The Great American Farm Tour | Full Documentary | Limited Time

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i want to bless this community so i'm giving  you on youtube free for a limited time   the great american farm tour that's what  this is feature length film think 50 states   10 months our family of six uh over a hundred  farms in search for the greatest farm in america   i want you to enjoy this i want you to enjoy the  comments interacting there i'm gonna leave them   open i want you to notice in this one aspect of  it how we unknowingly is not necessarily our goal   unknowingly built community as we went because  we have meetups people would come and meet us   and they would go away friends i mean us but they  would meet people there and go away with friends   so that was a little seed that is now building  momentum and i'm working very hard to create   community and i'm happy to announce that inside of  abundance plus i have created the abundance plus   community it's an alternative to facebook  works just as good as facebook but we also have   a directory where you can find other like-minded  people there's already like 1500 people in there   it's absolutely amazing i wish we had that before  we went on the great american farm tour because   then we could have mapped out everywhere there's  also a recipes page where you can get recipes   that other members have submitted and you as a  member can submit your own recipes it's it's a   huge collab and those are just a few things  inside i encourage you guys to check it out   that's at  link down in the description   but please do enjoy get some  family together pop some corn   uh hop on the couch take a rest it's on me enjoy  the great american farm tour commercial free enjoy   maybe we can change our world around   okay guys the vet is here we'll see if they   want us to bring in the cows or if  we're gonna do this out in the field and guys that's him up there in the left she's got to get within 30  feet of him get him on the neck she got him good she didn't miss and he's just gonna peacefully go to sleep   he's getting a little tired he's  just going to slowly go to sleep   he's not in any pain there you go buddy  let's take a nap he just peacefully laid down now she put in the reverse and they're  done he's got an ear tag and uh he's uh   he's all come back rebecca asked me as i was  heading home did i pet him and i thought oh   man this is the only chance i'm ever gonna get  to pet him so i gotta say bye thank you buddy   i love you buddy you did a good job i'm gonna miss  you you're a papa now you're gonna be a good one   you make another family happy i'm especially attached to the cows so are you sad i feel like i had my sad  moment yesterday with nick and i've had   enough sad moments before yeah dude here hey here  comes the truck this is it for sure to cry oh yep here comes the truck that's when the reality  hits yeah when they when they get in the trailer it's okay precious yeah we're so happy that you are  going nick you guys are buddies   yeah she's got jen on here towards the  end too she likes to get a cheek rub   a neck rub all right i better go get  him it's it's bittersweet because we're   leaving this to do something else  that we've wanted to do for years okay guys you want to come say goodbye  yeah he said you could climb up there   uh you could see them can you see  them they're over in this stall   i'll get you mr brown i'll get you  and i'll get you little princess   there you go put fingers in though you guys  want to say bye goodbye is it hard on you jonah did you say bye is it hard on you  yeah and that's okay it's okay to be sad   josiah is our sensitive one he wants to say  goodbye to we woke him up to make sure see   if he wanted to and sure enough he does and i get  that even though he's sad still want some closure   you see him it's either the craziest thing we've ever  done or one of the best things we've ever done right now it's kind of crazy and fun so let's  get straight whose idea was this my idea   we were really giving a lot to go up on this  trip we gave up the homestead which involved the   chickens the cows the gardens you know the sense  of the fact that we knew where our food was gonna   be grown come on oh come on good girl next up this  jam and crop garden you can see it doesn't need   much maintenance we've got kale onions squashes  galore squashing and pumpkins and cucumbers and   thus the ritual begins all the family working  together to plant the winter harvest garden it's like it came out of the  grocery store it's so beautiful whoa do you have uh   give me half five breakfast high five lunch high  five dinner whoo nice and you like my tractor   whoa look at this the classic yellow bird yeah i mean i feel like we gave up so much to  go on this trip justin and i have always been   travelers before we had children we traveled more  than when we had jonah we still traveled some   when we had the second kid we stopped  traveling remember all those talks we'd have   at night talking about doing something crazy and  just traveling all of america but come morning   time we'd always have some great reason why  not to hey what finally took us over the edge   i asked myself what would i do if i wasn't  afraid the first reason we were doing this was to   discover and learn from the greatest farms in  america the other thing was i felt like we had   a tough decision to make because we're on family  property and and we had to decide is this where we   want to settle for the rest of our lives we could  sell our portion of it and maybe move somewhere   which is what we wanted to keep an open mind to  or we could just buy out the rest of the family   and be happy and content here but i felt  like we needed to travel to figure that out   the third reason was to see the national parks  see the history of america and show that to our   children so we were going to need a way to  travel this country and rebecca looked into   all the different possibilities and then we  saw these people on instagram the blue ridge   mountain bus and we saw what was possible with  actually a converted school bus into an rv then   the day finally came for her rifle uh-oh becca  i see something yellow i see something yellow how do you know that's scary you ready i  can't believe we bought a bus   and now it's time getting to  work turning a bus into a home hello oh my gosh oh my gosh can we come in like it's so big i know it's  gonna like get real small real   sure what's gonna be the easiest quickest fix  because oh i'll get it fixed you think yeah   you should i don't worry about this you don't  i worry about stuff like that have you gotten   it finished yeah i think i just finished  i might have a little bit more in the back   to do yeah but i think i'm finished  out front and i'm ready to primer i   gotta wash it down and primer it so we still  gonna be ready to paint on saturday yes okay i found this out after the fact oh no  they're supposed to be shorter really   oh well it's all part of it right this  part of the conversation yeah bathroom   the walls are coming up jeff good job coming up  sweet your bed is framed it's getting easier and   easier to see it it really is beautiful wow and  this looks so good i got mr brown's head bunk done oh my gosh look at him this looks so good  can you envision yourself being in the bus   and being this is how it is yeah i mean  it's a little it's a little different yeah   because i mean obviously our house  is like large so now like going from   like a big house to like this little living  space how does it feel you got lots of room   i love it i just absolutely love the layout  i'm super pleased oh man it is so deep deep   it's awesome it's going to be a nice pet this  is nicer than our man for deepness i know like wow hey it fit so we're about to move this bus  it hasn't been moved in three months four months   four months i am so nervous about getting this  bus out i mean what do you professional driver   drove it into there so you got to see it they've  cleaned it up it looks so good oh my gosh holy cow   the fridge is done oh my gosh we got our  toilet like when i was running off the   um driveway here i felt like the first  night you came we were running up you go pretty sure well he even said like what day did  we put it up there it was like september 19th   he's like so we've been doing this for like three  months three and a half it's kind of weird because   i was like it just feels longer here it comes  first time moving in three and a half months i'm just i'm no we didn't get stuck i'm beyonce  we didn't run over any walls i'm a little nervous   about downhills because we learned about that  i can always be nervous about something i   know i'm always nervous about something so  i'm just enjoying the moment that our bus   is driving down the road and it's looking so good  and yeah and this is how she turned out welcome   to our bus home this is our sofa this is our  dinette area and then this our kitchen here   is our workstation here is our bunk area so  comfortable and it was finally time to leave it started always happy when it starts we are three miles from the house  and the check engine light comes   on it's a malfunction indicator  and the next day we leave again a few moments we're going to walk over there  with a 410 shotgun we're going to take a   single shot shooting the pig a couple inches  right above the eyes the pig has been stuck   in the in the neck i'm not sure if you guys are  familiar with wendell berry and he has a poem   in here that we read before every single uh hog  killing so this is called for the hog killing   let them stand still for the bullet and stare the  shooter in the eye let them die while the sound of   the shot is in the air let them die as they fall  let the jugular blood spring hot to the knife   let it freshen to be full let this day begin  again the change of hogs into people not the   other way around for today we celebrate again our  lives wedding with the world for by our hunger   by this provisioning we renew the bond   amen would be appropriate we've got this huge  sticker of the united states do it all right   you want the honors of sticking on the sticker  yeah our home state north carolina and georgia now is time to go to full circle farm end  up being one of our favorite features of   the tour here's this family working together to  create this incredible business doing it right   by the animals doing it right by people's  bodies today i'd like to dive into more   about how they're actually doing this and what  better way to do that than with a 10 year old   that's stella running the milking operation step number one bring in a couple of cows step  number two finagle the stubborn cow into the   stanchion wash off the teeth connect your milk  machines do you guys come out and help move   the cows no it came out for your voice next  step she shut off the main herd back there release the bar look look at that they're such  a habit they know okay we got the apple cider   vinegar going in there we're kind of at the  bottom of the barrel this is a feed barrel   he's made out of an old plastic barrel he's  got a v-shape in there this is cool and he puts   that apple cider vinegar in there they put a scoop  of alfalfa pellets you're not putting it in there   to keep them occupied are you doing this we don't  feed them anything in the in the summertime so   it's not a health regimen so okay so after you get  you guys fill this up with the pump you're pouring   this in here this is a cream separator well this  is that's just a filter and a bucket hold it now   that we've got a bucket full of milk to make it  cream we're gonna run through the stream separate the cream is coming down what's  a good use for that skim milk now   pigs gonna go to the pigs they'll love  it skim milk fattens pigs like nothing uh   batons people like nothing  too but they don't know that   i'm excited about this backyard because i think  this represents a typical backyard it represents   what you guys are capable of it's  just getting started we don't have a   we don't have this five-year-old permaculture  food forest here we have a mostly annuals right   you do have some perennials it's very minimal as  of right now we just left our winter season here   in florida which is very short extremely short so  we have turnips growing right here they're just   petering out they're getting ready to be done  completely we've got some volunteer tomatoes   that actually popped up that were planted by our  chickens this last fall which was awesome for us   we've got some red russian kale some collards just  a couple of collard plants that's plenty for us we   didn't have to plant a whole row or anything  like that we just did a couple for our family   we've got some we've got an avocado tree that i  planted two years ago in the next couple of years   that should be producing well for us we hope don't  be surprised if we don't find out on this tour   that the greatest american farms are in  your backyard you guys got to see this   oh my word oh my gosh that's a beautiful  cabbage makes me just want to kiss it today we're going north of tampa just a little bit we're getting there quick tour of this  place this place is amazing look at this   oak canopy holy moly and he's got bananas  here it was not it was 27 degrees last night   and folks this ain't normal that a  banana wouldn't would survive this   but because it's in this canopy it  does and right off the bat a snake that's a good shot yeah we've got everything  from so you see carambola hanging up there on   that dwarf hawaiian which is not really  a dwarf at that 15 foot range nice   does it carry mango in there against a  screen cage that has fruit on it we have   probably 50 different varieties  of bananas up here in this area i got up real early come in here catch the  light catch this guy working we are at a place   they're a market farm out of backyards  here's the main man what's your name   jim colvaleski hey what are you doing i'm  packing for my local health food stores now did i hear you saying you also live in  maine i farm in maine i'm an itinerant farmer   so you know i'm like any a snow bird farmer  well let's call it another possible culture   they used to do that right yeah yeah  you're right you're right you got me   so you follow the climate that produces abundance i bet what people really wanted us how much  money can you make doing something like this   on my own i'm you know the month of february i  made 5600 bucks by myself in the month of february today is the day of the chicken butchering we  are here we are getting everything ready you   got your uh drill plucker here absolutely have  you had any luck with that marginal success   all right put it in the comb do it  what's that now go in with your hand   into the cavity and it's you see all these  connective tissues you'll feel it when you   get in there but you pull all these guts out  at the same time last two birds good job james   sad times now we're about to leave the gardeners  and south carolina heading to the home state   look where we are guys that look  familiar yeah huh does that look familiar it was great to come home and get a break but i  still think that we were still keeping a very open   mind still in the mood for exploring still sort  of like an emotional disconnect from this place   to keep an open mind of what might lie ahead oh i  can't wait in that view i know look at the grass   it's awesome look at that pretty view yeah  this is your bedroom how different it is as good as the break was it was  time to get back on the road   bye-bye they gave me some cabbage and i wondered  how they did it well this is how they did it look   at this i love these cabbages you love these  cabbages you want to get in the cabbage bed you're looking at me crazy what  else do you have planted in here   and here we have cauliflower what's left over of  the spinach um some habanero and jalapeno peppers   and bell peppers and then once the cabbage and  cauliflower are done we're gonna do tomatoes so how you gonna get that pig up ben i am you  know uh there's not really a way to force a   pig to do anything they're bigger and stronger  and more stubborn than you are so for the most   part i'm gonna give him an option to go back in  and we'll see if he chooses to option number one   go back in where there's food and his friends  are at and there's water are you stopping for   some clover yeah okay so what's option number two  option number two he stays out another day he said   that pick and do whatever he wants to do he's just  gonna hope it wants to go back inside that fence nope not gonna happen you can't  actually make a pig do anything   no my gosh and you just want so bad to  get behind him and just spook him in there we don't want these ones i just did  it nicely but i think i got lucky dude   okay so we move them every  day don't go away come on you see him mr brown you  see him going listen to that i really believe that as a result of us being  here the commons should increase not decrease you believe that people think that  this is an evil the evil critter   evil critter here that's hard to believe yeah  but unfortunately the way the industry raises   them divorced from their historical role as a  as a pruner of vegetation they don't serve that   function and when you divorce them from that  role and instead of integrating with them in   that role and you segregate them from that  role then everything that's positive about   the herbivore becomes a negative the bottom  line here is that because of this what we call   the mob stocking or beverage solar conversion  lignified carbon sequestration fertilization   we're getting way more production than you do if  you continuously graze yeah like most people do   our county average is 80 cow days per acre  in other words the average acre of grass will   support one cow for 80 days a year or 80 cows  for one day a year okay 80 cal days a year we're   averaging here we're averaging 400 calories grades  so we put in control and we put in hydration   and that costs on average about 30 bucks  an acre okay 30 bucks to put in the whole   you know the system at 30 bucks and  and and we and we double production   the the point is if you can double production  for an infrastructure cost of 30 bucks an acre   you've in essence just bought  land for 30 bucks oh my goodness okay here goes you said so bill  i'm going to show you hopefully   that bees are cool and  they're just doing their thing you just walked right in there you just  walked right in there should be confident okay they're they're more afraid of you than they than  you are of them i am surrounded by bees right now and it's totally cool   just kidding they're they're they're pretty  magnificent animals if we if we allow ourselves to   pay attention and and um and participate in their  lives we absolutely need them for our food ninety   percent of our food you said uh ninety percent  of the flowering plants okay require whether   they're edible or not and at least one of every  three bites of our food depend on pollinators let's see if this house is open three 24 30.   one person holds the door open i'll put the  crate down and open it up and then you could   take the birds out and put them in clever enough  the doorway is sized so that we could slide a   crate right in did you mean that or did that  happen by accident oh i meant that everything   thought out about you tried everything with these  chicken tractors you tried there you go buddy all right guys let's come say it bye to  john we will never forget connecticut john   you guys are always welcome back here we always look for something to do in each  state this time we try to find something   that's along the road and the best that  we could come up with is a carousel park   this looks promising what is this it's this way   okay i think it's a teeter-totter we've  done rhode island on to massachusetts what a cool way to grow up look at this baby  right there in a playpen half as happy as can be   and right over there is mama out in the field   my children's helping her today  we're planting strawberries   okay jenny it's been real  so much fun to have you guys   we're gonna miss you i know climb anything  these guys come on guys and say goodbye   put it on buddy oh wow you did pretty good   maine was the first state i would say that justin  and i kind of looked at each other and said kind of feels like home here and so we were just  really open to thinking about could we move to   maine so this is our blueberry field and down  here is where all the blueberries gonna be so   there's a difference between high bush  and low bush high bush the blueberry   plants are way up here low bush all of our  fruit is down here the fields are going to   open up the blossoms and the bees the  pollinators are going to start really working it   we have about in the state of maine  over 200 pollinated pollinators and   so we really want to try to support the  pollinators because no bees no blueberries when we were at the blueberry farm we were talking  with teresa and she kind of casually mentioned hey   you know we're thinking about selling  the blueberry farm and the business   and justin and i kind of were like later on well  i mean we like blueberries and we love farming   and it already has a business maybe we'll think  about moving to maine blueberry pie in a cup like   who is not going to love that and then sprinkles  like a competition with the high fructose   companies and we're going to win yeah we're not  really going to win blueberries are taking over my   kids want sprinkles but i'm not going to buy gross  sprinkles so i'm so excited about these what about   the passive solar off the red house like with all  the amenities yeah i mean it was already set up to   exactly what we would need thick windows 18 inch  insulation massive russian fireplace only burning   two cords of wood pretty much a room on the south  side with lots of windows collecting heat in the   day banana trees y'all solar right there is how  they have not had an electric bill since november   ultimately i think it was coming to the fact  that it was so far away and we started to feel   like this weird pool towards like our southern  cultural heritage like it was just too far   away too culturally different and ultimately we  just didn't see ourselves feeling at home there   so everything you see here that's in grass  or it's more like meadow but most people   traditionally a lawn is mow to the side okay  so there's probably about two acres of mixed   area here that i'm over the side and i'm mowing  five times a year here because i want it to be   a little more attractive for you know um being  more of a lawn and think about this for eight   years i've moaned this four times a year five  times a year and taken every bit of grass off it   so i ran down the pasture right yeah does it look  like it wow i mean look at the lushness of it   right so i think i'm mimicking a rotational  grazing idea with the side okay my turn jim   okay get sharp first time saving y'all  here i i'm not getting friendly but it's on the ground let me have it okay yeah okay thank you jim for  showing us around it was so cool   to follow the loop see you in florida see you  in maine thank you for all that you're doing banana banana banana okay what you got going here these are  ticks we have red rangers turkeys and marons   nice who moves this big bad boy maybe  oh come on poor old dad daddy mom   poor old dad you make dad do it the sheep are a  little bit different because they have smaller   their teeth are quite a bit smaller than the goats  so in her her utter hangs down a little bit more so what kind of apples are where were we with that the apple trees  apple trees these these these look like   they had been abandoned yes this property  was an old farm i guess a potato farm that   had been abandoned when we bought it nobody was  here for about four years okay and what do you   what's your plans for these old apple  trees the plans is to get these back   come on man we're shooting a  show here buddy wait your turn the plan is here to take the apple  trees bring them back to life and   feed what we can't eat to the pigs and the  chickens and then freeze up what we need   so we can make apple pies and  get a nice old apple cider press   excuse me sir all right it's your turn buddy  it's your turn what would you like to say   you have the platform buddy  tell the world how you feel that's what's up carl hammer is growing 600 chickens that's  300 eggs a day on absolutely no grain   what's the magic right there compost here we are at today's farm feature yesterday when  we are at carl hammer he pointed out that only   30 of the world is getting their food from  conventional agriculture but it's doing a   lot of damage it's taking more from the earth  than it's giving back it's polluting water it's   taking more from the soil than it's giving back  70 percent is on small stents i was happy to hear   that and i think that why we should celebrate this  you guys the people who are growing their own food shoot i did a little googling talk to the previous  owners and it turns out this was a station on   the underground railroad there were a few times  that slaves stayed here on their way to canada there it is you want to do it yeah careful with it wow that is really starting to feel out we  weren't always sure if we were going to go to   all 50 states we think we're going to try now it's  time to move the rabbits like it you pull the lid   off a little bit so you can see them and not  run into their legs look at them munching   on the fresh grass andy yeah see you buddy all  right thank you for having us it was a great day did you ever imagine me traveling around the  country in a converted school bus when i was his   age i never imagined even when you were four years  ago couldn't imagine yeah you think we're not but   you've made it no i think you're smart i think  you're you're doing uh what is good for everybody   look at this guys you recognize  that place go ahead josiah one hunk   the second time coming back home it was different  than the first i don't know if it was because we   didn't know how long it was until we would be  coming home or we were going out west and it was   just such a long span of time but it was different  it was definitely a time where justin and i were   feeling more comfortable with  staying here permanently laundry time   we have a lot of laundry i feel like we were  starting to open up for a deeper attachment   here and in our home i think we were still keeping  an open mind but we totally weren't like 100 let's   go explore but we're starting to feel like oh this  is this is nice maybe this is where we should be   but let's still keep an open mind we still got the  whole western part of the country yeah now it's   time to leave and go on this really long stretch  in which we would see most of america in fact we keep our pigs and our goats in the same  paddock because it just makes things easier   man i'm loving you more and more cliff we chop  and drop you're getting crazier and crazier that's   right so much easier they eat higher the pigs  eat lower there you go that's what gonna ask you   and then what we do is we go in  select the trees that we want to keep   and then cut the ones down that uh we don't  want and that feeds them look at this magic guys   right here to the goats look look at the  great job they've done amazing you want to   see how good of a job that is let me just  turn around this is what it looked like okay cliff i thought hey  i've learned something today   i thought that i would have to run the  pit i thought i'd have to run the goats   and then the pigs so i can do them  together and then they chickens you know you're getting close when it  starts cooling off on this 90 degree day   it's really feels at about  60 right here this is why   do you see this he's used these old hay bells as  a fence he's got the pigs in here here we are on   top of the bells you see what they're doing  they're eating the grass they're eating the   weeds they're tealing it look what it looks like  when they're done stage one they're tilling it   plowing it the eating the weeds eating the grass  stage two they move them out it's still got a   bit of weeds in it they do a fine till the third  and final stage they plant the garden we're just   waiting here for the cows to come it's time to  milk but being grass-fed cows they're in no hurry did we catch that right you set a gosling egg   underneath a chicken and she laid  her out and is raising her as her own i wasn't sure if she'd be able to cover  the the goose egg uh because the goose egg   is like this big wait a minute you're just two  weeks old and you're almost as big as your mom we are in northern illinois with patrick patrick  and family also related to darcy the minimalist   she was saying last night she's so why are we  coming here why are we coming here she sees the   epic farm a full circle farm the joel's office  you know why we're coming here because this is   you guys because this is the best i vote for  this the greatest american farm you guys got to   see this is everybody's backyard you ready to  show us this yes tell us what's up what's the   plan with it well we plan on putting something  underneath to catch it all and it's like mobile   remover or whatever something like that cool so  what are you talking about you're great at this   you guys represent you you represent the greatest  farms in america the greatest people in america   i'm most excited about these places because guess  what you're growing your own eggs that's one we   don't grow our eggs oh come on now he's gonna be  he's gonna be that guy come on don't be that guy   don't be like okay the chickens grow the eggs they  grow the chickens is that fair they lay the eggs   oh okay boy i'm butchering this honestly okay  so they every time they lay an egg and you come   out here and grab it and you take care of  these chickens that's one less grown in the   conventional model you're you're doing wonderful  service for your body for the earth thank you very   much you're very much a hero don't let anybody  tell you otherwise even yourself she's saying   this is the only you know make sure you get that  one because it's the only one fruiting okay okay   no i get it i get it we want to showcase we're  just so impressed because i think there's like   100 peaches on there no we have never yeah look  at all this fruit guys and you got many more trees   coming this is just a young orchard and you got  a couple of they're struggling but that's okay   the struggle is real we had a crazy busy day today  first we said goodbye to darcy don't be a stranger and then we drove by miles and miles  and miles and miles and miles and miles   and miles of corn fields then we got to a  place of hope in the midst of the cornfield   this is the kind of stuff i'm talking  about right here let's get our host over   here come on down come on over tell  everybody who you are and what you   represent i'm deborah neiman bailey and this  is antiquity oaks farm and we started in 2002   as a homestead we were a family of city slickers  who had absolutely no clue what we were doing   we made every mistake in the book imaginable um  you got a peacock you got a peacock on your roof   yes this is a cool contraption harvest the  eggs josiah show us how it does so you just you just not attach it the hinges  open and the eggs roll down to here deborah thank you so much for what you're  doing you have a beautiful plot of land here   you are a glimpse of hope in all the  midst of this industrial act thank you can change our world around   maybe we can waste this work talking  the time we have may never come around the time we have could really be right now david i think what everybody wants to know  is are you actually making money at this   we all actually are i mean it's  nice to think we could quit our job   and uh do a job with our family but can  you actually make money with this you can   you can you know you and your life is  simple uh definitely a change in in pace um   it's hard work it's not for the week of heart  for sure um but there there is money to be made   go planted pale oats and a forage pea on  the 21st of march this year we have   two groups of pigs that are both in the same pen  right now and they have never tasted grain what   the idea here is that we want to move pigs in  a direction that is more permaculture based   we'd like to use perennial polycultures to  feed pigs rather than big annual monocultures   you were going you were growing  broke conventional farming yep   you knew there had to be a different way yeah  why didn't you just you didn't just give up   cattle you somehow found a different way allen  nation wrote an article do you have to own the   land and the gist of his article was look land  ties up too much of your equity starting now   why not go out and just find some land  and lease it and i immediately started   going around the neighborhoods looking at  this land that nobody's doing anything with   we're up and at them we're going to move  the cows this morning from there to there how many rhodes people can we fit  into the mud room everybody i guess   you know our motto just plant even if you're  even if you're in a bus yeah there's no excuse   it may not work but we're gonna put a few seeds  in there okay hold on see which one makes it i'm here with mark shepard you won't  believe this farm we got to walk around here   so the tree let's say a tree dies you need to  replace it you've had your nursery man grow it up   how then do you just do did you just move  some grass out of the way and put it down   or what do you do move grass out of the  way what do you mean what do you do to   take that tree from the nursery  oh you just take a shovel   been a whirlwind couple of  days i'll explain in a second   but when we go to meetups or we meet people  you know what the number one question   we get asked are you tired we're exhausted i  believe we did like three states in two days i didn't i didn't do anything with the  tuning tractors you move the chicken tractors   yeah that's true that's true i don't move them who  wants to go back to the shop and turn the water on   or maybe hey can you turn the water on what about  that one is that one a chicken or a turkey that's   a turkey you're right while we were at randy's  he would come out at night and edit with me   and for some reason he thought he would  mention something very special about minnesota   he said you know it gets minus 60 here i  thought for a minute and i said minus 60.   i said don't bad things happen at -60  and he said yeah your car won't start   your face freezes off in three minutes but  we rotated the sheep all the way through   this pasture over here and then we started on this  one up here to rotationally graze them through   so we're not uh we're born farmers and so that  seems a little odd to my neighbor next door but   the only thing that we've been told how to  put animals through pastures or rotate them so   we have a sheep mentor who told us to watch out  for parasites and stuff so we move them every   couple of days to break that parasite  cycle did you shut the fence off manny here you're not going to come here come here patsy   come here just won't really stop really still  okay oh oh she took it and ran away she got home what i really started to pick up on  in randy and others on the tour is   this contentment this satisfaction hug away guys hug away hey hi thank you for coming i never made fun of you we  are at the laura ingalls this is a non-profit and you're raising your  money how do you go about doing that uh building   relationships working really hard knocking on  doors what is the role of the youth here yeah   well we work with a few different groups we're  mainly here on mondays and thursdays right now   thursdays is a day group from the jjc that needs  additional supervision drinking whatever jjc   is that yeah patrick j thomas juvenile justice  center that's where we're going next so they'll   come here and how do they how do they respond to  it uh some great some not so great but it's been   awesome man these yeah that's really changed  my heart listen watching and interacting with   some of these kids and you know come from a hard  background and rough experiences but man everyone   there's more chances in life and they have a lot  of opportunities how does it touch your heart uh   i don't know man just seeing want to give uh  people hope you know i was their age once i   made a lot of mistakes i really messed up my  life i mean bad and uh i want to tell them   that there there's there's more that's okay  um do they respond to that odd some no no it's like this you know but after  weeks like at first it's this and then   now someone were coming to my house so nice we've been through the midwest and we're heading  into colorado which is one of my absolute   favorite states i don't know what it is  about colorado because there isn't a lot of   greenery and i do love greenery but there's  something about those wide open spaces of   colorado that just make my heart sing was it  worth the drive oh yeah this motion sickness   yeah yes it was totally worth it it was amazing  it's so beautiful for us i felt like it was sort   of the gateway to the west and you definitely  know you've gone west when you see buffalo here they are it's beautiful to see a little taste of what it  would have been like yeah so   while we were in colorado i just my spirits  were really lifted i can't really explain   it but i just had this really wonderful sense  of like well-being and happiness and contentment   hello colorado mom's everywhere is it's  not beautiful here's the scary roads we're here down we're going 18 miles an hour in  first gear during the talk the ranger thanked   rebecca for bringing the kids to the national  parks because he's been a school teacher and   he's always he could always tell when kids had  gotten outside their neighborhood they have a   bigger world view and it creates a curiosity  it makes me realize that the world is bigger   than where they're at so they're lifelong learners  at that point how just how big is the world lily   we started discussing the the land prices   and if we could get land for a certain price well  maybe colorado could be a place that we could land i wanted so bad to keep an open mind  for colorado they have these open   ranges it's beautiful it's sunny there's  mountains rebecca was just in better health   and in good spirits and but ultimately  i feel like even she felt drawn back and   i felt like you know people go people from out  people from out west come east and they feel   claustrophobic i felt the opposite of that when  i go out west i miss my trees i miss my comfort   of the closeness of the mountains and the  tightness of the trees and my rhododendron it's been two hours we're still at the another  thing that happened in colorado was that we   started actually having more bus problems  and that was my worst nightmare purchasing   a 1988 school bus to convert  was a risk maple is broke down you did better than i had done ready three things happened to the bus in colorado  one we broke down on the state line had to   hire a mechanic to come out two we had to  put it in the shop in denver to figure out   the deeper problem of what all that was well  look there guys we got maple she's running good   end up being that filter it was a filter three we  overheated on those huge mountains pulled over on   the side of the road our engine warning light came  on we're at 10 700 feet our our engine water is   has gotten too hot when that warning buzzer came  on oh i was so afraid i was like i thought it was   the breaks and i was like oh no i told papa  to pull over yeah you did you were worried   yeah it was it was nerve-wracking and  now it's time to head into the northwest we're at the prairie homestead  y'all the prairie homestead   in wyoming and oh my gosh are we on a prairie when you first read her blog did you ever  imagine you'd be here exchanging recipes   in the kitchen no no is it  tripping out it's kind of crazy it's time pizza off the land guys peace out the land an amazing chicken system there meat birds  no walls on that trailer housed and sheltered   underneath the trailer guarded by a guard  dog moved every day with an old old tractor can we get mobbed by them every time we come out everyone this is matt and we are at abc acres in  montana over montana hamilton montana what are   you the pied piper these chickens are following  you i think it's you you're permaculture chicken   so we try and encourage them to stay roughly three  days behind the cattle we don't use any electric   fencing or anything so they really go wherever the  heck they want but we go to three days behind the   cattle and we actually spread their grain out in  the cow patch this is hot and let them have at it encourage the spreading of the manure and break pest cycles this is our steampunk rocket  mass heater of science we have done   a dozen experiments or more  on this rocket mass heater   but for those that are not familiar with the  rocket mass heater the idea is is to burn   your fire not in a metal box which throws off  the heat right away but to burn it in a very   insulated box so the fire gets crazy hot  that burns all the creosote and the smoke   so normally what you do is you put your sticks in  here the fire burns at the bottom of the sticks   and burns sideways and there's a super insulated  chimney inside of this it hits the top of the   barrel goes down the sides and then does a double  loop-de-loop before going up but not the roof we're gonna use the piece to lure  them i imagine then what yeah   and then i'm gonna whistle which is gonna  signal to them that it's time for a paddock move and what the chillers are going to do is see if  they can keep up with the sheep the sheep are   fast these guys can run so let's see if the sh the  chiller you guys where you're you're running yeah   so you're going to chase the sheet  right are they going to run right here   i would like them to be behind the sheep so they  didn't get trampled okay because they will get   faster okay y'all are gonna stay behind the street  you guys listen to dan okay i'm gonna open the   electric fencing so the sheep  can get out and i'm just going to   sprint as fast as i can the plan is they will  follow me because one i train them to do this in   short little moves every day okay also  these peas are going to keep their attention so it was awesome it went just  as i hope just as we planned   uh no no sheep went wayward we made it to the  paddock and everyone's eating peas and happy   no you are not cooking the coffee outside  cooking the coffee yeah roasting it roasting   your own coffee yeah we gotta turn this green  beans what into roasted coffee beans this is   what you this is what you don't get with uh  regular drip coffee get a nice crema on the top good stuff what'd you cook this time shay this is lamb with  spices and raisins tomatoes is this your lamb this   is our lamb okay so you've been putting a lot of  effort to breakfast lunch and dinner you do every   day like that every day every day why because  what's the point of having all this delicious food   if you're not gonna like do your best to enjoy it  there should be wine there should be celebration   there should be spices and flavors that's  what keeps it fun that's why we do it   all right this feels pretty special guys at  some point in the journey jess and i made the   decision that we were going to hit all 50  states and we could have driven to alaska   it would have been an extra 20 days in the bus  round trip so we decided that we were gonna fly and i don't like any of it ladies and gentlemen welcome  english the local time is 12 54 i p.m believe it about this cabbage  81 pounds how many scrambled eggs   and cabbage did you have on that we would  eat that for like weeks give it a kiss we're at our farm kids what are  you guys going to come on the tour   yeah i heard he's got  strawberries as big as an apple that got him up that got him up whoa  gosh josiah that is big look at this come good job that is a huge strawberry you  win buddy i think you got the biggest one   the reason i planted so many strawberries  and i like i grow strawberries is because i   like them look at that perfect look at that look  at that one and it tastes so good i can't believe   how sweet it is have you tasted it yeah i already  ate one you gotta come eat the strawberries lily   i mean come get something good the best  strawberry you've ever had right this time   yep lily you got to taste these strawberries  the best you've ever had the biggest you've   ever had too one bread it's going to be really  good okay let's see you eat it i don't believe   how good it tastes i can't i mean they're really  tasty you good eat that mr brown is that good   okay strawberry queen oh they're so good  matt what's your favorite part about   having this farm i would have to  say that uh my favorite part is   having families come out and you know you're  talking to the little kids and they got   strawberry juice just running down their  chin you know and they just love it   see is it a big one yep okay you want to pick it  yeah all right all right take a bite on that side i'm doug rudolph i live off grid in anchor point  alaska why why live off grid because when we lived   back east everything was electric uh when you had  a storm power outage and you don't get the true   wilderness feel if you have all the necessities  of life if you want to call them necessities   right now we we have no running water we have to  haul our water in our septic isn't put in i was   hoping to get that put in this year but that  will be project for next year do we miss it   yeah kind of sort on certain days you know when  it's pouring down the rain you got to run to the   outhouse when there's three feet of snow you gotta  tread through or shovel your way to the outhouse   occasionally you miss it but all in all this is  the lifestyle i feel like i always wanted to live on the count of three we're gonna kiss  these cabbages okay okay one two three after alaska we headed to the most requested  guy on this tour all gouchey from back to eat i've been gardening for 62 years my dad  had me up in the morning hauling chicken   manure i mean horse maneuver to our yard in los  angeles and my brother and i wore out shovels   spading heavy clay ground i mean i understand  and then i came here with a pillar and i'm   you know hauling all this amazing stuff in my in  my garden and losing it every year not getting it   but because when we came here we didn't have water  we drilled a well about 213 feet i couldn't grow   trees so i asked the crater how to grow  trees that water he says come out of the   woods and i'll show you and that day changed  my life i saw how amazing the covering worked   for holding moisture and maintaining a really  porous amazing soil and what was so amazing to   me is how brained that i was it's working great my  orchard but like i needed them till in the garden   it was so crazy 17 years into it i'm pushing  this stick down to make a straight row   and in six inches i'm hitting this like cement  hard pan and i'm whining to guy says how come   my heart band's not waking breaking up and he was  totally silent wouldn't talk to me he says go out   the orchard and weed so i got in the orchard weed  i just have a census to kind of move this septus   and i'm down to my elbow in this gorgeous black  compost and i'm getting up angry just screaming   what's up with this i didn't do anything here  and i hear inside works in the garden the same   way you didn't ask i was so angry after that  away and started covering the garden wood   chips but again it's just it's it's so amazing how  simple it is and you see it everywhere in nature that's a cabbage that's a big boy i can't believe it look at all of this harvest  that's amazing that's beautiful we did that all right we got up the mountain all right we did have one   almost overheated so we pulled over  let it cool off didn't let overheat   but this is the craziest road we've ever done this  is six miles at eight percent grade holy michael we're now taking the afternoon to go on a search  cousin josh says there's wild horses out here   we are in las vegas where all the lights  buddy yeah they're that way i'm roman gray   with sin city farms i'm living kind of for more  a sustainable type lifestyle i'll mention this   while we walk around to the backyard garden  five inches of rain here this is a desert   if you don't think we're urban just listen you hear those planes we can't stop for it  yeah we can't stop for it there's too many   of it tourism hopefully that tourism keeps going  we need them more yes keep those planes fine whoa   oh my gosh man look at this backyard holy moly  600 pasture-raised organic birds in one tent so we call that the range coupe the rc  okay short anyway here we go there we go he's back here to make sure  none of them get run over using a herding paddle it  seems to be working great a beautiful sight they figured  out how did you mainly raise   600 birds at one time and now  we're flying away to hawaii okay i see some of our bags i see  some of our bags way down there   and maybe these are our hosts oh you're gonna  give us a traditional greeting here huh hi   yeah hi thanks sorry sorry  oh these are real flowers come on these candles oh look at the chick shawn action so what are  you going to plant in there uh probably pineapple   oh i like it it's pretty low maintenance just  gotta water them i know they grow here so and   they look nice what so how fresh is this coffee  right here roasted monday this is friday don how   much coffee do you drink today it if we do  farm tours i drink as long as we're doing usually two to three cups so  you're not chain drinkers no so how'd y'all get started drinking coffee or  making coffee well we were at a i guess a point   in our life was we were gonna either retire here  anyway because don was born here and this is where   we retire but living in papua new guinea for 18  years we didn't want to be in the cold places and   this is kind of halfway between the mainland  and tropics a friend of ours approached us   13 years ago and asked us about one  partners on a coffee farm in kona we wonder then we went to the beach then then when so so we had been homesick a little bit on and off the  entire time but when we started heading east it   seemed like the homesickness really set in and i  think that that was because we were heading east   towards our homestead and we were thinking  about the all the possibilities that were   to come in this next year it's exciting because  like there's something i mean you can just put an   animal in your yard and there's some fulfillment  from that but being able to like grow your own   food that's huge you know we knew we were gonna  garden in this area so we put the goats chickens   everything in here for a good six months let them  just kill the bermuda you know kill the grass and   stomp it down poop on it and all that stuff so  they really prepped it for us we just had to   come in and build the rose since our whole area is  an acre this is about a half acre and it is enough   at least we know it's enough to raise two  lambs every year it's a perfect amount for   us at danelle's sort of like randy kleiman i  was surprised because here she was in arizona   they get what three five inches of rain  and not once is it like crossing their mind   to move i know where water  magically falls from the sky   i don't think it crossed randy's mind to move  south where it gets minus nine is the worst   so i really this contentment was really hitting  home so much so that it was like these people   are so happy and content pretty much wherever  we go it started rubbing off on me dunnell   surprised us this was hidden behind our curtain  we pulled this down there that's the littlest   jack-o'-lantern i ever see we gotta light that  and by the way guys you noticed something missing   the basil plant yes just the other day i pulled  it out crushed up the dried up at least we had   let it dried out when we went to hawaii harvested  about 20 seeds guys could it be true that i passed   down bust basil to you guys one day bus basil  will live on i saved the 20 seeds in an envelope   and we'll plant them next spring hey are  you gonna drive yeah all right let's go richard pernicke beyond was all around me  the dream was a dream no longer i suppose i   was here because this was something i had  to do not just dream about it but do it you bunch of tree huggers so there are rotation so differently  it's very windy out here but we love it put the cup in there and push what's your name   ethan say bugs not drugs bugs not  drugs yep we're at a truck stop arizona to mexico today this whole barnyard is actually designed to  be moved and we usually move it every couple   years halaikai has in this area where  he has to keep him for a while because   the fields are wet because of flood irrigation  this is really neat that he at least has wood   chips down keep the sanitation level up see the  manure will come it'll mix with this wood chips   it doesn't smell it does not smell here it'll mix  with that you end up with a great compost material   imagine you move the whole barnyard and then  you plant don't you yeah this is scottie yeah   scotty it's time to move the mobile barnyard  buddy all right he said we got to do it before   dark he said he was going to do it for  the movie okay he didn't believe me it's kind of like you gotta do it you want your  towel okay come on so you just gotta go for it now it's time to go to texas my birth state yeah so a general principle with any livestock  is you can't have them on the same ground   all the time because they eat everything up  and it's all done so i fence off little little   paddocks for them and you can see here where  i've got like clover and rye and oats growing   and it's fenced off from them and when  this gets up to you know six or eight   inches i'll let the rabbits in there for a  while to graze it and then i'll kick them out what's going on what's going on saturday morning saturday morning whatever that means means  absolutely nothing anymore absolutely nothing   after a rough night is just sitting around the  fire pit i hate mondays what's monday different tell me the truth you guys like to work together  we love it we have a blast every minute i mean   it has its good moments we're with each other  a lot good moments yeah lots of good moments   just real moments too okay it gets real  when you work with your husband well sure   but yeah we actually yeah we really love it  we work well together um he's good at things   i'm not and i like to think that maybe  i'm good at some things that he's not uh   this is partly why you do what you do right to  have a family business that's exactly why yes what do you do when there's a conflict how do you  resolve it our rule has always been from the very   beginning of our marriage to just never go to bed  angry at each other so have you been able to live   by that rule pretty much yeah i would say that  we have tried to live by that as best we can i   mean there's some sometimes where you know we go  to bed and maybe it didn't get fully worked out   but for the most part we at least we talked about  it and started the process words cannot express   the comfort i felt when we got back into texas  it felt like a southern accent is it a southern   accent it is the other night okay well especially  when we went to yonder way deep southern accents   yeah it just feels right that was just because  the morning felt so right right i was just i'm   getting chill bumps talking about it right  now it's just like the trees that surround me   i just felt comfort comforted by that southern  accent i was so glad to be home even though it   was 16 hours away yeah it felt like we were in  our stomping grounds you're the one that milks   yup you're the one that shoots the movies yep and  edits yup and and you're the one that builds the   stuff yeah yeah yeah and what's dad doing sipping  tea with mom yup pretty much you ever get bored   milking this cow something dad's laughing he wants  you to tell the truth okay i'll tell the truth so   when the weather is bad i do not like milking the  cow i can say that how is bad weather what is bad   weather bad weather is probably when it's like  pouring down rain and it's or it's cold for you um that's fine i can hear all the i can hear all  the northerners laugh like a lot of people   ask me like well why do you ducks why are they  better than chickens i don't think ducks are   better than chickens i think ducks are better  than chickens on my property for me and my needs   the chief reason is we're trying to establish  trees all over this property and we want to run   our birds in a free range rotational zone manner  basically we have enough ducts that we have about   750 pounds of duck this is the best way to look  instead of a number count which is about three   quarters of a cattle unit so we kind of manage  them like a three-quarter like a dexter cow now   they don't graze the way a cow does so if you look  everything's pretty sparse right now because we're   in our kind of our our really kind of our low  period you know they'll eat all the dead seeds   they'll eat whatever they could find they're  very very good foragers but they don't scratch my name is michael arsenault and my wife christine  and i live in new eyebrow louisiana and on a   little 10-acre spread called la fam de israel we  wanted more control of where our food came from   we wanted to have our kids and grandkids  involved we wanted them to learn that   it's okay to have animals for pets but  this is primarily where our food comes from   not the supermarket plastic wrap  generic box that most people are used to   you have family on on the property too yeah we  have a son and his three daughters live up here   and daughter son-in-law and their three  daughters live up in the front i recently   went through emergency open heart surgery less  than two months ago and that put a little damper   on things getting chores done this is cool now  this is a prefab system or did you make this up   this i mean this chloroplast that you see little  yard signs made up this is this is a sheet of it   wow and this is catching their manure it's on a  slant and urine comes down into the gutter comes   down into the pocket bucket i love this sauce  and then this goes straight to the garden now   do you come out here every day and do this every  day for school does pep i'll pay you for this   oh oh yeah oh yeah they get free eggs huh  that's your payment that's payment too and look at that and now that  can go directly to your garden   directly or your soldier fly band and you  feed your soldier flies to the chickens yes there we go what do you want all right wow  okay have fun guys 50 years from now what   would you love to see your grandchildren  say about their pawpaw don't want to cry it's all right 50 years from now i'd like my grandchildren to know i really  loved him and this is why i did this how does a homesteader go and get a commercial  greenhouse like this this amazing greenhouse well   i got pretty lucky so i several people had told  me about the nrcs it's a soil conservation program   through the government the federal government  and they have a program for a high tunnel   and i just got online with the nrcs website  and started doing some research and there   were a lot of people that had got these cost  share grants through the nrcs so i filled out   the application and i got approved and it's a cost  share program so they don't pay for all of it but   it definitely helps and you don't have to get one  this size obviously a small homeowner could get   one that's a little smaller and it wouldn't  cost you near as much how much did you pay   for this um i believe it was close to eight  thousand eighty five hundred dollars total   that's the total total cost yes and my out  of pocket was about fifteen hundred dollars   so it depends on your program and  your state and different states tell me about this tractor we're gonna do this one  right here is the first one that joe and i built   he he came to me and said he needed a compost  turner but they were maybe ten thousand dollars or   more to buy one and that was a cheap chinese thing  that i didn't know how it was going to work right   and so so joe came to me and and told me  what he was looking for and so we looked   at some videos and pictures and stuff and so  we just threw some stuff together in my shop   and this is what we came up with and it's all  it's all nasty and ugly looking but it worked oxford mississippi there was a reporter here  last night asked me a great question how did   we go from homesteading in north carolina  to discover the greatest american farms   to your parking in your front  yard in northern mississippi she's among the greatest farms in america  let's check this out you're not going to see   mass-marketed animals rotationally grazing on big   wide pastures or thousands and thousands  of trees but you're going to take somebody   who has taken control of their own  food system how many here they come here they are the stars of the show so how much  food did you grow here last year we grew over   2 000 pounds of produce um harvested probably  20 rabbits and i don't know how many eggs look   one more today guys one more today  i'm moving we're gonna knock it out   knock it out we'll put on that sticker together  alabama here we come can you tell we're excited yet another fuel stop one of the last it's going  good so far well we've only been about 20 miles so   that's the ten minutes away  from the border of alabama we did it guys we did it everybody put  their hands up 50 states in 10 months   oh my word finally we crossed into the final state  i think there's not been anybody so excited as us   to to go into alabama yeah and then we went  and saw our last feature a fermentation   oh yeah we're gonna start with kombucha first  start easy all right so i'm gonna start you with   our most popular kombucha this  is our elderberry listen guys   elderberry and lemongrass kombucha  hey probably go for it all at once i like it you like it what do you like with a  nice pizza friday night movie night that is uh   it's really close to home i i think that the  tulsi is awesome with pizza okay because i at   the end of a long week at work we i think lindsey  and i truly do like get some really subpar gas   station pizza or something living in the middle  of nowhere and go home and binge watch something   likes and go to bed to think of all of the farms  that we visited that are healing the land and   helping people heal our bodies that's how you grow  nutrient dense grasses to provide nutrient-dense   food for a healthy cow and a healthy cow makes  exceptionally healthy milk up to 10 times the   nutrition in this milk and meat versus what you  get from a feed lot every single person that we   met up at the meetups was making the world  a better place big crowd in idaho i think we   broke a record here dan i think we broke a record  over 100 people you all excited about growing food   here we go washington look at this we came  here we thought there would be a few people   but they're blowing me away and this isn't  it are you guys excited about growing food oregon look at this turnout look at these  people very excited to be growing their   own food are you all excited yeah oh now  come on washington was louder for sure   come on now are you excited oregon okay  there we go dallas texas on my word the brothertons bo and kelly kelly offered  to come sit in the urgent care with you while   lily was visiting there got a text from bo  they are going to be able to send kelly over it's just a little nerve-racking because one it's your child you don't know  what's going on and you're in a strange place i'm nervous that there could be something most of me  thinks there's not gonna be anything that   may be emotional because we are getting some help  we have some community if beau came through for us   i'll tell you i was nervous they wouldn't be able  to we've been let down before and times of needs just like anybody has and somebody bo reached down  says there anything we can do for you i didn't ask   and i've had people do that before  and then you call them on it   and nothing and then it's  like oh oh we can do that another fan jeff was our on-call  mechanic on the other hand all of the hosts that took us in and fed us farm  fresh meals and took time off of their other jobs   to host us we are so thankful and grateful  we couldn't have done this trip without you   man look at this view thank you very much for  breakfast think about all the places we went   and stood were historic figures of the past  thomas jefferson's garden the wright brothers   first flight williamsburg virginia and went  to battleships that our fathers had served on   james's dad lived on this ship for two years  they would go out to sea on duty for one year   come home for a short break and go back in  for another year perhaps most encouraging   were the children the future generation that we  met along the way this 12 year old has her own   chicken operation and she's even  moving on herself in her own truck breaking it out again let's see your banana  dance come on if i do it will you do it yes okay what are you talking about you're great at  this thank you so much for the tour you're   an inspiration thank you you're boys involved  and you guys hey do you guys want to take over   the farm one day yes absolutely that's great  yeah way to go dad how does it feel to have   a garden and goats in your backyard farm-like  do you it feels farm-like yeah um do all your   friends have gardens and farms in their backyard  no what do they think of you they don't really   honestly they probably just think i'm cool  because a combination of cool and weird okay   and let us not forget the sheer  beauty of the american landscape so i think when we realized how great  america was we began to realize   how great just our place  where we were in america was   i remember right after alaska i was unloading the  stuff putting it back in maple and i just had this   really amazing moment where i was  thinking about what i've experienced   in regards to the mountains you know  i started thinking about our home   our burl waller mountain close to our home and  how much i like it and then i started thinking   about in colorado how big and massive those  mountains were there was even a guy that even   said i was talking about our home mountain and he  said well how tall is it and i was like 4 000 feet   kind of like you know he couldn't help but  laugh a little bit and i i felt i was kind of   a little like yeah yeah yeah but then you know  we went to alaska and denali swallows colorado   right this amazing like 20 000 foot mountain or  something crazy we were lucky to see it that day   but even then compared to that mountain i kept  thinking back to our mountain or water mountain   and and had this new attitude not like this  seat down and like yeah my mountain's only four   thousand no it's like my mountain's old it's wiser  than your mouth my mountain house wrote a dendron   okay it's got trees everywhere so i began to  have this immense pride for my mountain back home so you know what i realized in that moment all  along this whole entire tour i've been preaching   oh these are the great farms these  small these people in these small yards   the darcis the kevin pitts these are the greatest  farm but i think at that moment it finally sunk in   we've been looking for the greatest farm but  it's right here we have the greatest farm so what i mean by that is our farm is the greatest  for us it means where you're at even if it's a pot   on your deck it's the greatest farm this jammin  tabletop seed starting station all kinds of stuff   growing right there it's your circle of influence  it's what you have control over oh my gosh   she you never know what's gonna happen around here  you look the other way and she comes back with a   full turkey in her hand that's right no matter  how small it is you're making a positive change   in the world it's hard place to garden he's  building the mulched area putting down a weed   barrier with the cardboard so that he can have his  potted garden area look at these potatoes y'all   they're jamming even if it's just a tomato  plant i'm natalie i'm from watertown wisconsin   and i'm growing a tomato plant you're growing a  tomato plant yeah do you guys hear that this is   the one i've been talking about i haven't had  a name to this person yet this is natalie she's   growing one tomato plant you if you've heard me  say it once you've heard me say it a million times   just plan even if it's one tomato  plant in a pot good job natalie   she's a legend all of us together can  make a huge change in our world maybe   we should hope against the  arts maybe favor plays our cars growing on good soil that's where a  lot of the flavor comes from too though james you did a good job these guys are  lively so have you planted this beautiful   yard with things for the bees but you're  committed you've been here 15 years yep you see that over there what's your harvest in there those are the dragon  tongue beans and the amaranth does really well too throughout the whole trip i've been reading this  book that my friend wrote local to here about   the north carolina heritage especially around this  burrow mountain around the big mountain around   here and in the book one of the characters  said there was something called the pool   and it's this idea that barrow mountain is pulling  all the locals back they try to leave but they   can and i thought you know i'm going to keep an  open mind but i guess in the end the pool got me   now that we know our home is all we got to do is  get there we were up and adam early this morning   left at 6 30. so we are only 97 miles from  home is that just crazy we're almost going   to be in north carolina oh you know what i  noticed no leaves on the trees i've never just like that we're back in the seasons just like  that it's winter endless summer's over lily what   do you want to do when we get home make money  make money is what she said okay when we roll   up into the hauler house what do you want to  do the first thing i did a puppy get a puppy okay north carolina y'all ready yeah let's give her a good help oh my goodness big boy i'm  gonna lay down right there okay look at that view out that kitchen tank is it still good what do you think about a month later we come full  circle and we get cows again so you're making a change you're doing something  even if it's just growing six dozen eggs   you're making a change so let's talk about now it's time to depart our home for the the long  stretch right now now it was time to depart our   now it was time to depart i just say leave i  don't think you stayed apart no not at an airport   and it was there that just didn't realize  that it was all about contentment and that   randy could be content in negative 60. but  you wouldn't want to know what surprised me   yeah what surprised you that those water  did not taste so good on pool water uh that probably goes before this but you can  talk about that's time to head into my birthday   you could be excited or something you know  texas now it's time to go to texas my first day   so many ons i hope you enjoyed  that and i want you to go   the journey really continues and i want you to  go on it with me one thing we just tapped the   iceberg on in the great american farm tour as  we started to build an amazing community and so   you don't have to be like we were a long time  ago when we first started and we were alone   and inept we are here to help you with both  knowledge and community inside abundance plus   we've got inspirational and educational videos  hundreds on any topic you can imagine homesteading   and we've set up this amazing community where you  can find like-minded folks we just had members   host a great american farm premiere across the  world seven like almost i think a little over   80 hosts across the world and in some instances  over a hundred people showing up at different   locations but i hope you enjoyed this online  version i hope you enjoy the chat down below   the community comments and i hope you get inside  and check out what we've created inside of   abundance plus i think this is going to be really  big and well i know it's going to be really big   there's already so many members in there really  enjoying it there's no restrictions that we get on   facebook canning isn't getting labeled extreme uh  you can list a livestock if you want in fact we're   working on a marketplace for this so that members  can list things whether they have farm goods that   they want to sell or livestock or anything members  will be able to sell if they're selling eggs or   pork or or they have a pig they need to get rid  of or used book collection they can sell it and   the broader audience can access that and buy from  members so i i think this is the time and i the   goal for this launch is members let's get as many  in there as we can because you want that critical   mass so what i'm doing i'm not done this before  in a launch but i'm leaving up the free trial uh   so anybody can get in there and try this for seven  days right now and i encourage you to do it put   yourself in the directory try to find some other  people uh go in there and chat in the community   introduce yourself to get at the premium level  text me it's crazy like yes true you can text   me uncle justin i'll be there for you all right do  check it out thanks for watching   thanks for taking the time i hope you enjoyed  that trip around our beautiful country with us
Channel: Justin Rhodes
Views: 97,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DfOhwdDHztM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 46sec (7306 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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