The Guitar Exercise that Changed My Life (inspired by Andre Tonelli)

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today I'm going to show you one of the most important guitar exercise I've ever done this exercise is very simple very efficient and will allow you a lot of freedom now I've been using it for years I've been doing different variation of that and I have been teaching that also to students that had great great Su success success with it now I'm from hia Israel and when I grew up there and started playing guitar there was this guy that played way way better than me and I had a chance to hang with him and and kind of ask him like what's going on and how is he so good and one of the things showing was this simple simple exercise when you come to think about it it's pretty simple we have four fingers and the different variations so getting comfortable moving between those different variation is super important and of course there is the peek and the finger so the first first basic one is this now even if you know it I really really suggest that you check it out because there are a few uh important points that a lot of people kind of not really pay attention to and then they don't really do that well so check it out the first one is very simple is that sound of the chromatic scale chroma means color and I'm just playing four consecutive notes on the board nothing too crazy now we have to pay attention to the right and left hand so this is kind of creating this link and it needs to be really really tight and very strong so the link is down up down up but I need to teach my finger teach my brand teach my system if you will where things are when I'm doing this I'm trying to create a very clear image of where the strings are in relationship shape to my picking hand I don't want to look I want my system to really learn where it is so I'm doing it slow enough consistent enough and when I'm changing strings I really want to know where it is so the trick here is to be super precise and super balanced with the notes themselves you can just take you know four notes even just these four and try to play this balance it could be very soft or it could be louder but it's very crucial to check out all the points so you can really make it happen the next step is variation right so this is just sort of like very easy motion just sort of like a forward motion you know just kind of yeah 1 2 3 4 nothing crazy now it starts getting a little bit more interesting when we start doing variations one of the variations I'm just going to choose 1 3 2 4 okay and I'm going to still use alternate picking down up down up which we'll talk about it [Music] later all of a sudden with this variation I find myself in a place that I'm using my weaker fingers and I need to strengthen them now the different variation will highlight different weak fingers if it's the fourth the third or sometimes the second for people this video is a 10day mini technique chall challenge please drop a comment with the date and BPM number that you start to do these exercise you can use this group down below or a metrome let me know drop a comment let's do this usually it's the third and the fourth but basically by doing this even I need to make this combination of two and four really [Music] happen now when you're playing when you're soloing scales variation permutation all these things when you're swing real time when I'm playing lines and ideas I don't really want to think about the fingers and I want to make sure that I can control the different variation and permutation so as a step two for this idea I really really want to start finding permutations if you want to get the most out of this lesson there is a note toote transcription of all this video check it out step three what I'll do is take one of the permutation and start moving it up the board and down the board if you're feeling out this video please click smash pluck the like button thank you for clarity I'm going to use the one we did before so 1 3 2 4 I'll go ascending up this shape and then I'm going to shift to here 1 3 2 4 and then I'm going to ascend another [Music] half etc etc now now this kind of again creates these kind of tongue twisters if you will musically speaking and the different variation will get your finger stronger now of course for each one of us we'll find different things harder and easier I would highly suggest doing this in time with the metronome or with the groove I really like working with grooves you know just putting a gam track like so now the idea with locking in with the groove is very very important so it's not about just kind of like doing the shape you really want to commit to the time and Rhythm and you want to try and make sure that everything is as balanced as possible now if we think about these shapes we have quite a few options between those four fingers so 1 2 3 4 4 2 3 1 1 3 2 etc etc you can see the variations now one of the things that I realize is there are actually even more permutation because I don't have to play consec strings let's take the basic shape that we use with the 1 2 3 4 chromatic now instead of doing consecutive strings I'm going to skip [Music] strings the reason I want to do that is because often times in real life playing we jump strings question and a very important one between these two guitars which one do you like better and why please drop a comment let me know it's it's actually really important for me to know thanks so one of the permutation that I will choose is skiing one string keeping this shape intact and then the same thing here and of course one of the greatest ways to find more exercises and variation to this is just writing it on a piece of paper so saying and asking yourself what is the exercise okay four notes four consecutive notes okay and then shifting strings in order and then we're playing all alternate pecking down up down up so all these are actually variations so instead of all consecutive we can shift the order like we just did instead of consecutive strings we can jump we can also jump two [Music] strings these things are not easy to do but they teach us a lot about the link between the right and left hand that often times when you start playing Guitar it's not really easy I know it's a process but bear with me because this will really help and all you need to practice this is about 10 minutes a day and this will make a huge difference in your playing until now a lot of people know this stuff but for me one of the biggest realization is understanding that we can look at this shape and take parts of it and this was kind of like a huge aha moment for me so I said ah okay so what is the actual motion that we're doing when we're playing this okay so I can just take two notes so these two notes so I can just take this kind of shape of two notes which would be this so right now I'm taking a two note shape per string and I'm playing Alternate [Music] peing which is closer in a way to music because when we play solos this was just a scale with two note two note shape scale and when we actually solo a lot of these shapes are actually two note per string shapes because they're connected to pentatonic scales all these things so getting comfortable with these shapes for me was a huge huge deal so let me show you the process for that there are two ways we can look at this first one is alternate picking great getting the motion and then trying it with different options over these strings again still alternate peeking down up down up down up down up just shape now I would try the different variations of those for [Music] example of course we do that with time just alternate speaking and trying to be balanced now this opened up a whole world for me because I realized I don't have to only do alternate peeking I don't have to do down up Strokes or up down which would be something that I also practice but this is for later I realize that I can actually use Legato which is hammer on and pull off so these shapes these ideas whether it's the four note or the two note I can actually use hammer on and pull off which will allow me way way more speed check it out I can go on and on and you know do different uh variations and permutations and and some s Vision but the point is that this idea of the hammer on and pull off would allow us a lot of freedom the same idea that we start talking about the chromatic ideas and the sounds the same way with Al picking the same way with Legato and hammer on and pull off just trying to find variations so I can do 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 4 I can kind of open strings and I can do these two which are way weaker so I'll spend time trying to do that spend time trying to do that with a different string different points around the board you can get creative and find more ideas at the end of the day we can take the first or actually second permutation that we did 1 3 1 4 and do down hammer down hammer down hammer down [Music] Hammer which is a very pleasing sound for me key points you want to keep in mind when you're press practicing these ideas so first you want to be as consistent as possible right so the sound needs to be as balanced as possible really pay attention you can try and do it very soft very loud or something in between or a little louder metaphor pianim Fimo all these ideas mean that you can control the sound the same way we talk I can speak softer or I can shout shout all these ideas mean a lot when you talking about music creating these Dynamic ranges really really help when you're practicing this use a metronome a click or a groove it will help a lot the idea of locking into a subdivision and filling it is very very important and you can also track your progression you can start with 80 BPM and tomorrow you do 82 and you can keep a track record of track record of that information number three don't spend too much time on that this is Technical and this is important to create facility but I would not cross the 15 minutes or 20 minutes max so between 5 and 20 minutes on these exercise is plenty there's a lot of stuff to do in music if you have 12 hours to play and practice a day you can spend a little more time on that but honestly don't go crazy 10 minutes 15 minutes is really sufficient for this war that's it thank you so much I'll see you very soon peace out n [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Rotem Sivan
Views: 16,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alternate picking, guitar speed, guitar exercises, guitar picking, guitar picking technique, guitar picking exercises, guitar alternate picking, alternate picking lesson, alternate picking exercises, alternate picking guitar lesson, guitar workout, guitar play along, guitar exercises picking, picking workout, shred guitar lesson, guitar speed exercises, how to play fast guitar, speed picking exercises, speed picking licks, alternate picking licks, guitar lesson, rotem
Id: p1PnPyCKOaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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