The Greatest Gameshow Ever.

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[Music] foreign all right ladies and gentlemen it's the mid-season championship of hivemind today we got a lot of contestants battling for two thousand dollars in cash in an invitation to the finale of hive mind season two that's on august 18th and and just a quick note for our live viewers we've moved times from noon to six they had a a legion of scientists at twitch headquarters figuring out the best minute to start and they've decided upon 6 p.m pacific time and that'll be for the rest of the season so uh so keep updated with that and and thanks everyone who's uh who's co-streaming this event there's an official category so thanks to all the co-streamers today and a few more also got a shout out the twitter where you can share your thoughts with us during the show at hashtag hivemindtwitch to get your tweet shown on stream what's that what's that charlie you must know the name of that conference where they did that and they just ruined it on 4chan i don't know the conference yeah i remember they had like an open thing to name an ai and it was nothing but the most degenerate names of all time yeah so i don't know why they trusted my viewers and your viewers on twitter to get shown up but but hey you know if you guys want to get a little nuts there feel free i'm sure it'll be curated it won't end up like mountain dew with the gushing grannies and stuff like that if you remember that one yeah just sneak one in though chad try to sneak one in and pass the twitch moderator see if you can get away with it also boys we have a discord where you can hang out and submit questions that we use pretty much every week you guys know how live mine works we don't accept uh some words this week it's ludwig most critical charlie come fisting your mom in anything against terms of service and this this should be brought up there's no quin 69 this week charlie yeah he's been nerfed he was too powerful he created his own artificial intelligence to gather the top answers from other chats he was too strong and twitch had to change times to a place where he couldn't attend so due to the time change he won't be joining us unfortunately rumblings are uh are being heard that quinn actually is selling his software to all the contestants for more than the actual prize money all right quinn wins at the end of the day a ruthless businessman some would argue absolutely a genius yeah well let's take a look at her contestants we do have ash replacing quinn she was second in that contest and we also have a few other winners let's start with dante how you doing man i'm doing great how are y'all doing man godzilla i could not be more pleased to have you back you were forced to be reckoned with your uh your last week so uh let's see let's see if fng can come up on top again on top i'm ready uh and then we have ash who is a uh last second replacement for quinn but could not be happier to have you ash what's up good morning back to back-to-back mutes that's classic unlucky hannah how are you doing three for three minutes good how are you hannah you're it the entire minecraft legion was struck down every week we had a minecrafter you're the only one that remains yeah yeah i am i am i have to win for the minecrafters mm-hmm mm-hmm you can respect that and finally pay monis wubbus famed taxi driver no you're screwed i'm lying i'm like okay how you doing i'm doing a little disappointed that fisting is now gone but i'm happy to be here that's that's the one that's the one word i was looking forward to it this thing was his ace in the hole last time yeah it was worth it that is true give me the game come on they got rid of [ __ ] he said nothing and fisting and he's like no heartbroken you'll need a new word this week ash we got you can we hear you now good morning no not yet all right we'll figure it out could be a me thing we'll figure it out we got a quick break we'll be right back uh twitch gotta run those ads for our first round one and agree disagree thank you guys for showing up looking forward to it and we're back and we fixed all the technical difficulties ash it's wonderful to hear you this time around how are you doing yeah good thanks and yourself not too bad pretty excited to get this mid-season championship kicked off we sent you away with some agree or disagree questions we'll start with dante what are you feeling android better than apple uh i'm gonna go disagree okay all right any reason why are you an android fan android user uh no android is i'll answer your question charlie he's under the age of 55. i mean we've seen the memes with the androids like it's all pixelated i just think they're funny and i agree with them actually fair enough what about you uh i'm also gonna go with disagree i think sensical hannah disagree i don't know who would agree with this does everyone here have an iphone is that what's going on yeah really all right well i only use the freedom phone because i don't like to be chained down to big quarters what about you wobby uh you and i both i'm gonna agree um i know what the the people's champion all right this is android i actually have an android yes i do which model is the one that blows up it's the it's oh come on man gotta go for the low blows all right either way let's take a look at what chat said did they go with agree or disagree [Music] whoo well you tried you tried well you said to everyone to go agree didn't you you sneaky devil you were close you were close 46 is a lot better than i think the uh the average vote would be with no uh impact uh i'm surprised i thought most people hated apple i thought this was gonna be one of those like [ __ ] apple moments i think they do but then they'll they still use the iphone they're just they're tweeting from their iphone when they say [ __ ] apple but you guys know how it works the number one question gets you the most points for round one charlie kick us off screw engagement rings if you love me buy me blank 60 seconds with your chat go wild wow you love me buy me blank what's the best gift you gave your esso or received uh when tiana and i first started dating she stole me a pack of magic the gathering cards and i pulled a masterpiece from kaladesh i was like oh my god it was a lightning greaves i was like oh oh my god she resealed she resealed to lock you no this is my this is mine i'll show you i'll show you christmas this year 95 graded super smash brothers what the [ __ ] is 95 graded too well that had to be like what like five grand five or six grand for that i've never asked or looked it up i've just cherished it good yeah that's a crazy gift i'll have to tell you the story about how it got stolen for a week too but for another time sounds good yeah time is up contestants time is up we got to see the answers now as always there's an advantage forever who starts first in hive mind and it will start with you dante question simple screw engagement rings if you love me buy me x blank what are you buying food food man yeah if you are fed you are wed it's not no one says that okay all right let's see food is it on the board i'm sorry i'm just working i had a cold yeah it is true the fng does not stop ash over to you well you know what i i think i'm gonna go with puppy a puppy yeah you know i don't know but that's what my my my dear community says so uh you know what i'm gonna blindly trust them if someone wouldn't randomly give you a puppy wouldn't you be like a little like you should have given me a little warning i didn't i don't have anything for this i have to take care of another creature now i can barely do it for myself all right no puppy if it's on the board that's all that matters let's take a look [Music] what a shocker it's all right it's just round one this happened last time ash this this was very that is true the statisticians remember hannah i'm gonna have to say an iphone okay seems a bit corporate a bit chilly but i i can understand that yeah if you love me buy me g-fuel using my code yes yes all right let's take a look iphone is it on the board hashtag ad oh my god oh okay hannah get paid from apple before you give him number three on hivemind how many viewers do we have charlie over four million already and we just started it's crazy you got at least 300k for that ad placement right there exactly dildos oh sorry no sorry i was just going to say how are you doing but that could be no yeah same answer dildos for both let's see dildos is it on the board your channel you down once they'll never do it twice yeah there it is adult toys you know how they have to be over there all right they gotta true they just can't type dildos they can't just let that go right off although the intern definitely types it in and deletes it and then types in the all right let's see what we missed which ones could you have gotten ash house it's a little a little greedy to ask for that car still a little feels a little greedy or ps5 okay big three that you guys missed three more questions also in this round charlie take it away all right this one comes from a community member this comes from lily they ask what music artist are you most embarrassed to admit you enjoy that's 60 seconds a lot of musical artists that really kind of suck so wild is it my age or do i just i feel like i don't feel embarrassment anymore i definitely think this is more of a young people thing where it's like oh you don't like playboy cardi get out of our lunch table you can't sit here kind of thing you know what it would be like a youtube artist oh very good idea who then who would it be if i'm in a conversation and people are like i like the weekend and someone's like i like kendrick lamar and i go have you heard dream's new single i think it would be a really hard thing to inject naturally you know yeah you'd immediately put your head down a little bit and just pray for the best i think because it's like classified there's music and then there's youtuber music and it's like a different classification and they don't usually make their way sometimes into actual what people consider music a lot of overlap between like normal radio music fans and that's what the point of the mask is kind of yeah because and that's because the masses don't understand yeah they're not smart enough yet time is up contestants hopefully guys came up with some good ones there did miss last round while we take it away what you got i'm being told from my chat that i was muted during the entire thing uh to my audience that was pretty impossible that's possible you were not muted to me but we'll make sure that you are not muted for your chat as well yeah [ __ ] your chat as long as we can hear you will be that's all we were struggling that round i'm gonna be real wait so this past minute you're saying this the the minute where we had to discuss this answer i had no volume so you're nerfed right now very very yeah yeah a little bit all right here's my tip just pull up dante's chat take a clip look at the first 20 seconds to see the chats he's blocked he's already banned this guy banned all of my mods already i banned all the mods i banned everybody that i'm playing against did you even find the mods oh my god yo my my mod found the mods and then we just win software for this i think yeah ash what's your answer for this uh justin bieber oh okay but like promise kind of banged admittedly i'll be honest i i don't know any of his music oh yeah no i was talking about a different artist all right justin bieber is it on the board jbs ooh the beliebers [Music] number five still there points round three that'll get you a lot anna over to you i'm gonna trust my chat and say jojo siwa oh okay it's kind of like what we were talking about ludwig she does hit a hell of a softball though like i'm kind of a joe siwa fan after seeing her play the uh celebrity softball game she was a menace she was insane on the field let's see is she on the board though okay pretty big pretty big you've been nerfed by the man i'm fuming i'm not gonna lie so i'm just gonna i mean this is a shot in the dark i don't even know what this is but this is what my chat is telling me to say so if it's not up there blame them uh i'm going with dixie that's a tick-tock superstar internet sensation dixie d emilio yeah dick yeah yeah that is a classic artiste this is definitely we're talking about charlie let's see is dixie on the [Music] that's board that is huge [Applause] dante you look displeased yes he stole my my answer he stole my answer you have to ban every person in his chat from your chat imagine needing a working mic that's crazy that's crazy i guess uh i will go with my backup coil array is it on the board surely it is let's see number five number six damn [Music] look if it's not apparent already this is this is a heated episode these are all champions this is for two thousand five hundred dollars in cash for the winner uh let's see what we missed here taylor swift that's just hurtful number four okay number three nickelback okay that's like a classic meme answer for this uh that's some old reddit memes yeah two more questions in this round so far a very tight race take it away charlie where is the worst place to find a scary bug it's just like so relatable but today yeah yeah you did run into this i just had this happen where did it you where did you run into it again where was it was the bathroom yeah i was taking a [ __ ] and the wasp flew on my ass cheek now that's one of the great thing about bidets is sometimes they have bug tracking technology yeah they just shoot someone down who you want to listen to here uh let's see what wubby's talking about make sure he's not muted i guess what's dante's chat saying we sniped them out they're saying bathroom and bedroom okay i'm going to give you my answer get right typing fingers get ready do not put it in my chat do not put it in my chat get ready for the final 15. look okay say um look everybody submit bathroom but uh okay i don't i don't know man look everybody submit card everybody submit card too bro yeah they're falling apart a bit at the end there we'll we'll see what turns out for question three in round one anna secretly finds herself in first place anna you get to go first here it's your best advantage for any of the questions in round one what do you think what's the worst place i'm gonna have to say bathroom okay yeah all right yeah that's just like a good answer they're gonna pigeonhole say like the nether no no i would not say that mfw i find a bug in the nether so [ __ ] oh my god all right bathroom makes a lot of sense let's take a look [Music] there it is baby let's go holding down first place hannah congrats on that wubby i'm gonna go with mouth that's true horrible thought about that yeah but bugs in your mouth that's just the worst possible scenario you're at their mercy now is it on the board [Music] big points again good answer from wubby dante i'm gonna go with ben it's a good answer [Music] number three though ash going four for four here um i i guess i'm gonna go with shoe okay yeah that's a good you're saying it unconfidently i think that could be a good if you found a bug in your shoe that would be bad a roly-poly perhaps they would probably be dead but they would be in there it paid off points first four for four question congrats contestants which ones did we miss number six okay yeah because they they're shittier down there i've heard they're huge yeah in car that makes a lot of sense is that true ash are they are just the bugs terrifying uh honestly sometimes yeah yeah yeah i believe that i believe yeah australia is not overhyped there's a plant that actually makes you kill yourself it's called i think it's called the gumpy gumpy plant if you touch it it like admits something so painful most people choose suicide or want to rather that's crazy i'm googling this you tell everyone the next question question number four comes from another community member treepot which video game landmark would make the best addition to the seven wonders of the world that's terrifying did you look it up isn't it wild yeah yeah no it's crazy i learned so when the co-host of the official podcast jackson's from australia and he was talking about it as one of his big fears i didn't believe him it is a plant that if you just touch it is so painful people think suicide would be better it's crazy surely like the doctor's office is is a better option there there's nothing they can do for it i think it has to run its course oh my god so it's like seven minute itch but it's like worse yeah it's crazy like there's there's other things like that too not just like that plant there's other like crazy stuff it's wild there definitely not overhyped oh we need a background is up contestants question interesting one which video game landmark would make the best addition to the seven wonders of the world which is our eighth wonder for gamers this time wobby uh i'm at a crossroads i don't know if i want to steal what i think might be the number one or just go with the safe i'm gonna go i'm gonna try to steal and i'm gonna go with tilted towers okay it's getting heated five mines mid-season finale we are looking at tilted towers who'd you steal it from i think i stole it from dante i'm not sure i could i could be getting played i'll be real okay yeah dante has played before he's a bit of a he's a bit of a trickster let's see tilted towers is it on the board [Music] oh it's it's a little deep but it is there dante was that a play did you play him big big big [ __ ] play i'm on to you bro come on to you buddy oh well talk to us talk to us what was the strat what are you going with then hopefully it worked we'll see nuketown wow okay town yeah let's see is nuketown on the board call of duty staple okay it is cool this feels like they're both just nerfing themselves and ash and hannah are just like in first place like what are they doing yeah we suck dude we gotta work together your turn what do you think i don't know if it'd be considered a landmark but everyone seems to be saying nether portal so i'm going to go with that nether portal that would count like a giant nether portal structure yeah that makes it in france they have like a giant landmark and it's just a gate like it's a giant marble stone gate other portals like actually transports you let's see is it on the board so where [Music] number two that's a bit of a stretch but we'll count it it's a portal in minecraft there's only two of them hannah in disgust listen the end and another are completely different that is rigged that's good it's they're similar enough okay we have our producer in the back all right his name's alex he's 65. you want him to boot up minecraft and explain what's the difference how do you not know the difference between the nether and the end in this essay i would like to explain the difference between the end in the nether portal it's fine it's fine it's fine i have another answer all right what's you have a number one answer in fact hannah i i do my answer is halo ring oh that's very gamer all right is it on the board the halo ring [Music] oh my oh my oh i don't think we've ever seen a four to one backwards before uh but congratulations for you guys getting the top four answers which ones did you miss yeah makes sense number five jesus just a giant whompus he hit a massive whompus we pray to yeah absolutely all right that uh just about wraps up round one let's take a look we got hannah locking it down over a hundred point lead in first followed by dante and wubby very tight battle for second ash and last for now but uh but round two gets crazy it is the team's round and i'm pretty sure charlie this is the round where people just are out of the contest sometimes yeah sometimes in round two you can really get out of control quickly so this is a very important one it'll be dante and ash versus hannah and wubby so prepare yourselves to work together we'll have two questions but that's right after this quick break [Music] and we're back in that thrilling round two teams game like we said dante ash hannah rose hey money wubby but before that we have the agree or disagree question we'll start with you dante that's actually ash for the first one here right ash sacrifice graphics for better gameplay agree or disagree i agree keep it simple easy i mean i think this is a gimme you play block game hannah what do you think i would have to say agree you don't use any shaders nope never oh bobby all right it's a give me it's agree okay what about you dante agree as well all right this was free points went together or lose together let's take a look what did you say chat [Music] whoa uh i think it's the most landslide agree your disagree ever you're part of the nine percent uh you're literally different built different than the rest of us and negatively though like not not in a positive way yeah sure this does kick off our team's round now just so you guys know the team's round works like this there's two questions uh you guys will have three answers for each pair so dante ash come up with three answers hannah while we come up with three answers uh and without further ado let's kick it off charlie first question of round two this is submitted by let's go name something your parents used every day that no one uses today wow i rotary phone i don't know i don't know what they used condoms [Laughter] it is funny to do an item like that yeah they they used condoms back in those days all right that'll be that'll be our answer i like when we get one answer in there so our chats we're going condoms on this one some real chad energy no one uses that today no you'd be a fool too are you serious oh man yeah we're going back to the actual sheepskin days now [Music] let's see if wubby's on our side he was talking about dildos earlier maybe he's already yelling i like that i like that newspaper is a really good one newspaper newspaper should have been chat say facebook type in facebook i know landfall i think you heard that why oh what was that that's fine it's too late no trust landline chat a little disagreement okay you can choose a little bickering between some of the pairs i've seen for this one orange team will go first again you guys will have three answers total really imperative that you get as many on the board as possible even if it's not number one but uh kick us off name something your parents use every day that nobody uses today dante ash what you got first one we're going to say uh we're going to say condom that's what we were saying dante devious you're saying nobody today uses condoms i mean imagine saying that charlie personally i i'm actually offended you'd say that we've practiced safe sex for years we had entire programs at school dedicated to it and you are throwing it away with that i follow abstinence but i do keep a condom belt everywhere i go either way let's let's just skip all the shenanigans is condom on the board oh my god wow oh my god all right hannah okay you want to take the first one or uh i think trust trust me okay trust me no you got it all right i'm gonna say landline trust i trust that makes a lot of sense a landline it's a true thing is it number two that's big all right all right that was literally the scene from aladdin played out on hivemind live dante ash over to you we'll do we'll do belt all right yeah but a belt are the belts out i don't know about this i i i still use belts sometimes when my my pants are a little big for my baby boy waist but yeah it might just be me i mean thankfully i've gained enough weight tactically so i don't have to use belts anymore this is a strategic weekend yes let's see what's there okay it's something i know okay i know the other one i know the bit of a blunder you guys get three each so getting anything on the board is good blue team what you got and do you trust me yes i do trust you oh my gosh rookie plays i'm gonna go with newspaper oh yeah that's very good journalism i wouldn't necessarily agree with this i mean newspapers are still really popular among certain demographics let's just see if it's on the board probably not because it's a stupid answer it's a good good product a lot of information in those oh okay cuts me deep cuts me deep all right you guys have been doing really well you're four for four dante's suck to miss the last one what do you got yeah walkman walkman i don't even think i'm old enough to have used the walkman i think i started with an ipod they made a big comeback a couple years ago don't you remember they came out with that new walkman model that a lot of hipsters would use like it's like vinyl but on your hip you don't remember that no really they had a bit of a comeback wow all right let's see not big enough i guess there it is three for three is really big as long as blue team whiffs here you guys come up ahead but if they get this this is this is huge for blue team what do you guys got webby i think i know the answer like i'm one hundred percent i think i know what you said yeah yeah i say go for it i say all right facebook yep wow okay okay if you look up google trends facebook's one of the most googled things of all time 2011 they've been declining ever since just a decade of falling off uh let's see is facebook here first time we've ever seen six for six on team rounds i'm pretty sure this is the most tense high of mine episode ever i cannot believe i've never seen a three for three i i i didn't think it existed i think it was possible i didn't think it was uh i didn't think it was possible either especially with the belt pick up at the bottom there that would be one that i feel like would escape going three for three both teams nutty well hey you guys hopefully you worked well as a team you can do it again uh and you'll do this right after the break [Music] [Applause] thank you to all the artists you saw a little bit of the fan art there you can submit your own fan art on the hive mind discord at hypemine show dot tv slash discord we do have a competition going on and at the end of the season we'll pick our three favorites and there's some subs on the line so check out the discord for more details also huge hats off to the mods at uh i'm dante's stream being so thorough as the band ludwig and myself justin kids get off i didn't tell them to do it i'm the host of the show damn it i've never been up but nothing but on your side don't touch guys unban them unban them also yet ludwig it's coming out of ludwig's pocket like you can't come in there and give you the the hundred subs and such if he's banned like unban them please i'm a top gifter all right i'm just trying to earn my channel points oh my gosh oh my god it's all out the window now this is a atrocity of the highest degree well let's just move into the second question of round two still teams blue team will go first for this one charlie what is it finish this sentence with one word gaming is for blank what was your first thought i almost accidentally said chad's right away i thought [ __ ] immediately very different ends of the spectrum i see yeah yeah gabe i think that's what it'll be it'll be like a good mix of self-deprecation and just pompous confidence and cockiness yeah what are some other ones like alphas gamers nerds let's do a listening with uh with hannah and wubby again they seem fervent virgins or what virgins is we need two and three ashes chat saying virgins uh dante's chat is saying nerds but we get first choice we can okay if anyone that didn't vote yet say kings maybe there you go we'll give you guys i didn't vote yet type in kings kings in the extension i'm going to follow your lead this time hannah because you saved me that round okay as always all six of us here are lovely members of the twitch community but more importantly we're also lovers of following the terms of service so let's make sure not to use any words that would break it here today uh because it just won't be on the board you know like let's say for example we replace gaming is for and then just say ludwig is a and if the word would get you banned then it probably won't fly as an answer for this just as a heads up uh anyway take it away blue team you guys go first okay so i'm gonna have to say gaming is for nerds okay starting off with a bit of an insult i like that alteration of the word nert let's see is it on the board [Music] blue team keeps it on the gas dante well i have some options on the table but i'm i'm getting redirection from my chat and i mean ash unless you have a good idea of something you're very confident in i'm gonna have to go with uh kings feel good about that ash oh i like i yeah i like that actually positive that does seem to fit your brand to ash let's see gaming is for kings [Music] oh we're going back and forth again does blue team pick up number three here that would be impressive uh that would be impressive i think i have a good one can i go ahead please do please save us gaming is for gamers oh it's a bit of a risk okay yeah i've seen i can't believe you prefaced that with i have a good one not to say it's not on the board but gaming is for gamers i wouldn't call a good one necessarily it's a good one all right let's see gaming is for gamers [Music] i can't how believe is her chat jesus eatings for eaters gaming's for gamers these are just facts that she's spitting ash dante what the [ __ ] i i don't know yeah a lot of people in my chat have been saying chad's i don't know how i feel about it though honestly [Applause] wait we could broaden our horizons we could say everyone inclusive everyone okay everyone whoa oh you just locking it i everyone like it okay okay okay this sounds like an ea intro sure gaming is for everyone [Music] oh okay okay something it's something for something it is something as long as blue team misses that was great anna do you have a third um maybe the one that we were saying earlier that's what i'm leaning towards singing yeah i'm gonna have to say gaming is for for virgins correct all right yeah okay specifically for people who have yet to consummate let's see but they will because they're gamers yeah it's inevitable the pure it's literally t-o-s it sounds like a sorry kind of thing well i would say it's if it's used derogatory it's tos but virgins exist you know and i'm not going to finish it because we're live on twitch's broadcast but nothing wrong with being a virgin and calling them out as a group of people who do wholesome activities yeah orange team what you got uh okay so i i'm gonna take this one i'm gonna have to i'm gonna say weebs that's good you like that ash yeah yeah yeah i like okay weebs is big all right let's see is it on the board is it the world's first back to back full board oh i think it's chad's i think it's chad's it might be chad's yeah my chat was fervorous let's take a look charlie are you right number one right i think it's chad's chat that's a big reason that's a big read that is it for our doubles round and that has been a bit of a bump up for blue team hannah still in first we'll be now commanding second place but this is where it gets spicy because round three the points are as high as they've been it's triple however it's the sixth answer that will get you the most points not the first this is where you gotta work for it we'll see who does best in that right after this break and we're back and it is time for that magical round three but before we get to that let's go ahead and start with the agree or disagree question it's too hot in my hometown right now we'll start with you hannah rose do you agree or disagree i agree too hot everywhere pretty much i think mm-hmm wobby i agree yeah it's hot makes sense literally all the salmon are dying in california because it's too hot oh rest in peace dante agree and finally from down under where i think it's always too hot what do you think ash well you know it's actually winter at the moment uh oh right but i guess i agree yeah i didn't think it what is winter what like what degrees is it in winter uh i don't know in fahrenheit but i think it's like 10 at the moment 10. okay celsius yeah that translates to 40. all right let's take a look wow that was that was clever did you see that what did chad say surely a bunch of agrees yeah i think there's another big one like 90. yeah it's it's big not as big as i thought it would be the pacific north northwest hit like 115. their uh their wires for their their public transport are melting they can't use public transport anymore wow yeah it's getting a little toasty these days uh we're in at round three charlie explain everyone what's going on here round three is where it switches so the number one answer is worth the least amount of points number six is worth the most so you're trying to get like a good read on something that you think will be there but not super high on the board something that you know people have probably put but not a ton of people either so you're looking for six five and four for your big earners here in this round and the points are tripled let's kick it off we got our first question i'll take this one it's from evil fairy who said which online game is the most scuffed game's the most scuffed remember radical heights from cliffy b no what wait radical heights it was that battle royale that tried really hard to come out at the front of the battle royale craze but he didn't bother putting any textures in the game yeah i never played i i so i never played many battle royales but i remember watching like because all of them were paid to play it so i remember watching people play it but i always stick to my guns here it's like online game with the ones that are known for being stuffed what's the one that uh the space one that got better oh uh no man's sky yeah no man's sky yeah it got better but that one's still pretty scuffed uh hive mind is a funny answer i don't know if it'll fly though smash ultimate a hundred percent smash ultimate is so s if you don't think smash ultimate's the most scuff game they have worse netcode than melee time is up contestants time is up this is gonna hurt some social media workers feelings which online game is the most scuffed we're gonna start off with dante again number six will get you the most points here okay i'm gonna go with uh i'm gonna go with 2k yeah that seems like it would be a number one answer for you dante normally uh well but you don't even play 2k strings but hopefully but hopefully you've pulled some strings here that it it's made its way down let's see nba2k is it on the board okay uh pretty good hey there's a chance that people also just don't hit so you can't be too bummed let's move over to you ash speaking of people who don't hit slimey let's go with gta i guess gta you've played a good amount of gta right ash yeah a little bit makes sense let's take a look [Music] oh my gosh the number one answer um i'm gonna have roblox look stuffed very so like amazing no it's like the most played game in the world they have like an entire infrastructure all right fair enough no it sucks all right let's see roblox i guess it's pretty [ __ ] scuffed i i've only played it a couple times like i played meep city and i breakdanced with like everyone there and seemed to work fine yeah that whole that's all i know i've only ever seen alpharad and aiden played it and they both seem like they're having a blast wobby i'm scared this might be number one for the wrong reason i'm gonna go with the cyberpunk cyberpunk is it on the board it does sound like a number one it's all right you were in second place so just getting on the board is very important it helps it is still in second place but ash made a huge 150 point comeback there which ones did we miss minecraft and is it really scuffed um fortnite it's just like what games are popular yeah this this that's how it kind of works with twitch chat because they try to gamify it a bit so it deteriorates a bit from the essence of the question but that's fire that's fair we got our next question charlie take it away this website has the most wholesome comment section 60 seconds go wild i definitely know which one i would choose would you choose bornhub have you read those comments they're so supportive of each other down there that is true let's do a quick listening with dante they're saying pornhub they're saying reddit yo we're in last place we need to make something happen bro i'm looking at everybody's chat right now we gotta kind of throw something else out there bro gotta do something tumblr what do we got though what do we got look i'ma just write these down yeah i think we need i think we need to do it you know what i mean i think i think it just it needs to be done i think we need to do it together what are you doing oh she's she's saluting time is up i think we'll need quite a few moments to tabulate here just to catch everyone up to speed this is round three it's the final round with all four contestants top two move on to the final round so far hannah is firmly in first but there's a tight race for second sixth answer will get you the most points 300 to be exact first place will only get you 150 ash you're first for this question what do you think one hub that's what i said that was gonna be my answer very supportive in those comments i'm gonna take a stab this is the number one answer and it's not close let's take a look [Music] yeah yeah that's great that's great that's like what they called in gta anna over to you i'm gonna have to say tick-tock okay all right i don't know if i agree with it per se but sure i don't agree either but it's tick-tock you're going with popularity and i think that's a good play not hannah farming popular answers number two if you're in first just getting on the board's pretty much all you need wobby i am going to go with schmonly fans let's just quickly is that a dupe of schmorsh mob are we good with that they're very different my guy i could i could break it down for you well you know well you know let's just actually look it up because i don't want that breakdown really appreciate that though wubby schmonly schmann's is it on the board [Music] whoo number four nice is pretty big we have a slight point discrepancy for hannah we will fix that soon don't worry alex is working on it bit of arthritis hit him just give him a few seconds dante i'm gonna say i'm gonna say twitter oh that's a very bold play yeah instead of like what's the most wholesome it's more like never is the wholesome and number six is like not wholesome it's like the other this is like actual hell on earth yeah i just hope it worked let's go dante let's go you have turned the least wholesome platform into 300 big ones congratulations i'm impressed when you uh because you're you know you can use your chat but when you can figure out the number six it's pretty good which ones did we miss though it was number three read it it can be depends on the subreddit not the dog one charlie no definitely not that one and tumblr tumbler sure sure sure that rounds out question two two more questions in this race for a second it's getting a little spicy this is probably one of the closest ones we've seen everyone's still in the within striking distance here it is the highest point total ever for sure as long as you guys keep this up in the next two questions kick us off though charlie and we will get hannah one more digit on that number as soon as possible this comes from high card he says you can never have too many blank what can't you have too many of ooh [ __ ] money yeah yeah too much ass never have too much ass am i right hey yeah yeah uh you could honestly say that you could never have too many dildos true i could factually say that you can never have too many pokemon cards god amen brother psa9 evolutions hollow charizard yeah well that's nothing compared to my base set first ed charizard but i mean i guess oh you don't have a face i do do oh is it the is it the trap like the one that you drove through i think i saw you get that no no no this one i found it damaged online the guy wanted like a really cheap price for her first thought i was like i don't care if it's [ __ ] damaged give me that yeah yeah you're just happy to have the car you don't care how how it looks that would grade is like a four i bet but that doesn't matter to me yeah look it's impossible to get 10 so might as well just stick with the four true true time is up contestants we are at our pen ultimate question of round three starting with hannah it's you can never have too many blank hannah do you feel like you got a good answer for this i'm gonna have to say subs like twitch subs yeah yeah let me tell you let me tell you it actually does get too many i just i from experi i just am saying from experience that it got overwhelming yeah definitely let's see our subs on the board this is going to be a game-changing whiff from hannah because now it opens up the field to usurp the number one spot wubby she has 205 points that's crazy i'm just gonna risk it i'm gonna i'm gonna take this opportunity to risk and i'm gonna go with knees i'm sorry like something's happening on dante's screen i don't know what that is you mean like like like like on your body like head shoulder knees and toes sure or however your dude will spell it yeah okay all right knees let's see oh number two it is points though it is points dante this has happened to you almost exactly before where someone took your answer but you were more powerful than you thought and then you came up with a different answer that was worth more points is that gonna happen again let's say let's go let's go shoulders toes shoes i'm going to go with shoes all right i have 13 pairs of crocs i i can agree with that sentiment you can never have too many pairs it's a real thing yeah why would you do that someone got me uh ten pairs of crocs for my birthday so oh this is not a personal decision i've made crocs or no shoes shoes is it on the board okay it's better than these yeah 30 more points and now the race for first and second is very narrow ash if you get the number six or five here you're just as much in as anyone else what do you think i think i'm going to go with the waifus okay yeah who was your who is your waifu ah listen i don't even think i should tell you all right all right knock knock at the moment sure sure yeah fair enough fair enough it's on your wholesome website is it on the board [Music] look at that and all of a sudden it is within 150 points for first place to last place this is as tight as hive of mine gets which three did we miss make sense i agree charlie test number four and the best answer would have been so true all right that's so cute charlie this is this is for everything all right this is for uh the final two people just to clarify our four contestants you guys seem all very tense right now two of you get to move on here one of you will win this show you will go to the final say uh championship for hivemind as well as winning two thousand dollars but the final championship charlie what's the prize will for that right now oh i'm not allowed to say it's way too high way too high some speculate that's why jeff bezos stuffed down because he put all the money into the prize pool here yeah yeah the ftc said you have to step down it's absorbent spending let's kick it off with our final question charlie blank is always better when it's unexpected 60 seconds get after it this is like a family feud question absolutely this is absolutely cause then someone says sex and steve harvard goes what he just no he has to give him the look first yeah and then it's number one and then he loses his mind let's do a listen in with wubby who is currently in people i've spread around an answer to a bunch of people oh he's infiltrating that's an answer we can tank i'm looking at your dms what's going on let's switch over to hannah type in money and food type in money and food every single person has to decide in a coin flip right now to type in money and food pricks i it's so hard to find coins i don't know if i'm gonna say s-e-1 [Music] what time is up contestants here it is this is the most tense hive mind episode we've ever had not only that but it does fall on our mid-season championship which is as apt as it gets it almost seems rigged to have fallen this way 150 points separates first and last which is the difference between first and last for your answers bobby you're currently in first place if you get the number one answer right now you are not locked to make it into the finals that's just math it's possible that you could be beaten out by dante or hannah what do you think is best when it's unexpected this is the riskiest move i've made the whole game and we'll find out i'm gonna go with feet oh my god he's going for it he's going for it ludwig i speculated something like this could happen walk me through that why feet i sent a dm to some mods with the word and they spread it very secretively in my community it was not set a single time in my chat or from my voice we'll see what happens so you're hoping this is number five number six and locks you in it's either that or it's not on there this is an all or nothing play you just have to respect it is it on the board feet are always better when unexpected oh my god it's there it's pretty high it is pretty high yes that 240 wubbie that is very impressive and i believe enough to lock you into the finals because even if dante gets the number six answer it won't be enough he'll be at uh two two eight zero 40 points beneath but he still can get in because he can beat out hannah dante it's over to you i'm gonna go with head could you i mean use my sentence head is always better when unexpected yeah that's okay yeah that's a good sentence all right you need a high answer here preferably five or six you feel like this is kind of a subtle one you didn't say too often it's not gonna be number one two or three hopefully head i'm wilder that that landed at number five and currently currently dante you are slated to be in the finals ash i'm sorry to say math is not on your side yeah you know what i'm okay with that because i kind of want to say thoughts okay sometimes your answer just feels like you just want to do it for fun you don't even care about the show well no i'm a serious gamer yeah yeah of course of course of course gameplay over graphics all gamepl thoughts are always better when unexpected [Music] wait did you say did you say farts or thoughts farts farts oh i heard thoughts for some reason like it's 2016. all right farts also wasn't on the board right alex no i'm sure he heard it for us all right all right yeah it's just my bad brain here's the situation you're in hannah you have 205 points times 10. so 2050. alex is still working on it he's gonna get there and you need at least 200 points to make it into the final round which means number three or number six that's it the only two that will immediately get you into the finals then i'm gonna have to say food oh it's a very big one we didn't listen in and the two things hannah said she said spam food and spam money she went with food at the end of the day was that the right answer if it's number one or two she's out food [Applause] you're too powerful 2 200 points she said in the final 10 seconds in hannah's chat you guys are powerful but that's not what we're looking for in round three power is not what we need and somehow these two jamockers who have been beefing the entire time have made it to the finals we missed money hannah you were number one and number two you you're very powerful number three hugs so true oh i'm very very awesome number six gifts yeah that's that's true absolutely little surprise presents my heart is racing right now that was your throat yeah oh that's fair dante that's fair all right look my heart's never raced more than when i found out i was banned all right number one was pay money will be 2 320 points number two dante 2250 the points will be wiped in our final round but that final round will dictate who the winner is thank you very much though hearts in everyone's chat for hannah and for ash who played a hell of a game this is the highest scoring hive mind game ever you guys did amazing uh and just thanks for showing up really appreciate it guys yeah thank you this was an incredible match with that we're gonna come back after a quick break with our final round it's the show off dante and wubby two thousand dollars in the line and the invitation to our season championship not our mid-season championship with an insane prize pool that charlie can't calculate yet i'm not allowed to calculate yeah all right let's get to it be right back and we're back in the final round of champion there's a lot of bad blood here a bit earlier hey money wubby using some underhanded tactics in order to squeak out a lead and now he gets the final final showdown with dante here before that is what was made to happen charlie this is like these two were the ones taking this like as seriously as possible did you gentlemen expect to get here wobby you first absolutely i can't imagine a world where i didn't dante how about you i'm even more confident i mean i'm just shocked we'll be so strong like twitch tried to nerf him they took away fisting his golden goose answer and he's still here number one in fact yeah the amount of alphanus and testosterone in this room is too much for me i'm just going to slowly sink in my chair these these two titans chad sigma's yeah we're gonna have a house yeah well uh take it away charlie we had an agree disagree yep bees have one hp start with you wobby agree disagree i agree okay glass cannon build dante where do you stand i disagree i disagree okay okay while you immediately seem defeated do you think dante has some dude he's got the he's got the bigger chat we were gonna copy his answer but i got seeded first so a little unfortunate we'll see let's take a look bees they have one hp agree disagree chat oh my god oh oh my god on the closest hive my highest scoring hive mind it's the closest agree or disagree in the finals ever i mean this show does not stop delivering on the drama did you tell your chat to disagree i and it was so hard to get i was saying put the d but we agree and i'm hoping that they got it when i said put the d put disagree but we agree and then type agree in the chat next he's in a high mind dante's going to come back speaking like fluent portuguese with his chat just so they can communicate without being uh ratted up absolutely insane it's a 100 point lead it's not too much though because there's 400 points or the number one answer which is now in first place all right let me remind you it is flip back to normal the number one answer will get you 400 points the number six answer will get you 200. you will need three answers each and you'll have two minutes to come up with those we'll ping pong back and forth until you've filled up your six as a whole and then take a look how many you got and which ones you got charlie take us off the most tradable snack at recess is blank you have two minutes for this one so really think on all those snacks okay all right if your mother wasn't banned i bet that would be number one yeah 100 absolutely shreddle snacks i used to play poker for my lunch and i would trade out my snacks i would i would get robbed every single week for everything i'm worth because i would just get i was so bad at poker it was like fifteen different values for different snacks yeah uh no it was just items okay let's chat with hannah though hannah number three welcome hannah uh look it was a close finish for you mm-hmm yeah i kind of threw i kind of threw when i said subs dude it was the one i didn't even think it was a throw like it's a good answer it sounded like a very good answer yeah i saw a few primes in my chat but i think maybe the mix of primes and subs made it so it wasn't actually on the board yeah i saw primes as well i thought yeah i don't know oh i should have just put an easy point answer and like stayed there no kick yourself because you can still hold the title for strongest chat your chat is very powerful and that means you have a bond uh but who thinks winning this one i think wubby is definitely winning this one definitely yeah you have any secret answers for this round that you're gonna sprinkle in maybe possibly okay all right it's a little secret that's fair enough i i will say i was a orange trading son of a [ __ ] back in my day i was uh just a wheel and dealer of oranges you must have been the most unlikable guy at recess trading oranges my mom's european bro i'd show up with a stinky lunch that i'd peel open and every kid would run away from me instead of pb and j it was tough it was tough what did you eat for lunch uh ratatouille bros as stereotypically french as it could be oh my god but hannah we're looking forward to uh to your shenanigans in the finals and thank you again just for coming on hive mind we really appreciate it thank you yep time is up contestants it's the finals and unlike the nba this one will actually be close wubby you get to go first you have one answer to give to your advantage for being first seed going first on the first question the most tradable snack at recessed is blank i'm gonna go with gushers fruit snacks gushers classic it's good because you could partition even a package that's correct yeah that's that's uh it's just smart trading for a child dante what about you i'm going to go with watch out you're gonna might reveal the notepad here i'm nervous don't be nervous okay you're making me look i'm gonna go with and this is this is what i'm about to say right now i'm just making sure chips chips lock it in chips just general chips i'm assuming u.s chips not uk chips what what brand if i could if i could just pester you for a moment uh nacho doritos you can't beat it that's old school i imagine cool ranch but i can i can respect wabi back to you we're gonna go with the snack that smiles back goldfish yeah yeah yeah yeah that's my man right there did you get the regular cheddar or did you do the colorful i i i was a flavor blast myself glass was it tasted like pizza yeah flavor blast is nutty yeah blew my mind dante back to you this is just making me kind of hungry what do you got oh my gosh this is uh i'm gonna go with your rage i knew it was coming i was just wondering when it was a matter of when the implication that he is a snack to be designed at recess yeah wait wait dante we are gonna give you one more guess we're gonna say that that's not considered a snack just for this question hold up alex alex and the producers just give us a quick moment alex what are we thinking here yeah i can tell him that but we're gonna go with that so we get one more okay dante they're not gonna accept it as a snack he does not understand that it's a double entendre and would like a second answer you got okay rather old i got it i got it um we're gonna go with we're gonna go with [ __ ] you cut out for me at the last second what was it i cursed uh gum gum i mean that's just the most i think that's it doesn't i don't think of it as a snack but the gum guy is the hottest commodity in the class he's always there when you need it most i'll be back over to you this is my gamble for the third one i'm gonna go with uh rice crispies okay that is a gamble i mean they're delicious i'm pulling from other chats right now i can respect that that's smart that is a smart play if you did it on round one it would be dumb to not do it on round four dante lunchables just don't even need to consider that anymore you want to think about it yeah it's almost like some high stakes trading actually a full lunchable a lunchable is that's a value item that's a full trade of that you need everything else people said for a lunchable uh now this is how it works you guys know because you've been here you've already won you guys are winners but chad if you don't know six answers have been said you will see the six spots above me either be highlighted pink or grayed out for every pink one it means that's how many they guessed correct we won't know who yet we'll show how many of the six let's take a look at the board oh [ __ ] ah damn interesting let's see which ones we missed number six that makes sense it's in the name at least now this could either mean it's three one or two two charlie kick us off with this first questions answers let's see number five okay a bit low down it could mean he got three right though it could mean he got three right i think chips is a very safe one as well chips does seem safe but i don't know maybe people don't think of gum as a snack number three okay goldfish is a little low for my liking there i think that should have been a little higher but it is what it is i guess seeing yourself on the board has to feel good though and it's so many more points again fourth round is quadruple the points that even though dante got the agree or disagree wubby's about tied number two let's take a peek oh okay chips i thought it'd be on there i mean chips are chips yeah i i don't know how confident i am about gum being number one especially over something like gushers or rice krispies but it could be dante's chad is very powerful yeah if he pushed a gum surely gum or goldfish [Applause] or the big there gushers riots there were riots i saw them chat do you feel foolish now no shoes are fruit snacks they're different the fruit snacks is the thing that's called fruit snacks it's like the white bag with the fruit everybody knows not even close if you've had fruit snacks and gushers you would never say the same thing it would feel so silly to say that it's like chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal they're different oh yeah yeah it's like apples to oranges it's very different well look after that first round it's as tight as ever 7 20 to 700 wobby did have an advantage for going first dante that advantage will be yours in the next round we have one more question for this show and one winner to crown it's hive mind we'll be back in a just a little bit the hive mind is back this last question of the night before a winner is crowned here it's been just a heck of a journey i got to express because i can't express it enough you both are winners all right bobby you just recently came out with a great game show i saw at the taxi one thank you i believe you just recently hit a million followers on twitch which is [ __ ] awesome yes so one of you will have to walk away the loser of today's episode but you are still winners both of you these next three answers though will determine the fate of this show two thousand dollars and an invitation into our finale for insane amounts of money not only the money we talk about the money a lot charlie but who's gonna be there i heard the president oh god yeah and not only that but we're projecting numbers of the 20 to 30 million ballpark range up there with the super bowl i mean it's yeah it's gonna be pope is co-streaming that one so that'll be big for us he just left the hospital because he wanted to make sure he was back in his house ready for that one well either way gentlemen it's been a pleasure 720 to 700 it's as narrow as it gets we got one final question and right before that shout out to amity aven for being on deck with us today you can check out their stream amityven always here just in case someone has to back out last second no more stalling charlie take it away name an item in the weeb starter pack two minutes this one's to appease the weebs about time i don't even know where there's so many possible answers for this i don't know where you'd go yeah let's ask ash i think she's uh someone who brought up waifu's earlier ash yeah she's got a waifu hello i don't know if this is too far but honestly the first thing that popped into my head was hentai right right respect that respect that let's let's go i mean there's hentai there's body pillow there's is waifu the same is that different is it are those platforms that's very different yeah you can also have a waifu in something that's not a hentai sure you can't forget your jar yeah well what what do you use a jar for uh you know just apple juice oh yeah that makes it oh yeah yeah yeah we started packing you can keep watching that that makes a lot of sense ash uh you consider yourself a weeb yeah i mean i guess so all right live on hive mind one anime recommendation for the masses one that preferably doesn't need a jar next to you this this slime anime i've really been enjoying so good and demon slayer oh that is a very good one absolutely classic classic now uh we're in our final two who do you think wins this honestly i'm rooting for dante i was i was teamed up with him so i i want him to win so i'm i'm rooting for him i do think you are a pinnacle of loyalty that makes a lot of sense ash and uh thanks for coming on hivemind again really appreciate it no it's my pleasure thanks for having me yeah hopefully we get to uh see you again i also respect you going with fart at the end yeah going down with the ship ten seconds for these two gentlemen i'm sure they are aggressively oh my god dante's animatic this is great you look like he's being edited with how fast he's moving yeah it looked like it's sped up footage all right time is up contestants that's two minutes maybe the most important two minutes not of your twitch career but maybe of your lives now you know everything that's at stakes dante you did lose the last round in points all right what one second that's a disadvantage you get to go first now i'm gonna go with body pillow taking it off the board right away that makes sense item in the weeb starter pack you say body pillow while we were spinning it back over to you uh we're going to go with anime that is i actually didn't even consider that it's so obvious i didn't even i was like i don't need yeah obviously you need anime you don't even get you don't get any of this without that so that's dante back over to you that's funny because i said manga oh my god they're going head-to-head chicken or the egg chicken or the egg they can't coexist it's either anime manga i don't feel like both can be on the board this is crazy this is i don't wobby what do you got okay we're gonna go with uh a little reddit staple the fedora oh very good very good i like that i like that that makes a lot of sense more conventional weed maybe older school dante gonna go with cat ears man we got we're gonna go with cat ears come on meow meow uh neko ears as they say in nippon been brushing up a bit on that i hope that was good yeah you'll fit right in oh my god they're gonna love you in japan hentai i thought that would be a quicker one yeah i thought hentai is there for hentai anime and manga on this i don't know i don't know i feel like hentai can exist with the other two but i feel like the other two can't be on the board at the same time sure either way gentlemen we have six answers let's see how many get highlighted pink did you go six for six oh my gosh oh boy okay this is obvious whoever doesn't get one answer will most likely lose today let's see which one you did miss it's coming in at number six what a weird answer this is like a seven-year-old's backpack not really a weeb but either way gentlemen it's a slight lead for wubby if you somehow managed to get maybe the number one and two answers i don't know the math maybe you win but let's just jump into it charlie kick us off our final mid-season championship round question and answer number five show me that bad boy what secrets does it hold i want to see cat ears of fedora early right into manga that is that's deep on there that is deep that is very deep and he said that four cat ears yeah but that might be good because like we said anime probably also won't be on there if manga is there i feel i'm we could be wrong i'm almost changing my tune i don't know anymore well we're not weebs we like we like sports and titties and stuff well if you like titties you're definitely a weep immediately proven wrong okay okay in a 40 40-point buff there's now a 60-point lead for wubby it's slowly increasing again cat eyes and fedora are the ones that make me nervous yes which one are you feeling nervous about gentlemen uh i'm nervous about fedora as well it's gonna come down to these last three and i'm shaking dante you feel good about cat ears maybe am i wrong am i misplaced here um it was a late it was a late uh submission right but that's the one i'm nervous about that one was it the classic dante final five yeah makes sense let's see did fng come through in time with number three fedora's on the board maybe hentai's not ah hentai is what immediately i think of when i think of weebs though i don't know i would be shocked if cat ears is on here and hip tie is not but again i was immediately proven wrong 10 seconds ago so i am not a trustworthy source at all i mean i'll say this i didn't think hentai would be above anime or manga i didn't think that i thought really yeah i i can't fill my life down to our final two legs are out of the picture we'll be are you feeling more confident now no i'm still shook i don't know just to be clear gentlemen the winner will get two thousand dollars and an immediate invitation into hivemind season 2 finale it's something everyone wants to be at i would give up every single sub i got during the subathon for a chance at that pie the amount of money is it's astronomical he's not he's not exaggerating it's so moot compared to our finale currently a 400 ish 0.3 80 point lead for wubby it really comes down to who missed i think it's cat eyes or hentai i won't start any longer ears ears the number one answer you got it dante it is body pillow absolutely and that is the most tense hive mind show ever ah dante you did so so well don't kick yourself you still hit a million that's impressive but wubby congratulations you are the winner the chimp thank you love you wow yes wow how do you feel that was so intense shout out to dante that was insane we had to get really really creative to beat his massive chat it's not like watching the geo political russia versus usa mind games all right infiltration covert operations yeah this was great i knew some of those words yeah thank you yeah we're really going in on that one yes geopolitical geostorms of course yes well like out of breath holy [ __ ] congrats fedora really clutch it up for you i didn't have faith on that one but you knew something i didn't clearly thank you yes we used uh hannah's chat to help us so thanks shout out to hannah as well yeah oh collusion very good a little bit hannah's chat was still in the game as always anybody's chat can play high of mine so if one day like tommy and it decides to play you just have to pull up his chat for the whole two hours but uh either way bobby it's 2k to you that's direct cash and also we're going to see you again awesome i'm excited to be back love you see you guys in the face yeah you can't lose gotta go three for three and let's bring back the rest of our contestants who did so well today oh the leaderboard oh i forgot about the leaderboard this is the all-time leaderboard it shows you who got the most points all the time connor eats pants with the defiant dominant performance was on there in the same episode as a son i don't know how that happened i wasn't there for that episode charlie yeah that was a pretty wild one with will and i that one went nutty those points in that game were crazy and uh and obviously quinn's on there who wasn't able to make it today i i wonder how it would have shaken up with quinn in there but that's a tale for maybe another time and congrats welby for making it eighth on the leaderboard with 4k and contestants welcome back we'll go forth to first starting with you ash thank you so much for coming on tell us what you got going on this week shout yourself out ask yourself up please ah well you know what i i kind of just chill i'm going to be honest with you do it anymore it'll be a lot of fun though uh maybe we'll see we'll see what about you up i think i'm doing a little rust in uh some super smash brothers melee as it as it as it has it this week a little bit of a weird one but it's forward slash ash underscore on underscore l-o-l but don't want the name deceive you it's it's not that much league these days is that is that fair to say yeah yeah don't worry much lately don't worry league haters uh hannah over to you third place uh you were a powerful part of the final round there yeah i tried my best i tried to you know tell my chat to vote something and hopefully you guys caught on be a part of it sure just get yourself involved a little agent of chaos as they say uh well congrats on uh on winning in the first place to be in the mid-season championship and having a chat as powerful as you do and what do you got going on this week um i'll probably be playing some minecraft i'm really close to a mill on twitch oh yeah lots of minecraft though dang big milestones all around here then yeah a couple people hitting a mill in the same week you love to see it speaking of a mill dante you hit it today that right uh yeah last night last night last night well look that that's that's the message i want to take away because uh fng is powerful so powerful that wubby had uh operatives in your chat at all moments uh just to be able to to keep up so hopefully you're not uh putting yourself down too hard thank you so much for playing and what you got going on this week oh man i'm just back to the grind streaming grind uh this was a lot of fun though i'm happy for him he did he did his thing that was really close uh and he was smart with what he was doing that is the best way to put it it was easily the greatest hivemind episode i've ever been a part of i don't know if you feel the same charlie i completely agree i've never seen one this close especially going into the final round everyone had a chance at making it it was pretty nutty so thank you again dante for showing up it's ah forward slash i'm underscore dante and finally pay money wobby we'll have to do that again for you i'll have to pay you out 2k this time let's go congratulations and just tell us what you got going on this week well probably for the foreseeable future i'm gonna be uh trying to put out the fire that's in my chat right now because holy [ __ ] a lot of salty diaper babies but shouts out to the other contestants i know it's not a y'all y'all everybody was really fun it was fun to play against y'all seriously had a good time um what's your chat and i'm banned yeah well you're one of them so listen listen i wanted to tell you how i thought i should have won you scammed here you're an [ __ ] it was just [ __ ] we also banned everybody we followed uh dante's mod so we had to do it yeah sorry there's a clear meta being formed i think season three there's just actually going to be drones in everyone's house from other contestants to be able to spy on them this is my mind's going too far i'll say it we're going to yeah especially dante had a really impressive meta i didn't want to say it during the episode but i saw in your chat you were collaborating with your community to go to an offline chat to communicate so that way people wouldn't find the offline chat and get the answers it was genius yeah i didn't want to leak that but that's uh the strategies that are coming out are really insane and uh love to see that our silly little game show is is being cared for that much and again thank you guys so much for coming on we really appreciate it and uh taking two hours out of your day it's it's not nothing it's a lot and charlie that's it yeah that was a wild one closest one i've ever seen i i think that's as close as it could possibly be like mathematically speaking too it's as close as i've ever seen it for sure in one of the highest scoring episodes ever what we even got on the leaderboard and we're not done yet this season we got uh got at least five more six more episodes i believe yep and then the grand championship with all of the best players the world has ever seen the smartest people on the planet currently absolutely and we will be at this 6 p.m time slot every week if you guys want to catch any other hive minds everybody's always a lot of co-streaming just use the hive mind uh category and come hang out 6 p.m pacific every wednesday and let's take a look at the leaderboard one last time no one's hit 5k yet not yet but we're very close i feel like within the next week or two we'll see it someone will breach it 100 100 the last round is key you got to go six for six on those ones absolutely charlie take us away it's always a pleasure ludwig hope you all had a wonderful time playing along today and we will see you all next week same time bye everyone bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 406,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: L-WXkGLf1vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 48sec (5028 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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