missile watcher we can also get gluten and make him target strong we still have 40 mm so we're definitely gonna want one one more recursive cluster so that leaves us with $37,000 that's a lot of money we can definitely do something with 37,000 foot what we still have normal dart monkeys but I really think striker Jones is gonna make a big play here here put striker Jones right here and what level does he make it so that bond towers do more all that levels poor let's see [Music] there's bomb shooters and the hero get 5% range in 25% Pierce that's level 8c we definitely want him to start leveling up more how much does it cost so that's cheap that's cheap all right we'll level it up to that but now with $34,000 we got to figure out what we're going to be doing cuz we still have 20 rounds to go we could get some banks but I think we could also just double down let's go ahead and litter we're gonna put this guy down here and we're gonna make this guy have super glue right and then we're gonna lift definitely what do I want clean Soaker boost black a new spot and that's 37 thousand that's gonna be a worthwhile upgrade will this be enough I do not know I want it to be another but we'll see let's see what happens here and we're left with $25,000 so we're slowing it down Stryker Jones oh this can this cannot see it okay we're gonna remove the all right come on let's go striker Jones how that works we're able to take out that one but we're still having a lot of trouble since it's the double HP mo app come on come on all right we were able to deal with that okay let's turn this guy and we have $27,000 let's see who's popping the most you what is doing all of our work um striker Jones is doing an okay job by careless well now it's about $30,000 come on I really want Roman super glue super Zeus that cost $37,000 but I think getting that super glue is really important especially if we're gonna be going up against much stronger opponents oh my goodness let's go we're doing it we're totally doing it is it a little bit more difficult than I wanted it to be but it's okay all right super equals let's go oh I'm so glad we just got that super glue upgrade that makes our life so much easier holy cow let's go oh they don't stand a chance anymore now that we got this super glue they just basically they can't move so that's going very well for us but what can we save the rest of the money for I kind of want to put more than this Partridge on George do his thing but I guess it's fine see these guys are doing great I want to get the next 27 thousand I want to put it into our submarines because leveling getting that next level in the submarine is gonna give them more damage and make the other one I'm more damaged I'd really be all about her flying more submarines but if I don't end and we get more damage from the Stryker Jones because he adds to all of these guys this is definitely the way to go this is we have only 14 more rounds but this was a way more difficult than I was expecting I thought this was gonna be a breeze but so far this is proving to be quite difficult we have the money but I really don't think at least I don't think so all right here we go boom I hate how like there's double HP moab if this is not easy this is quite difficult there we go so where's the most pop definitely these guys right yeah they're both sitting in the 20,000 while everything else oh this has so it looks like these two bombs shooter they're all just putting in like their fair share of work for sure ooh primary oh my goodness primary training get more rain here's an attack dude Oh let's do that now all of these guys have primary okay because now they all get bonus attack speed and damage and Pierce there's no reason to not get that oh my goodness this has been so valuable I'm really glad we ended up getting that yeah the next one that we're gonna want to get is the sub commander once we get sub commander I don't think any of these balloons stand a chance I mean not that they stood a chance better just because this glue just makes them stop in their tracks eight more round will we be able to do this I like to think so come on we're almost at 27,000 subcommander yes now they have even more attack range in Pierce God's extra Pierce and damage the commander and all subs in radius that's just just music to my ears being able to hear that what is this Oh does this refresh the ability well I don't have any abilities so it's gonna worthless right now the next thing I'd like to get we probably Blue Crush a we only have 7 more rounds left so blue and crush blue shatter expose them could do massive damage and stun Moab class blue and that's why I want that so bad how much is a cost Oh fifty nine thousand I'd rather get permanent proof but that's off safety 4,000 and I doubt we're gonna get either of those into six rounds so we kinda just want to save up and try to get the best for what we can muster up and honestly the best for price being on this is just like a normal Dartmouth like a normal like they're not looking or even like a frost bubble it'll be really nice to have hi I'm gonna put my vest on putting your cross bone with you right there there we go now we have primary training anyways so we probably want razor sharp starts yeah or do we want them to attack really fast we probably want them to hit hard or yeah there we go sharpshooter there we go now look at him go he popped food so fast now oh oh okay there we go is that 15,000 I only need like 10,000 more dollars okay that's a lot of money but three more rounds until we beat this challenge that looks like we're doing just fine I was a little bit worried that I might not have been been able to like actually finish the challenge but so far it's working up in our favor alright come on I think striker Jones was a really big asset to this just because he increased all the damages his bomb towers they're gonna I mean also the monkey subs monkey subs are just like super open look at this look at his property he's doing a lot of work and he was definitely putting in his his work I think I should have started with more crossbowmen just as I could have gotten to but then I probably would have had to get rid of these guys which pop so many but man they do it they do great work there we go come on we only like three thousand dollars away from being able to get only two thousand dollars away fifteen hundred dollars away we're very closed off there we go just got it okay crossbow master boom now now that we have the crossbow master I don't think we really have an look at all the crisps popping up perfect there you go only one more round guys but I don't think it's gonna be a problem I think we've got this one in the bag yeah okay it's already up to 30,000 pops we could have gotten two of these proper messes great to start and I think we would have been more than fine there we go come on come on you can do it oh my goodness go come on and around 80 here we go at least it's not a fortified that would have been a little bit that would have been really bad if it ended up being fortified I could have gotten primary mentoring a little cheaper but because they get Tier one updates for free well might as well just go ahead and you just get like a juggernaut right and boom there we go victorious ladies and gentlemen we were able to completed the alt mode require all strategies I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did please did instead of leaving a like commenting down below check out my Twitter I stream almost daily now guys so thanks for watching everyone I'll see you guys tomorrow there's more awesome content bye everyone whoa
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 412,240
Rating: 4.8935094 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 tewtiy, Btd 6 challenge, Bloons TD 6 challenge, Mobile, iPhone, Gaming, Mobile gaming, Btd, Bloons td, Bloons, Ninja kiwi, Bloons TD 6 hardest challenge, Bloons TD 6 advanced challenge, BTD 6 challenge, Bloons TD 6 rage, Tewtiy challenge
Id: BVlRX8RQi_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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