The Greatest Mindset on the planet earth | S1E3 | Steve Jones ft 19 Keys

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yeah it was like 20 seconds but if we gonna come get the interview back rolling but the point of it was that a lot of people got anxious yeah 10 to 20 seconds one minute is alive you start counting down that was 10 already let's get back to it what did that 10 cost you a conversation about political economic and welfare this is the war world peace family is 19 keys it's the war room podcast we back for episode three today i myself i'm in the war room seat you understand me and i brought the guy steve jones to ask me some powerful deep dangerous but also in the safe space you understand me for these type of conversations on the boardroom so we're gonna jump back into it nothing is off limits you understand me and we will give people access to the mind of the guest today i happen to be my own guest my brother is helping me today i grew up with my brother since we was three feet tall you understand me i'm still three feet tall but we still got a lot of growing to do it just ain't physical [Laughter] no my brother how you feeling today man hey i'm so blessed that i'm gonna need two of me to enjoy it uh yes how you feeling today man i'm amazing about elijah's grace you know i'm talking about i'm ready to go yes sir okay so speaking of war you know everybody if you know mr 19 keys call himself the dangerous black guy because he don't hold back and so today we're gonna keep on the same vibration and i'm gonna ask them some serious questions that you're gonna learn something from or it might be controversial and my first question i wanna ask you today mr keys is when you hear the term black america what are the first things that come to your mind ah black america man it's really to be honest it's unfortunate you know i mean the reason i say that is because i think about all of the potential that black america has yeah and what it should represent but what it doesn't um i think of a people who have the greatest ability on the planet earth to make and manifest and produce something of value but who own none of the value that they actually produce you know so black america on the positive side though is the culture of the world you know what i'm saying that's to me what black america is right it's a group of people in north america who have a spirit that's been conditioned that has been primed for greatness yeah but there's obstacles and frustration in a way before we can get to that level of what i believe that we're destined for and to be quite frank i believe that we're meant to be the minds and spiritual rulers of this world you understand me to lead the rest of the diaspora into the hereafter you know and that hereafter just represents a new world coming into fruition especially when we look at this old world these old systems these old institutions and how everything's been built okay i like that like that i heard when you answered your question that you said you feel like black america is meant to be the leaders in the future so by the year 2053 when you hear the word black america whether you picture you know i always talk about my 2053 goal for black america and that's for us to have wealth one of the biggest issues that have been reported to us is this impression idea that by 2053 we're gonna have zero percent assets essentially you understand me essentially meaning we're gonna have zero percent wealth but my 2053 plan is the fact that black people will have the same amount of wealth proportioned into our population and it's also taken in the thought process that we're going to have a population growth right by 2053 i want to see more families i want to see us owning more land you understand me i want to see is owning more assets i want to see the normal household income rise for black families in america i want to see our last names attached to products and service and industry i want to see as leaders in the technology sectors and investments and wealth and i want to see us to have a lot of these problems that we have today resolved you understand me and i believe through family uh through land through wealth building through business right and also having a deeper understanding of our own spiritual beliefs right i think that you know black people do a lot of religion but they don't understand a lot of god you understand me so with the black people not understanding a lot about god but you know also knowing religion how important is it for black people to be in tune with the universe on a mental spiritual and physical level well you know i think that all black people should become lawyers yeah and can you get in full depth on that when you say they should become lawyers well i mean spiritual lawyers that understand the laws of the universe you know the issue is most people understand the law of attraction that's just one law but you can't utilize that law in all circumstances and situations if you got a court case you understand we both done had cases before yeah and you go to court and you're trying to use one law and one statue right for something that has nothing to do with your court case you most likely go lose right absolutely and a lot of people got cases right now in real life without utilizing the wrong laws to get themselves out or to attract and produce what they want to win right so it's like there's a law of superior confidence you understand me there's a law of focus there's laws of many different things that we can utilize in different situations that will allow us to be able to master our world and our universe and i believe that once we start to master the laws of the universe which act in a mathematical function which is basically the teaching and learning how to utilize our mind and the way the universe works we study science physics metaphysics you know we study a lot of different things but we don't have a true understanding and we don't have a grip and a mastery those who control rule and own this world they understand the laws of the universe those who are successful that make it to the one percent whether subconscious or unconscious they operate within the laws of the universe right so when i started operating in that particular thought pattern and process whether it's the law of focus being able to concentrate on something for a prolonged period of time right we always hear the 10 000 hour mastery goal but that's going to take you about three years if we really want to put in 10 out 10 000 that's like at least three to four years right college and high school represents 10 000 hours yeah but we don't come out of college in high school with any mastery we go through from age one through four no mastery four through eight no mastery you understand me eight to twelve twelve to 16 16 to 20 20 to 24. there's no mastery going on yeah so i would like for us to be able to operate at a higher level on all levels and stop taking things for granted because to be honest and it's not just black people but it's just the 2021 version of people this generation we can't focus on nothing yeah like if i ask this question and it goes for me and you and it's everybody that's watching as well if you took every idea that you had that you came up with every genius one that you ever thought of and you truly executed on it 100 you'll be in a much better place in life like if you was able to actually focus the difference between i believe this is the chief difference between successful people and failures in life is your ability to focus and then start to finish that was going to be my next question for you i heard you said that most people only know the law of attraction so can you explain to the people how important it is for the law of focus the law of focus is i believe one of the most important it's like um your brain is scattered you understand me it's like when light is scattered you're gonna see that rainbow effect you understand me you see the different spectrums but when it's focused it's a laser you understand me and that laser can point to something and it can burn through it you understand me and that central point of focus is directed energy right concentration is prolonged focus if you can concentrate on something for a prolonged period of time you can manifest and produce anything into reality so the law of focus saying that yo i want to get into nfts boom the moment i start and the moment i don't quit is how i make a new habit i tell people all the time they don't take 21 days to make a habit take one day you start in the day you don't quit the difference is most people don't understand the law of self-control they don't understand the laws of focus so you start something in you get distracted you know the devil's job is to keep the mind distracted got the mind of god is one that's completely focused if you ever locked in you're in the zone and that area of your brain whatever you thinking about is only thinking about that but then i understand that we have thousands upon thousands of thoughts per day right but 70 to 80 percent of them according to science are negative right so that means that your positive thoughts your strong thoughts get weakened and get dampened by self-doubt by negative thinking that persist so you have to create an environment that is conducive to you having those positive thoughts actually live and being brought out right otherwise you're going to abort those thoughts you're going to procrastinate you're going to lose focus and then you're going to indulge in something that keeps you even more distracted so the goal with that law of focus is number one rooting out the distractions in life clearing them out like when my mind is clear and i'm not distracted because you know this year i've been going through a lot of different business battles and it takes away from what i'm really good at right and because that situation has negative effect then it affects my entire environment of my mind poisoning my other thoughts let's start this well we can't start this right now you need to finish this i don't know about this you understand me like all these negative thoughts creep up in my good thoughts for the most part are 100 genius and if i follow through with them and execute 100 then i'll be exactly where i want to be based on my vision so with that law of focus you have to clear everything out and that law of focus is really the law of concentration as we would really call it but it's more so being able to clear everything out your space everything out your mind that's not necessary every conversation any and everything that has nothing to do with the alignment of your intentions you understand me that matches you where you give your attention okay ooh so i i really like this so you said something else that was key you said a lot of people are distracted so would it be in 2021 at the current moment yeah man why do you think this public school system are not creating a lot more entrepreneurs than that it should be right now at the moment school system ain't built for that school system is made to make servants you understand me is public servants right um a pool for those who think original those who think outside the box those who have grander ideas if i can go look at the school system and i can pick from that pool of my employees that's going to come work for me right now let's take in granted that there are some schools that turn out some good thinkers right but the most original thinkers are the ones who develop their mind on their own that think for self and do for self in my book paradigm keys i talk about abstract thinking versus technical thinking and how school is designed to domesticate the mind to make you a technical thinker meaning do as i say don't come up with your own creative way don't question everything about the process and along that way of becoming a better student you're losing your creative learning abilities because creating creative learning can be strengthened creativity is something you do you understand me meaning that you can master it you can train the brain to be more creative and so the average student comes out of high school less creative the average student comes out of college less creative why because you're stuck in an environment that's constrained by rules that you must follow and the more you follow those rules and think less on your own the better you will be as a student right yeah so that's why the class clown that was diagnosed with adhd you understand me is now a comedian making millions of dollars and the students that got a's are now working for him on set or her on set yeah so there's a lot of people that were eight students in at school but failures in life and there's a lot of students that were f students these students c students you understand me and failed school but are successful in life right so the fact that we even measure ourselves by a b c d e f we're putting ourselves in this classification to be graded like animals based on what our potential is and it has nothing to do with our potential with our abilities to learn with the possession of the brilliance of our minds our skill sets our talents so it's unfair it leaves us at a disadvantage and it's not even enough male teachers to mentor young boys to teach them in a proper way right which the school system was specifically designed that way when by horace mann you know he set it up and said that he wanted more women to work in that position because he believed that it wasn't a high level job right he believed that women should be in that duty therefore it should be low level pay right so to this day it's the one place that women don't have to fight to get their rights there's always going to be more women teaching than there are men and that's a chief issue with reality today and why young boys are not getting mentored the right way because they don't have enough male figures in authoritative positions in their life rearing them in the right capacity now that just led me to my next question as you can look around the world today in 2021 you can see the demasculinization of black men yeah going on around everywhere you look you see little nyx they praise them you see guys i even seen some of your favorite rappers painting their nails selling them so what what do you what is the importance of black masculinity black masculinity is the true savior of this world for me um and the reason i say that and of course you know black female femininity as well because that's the structure and that's the conditions in which we are able to rule our own world for ourselves yeah the masculine mind is able to will things into existence right once you if you was to look at the biology of the black body and how it coincides with our testosterone levels and how that's connected to what's considered to be biophotons right a light energy that our body emits that allows us to heal and it connects us to the fabric of reality when you have low testosterone that light that energy that will is low when you have high testosterone is balanced then it's higher right that light that you emit on that scale is higher allowing you to produce your will into reality so the black man's will has been compromised the things that he want to produce in this reality he can't do it because he's not in his biological function to act as he was intended by nature which is to be a god to be able to be and it is you look at every other group in society right now the lgbt group the the trans group right the asian group the jewish group the women's rights group they're able to get their will produced in reality they can organize focus strategize and produce they go in power power is a very masculine order right so what happened when you don't see enough black men producing from they will it's because they've been emasculated so they don't even want power right you know i study uh my good brother dr wesley i consider him a mentor or such right yeah i read all his books we had a good interview before and he gives a great breakdown on the target under the agenda of a feminization and a target of black male masculine black male masculinity and you know the unfortunate reality is a lot of men today uh huh and and then you gotta we're gonna talk about black women on that same situation don't want to be men they believe that it comes with too much pressure right but see a real man accepts pressure i mean he accepts the pain he accepts the prophecy the lesson is the adversary as my brother derek gray said adversity builds character that's the abc of manhood you understand me but when it comes to being a man there also is a side of being honorable being respectful you understand me knowing how to speak knowing how to um when it comes to putting together situations instead of getting super hostile right a man knows how to be able to foster communication and resolve issues right but when these things are lacking and his emotions are heightened he's fearful he's insecure this creates a situation of violence this creates a situation where men quit and men procrastinate right so that masculine order is talking about men being able to dedicate themselves to self-determination to act with willpower you understand me like a human being in their natural role and function don't have to be taught the laws of the universe because they will naturally act within them right but without black masculinity there is no future for the world not just for the world right yeah because when we think about civilizations that came into fruition throughout time right those you know egypt if you go look at egypt there will be no pyramids it wasn't masculine men setting out on these grand visions to produce something into reality you understand me great civilizations coming together in order is based on masculine ideas now there's also the feminine aspect of all men and all women on the planet earth right that of course understanding our emotions is a feminine thing to do expression our emotions proper communication there's different ways of different things that are feminine and are good but the whole embodiment and expression of masculine energy is the male the whole and body and expression of feminine energy is the female but what happens is black women today i think are some of the biggest corporates when it comes to you know the emasculation of the male and mostly by celebrating the emasculated men you understand me they friends they are okay kick it with them and there's nothing wrong like you know you gonna have your friends even the cartoons right and mostly it's because those men are mostly more feminine than the women they're hanging with yeah so they around them absorbing their feminine energy because they've been so compromised so when i hear the thought process why don't more black men protect more black women well protection and that role of function that's what real men do masculine men do but when you get to the effeminated ones fear go stop them ah they ain't got no honor in them you understand me they ain't got no respect and love for women my mom told me a long time ago you know not to respect the pimp i don't you know that's the reality of it i don't have no respect for pimps right because they don't love women i can't respect the man who don't respect women it's speaking of pimps i told you i'm gonna keep it real controversial for you all tonight so with it with the pimp era like i i feel like me personally that area is like kind of fading away because you know they created these new sites like only fans and whatnot where women can get on that and you know basically promote their own body you know technology technology yeah they the technology is the pimps facebook campaign i wanna i wanna know your take on how do you feel about women joining only fans um you know well let's first of all only fans is a technology platform that allows you to monetize your subscriber base right whether you in there uh painting art with your feet you understand me or whatever people do on the platform right it's a way to monetize now women have of course learned you understand me and especially a lot of women without talents writing skill sets and don't want to work they rather utilize one of the oldest right jobs in the world which is the sex worker you understand me and that's what they want to become sex workers without actually having to have sex so a lot of women find it safer to be on the internet rather than to actually be having sex for money do you think it is well degrading depends on what they doing i can't say that every woman in where the only fan's account is degrading themselves but i will say that there's a large percentage of women that are degrading themselves for money the almighty dollar has become a god and and more so it's it's more so about the part that you know easy money come and go right people don't really care about values this generation don't like this generation is all for the whole culture like this generation celebrates the whole culture that's what this generation is about how can i celebrate being a whole and they don't realize that the [ __ ] they just been programmed by it the music tvs where you get your ideas from that's always the thing most people are slaves right to the media slaves to the producers and the writers and somebody else's agenda so if you watch on tv where it's celebrating whole culture because you listen to watching the dynamics of a relationship or you see something trending on social media it's going to start to influence your thoughts right so now your thoughts are being influenced so now you got a whole different spin on what whole culture is in the first place now you see it as freedom instead of slavery you understand me so it has changed because at the end of the day before we can talk about what women are doing are only fans we gotta the the whole culture comes from the pimp culture the one no pimp cordray no hoe culture right so women believe now taking that aspect of that in their lives and taking control and ownership of it gives them power right so they basically saying i would rather degrade myself than let a man degrade me right we take it back to we ran into nellie the other day but you take it back to nelly's tip drill video that will protest right you know bt out of the dark you know i can't tell you if i watched it or not you know what i'm saying but i'm just saying i watched that was a video tip drill was a video but there was protests about that video yeah you understand me now female rappers saw they rap about his whole culture yeah but those same female rappers they may promote whole culture but they're relationships yeah and if somebody cheats on them they going on a rapid a rampage on social media so they promote whole culture but they don't celebrate it and live whole culture right because cardi b don't let her daughter listen to her songs yeah you understand me why because she don't want her taking part a whole culture so you think dude i want to ask you another question that led me you know gave me a [ __ ] thought in my mind just now what are the things that this generation lacked that our ancestors didn't didn't lack as far as morals and you know principles and you know being family oriented well i've been thinking and said it all family morals principles like this generation respect money more than respect yeah like for real it used to be money power respect they just want money i'm saying damn the damn the power damn the respect they don't have moral consciousness the same way because the things that we may have grown up where it was a line they just see it as 2021. you know that's my line for things that i find out of pocket you know i was at a was that a was it a groceries no i was at a candle store right getting a candle getting a gift right for a special one and um the lady i asked a lady i said is this male or female right and she said oh no we genderless and under my brow said oh 2021. she start laughing now the lady was a little butch you understand me i assume that you know she was a lesbian uh but she started laughing and i told her i explained i said yeah 2021 i always say that when i run into things that explain what time when you understand me you never know right it's unpredictable i might not understand but i don't have to oh it's 2021. my bad i forgot yeah in this generation this is not a generation of their own original thinking right like so we go back to 20 30 40 50 60 70s 80s 90s you can clearly define those generations by what they believed in what they stood for what they think this generation is more about deconstructing everything from the last generations you understand me but it has yet to produce something better right it's one thing of deconstructionism right destroying structures rules quarters values it's it's another thing about replacing it what's happening is you know that's going to bridge the bridge the gap right they've been missing so long but i don't blame them because at the end of the day i think you got to have a lot of empathy the generation grew up with a technology that was vastly different than any other generation have to deal with technology and social media is a responsibility you understand me a grave responsibility right and the fast pace in which young minds have to deal with the new world right a person can't stop scrolling yeah yeah can't focus their mind at all everybody is stuck in each other's dms everybody is great in each other comments everybody wants more likes we have social platforms built by billionaire genius to cipher our attention because their company model is profit over people right so where we are in human history right now is a very self-evident reality to where people have thrown away moral consciousness you understand me and only want to go towards wealth consciousness so with people throwing away the consciousness you know only doing going for wealth and scrolling up and down the phone all day can you explain to the people the importance of digital detoxing absolutely man without a detox man your body doesn't have time to heal you know when i was going through some business situations and the moment i was able to get over it right you play some td jakes right yeah and you know i'll be listening to the pastors but td jackson is a good speaker but he says something key he said we be trying to deal with heart problems with our head when we supposed to deal with heart problems with the heart right and when you're dealing with head problems you have to deal with your head i mean you have to think logical mathematical reasonable reasonable rational right calculated strategic right and it's funny because on a macro level you can always look at your life in that situation right i'm dealing with a business situation but i was taking it too personal right so when i was able to remove my feelings and i shut off social media i had a great moment of reflection because he also said that wisdom cures karma right karma well he didn't say that somebody else said that i don't give them that question but wisdom see wisdom allows you to correct things in real time without having to go through the full mistake without having that energy having to come back to teach you that lesson that you didn't learn because karma is that energy being redirected back to you whatever you put out you're going to get whatever you lessons you make somebody else learn you got to learn you understand cause and effect law cause and effect but wisdom can override the karma it can cure you of that needing to come back because the wisdom will allow you to understand and to know so you don't have to relive it yeah but human beings are more prone to pain than wisdom so we got to learn through experience you understand me we want to make our own mistakes right so the great suffering that black america is going through right now is the fact that we are dealing with a head problem dealing with america you understand me we have to be a calculated strategic planning people but we've been dealing with it with our hearts our emotions our feelings we want the world to love us you understand me to see our plight to see our condition to see our struggle but when you look at the difference between why civil rights movement hasn't worked but the lgbt has the women's right movement is working the asian folks when they want to get things working it's working because they deal with it with their head none of them approached it with a heart i like what you said you said that the people you said something along the lines that people embrace pain more than the wisdom absolutely so with with all the resources that we have now today in 2021 that you can you know make money create assets for yourself ownership how come the crime rate is still so high in black america well crime is connected to commerce you understand me and 99-point cynical crimes are based on money because everything in america is money-based yeah you understand me but i also want to get a caveat to the conditions that we in versus the conditions that white america in right it says that the average white man is more prone to violence and criminality even though they are in less adverse conditions that will produce a human being to go into a criminal field right yeah so we always got to ask ourselves why isn't that black people promoting more crimes based on the conditions that we in right that's that's really the reality yeah and it's because we're not a people that's naturally prone to doing wrong you understand me we are a naturally morally upright righteous people but giving people environment is stronger than nature yeah and now the environment is not talking about the physical encasing of where your physical body is but we're talking about the mental encasing of where your mind is see when you keep a person deprived and starved they always want more you understand me and in black america the the one thing that we need more is knowledge itself and we need to operate in the laws of confidence see when a person is stealing the honourable minister of lewis firecon when one steals it's because they're insecure of their ability to produce to manifest when you don't believe in your own self-worth you need to steal you understand me when a people have been robbed of their masculine energy you need to kill instead of fight you're afraid of the adversity of checking somebody you can't deal with your emotions when you in conditions where you are in neutrally uh um uh unavailable for foods or food deserts of what i'm saying that causes criminality to spike up eating the wrong foods being educated in the wrong manner you understand me and feeling an overall lack in life you understand me makes you want more and you would do anything to get it because that's the american way the american way is based on criminality america is a crime state you understand me like but at the same time we're talking about systems for every systematic oppression there needs to be a systematic solution right and some of us to be quite frank and honest we're just lazy yes you understand me it's perfect i was just scrolling through my phone for my next question and you basically you don't you write on your lines with what i was thinking so you say like now people are lazy but can you explain the importance of collaboration because for in order for us to move forward in life we are going to have to connect and link up as human beings instead of you know and we have to do it in person instead of steady doing it over the internet so explain to the people the importance of collaboration the collaboration is key man you be around me so you know i'm always calling people i'm always reaching out whether a person has a bigger platform or a smaller platform i reach out to people i respect i reach out to those that i believe are doing something good in the culture and we need to give each other access you know i ran into knives at snooze birthday party and uh i ran into him i said peace god he had a message for me yeah as soon as i spoke to us that message what was the nice action well he said something along the lines he said listen man we all have our ways of going about fighting you understand me we all do it in different ways in different manners you know but at the end of the day it's all for the same purpose for the betterment of our people and our culture you know that's how we make this thing work essentially and you know i was blown back because i wasn't expecting him to have a message for me when i seen him you know i last seen him at complex con uh whether it was just something that struck his heart when he seen me or whether he had he may have seen a video or following the platform and you know just wanted to speak and deliver that message you know and it reminds me of something that i was told that jay-z said to nipsey hustle you know j-rock nipsey hussle's cousin family and ex-bodyguard um told me this at dare grace birthday party it was me him wallow i believe david banner was back there as well and he said you know you want places i can no longer go to and i'm in places you can't get to and this is how you make this thing work and for me i think that's a good thesis as far as how black america's collaboration should work you know i don't have to be in the same room we don't even have to be seen but the mind of our agenda the mind of our solution should always be in that room and if we can give each other access we can give each other power we can give each other resources you understand me it could be sharing the name to somebody it could be bringing somebody with you on something it can be you know utilizing your platform to help somebody else's efforts you know there's so many different ways that they can go about but you know as the honorable elijah mohammed famously once said our unity is an atomic bomb you understand me and i believe that right so that when we can condense that energy together and we work together it's impossible you understand me becomes easy right yeah but now impossible seems like it's impossible but the greatest impossibility is the unity of our people and our culture but that's only going to come when we understand what unity is right there's a law of unity and how it actually works there's a formula for how it works right you got to have solidarity you have to come together for common cause but you also have to have the same faith vision and values and hello one time man say it again you gotta have the same what faith vision and values yeah and specifically for our people as well the type of collaboration we talk about is like righteous collaboration right things that deal with the heart and the mind you understand me because you're talking about people whose heart is in the same place right but i also realize that you know when harriet tubman was she had the underground railroad right yes and uh at different points of that railroad there was different people that helped white and black on both sides right now everybody that was helping along the railroad wasn't trying to make it up to the north of the free state right there might even be some black people that was helping that wasn't trying to get all the way to freedom maybe you felt the road was too dangerous my point is that you know there's going to be people that's going to get off at certain stops yeah you understand me there's going to be people that's going to help along the way and in the collaboration of getting us to the future that we need to be we have to realize that everybody don't have a full vision everybody not trying to make it to all the way to freedom some people are comfortable here i got close enough this is my stop right because inside the vision there's always somebody with an agenda and the gender don't go all the way to the vision it stops until i got enough then i can go on my own way and do what i wanted to do with it so if you automatically go in there with the wisdom of the human condition right the factors of greed jealousy agenda right uh narcissism ego all of these things that compile and add into it then you're going in there properly prepared to make it all the way right because everybody can't go nah so don't be the people you leave you got to be behind yeah so collaboration is key it is the key actually but you have to be wary of the journey you understand me if we can give each other access overnight we can run the world rule the world it's that simple okay now i know i just asked you about collaboration but a key thing with doing any type of collaboration is getting people who are going to put the action behind to executing their goals so can you explain to the people the importance of work ethic work ethic is 100 man you know uh most of the people in my life that i don't collaborate with that's close to me is because they don't have the same work ethic they're not gonna put in as much work as i'm gonna put in and oftentimes it's because their lack of experience a lot of the work ethic is built when you young the jobs you have when you're young the things that you have to do to maintain and survive it builds up character right work ethic and character are friends they go hand in hand when you see somebody with a really good work ethic you understand me it allows them to build character because they learn about themselves right there's this generation i believe don't have and this is me of course generalizing of course and of course is not true for all but it can be generally said and a little in a sense that they don't have a great work ethic but i understand because social media has made everything easy you don't have to catch a bus to go to a library to get a book to read it you understand me get a library card check it out bring it back at a specific time if you don't you got to pay for it that's a thirst for knowledge you had you had to work just to go get you some knowledge otherwise you would have no access to it now ah [ __ ] i want some knowledge i can google whatever i want to know you understand me i google whatever i want to know and it's there so what work ethic so when it goes from i have to put in considerable energy time and effort to get knowledge to where i have to do nothing at all it changes the value the perceived value of what that knowledge is when it's already yours for free what's the value of it you understand me and so now that goes with a lot of things you don't have to get dressed go to the mall find uh uh go go get your heart up to go talk to a woman you understand me you don't have to figure out how you can court someone or you want to go farther back my mother and father met because my father was writing her letters you understand me then you have to wait until somebody writes you a letter back you have to receive the letter you have to write it then you have to send it now the people don't have the time for that because everything is so fast now nowadays they don't have critical thinking skills in this generation absolutely and so what skills do you need you have to be a good writer yeah you understand yeah yeah yeah patience definitely right yeah like you you really thinking out who you're with because you have the planets and then once you plan it you have to be patient so just the correspondence in the communication was on a whole nother level now man you could just slide in the dm or the most beautiful woman in the world if you want to and wait for a response okay well this year excuse me this year i've been practicing you know personal and self-development and i noticed that once i write down my goals i was able to attain you know the results on those goals so can you explain the importance of a note to self a note to self is like a vision board essentially yeah you know being able to visualize it before it comes into fruition i if i'm honest like the greatest things i've ever been able to do i'll wrote them down before and i say them out loud because i believe notes are extremely important but i also believe speaking it out loud is equally important and that's something my father i heard him say a long time ago that you have to say it out loud you have to give it sound and vibration right and allow the effects of cause and effect to happen allow it to ripple into the universe and to produce into reality what separates human beings from animals it's our ability to think to have pictures inside our mind and we can produce in reality everything starts as a precept as a formulation of thought and you can turn a precept into a concept that concept can turn into a bank it becomes an institution people house their money in for the next hundred years you understand me all started from a small inkling of a thought but then man didn't just keep that thought in his head he wrote it down on paper he spoke it out to someone out loud he got other minds to give attention to his vision they land a collective consciousness and energy and all of a sudden you had a system that was working on its own you understand me so when we write things down we are investing in the production of a new reality we're investing in the production of our thoughts right now if you ask the average person what they're going to do in the next 10 years you don't know they've never written it down most people don't have power over themselves everybody want to admit it because you don't think about it on a daily basis but if you got advice and you got something you want to quit and you say you know what i'ma stop doing that or you know you have something you want to do you say i'm gonna start doing that you write it down you might even speak it out loud so how come you can't control yourself where when you give yourself an order you don't listen see you got the conscience and the subconscious consciously we can have an intention yeah but subconsciously we don't believe ourselves yet it has to become a subconscious intention and see the act of writing it down the act of putting it in your environment being around other people in that environment that allow it to become fostered and burrowed deep into the mind into the subconscious and to the upconscious then it can become a conscious intention because it's aligned with whatever your current frequency is but it has what you do frequently becomes your frequency you say this all the time yeah because it's true so once it becomes habit forming it becomes a part of you right so that act of writing it down is the first step into presenting it to yourself into your subconscious because you're lending energy and effort and now it's becoming believed like oh this person might be serious because the only person you have to convince is yourself your own mind you know we go to friends then we know negative and we go to them with good ideas you understand me but listen if you got a good mind and you got strong thoughts your idea is already good because you came up with it not because it was validated by anybody else that led me to my next question that i wanted to ask what is the importance of having that millionaire mindset the importance of the millionaire mindset the importance of the wealth mindset yeah and the mindset it's 80 mindset 20 skill set and to be honest it goes like this how many people can i serve whoever provides the best and the most service to the most people will be the wealthiest jeff bezos how many customers have he served he's number one leading right now when we go look at tesla and one year we see how many cars they had in production and then the next year we see us up 50 percent he served more people understand me when we look at great leaders throughout culture and throughout time how would they remember because of all the people that they served so if you have the mindset of service and you work to produce an active service for humanity you are guaranteed a level of wealth you are guaranteed money because how can you make a million dollars well i mean at the end of the day you can service 10 high-level clients at a hundred thousand dollars if you've got a hundred thousand dollars worth of value for each of those clients but if you don't you got to start breaking that down right how can i serve a thousand people you understand me that's a thousand customers how can i save ten thousand people if i can serve ten thousand people with a certain level of value they will exchange and then i'll become a millionaire or maybe you have a lower tier product how do i serve twenty thousand whatever it is you can just do the math right so the mindset this mathematical mindset this willful mindset this visionary mindset allows you to do the math on your future and what you want to produce every thing you want to manifest is a math problem people always talk about i ain't never use math it's the simple math multiplication yeah you understand me addition you know subtraction and if you just add it up you can sit down on a piece of paper real quick say i want to give me this one i'ma get this one i'ma do because it's the law of exchange the law of exchange goes like this for everything i want i must know what i need to exchange in order to get it right yeah most people want things but don't know what they will exchange for what they want or they're not willing to exchange and i wouldn't but that's the law of sacrifice sacrifice is required in order to live the life you want what are you willing to give up you understand me the laws of crown investment you have to put something in in order to get a return on your investment so a lot of people chase the money but you're going gonna lose chasing the money right because the money is chasing the value so while you're chasing the money the money is constantly going to where the value is so you're always behind it but when you chase the value then the money starts to chase you so when you produce the value oh i'm about to make this many shirts oh i'm about to you know uh service this many people i'm about to consort these folks i'm about to make this content to reach these people you know i'm either creating my nfts this person gonna buy it for that reason whatever it may be you start to create value now money is created to exchange for things of value so by the very reason that people have money in the first place they're going to start giving it to you because you produce value yeah and if you produce enough then you can measure on how you're going to become a millionaire and if you can produce so much for the world you can become a billionaire but there's other ways to do it to where you can look into investing and you know things of that nature which to be honest gives you a greater return you're investing in stocks and krypton businesses you understand me that's going to give you a greater return on your money than even real estate right so you know it's the mindset of understanding value it's the mindset of understanding service it's the mindset of understanding wealth and it's the mindset of not whoring yourself out for money because the moment you do that it becomes your god and it can be used against you rather than you know how to use it yeah so i see that you say money always follow the value so i want to know which it could it don't have to be entertainment artists or whatnot but who do you think brings the most value to the culture at this current moment who i think brings the most value to the course no actually give me your top three people who bring the most value to the culture at the moment i wouldn't say i got a list of three people you know uh of course i will put number one the honorable minister louis farrakhan i think his guidance in this time has been key and his guidance throughout his entire tenure as you know a leader a guider a divine reminder in our midst has helped guide black people you understand me and keep them from becoming completely morally corrupt um from helping guide us to levels of atonement to understanding you know compassion for each other to to be builders you understand me his his relentlessness i think has been the greatest example right that black men in america and across the world right in black america black women have had um giving that he is so high up on the list i don't have a number two that comes close but i will say this this culture of leadership these young revolutionaries educators some of the solution based activists yeah that's utilizing technology that's changing the world that's breaking the rules these original thinkers that defy the rules tear it up disrupt a pair of diamonds getting into it you understand me regardless of what's going on as the financial educators the ones that are able to create communities that can directly point to their impact on families i believe those are the most yeah important for our culture the thought leaders yeah okay i liked it i like that okay so i got another question and we gonna shift it from that i seen i was scrolling on your instagram and i also met the good brother kyrie irving with you a couple of times doing you know traveling around with you i wanted to know can you explain to me how did you meet kyrie first though um it was through social media um you know i always admired seeing what he put out on his social media you understand me um just the imagery that he produced um the symbolism that he was putting out there was like a beacon to try to awaken the world in some different ways and let people know that he had a level of consciousness and that he was a wide awake black man you know um and then i recognized that you know he followed me on social media right i don't remember if it was me that reached out first or if it was him that reached out first but some communication happened at that point in time and um connected on a conscious level absolutely that's that's okay absolutely you know i'm talking about reached out sent the contact information you know and uh the rest is the future from there um you know but the brother what i recognize is that he is genuine yeah right a lot of people reach out you know i'm saying like mega stars a-liz all kind of different people man but not everybody followed through right people reach out in times of discomfort in life reach out in times where they feel like they want to do something right and for a moment it's authentic yeah that authenticity has an expiration to what comfort says back in oh the black lives matter not only television oh i'm not going through an issue let me focus back on my comfortable life who am i kidding yes i love what that brother keys is doing but i ain't got time to be on the revolutionary stuff i ain't really trying to disrupt maybe if i can just throw some money somewhere and i can add to my reputation and legacy that'll be enough for me most people ain't trying to get in the mud with nothing and so the follow-up for most people is not real you understand me you have one or two conversations and then they fall off and the communication is non-existent and in order to build true brotherhood you got to build with folks you got to cipher yeah i don't come to anybody asking for anything people reach out to me and i give consult wherever i can and or i just engage in conversation what's going on what you got going on what you're trying to do what's what's life you know i'm not pressuring nobody to become malcolm x on day one i'm just trying to build so you can agree on the fact that you know kyrie irving is a genuine person as a genuine character so i'm pretty sure that you've been seeing all of the controversy surrounding the nba and him not taking the vaccine how do you feel about the whole situation you know choice is the highest level of freedom highest level of free will if you take that away from a man or a woman they are no longer free they become a slave if you want somebody to become a slave right then you celebrate when they no longer have a choice you understand me when they robbed of it right but when you appreciate freedom and you have a love for the condition of human beings and you believe that being free is a natural right that shouldn't be encumbered by no master no regime no institution no companies nothing then you celebrate a man from making his own decisions whatever decision he make nobody is going around scoffing at the people who decide that they want to take you understand me this experiment yeah right but for those who believe that it is otherwise against their spiritual beliefs moral beliefs right or that they just want to have control over their body and what they put in they want to take their own safe mitigated risk in society then i think that they a hundred percent qualified to do so they understand me so this whole entire thing is it's all about free will this is about freedom you understand me so i respect and i believe in any and every man and woman ability to be free you understand me so that's my thought process on that and you know it's the same conversation i had with kyrie i never told him to do anything or not to do anything you know it's just i want to provide support for those who want to make decisions about their life in the right direction right in a free direction like i'm not a person who glorifies sport and play all day but i respect my brother as an athlete as one of the greatest athletes in the world the greatest bar handler in the world that a person that ripped down at four years old he wanted to become a basketball player and he produced it into reality you understand me i respect those who go out there and they showcase the highest level of talent and skill and i double respect those you understand me that makes sacrifice for what they believe in yeah i liked it um you you said that you um when i met with kyrie irving and because you just wanted to show him that you had genuine support behind him or whatever decision that he would make can you explain to the people how the importance of support in today's culture support is necessary man you know especially when you're making a dangerous decision or a strong decision you don't want to you know the idle mind is a devil workshop you understand me and a bad friend you understand me works for the devil and what i mean by that is that when you by yourself you start to question your decisions you know and then when you got weak friends around you they help you question those decisions right but when you got strong-minded people free thinking people around you then they help reinforce the good decisions that you make in your life counteracting the bad environment you understand me and without that support oftentimes strong men become weak men you understand me and that's what's happening all around the world today fear anxiety stress you understand me insecurity pressure right is what's making people make decisions today right which means that when you fear something it becomes your god it now controls you it owns you right and the only way they most of the time they utilize the control and on this is by giving something and then taking it away you understand me but when you have the right support system around you it lends you the strength that you wouldn't have on your own you know this is a person that's surrounded by a team usually at all times right so used to having a team used to having a support system but what happens when your decision goes against what is the normal that team no longer there so you need a new team to help you with these new decisions right it's the same for anybody your friends there when you're making a rational decision that they believe in yeah the moment you make a decision your friends don't believe in they no longer there so you have to tap into people that do support that decision you understand me and a lot of people they try to change make change without changing the environment right every new level of consciousness comes with needs to come with a new support system you know if i want to sell drugs on a corner the homies that support selling drugs go support that yeah but if i tell them i want to spend all my hours learning going to school i think i ain't with that so now i got to go hang around students my new support system yeah you understand me those students might not be fighters i tell them i want to become a boxer oh well i'm about to be in here studying well i go to the gym and i'm around fighters yeah that's my trainers that's my new support system right you got a slave that's stuck on the plantation the other slaves go support you in the chain they doing work with you on coordination and organization for the master tell them same slaves that you want to break free you understand me now you got to go find other like-minded people that also want to be free that's your new support system so on every decision that you make if your old support system is not aligned with your new decision you need a new support system that is aligned with your new intentions so we're going to get back into 2021. it'd be a lot going on in the world that needs fixing and you have a lot of these you know high profile whether it's orders entertainers or whatnot you have them in positions to where their voice would be a helping hand for everyone or at least they can bring more resource to minimize these problems that we have but why do you think that so many of them act like cowards and never speak on it well because many of them are cowards you know like i said man many people have been isolated in their environments and they only care about selfish things everybody don't have this heart where they care about the culture in the world it just sounds good it feels good when people think you're doing good right you know you can give charity right and you can do things that give you this basic level of appreciation in the culture but when it comes to actually having a part of your character that's what most people lack it's a personality it's it's a public relations stunt for most people you hire a pr person they tell you how to look good in front of the people i don't mean that this rapper or sports person wanted to do this they pr person told them that you understand me and when they did it it was actually a good look it made you look real black but then when it come to test the time they ain't with it for real because the environment you gotta understand from morning to evening they don't live in that world everything is comfortable for me i got money people tell me where to invest in people tell me what to think do i get invited to all places i'm honored love respected when do i have time to connect to the plight of black america when i have time to connect to the plight of poor people right and injustice and oppression when my environment 100 of time is tapped into a one percent of leaders world there has to be something so shocking and so disruptive that grafts your attention for a moment in time you get angry because it's disrupting your world this is what people really get angry i'm angry because i even got to pay attention to this yeah i'm angry because it just disrupted my dinner it just disrupted my life so now i got to speak on this so i can get back to the life that i want to live don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with living in the state of heaven but when the rest of the world is in hell you're not an angel in heaven you understand me yeah you're fooling yourself you're on demon time you know what i'm talking about so it's like those who can help and that help are good people those who can't help and don't help or not good people it's simple to me okay okay well i travel around a lot and uh i noticed that you know people i pay attention to the music that people listen to when i get on the court it might be an uber or anything and i and i noticed that a lot of people listening to rap music yeah became like the number one genre of music right now so who is your favorite rap artist like who is 19 keys pulling up listening to who is his go-to artist when he start the club and pull up in the morning man you know i'll be listening to a lot of music i don't think i have a favorite though yeah but you know i'm going to listen to some jay electronica yeah i'm going to listen to some bossier music he'll talk about it i'm gonna listen to some jay-z i do like that new expensive pain right um i know there was a controversy about the album cover right but i mean hip-hop himself is the album cover right um but there was a lot of relatables in that um i like the nash the new knives that just came out specifically king disease two fire i think actually is his best work um i love some j coles kendrick you know uh you know when i'm feeling real bay area i might slap on some mozzie you know um you know i mean it's a lot of music i mean but a lot of times i fast for music i don't listen to music on a daily basis you know just because i don't be wanting everybody thoughts in my head when i when when it get quiet in my house i can hear the lyrics and if those lyrics ain't got nothing to do with the type of person i want to be situations i'm going through a vision i'm trying to produce that's an unnecessary frequency taken away from the dominant frequency i'm trying to produce but music i rock with i love music you know when new music listen come out i always take a listen give it a ear um but i ain't been impressed by new rappers lately you know i like cordee i think he put out some dope music um i like the record t.i and his son did there's a few stuff man yeah okay so we gonna keep it real controversial which what can you like when you give the people a couple of orders that you don't think bring enough value to the coach who is slowing down a lot of progress at the moment i never thought about it in terms like that i don't think nobody has that much power to just slow down our progress per se um but i mean i i think you look at um i can't even think of their names because i don't be really slapping them like that uh i'm trying to think of like the playboy parties of the world yeah you know i'm saying like i don't get that music it ain't even at home get it you know i'm young enough to un to like to be able to listen to something and just vibe out and forget the lyrics but the image that they put behind it the court symbolisms yeah and all of the weird stuff what i don't like i find myself listening to something and i gotta ask what did they say and i don't know what they said or they're not saying anything that makes any coherent sense right i gotta stop listening to things it's just stupid right and then also i just don't think that they're talented to be honest you know i think it just contributes and if you watch a dumb movie right afterwards you're gonna feel dumb like literally no it's a fact your iq just decreased yeah so if you listen to a dumb song right afterwards your iq just decreased you know saying like you go watch a suspense thriller that has your mind thinking it's about a smart character your mind starts to mimic that you start to think in that same manner that same pattern same thing with lyrical music you got to listen to what they saying but this music ain't bothered that it's just about the vibes you understand me it's what jeezy was prophetic and saying i let i'd rather listen to your instrumentals just be honest but i think that's the most detrimental those who create images that don't represent any strength any power anything man it's just like you know it's like they want everybody wanna be rock stars yeah you know rock stars with weirdos let's be honest you know saying so it's like you following in the footsteps of a bunch of weirdos and then you say well i'm a rock star because you know i you wear a purse and makeup and paint your nails like i whatever that even means you feel me but it's basically saying that i don't have to follow any of the conventional rules i can do whatever i want to and i'll be praised and loved by my cook yeah i heard when i asked you the first question about music you told me that you don't listen to music often like you you you actually take a break yeah and you silence it out so can you explain oh nipsey hustle man come on everybody know that yeah i want you to explain to the people the importance of taking a break and sitting in silence sometimes you know mindfulness i love being quiet like let's take 10 seconds and we just don't say nothing yeah it was like 20 seconds but we gonna come get the interview back rolling but the point of it was that a lot of people got anxious yeah 10 to 20 seconds one minute is a lot you start counting down that was 10 already let's get back to it what did that 10 cost you we always need to fill in the empty spaces instead of allowing it to flow yeah this is why so many people have mental health issues because when do you ever give your mind a chance to take a break yeah when does it have any time for reparations you know reparations is repairment your mind never gives reparations because it's always working like a slave yeah you understand me getting beat to death stress anxiety worrying overthinking never getting a break some people cannot sit with themselves inside too long you know you at home i got to go to the club because i need to have this music in my environment i don't want to be hearing my thoughts because most people when they along with their thoughts they start thinking negative yeah damn i ain't [ __ ] in life i ain't got no money ain't nothing going on ain't got nobody done with i don't know what i'm gonna do i don't really wanna feel like sitting down and studying and learning nothing i don't know what's going on let me go out i need my mind to be distracted because that conscious mind is always trying to think for you once you give it a distraction it's gone now it's there for the end of person to go to heavier things i need to do some drugs i need to get the hell out of my mind that's literally what people do you understand me but those who have the ability to go in their mind you start to have mindfulness you practice real self mastery right you gain a level of calmness nobody can own you anymore because nobody can make you angry you detach from the reality of things they no longer control your emotions you lose some money you're not attached to the results exactly yeah so when i find myself um overly stressed or not being mindful right because i'm not always the greatest mindful person on the planet because i'll be thinking of so many i'd be having too many tabs open in my head sometimes but i mean need to cut these taps you can't think of multiple things at once you have to lend good focused energy to one thing at a time if you really want to get on some mastery so you know meditation always will be the greatest but just sitting by yourself in meditation or just sitting by yourself period and thinking and getting comfortable with the silence cause stillness speaks yeah in a world where everything is moving you can look at a pole and it's just sitting there still and it allows you to center yourself when you see other still things in your environment then you gain if everybody is watching can do this with me this is how you can test where your mind is how much chaos is going on imagine um you are at a beach or a lake right night time stars out is the water calm or is it flushing on the on the uh the shores understand me is there's constant waves and no matter what you do you cannot get that water to calm down you cannot get that water that sits still that's your mind yeah once you do that it lets you know where your mind is a lot of people go do it right now you understand me and see if it works see is that goddamn lake or that beach is still and you can see the moonlight shining on it because it's still or is it washing on the shores is it tidal wave is it a storm what's going on yeah it also goes back to people learning the universal laws once you learn them you can become a master of those words so yeah he said self-mastery is key and it brings me to another question i have a list of questions that i'm back we'll get to this part two uh this is the last question okay um someone had reached out to me and they asked me about can i ask mr keys what's the importance of submissive women the question is more so what's the importance of healthy relationships yeah and what do healthy relationships look like right because we all must submit to something right a lot of people if you got a job right and your boss tells you i need you to show up here i need you to do this i need you to work here for these hours this is your your role at this job you're going to say yes once you agree to that whether it's contractually uh or not or whatever it is that's submission but why are you submitting you're submitting because of the reward of the submission well if i submit and i do this work i get paid if i get paid i can utilize the money and however i want to right let's take a relationship you're in a relationship hey this is what i come with this is who i am this is what i do you understand me when a man can properly lay out and communicate you understand me um all that he comes with who he is what's his vision what's his plan you understand me then he can provide the opportunity for the woman to submit or not but submission is not overpowering right and this is where a lot of people go destructive in their thinking because they a lot of people confuse submission with a sort of oppression you understand me submission is an agreement right yeah and saying that no i'm not going to defy you we're going to have agreement we're going to have cooperation here right but the caution that comes along with that is that a woman should not submit to a man who has not submitted to god if the man doesn't submit to anything then she may be submitting to his ego yeah but see when a man on a man of mission a man of purpose a man of god was going to check him is the standards that he put upon himself his faith his god his rules his religion his spirituality you understand me that's the beauty because then she can hold him accountable i only submitted to you because i was submitting to the god within i'm not submitting to the [ __ ] that's acting out yeah you understand me so a lot of people want women to submit today [ __ ] nah what you trying to do or what you're working to do is the woman is submitting to the god within that's all when you want her to do some things that are not aligned with your godliness she ain't got to submit to none of that and she shouldn't because that's when she can be taken advantage of you understand me so the submissiveness is a quality of agreement right equality it's a feminine quality of agreement i'm not acting in defiance of things out of my best interest if you're leading someone in the right direction you submit to the order of the instruction right we submit all day long a lot of us submit to our vices our problems we submit to our friends our peers they got a plan for us i submit i'm going there right so nobody wants to be in a relationship with somebody who is has a rebellious spirit i'm going to defy you just because i'm not going to listen to anything that you say you understand me but at the same time yes a man has to have a plan if he wants to be submitted to but a man has to submit to god first supreme knowledge right and then she has to hold that man to the standard of what he submits to in order for her to submit to him right so submissive women are important in the sense that it allows for the collaboration of the sexes right men and women right but like i said when that man is submitted to god then yes she can submit to him right because he's going to act properly within his nature and his righteousness and his morals and his goals right and he gonna do the right thing but you should never submit to a no good [ __ ] you know i'm talking about and [ __ ] be trying to pimp their way into situations and get women to submit so they can overpower am i seeing something on social media talking about women need to submit because if i was there i would make you that's not submission if you make it you understand me that's that's force that's a rape culture that's some weird [ __ ] so no i think a lot of [ __ ] don't even deserve that but at the end of the day i think what a lot of people are trying to get to is a standard of respect and love and compassion and empathy and feminine energy and nurturing qualities that are not the norm and a standard in society so i think that question comes from this place of you know uh that energy you get from your mother when she's taking care of you right yeah like your mother don't submit to you but she's loving to you you understand me and she help you right your mother gives you the most comforting loving energy if you got a good mother in life and she gives you the first glimpse of what that feminine energy is right because she provides that comfort and that nurturing and that challenge to you when you need it but that's a key point too as well because just because a woman submits to the plan the goals and the ideas and the vision right doesn't mean that she shouldn't provide a gentle challenge to help you grow yeah right and a lot of men can't handle that they think it's gonna get easy right it'll never never ever get you see a woman can only be in her feminine submission if you in your masculine divine yeah you understand me because that masculine man ain't gonna take things personal he ain't gonna be operating his insecurities and his jealousy from like his face instead of a horse yeah yeah he gonna be on a high level yeah you understand me so then it becomes natural it's not something you gotta ask it's something she already go do when you start to force it that's something different you're overpowering it's cowardly right you're not at that caliber you ain't that man yet you want some kevin samuels type [ __ ] where you think oh i make a certain amount of money submit to me that's a weak [ __ ] so it's just be reality that's a weak [ __ ] it's a lot of weak [ __ ] that only they don't have nothing on the inside they only have things on the outside i got a car submit to me i got a house submit to me i got a good job i make money submit to me i got a status submit to me nah [ __ ] who are you yeah where you standing for what's your values goals principles what's your mission you ain't got nothing to submit to nothing worthy of submitting to and a lot of people unfortunately have submitted to the most unworthy things and then those things betray him because they were designed to you understand me and then you blame the act of submission as the issue the act the problem was you submitted to the wrong things in the first place you submitted to the devil and then you blame god we're gonna end it out on nick and come back with a part two for you uh thanks for having mr 19 keys in the wardrobe you know he don't hold back i'm glad that i could be the one in this room i'm steve jones tap back in with us catch part two peace out appreciate you bro reset i'm gonna do my clothes out don't be doing my clothes out on my show just the war room it's a conversation about political economic and welfare this is the war world
Channel: 19KEYS
Views: 122,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 19keys, ParadigmShifters, TheShifters, 1of19, GodTriarch
Id: uM0cCSjv0QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 9sec (5049 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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