The Great Reset by Shane Idleman

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and oh there's a lot of people that's good and it's not a conspiracy theory because you can look at websites you can look at agendas that are taking place uh the global summit where a lot of the global leaders met and they laid out their plans and they want there to be a global reset and one nation in the way is yours truly right america and uh what they're trying to do is get everybody dependent upon the government get everyone dependent on the one world system and we know it's not a conspiracy theory because we also read the bible and we see that that is a direction that the america is going and the world is going and they want to reset and i think that's a lot of behind the virus is shutting down small businesses and you see that the big stores are not suffering are they the top billionaires increased their wealth by 28 percent during covet 20 they're already billionaires and so you see small businesses really hurting and that's what i believe you know it's a legitimate virus of course don't get me into the numbers and things like that because um you just found out recently there's no reporting in the flu anymore i guess so you know there's a lot of shenanigans going on so you take something that's real something we want to be sensitive to but at the same time also uh get to the facts and get to what's going on so they're using it as a means to help to shut down the economy and that's why i believe the political race right now is so important if you biden will only seek to do that even more mandatory mass lockdowns and shut down the enviro the economy to to a degree to where it want they want to become dependent upon the government that's kind of the goal that's the agenda there so you can research that more on your own but i want to talk about the great reset of the church the great reset of the church and this turned into two messages next week i'm going to talk about god's sovereignty is your sanity you can you can tweet that you can facebook that always remember that god's sovereignty is your sanity that's how you're going to stay sane in these dire times that's how you're not going to lose it or get carried away or get anxious and ear bone fearful and and cave god's sovereignty will be your sanity going forward what is sovereignty means full authority full control the right to do what he pleases thank god that we can rest in who god is amen i put something on facebook and twitter and all these other things this week and i said this no matter what happens january 20th jesus is still king of kings and lord of lords every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that christ is lord that's where our allegiance lies that's who we serve that's who we follow we don't get caught up in a lot of the other things we stay focused on christ and christ alone that road is narrow oh there are many who go by the wide path but narrow is the way that leads to eternal life it's been a very difficult sermon because what i want to do is offer hope but what i also want to do is prepare so how do you do that many of you are struggling through that right now with maybe your kids or grandkids you want to offer hope but you also want to prepare because if we're not prepared that's not wise either sometimes we can be deceived or make wrong decisions or lack wisdom so my goal was trying to offer hope but also prepare the church and that's been a very big challenge this week but something i want to encourage you with is this that the church has always been on a roller coaster ride of trials and disappointments ups and downs encouragement peace there's been seasons of peace there's been seasons of persecution and so we have to remind ourselves like esther that we've been called for such a time as this and as i was studying church history around 200 a.d to about 250 a.d was a time of of peace in the church and then around 250 a.d one of the emperors and those in ruling authorities decided to tell people they had to have a certificate to show that they worshiped the false god sound familiar you know i won't get into all that where i'm going with that but you know what i'm saying because there's so many things out there you have to have a uh you know at some point they want you to have a vaccine certificate to travel and you know you're seeing all that i'm not i'm not trying to make a connection here necessarily but that there has always been a season of persecution and in 250 a.d they had to show a certificate that they bowed their knee to the false god and many people would not do that they were actually killed for their faith many people would renounce jesus to save their life and then they came back to the church repenting and broken and that then they would require of those people something called penance have you heard of that if you're raised roman catholic that's where that came from they would have to do a certain amount of penance and and repentance to be let back in the church so we see uh even in um when was that probably 350 or so a.d and different seasons where uh nero in his persecution of christians and then you see a time of of not much persecution and then you see more and then you see the time of the uh the spanish spanish inquisition and and you see the uh bloody mary you've heard that name before and the martyrs uh william tyndale john huss uh and uh wycliffe two of those men were burned at the stake for translating the bible and you see so much so this is not we've we've become so comfortable that we've forgot that the church has has always been persecuted we've been blessed and what happens though is our blessing can sometimes hurt our intimacy with god because i don't know about you but it's it's brokenness and dependence that keeps me close to god it's suffering it's persecution it that keeps me close to god and when it becomes comfortable well you know sometimes you just don't go to church as much is it interesting that the church people used to go to church faithfully now the new trend is twice a month probably on its way to once a month and then well whenever it's convenient oh you get some persecution coming you'll see the church full again because that drives us to god unfortunately many times and i read a lot of about american history and i don't know how many of you knew this but there was something called the black robe regiment many pastors would show up in their black clerical gowns and underneath would be the uniform of the army to fight against britain so many many of people don't know this the pastors led a lot of that charge there was a standing up for what is truth there was a a wanting to defend the weak and the fatherless and it's a hard you know balance to find and many people believe that the first great great awakening with jonathan edwards john wesley george whitfield sparked the movement of the revolution aerial war and people say well christians shouldn't go to war and true personally i can't but as a government you can because god has given the government to be a tear to those who do evil and many times we make a mistake by applying jesus's teaching to the institution of government we try telling our president turn the cheek to north korea no no no no no that's a that's a jesus verse for us but the government is is operating differently but the encouraging thing you've heard me talk about this a lot revival god reviving his church is often birthed in travail meaning it's sparked in travail its difficulties can can lead to revival think of a pregnancy of a woman right she's going through the labor pains before that child is more same thing with the church sometimes there's labor pains you use to separate the wheat from the chaff to separate the sheep from the goats and also who are the true followers of jesus christ and it begins those who begin to press in they begin to start prayer meetings they begin to to make god a priority and they begin to seek him again with all their heart and that is your sanity in these uncertain times get your kids anchored into god's sovereignty get your mind and anchored into god's sovereignty what does that mean it means god will not bow his knee to anyone they will bow his their knee to him he stands high and lifted up he is on the throne he is to be exalted and worthy no matter what comes see that's many christians here's what's here's what's ironic and i know it's difficult we've been called for such a time as this we've been practicing for this but when this gets here we get scared we've had it too comfortable is 2021 the great reset of the church you can google it to get a lot of this information i'm talking about is 2021 the great reset of the church and again to prepare you and to be hopeful as well so i'm going to talk about something that most people don't talk about because i feel god put on my heart strongly the last couple weeks because the church is to discern we're supposed to be sober we're supposed to be vigilant we're supposed to use wisdom we're supposed to contend for the faith and talk about all the issues that confront us today no nobody nowhere in god's word will you say well you see the compartmentalize and don't talk about these certain issues only talk about these issues because the gospel changes our hearts we talk about everything that's affecting us so what i'm going to talk about i'm going to give you two scenarios but first the reason for the title of this message the great reset of the church the church must reset it's painfully obvious that many people are not seeking god with all their heart with all their strength and if i saw more families broken and more parents fasting and more kids weeping over their sin i would be more encouraged and i've been saying all year that the church is afraid but she's not humble she's worried but she's not broken she's comfortable and she's complaining where is mine where is this and there's a lot of hoarding going on and not a lot of brokenness and humility and that's why the church might need a reset amen because god works through his church it's important that we have that relationship with him now what's coming up this week let me encourage you either way we win no matter what side you're on either way as a christian either way you win god is still on the throne christ is still king of kings and lord of lords he's not too concerned he knows what's going on his sovereignty is my sanity but i have to talk to you about both scenarios to prepare you for example people say you know if joe biden were to come out come out of this as the president call me stupid but there's a lot of voter fraud going on it's crystal clear crystal clear for those who want to look at the evidence i have sydney powell's 270 page document of all the evidence it's crystal clear if those want to look at it but we don't know what will happen because on wednesday the congress meets the senate meets they contest it they have closed door meetings then even legal attorneys who are well versed in the constitution say well it could go this way it could go this way and and people say but how would god allow fraud well throughout the old testament many kings were dethroned by fraud or by treason or by uprising or by uh you know people taking over power and so i'm careful here because god's perfect will and his permissive will are sometimes different his perfect will is that the righteous are in authority so that the people don't groan his perfect will is that his word is brought back into the schools back into government offices back his word is to be elevated and highlight his word is not something we run from it's something we run to and you begin to put people in positions of office who respect his word and that's why i love people like mike pompeo who's in office or ben carson or tony perkins with the family research council countless countless other christians that are there it's very important it's very good and who what's the press secretary the kaylee right that's the hardest job on the planet and you have people in positions of authority and political offices that love god and there's something to be said about that however i don't know what god's will is in this area i'm not one of those guys making videos going thus saith the lord trump for four more years there's gonna be a lot of apologies and retractions if that doesn't happen now i should tell you i'm hopeful i'm hoping for the best but i'm putting on the altar until the day i know what god's will is me and my wife did that we were dating we put the marriage on the altar said lord it's yours it's until we say i do then you're then you're stuck okay right but does that sound wrong then you're committed not stuck not stuck nuts all right lev levy let's edit that part out of the sermon and put in there committed so what you say i do you try talking for an hour not messing up at every service once you make that commitment and once now we know what god's will is right a lot of times i make decisions i can't say i know for a hundred percent sure it's god's will the only time i can say that and one is when i look to his word i know for certain without a shadow of a doubt that christ is lord he is savior he died on that cross he rose from calvary and god has redeemed mankind and he is coming back again god's word is the inerrant here god's word is the inerrant inspired authoritative word of god he will stand the test of time his word will not go out void but i don't know sometimes the feelings going on up here and i was so encouraged the the time i was we were planting this church and i wasn't certain i was francis chan was actually leaving his church kind of the same time there and i heard him say i i didn't know for a hundred percent certain if we should have planted this church in and semi-valley and i was like oh good i'm not the only one because ins i trust god but i don't trust shane idleman feelings thoughts so i don't know exactly what's going to happen so i'm not doubting anything because god didn't tell me something doubt is when god tells you something and you begin to doubt what god says i don't know what his sovereign plans are i don't know what's going to happen i have hopes i have goals and i'm praying for certain things i'm fasting for certain things i'm hopeful but do you know how many people are going to just be messed up for lack of a better word though their faith will waver they've been trusting on all these prophetic voices saying this and and could god use a biden win to humble the church because god doesn't look through the lens of america or the presidential race he looks at the globally he's just as concerned about christians in china as america but what that scenario if it were to happen i believe it could be like a judgment god allowing now why would god give four years of mercy and grace and trying to bring his word back in other areas and then take that away and just saying this i'm gonna get tons of hate mail so just telling you up front i'm not gonna read it look at the no you don't you don't listen to haters you really don't you do not listen to haters well you're not open for constructive criticism oh yeah i ask our elders ask our deacons ask our core team all the time but we cannot listen to critics if you don't want any critics don't do anything don't be anything don't say anything and you'll have no critics jesus had critics but if that were to happen social media will censor the truth under biden clamp down on truth what i'm telling you is called hate speech according to some isn't it funny how love speech is hate speech i love you enough to tell you the truth the same sex attraction is not right according to god's word gay marriage is not right according i love you enough to tell you the truth let's hate speech will be to those who call good evil and evil good if that's hate speech then parents hate their children because they warn them they admonish them they challenge them often see telling you what god's word says is not hate it's love but you're going to see that be targeted the churches will be targeted they might even go underground so i kept my real estate license kind of joking i mean we nobody know do you know who's in the crosshairs more than anyone pastors of bold churches without a shadow of a doubt why is facebook not knocked our audience down 150 200 000 people a month we don't reach anymore because it's called shadow banning they go behind they put the settings or hardly anybody can follow you twitter won't let us post things youtube sometimes says copyright issues you got to internet it says everybody is against you except god almighty you plus god is majority that's the only thing that keeps me going never forget that you plus god is the majority so we go into the season of difficulty and persecution and churches who don't confront sin will be fine they won't shut them down because you're telling people what they want to hear not what they need to hear and this is the time i believe that paul warned timothy of i believe you're living in it folks right now they will look for teachers the time will come when they will not endure they will not put up with sound doctrine but they will look for teachers who will tell them what they want to hear continue in your sin encourage them in their sin never call things out never call them to repentance cuddle them when they come in and cuddle them when they go out the only problem with that is lies are not radically changed unless they're confronted with the sinfulness of man and let you get john the baptist back in the pulpits again crying in the wilderness and saying turn back to god almighty he is the only hope he is the only strength america humble yourself before god almighty that's the only hope [Applause] so what point do you get a little bold and you say not on our watch and you fight that fight spiritually speaking as christians can you imagine what corrects me the most popular sermons you'll see on youtube today 200 300 400 000 views are all the people saying nothing about this lives will not be radically changed in passive silent churches that don't want to confront sin why because a false prophet is not god's prophet now i'm not saying all silent churches are false but one of the number one signs if you've been coming here a while you've heard me talk about this what is one of the number one signs of a false prophet throughout the entire old testament did you you're gonna be surprised by this the number one sign of a false prophet is to tell you peace peace when there's no peace somebody could be coming to this church in an hour let's say an army hypothetically here and if all i say is guys it's going to be a wonderful day we've got barbecue and potluck and you guys just look great this morning we're going to talk about positive thinking today and how you can be a millionaire if you invest in this certain amount and we're just going to encourage you and i know the army's coming i've read the i've got the information i know they're coming i know there's this is not going to be good but because of cowardliness and a false prophet wanting recognition and to be liked they say peace peace when there is no peace god says i have not sent these false prophets yet they ran i have not spoken to them yet they spoke but had they truly stood in my counsel have they given the people the word of god all of the word of god the positives and the negatives the heaven and the hell the grace and the mercy but also the holiness of god he would have said they would turn the entire nation back to me is not my word like a fire that devours is not like my word like a hammer that breaks a rock and pieces but you have perverted the words of the living god by not warning people of their sin [Applause] if you don't like what i'm saying it's because you need to hear what i'm saying is that not true that is absolutely true because i'm simply telling you what the bible says trying to balance love and grace and mercy but i love that song like you all do it's grace it's brought me here thus far it'll be grace it takes me home thank god it's for god's grace but because of his grace on my life and his mercy on my life i need to warn i need to confront i need to challenge paul said timothy rebuke exhort well those are two strong words rebuke exhort the people what kind of shepherd doesn't warn the sheep the silent pulpit folks is not god's pulpit every time i talk about this the more time i spend with god the bolder i become it's amazing when you're both for god you know don't you get criticism try hundreds and hundreds of negative things a week but thousands of positive things too the silent pulpit is not god's pulp but a true pulpit the truth the true spokesman person for god is very loving but also they've always been bold they've always been confrontational they're filled with holy ghost fire you think jesus was just nice all the time when he preached what do you bethesda corazon if if the good works that were done and you were done entire inside and they would have repented long ago with sackcloth and ashes the judgment of god is on you oh you pharisees you whitewashed tombs you brood of vipers you look nice right now but you're dead on the inside you travel land and sea to win one proselyte when you want him you make him twice the son of hell as you jesus what is wrong with you he's speaking the truth in love and you've got to get to the heart of issues you've got to warn because we all of us preaches the whole the whole person the volume the fluctuation of the voice and and the body language and that's what jesus drove out the money changers he wasn't very nice to those guys right you kicked him out he didn't want to kick him out jesus what are you making over there i'll show you in just a minute boy scout not and you whip them out of that temple why because you've made this place a den of thieves but my father's house my father's house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations where remember when you used to come back in the house of god with fear and trepidation you come into his presence you would feel his power you come expecting god to move and god would move [Applause] leonard ravenhill speaking to pastors said this i love this quote he said and all you're getting get unction or get out of the pulpit isn't that true i would tell young pastors that in other words in all and everything you're doing get the fire of the holy spirit or get out of the pulpit because you're a spokesperson for god in his word filled with the spirit of god you don't have that what are you doing go be a car salesman i prayed all day to be nice today just but god wants us to speak boldly doesn't he i love what else leonard ravenhill did this you've got to read this guy's books he was at a big church probably in the 70s 97 big church was like 50 deacons right phil you remember this guy sent it to you and he said uh and two deacons were at the prayer meeting and he said fire all fired the other 48. because you see the spiritual condition if if those servants can't even make prayer meetings we've lost our temperature for god the hot and the cold we become lukewarm but for months i've been having wanting to have an all-night prayer meeting but i'll be disappointed because i doubt anyone will come maybe two maybe three out of what we're gonna have 800 here this morning at services and you tell me god's will in your life you fear him you're filled with the spirit god have mercy on our souls this is not church you think churches come and hear a few songs hear a message and go fill your stomach churches encounter god to remember what christ has done to come in a thankful broken spirit and come here much different than when you arrived but then if there is a trump victory it could be a season of mercy on the church but again i'm careful here because um i mean i'm as patriotic as they come like recite the country boys can survive song and love america hunting fishing what love our military but that can't overseed my love for god or outweigh my love for god but there's something in our nation that's been bothering me it's like you can't be a proud american anymore we can't be proud of what god has done are you kidding me israel was very proud of israel of what god has done in israel see it's okay to be a proud american not proud in the sense of oh and you elevate a nation over christ you don't drape the cross with the flag but you say god thank you for pulling us out of the mire and clay thank you for blessing our homes and our children could we not be a blessing back to you and being proud of what god has done proud that the constitution and that the frame the framers framed the constitution with god's word and actually just came across this was the first prayer in congress you can't see it's just a sketch of these men on their face on the chairs and lists of different men and where they were and they actually took it to prayer to god in congress so people say the church should be quiet it makes no sense to me makes zero sense because the church should infiltrate all areas of life god built a powerful nation from the conception yes many many mistakes but also he raises up a remnant and the media won't tell you all that will they they'll just tell you about slavery did you know that there were many many founding fathers who abhorred the practice of slavery and tried to and tried to stop it did you know that well you won't hear that list in the media 26 i think of the 56 signers of the declaration of the independence were ministers of the gospel oh yell harvard university all started to preach the gospel what would they say today what would harvard say today about god's word the rules of harvard said let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well the main end of his life which is to know god and christ jesus and to lay christ at the bottom as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning harvard university see that's why we get fired up we're not trying to push this on you we're trying to hold the line atheists say that ten commandment monuments offends me in the courthouse remove it well removing it offends me so where are we going to stop listening who's offended say let god's word be who it is let god's word behind exalted it's okay to acknowledge god [Applause] [Music] shane you must have not read that congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion nor prohibit the free exercise thereof the establishment clause yeah we're not establishing every a national religion we're acknowledging the sovereign hand of god that's been upon our nation and we've got to get you what do you think the heart of god is now grow distant from me remove me from your school do you why are our schools they look like battlegrounds policemen at the schools that when i was growing up see we've drifted we're contending but a trump victory will not come without a heavy price there will be massive civil unrest and massive deception anybody right now having a hard time on getting true information or just me this side nobody i'm gonna go on this side you know who to believe right and there'll be even more massive deception and that's why you've got to be anchored in god's word and i tell people all the time stop watching all these conspiracy theories and youtube videos and get anchored in god's word yes it's okay to know some things that are going on but your anchor your stability needs to be in god's word but i believe it will also divide the church christians will be forced to make a decision will they stay silent about civil unrest and back it or will they have more in common with antifa than god's agenda will they articulate biblical views of racial unity under which we can all unite or gravitate towards ungodly organizations even the christian the church is being divided right now in many areas but be encouraged either scenario either scenario it will i believe spark the fuel for revival and there will be a cry that goes out will thou not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you throughout the whole bible there was always a cry a cry would go out oh god revive your people or oh god pour water on a dry and barren land or oh god we are desperate for you we cry out to you we want you to move in our lives and here's the biggie i'm willing to do whatever it takes to meet you to encounter you to have intimacy with you lord show me i am your servant until the day i die i i don't know about you but i'm praying and fasting this week anybody else oh i'm gonna have to give you one more opportunity i'll take the word fasting out anybody else praying this week yes i'm not even going to look there may be a lot of hands because and people say this isn't important it's very important because you're talking about protecting innocent life you're talking about honoring god's word or mocking god's word you're talking about putting people in positions of leadership with integrity and responsibility the i think the president appoints like 3 000 different appointments throughout the united states in the course of their so it's very important i don't know how the church can be separate from this either scenario though is going to spark i believe must spark a revival some type of awake of the great reset because many people come to church asleep they come maybe twice a month if they feel like it once where's the hunger for god where's the hunger for god when when people use the all-night prayer meetings or they would want to come to church or they couldn't wait to get to church now they'll fit church in if it doesn't ruin their schedule and there's there's a lack of hunger for god why because of complacency myself included all of us can fall into that mode of complacency eat too much drink too much make too much money all and everything's comfortable right now but god began to pull that rug from you i bet you'll be in church and the cry goes out just like in in the old testament time will thou not revive us again god will thou not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you god works through his church you want to change this nation you want to change his state god works through his church that's why there needs to be a massive reset spiritual power do you agree we're lacking spiritual power i mean if you you can find clips where there's there's the underground church in china or in the middle east we sponsor someone there in the muslim territory when you talk to them it's like the book of acts you know blind eyes are opening healing takes place they might even pray for somebody who recently died a little child and raised from the do you know jesus said that well who's either the bible is right or it's wrong he who believes on me speak in other tongues raise the dead heal the sick that that's what the bible says the problem is it's not the bible it's our spiritual intellect our intimacy with god more intimacy more power more humility more power spiritual power flows from spiritual purity and there there used to be something about holiness and god's word being sacred and they were striving for holiness and come out from among them and be separate there's a desire to want to that's why i mean it's kind of funny but it's kind of not when i mentioned fasting no hand goes up why because it's start can you really not miss a couple meals is king's stomach that much of a dominant force in your life real because that's what the bible talks about in prayers in fasting paul said ezra and fasting nehemiah fasting psalms david fasted esther fasted for if i perish i perish for we've been called for such a time as this and you starve king's stomach and you begin to focus on king jesus all the early church all did it throughout throughout new testament history throughout early church history it's a way of starving the flesh the appetites of the flesh to be filled with god you know this you see it on a practical level how how good do you feel after a big thanksgiving or christmas dinner you feel like praying no i feel like watching a netflix series and sitting on the couch see it affects you spiritually hunger good thing food good thing but when it becomes to rule and dominate your life and there used to be all night prayer meetings and fasting and holiness and if that sounds boring to you then i gotta really wonder are you filled with god's spirit because when you're mildly filled with god's spirit the things of god are not boring there's a hunger for them you might not be there but there's a hunger for them there's a desire for them you want more of god there's there's a spiritual hunger there's a and the sacredness did you know that the love for god is not the beginning of all knowledge and wisdom the fear of god when was the last time you heard them can you imagine next week i'm talking about the fear of god half the audience out there would not be listening why the fear of god the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom the fear of god is is changes it's how you live when i fear god i fear how i live i feel reverence and respect for him we take his value we value his word we don't mock his word we take things seriously we walk into the house of god with passion and purity and a fire for god expecting god to move and the church needs a reset have you heard of the church of laodicea in the book of revelation that's where i believe we find ourselves today jesus said i know your works just think if he would speak to us today shane i know your works oh thank you or you i know your works i know what you're doing for god but you are neither cold nor hot sow then because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot i will vomit you out of my mouth he goes on to say do you not know that you're wretched miserable poor blind and naked see jesus wasn't very secret sensitive he was sensitive to god's word he told them the truth and he warns this church he says i know what you do i see you do things but you're not hot you're cold obviously when we could talk about the history of the laodicean church and the water springs and hot water the bottom line is both appear to be pretty good or depending on your view one you know at least he knows where you stand but if you're lukewarm what is lukewarm have you had lukewarm coffee lukewarm tea lukewarm anything you want to put back in the microwave do something for me christ says church get back on your face and begin to pray again and begin to seek me with all of your heart humble yourself that's what he says return to your first love bring repentance back into your life and begin to seek me again with all of your heart and all of your strength and this church and many more conviction was replaced with complacency now the reason i'm being a little forthright and a little strong is to wake us up we need that we need to i love when people go home they say i don't like what you said but i went home and i thought about it i went home and i thought about it you got to wake them up get them up you ever get your teenagers up out of bed by throwing some water on them right that'll do it a lot quicker you got teenager sleeping hey get up pretty soon okay get up pretty soon but that's what many pastors do when they're preaching low volume nice meek mild it's okay it's okay just there's no stirring there's no conviction the pornography industry is making billions the addiction rate is skyrocketing uh porn alcoholism opiates families are falling apart men are walking away from their god given responsibility to lead their families in the fear and admonition of the lord fathers husbands get on your face before god and if you need to turn the tv off put that darn thing in the garage and become filled with the fire of god again listen to experience god you've got to get rid of the deeds of the flesh you've got to seek him god wants to know how bad do you want it how bad do you want a relationship with me do you want it bad enough to remove that thing that is pulling you down and destroying you how long are you going to keep playing games church that's the call to the lukewarm church show me a verse where paul said cuddle sin play with it he said crucify it don't give the devil a foothold remember somebody goes to slam the door you put your foot there it's a little crack many people give the devil a foothold to get into their homes and into their marriages and the lukewarm church disdains the heat of conviction they will label bold preaching as legalistic rigid and arrogant you heard that before i'd call all three of those names in one week so rigid and arrogant legalistic oh you mean just following god's word that's legalistic let me tell you what legalism means so you know legalism means it'd be like if i'm going listen you better not do this and you better not do that and you better not go the movies and pastors you only have to have suit and ties on if you go the movies you're bad and god doesn't love you you better follow all these rules and i put all these rules on you that's legalism that's not good that's jesus plus this but the love of god's word says if you want to be holy and set apart for god be careful what you watch be careful what you view if you want that relationship with god to be deep and intimate make some choices make some definitely some different choices begin to feed your mind on things that honor god you'll be filled with the spirit of god see that one's out of love ones out of anger and arrogance but i'm telling you the same thing god's word one from a heart that loves the people the other from a heart that's angry that isn't that why a lot of kids reject god's word later on in life we try to make it about following rules at our house we try to make it about a relationship listen this is what's going to happen if you break that rule it's go they are guard rails anybody take that hill out of here going home over 60th street aren't you glad those guard rails are there could you imagine if it just went oh wow why are they there now i can't have fun now i can't go run a corvette and have fun look at they're trying to ruin my fun that's what people think about god's word it's not trying to prevent you from having fun it's guardrails through the canyons of life and getting back to that point of realizing that the laodiceans like many of us they thought they were in the center of god's will think about this church they were large they were wealthy they were involved in the community isn't that most churches in america i mean a lot of them you know they're doing good and they're wealthy we're working in the community but jesus said you are wretched you are poor you are blind what does he mean well wretched is your condition you're miserable you're you're poor spiritually you're blind you're spiritually blind and you're naked so the call goes out to us as it went out to that church humble yourself under the mighty hand of god who are you trusting and let me tell you right now many are counting on the supreme court or parents or politicians this week let me tell you you better count on god almighty he is the only source of strength christian put on the full armor of god what is that put on the breastplate of righteousness and the shield and the belt of truth and put on the armor of god that you may be able to go out and do battle because that's what's coming either way either way everybody thinks oh trump wins again we'll be good no there's going to be all hell is going to break loose you think antifa is just going to be just go go back to work you think george soros is just going to be quiet funding the media 90 of all the media you listen to is owned by six corporations you don't think they spin stuff it's um it's actually lying they lie they're deceitful blessed is the man psalm says who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly where are you getting your information from blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in cnn his delight is in the law of the lord and in it he doth meditate day and night as a result he'll be like a tree planted by living waters who will bear its fruit in season don't give up i don't know where god has you this morning don't give up i don't see any fruit don't give up god could be breaking you down in order to build you up you don't see the tree growing but you see the seed is working underneath the soil listen to the right information i'll close with this verse matthew 6 25 jesus said therefore i tell you do not be anxious who needs that this morning oh wow that's more than i thought balcony you okay up there there's okay just people do not be anxious listen i can get anxious can't we all and it's interesting when he talks about this he also talks about if god cares for the sparrows we see i watch the sparrow this week it's interesting i mean see they have to go out and do something right they can't just sit there the babies can the babies can sit there and the mom feeds them but the sparrow has to get out and do a little work just go look for the worms or whatever it's there so you have to do something god can't move a vessel that's sitting nope it's not going you put the thing in drive and start walking in faith and serving god and see where he directs you but do do not be anxious about your life let me look at this word and i'll close with this anxious do you know what that means it means to draw in opposite directions to divide into parts like i said the wrong person in office both pastors are in the crosshairs we're going we're going down first they're going after the voice that's speaking the truth the voices counter whether it's vaccines whether it's the global reset whether it's speaking the truth about things they're going to go after those what is it what what are we leaving for our kids anybody thought about that what are my kids going to do and see anxiety can come in into the heart that's not steadfast on god listen if god's taking care of you he can take care of your kids as a matter of fact did you know god doesn't have grandkids so your children are children of god trust in him trust in him to see them through therefore do not worry about do not be anxious about your life what you eat or drink or your body or what you put on basically everything we're worried about right 401ks retirement easy living now i think good living can be a blessing of god i'm not against that it's not what you own it's what owns you where's the heart at but it's interesting here this word anxiety do not be anxious tells me i can be anxious or i will be anxious so it means this to draw in opposite directions divided into parts or to go to pieces so you have this do not be anxious which means going in different directions have you ever been that unstable man you're listening to all this on the news and what's going to happen and then but i went to church and now oh i feel better today and then on monday here i go again and i'm anxious because i'm double minded in my thinking i'm not grounded in god on a daily basis i'm letting my mind go where it should and paul says take your thoughts captive to the obedience of christ why because we wrestle not against flesh and blood your battle is not out there your battle is spiritual we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities but against powers against the rulers of darkness and therefore take every thought into captivity to the obedience of christ you have to take your thoughts captive and even get to a point we say i might be martyred for my faith i might go to jail for my faith but my faith is in god this this life is but a breath compared to eternity and you get your mind focused on the right things basically you have to starve your fears amen you have to starve your fears and there can be no divided loyalty there's no serving of two masters there's no wavering of two opinions if god be god follow him that's what elisha said among mount carmel he told the people how long will you waver between god and bell they're worshiping bell but then they're worshiping god he said how long are you going to try to go back and forth if god be god worship him like joshua said as for me in my house we will serve god i will walk within my house with a perfect heart and set nothing wicked before my eyes so let me end with this jesus must be your source of hope jesus must be your source of hope i don't know where you're at this morning or you're listening later but he's got to be your source of hope that's the only sure foundation that's the only anchor that's the only thing that will never fail you there's a song hope has a name it says there is a song i know it will a melody that never failed on mountains high and valley slow my soul will rest my confidence in you alone so if you're the if you're a christian this morning i want to encourage you in two areas get back on track with putting god first make him the priority get back in his word join us on sundays as we go through the bible be at the prayer meetings we have 6 a.m worship every sunday morning every sunday morning and that's one way to gauge how hungry you are spiritually if that's boring to you then that might be a problem and sometimes you have to fight the flesh you have to say i'm going to be there god i don't care if i'm tired i'm putting you first and you begin to seek god like never before and you begin to be filled with the spirit and then there could be those listening now or here that you don't have that peace you're worried you're worried that how things could go down or you're worried about your future let me tell you the bible is clear if you repent and believe that jesus is lord and savior of your life you will be saved look at the urgency in paul oh king agrippa i would to be to god that you would take this truth paul would go everywhere oh would be to god make the decision turn your life over to him jesus came and he said go preach repentance warn them from the wrath that is to come call them to me in the book of hebrews if you hear his voice harden not your heart and again if you hear his voice harden not your heart so i've come here this morning to tell you some of you need to soften your heart even if you're a christian you become cold and callous and legal you couldn't get to a prayer meeting if you were paid a thousand dollars you've drifted so far from god you come as if you're doing him a favor and he says i want your heart i want all of you that's where i'm going to move in your home that's when i'm going to restore your marriage that's when i'm going to bring your prodigal sons home when you humble yourself before me it's that easy to say okay god you're god i'm not i acknowledge my sin before you that's what you heard the word repentance a lot what it means is this i'm walking this way i turn from my sin and now what i believe that you died on the cross for my sin to cover me you are my lord and my savior i bow my knee to you and that's where peace comes from the hope that passes all understanding the peace that passes all understanding comes from that relationship and i want to encourage you kids if you're here young adults you can't follow your parents coattails you don't your mom and dad aren't standing by you in heaven you one day will face almighty god and trust me he's not going to say show me all your good works do you know my son did jesus christ cover your sins well done though good and faithful servant but you know what the other coin of that is well done that good and faithful servant or he'll say depart from me i don't know you there's no middle ground there's no middle ground depart from me i don't know you but but but i did all these things i went to church i i was raised in america i own a bible i went to christian school my parents let me tell you i don't know you i don't have a relationship with you you've never repented and believed in the only name that saves that's quite sobering
Views: 16,728
Rating: 4.8616543 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Shane Idleman
Id: zDKG3nWKsrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 24sec (3144 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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