The Greatest Amount Of Memes and References In Any Game - Henry Stickmin Collection (All Endings)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so this game seems to be like amazingly scuffed it does not have a volume slider i can't turn it down it comes with a warning playing at full screen causes instability and may lead to crashes at high resolutions it's made from the guys who made among us i think this game is based us but i know nothing about this game oh so what i just pick a thing i mean teleporter sounds the best [Music] oh oh so i have to pick the best one given that there must be a correct solution i need to ignore chat and not read you guys because you guys will spoil it every time bye well i still want to try a laser though because it looks cool okay i saw that coming how can shovel fail though [Music] oh me [Laughter] oh pentephale get all the fails well that's something i'm good at okay this guy's we use this guy's his money hey how did we lose one i think we should throw it in the back just to be safe you ever wonder why there's a bank out here well i think it's supposed to be like more of a vault you know oh that makes sense mm-hmm [Music] free don't move oh you you're free to go oh really not really but you've got a package [Music] don't get your hopes up we've already checked it for anything useful haven't we dave what yeah yeah of course i checked it i mean if i didn't check it i'd lose my job not everyone's my job [Music] so what my goal for this playthrough should be trying to think of the one that i actually think is going to let me get through this just seems like the biggest meme like how could this get me out [Music] oh is everything's slowed down [Music] let me guess i die because i'm just like so energized but i am free [Music] i did it side effects include nausea headaches rapid heart attack heart rate and possibilities of stroke and or heart attack hmm well that's good to know i mean file right because it's like a cliche i think the door like the window seems too easy put it in the lock oh oh [Music] you're the reflexes of a statue okay yeah i made it sweet oh go nice i'm goddamn neo here hey he's escaping chair has to be the option right well right was towards where the window was pointing right oh it goes upwards well that's not good okay maybe it is good where's the rope gonna go you can guarantee jet packs can explode that's the only chance i have to make a good distance it takes many hours of jet pack training before you're able to operate one well how did i know he didn't have that oh the ground oh he can live through that man [Music] oh well he did live through it well parachutes too obvious we're going plunges then [Music] nice oh there's three endings oh okay i mean i got out pretty quickly there i'm just saying as the mayor i hereby declare the tunisian archaeological exhibit open bust in or sneak in it's just like we're playing gt5 again we'll go with sneak i'm broke so it's not likely i'm gonna be out of bust my way in i'm going low-tech yeah so apparently there's something in that cake and uh he used it to escape and then i got fired pretty lame huh yeah i don't really like this one please shut up oh [ __ ] um gum right because why would i have bullets that's the way the diamond bit did i just naruto run okay good ball they don't wanna be sued by pokemon i mean the trusty crowbar like half-life right surely that's the correct one i've even played half-life and i find that funny let's bend your kazooie piece oh and uh um ocarina and off that's from wind waker i don't know what that is probably from a newer zelda game we'll go because mushroom which makes me big and they'll catch me go with alien don't attack my face okay well then surely this has a pokemon here that can help [Music] me i'm missing her oh [Music] oh i understood that reference okay i guess it's mushroom then oh well i guess how they're gonna catch because i'm so big [Music] uh [Music] that escalated quickly center for chaos containment uh sir you might want to come look at this i'm getting chaos readings at 10.6 it's coming from the museum oh my god it's over nine yeah i'm leaving this decision after you corporal just hit one of those buttons to deal with this pressing situation who's watching tv get back to work sorry i mean what the hell is that is it divided by zero are these spinning death things and nuke and satellite we'll go the spinny death things [Music] ah [Music] what about the diamond those weren't spinny death things chat [Music] huh oh nice [Music] four four or forty i could have failed forty times only fail four times i'm a genius maybe we'll go back after i'm done and do all the fails we'll do all endings at the end i wanna get through with the least fail as possible trying to figure out the mind of the creator as to what could succeed well well look who finally decided to wake up you've been quite elusive but your skills make you worth the catch you'll be perfect for the job we've been having some issues with a group of thieves known as the top hat clan you know they're guilty we just can't pin them to any crimes you'll be going into the airship to bring him down i don't need to remind you that we've got you on several charges attempting robbery breaking yourself out of prison and even stealing tunisian diamond we've got quite a lot of counts on you do this job right and we'll drop all charges against you charlie here will be bringing you close to the airship the rest is up to you i got to keep it done right hey uh you want me to bring you in it's like the drop ship from among us sticky hands i love those things as a kid zero point energy or ball and chain well go with the magic oh hey did you hear something over there no man oh [Music] wait what oh there are my only two options oh i can go backwards oh i see okay okay what's earpiece check check this charles thought i'd uh give you heads up uh there's a guy down there a bad guy so uh yeah good luck thank you oh acid is just going to burn me 100 i think i knock and punch my face what just punch him in the face well then i'll do vacuum [Music] hey good job there oh uh so you should probably look for something incriminating something that we can use to prove that they're criminals you know i mean it's a point in this operation all right gentlemen we've been tasked with developing new weapons for the clan any ideas that's kind of thinking trans-dimensionalizer what can i do with glue no we can't do that well man you do realize how much solid would weigh don't you we totally got enough power what do you think man well i'm still kind of new here so i'm not really sure what to say i'm gonna land on the table no door's jammed again oh hey uh you see that record sign versus records that'd probably be a good place to look right let me just uh help you get across that gap it's [ __ ] tails dude platform okay uh let me just teleport this thing in here for you well that the nanosecond it said teleport i knew it was not gonna work all of these seem bad uh go remote access uh packed into their security system should be able to open the door from here anything that revolves around this charlie guy seems bad do i have mind control wow this guy really is a [ __ ] i can't believe he does not open the door what okay gatling all right get to bring out the big guns oh no you should be good to go now [Music] i mean how could i have guessed that oh man i remember this good thing nobody knows about this or we'd be in a lot of trouble oh inched up oh uh falcon kick man spook ah hello mr spider i mean thinking about it now that's most obvious wait wait there's no way you're getting through there lots of guys and there's lots of guns so i'm gonna say it looks like you can get around you go through that air duct because i'm the imposter get it all right i've hacked into their power grid what do you want me to do i don't need your help [ __ ] charles sorry i just thought he needed some help oh i was thinking i thought i actually made it there what do you want me to do make animal noises [Music] okay i don't understand what that means can i do it again [Music] okay i don't understand what that means look i want it to like you do it three times and you're able to progress okay i don't understand what that means dang okay re-root the power not shut it off because if he shuts off the power then we all fall from this guy okay i'll reroute the power to a random room that's fine all right henry you're almost there i'm right outside so just open the bay doors and i'll uh get you on the chopper hey what are you doing yeah uh we got a situation down cargo bay i love the banana bomb from webs oh there's that no it's not good oh banana clearly the force gun right hey there's a button on your earpiece [Music] nice where's going sick this could be a problem nailed it government supported hundreds of resumes many still alive i will go back chat ah hello henry welcome to the wall some of the most cunning and notorious criminals are kept here how do i get captured the infamous henry stick you're going to be here for a long time gregory take him [Music] you wait here until cell self-found now my first instinct is to wait all right let's go oh but now i don't get to be with the chick oh [Music] cookie okay a teleporter is just gonna put me in the wall fake illness hi fine we'll go teleporter [Music] come on now brothers oh this [ __ ] off too lazy is just gonna cut me in pieces or maybe not oh nice oh i see if you have other endings you get more options in the next one that's pretty sweet government yeah oh henry how's it going uh-huh yeah oh uh-huh oh i see huh yeah i'm uh i'm flying right now actually where are you the wall yeah i think i've heard of that place yeah i'm on a mission but uh i should have some time to swing by one hour later hey so i'm getting pretty close yeah just uh try to get outside and i'll i'll uh you know hmm [Music] oh come on i have no idea what that waste is referencing whenever i teleport somewhere bad things happen where are you going what oh hey so uh i see the wall oh you're outside nice i think i see you yeah there's a guard in the way i got this yeah it'll it'll be just like the old times yeah yeah but charles is so unreliable but look at that face i got the perfect plan this is the greatest place you should know better but the one time i don't rely on him is going to be the time when he's actually useful fine snack no not charles sniping got him wait okay fine and there you go yeah i'm seeing a helipad up here it could be pretty good place to get picked up once i get close though they'll uh they'll probably raise the alarm yeah they see me i'm coming in get ready what are the odds that like i'm just meant to back away and charles dies and i find another way just jump off out edge what did i just jump off the edge man man we really should have coordinated that better i mean i was not prepared at all report charles bad teammate like if he gets shot down then i should stop the rocket get him oh hey i'm watching you [Music] so this used to be a new grounds right i'm surprised i never saw it as a kid oh so if i get different endings it gives me the other games the ending based on my current choices is government supported private investigator international rescue operative evidence stolen teamed up with charles tophat leaders arrested airship impounded assisted by charles fled in helicopter hey general ah perfect timing boys been waiting for you two to get here let me just get right to it we've discovered that the remainders of the tophat clan have been seen building some kind of rocket they've been gathering their remaining members and supplies here in the jungle they're able to get this station into orbit they'll be impossible for us to take down now i know you don't know us anything henry but we could really use your help on this one help us out with this one and you'd be we'd be owning you a big big old favor now you and charlie have worked well together in the past so we figured you'd be the perfect man for this operation yeah what do you say henry you can count on us general now we're really putting all our potatoes in one sack on this one so don't let us down boys hey i know uh we just started and all but uh i think i'm getting targeted by a sand turret yeah oh yeah you could just go ahead and deal with that cupcake no charles worth the rocket will be launching very soon please get on board immediately i will not hesitate to leave you behind oh we really gotta get you in there i should be able to get you in there with this uh invisible brains all righty i've uh teleported that platform in there for you no yeah go ahead and just uh make your way across then charles why trapeze all right henry uh go ahead and grab on to the thing and then i'll helicopter you across don't hit me oh man it looks like every member of the top back clan is on here so looking at a schematic here um if you get to the engine room you can shut down the engine and then the rocket won't be able to take off and then they'll all be stuck in here so i'll cause a distraction while you make a run for it to the engine room got it [Music] um remote top hat all right i know they have one of these aboard i think i can remote hack into it i am the dancing [Applause] [Music] yeah just robot keep heading up those stairs and you'll hit that engine room in no time i guess this rocket has an internal engine room it probably like manages the electronics or something i don't know i'm not a rocket doctor anyways do you think buddy red herring i want to see what this does seems like we're having some problems with this really can we get the crew to look at that because of red heading's meant to be a nonsense distraction whatever they're sending someone from the storage nice enabling that engine is definitely going to buy you some extra time now here's what i'm thinking if you can get up to the cockpit you can gain control of rocket disable it and lock everyone inside then i'll call in the reinforcements and we'll make these arrests easily it's a pretty good plan right painting portrait no way hey [Music] gonna collect more of those extra live mushrooms swapper instantly swap places with anyone just point the rod at the person you'd like to swap places with it's that easy did you fix the engine why hold it right there wait a minute i know you you're the guy that arrested the airship division and now you're here to bring down the rest of us henry are you in trouble if you're in trouble say flank steak no wait you're in trouble say nothing i still can't tell oh actually i can see from here yeah it looks pretty bad let the loner rock i got your back buddy porn the old leaders left details for this plan and i had to dig okay then let's uh you did it now you just gotta lock it up all right time to call in the reinforcements yes sir hello [Music] henry nice work man yeah this is uh this is every last remaining member getting hauled off fine work indeed boys you two really do make a fine team i'm promoting you both into special cobradops agents what henry's not even enlisted well used now unless he doesn't want it you'll be running a lot more missions together with charlie nice do everything see what so you want me to go back and see all the fails and just go through it all again oh you you're free to go okay we'll skip this so we did it did it did it didn't do drill [Music] oh it works okay so there were multiple paths um what is an opacita you mean it makes me invisible opacity you walk through walls just move the blue slide to the right and you'll become opaque which means see-through yeah but you shouldn't be able to go through stuff oh that's not that's not good i'm just going to keep falling obviously [Music] oh i swear i pressed a button uh what just get off the wall [Music] there's another one ah this way ah low brawl reference i get it because the super smash brothers brawl how you trip randomly for no reason terrible mechanic [Music] okay okay get ready what i mean it did tell me to get ready like i was still surprised wait could i just have clicked the entire time just throw the bullet [Music] hmm [Music] i gotta say i can totally understand why this would have been like the thing when i was a kid i wish i knew about this when i was younger so i snuck in last time we'll try busting in uh rim [Applause] whoa uh we got a breach headed towards the medieval section uh roger oh let's oh adjusting is higher than it looks flare well this is not going to go well if i had seen shield first i would have done a shield [Music] uh basket well it's too heavy i bet you wish you paid more attention in physics class now well [Applause] and after that they stopped and arrested him well really yeah that's when i decided i should probably get a different job i figured that garden is much less dangerous than driving crap [Music] i wonder what this is referencing what oh i didn't press anything god damn it i don't like having the mouse on the screen branch i lost the diamond i thought like the branch would hit the policeman or whatever [Music] [Music] it's like sonic sir place your hands where i can see them diamond did i live i didn't see what the other option was like did i keep the diamond uh two endings well only nine fails man so i did sticky hand and got nowhere i did airp earpiece i want to grapple [Music] waist someone will come out for a smoke or something well okay i'll copy because they're british okay [Music] key get the key oh you can actually it wasn't lit up we've we vent like we're imposter because we are imposter yeah i didn't get that diamond last time hmm well how could a magic pencil screw me why did you draw a nut trunk ruler i mean why this just seems like it's going to be some like poorly tested thing where i stretch myself and i can't stretch oh oh i can go into the gears fine we'll leap oh because the jet is moving hey you think you could let me out of you i'm sure there's some story behind that oh thank you hmm uh is me letting him free a good thing paper either but how will i unpaper myself oh oh works claw pack gravity manipulator shrink and grow it's it's gonna attach to me and i'm gonna screw myself 100 [Music] stop right there what's going on looks like he set off some sort of alarm in the vault what he's going rogue all right move to plan b come on reinforcements and move in [Music] yeah um [Music] i have to try a show yeah i don't really i had no idea how that was going to make me succeed but it's a [ __ ] green show uh umbrella miss mary poppins this [ __ ] oh i mean maybe it's sure will make you feel better we'll find an armor from fallout right [Music] i'm not rushing [Music] [Music] we're not built to deal with this man don't evacuate everyone tko 600 megabytes l cut prototype oh they're contingency plans there he is it's got the ruby now forget about it we've got a retreat or else the topic plan will be history well that's convenient what is ken let him go what we got what we came for he's now worth the trouble huh so there are tons of things here that i vaguely understand the reference of like i saw some team fortress 2 references there for example ah hello henry welcome to the wall so surely there's a romance subplot here boost right was he a horse [Music] what i don't take her with me but she helped me yeah exactly thanks and i'm like look at how much i care i don't care i ended up buffing up my guys and doing like 70 damage that's funny okay tall guy oh yeah last night i kept facing the same deck hey buddy [Laughter] okay i just had to see that one that was never going to work no sing for that take down yeah oh yeah last night okay that one was obvious if we can get you up there you could get in and open this door i don't have the force though it's just gonna be like why are you trying to use the force oh okay she has the force i mean the grenade is just going to cause me problem no but the sniper rifle doesn't make sense because they're too close so go go grenade and taser grenade plus electricity crazy explosion paddy well that doesn't make any sense okay we'll go grenade crossbow okay so it's snap rifle and taser say all inmate is out of cell yeah some idiots hey i just grabbed these maybe they'll come in handy are you waiting for someone or i thought you put us no blend in hold the elevator thanks can you believe this inmate outbreak crazy huh yes it is pretty crazy oh are you guys new here oh yeah we transferred from the eighth floor [Music] from the cafeteria nice try inmates come on man uh this is ellen you are well tossed seems like the least reasonable option there is convict here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the knee make a face adrenaline well go with adrenaline [Applause] [Music] i guess they do look pretty similar i can see how you can get them mixed up the knee oh cause it's smash perfect yeah smash like like in um why would his name on captain falcon what do you think that will upset me thanks i guess no let's get out of here i helped you come on now i mean all the convicts are leaving that way so it seems bad there's a bike there look at the back well if it isn't here there has not been an incident here in 50 years and the day you show up this happens you are going to regret everything [Applause] yeah she wouldn't betray me [Applause] yeah it's good music there's five endings in that one pure blooded thief and convict allies ending ruby stolen from top hats airship destroyed government annoyed top hat leaders fled busted out with convicts allied with ellie warden defeated [Music] i know it's been a long ride but we're almost there you've heard of the top egg clan right i have a secret base out here i'm hoping they might let us join up with them now that we're on the run should be right around the huh hang on yes sir we found them they took the bike here just like you said i'm on the way sending the entire squad it seems like some other government is here they are fighting with gotta get out of here we're sitting ducks it's not going to be controlled go rope and wings so like i will attach to her and she flies away oh wait i'll try and get up to the two enemies got one of them right here bro nice now where's the other one corrupt tick time go to your time machine you are now one month into your training this is only the beginning it will be harder you can't be twins you boys will never be fit for combat duty i will personally see to it that you are discharged let's try and get up to this you good all right let's get going the rocket is launching in two minutes once we get to the top of this tower we'll cross the bridge and be on the rocket hopefully the top back clan will let us join uh but we stole that diamond they are here on the bridge open fire roger date oh what um block meyer quickly hold it you're not topics no no no we're here to join you we're wanted just like all of you wait you're the guy that stole our ruby you do have some skills we'll let you join as long as you return the ruby don't move those two belong to me you're coming with us [Music] we don't even have charges i'm following up on that disturbance we saw at the bridge yeah it turns out the top bad leaders are here wait is that henry henry come on help me take down the top what do we do [Music] so the russians the government the top hat clan or love let's go love chat [Music] five four three am i actually going to go to space so i'm just going to die because i should die [Music] oh of course no go go with the top back man oh did the game crash guess i'll call here guys and i just won't see the ending now [ __ ] that [ __ ] so i assume i want to be on the rocket [Music] now get strapped in we're about to blast i off believe that worked [Music] no you've taken everything from me my reputation is ruined now i will ruin you no i mean yes nice was that is that a win did we win everyone i'd like to welcome our new members they really showed their gust there when it counted also they promised to return the [Music] ruby unless so i won there's two endings for jewel plus ellie really what isn't suggestive of that being the case so you i i did ellie um i did the top back clan you want me to try the wall or the government here you two will never see the light of day again oh that's clearly a fail if you can't leave from joining them okay we'll try the government then all right all right i got a plan we gotta shoot out these support beams all units oh nice yeah nice work both of you this is charles reporting you're never gonna guess who they are henry well and if it isn't le2 we've had you on our watch list for a while thanks for your help here today i didn't think we could trust you after last time i guess we owe you one well now that you mention it we do have kind of a criminal history problem yeah i figured that was coming i suppose you've earned a pardon okay um what does this mean oh i can go back to specific spots and pick the options i see okay we'll go we'll play through one more time i quickly decide in this next section to find all the endings in each of the parts i like how many sounds in this i they reused in among us okay so uh didn't try a cell phone witness please continue your testimony okay i was riding alongside my partner in the armored man but suddenly he spotted a bag on the side of the road we got out and eventually decided to throw the bag in with the others we didn't know there was someone hiding in there objection so the defendant crawled into that bag in order to break into the bank is that correct is it not obvious is it really that obvious i have proof that the defendant didn't hide himself in that bag well then what are you waiting for present this evidence already [Music] oh but i did do that though what what evidence could possibly work mysterious device am i not just going to click on it oh presents up there okay so when show the mysterious device what is this it's evidence and how exactly does this prove anything well i i was just kidding let me try this is no time for jokes i see no reason to further prolong this trial i find the defendant henry stickman oh well i mean because it just it was mysterious so like it would be confused i don't know disguise bag the bag the defendant used to sneak into the bank the knot is tight on the outside the back oh wait if they're knot is tight on the outside of the bag then how could i have put myself in it is is that the bag the defendant hid in yes but there's one thing that's been bothering me if the defendant really was hiding in this bag then how did you tie the knot from the outside of the bag what if he was inside the bag it'd be impossible for him to tie that knot on the outside but then how did he do it it's simple he didn't what are you saying i'm saying my client wasn't hiding that bag at all he was stuffed in there by this very witness as you can see by this doctor's analysis the defendant had taken quite the beating while i was in the bag he was unconscious this is absurd the witness was attempting to dispose of the body he left the defendant in the back knowing he'd drive by on the way back to the bank when the witness and his partner passed the bag he convinced his partner to throw the bag in with the others but but why would he do that why to dispose of the body of course for millions of bags of money in that bank and the witness knew would take a long time before the victim was found but unfortunately for the witness his victim woke up and tried to escape from his tomb he was arrested on the spot and the witness thought everything was over let's come back to haunt him now you guys can't if this can't be happening to me oh that certainly was an interesting trial however i am now ready to deliver my verdict i find the defendant henry stickman [Music] i really got to play those um phoenix rack games one day i don't know where the other ending is for this though busting in or sneaking in i guess i will sneak in again i got in with the pick i think with liquificator like liquify the wall oh wait i'm liquefying myself that that can't be good well don't fake it wait am i shrinking myself no i'm gonna be killed by a rat oh well can i ride the worm oh i'm assuming that i just need to use the pick to go in again but oh we need to do the last one as a reference to something okay pick my way in again oh wait a second wasn't oh what's the pick of course and so the plane was correct we'll try the bomb [Music] that's funny okay i gotta warn some so this okay we'll try the diamond way there we go i was meant to be sleeping oh okay so this is where i screwed up last time i ended up trying all these so do mushroom again [Music] i'm going to assume that the other ending must be in bust in [Music] so i want to see what divide by zero does it's so lame so i destroyed reality of course um nuke is it modern warfare 2 reference don't feel too bad he probably camped for the 25 kills needed to get the new hey are you serious it actually crashed the game [Laughter] okay so we uh bust him i still love this little moped thing the fargio man um jump okay uh man i didn't click soon enough ram wait so there mustn't be a separate ending here then okay i've done this before i should remember that um so rock was corrected unless clicking the scooter or something gives me thank um oh wait goodbye to your head waker well try sticky grenade then go try bubble last time halo reference i thought a bubble only starts one damage anyway in sonic [Music] sir place your hands where i can see them if you do not comply i will be forced to fire upon you you leave me no choice sir oh do something well that wasn't it so it must be in the sneak section so the map cheats and tells me where it is then so it's still missing oh cause this one didn't finish this one hopefully doesn't crash the game again what oh so now i've seen them all there i see and so this is the one that i haven't done then okay so just wait oh but i can click on the part of the map and teleport there yeah okay fine i would i would use the map to teleport around a little bit hey oh then where's the other ending place your hands where i can see oh i can click this guy and bribe him bribery is a federal fence sir oh wait what then where's the other ending two minutes sneak plus teleporter i did i did this already it pushed me in the wall didn't it oh oh so this oh it's oh it's made us another path here oh oh i get it okay sweet falcon has that ever works uh track penny oh look company well it's this is oh wow that's just gonna hang me isn't it oh no uh laser [Music] well cutter seems obvious in hindsight a hammer i love cheese but how would cheese [Laughter] and after that they just up and arrested him whoa really hit him with diamond genius okay found the other ending all by myself without any suggestions from chat and now we rich we'll look we'll look at the map oh there's heaps i haven't done in this right so this was complete dead end and i okay this this leads to another part so we never did a cannonball or did we do a cannibal we did a new graph one we didn't recalibrate i've been looking at the numbers here what do you think ah yes let me have a look go go i'll hold them off come on oh chair [Music] everyone [Music] uh hurry up now activate the doors uh i'm too slow oh it crashed i was like is this an intended i may as well do another fail or two while in here thruster that's not gonna yeah no laser newton's third law one force is actually two forces and they are this uh are the same but they're also different yeah somewhere uh spikes yep it's obvious yeah boost okay i was very fortunate to get ejects first time okay we're back hurry up now activate the doors um middle fist i i'm too slow it's 100 beans it is definitely beans metal bend oh europe and harry get enough what uh rocket show this is gonna blow me up oh it works now i've got yeah yo-yo the right-hand man attacked oh can we try cyflash the right-hand man could oh [Music] what is this a reference to it's not pokemon right oh earthbound uh goods yay i had a multi target rocket or what was that i gained two hundred and two thousand two hundred i gained some exp glider nice just so casual i'm defeating my right hand man i surrender the airship to you [ __ ] that let me just take over the ship oh i see this is this is going with the tank and this is going with the hat people uh we'll go with hat people oh [ __ ] in hindsight that seemed too simple yeah dummies you think they're all right pretty big fall i'm sure henry had a plan oh man he trusted me henry [Music] let's [Music] oh so i guess the fourth ending would be going with the military uh tank [Applause] am i going to survive dog wanted to certify that henry stickman has been pardoned from all crimes prior to 2013. nice so that's the fourth ending so up to here so we did boost up last time wait for transfer and we haven't done play dead or tackle tackle oh no no oh [Music] species we sonic now acrobats [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh sir i got a message yes go ahead yeah it looks like uh henry stick man stickman yeah henry stickman has escaped he's still there attention we haven't escaped conflict he's my scene heading towards the surface myself yeah it's advanced wars i played this game when i was a kid on on gameboy advanced can i just leave if i can go this way [Music] oh shoot in the base i still have not played fire friday at freddy's or whatever well let's go for the tank then okay we'll fight the dude [Music] what then oh because we both have swords [Music] oh all right he's up here somewhere we cannot let him get through the skate oh nice at uh sandwich i mean it has jam [Laughter] it's a reference too wait why did i lose costume ah then we got hostage yours looks so nice frosty's escaping those guys need to chill [Applause] at least i picked something what was this one slam bail nice oh you should have followed up with a tether from your wrist strapped grapple hook another slip [Music] i have to say henry i'm impressed really i am you're the first person to escape the wall but this is the end for you you've got two options here henry you stay in there or you return with us back to the complex i'm gonna do nothing henry well that's just too bad all right everyone back to work i will not forget about this hey i picked the right one [Music] i mean like it offered me a warp star that just seemed so juicy that they had to have to be baked i wouldn't know what the warp star does though i have to say henry i'm impressed really i am you're the first person to escape okay whoop stop is kirby gonna eat me you've got two options here henry okay [Music] no got two options here henry you stay in there [Music] you made the right choice oh okay oh there's five endings in this one so we got map um we uh there was another place back here that looked like it could be a path like when i um like at the very beginning here because i can play dead okay oh okay that's not it then the these dots so you're saying a places that uh can branch off oh i see okay so how about i kind of half forget how we got to here oh this is when i used the laser and then i oh that's right then i i broke out and then i could call someone right so call the top hats [Music] yes hello henry where are you in the complex called the wall oh yeah yes of course so we'll uh we'll be right there and sit tight er i'll let you know when we're close [Music] where exactly are you uh undercover agent hey henry it's me yeah i'm i'm undercover i'm gonna break you out he's been three years undercover waterways uh drill [Music] uh no it's gonna put me into the oh okay let's know what i thought was gonna happen well you see because of entropy the uh all right i can't be as we had this one sick right don't put me into that oh that's a close one henry but i'm not going to pull you up see without you i become the leader of the tuppet plan again i just wanted to look you in the eyes as i took it all back no goodbye no and that counts as an ending dude i thought we were friends man i mean there's still another ending so i'm assuming so this square means that there's another ending i can do from here and i pulled her up before but now we're leaving her behind oh man eddie will remember that so at this point he has only like 10 health left commands melody i i've never played wind waker i've seen speed runs in it doing like 70 damage you can't stand did you really need all that no loot left behind was going to be whoopee cushion obviously i ended up buffing up my guys and oh come on are you serious that was totally you you what don't you accuse me come on justin it wasn't me um spring [Laughter] come to think of it those boingers are kinda loud uh long shot hit him with the long shot [Music] oh power jump [Music] i'm assuming pressing the button they're just gonna come to me [Music] or not [Music] yeah kinda makes sense balloon that's not how that works it's not that's not how that works balance [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what i know what that means i didn't need helium before with the balloon [Music] ah the mario thing [Music] the powers of being a furry apparently oh actually works um [Music] someone just leave i think it was smith oh yeah probably off to see his family this is just an ending okay sweet so i got all the endings but there must be quite a few combinations here right this one is insanely long yeah it would have to be should i do them all governments supported private investigator and ghost inmate ending evidence stolen teamed up with charles tophat leaders arrested airship impounded fled undetected ellie abandoned [Music] this is a coach well broadcast the remnants of a top hat clan have been seen mobilizing near the dogo bogo jungle rumors are they are attempting to launch an orbital satellite of some kind unconfirmed reports are telling us they are shipping their assets by train to this base in the jungle these assets include all treasures and artifacts they have stolen throughout the years now these treasures are worth quite a lot of money so we gotta make sure [Music] no no stowaways here this is checkpoint inspection team five we are all clear magic hats i suppose we should hop in yeah it's about time all right i'll get the door excuse me uh i'm saving that seat for my friend hello hello oh hey there you are yeah no this guy just took me a seat i don't know why is that a fail like uh mannequin whoa check out this crazy coat rack oh look at me i'm a little hat holder person ooh can i take your hat i wonder what's out the window press f to pay the specs window oh free turns on okay photoshop trends here let's get everything packed up before it gets too late infinity store anything in this cube it's got virtually limitless storage thanks to its creative use of pocket dimensions leaf mode just place these on any object and they will turn into a leaf it will vacuum anything you aim it at that's a guarantee [Laughter] okay [Music] oh [Music] hmm i'll just rub them all like that that was a fairly short ending [Music] okay everyone today's the day why is it empty in here okay government supported private investigator convict allies ending evidence stolen teamed up with charles top hat leaders arrested airship impounded busted out with convicts allied with ellie warden defeated you sure this is where he's gonna pick us up ah there he is you said you did some work with him in the past or something if you trust him then so do i hey henry nice to see you again who's your friend i'm ellie well nice to meet you any friend of henry's is a friend of mine so uh i was able to swing by and pick you guys up but well you remember the captain yeah he had to sanction this pickup in return we're gonna need your assistance again the top hats again i hope that's all right well it is the least we could do he is helping us out good let me fill you in on the details when we get into the air all right so what's left of the top egg land is set up uh some sort of secret base out in the jungle seems like they're planning on launching uh some kind of space station into orbit they'll be sitting pretty if they pull this off so we gotta make sure that they don't do that i talked to the general and he said he's pulling out all our main forces he said that henry and i made a good team last time so i trust that we can pull it off henry and i make a pretty good team too don't count me out now we're gonna make a great squad the three of us will have no problems completing the mission why did you say it like that is he gonna portray us all right we're there i don't think i can get any closer without getting shot down no worries we can get there from here where are we dropping boys [Laughter] i mean the wings just look so appealing but this is fortnite i know good wings [Music] is that a fail what a graceling i i didn't know what this is a reference to okay fortnight it is these things were like the main thing people use when i used to play fortnite delinquents on the window the control tower i'll take care of it yeah i was just about to close up [Music] what oh then i get like squished against something i get it no guns of course that was weirdly smooth yeah totally first try the plan the rocket will be launching very soon please get on board immediately i will not hesitate to leave you behind oh sounds like they're about to take off you guys should get over there right away i'll be down to help as soon as i can build swap oh that's cool um throw him [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] i was hoping like he would just die and then i could be her the rest of it just just for the hell of it climb down and run you guys are still running i can just pick you up oh you're staying committed to your choice i can respect that i mean 21 minutes are you almost halfway there okay we build [Laughter] that seems so obvious you died indeed so what barrel of donkey kong of course this cannon was actually built to fire humans it's kind of weird that went surprisingly smoothly now quick guys you got to stop that rocket from taking off um got a little bit of a situation okay maybe not fusion [Music] who will challenge me take care of this you think just cause you fuse you're a match for me don't make me laugh enough waiting around [Music] [Applause] [Music] normally this goes on for another three hours i get this reference downgrader yo yo [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy smoke references all this hat in time go situation sorted uh guys the rocket's launching we gotta do something before they get into orbit we need to come up with a plan quick well charlie is useless we'll go anywhere guys listen up i got a plan henry and i will overload the engine room causing an explosion charles we'll need you to wait outside the auxiliary exhaust by the forward left booster we'll only have about 20 seconds to get out before it blows all right i'll be ready hurry this doesn't seem like a good idea where is he all right i'm in position i don't see you guys though oh cause of course charlie screwed me is this the one time where charles is actually useful okay guys i have the most awesome plan i'm gonna crash head first into the cafeteria window what do you mean like you're gonna jump out and smash it with your head no no with my helicopter what do you guys think i'm ready to hold on i don't really understand what's not to understand it's simple i fly the helicopter into the window but how does that help i don't really think you get it henry you get it right i guess i'm outboated then uh i think it's a little bit out of range now it would have been amazing charles it seems like henry's got a plan so huh yeah yeah hmm oh yeah huh oh yeah that's a great idea all right you guys do your thing i'll be ready what who's that did you set the autopilot all right then let's bail wait so where's it going i thought we were gonna get hit by the blades [Music] ah what a move i can't believe we did it where'd you end up sending the rocket anyway the wall knew it that was a lot of fun you know feel free to call us if you got any more jobs to do together right henry triple threat nice government supported private investigator presumed dead ending evidence stolen teamed up with charles tophat leaders arrested airship impounded faked death did not meet ellie the orbital station allows the topper clan to easily raid any place on earth henry henry i heard you died ah man the top back plan has been causing a bunch of problems for me lately yeah ever since they got that orbital station set up they've been super strong now that i think about it you and i made a pretty good team in the past i bet we could take them out it's starting to get personal well what do you say you want to help me take him out for good awesome all right follow me i have a way we can get into space [Music] secret government prototype what do you think there it is all right how do you want me to bring you in oh this is so exciting it's just like last time you can guarantee if i beam aboard it's gonna do nothing but bad things uh trash ball put on this spacesuit and hide in this ball of trash what it's a good idea trust me see i told you it was a good idea the top bats have no clue you're there now i'm going to stick back here though so they don't detect me i should still be able to help you get inside from here though super accurate laser shot no hot you feel knife button there on your helmet go ahead and press that it's a knife that's so hot it can cut through any material you dropped it didn't you well there's okay this one time surely charles is useful at least once right no this calls for some bold action i'm the bold action man oh wow i've always wanted to do that anyways i should probably find a way off the station before it explodes [Music] looks like the door is jammed this is the only way through good luck one two three are you lifting with your back advanced leads somewhere on the other side [Music] well people just went into here right it's just got a crack in it luxury room for two more [Music] rude well if the people just went into here well we'll just jump in what oh well then why do they even have that lever that's a reference to uh emperor's new griff well that was intense that's not a good idea can't wait to go home [Music] don't worry about me i'll find another way no charles why henry you there ah man that roughed me up got him though there's got to be another escape pod around here somewhere oh man we did it though we got him it was a pretty good plan i could say it was the greatest oh dude he screwed up a lot but he always just tried his best man and he got us in there he did oh that's brutal general the top at station's been destroyed excellent news what's wrong oh that's brutal oh man i will say this game is uh has really impressed me pure-blooded thief ghost inmate ending ruby stolen from top hats airship destroyed government annoyed top hat leaders fled busted out with convicts allied with ellie warden defeated good evening the topic plan continues to remain untouched by the governments of the world their rocket launch earlier this week has placed the space station in a stable orbit around the globe the station has plenty of room to store all the clans members as well as the stolen valuables among these valuables was the priceless norwegian emeralds stolen from the queen of norway's chambers just last year the toppak clan are also thought to be the ones responsible for the theft of the romanian ruby and the tunisian diamond the orbital station allows the topper clan to easily raid any place on earth [Music] hey chief our satellites have picked up a hostile object oh no is it the government did they send a destroyer after us [Music] no well just shoot it down uh powerball oh come on surely i i was like it's a bowerball surely you have to succeed star fox mosquito mode [Laughter] status report huh oh yeah uh we completely missed and they're uh they're on the ship now completely missed we spent so much money on that [Music] so in this version we have the diamond and the ruby and we just want the emerald now i think i think it's going to be leap this time [Music] no i was wrong john father we'll go teleporter this one truly teleport has to work at least one time well it did work one time oh no it's not gonna work oh [Laughter] it actually worked that's insane how does open not work here oh it does work oh no you don't hey reg yeah i found that intruder excellent work i knew i could count on you hang on a minute this is the guy that stole our ruby now he's trying to steal our emerald guy you better take care of him with pleasure chance time uh one sec oh no [Music] chance they've always excuse me if i want to play mario party so bad yo right hand man what happened what's going on breach in orion lounge find him we can't let him get away with this again not twice hey chief we spotted him outside get him stop him fire supreme dominance now whoa okay charging up supreme dominance for you yeah a little bit overkill [Music] super henry you need like six more animals before you can transform the super henry okay okay [Music] oh we just restarted the section time to go nice you need more you need more emeralds to become super henry breaking news the topic orbital station has been completely destroyed we are unsure of the exact details at the moment several escape pods have been seen entering the atmosphere the topic chief's escape pod was found but there is nobody inside government forces state they do not know whether he survived jewel bone nice pure blooded thief presumes dead ending ruby stolen from top hats airship destroyed government annoyed top hat leaders fled busted out with convicts allied with ellie warden defeated hello yeah can i speak to the chief please not available well look i was just wondering if the rocket plan was still in action you know the rocket plan firing up that space station into orbit yeah the one where we can just sit around now no you know luxurious lounges plenty of room great view of earth far enough away from any meddling governments yeah still happening then yeah right we're leaving from that jungle base then right what relax mate no one's gonna be listening in here you really think someone's gonna try and steal an entire rock you must be mental right yeah yeah i'll see you then [Music] [Laughter] okay stop hey can you oh yeah sure thing wait a minute oh command a guy just zip right by me i couldn't do anything about it he's too fast intruder who is that can we stop him please but it's so hot look you're not allowed to change heads all right now drop it getting on my nerves what oh items oh that's mine look you're not allowed to change oh it's among us dude now drop it [Music] when are there only two options uh-oh oh it's weight an intruder has been spotted on the premises of course keep your eyes peeled change his hats [Music] he's headed straight for the rocket close the main door immediately [Music] uh cutting them that's not gonna work still in those physics sessions no i didn't have time to read them all drill you will go bro okay we're gonna climb the walls then of course he's riding straight up what is this guy doing trying to steal a rocket we'll take care of this hi chief got a clear shot here yes go ahead hammer i'm gonna do nothing oh first try i mean with they're all hammer [Music] what wait they they all do something different with a hammer emergency launch protocol activated he's hijacking the rocket right head man where are you i thought we had like two i thought we had a few more not on my watch um stage wait why would there be a fail though i'd be fine uh full speed oh what's like is that really gonna be the ending oh of course okay good bait game precision shot i wanna just [Music] oh [Music] welcome to stickman space resort built out of a former top at base it's been refitted for your luxury enjoyment three top pets aboard have reformed and now work as crew members the top hats that remained on earth were arrested as you know the resort is run by the man himself henry stickman you may wonder why did he steal a criminal clan's rocket and decide to turn it into a resort we may never know but hey you wouldn't be here if that didn't happen enjoy your stay wait but why did he do that okay money i guess okay relentless bounty hunter ghost inmate ending top hat leader arrested right hand man defeated tanks stolen pardoned by government fled undetected ellie abandons you've got to be pretty tired of waking up like this that's right it's me but you thought you took me out well nobody gets away from the topic as soon as we got into orbit i'll make sure to go down and capture you now enjoy your stay well you have to go with magic spell that's yeah oh it works uh surprisingly successful um metal hats what do i become metal mario [Music] henry's escaped he's on his way towards the main cabin now coming from wing seven [Music] there he is he's locked himself in armory seven who open yeah well that's that's kind of obvious yeah pew pew gun i like from duck hunt i need an update on that henry situation he's got one of our guns he's my thrust like crazy we can't stop him do i gotta do everything around here hello you should have stayed in your cell nano suits that's not going to help you impressive but that's not good there you are uh oh you don't have time to read the instruction manual for that suit i have time to read the options fire missile the release mechanism is located near your thumb on the right hand it's a small button with a missile symbol on it all you need to do is hit that to fire off the missile warning if you do not disconnect the missile it may activate while still connected to your suit well thank you fox's reflector oh unfortunately it only reflects projectiles still massively up either uh chief i lost a solar panel yeah oh no i'm dealing with it okay don't even get snippy about it ah where'd he go kind of looks like a bullet i assume if i go into earth i'll just burn up what's this one destination earth hey sir sorry to bother you uh one of our offsite drop pods is on a direct collision course with the station nice it was alive he took out our central core we don't have any power can't really get down to earth without it so we're kind of just stuck who was that guy anyway why'd you why'd you grab him nice relentless bounty hunter convict allies ending top hat leader arrested right-hand men defeated tanks stolen pardoned by government busted out with convicts allied with ellie warden defeated wait you have a tank [Music] you said you stole this from the top bats that name sounds familiar i think i heard of them when i was getting locked up at the wall criminal organization right and you crossed them huh we got to put this bad boy to use what do you say we hit him again i don't know about you but i'm running pretty low on cash great i'll get in touch with my contacts and find out where they're at these tracks should lead us right to the secret top app base we might even find that's it the transport train i think they're supposed to be there it is their money cart i'm pretty sure that cart contains all the money they've amassed there's our payday let's take it to him why you hear that [Music] [Music] this iron sword we should have just done this um fire stop the train [Music] well that's one way to do it now how are we going to get all this money out of here cursive holding man this is going to take forever you two look like you could use some patented purse of holding carrying purses force lift so she does have the force right what is a fulton [Music] i i don't get this reference this doesn't belong to you could i have picked one of those if i was faster needle what are you doing no a vegan fly what an idiot what was the point of that not the sharpest idea gonna pin the blame on you for that one did you really needle that money sure bounce stickman nice seems like we're out of the danger zone that should do the trick my reference on the wheelie okay relentless bounty hunter presumed dead ending top pat leader arrested right hand man defeated tanks stolen pardoned by government fake death did not meet ellie so the plan's going through even without the chief yes we have all the goods loaded up on the train uh i don't want to be on caravan duty oh it's not so bad you get to sit on the train and hang out are we meant to protect all our stolen valuables all the money all that oh yes i suppose that's true we have all of our money in one cart i suppose that's pretty important to protect well i guess we better get going watch where you're going join the caravan [Laughter] all you had to do was follow the damn dang train henry i get that reference i'll file well they can ken has angled up so far mr macbeth passenger car three has been smashed by a tank we're under attack he's on the top of the train looks like he's headed towards the money car i'll gun him down inside inside inside inside okay is everyone ready maybe they didn't notice um he nice away we can't follow through the tunnel do i have to do everything myself so you're the one causing all the trouble i didn't expect to have to use this missed macbeth attacks um mercy i will spare him he's not taking me seriously oh messy me this is undertale but i've never played the game back oh um item mirror perfect mr mcbeth was defeated we can't get in why don't we go out the back oy uh i see i'm surprised the ralph can hold up with the money this is pretty bad hey nice [Music] no luck boss can't find it anywhere [Music] and get all the money okay relentless bounty hunter international rescue operative ending top hat leader arrested right hand man defeated tanks stolen pardoned by government assisted by charles fled in helicopter [Music] this start is uh interesting [Music] is meant to be metal gear solid i have not played the game altitude 20 000 feet wind speed nominal visibility is clear standby for drop i hope you don't mind helping us out again i called ahead and got the all clear from the general i'm sure you've got a lot of questions don't worry he'll fill you in when you arrive you'll be dropping in on the outskirts of the top at launch site we've also got a squad waiting for you when you arrive all right time to drop [Music] there he is do you think he's as legendary uh henry really kept us waiting huh yeah nice to meet the legend in person henry glad to see you made it safely let me introduce you to your squad first off is john pilkson he's been doing this for 30 years and he excels at stealth he'll be a go-to man for anything involving stealth he'll be going by the code name frog next up is golden banks he's a master when it comes to electronics he knows his way around any interface and he'll be very helpful when it comes to hacking he'll be going by the codename eel lastly we have amelia esteban demolitions expert she's known to tackle problems head on and will blow a hole in any problem her code name turtle general what's all this about ah frog i'll run through the briefing again we recently learned of the topic clan's plan to launch a space station into orbit around the earth if they're able to get this station operational they'll become unstoppable they'll be able to attack any place around the world easily with no way for anyone to counter-attack the top ads weren't they brought down by henry unfortunately no only the leader was captured but now being led by the previous right-hand man the right-hand man ah i thought he was defeated seems someone's fixed him up giving him cybernetic enhancements to boo it'll be quite a handful to deal with so we're just cleaning up another mess well it is what you do best your mission is to capture or eliminate the right-hand man we'll be launching an all-out assault on the compound at the same time our focus being on preventing the rocket from launching ah sounds like a good time that's why we're sending all you good luck out there henry that was a lot of exposition compared to let's get in there and find it we need to get past that guard i i assume that itself is a reference to metal gear startled also just how much exposition it was there dance-off [Music] okay i have to have it [Music] erectus there's no one here you must be out fighting looks like they left in a hurry i've gotten into their security feed looks like the right hand man is holed up in the warehouse the holes are completely empty we should be able to get close without getting detected what's the plan sir keep the door secure there he is let's do this really hey cease i mean it has to work at least once right suppressing that we'll provide suppressing fire you loop around and get behind him now go hang on i'll see you henry i was gonna hunt you down when we got set up but now you just fall right into my lap go on on your feet i'll give you one shot [Music] it's never gonna work rock paper scissors [Music] okay cheap fighting combo [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's that he's got the boss rewire [Music] henry we gotta put a stop to these topics come on never mind guess the leaders got him hold it the top bats are finished you're not going anywhere what is happening stand back henry i'll take care of this guy what are you doing you're our boss you're really gonna side with the guy who locked up the chief bro oh man that's so close d is always going to be a top hat there's no rewiring this [Music] it's someone's charms hey nice we've got him put out the signal attention we've captured your leader now what do we do yo he's needing like a new boss man come on man i'll lead us through this ah no i will is anyone there we need to take off immediately who put you in charge got another group that surrendered here excellent job henry thank you captured the top bats panicked and we were able to prevent the rocket from launching a few members escaped but they're all in small groups now they won't be causing us any significant problems you know bounty hunting really suits you ever think about going pro [Music] nice rapidly promoted executive ghost inmate ending henry leader of top hats right hand man defeated government betrayed fled undetected early abandoned henry where have you been oh you want to know he was locked up at the wall with me um who are you how did you get here oh i'm ellie i heard the guy i helped escape was the leader of the top act clan so i busted myself out and followed him i helped you escape and you just left me what have you no honor no dignity like this tarnish the tuppet name men is this really what we want out of a leader he barged in here took control of the topic for himself he's not worthy of being our leader i say we throw him overboard who's with me what why are we doing this i thought henry was a pretty good leader yeah you know this doesn't really take any loyalties to debris henry you are hereby dethroned from your position as leader of the tuppet clan i'm going to want that hat [Music] jump or i'll make you jump no save state show through the leg and you're to blame you give save states a bad name what is we know the safe state or whatever chainsaw definitely thought the other side would fall like in all the other cartoons i don't want to hear it oh well i mean it seems obvious now henry we're with you henry get us out of here yeah dave mine crystal but dave come on dave you got this davey good good teamwork thanks henry it's not right what they did here the denouncement ceremony has been completed henry is no longer the leader of the top that clan how do you want to proceed boss i got a few ideas deuces midnight surprise the good chance the good gents ah that was a close call get into this available pod it's kind of tight in here [Music] wait oh what was that what now boss looks like we're on our own [Music] is that an actual ending wait so that was the ending rapidly promoted executive convict allies ending henry leader of top hats right hand man defeated government betrayed busted out with convicts allied with ellie warden defeated preparations are nearly complete should be able to launch within the hour so this is the top hat clan secret base sign me up whoa what happened to that guy henry you're back i took charge in your stead i hope you don't mind [Music] uh i'm ellie i'm new here what are you guys up to well uh henry remember that orbital station idea we were talking about we went ahead with that plan we've got all of our assets in there already once the final preparations are complete we'll be ready to launch into orbit that should keep us far away from any governments trying to bring us down you should be able to hey what did i tell you about calling me that henry is the chief remember okay yeah we're under attack you two get to the rocket henry one two three the rocket is launching in five minutes do something a very accurate target system yeah 95 is not 100 super punch am i still in the air uh yeah [Music] thomas will always remember you as a hero wrist strap straps grab a hole abandoned he did seem like he was kind of betraying me but he didn't fully betray me this time around so i'd rather save him just you wait till my friend gets here yes oh he's dead [Music] bomb has been planted isn't this an emp flutes it's the leader i was wondering when you'd show up tom's up let's do this summon [Music] what well that's not going to be good last week but not to worry it took too long style on them [Music] i'm not gonna lie that was pretty stylish [Music] what okay wow the rocket is launching in one minute we gotta hurry you guys need a ride i mean we could have flown don't want to get through man five four three two no wait henry's still down there i'll keep the door open as long as i can come on we gotta go clown oh it's gonna run out no ah g converter invert gravity it's that simple benzene oh come on i got you henry you know i could drop you right now i saved you but why would i do that i saw you out there put yourself on the line to save the top ed plan you've truly earned my respect i can't think of a better person to lead us oh [Music] nailed it thanks to henry's efforts we were able to establish our orbital station unfortunately we lost quite a few members during the raid with the station in orbit we were able to raid any place on earth with ease ellie was officially recruited into the tuppet clan and given the rank right had made it me and my right hand man went on to become top operators in the clan performing several successful operations nice rapidly promoted executive presumed dead ending henry leader of top hats right hand man defeated government betrayed faked death did not meet ellie wow it's the best one yet with this blank canvas i can make up my own story what can beat the powers of imagination cheers me no no listen listen the top back clan won't even stand a chance against us dude yeah they don't even realize that that we know about their secret jungle base they think they can just launch a rocket into orbit and be free to do whatever they want we're gonna even show them what are you two idiots doing we need to ship out right now it's me the worst i'm sure that purple mask is a reference or something but i don't know the reference oh whoops that was too early physics engine heard the new top bad leader is missing 10 bucks says he shows up and stops our entire operation yeah all right duplicate orange wait what wait this isn't the original henry you're not going to follow some copy it's the same dude knife that's what makes me run faster than csgo oh everyone knows you've run faster with a knife did i get him i get it walk through hey everyone this is part 65 of my henry stickman playthrough today i'm going to be doing the part with the tank but uh before i get started i just want to thank my sponsor sure follow me on instagram follow me on twitter follow me on facebook i don't know how many more endings there are in this game but this is one of them and when you get to this tank part you want to pick walk through it'll play this video of a guy who starts talking and he's like welcome back to part 65 of my henry stickman playthrough walkthrough i got a patreon account if you feel like you're supporting me some more this game doesn't really follow any logic at all it brings you up to three choices um and when you select walk through it plays a video of this guy doing a walkthrough you keep saying like hey everyone today we're gonna do a walk through here remember to rate the video like the video and subscribe if you want to see more videos similar to this one this and you want to choose walk through here oh my god i come out and he keeps saying like hey guys this is going to be a walkthrough of henry stickman again comment and um subscribe if you enjoyed the video i wouldn't expect that to show up in here but i guess they could do anything in the tent now i'm gonna quick walk through here opens up this video of this super boring guy who just says what's up guys i'm playing interstikman today doing a walkthrough before i get started make sure to like comment and subscribe it's stupid this can't be the correct one four hundred thousand failed oh there are four now you got three choices here if you if you click walk through it start playing a video of this really boring guy who's all like hey what's up guys time for another walkthrough it's still going henry stickman well you said a total of 134.5 seconds watching that scene the only reason i clicked is because i saw on my obs someone say click i would have been there for a lot longer oh my god what an impressive bait dude okay scrambler big boy's going on a rampage scent of a chaos containment come in command we are picking up minor chaos readings here permission to engage roger that commencing chaos containment do not reveal secret seriously do not there's nothing here most reverse imbalance i can't see do anything with it though um love [Music] oh you should have thought about what i'm willing to do in order to get the job done commencing ultimate freeze oh oh because it freezed it froze everything because it's paused i gotcha okay [Music] that's right [Music] [Music] repeat the mission is a no-go [Music] what the tank just first an egg yeah we got a tank approaching with henry inside henry you're here what are you doing in a tank repeat that raid has been aborted fall back you protected the clan yeah the future of the top fan looks right with you as our leader [Music] well i do not know what that egg was rapidly promoted executive and the betrayed ending henry leader of top hats right hand man defeated government betrayed rescued by top pack clan betrayed by top pat leader hey easy easy you were gone for a bit i was able to bring you back to life i specialize in military grade augmentations i was forced to replace spine and lift arm a sum of damage you sustained was beyond repairing you had run in with top hat glenda i haven't encountered them before you see you're still healing so she probably fixed the right hand man dude they went south if you are wondering about 10 hours ago wow you're learning so quickly good luck i'm thinking once we arrive we should be able to henry take him out right hand man spirit form [Music] you're kidding me [Music] [Music] oh me [Music] what a [ __ ] reference dude that doesn't seem right but i don't know enough enough about animated disputed it's like it's wrong on every level but the reference still works gun no blades [Music] ah time to finish you off [Music] you uh why typeloof [Music] [Music] what is that a reference to a pokemon reference nice no we're losing altitude i gotta get out of here [Music] what are you going to do drop him because he dropped me here you don't have to do this [Music] oh anyone available there's an attacker in the cockpit oh come on man is that has undergone some upgrades staple [Music] so that's it then you're just gonna leave me here to go down with the ship looks like we'll be sharing this last ride together well you got us was it worth it [Music] charles should have totally flown over from the the horizon to save me that was nice so now i have all the endings except you're telling me there is a secret ending which i'm not doing all fails for a chat but uh henry stickman secret ending wow would you look at that guys i i unlocked the secret ending here it's crazy wow initializing multiverse defragmentation oh package huh oh you did yep i got a package here for someone named henry i love delivering packages oh by pressing that i sense the box back to myself that was fun and definitely uh enjoyable did you play the flash photos no um i didn't hear about it when i was younger i don't know how but what's in the box is the box i'm thinking of the game i guess that's everything because i'm not going back to watch every single fail there was some damn funny stuff in there but i'm sure there will be more but i not no i hope you guys enjoyed it thank you for hanging out be sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel it costs you nothing and i wish you all the best [Music]
Channel: DarkViperAU
Views: 3,139,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DarkViperAU, DarkViper, Henry Stickmin, Henry Stickmin Collection, Meme, References, Newgrounds, action, comedy, parody, Charles Calvin, toppat clan, Ellie Rose
Id: c5TM48epPiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 46sec (9466 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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