The Greatest Motor Race EVER

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so a couple of weeks ago I did something that I'm not normally too comfortable with nowadays I logged onto Twitter because I was seeking an answer from the minds of racing fans around the world I was on a quiz to find out what was the greatest motor race in the whole history of History basically any race in any category that made you go and because my channel is primarily based around Formula One a lot of the answers were indeed Formula One Grand Prix and that's totally fair there have been some great races in its history not a lot but there have been some some others though went beyond Formula One and offered up events from all over the globe from IndyCar to sports cars to NASCAR even to MotoGP everything was thrown in there and everything was a good suggestion nearly but there were quite a lot of people suggesting one particular race that was none of those things and it was one that I wholeheartedly agreed with it was a story of never giving up of pure Madness of Brilliance It Was a Race that went on for eight hours with a result that absolutely no one saw coming not even the people who won it and don't let that eight hour detail put you off because this race had everything so kick back for a moment because I'm about to tell you the story of the greatest motor race of all time at the moment you can do that on our Facebook page or or on our website to [Music] foreign [Music] New South Wales Australia it's a couple hours outside of Sydney but it's not really a small town sure there are no large sports franchises here and ever since the end of the Gold Rush this City's main export has been depression but of course what makes this place well known is the Tourist Road that's based on wailu although that place is known as something else to Legions of people around the world [Music] Mount panorama the twists and beans in this place have etched it into the history of motor racing a cultural icon in Australia the challenges this place presents make it a favorite amongst drivers and highly regarded as one of the best race tracks in the world the Trek across the top of the mountain is electric all the way from the cutting right down to Forest elbow the elevation changes are huge the corn is challenging the speed crazy and the consequences uh well [Music] all right so basic gist of things don't crash here capiche of course because all of this is a public road this Beast of a race track is only available six weekends in a year so whatever events are run here are special the most special out of the bunch is the Bathurst 1000 the 1000 referring to the kilometers run in the race and the bath is referring to where the track is at now I get it this race always always shows up something good and it's not run with open wheelers or gt cars or stock cars or whatever it's run with these things [Music] this is the supercars championship and I know what you're thinking these aren't supercars and you'd be right but hey hey I'll let you in on a little secret it's just a name skipping over them Minor Details however this Touring Car Series is often regarded as one of the best racing series in the world and if none of these moments are capturing your interests then I don't know what is gonna melt your butter so you might as well just turn off this video and go to another Channel no hang on wait do not turn to another channel the caliber of driving talent in this field is fierce huh this ain't no Cakewalk these slippery overpowered bastards are ferociously difficult to drive and to watch them dance around Mount Panorama at Full Tilt in search of The Greatest Prize in Australian Motor Racing is a sight to behold [Music] what's the format for this race the great race as they call it well it's simple the race is set at 161 laps which amounts to a thousand kilometers of racing normally this race would take about six hours depending upon whether it rains whether there is Carnage or if a tree falls on the track but six hours Solo in these cars is considered a form of torture right up there with listening to someone's spelled Bill Cosby joke so for this race specifically there are two drivers assigned to each car you'd have the main driver who would drive this car throughout the entire year and then you'd have the other dude who would be relishing the one weekend out of the Year where he's not driving stunt cars at movie world so with 26 cars on the grid 52 drivers were all about to compete for eternal glory on Sunday 12th of October they were all there on the grid wow almost all of them but see one of them is missing [Music] it's at this point where you know that something has gone catastrophically wrong on Saturday morning practice the brakes on the number two Holden racing team Commodore had failed with Warren luff at the wheel he slammed into another car and threw them both into the barriers the damage to the raid machine was substantial so even though they had a day to repair it this crash knocked them out of the race before it even began this was no doubt annoying to the car's main driver Garth Tander Tanda had won this race previously three times but he also knows what this mountain is like when it doesn't like you back but hey at least the other car would not be starting the race either right well you would think that but that car belonged to the Red Bull Racing crew and they are The Benchmark of the field and it is just as well they repaired it because that was the Triple Eight car which was driven by arguably the most popular man on the grid the one and only Craig Lowndes Lowndes is a legend of Australian Motorsport and from 1996 to 2018 he won this race seven times and with twice minute with Steven Richards who he just so happened to be partnering up with that weekend they were one of the favorites heading into the weekend but probably not the favorite instead the favorite was probably the man and the other Red Bull car the number one car the defending supercars Champion Jamie WinCo this dude was meticulous he was dominant perhaps more fittingly he was just fast when cap was on course to win the supercars championship for the sixth time and was already a four-time winner of the battles 1000 last winning it with pulled umbrella and they would pair up again to win it all this weekend they would be doing it the hard way though since when cut made the noble mistake of crashing out and qualifying this on-the-go Automotive plastic surgery brought out the red flag and his best time was deleted and because he couldn't sit another time it put him right down to the back of the grid well of course that's no biggie you don't have to be first in qualifying to win this race and he wasn't the only one to butcher his qualifying either the number 55 car of David Reynolds and Resident Lord Voldemort Dean Canto had also crashed in qualifying and behind both of them Stone motherless last was the number six car of chasma and Paul Morris now while Reynolds and Kanto were a dark horse for this race monster and Morris kinda weren't because it was a bit of a weird combo whilst it was fast but Morris was on the way out no one really gave him a chance so we're not going to talk about them anymore for the time being up the front meanwhile set Shane Van gersbergen just the day prior he said a lap time that was Miles faster than anyone else and the top 10 qualifying shootout that is forever a highlight of the Bathurst weekend where 10 drivers go For Broke in front of 200 000 wasted Holden and Ford fans on what this weekend ought to be dubbed Bogan Christmas despite looking like a six foot four farmer Shane Van ginsbergen is one of the best drivers in the entire world and that is in no way an exaggeration put him in anything and he will make it dance but all that was just qualifying the race layer hit and it was the race that matters the guy sitting next to him and the Ford Falcon he knows all about it because he started second last year as well and then he went on to win the race he knew how to win this race because this guy was Mark winterbottom yeah that that is his name but once the lights went out and the race started we were thrown a bit of a curveball both these guys got burnt off the line by the Volvo of Scott McLaughlin the thought of a Volvo burning a Chevy or a Ford off the line is laughable but this thing with current IndyCar Ace Scotty Mack at the wheel was a goddamn rocket that year it was an amazing start as it was too for Jamie Winker who was hustling that number one car up the field get out of the way peasants I am the champion I am the world did you just jump the starts I mean man's was leaving the grip before the other guy said their hands off the junk well the stewards thought so too his start was under investigation while he ran around for a few laps picking people off one by one a few laps went by and then the decision came down that start was legit he just so happened to time it absolutely perfectly but of course everything a rebel car does is sus MRI so the race went on and throughout the pack there were some great battles going on in my B 161 laps but all those laps are hard fought for you have got to position yourself absolutely perfectly for whatever circumstance May Come Around the Corner this is Bathurst after all and it didn't take long before it started to throw up some weird stuff the first victim the number 14 Holden Commodore these guys were having a ball earlier this weekend with professional proposition for Fabian coultha and a potential hair solution for Luke hilden but this being Bathurst it put up a fight on lap 25 Jordan threw his car into the sandbox and bought out the safety car or Pace car for all you North American lovelies he went down a lap but the mountain wasn't quite finished with them yet as they were about to encounter one of the most vicious obstacles that this place can throw at you it was of course [Music] Holden vs Rue resulted in a disqualification against the Holden by virtue of the fact that it kinda killed its opponents but I mean hey chill don't feel too bad for the roof they've got like a thousand of these things in the back and hey at least he did go down swinging because it did damage the car forcing them into the pit Lane and out of contention and a let down the sport out the pace car again and then more weird happened it wasn't bad enough they started from last but Paul the dude Morris decided to destroy their race here by slamming into the wall at turn two it sucks really for the car's main driver chazmaster a dude who is proving to be stupidly fast and one of the best young talents in Australia Today he had already become something of a cult hero through being able to win in what was pretty much his first ever race in V8 Supercar last year here he is today in 2014 with the factory Ford team as one of the fastest drivers on the grid meanwhile his teammate was one of the slowest drivers around today despite having a long and decently successful career and being handy behind the wheel before the Advent of color TV it had been a long time since he had tasted success at this level and here he was stuck in the wall in his last attempt at the race and just completely killed their chances to be fair though it wasn't all down to him because at that corner this was happening the track was being torn up by The Cars and by the heat that day because I mean this is Australia after all but then things got weirder because for some ungodly reason while still under safety car conditions Dale Wood in the number 21 car was now stopped at the top of the mountain with the car that was about three yards shorter than what it started out as must have been a big ass kangaroo to pull that stuff unless it wasn't a kangaroo maybe he had done something stupid like I don't know slam into the back of his own teammate needless to say this threw him out of the race leaving him stranded at the top of the mountain amongst some of the more interesting folk of supercars lore Elsewhere on the circus the medical car heard this and shed its lights as a mark of respect or maybe as an act of protest for what was to lay ahead the race got back underway and we were up and running but not for long for the second time today the 360 Nissan was buried in the wall at turn two yeah I said the second time the first time it happened was 30 laps ago when cam waters went into the corner and thought nah nah shower maze that had already damaged their car badly and now they've done it all over again of course it sucked for the car's regular driver James Moffat but it also sucked for the person in the car at the time Taz Douglas he was a quick dude but could just never land a seat in the sport and had just recovered from Burkett lymphoma a couple of years prior this just added another shattered dream for him and with the damage to the car that was pretty much game over ditto two for Scott Pai who decided to tear Harper's car off going through turn two the pace car was out again which gave Apple time for them to repair their cars sort of and to clean the racetrack too where it seems as though they either drafted in Chase Carrie or the bastard love child of Lee Marvin and a bottle of Jack Daniels to pick bits of Datsun Off The Track by now however it was clear that the surface of the track which was causing these accidents was bad like 1984 Dallas Grand Prix bad so they had a choice they could just let the driver's Soldier on and just deal with it like real drivers and all that other Macho ball or they could do what they eventually elected to do and stop the race this was only the third time in the history of Bathurst yet the race had been red flagged although unlike the first two times this race would get underway again but this business of repairing the roads would not be a quick fix it would be over an hour before all this would be resolved in which time the team set to work on repairing their cars modifying the cars doing some taping and other Mafia things to their cars all while the clock ticked away so that they would be ready for the restart eventually the quick solution was done the pace car set off and the race was about to resume sure the order was jumbled up thanks to pit stops and lap cars and other bits of Witchcraft but the race would get back underway for about three seconds rotated now could this day get any worse get any worse nah not for him he was out of the race that's about as bad as you can get but some others though it could get worse take the number one of Jamie wincott for example sure the opening laps were unbelievable some of the this drives that this mountain had ever seen But then his mind went blah blah and cannons into the sight of Todd Kelly's Nissan and would send him to the pit Lane with damage all of this put windcup a light down the only cream of comfort they had was that they knew there would be another pace car and that when that happened they were gonna get their lap back so no real panic but they were going to require some luck well that doesn't help meanwhile up the front the likes of McLaughlin and Van gisbergen are establishing themselves as the favorites but some others were doing well Voldemort was doing a steering job in the bottle of Falcon and the number five entrant of winterbottom and Steve Owen is keeping touch as was the AAA of Craig Lance the triple two of Nick Perka and Oliver Gavin are doing good too way out driving the Machinery they were in the number 16 car of Scott Pai and Ash Walsh was somehow keeping in there with the car that was held together with sticky tape and the mortgages of half the crew and one lap later there was even more missing off the car I'm no mechanic but I don't think a car is meant to look like that and after having happened at a part of the track where the cars reached 300 kilometers an hour Mr pie almost certainly is under crackers but with a stricken cart laying on the side of the track guess what that meant yes Dora the Explorer another safety car is this the norm at Bathurst you bet it is this track has absolutely no mercy whatsoever is it the norm to drift as close to the wall and emerge unharmed I mean not quite but it was too cool not to put in this video up the front the 33 kept on battling the 97 both are now being driven by the co-drivers but they are still playing for keeps the racing is spectacular because in a place like this it always is the bottler entry of Reynolds Encanto were in a great position for your strategy probably the best of them all the last thing they needed was another safety car but that's exactly what they would get while that's not ideal of course we got back underway again and for a while not much happened up front but behind a lot was happening remember that number 14 car that hit a kangaroo and went for a trip to the beach they were back on the lead lap remember that 360 Nissan who hit the wall twice they're back on the lead lap remember Jamie WinCo and the number one Red Bull Commodore who went through hell in creation despite his unbelievable driving he was back on the lead lap the number six of Chess mosset was also up there somehow it seems that anyone whose race was over three laps ago was back in the game that's how this race be sometimes that's why it's so great the teams began to settle into the groove the strategies were starting to play out and now they were about to bring their drivers in for the final push to the line everyone knew there was going to be another safety car although nobody quite knew when although the Volvo of Robert Dahlgren made it quite easy to guess when he slammed into the wall and ended their race the pit stops were still on though it is the logical thing to do in that moment it was still a complete free-for-all as to what was going to happen for the last 40 laps although unfortunately for some they wouldn't even see that out and the cruelest twist of Fortune the bottle I Falcon grounds our halt when the alternator decided not to alternate stuff anymore after being favorites on strategy they were out over electricity that's the thing about this race every year they will be favorites but a lot of the time they'll end up on the side of the road or in a wall or back in the garage but you never quite know when it will happen or who too you just gotta keep digging try your luck hope you can make it to the end nothing is guaranteed here it ain't over till it's over you just gotta stay out of trouble because eventually at this place it's gonna find you [Music] after dominating the race Ilion Scott McLaughlin crashed into the wall with 40 laps to go running wide onto the marbles and crashing into the same place that his teammate did he was out there because Shane Van gisbergen was beginning to charge and when the race resumed after safety car 509 he continued to do so he was passing with authority and it seemed that now he was odds on favorite to win there was still quite a lot to play out but he was a freaking rocket out there he climbed past all of them and was now leading the race down the pack meanwhile everything was happening there were drivers being told to save fuel there were drivers being told to go For Broke there was jostling for position everywhere and everyone wanted a shot there was still one more Pit Stop left for everyone pace car or not hold on Braille almost binned car number one and James Moffett almost meant scar 360 as well the battle was heating up and everyone wanted a piece although some people were perhaps a little bit too vigorous best time look at this something inside massive massive shot of turned two again okay that was too much of a cent mans was trying to pass from Auckland New Zealand from back there the marshals attended to the number four Mercedes of Lee holsworth whilst Russell Ingle the man who sent it God no please let me go surprise surprise the pace car was out again the drivability of a car on its roof not being too great it came in again before going out again with 30 nights to go when the 23 car was once again found itself parked on the side of the road what this meant was that the final round of pit stops were about to be dealt this was it the final push to the line however not everyone came in for the pit stop some did stay out however the leader of the race Shane Van gisbergen did come into the pit Lane it was a standard Pit Stop filled up with fuel and you'll be good to the Finish but of course there were a lot of pit stops in this race there is a reason why I bought this one up awesome when you stall in one of these things normally you just start the thing up again and Roar away but for Shane his starter motor had failed and it wouldn't be repaired again for another 10 minutes by which time he had been thrown three lights down and out of the race another favorite for the race gone and again over electricity for those that had survived for now it was getting interesting when the race resumed it was Winter bottom leading wincup but how the hell did that happen wasn't wincup leading winter oh I see well that was freaking random and a complete bottle job this ain't no time for beat Shenanigans you freaking melt actually now's a good time to talk about these two guys not only did they not make a pit stop but for a while now they had been intense Rivals they battled for victory last year they locked haunts at stages this year and now here they are eight laps from the end and eternal glory at stake they were now ahead of lands and monsters both of whom did make a pit stop but pit stop or not they were all racing hard everywhere they would go they would be right out sideways there was everything to play for and heading into the last corner on the that lap when cup dive down the inside and took the lead from winterbottom there's absolutely nothing in it any one of these guys can win just so long as they can keep themselves composed [Music] has made contact with Frosty they did not the spin ruined the race for winter bottom and lounds frosty went down the pack and began to conserve fuel just to make it to the line whilst Lounge received a drive-through penalty for trying to send Frosty into the shadow realm two more crowd favorites taken out of the race in the blink of an eye which meant that up front it was wind cut leading from mustard and the fact that this was happening was nothing short of incredible these two guys had started the race from the very back of the grid one had been in the war one had been a lap down and yet here they were battling for victory or at least it seemed that way when cup began to etch out a bit of a gap because I mean he is the class of the field it was kind of like watching Max verstappen nowadays watching a Red Bull car shrink into the distance and knowing that there was little hope in pursuing them with three laps to go they were home and dry when cup and dumbbell were almost a lock for Bathurst glory in 2014 and then a question began to emerge how much fuel does he have he was still pushing like hell but his crew kept on repeating the same message over and over again save fuel the problem for him was that while they were telling him to save fuel monster was not saving fuel he didn't need to they made that pit stop they were good when cup did not and mozzie was starting to draw closer and closer and closer wincup continued to ignore calls from the pits begging him to save fuel they relate to him that with this pace they were not going to make it to the finish with a lap and a half left when cup only had one lap of fuel left and the Gap was getting visibly narrower when they started lap 161 most it was right there [Music] the last lap the eighth hour of the Bathurst 1000 and this is what it came down to the kids versus the ghost there is no greater challenge but he didn't care a win was right there for the taking and he was all over the reigning Champion up and down the mountain he looked everywhere he could while winkup desperately tried to save as much fuel as he could the crowd were on their feet and on edge Holden vs Ford the age-old Rivalry heading down the hill mostess only needed one chance foreign drive this was a race for the ages for mustard it was one of the great Bathurst drives and for Paul Morris to win on his 22nd and last attempt at the great race to win it all was a complete fairy tale they crossed the line to win the 2014 Bathurst 1000 and it were we wow what is that the 360 Nissan finishing in second place the car that got whacked twice and went down a lot they finished second yes they did thanks to wincup completely running out of fuel before the end of the lap he lost positions to the 360 Nissan the triple 2 Holden and the number nine Mercedes when cut crossed the line to take position five although that was little consolation for his co-driver what do you want from me you know it's been tough for me it's like I'm in agony but for however much he was mocked for this the reality was this had he saved enough to make it to the end he likely wouldn't have won Anyway by doing this at least they had a fighting chance there's a turn they have for that it's um racing and ultimately this race had that in Spades to come from last on the grid to be buried in the tire wall to then drag their car back into contention to compete against and beat the best in the business and what is the great race is something almost out of a Hollywood script for Chas Masters it bought about the arrival of a truly amazing talent for Paul Morris it was a fitting into it all after 22 years of pain pain pain he finally got his dub on his final attempt at the mountain they only LED one lap but it was the one that counted most and then you think about the story of moffatt and Douglas buried in the wall twice yet never gave up and they finished second despite missing half their car and the triple two of Nick Perka and Oliver Gavin to finish third in that Machinery was still as well it's hard to put this race into words really because it kind of had everything I mean this is racing this is stuff we love to see in my humble up opinion this is without question or Shadow of Doubt the greatest motor race of all time or at the very least it was better than Spa 2021 although that's a low freaking bar [Music] thank you
Channel: Josh Revell
Views: 1,215,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1, formula 1, bathurst, bathurst 1000, supercars, bathurst 2014, bathurst 1000 2014, v8 supercars, mostert, whincup, chaz mostert
Id: XMkzDMAP-80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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