The Great Junk hunt

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good afternoon guys welcome back to my channel we are at delmare Fairground for the great Jung hunt Vintage Market I'm excited to see what's inside let's go a lot of people are here everyone seems to be so excited to come here and me too I'm excited too just want to see what they have and the price I'll let you know what I think about it at the [Music] end the first first Booth I stop it's very very beautiful look at the flower frogs those are hard to find look at this beautiful silverplated picture it is so nice oh I think I need to buy more of these [Music] [Music] check out that stool the stool looks super cool it's only $30 oh it's so nice [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] the lady at this booth was super nice she was super sweet I really enjoyed talking to her and she has so many beautiful things and this is onx this is nice I've never seen one before [Music] look at those Demi Johns I think they're German it could be American Demi John's I have so many at home I don't think I'm allowed to bring another one home but look at all her stuff look at this it is so nice and look at this Stone these it is very heavy and it's gorgeous I should have bought it next time check out this booth this is my style I love this vintage scale I have way too many I don't think I need another one and look at this silverplated champagne bucket I think I need to start buying one or two [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is one of my favorite boots by far I love her art so much look at that art look at that still alive dark Moody art it's painting but it's so gorgeous I could just stand there and stare at it all day and look at this one too this one is really nice very beautiful the price is a little over my budget so I didn't pick up any but she has so many beautiful things in her booth and now we are at my favorite Booth Anna's Attic she has so many gorgeous things and the price is very affordable I should buy something but I already have way too many things at my house I don't think I'm allowed to buy anything anymore but I also love the painting that she has I should have bought it look at this one look at this p painting I'm actually not sure if it's a painting or a print the price was really good I think it was $40 I didn't buy it because it looks a little sad to me this event is fun and colorful I really love it again one more time it's Anna's Attic Anna is right there she is so sweet I love her she's just so kind and sweet I love all her things one more time walk around her store and see I do need that cupy little things it's only I think it was $40 I should bought it I should but I didn't what a great deal that one is hard to find as well I should just bought it this booth also it's full of midcentury items look at the lamp look at the glasses I love the colors beautiful glasses and I think I spot uh I think it's Vaseline Glass I think it's uranium maybe I'm not sure I'm I'm not an expert on mid-century so I'm I'm still learning but they are so beautiful beautiful lamp is Tony Paul's 1950 and is $1,900 beautiful and welcome to my second favorite boots I get I get so excited to see this this is all the European things that I love look at all those breadboards vintage dami John's pickle jars and this jars you can get this 5 at a flea market in France and that cleared image on Italian Demi John and Doos when we move back I'm going to have to buy more dough bows and breadboards H look at the sifters I think they're vintage not antique it's gorgeous it's it's so easy to find there in Europe in Germany or France beautiful I'm excited to see this one here at and now we are at Blast from the Past vintage cookware look at all those pyats vintage Pirates Blue arish butter prints oh so gorgeous and all this cooking utensils Just A Sign note for those who do not live in America Vintage Pyrex is very popular here it's so crazy how fast you can sell that thing on Facebook Marketplace people will jump on it and they will not budge for the price they will buy it anything Pyrex it's so Wild n [Music] let [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one more round of this European vintage and antiques Booth it is gorgeous it is hard to leave this place everything speaks to me at this one but it a little overpriced for me they also have food stalls wine bars drinks adult beverage and everyone seem to have a good time I'm done for today I didn't get anything because the price is a little too high but I had a great time I'll tell you what I think about it in a little bit okay I'm back in the car now let me tell you how much I spent so to get in is $20 and for parking is $20 as well so and everything else seems to be really expensive in there I mean I understand you know like you have to pay for the booth and all um if you want to just come and hang out and have a great time this is a place to be most of the um customers here are my age um 40 and up pretty much they're having a great time in there and then some of the stuff I mean I I can see that is you know can be overpriced like Europe European things and um vintage but Pyrex it's a little a little too much for me I'm not collecting Pyrex but um if someone really interested in it I would rather go get from um estate sales or Facebook Marketplace those you will get really good deal um about for it other than that I mean the weather is nice everyone seems to be in a great mood uh it's always fun to be around people that are in a good mood I really enjoy it and I I know some of the people there I met them and it it was nice it was nice I enjoy it a lot thanks for stopping by guys thank you so much again for watching and I will see you again soon
Channel: Nina Ross
Views: 4,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ec-hEBebxXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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