How Many Eliminations Can You Get in 1HR... *RANKED*

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how many eliminations can you get in one hour but in Solo ranked season 3 just dropped and I'm going up against chanas winter and slayy in a four-way competition the person with the most kills by the end of this one hour will get $250 and the challenge Starts Now best of luck also $250 for the person who gets the most eliminations by the end oh $250 dudes we need to go off we need to win this game all right $250 on the line it's all about kills so realistically if we die off rip it's all right it's a hot Drop hour on the clock surely one of the oh my God this place is stacked dude I can get some kills here bro that's one kill on the board okay first kill first kill hold on wait can I get this gun and get him off rip hold up a shy yeah I'm going to I'm going to beam him out of the sky for shy hold on wait John Wick got nothing 25 of the John Wick come on bro I'm going to see if I can land on this on this Mythic battle bus oh it's just loading in wait how is it just loading in now wait what wait where's the battle bus bro put this I need that Med kit as well got to be BL wait it's Mitch dude I'm not trying to die this early not to Mitch at least BR I took my medkit bro excuse me Johnny Boy yes someone need that's not still in my vehicle get out of here thir him bro actually just y to my Med kit winter bro I'm not allowing you taking my Med kit bro no I'm not allowing you to take my POI bro you took my medkit and that was my kill oh I'm so sorry bro as long as you said sorry that makes it better you're reckon are we cool now bro like you're not going to fight me are you yo marshmallow is in the game and he just killed me GG's and GG good try dude I'm going to full on like car chase right now with the Mythic boss come here boy give me that booty ah ah I'm going to die oh my gosh bro I'm one HP bro oh my goodness how many eliminations you guys got I got 20 you're on 20 only yeah 20 elims what about you guys lit on 47 right now light [Music] work I'm out boys I'm out dude what are you doing there's a guy just in a windmill bro and I'm trying to heal get into a game quick without over please but win it's me you bro it's me you hold on 60 140 dead oh two kills already give me that son oh I am locked in boys who how am I alive how am I alive dude I just droned out so bad scary stuff but I'm alive BR I got infinite ammo because of this Medallion and that's another a kill on the board oh man dude it's just going to be a battle between slayy and winter at this point oh what is this hold on wait freebie W 60 Dead all my days wait is that two people in that that's cheating I need to break that vehicle I need to break that vehicle or else I'm dead we go that broke nice what where did they come from is a question and where were they going is another one that I want to know they're both in the same vehicle again look at that 20 dead craon get over here bro get over here okay we got the best car in the game we got the best Medallion in the game we got bro we are stack but I've only got four kills this isn't as many kills as I want and that's the anonymous Dead all right next game what we looking at ooh Mythic AR is here bro I feel like so many people are going to go for that though honestly let's just go brutal Beach head wait is this a freebie wait who would oh it's an NPC it's an NPC dude are you kidding crack cracked dead I'm weak this is looking good 60 limbs on the board I hope I have more kills in Winter because I think winter is the closest to me at the moment I think we land Reckless get all these robots [Music] [Music] no way oh Phantom tax oh my God bro just hit the hardest Phantom tax right there all might be [Music] over SL him fish him oh my days bro dude who's going to be my first kill why is it taking me so long oh my gosh 30 no Shield 7 HP how how is that even possible how is that even possible oh my God God I suck I suck I'm not even kidding how did I lose that oh I've just died boys I've died I've died I was so set this entire game dude oh DS went DS are you back in the lobby too hey look think about the bright side we might be in the same game you like zero kills right now um yeah like flat zero like you've done nothing you've done nothing at all like you suck okay don't need to like put it like that no no no like it's really just what it is like we're just saying it how it is so done with this guy so angry right now we're 10 minutes in I have zero kills all right I'm No More Mr Nice Guy here we go oh wait [Applause] Lara box Lara has just gotten it dude bro so winter died this is our game this is actually our game uhoh until it's on our game until it's on our game come on take that dead W I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh he's a gig he's a gig let's just run oh this guy's mine it's the stream sniper as well dude okie dokie we are locked in and locked in we are locked in and locked in right now lock and loaded locky docky [Music] all easy kill off rip here one kill on the board already things we do love to see all right red line ray who's here everyone and their mothers are here okay one dead first kill on the board wait about to be about to be two cheeky kill no way dude I'm winning this game right [Music] now we run it back we run it back who's this what my kill just got stolen [Music] please oh my goodness dude my butt is so clenched right [Music] now what he doing bro look at this dude all I three kills dude this game's actually easy he's so weak chill M down oh my God I'm so locked in 11 kills right now we got to keep it going is someone's land on me 104 [Music] him come on bro dead nice wait what the flip no way there's two people in this vehicle are you there's just two people sitting in this vehicle bro what am I looking at and they're not [Music] moving nice Medallion huge huge relo this oh my gosh what how bro where's the audio my use where's the audio the big chug is 600 kgs bro I have everything I have the Mythic boss and I big chunk is 600 kg just fall from the heavens over I feel you too brother I'm living in a simulation right now yo over strand I don't want to talk to you right now are you um are you loading into a game yeah best of luck over best of luck all right well I wish you luck bro I hope you get 200 pumped off spawn all you know what I hope you struggle to get a single kill this game that's so rude that's so mean of you you know what I hope you get a kill this game how about that thanks bro oh let's go let's go didn't want to die to a default you know what I'm saying and I got to I just got to I just got to go I've just got to go recq playing hide and seek with the boss and then I got 14 cars and then none show up dead like sick to fall damage by the way I might land up here actually this a Launchpad right are you ready for this watch pop that perfect land on this one dead two dead what up dude hopefully I don't get like sniped by like a third party or something oh dude he's dead nice all right this feels good this feels really good right now we have the best weapon in the game the machinest combat assault rifle genuinely this is probably the best gun in the game okay please oh okay we could cook here you wouldn't believe what just happened to me what happened to you bro I hopped in someone's Mythic car and I thought we were boys and then he hopped out and one pumped me oh no anyone else on their 17th game or is that just me I'm I'm on my fourth right now I think we're all having like a similar experience dude land die land die land die like dude just let me win the offs spawns and I'll be fine dude like it might be on me though I keep Landing in the Nitro Dome yeah it's definitely on you bro if you can fix that up might be able to live know what I am going to switch it up because you said that what what why is bro just join bro I just lost did you just die again no I came to third party and then they just both ran away and took my car 20 40 60 100 150 200 dead like it's just the aim I'm dead dude this is I just got it inst I just I just got it inst 50 Reck 70 he's weak no come on nice that's a kill right there 80 cracked dead bro this is insane let's just take that hey we have the gatekeeper shy we can win this we can win this 80 dead I to play that so safe I think I'm I don't think I'm winning I think Winter's winning I don't know if over is lying the fact that he's like on two kills or something I Reon the kill number is lower than expected right now oh I'm dead again I got one [Music] pumped oh good damage dude get run over ow bro that's so disrespectful you apologize right now no no no no no no no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead chill bro chill what is that bro I've just got infested in the Box yeah you know never in a million years would I expect to say out loud I got fisted in a box like what kind of fist so was it a purple or AER uh purple he he fisted my wall then he's like Hey listen here bud you're next and I tell you I couldn't do anything you know I got to feel bad bro you know it happens to the best if this was it like an unexpected behind fist oh no I saw it coming I actually saw it coming so you saw it coming and you just took it dude that sounds so weird oh this guy's nervous Ty what are you doing mate what are you doing oh my gosh what do you mean bro I'm full 200 this this car just comes out of nowhere with a like a new gun bro I'm so angry right now sounds like over's dying enjoy the lobby over enjoy it nice I just got another kill can we get some hype in the chat I'm done dude I've I've been fisted also it's just it's just WS bro hey let's go win let's go I saw him above me I saw him above me bro D straight on dead like desic like I don't know what I meant to do what I me to do hey I don't know what I meant to do no bro I could have definitely I could have definitely killed him too oh I got no armor fing no I it's just going to be a montage of people getting fisted bro what is going on bro wait it's an actual player bro yeah get him yes dude yep yep oh just keep dying dude that one to the tally oh bro dude like really dude anyone else queing right now there's no way well there's a way how many kills you w dude i' I've got a lot right now okay don't even don't even mess with me dude I'm just like like shut up bro he's so annoying dude holy it's so loud he's so loud out of my ears it's like bro no one speaks like that you enjoying fortnite you enjoying fortnite wait what is happening what the flip where did the vehicle go where did the vehicle go bro where did my vehicle go fiz come on yes oh my God we going land this up as much as we can then we just go in wait no I think I found the metal I'm not even lying I think I found the metal no no I was so close I've just got the laggiest two kills of my life I bro I'm on 40 packet loss for some reason oh that's a third kill I don't know what's happening to my internet though but I am dying wow that that was awful wow that kid had no audio where're to get this guy come [Music] on oh my we cut that one a bit too close [Music] that's a kill I guess dude I'm on four kills wait I'm actually popping off this is my this is my game for the winning dude who does that who play who plays like that who in the right mind plays like that you didn't edit you didn't he's he's emoting on me and [Applause] he's oh a medkit IRL bro so we could be a chug jug oh my goodness I thought I was dead and there's just a dummy skin just riding there TTV go who what a flip man why are you camping there I think I'm in the lead I just need to like not hot Drop I think cuz they're going to get like two three kills by hot dropin if I if I just played out get the fist I I could be on to win I think wow he almost got me I say four kills is that guy dead got to just keep going bro five kills it's not enough it's good but it's it's not enough oh my God this could be the money this actually could be the money oh buddy buddy buddy no don't tell me on a picky he's weak he's so weak he nice oh get back in your car bro oh no you couldn't all right it's the last game we have to potentially win here this is the only game we can play fully out there's definitely some other like real players who dropped here oh my goodness bro I'm shock waving out oh no yep uh-huh come on come on come on come on come on come on this guy Cann get away that guy dead 80 what I heard there we go nice oh my gosh oh my gosh bro get me out of there dude everyone is just so good bro let me live bro I'm not dying off spawn one more game where where pH where is Phoenix Lord 01 and how is he right next to me yo I'm back at cues I feel like over is either last or first I don't know dude I I I if I'm not dude if I'm not last one of you is having the worst day of your life there he's weak nice nice bro that is literally what we needed 70 bro what is that get out of here what was that dead oh dude I I read that guy like a book genuinely dude had no idea what just hit him [Music] yes you're so bad dad dad beautiful honestly phenomenal phenomenal fight me brother wow I just got a double kill no there was two of them okay that was worth now please I have no ammo oh my gosh I'm so happy that right there just made my day oh thank the heavens oh and I'm going to get run over by a car Jimmy what are you doing mate oh dude that is a beautiful refresh wow all right okay we're getting some kills okay perfect five kills not looking bad at all oh my goodness thank goodness oh my God I just got fisted boys oh no I actually got fisted bro but you know what's different you know what was different about this one slaz I got rammed before I got fisted oh no that's the worst so cooked bro oh my bro what the flip is happening what the flip was is that bro wait who's this what up bro oh dude light work ah oh bro you're not getting away I got that Mythic oh dude ex FN enjoy that mate it's my comeback game 6 minutes 50 seconds of the clock we have five limbs bro this is my game it's actually my game what is that bro I just ran out of and he died okay nice oh this is a win this guy sucks 84 and good try I will be taking that Victory Royale thank you so much for playing guys GG dead ah what is going on one dead I'm I'm be dead here bro I'm fragging right now chill oh dude oh my gosh oh no no dude that was such a good game bro I just got fragged by like an insanely good player all right boys we have 3 minutes left on the clock 3 minutes 3 minutes to get four kills come on nice there we go that's a kill that's a kill that's two kills can we get a third Maybe wao this is [Music] insane give me that that's 20 over right there oh my God that was is it stressful come on dude 1 minute and Counting let's go let's go nice every we go pet a griffin though oh my God 20 seconds oh my gosh dude that's clutch dude that's clutch 10 seconds 9 6 I died 3 2 one that could have won me the game I think that could have won me the game bro I could have got two more kills I could have got two more kills I honestly I'm not going to lie looking at my score I genuinely think I've come last like and I mean that like I don't think I've done well if you've done worse than me winter I'd be very surprised I don't think you understand the the hell that I've been through winter okay okay wait let's compare matches yeah yeah yeah let's played eight games I've played eight games I've played eight games as well I played six I played nine games all right I dude I I actually don't know who's who's won this all right type in your number and Ono all right you ready three 2 one go oh what what slayy with 30 kills slayy let's go bro let's go that first game I dropped I think I dropped about 12 or 13 a sick Bro got as many kills as over in his first game like cool bro I have never had a worst experience in my entire life
Channel: Overstrand
Views: 175,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite creator, gaming, fyp, foryou, overstrand, pwr, content creator, overstrand pwr, pwr overstrand, pwr content creator, overstrand fortnite, chanzes, winter, slayyzie, how many eliminations can you get in 1 hour, fortnite ranked
Id: 6dzy7JKt3P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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