The Grandchildren of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom | Complete Episode

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Willem II the last German emperor Wilhelm II was a controversial Emperor who caused Mayhem and Chaos around him though he had a great love for his homeland he was not an effective ruler and plunged Germany into war Wilhelm II was the first child of Victoria Princess Royal and German Emperors and her husband Frederick III German emperor Wilhelm was born after a difficult labor on the 27th of January 1859 he was born in the breach position and was forcibly removed from the birth canal his traumatic birth resulted in a terror of the brachial plexus of his left arm leaving him with Herb's palsy he also suffered from a lack of oxygen at Birth leaving him with mild brain damage his left arm became his mother's obsession she wanted Wilhelm to be a strong Heir and felt his disability reflected badly on her in her pursuit to cure her son she damaged her relationship with him twice a week wilhelm's arm was placed inside the body of a freshly slaughtered hair the idea was that the warm blood would transfer health and vitality to the arm this did not work and was very traumatic for the child as he learned to crawl and walk wilhelm's right arm was tied behind his back it was hoped that this would force him to use his left arm and he would have to work up strength instead the toddler was unable to use his arms at all and it caused him great distress wilheim was also subjected to electrotherapy almost every day none of these supposed treatments worked and caused Wilhelm to despise his parents villain was tutored at home by George hins Patcher after this Wilhelm was educated at the friedrichs gymnasium and finished his formal education in 1877. he then spent four years at the University of Bonn studying law and politics from a young age Wilhelm was exposed to the military environment of the Prussian Court it did much to frame his ideals and relationships Wilhelm idolized his grandfather vilham the first and was ambivalent towards his father he had a distant relationship with his mother due to her treatment of him as a child after frequent attempts by his parents to education in liberalism he became alienated from them suspecting them to be putting Britain his mother's Homeland before Prussia at 21 Wilhelm joined the military being assigned to the rank of Lieutenant of the first Regiment of foot guards he reported that he found a family amongst the soldiers during this time he was influenced by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck against his parents who opposed bishmark and his policies Wilhelm soon grew to hate Britian for supposedly killing his father Wilhelm fell in love with his first cousin Elizabeth of Hess but she turned him down he eventually married Augusta Victoria of Slash Rick Holstein instead on the 27th of February 1881 and they remained married until her death in 1921. he during their marriage they had seven children together Villa ISO Friedrich adelbert August Wilhelm Oscar joaquim and Victoria Louise 1888 became known as the year of three emperors in March 1888 wilhelm's grandfather Willem the first died and his father became Frederick III he was dying from throat cancer and died in June of that year Wilhelm ascended the throne as German Emperor and King of Prussia after becoming Kaiser Wilhelm soon grew patient with bishmark opposing his foreign policies Wilhelm wanted to expand the German Empire and was determined to rule as well as rain Wilhelm was content to allow bishmark to handle the day-to-day Administration as time went on Wilhelm became more interested in social issues of the day and argued for better treatment of workers he was in favor of pro-labor unions but bishmark opposed this opinion managing to push through anti-socialist laws bishmark resigned in 1890 and was succeeded by Leo Von capruvi and then claudevig Prince of hon low Shillings first hoe and low was dismissed in 1900 and Wilhelm appointed Bernard Von Bulow to the position Willem concentrated on the creation of the German Navy it would rival that of Britain and allowed Germany to declare itself a world power as Kaiser Wilhelm promoted the Arts and Sciences and sponsored the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the promotion of scientific research Hugh also supported reform of the Prussian education system Wilhelm had a difficult relationship with many of his relatives his most difficult being with his British relatives he craved the acceptance of his British relatives and while his grandmother Queen Victoria treated him with courtesy many of his other relatives ignored him and didn't accept him Wilhelm and his uncle Percy later King Edward VII of the United Kingdom did not get along but she treated Wilhelm as a nephew not as a reigning monarch and Wilhelm would Lord his position as Emperor over his uncle despite his poor relationship with his British relatives when he heard his grandmother was dying in January 1901 he traveled to England and was with her when she died Wilhelm was friends with Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and was shocked by his assassination in June 1914. Wilhelm offered support to Austria-Hungary in crushing the Assassins the Blackhand the perceived source of the movement was Serbia austro-hungarian ministers and general convinced the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph the first to sign a declaration of war against Serbia Russia mobilized to defend Serbia Wilhelm saw this as a threat and thought that England France and Russia would conspire to destroy Germany Britian promised to enter the war if Germany attacked France War soon followed engulfing Europe during the war Wilhelm lost much of his power and took on more honorific duties the German Empire became a military dictatorship under the control of field Marshal Hindenburg and general ludendorff nevertheless Wilhelm still retained the authority to handle matters of political appointment support for the Kaiser dissipated by November 1918. Wilhelm was in Belgium when he heard the uprisings in Berlin he knew he would have to abdicate but he still hoped to retain the Prussian kingship however this was impossible under the Imperial Constitution which tied the Prussian and German crowns together Wilhelm was forced to abdicate on the 9th of November 1918. soon the rest of the German kingdoms Duke Dums and principalities would eventually abdicate as well Wilhelm left Germany and went into Exile in the Netherlands where they refused extradite villain when requested by several other countries after the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. on the 28th of November 1918 after finally accepting that he had lost his crowns for good Wilhelm issued a statement of abdication in Exile wilhel married his second wife her main ruse of Greece after the death of his first wife in 1921. Wilhelm hoped that the successes of the Nazi party would stimulate interest in the monarchy being restored soon Wilhelm became horrified at the actions of the Nazis but still held a degree of admiration for them Wilhelm died of a pulmonary embolism on the 4th of June 1941 and was buried on the grounds of Houston where he had lived during his exile Charlotte Duchess of sax manigan known for her penchant for spreading gossip Charlotte Duchess of sax mannequin was the eldest daughter of Frederick III German Emperor and Victoria Princess Royal and German Emperors she loved to cause trouble and mischief and was very eccentric Charlotte touches a sax mannequin was born princess Charlotte of Prussia on the 24th of July 1860 only 19 months after the birth of her older brother Willem her birth was an easy labor she was the last grandchild to be born during the life of her maternal grandfather Prince Albert of sax Coburg and gotha during winter time Charlotte and her siblings lived in Berlin and they spent their summers in Potsdam in 1863 Charlotte's parents bought a rundown property and refurbished it into a form which allows the family to live a simple Country Life periodically due to her father's position in the Prussian Army Charlotte's father was often away from home her mother was strict with her children expecting them to exhibit moral Behavior at all times she raised her children in English style nurseries and fostered a love of her native country in several of her children by incorporating aspects of English culture into the home Victoria and Charlotte developed a strange relationship Charlotte was indifferent to education much to the dismay of Victoria Victoria was brutally honest and rarely heard her thoughts she would admonish her children when they displeased her Charlotte proved to be a disappointment to her mother being nervous and easily agitated this caused a wedge to form in the mother-daughter relationship after the deaths of Charlotte's younger brothers sigismund and Voldemort Charlotte grew resentful of her mother's treatment towards her Victoria indulged her younger children Victoria Sophia and Margaret will be in harsh to her older children Willem Charlotte and Henry Charlotte was one of her paternal grandparents favorite grandchildren they spoiled her and encouraged her Rebellion against her parents Charlotte also had a close relationship with her brother Willem but they grew apart after his marriage to Augusta Victoria of slushwickelstein Charlotte did not like Augusta Victoria describing her as plain slow and shy and this strained the sibling's relationship as Charlotte grew into a young woman her behavior became more erratic she would flirt spread malicious gossip and cause Mischief for those around her when she was 16 she became engaged to her second cousin Prince Bernard of sax mannequin she reportedly fell in love with him while they were driving with her eldest brother Willem sped up during the drive which alarmed Charlotte and she clung to Bernard's arm after a year-long engagement the couple were wed on the 18th of February 1878. they moved into a small Villa near the news Palace in Potsdam a year after their wedding Charlotte gave birth to their only child princess Theodora on the 12th of May 1879 Charlotte hated the restrictions placed on her while pregnant and decided that Theodora would be her only child Charlotte enjoyed society and freedom she spent much of her time socializing skating gossiping and hosting dinner parties she would often leave her daughter in the care of her mother Victoria Charlotte's grandfather Willem the first granted Charlotte and Bernard a villa in Berlin and transferred Bernard to a regiment in the city in 1888 her grandfather and father both passed away and her brother Willem ascended the throne in June 1888. Charlotte's social influence increased as a result she surrounded herself with young officials wild Nobles and aspiring diplomats Charlotte reconciled with her mother following the death of her father but she still took her brother's side in disputes with their mother between 1891 and 1895 hundreds of scandalous letters were sent to prominent members of the Prussian Court including the emperor and empress foreign these letters included pornographic images and accusations they were all written in the same handwriting Willem ordered an investigation but the writer was never identified many historians have speculated that it could have been Charlotte or the empress's brother Duke Ernest Gunther or slash Rick Holstein who wrote the letters Charlotte's diary was lost during this period and was eventually given to Willem in the diary she wrote both family secrets and critical thoughts of her family and Willem never forgave her for the contents of the diary after this Bernard was transferred to Breslow and this effectively exiled Charlotte and her family as Charlotte's daughter Theodora grew up several men asked for her hand in marriage in 1897 Theodora became engaged to Prince Henry the 30th of Ruth and they were wed a year later on the 24th of September 1898. donut Bridge nor high ranked Theodora was happy with the match Charlotte and Theodora did not have a good relationship and Charlotte disliked Henry Theodora wanted children unlike her mother but was unable to conceive this pleased Charlotte who desired no grandchildren both Charlotte and Theodore were strong-willed and for almost a decade the mother and daughter did not talk nor right to each other eventually they did after Theodora underwent dangerous operation to help her conceive which outraged her mother in June 1914 Bernard became the Duke of sax mannequin the first world war broke out and Bernard left for the front while Charlotte remained in the duchy serving as a figurehead throughout Charlotte's added life she suffered from many health issues including rheumatism joint pains headaches and insomnia during the war Charlotte's health worsened and she began to experience increasingly worse pain that became so severe that she took opium the war ended in 1918 and so did the German Empire many of the German duchy's principalities and kingdoms also came to an end sax mannequin was no different and Bernard was forced abdicate in 1919 Charlotte traveled to Baden Baden to seek treatment for her heart and she died there from a heart attack on the 1st of October 1919 at the age of 59 she was buried at slosh Alston Stein Prince Henry of Prussia Prince Henry of Prussia was the younger brother of Kaiser Wilhelm II a grandson of both Willem the first and Queen Victoria he was a naval officer and Rose to the rank of grand Admiral Prince Henry of Prussia was born the 14th of August 1863. he was the third child and Second Son of Frederick III and Victoria Princess Royal as a baby Henry was quite Restless as he grew into a toddler he would cry to be carried around and was quite attached to his mother Victoria found his behavior difficult to handle he would often throw Tantrums when he did knock out his way and would kick and scratch the maids when they didn't do what he wanted when he was only three years old Victoria sent him to spend the winter with his maternal grandmother Queen Victoria hoping she could help in 1863 Henry's parents bought a rundown property and refurbished it into a farm which allowed the family to live a simple Country Life periodically during winter time Henry and his siblings lived in Berlin and they spent their summers in Potsdam due to his father's position in the Prussian Army Henry's father was often away from home his mother was strict with her children expecting them to exhibit moral Behavior she raised her children in English style nurseries and fostered a love of her native country in several of her children by incorporating aspects of English culture in the home like his older brother Willem Henry was tutored at home by George hinspatcher Who described Henry as being intellectually slow as he Grew Older Henry became quite good-natured and most people had something good to say about him after the deaths of Henry's younger brothers sigismund and Voldemort Victoria indulged her younger children Victoria Sophia and Margaret while being harsh to her older children Willem Charlotte and Henry when Henry was 15 he entered the German Imperial Navy and over a period of two years he traveled throughout the world as part of his training he passed his Naval official examination in 1880 and attended the German Imperial Naval Academy from 1884 to 1886. over the course of his Naval career he held several high-ranking positions including commander of the Baltic Sea Naval Station commander of the high cease Fleet and a grand admiral of the German Imperial Navy though Henry and Willem had been close growing up after Henry joined the Navy their paths and life diverged and they were never as close as they were as children growing up Henry fell in love with his first cousin Irene of Hess and she fell in love with him as well Irene was a grandchild of Queen Victoria like Henry on the 24th of May 1888 Henry married Irene by this point Henry's father Frederick had become the German emperor but he was dying from cancer the marriage was a loving one and they had three sons together Voldemort sigismund and Henry named after Henry and his deceased Brothers unfortunately Irene had the hemophilia Gene she inherited the gene from her mother Princess Alice of the United Kingdom Voldemort and Henry were both hemophiliacs and both would succumb to their condition Voldemort died in 1945 during the second world war after being unable to get a blood transfusion and Henry died after hitting his head at the age of four in 1904. during the first world war Henry was appointed to commander-in-chief of the Baltic Fleet he successfully prevented the Russian Navy from attacking the German Coast at the end of the war Henry's brother Willem emperor of Germany abdicated as German Emperor and King of Prussia Henry left the Army following this like many members of his family Henry was forced to flee Germany and he spent the rest of his life on his family farm near schleswig like his father Henry died of throat cancer on the 20th of April 1929 at the age of 66. Henry was similar to his father in many ways both were good-natured humble and trusted easily Henry also appeared physically similar to Frederick ultimately Henry lived the life that his brother the former Kaiser secretly desired a happy marriage with an intelligent supportive wife a fulfilling career and a loving relationship with his English relatives a granddaughter of Queen Victoria sister to the last Arena of Russia mother to a queen of Sweden and grandmother to Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh Victoria Marsh less of Milford Haven was a formidable woman who faced many tragedies in her life foreign Victoria was born Princess Victoria of Hessa and Byron on the 5th of April 1863. she was born at Windsor Castle in the presence of her grandmother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom Princess Victoria was the eldest child of Princess Alice of the United Kingdom and Louis IV Grand Duke of Hessa and Byron Victoria had six siblings Elizabeth Irene Ernst Louis Friedrich Alex and Marie Friedrich and Marie would die young Friedrich from a cerebral hemorrhage and Marie from diphtheria Doria spent her early life in basangan and then the new Palace in darmstadt she shared a room with her sister Elizabeth whom Victoria was very close to when Victoria was three she and Elizabeth were sent to Britain to live with Queen Victoria during the Prussian invasion of Hessa during the franco-prussian war of 1870 military hospitals were set up in the palace and Victoria helped her mother in the super kitchens Victoria was intelligent and was educated with Elizabeth Victoria adored books and was an Avid Reader she kept a record of all the books she read throughout her life Victorious childhood was mostly happy with her mother being Hands-On in the care of her children Victoria and her siblings received a strict education and were encouraged to be humble they lived modestly doing their own chores and their mother sewed their clothes for them their mother spoke to them in English and their father in German which helped them to become fluent in both languages in 1873 Victoria's youngest brother Friedrich was diagnosed with hemophilia which came as a shock to the royal families throughout Europe Friedrich was the first descendant of Queen Victoria since Prince Leopold one of Queen Victoria's Sons to be born with hemophilia and it indicated that the bleeding disorder was hereditary he would die only a few months after being diagnosed after falling out of a window onto Stone steps tragedy would strike the family again in 1878. members of Victoria's immediate family including Victoria herself fell ill with diphtheria on the 16th of November 1878 Victoria's youngest sibling Marie died and less than a month later Victoria's mother died Victoria found herself suddenly being treated as a surrogate mother to her younger siblings and a companion for her father the death of her mother ended her childhood and would have a major impact on her for the rest of her life Victoria and her siblings would spend subsequent years under the supervision of their maternal grandmother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom the queen became close to her Hessian grandchildren becoming a sort of mother to them throughout her life Victoria had met Prince Louis of battenberg he was her first cousin who once removed Prince Louis had adopted British nationality and was serving as an officer in the Royal Navy they became engaged in the summer of 1883. after a period of mourning for her uncle Prince Leopold who had passed away in March 1884. Victoria married Louis in the chapel of the old Palace in darmstadt on the 30th of April 1884. the Victoria's father was against the marriage for many reasons he would be losing his eldest daughter and his cousin did not have the financial resources to provide for Victoria however Victoria did not care about this and made it clear that she would marry Louis with or without her father's blessing in the end Louis put his daughter's happiness before his own and consented to the match Louis and Victoria had four children Alice Louise George and Louis the family moved around quite a bit due to her husband taking up residence where he was based for his job Victoria continued to visit family throughout Europe in 1914 during a visit to see her sisters Elizabeth and Alex in Russia Victoria received a telegram from her husband instructing her to come home immediately as the first world war had just broken out assuming Russia would be safe during the war victoria left all her Jewels with Alex for safe keeping sadly Victoria would never see her sisters again as both would be killed by the Bolsheviks in 1918. the death of Elizabeth in particular was hard on Victoria who absolutely adored Elizabeth and was very close to her even though time and distance had separated them in 1913 Princess Louise Duchess of argyle Victoria's aunt gave Victoria and Louis Kent house on the Isle of Wight which Louise had inherited from Queen Victoria because Victoria and Louis had rented for their entire marriage this was the only home they ever owned in the United Kingdom in 1914 Prince Louis was forced to resign from the Navy due to widespread anti-german sentiment while he still remained in the Navy he was not on active duty and spent the war hoping to return to service following the war as well as this King George V of the United Kingdom changed the name of the royal house to Windsor and asked all his relatives to relinquish their German titles the couple did so and took the surname membership the anglicized version of battenberg Victoria was offered the option to retain the style of princess but she declined stating that her husband's title was good enough for her Louis was created the first Marquess of Milford Haven he was offered to dukedom but he declined as he felt he did not have the finances for the title he was the only relative offered a Duke Dum most likely due to the king's great admiration and respect for both Louis and Victoria Victoria was disappointed with her cousin for making them change their surname to her it was another slap in the face of her husband who had devoted his entire life to Britain while George and Victoria would remain close she never fully forgave him for this Louis formally retired in 1919. after Louis was informed he would not be recalled to service because the financial reasons the mount Fashions sold Kent house and heilenberg Castle which Louis had inherited from his father their friend Lieutenant Colonel Christian offered them a home on the grounds of Nutley castle where they would settle for several years Louis died suddenly on the 11th of September 1921. his death devastated Victoria their marriage had been a love match that had stirred the test of time George V was concerned for her financial position and offered Frogmore Cottage she declined as she had already paid the rent for the rest of 1921. however in 1922 she did accept his offer of apartments in Kensington Palace after extensive Renovations Victoria lived there for the rest of her life in the 1930s Victoria took in her grandson Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark his mother Alice was institutionalized Victoria along with her two sons took over the care of Philip Victoria continued to visit her relatives in Europe in later life more tragic losses would occur for Victoria in the 1930s her brother Ernest slowy died in 1937 from lung cancer only a month later Ernest Louis Widow Eleanor their eldest son George his pregnant wife Cecile who was also Victoria's granddaughter and their two sons Louis and Alexander who were also Victoria's great-grandchildren would die in a plane crash the next year Victoria's son would die of bone cancer these losses took a heavy toll on Victoria during the second world war Victoria spent time in Windsor Castle with King George VI and his family after Kensington Palace was bombed Prince Philip made frequent visits as well which allowed him to spend time with his future wife Elizabeth George VI eldest daughter in 1947 Philip and Elizabeth were wed which delighted Victoria in knowing that one day her descendants would occupy the Throne of the United Kingdom the following year her great-grandson Prince Charles later Charles III was born over the next two years Victoria's Health began to fail in 1950 she developed bronchitis and suffered a heart attack she passed away on the 24th of September 1950 surrounded by her three surviving children Prince Albert Victor Duke of Clarence and Avondale was the eldest child of Edward VII and Alexander of Denmark for his entire life he was second in line to the British throne and what had become king of the United Kingdom in 1910 had he not passed of pneumonia in 1892 his intellect and sexuality have been the subject of speculation for decades and some even argue he could have been Jack the Ripper Albert Victor was born on the 8th of January 1864 in Berkshire to the then Prince and Princess of Wales he was named Albert Victor in honor of his paternal grandparents and was nicknamed Eddie by the family he was a grandchild of two monarchs Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and King Christian IX of Denmark from birth he was second in line to the British throne after his father his birth was unexpected as his mother did not even realize she was in labor it was her lady and waiting lady Macclesfield who realized what was happening and sent for the local doctor to come quickly Albert Victor arrived almost as soon as the doctor had arrived though he was two months premature he was a healthy baby Albert Victor was later joined by two brothers and three sisters George Louise Victoria Maude and Alexander John tragically Alexander John passed away at one day old George was born less than two years after Albert Victor and the two boys were very close they were educated together and from 1871 they were educated by John Neil Dalton they had a strict educational program which included academic subjects as well as military drills Albert Victor did not Excel academically he was considered lazy and inattentive and he struggled to learn foreign languages like his mother's native Danish there was discussion of separating the two brothers for the remainder of their education but Dalton advised against this as George's company helped Albert Victor to learn in 1877 the brothers began their Naval training aboard HMS Britannia they were two months behind the other Cadets due to Albert Victor Contracting typhoid fever he recovered and began his Naval career in 1879 after much discussion it was decided and agreed that the brothers would be sent on a three-year tour aboard HMS picant on Albert Victor's 16th birthday he was rated midshipman during this tour they visited the Americas the Falkland Islands and many more countries while stationed in Japan the brothers got tattoos delaysia returned to Britain when Albert Victor was 18. from 1883 Albert Victor began attending Trinity College Cambridge he had little interest in the intellectual environment involved in student life in August 1884 he spent some time in Heidelberg University to study German the following year he left Cambridge and in 1888 Albert Victor received an honorary degree in 1890 Queen Victoria bestowed the prince the title of Duke of Clarence and Avondale Albert Victor's family decided the best course of action for the apathetic Prince was defined as suitable wife for him Queen Victoria encouraged Tim to propose to Princess Alex of Hesse and Byron his first cousin and the favorite granddaughter of Queen Victoria she rejected his proposal Albert Victor then fell in love with Princess Helen of Orleans who shared his feelings however she was Catholic and her father refused to allow her to convert to anglicanism and did not allow the match to go ahead eventually Princess Victoria Mary of tech more commonly known as Mary of tech was suggested as a suitable bride she was a second cousin once removed of Albert Victor through their shared ancestor of King George III Albert Victor did not resist the match and Mary was agreeable as well Mary's father was the son of a morganotic marriage which presented Mary with difficulties on the marriage Market Mary was proud to be a member of the British royal family and she felt it was her duty to marry Prince Albert Victor Albert Victor proposed to marry in December 1891. the engagement was announced on the 6th of December 1891 with the wedding set for the 27th of February 1892. in 1889 a gay brothel was uncovered by the police at the time all homosexual acts between men were illegal and those convicted could face two years imprisonment with hard labor high-ranking figures in British Society were implicated and rumors emerged that Prince Albert Victor had visited the brothel though he had not been named by the prostitutes the rumors spread like crazy it has been suggested that Arthur newshin the lawyer for one of the clients of the brothel had fabricated and spread the rumors to take the heat off his own client the Prince of Wales intervened and no clients were prosecuted and nothing against Prince Albert Victor was proven around this time Albert Victor went on a planned seven-month tour of India while in this tour Albert Victor met Marjorie Hayden she would later come to England and claim that Albert Victor was the father of her son Clarence this would later be proven false because of clarence's birth certificate on his birth certificate his birth year was listed as 1887. two years before Prince Albert Victor had ever mashed Marjorie Hayden on the 7th of January 1892 Albert Victor fell ill with influenza several other household members including Albert Victor's sister Victoria fell ill with influenza as well Albert Victor's lungs became inflamed and he developed pneumonia on the 14th of January 1892 six days after his 28th birthday Albert Victor died with his parents his siblings his fiancee and his fiance's mother at his bedside his death rocked his family both his parents were devastated to have lost a second child with his father even declaring that he would have given up his own life for Albert Victor at his funeral his former fiancee placed what would have been her wedding bouquet on his coffin during their shared grief Marion George grew close and would eventually marry Albert Victor's life was brief but eventful one of Britain's lost Kings his story has been overshadowed by rumors and warships related to most parts of a short life Prince sigismund of Prussia second was the third son and fourth child of Frederick III German Emperor and Victoria Princess Royal and German Emperors he was a grandchild of both Queen Victoria and Willem the first he was the first grandchild of his grandparents to pass away born on the 15th of September 1864 in Potsdam Prussia sigismund had a close relationship with his mother Victoria 's older siblings Willem Charlotte and Henry had difficult relationships with Victoria and Victoria was much more intimate with her five younger children older siblings were not allowed to be breastfed on the orders of his paternal grandmother Queen Augusta of Prussia they were fed by wet nurses by the time sigismund was born Victoria had enough self-confidence to defy Augusta and breastfeed sigismund herself perhaps it was this experience of finally having some say in the care of her children that fostered a special closeness between the mother and son in a letter Victoria wrote to one of her mother's ladies in waiting she wrote about how happy she was with sigismund and that she truly loved him much more than she did for her eldest three children as he became a toddler Victoria thought he would grow up to be clever and more intelligent than her other children however sigismund would never grow old on the 4th of June 1866 during the austrooprussian war sigismund's father was fighting on the front lines most of the doctors were taken to the front lines as well to heal wounded and Ill Soldiers the day after Frederick left sigismund became quite fretful more so than usual and soon he was unable to eat or sleep after one day he could no longer stand nor walk because the usual doctors that cared for the family were not available Victoria was forced to consult doctors unknown to her they gave her the terrible news that her son had meningitis at the time there was no Curative treatment or any kind of treatment really for meningitis and death was almost guaranteed sigismund began to convulse and he died on the 18th of June 1866 at only 21 months of age his death had a profound effect on Victoria and she never recovered she wrote of the pain of seeing her son suffer her faith so cruel and how much it haunted her Frederick was informed of sigismund's death by his mother Queen Augusta who personally went to the front line to deliver the bad news he was given permission to return home for the funeral but refused to do so stating that it was his duty to serve his homeland and that he could not be absent from his job understandably Victoria could not comprehend this and was inconsolable at the loss of her son and the lack of support from her husband Victoria also received little support from her mother Queen Victoria wrote to her telling her that the death of a child is not as bad as losing a husband Victoria prepared a small room in their home with a small coffin accompanied with carpets cushions pictures and flowers funeral there were few dry faces Grand Duchess Elizabeth federovna of Russia was known for her beauty and charitable nature after the assassination of her husband Elizabeth was drawn towards the Russian Orthodox faith and led a life of charity ultimately she lost her life at the hands of the Bolsheviks in 1918. born princess Elizabeth of Hessa and Byron Elizabeth was born on the 1st of November 1864 and was the second child of Princess Alice of the United Kingdom and Louis IV Grand Duke of Hessa and Byron she was nicknamed Ella by her family Elizabeth had six siblings Victoria Irene Ernst Louis Friedrich Alex and Marie Friedrich and Marie would die young Friedrich from a cerebral hemorrhage and Marie from diphtheria Elizabeth spent her early life in besungan and the new Palace in darmstadt she shared a room with her sister Victoria whom Elizabeth was very close to in 1866 she and Victoria were sent to Britain to live with Queen Victoria during the Prussian invasion of Hasa Elizabeth's childhood was mostly happy with her mother being Hands-On in the care of her children Elizabeth and her siblings received a strict education and were encouraged to be humble they lived modestly doing their own chores and their mother sewed their clothes for them their mother spoke to them in English and their father in German which helped them to become fluent in both languages in 1873 Elizabeth's youngest brother Friedrich was diagnosed with hemophilia which came as a shock to the royal families of Europe Freedia was the first descendant of Queen Victoria since Prince Leopold one of Queen Victoria's Sons to be born with hemophilia and it indicated that the bleeding disorder was hereditary he would die only months after being diagnosed after falling out of a window onto Stone steps tragedy would strike the family again in 1878 members of Elizabeth's immediate family fell ill with diphtheria Elizabeth did not contract the disease and was sent away to stay with her paternal grandmother Elizabeth for her safety her mother also didn't contract the disease until much later and stayed behind to nurse her family on the 16th of November 1878 Elizabeth's younger sibling Marie died and less than a month later Elizabeth's mother also died Elizabeth and her siblings would spend the subsequent years under the supervision of their maternal grandmother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom the queen became close to her Hessian grandchildren becoming a sort of mother to them Elizabeth was considered to be quite charming and beautiful she attracted several suitors including Prince William of Prussia the feature Wilhelm II German Emperor and Prince Friedrich of Barden the future Friedrich II Grand Duke of Baldwin she rejected both princes the Hessian Court had a special relationship with the Russian Court Elizabeth's great aunt Empress Maria alexandrovna of Russia regularly visited her Homeland and was accompanied by her two youngest sons Sergey and Paul Elizabeth and Sergey got to know each other well and Elizabeth fell in love with Sergey Queen Victoria was against the match mostly due to her strong dislike for all things Russian despite this Sergey proposed to Elizabeth in 1883 and she accepted the wedding was held on the 15th of June 1884 at the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg Russia two ceremonies one Lutheran and one Russian Orthodox were held Queen Victoria did not attend the wedding and was represented by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh her two eldest sons and Elizabeth's uncles after her wedding Elizabeth was known as Grand Duchess Elizabeth federovna a couple spent their honeymoon in sergey's country station then settled as Sergey Palace they also lived on the grounds of peterhof Sergey and Elizabeth had no biological children it's not clear whether they ever consummated their marriage as Sergey was gay they later took in the children of sergey's brother Paul Maria and Dimitri their mother had died in childbirth in 1891 and their father had entered into a second marriage this time a morganotic marriage Paul was banished from Russia as a result his children were not allowed to go with him and they were placed in the care of Elizabeth and Sergey Elizabeth and Sergey were close to sergey's brother Alexander III and his wife Maria federovna born dogma of Denmark they often represented the Tsar abroad such as that Queen Victoria's gone Jubilee and the consecration of the church of Saint Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem in 1894 Elizabeth's youngest surviving sister Alex married sergey's nephew Nicholas II in 1891 Sergey was appointed governor general of Moscow and he would be appointed to the Imperial State Council and be made commander of the Moscow military District in 1894 Nicholas became the tsar and over the next 11 years Sergey became more disenchanted with the policies of his nephew he resigned from his position as Governor General on the 1st of January 1905. on the 17th of February 1905 Sergey was assassinated he was on route to the governor-general's mansion to clear out his offer when a bomb was thrown into his couch right onto his lap he was killed instantly his assassin Ivan kaliev was arrested and executed Elizabeth forgave him and campaigned for him to be pardoned it was unsuccessful Elizabeth converted to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1891. in 1909 Elizabeth sold all her possessions and used the proceeds to open the convent of saints Martha and Mary she became its Albus a Hospital Pharmacy an orphanage were opened in the convent and Elizabeth and the nuns spent their time serving the poor of Moscow Elizabeth last saw her sister Victoria in 1914 right before the first World War began they would not see each other alive again after the Russian Revolution Elizabeth was arrested in 1918 by the bolshevix and was sent to the girls where she was joined by other members of the Russian imperial family they were later taken to alopec on the 18th of July 1918 the day after Elizabeth's sister Alex and her entire family were assassinated Elizabeth and those with her were thrown into a mine shaft one of the group Grand Duke Sergey michelevich died from the fall hand grenades were thrown in after them only one died from the grenades the rest began singing hymns eventually wooden brush were set on fire and thrown into the mine shaft all would eventually die from their wounds three months later the white Army found the remains of the victims and Elizabeth's remains were interned at Saint Mary magdalene's convent Elizabeth was canonized as a saint by the Russian Orthodox church outside of Russia in 1981 and in 1992 by the Moscow patriarchist as the new martyr Elizabeth George V was born on the 3rd of June 1865 in London he was the Second Son of Edward VII and Queen Alexandra the then Prince and Princess of Wales he was a grandchild of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom through his father and Christian IX of Denmark through his mother as the Second Son George was never expected to one day be king George and his older brother Albert Victor were educated together and neither of them excelled academically at the age of 12 George and Albert Victor began training in the Navy and from 1879 both of the brothers served on HMS picant they torched the British Empire together unable to speak French or German their grandmother Queen Victoria sent them to the same which resulted in very little learning of either language as an adult George continued to work in the Navy serving under his uncle Prince Alfred while stationed in Malta he fell in love with his cousin says Marie of Edinburgh their mothers disliked the much Alexandra thought the family to pro-german and Marie's mother disliked England Marie refused George and instead married Ferdinand the future king of Romania in 1891 Albert Victor proposed to Princess Victoria Mary of tech more commonly known as Mary but six weeks later in January 1892 Albert Victor died of pneumonia caused by influenza George was thrust into second in the line of succession Queen Victoria post your grandchild to propose to Mary George and Mary grew closer together during their shared morning and in 1893 George proposed Mary accepted that same year on the 6th of July 1893 George and Mary were wed they remained devoted to each other never being unfaithful George was unable to express how he felt in speech but he wrote many letters to his wife as did she Express in their devotion and love for each other George's career in the Navy ended when he became second in line he was given the title of Duke of York in 1892 and began to receive constitutional history lessons George and Mary would go on to have five sons and adulterer together he and Mary were strict and distant with their children not much different to how royalty raised their children at the time they lived in your cottage on the Sandringham estate and led a simple quiet life on the 22nd of January 1901 Queen Victoria passed away and George's father ascended to the throne George was then given the title of Prince of Wales and toured the British Empire with his wife as Prince of Wales George was given access to State documents unlike how his father had been when he was Prince of Wales and George also allowed his wife to read the papers he valued her advice and she helped him to write speeches George supported reforms in Naval training with Cadets being rolled at the age of 12. and receiving the same education regardless of class these reforms were eventually implemented on 6th of May 1910 Edward VII died and George became king he took the regular name of George V George took offense to the anti-catholic wording of the Ascension declaration that he was supposed to marry in the opening of Parliament he refused to open Parliament unless the offensive phrases were changed and the Ascension declaration Act of 1910 was passed which removed the phrases on the 22nd of June 1911 George and Mary were crowned together at Westminster Abbey that same year they traveled to India for the Delhi durbar where they were crowned Emperor and Emperors of India he was the only emperor of India to actually be present at his own Delhi durbar while in India he expressed disgust at the racial segregation when George came to the throne the people's budget had been rejected by the House of Lords which was unusual as Lords normally did not veto budget bills the Prime Minister attempted to reduce the power of the Lords but it kept being blocked the Prime Minister asked George to Grant another general election and to create sufficient liberal peers if the Lords blocked legislation again George agreed to the distillation and the Parliament Act of 1911 was passed which removed the power of the Lord's DeVito bills on the 4th of August 1914 World War One began Britain and its allies were at war with the German Empire and its allies George and his family were cousins of the German Kaiser and bore German titles in a response to the growing anti-german sentiment at the time George changed the Royal House's surname to Windsor in 1917 an all of his British relatives relinquished their German titles he gave his male relatives British peerages and titles that same year he restricted who could have the style of Royal Highness and who could have the title of Prince or princess by 1919 any of George's relatives who had fought on the German side of the war had their British peerages and titles revoked in 1917 George's first cousin star Nicholas II of Russia was overthrown in the Russian Revolution George initially decided to grant his cousin's Asylum but revoked his offer after fears of Revolution being sparked in the UK the Tsar his wife and children were murdered in 1918. George sent a British warship to Russia to rescue the extended members of the Russian imperial family two months after the end of the first world war Prince John the king's youngest son died at the age of 13 from an epileptic fish his death caused immense grief for both of his parents from 1932 George began to deliver a royal Christmas speech on the radio he would continue this every year by 1935 after 25 years on the throne George was much loved by the British people George's relationship with his Heir Edward or David as he was called in the family deteriorated as the years went down George was disappointed that Edward had failed to settle down and start a family he was appalled by his affairs with married women also in stark contrast he was fond of Albert his second son who had married and had two daughters who George doted on George's Health began to suffer as he aged he smoked heavily and by 1935 he was also taking oxygen the death of a sister Victoria in December 1935 affected him he became depressed and this weekend his already poor health for the middle of January 1936 he grew weaker and drifted in and out of consciousness on the 20th of January 1936 the king's doctor administered a lethal dose of morphine and cocaine to the king put him out of his suffering the royal family were not aware of his actions and the cause of the King's death did not come to light until the 1980s when the doctor's Diaries were published George's eldest son Edward succeeded as Edward VII but abdicated by the end of the year in favor of Albert who ascended the throne as George VI Princess Victoria of Prussia known as Morata in her family Victoria was the second daughter and fifth child born to Frederick III German Emperor and Victoria Princess Royal and German empress born only two months before the tragic death of her brother sigismund Victoria's mother developed a close and intimate relationship with Victoria and her younger siblings Victoria was born on the 12th of April 1866 in Potsdam Victoria's mother chose to raise her younger children herself instead of leaving them in the care of Judas and governesses as she had done for Victoria's older siblings Willem Charlotte and Henry for this reason Victoria and her younger siblings Voldemort Sophia and Margaret were very close to their parents in 1879 when Victoria was 13 her younger brother valdemar died from diphtheria bringing the younger Three Sisters closer together growing up Victoria and her siblings lived in Potsdam and Berlin in 1871 her grandfather Willem the first became German Emperor and her parents became the crown prince and princess of Germany her parents raised their children away from the Berlin Court who disliked the crown princely couple for their liberal beliefs they hoped to instill these beliefs in their children through an education system similar to the one Victoria's mother had been raised in herself much of Victoria's childhood was based on an English upbringing she was raised in a warmer less strict environment to that of her older siblings and Victoria became an active and enthusiastic child as Victoria Grew Older the question of a husband was raised her grandmother Queen Victoria and her mother Victoria both suggested Prince Alexander of battenberg a brother of Prince Henry of battenberg who was married to Victorious and Princess Beatrice Alexander had been chosen as the reigning Prince of Bulgaria in 1879. Alexander visited the Prussian Court in 1881 and Victoria fell head over heels in love with him Victoria's parents were eager for the marriage but Willem the first Victorious grandfather and Chancellor Archer Von vishmark were against the match they felt that the tsar of Russia Alexander III would be offended by the marriage because Russia and Bulgaria were not on good terms Victoria's father became the German emperor in 1888 and it was hoped that Victoria and Alexander would be allowed to marry but Victoria's father died only three months later Victoria's brother Willem became the emperor and on advice from the chancellor he refused to give permission for the marriage the princess was forced to give up on the possibility of marriage to Alexander as time went on Victoria became convinced she would never marry she was not considered to be conventionally beautiful and she took matters into her own hands to improve her appearance she developed an eating disorder starving herself and a greatly concerned her relatives especially her mother her mother sent her to Britain to recover and spend time with her English relatives in June 1890 when Victoria Her Sister Margaret and their mother Victoria visited princess Marie of Viet Victoria met Prince Adolf of Schoenberg LIPA due to bad weather Victoria and the other guests spent much time indoors and during this time Victoria and Adolf got to know each other they became close and eventually married on the 19th of November 1890. Victoria did not love him and only married him so that she would not end up alone they had a long honeymoon traveling throughout Europe and the Mediterranean after suffering a miscarriage early in their marriage they never went on to have any children they had a peaceful marriage and were respectful to each other Adolph and Victoria moved into a neoclassical Palace bought by Adolf called Palais Schoenberg in bomb Victoria was often alone there as Adolf was busy with his military duties she took up Hobbies of decorating tennis and gardening to pass the time however the excessive loneliness caused Victoria to fall into depression and against some control over her circumstances she resumed her drastic dieting from 1895 to 1897 Adolf was Regent of Lipa for Alexander Prince of Lipa who had an intellectual disability Victoria greatly enjoyed her public responsibilities as the wife of the Regent and her mental health improved during this time despite being told he was next in line Adolf was passed over it as Regent and Prince in 1898 Victoria's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and she succumbed to the disease in August 1901. Victoria's grandmother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom also passed away that year the first world war greatly distressed Victoria she adored Britain and was sympathetic to the British cause during the war her husband died in 1916. her brother-in-law the king of the Highlands was deposed in 1918 and she along with other German Nobles and Royals lost their titles under the new Weimar Republic her finances began to dwindle and she wrote A Memoir in 1929 to generate some income in 1927 Victoria met Alexander zubkov a Russian immigrant studying law at the University of Bonn Victoria became infatuated with the young man 35 years her Junior and spent lavishly on him he proposed to her only two months after meeting her and without asking permission Victoria married him she renounced her titles in order to do so and they wed on the 19th of November 1927. it was a royal and Society scandal soon Alexander spent large amounts of Victoria's fortune and combined with his public misconduct and financial troubles led to his deportation from Germany he moved to Luxembourg and worked as wager though Victoria had supported him a first by 1928 she separated from him her own Financial struggles caught up to her and she was forced to auction off nearly everything she owned she moved into a single rented room in the suburbs of Bonn and filed for divorce causing yet another scandal soon after Victoria fell ill with the pneumonia her brother Willem and her sister Margaret attempted to contact her but both were unsuccessful and she passed away on the 13th of November 1929. princess Irene of Hessa and Byron has often been overlooked by history for her more famous sisters Elizabeth and Alex who both married into the Russian imperial family and lost their lives at the hands of the Bolsheviks not being as well known would have suited Irene who preferred to live her life out of the spotlight princess Irene of Hessa and Byron was born on the 11th of July 1866 at the new Palace in darmstadt she was the third child of Princess Alice of the United Kingdom and Louis IV Grand Duke of Hassan by Rhine Irene had six siblings Victoria Elizabeth Ernest Louis Friedrich Alex and Marie Friedrich and Marie would both Die Young Friedrich from a cerebral hemorrhage and Marie from diphtheria Irene was born at the end of the austropussion war and was named Irene which was taken from the Greek word for peace Irene's childhood was mostly happy with her mother being Hands-On in the care of her children Irene and her siblings received a strict education and were encouraged to be humble they lived modestly during their own chores and their mother sewed their clothes for them their mother spoke to them in English and their father in German which helped them to become fluent in both languages in 1873 Irene's youngest brother Friedrich was diagnosed with hemophilia which came as a shock to the royal families throughout Europe Friedrich was the first descendant of Queen Victoria since Prince Leopold one of Queen Victoria's Sons to be born with hemophilia and it indicated that the bleeding disorder was hereditary he would die only months after being diagnosed after falling out a window onto Stone steps tragedy would strike the family again in 1878. members of Irene's Family include Irene herself fell ill with diphtheria on the 16th of November 1878 Irene's youngest sibling Marie died and less than a month later Irene's mother also died Irene and her siblings would spend the subsequent years under the supervision of their maternal grandmother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom the queen became close to her hussian grandchildren becoming a sort of mother to them following the marriages of her two older sisters in 1884. Irene became her father's companion and served as Hostess artificial events growing up Irene visited her cousins often and became close to her cousin Prince Henry of Prussia they fell in love and got married on the 24th of May 1888 at the charlottenburg palace in Berlin Queen Victoria had not been informed of their courtship until they had decided to marry and was not happy to say the least at the time of the wedding Henry's father the German Emperor was dying of throat cancer and would die only a month later they had three sons valdemar sigismund and einrich their two eldest Sons were named after Henry's deceased brothers who had both died as children Irene was a carrier of the hemophilia Gene and passed it onto two of her sons Voldemort and einrich Heinrich died at the age of four after a fall and Voldemort died after being unable to receive a blood transfusion during the second world war because of their Pleasant personalities Irene and Henry were often referred to as the very amuables by their relatives in 1894 they bought hamelmark an estate in slasher Colston as it was near Henry's military base Hermel Mark served as their family home the Hessian siblings were very close to each other so their marriage is separated them by distance they remained close and visited each other as often as they could during the first world war Irene and her sisters were separated being on opposite sides of the war and unable to communicate with each other it wasn't until the end of the war that Irene learned of the murders of her sisters Elizabeth and Alex as well as Alex's entire family Irene's brother-in-law Wilhelm II was forced abdicated this time as well which brought an end to the German Empire Irene and Henry continued to live in Germany in 1920 Irene met Anna Anderson who claimed to be her niece Anastasia the daughter of Tsar Nicholas II and Serena Alexandra although Irene held out hope that her nieces and nephew had survived she knew that this woman was a fake and it caused Irene much distress DNA evidence would later prove that Anderson was not Anastasia following her husband's death in 1929 Irene continued to live in hermal mark many more losses occurred in the 1930s her brother Ernest Louis died in 1937 followed by his widow his Elder son his daughter-in-law and two of his grandsons only two years later the second world war would break out once again separating Irene and her only remaining sibling Victoria following the war and her sister's death in 1950. Irene spent her remaining years in the company of her granddaughter princess Barbara of Prussia on the 11th of November 1953 Irene passed away at Hamel Mark with Barbara by her side Princess Louise Princess Royal and Duchess of five was the eldest daughter and third child of Edward VII of the United Kingdom and Alexander of Denmark known for being shy and quiet Louise was a low-key member of the British royal family Louise's birth was not without difficulty her mother Alexandra became ill with rheumatic fever during her pregnancy her mother was encouraged not to use chloroform a painkiller during the labor because the doctors felt it would worsen the Princess of Wales condition the labor was painful as a result when Louise entered the world on the 20th of February 1867. Louise grew up with three brothers and two sisters Albert Victor George Victoria Marge and Alexander John tragically Alexander John passed away at one day old Louise was the granddaughter of two European monarchs Christian IX of Denmark and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom unlike their mother Louise and her sisters were not considered to be conventionally beautiful and they were nicknamed The Hags they received a minimal education the sisters were shy and quiet in public and they often appeared to be quite withdrawn however in private they were Lively and flourished being possessive of Louise and her sisters their mother did not want them to marry despite attempts to keep her daughters by her side unmarried Louise married Alexander Duff sixth Earl Fife on the 27th of July 1889 at the age of 22. he was 17 years older than her and her third cousin through their Mutual ancestor George III of the United Kingdom Alexander's descent was via William IV and his longtime mistress Dorothea Jordan Louise's grandmother Queen Victoria created Alexander the Duke of Fife and Marquez of macduff two days after the wedding despite their significant age difference they were well matched and led a loving married life together after their honeymoon they settled down in the Duke's country estate in Scotland Louise soon became an expert at salmon fishing the couple had three children together Alistair Alexandra and March Alistair was stillborn in 1900 when it became apparent that the Duke and Duchess were unlikely to have any more children and thus no son to inherit the Duke Dum Queen Victoria issued an unusual letters patent for the time Queen Victoria created a second Duke Dum of five along with the earldom of McDuff with a special remainder in the event that there was no male Heir the peerages would pass to the daughters of the first Duke and then to their male descendants in 1901 Queen Victoria passed away and Louise's father became Edward VII in 1905 Louise was created Princess Royal and her daughters were granted the title of princess with the style of highness the King was discouraged from doing this but he ordered that to be done Prince George Prince of Wales Louise's brother and the Future King George V was disturbed by this act in December 1911 Louis and her family set off to spend the winter in Egypt and Sudan where the weather was more beneficial to Louise's Health their ship went to ground off the coast of Morocco and they were Shipwrecked the Duke develops pneumonia and died on the 29th of January 1912 in Egypt Alexandra succeeded as The Duchess of five in her own right after this Louise led a somewhat reclusive life she would occasionally accompany her mother and her sister Victoria to public events in her later years Louise suffered from heart disease in October 1929 she fell ill with gastric Hemorrhage and was treated for it in London 15 months later she passed away in her sleep on the 4th of January 1931. Prince Christian Victor slash Rick Holstein was the eldest child of Princess Helena of the United Kingdom and Prince Christian of slushwick Holstein he was a grandchild of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Christian Duke of augustenborg he was born on the 14th of April 1867 at Windsor Castle Christian Victor had five siblings when it was stillborn and another named Harold died when he was eight days old his surviving siblings were Albert Helena Victoria and Mary Louise Christian Victor was nicknamed Christy the family-led acquired life a Cumberland Lodge near his maternal grandmother Queen Victoria whom the slash ricklestein children were very close to Christian Victor was the first member of the British royal family to attend school and he attended lambrook Wellington college and the Magdalene college at the University of Oxford he then entered the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst he was skilled a cricket and served as the captain of the cricket teams at Wellington Magdalene and Sanders even played for I zingari in 1887. in 1888 Christian Victor left sundurst and became a soap-altern in the king's Royal rifles he participated in different Expeditions returning from the Ashanti expedition in 1895 when he returned he was elevated to the rank of major and served under Lord Kitchener in the Battle of Enderman in 1898. in 1899 he served in the second Bower War while stationed in South Africa Prince Christian Victor fell ill with malaria and eventually died from enteric fever on the 29th of October 1900. Christian Victor's death shocked his family at the wishes of his grandmother Queen Victoria who was buried in a soldier's grave in Pretoria South Africa Prince Voldemort of Prussia was the youngest son of Frederick III German Emperor and Victoria Princess Royal and German empress known for his fun-loving character and born on the 28th wedding anniversary of his maternal grandparents Prince valdemar passed away from diphtheria at the age of 11. Prince valdemar of Prussia was born in the crown Prince's Palace in Berlin on the 10th of February 1868. his birth came 20 months after the tragic death of his older brother sigismund voldemara's mother Victoria was overjoyed by his birth and wrote to her husband to tell him of how happy she was to have such a dear little creature to hold a nurse Voldemort quickly took sigismund's place as Victoria's favorite son and Victoria hoped he would be everything his older brother selum and Henry were not valdemar had seven siblings Willem Charlotte Henry sigismund Victoria Sophia and Margaret Voldemort loved to visit his maternal grandmother Queen Victoria at her home Osborne house on the Isle of Wight off the coast of the United Kingdom Voldemort collected rocks and minerals that his mother labeled for him and placed in the Swiss Cottage where she had played and learned to cook as the child Voldemort reminded Queen Victoria of her deceased husband Prince Albert due to Voldemort's love of Natural Science voldemar was a spirited young boy during one visit to Osborne house Voldemort placed his pet Bob in his grandmother's study Bob was a small crocodile and he gave the queen quite the scare all was well after Voldemort retrieved his crocodile in February 1879 Voldemort celebrated his 11th birthday little over a month later Voldemort complained of a sore throat he was diagnosed with diphtheria diphtheria is a bacterial infection which affects the mucous membranes of the nose and throat it typically presents with a sore throat fever swelling glands and malaise the mucus can block the throat and cause the person to struggle to breathe diphtheria is rare in today's world due to vaccinations and if contracted there are treatments available however in 1879 diphtheria was not curable and many patients succumbed to the disease this was the case in December 1878 when Voldemort's Aunt Alice Grand Duchess of Hess and her daughter Marie both died of diphtheria Victoria took all precautions known to help at the time she washed valdemar daily in a bath of hot vinegar and water and changed to sheets and clothes daily she would wash his clothes in carbolic acid Victoria also covered her own clothing and sprayed herself with carbolic acid after tending to her son though he appeared to be improving Voldemort deteriorated on the 26th of March 1879 and passed away shortly after midnight on the 27th of March 1879. Victoria was devastated by Voldemort's death she wrote of how she would grieve for the rest of her life for him and that she could not comprehend how valdemar was no longer around was buried with one of his mother's nightgowns covering him and one of his father Frederick's handkerchiefs covering his face the funeral service was held in New Palace which was attended by household staff Voldemort's teachers and family friends Victoria did not attend the funeral was buried beside his brother sigismund Princess Victoria of the United Kingdom was the second daughter and fourth child of Edward VII of the United Kingdom and Alexandra of Denmark known as Toria in the family she was a favorite sister of George V Victoria was born on the 6th of July 1868. she grew up with five siblings Albert Victor George Louise Maude and Alexander John tragically Alexander John passed away when he was only one day old Victoria was close to her sisters they were not conventionally beautiful and developed shy personalities as a result they received a minimal education Victoria would spend summer time in Denmark her mother's Homeland their mother Alexandra was possessive of her daughters and did everything she could to prevent them from marrying and leaving her Victoria did have several suitors including Prince Adolphus of tech Sir Arthur Davidson an Archibald Primrose fifth Earl of Roseberry in his youth Tsar Nicholas II of Russia was in love with Victoria loving her for her seriousness and unfeminine mind another seizure included the future Christian the tenth of Denmark she rejected him which displeased both of her parents even her mother who was opposed to her daughter's marrying Archibald Primrose fifth Earl of Rosemary and Victoria held Mutual affection for each other and they would have liked to have married however Victoria's mother discouraged her from marrying anyone and Victoria took this to harsh she remained her mother's companion until Alexander's death in 1925. Victoria was a passionate photographer and compiled several albums of family photographs some of which went on display at exhibitions Victoria adored animals and even tamed a pigeon which she would take with her on walks throughout her life Victoria was very close to her brother George and they maintained a warm loving relationship in adulthood they would share daily phone calls George would pass away only a month after Victoria Victoria was close to both of her parents she accompanied them during their official events and ceremonies when Victoria's mother died in 1925 Victoria was finally able to live her own life at long last she purchased a home for herself in bucknhamshire and became an active member of Village Life in the village of Iver in her will she left her home to her nephew Prince George Duke of Kent in her final Year's Victoria suffered from neuralgia migraines indigestion and depression she passed away on the 3rd of December 1935. Ernst Louis Grand Duke of Hessa and by Brian was the last reigning Grand Duke of hersa and Byron Ernst Louis Grand Duke of Hessa and Byron was born on the 25th of November 1868 in darmstadt he was the third child an elder son of Princess Alice of the United Kingdom and Louis IV Grand Duke of Hessa and by Brian Ernst Louis had six siblings Victoria Elizabeth Irene Friedrich Alex and Marie Friedrich and Marie both died young Friedrich from a cerebral hemorrhage and Marie from diphtheria Ernst Louis and his siblings received a strict education and were encouraged to be humble they lived modestly doing their own chores and their mother sewed their clothes for them their mother spoke to them in English and their father in German which helped them to become fluent in both languages in 1873 Ernst Louis's only brother Friedrich was diagnosed with hemophilia which came as a shock to the royal families throughout Europe Friedrich was the first descendant of Queen Victoria since Prince Leopold one of Queen Victoria's Sons to be diagnosed with hemophilia and it indicated that the bleeding disorder was hereditary he died only months later after falling out of a window on the stone steps the death of his brother at such a young age caused Ernst Louis to develop a lifelong fear of death and in particular dying alone in 1878 members of Ernst Louis immediate family including Ernst Louis himself fell ill with diphtheria on the 16th of November 1878 Ernst Louis youngest sibling Marie died his mother did not tell her children until early December once they were starting to recover when she told Ernst Louis he was overcome with immense grief and to console him Alice kissed his forehead Alice fell ill from this Contracting diphtheria herself and she passed away on the 14th of December 1878. Ernst Louis and his siblings would spend the subsequent years under the supervision of their maternal grandmother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom the queen became close to her has seen grandchildren becoming a sort of mother to them Ernst Louis older sisters also helped to contribute to his upbringing and he remained close to his two eldest sisters Victoria and Elizabeth in 1885 Ernst Louis began serving with the first Hessian Infantry Regiment as a sub Lieutenant becoming a first lieutenant in 1889 following this he attended the University of Leipzig and the University of giessen following his father's example in 1891 Ernst Louis was attached to the first Prussian Regiment of foot guards at Potsdam following a year his father passed away and Ernst Louis became the Grand Duke of Hessa and Byron having grown up seeing her often after being encouraged by Queen Victoria Ernst Louis and Princess Victoria militia of sax Cobra and gotha got married on the 9th of April 1894. their marriage turned out to be an unhappy one as they shared little in common and grew to resent each other they had two children together Elizabeth and a stillborn son they wanted to divorce but Queen Victoria was against this following Queen Victoria's death in January 1901 they separated and were divorced by December 1901. following the wedding of his niece Princess Alice of battenberg in October 1903 Prince and his daughter went to visit the Russian imperial family at their hunting lodge in Poland while there Elizabeth fell ill and she quickly deteriorated a telegram was sent to her mother to come quickly but the telegram would arrive too late Elizabeth died on the 16th of November 1903 the same day as her aunt had died 25 years previous rumors started circulating that she had been poisoned by eating something which was intended for Nicholas II but it was proven to have been typhoid which caused Elizabeth's death Ernst de Louis was distraught his daughter had been the sunshine of his life Ernst Louis would Leisure marry princess Eleanor of Psalms hohen Psalms lick on the 2nd of February 1905 they had a very happy marriage and had two sons together George and Louis during the first world war Ernst Louis was on the opposite side of the war from his siblings during the war Ernst Louis served as a general of the Infantry at Kaiser Wilhelm II headquarters two of his sisters Elizabeth and Alex were killed by the Bolsheviks in 1918 which devastated all her remaining siblings the Hessian siblings had been very close to each other though their marriages and the war had separated them they still care deeply about each other a few months later Ernst Louis lost his Grand juggle Throne on the 9th of November 1918 which he had refused to give up unlike many of its German counterparts he was allowed to stay in Hessa and keep several of his properties life after the war was mostly peaceful for Ernst Louis he passed away in the 9th of October 1937 from lung cancer a month later Eleanor George his daughter-in-law and grand niece Cecily and his grandsons Louis and Alexander died in a plane crash on the 16th of November 1937. the same day that his sister Marie had died in 1878 and his daughter Elizabeth had died in 1903. Prince Albert Jacob's last week Holstein was the Second Son of Princess Helena of the United Kingdom and Prince Christian of Slash wicklestein he was born on the 26th of February 1869 a Frogmore house in Windsor England Albert had five siblings but one was stillborn and another named Harold died when he was eight days old his surviving siblings were Christian Victor Helena Victoria and Mary Louise the family led a quiet life at Cumberland Lodge near his maternal grandmother Queen Victoria whom the slash Rick Holstein children were very close to Albert was known as Abby by his family he attended lambrook like his brother however unlike his brother Albert joined the Prussian Army and reached the rank of lieutenant colonel during the first world war Albert refused to fight against the British and his cousin Wilhelm II German Emperor and King of Prussia excused him from active service Albert spent the Warriors serving on the staff of the governor of Berlin at the end of the war Albert became Heir Apparent to his childless cousin Ernst Gunther II Duke of Slash Rick Holstein a brother of the German Empress Augusta Victoria in 1921 Albert succeeded to the Duke dum the title was merely in pretense due to the duchies being annexed by Prussia in 1866. Albert never married like most of his siblings however unlike all of his siblings he had a child before his death Albert told his sisters about his daughter Valerie Marie whom had been born in 1900 out of wedlock he wrote to her acknowledging that he was her father however he never disclosed who her mother was at Birth she had been placed for adoption with Anne Rosenthal and her husband Reuben schwalp who were of Jewish descent years later when Valerie Marie was planning to marry the Duke of Arenberg the acknowledgment became very important during the 1930s and well into the 1940s the laws in place at the time in Germany were very discriminatory towards Jewish people Jewish people were only allowed to marry people who had Jewish descent since Valerie Marie had been adopted by people of Jewish descent she needed to prove that she did not have any Jewish descent in order to marry the Duke of aaronberg who did not have any Jewish descent Valerie Marie's aunts signed a statement attesting to her paternal lineage and she was allowed to marry the Duke shortly after Albert acknowledged Valerie Maria's daughter he passed away on the 27th of April 1931. mod queen of Norway was the youngest daughter of Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark she became Queen consort of Norway through her marriage to hack on the 7th of Norway Maude was born on the 26th of November 1869. her siblings were Albert Victor George Louise Victoria and Alexander John tragically Alexander John passed away at one day old as a child Marge was the most cheerful of her sisters she was a tomboy and was nicknamed Harry she and her sisters received a minimal education as a young woman Maude fell in love with Prince Francis of tech but he did not share her feelings she and her family would visit Denmark every summer during these visits she became close to her cousin Prince Carl of Denmark the future hakon VII of Norway they fell in love and were wed on the 22nd of July 1896. Mart's father Albert the future Edward VII gave them Appleton house on the Sandringham estate for mod to use when visiting England they spent their honeymoon in Appleton house Maude was reluctant to leave England so the couple continued to live in England for five months after the wedding they moved to Denmark in December 1896 and took up residence in burnsdorf Palace found the Danish Winters unbearable and visited England as often as she could seven years after their wedding mod gave birth to their only child Alexander in 1903. two years later the union between Sweden and Norway ended and the Norwegian government began searching for candidates to become the king of Norway Carl was chosen due to his descent from previous Norwegian monarchs and his marriage to a British princess before he accepted the kingship Carl insisted a referendum be held so that the Norwegian people could have a say in whether or not they wanted to retain the monarchy after it became clear that the Norwegian people were in favor of a monarchy being retained with Carl as the Monarch Carl accepted the throne he arrived in Norway on the 25th of November 1905 and took the oath as King two days later he took the name hack on the seventh and his two-year-old son was renamed Olaf Martin Carl were crowned king and queen on the 22nd of June 1906. modern Coral ensured their son would be raised in Norway as a Norwegian and that he would learn the language mod herself never became fluent in Norwegian and she never gave up her love for England she did fulfill her duties as Queen of Norway becoming active in women's rights and the welfare of unmarried women she founded the Queen's Relief Committee during the first world war to assist people in difficult circumstances her last public appearance in the United Kingdom was in 1937 during the coronation of her grand nephew George VI in October 1938 while staying in London she fell ill and had to have abdominal surgery she survived the surgery but died on the 20th of November 1938. six days before her 69th birthday from heart failure her remains were transported to Norway where she was buried mod was the last surviving child of Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark her husband would survive her by 19 years princess Helena Victoria of slushwick Holstein was born on the 3rd of May 1870 in Frogmore house she was the third child and eldest daughter of Princess Helena of the United Kingdom and Prince Christian of Slasher kolstein she was named Victoria Louise Sophia Augusta Amelia Helena but was known as Helena Victoria she was nicknamed Thora by her family she lived near her maternal grandmother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and had a close relationship with her Helena Victoria had five siblings but only three survived adulthood they were Christian Victor Albert and Mary Louise Helena Victoria enjoyed a quiet family life and was educated at home with her sister from a young age the sisters were brought up to appreciate the needs of those less fortunate and would accompany their mother on visits to Hospitals and Clinics Helena Victoria never married and remained in her family home there was talk of a possible marriage between Helena Victoria with Prince Ernst of ho lo langenberg but nothing ever came of this Helena Victoria followed her mother's example and got involved in many Charities and organizations such as the YMCA YWCA and Princess Christian's nursing home she also supported the Arts and held concerts at her home sometimes she assisted her aunt Princess Beatrice in serving as an unofficial Secretary of her grandmother Queen Victoria during the first world war Helena Victoria and her family lived in cumberton Lodge and typically spent Sundays with King George V and Queen Mary in 1917 the king asked his family members to relinquish their German titles which Helena Victoria and her family did she did retain her princess title but simply dropped the slash recall star designation becoming known as Princess Helena Victoria in 1917 Helena Victoria's father passed away and in 1923 her mother passed away Helena Victoria and her sister divided their mother's Charities between them Hannah Victoria became the president of Princess Helena college and continued her work with Princess Christian's nursing home she often presented the trophies at the Davis Cup to Ennis tournament during the second world war Helena Victoria and her sister took up residence in a flat of the home of Lady Grace Weigel near Ascot before moving into bantridge park with their aunt Princess Beatrice after the war they moved into 10 for s'mores place in Berkeley Square her last years were spent quietly she made her last public appearance in 1947 for the wedding of Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom later Queen Elizabeth II to Philip mountbatten Leisure Prince Philip Jacob Edinburgh on the 13th of March 1948 princess Helena Victoria died she was buried beside her parents in the Royal burial grounded Frogmore Sophia Queen of the Helens born Princess Sofia of Prussia her parents were Frederick III German Emperor and Victoria Princess Royal and German empress as Queen of the Helens she found it difficult to adapt to her new country but found solace in helping the poor and Ill Sophia was a granddaughter of both Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and King Willem the first of Prussia German emperor she was born on the 14th of June 1870 and was the seventh child of eight children born to the Dan Crown prince and princess of Prussia Sophia had seven siblings one of whom passed away before she was born Willem Charlotte Henry sigismund Victoria valdemar and Margaret and her sisters Victoria and Margaret were particularly close to their mother Victoria their mother had a difficult relationship with her eldest three children Sophia grew up in a loving and warm home in two main residences New Palace and the Crown Prince Palace as her parents were liberals they lived away from the Prussian court with their children due to the very conservative nature of course shortly after Sophia's birth the Spanish succession was revealed which damaged franco-prussian relations the relationship between the two countries worsened further when Chancellor Otto von Bismarck the Prussian Chancellor published the humiliating Ms Telegram and six days later Napoleon III emperor of the French declared war on Prussia the German Confederation offered support to Prussia around this time Sophia was baptized and the event was sad and serious due to all the men present wearing full uniforms the War lasted only a few months but led to Sophia's grandfather Willem the first being installed as the first German Emperor on the 18th of January 1871. Sophia's childhood was mostly happy she was nicknamed Saucy due to Big age gaps between the older and younger Children of the crown princely couple their parents grouped them into two different groups Willem Charlotte and Henry were grouped into one group and were favorites of their paternal grandparents while Victoria valdemar Sophia and Margaret were grouped together and were favored by their parents in 1879 Sophia's older brother Voldemort died of diphtheria and this event drew the crown princess and her three younger daughters closer together Victoria believed in English superiority and had her children's nurseries modeled on her childhood Sophia was raised with a great love for England and had frequent trips to visit Queen Victoria her grandmother whom she loved the children spent long periods of time in England Sophia and the younger Children of the crown princely couple were largely ignored by the paternal grandparents and Sophia's early years were shaped by her parents and grandmother Queen Victoria Sophia grew attached to her grandmother and Victoria the Crown Princess did not hesitate to leave her daughter in her grandmother's care for extended periods of time in 1887 Queen Victoria celebrated her golden jubilee at this event many members of European royalty arrived in England Sophia met Crown Prince Constantine of Grace and grew close to him the not right Queen Victoria wrote to her daughter saying that a good heart and a good character went far beyond that of cleverness nine months later Sophia's grandfather passed away and her father became the German emperor however he passed away one day after Sophia's 18th birthday in June 1888. her older brother Willem became the emperor shortly after her father's death Sophia and Constantine became engaged they had the approval of Willem but Victoria dreaded sending her daughter so far away and believed that the Greek Throne was unstable nevertheless the couple were wed on the 27th of October 1889 in Athens they had both Greek Orthodox and Lutheran services they settled into a small Villa while their new home the Crown Prince Palace was being built Sophia and Constantine had six children together George Alexander Helen Paul Irene and Catherine Catherine was born nine years after Irene the Greek Romanian Serbian and Spanish royal families all descend from their marriage they lived a simple life as the Greek courseh was fire removed from protocol however Sophia found life monotonous and had difficulty adjusting to her new life during her time in Greece she learned modern Greek although it took her many years to become completely fluent and after the birth of their eldest son Sophia converted to the Orthodox faith this move was popular among the Greeks and the Greek royal family now she had support from her grandmother and mother the German royal family were largely outraged and against the conversion Sophia and Willem were never on good terms from then on as Crown Princess and Laser Queen Sophia took an interest in healthcare hygiene improvements and the school system of Greece she was actively involved in social work and led various initiatives to improve the welfare of her new country in 1896 she founded the union of Greek women which was very active in assisting refugees from the Ottoman Empire during a 30 Days War Sophia and other female members of the Greek Roa family actively worked with the Greek Red Cross to help wounded soldiers she founded field hospitals visited the wounded and administered care to the victims of the fighting the act of participation of Sophia and her mother-in-law Queen Olga in aiding victims through admiration from other European courts as a reward for their efforts Queen Victoria bestowed them with the Royal Red Cross after the war a powerful anti-monarchist movement developed in Greece several weeks after the pastry she was signed between Greece and the Ottoman Empire the King George the first was almost assassinated he was mostly unharmed as the situation became more tense Constantine and Sophia moved abroad and lived in Prussia they later returned in 1899 to Greece in 1901 both Sophia's grandmother Queen Victoria and her mother died Sophia was deeply affected by the death of both of her closest relatives on March 18 1913 Sophia's father-in-law George the first was assassinated and Constantine became the king as Constantine the first though popular at first because of his successes in the war against turkey and Bulgaria after World War one broke out the tide turned against him Grace had signed a treaty with Serbia in 1913 which stated that Greece would help Serbia if attacked by Bulgaria which happened this led to disagreements between the king and the government as a result Constantine was forced to abdicate his throne in 1917 and his second son Alexander was installed as king Constantine and his family went into Exile in Switzerland the Crown Prince and Prince Alexander were both suspected of collaborating with the Germans Alexander ruled as king from 1917 until 1920 after dying from a monkey bite Sophia's third son Paul was asked to be king but he declined said Constantine was brought back after government change and a referendum was held Greece was defeated by turkey in 1922 and Constantine was forced to abdicate again the following year Constantine died from a brain hemorrhage George then reigned from 1925 when he was forced to abdicate and again in 1936 when the monarchy was restored he reigned until his death in 1947. Paul was then installed as king all three of Sophia's sons became Kings of Greece Sophia spent her last years in Florence Italy she passed away at the age of 61 on the 13th of January 1932 in Germany where she had been undergoing treatment for cancer she was buried alongside her husband in Florence after the monarchy was restored Sophia and Constantine's remains were transferred to Greece and buried in the Royal Cemetery at tatawi Palace Prince Friedrich of Hessa and my Rhine was born on the 7th of October 1870 at the new Palace in darmstadt he was the fifth child and youngest son of Princess Alice of the United Kingdom and Louis IV Grand Duke of Hessa and by Ryan he had six siblings Victoria Elizabeth Irene Ernst Louis Alex and Marie Marie was born after friedrich's death Friedrich was a cheerful and Lively child and he was his mother's favorite son following a cut to his ear in February 1873 Friedrich was diagnosed with hemophilia this came as a shock to the royal families throughout Europe Friedrich was the first descendant of Queen Victoria since Prince Leopold one of Queen Victoria's Sons to be born with hemophilia it indicated that the bleeding disorder was hereditary only three months later in May 1873 Friedrich and Ernst Louis were playing in their mother's bedroom in the new Palace Ernst Louis went into another room to look through the window and his mother went into another room to get Ernst Louis Friedrich was still in the other room and climbed up onto a chair to look out the window to see Ernst Louis the chair tipped and Friedrich fell out the window to the ground below Friedrich survived the fall and might have lived had he not had hemophilia he died hours later on the 29th of May 1873 from a brain hemorrhage for years after friedrich's death his distraught mother often prayed at his grave a marked anniversaries of the small events in his life Prince Alexander John of Wales was the youngest child of Edward VII of the United Kingdom and Alexander of Denmark he was born premature on the 6th of April 1871 in Sandringham house due to being born premature he was a sickly baby and passed away less than a day later on the 7th of April 1871. Margaret land gravine of Hess born Princess Margaret of Prussia she was the last child born to Frederick III German Emperor and Victoria Princess Royal and German empress she was nicknamed Marcy for her most-like hair as a child Margaret was a granddaughter of both Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Kaiser Willem the first German emperor she was born on the 22nd of April 1872 in New Palace in Potsdam she was closest to her older sisters Victoria and Sophia and had seven siblings two of whom died young Willem Charlotte Henry sigismund Victoria voldemar and Sophia Margaret grew up in a loving home and was deeply attached to both of her parents she was one of the most popular members of her family and had good relations with many of her International family members as she matured into an adult she was said to have resembled her deceased Aunt Alice Grand Duchess of Hassan by Ryan when Margaret was 16 her father died of throat cancer and her brother Willem became the German emperor as a young woman Margaret was attracted to Prince maximilium a badon but he did not reciprocate her affection she turned her attention to Prince Frederick Charles of Hess the future head of the Hess Castle Dynasty and future elected king of Finland they were married on the 25th of January 1893. when they wed Frederick was not the head of the House of Hess Castle his brother was but he relinquished it in the mid-1920s in order to enter a Morgan attic marriage Frederick was addressed as His Highness while his wife was addressed as her Royal Highness disparity came to an end in 1925 when Frederick became the land grave of Hess at first Margaret's brother refused to give permission for the marriage as he felt the Frederick was too minor of a royal for a Kaiser's sister but Leisure gave his Blessing as he saw Margaret as unimportant too the marriage was happy and they lived in slosh rompenheim in 1901 Margaret's mother died and she inherited her mother's house the family moved into the home during their marriage they had six Sons including two sets of twins Friedrich Willem Maximilian Philip Wolfgang Richard and Kristoff in 1918 Margaret's husband accepted the position of king of Finland but due to the outcome of world war one he renounced it during both the world wars three of Margaret's sons died Friedrich Wilhelm and Maximilian died in the first World War two of her other Sons Philip and Kristoff became Nazis and Margaret even invited Adolf Hitler to tea and flew swastikas from her home Philip married Princess mafalda the daughter of King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy and due to his close relations to the king of Italy Philip was appointed to Hitler's personal staff when Philip realized the true reality of Nazism he attempted to resign he was not allowed to do so so he used his position to provide passports for Jewish people fleeing Germany after discovering this Hitler had him imprisoned in a concentration camp along with his wife his wife died while in a concentration camp Margaret's fifth son Christoph was married to princess Sophie of Greece Prince Philip Duke of edinburgh's sister and he died during a plane crash in 1943. Margaret also lost a daughter-in-law during the war Princess Mary Alexandra the wife of Wolfgang was killed in a bomb attack along with seven other Aid women in 1944. during the second world war Margaret took care of her grandchildren and tried to preserve her home at friedrichshof after the war many more difficulties would occur in 1945 over 2 billion pounds worth of jewelry was stolen from her home and her home was used as an officer's club by the military authorities during the American occupation the theft was discovered when Princess Sophie wanted to use it for her wedding the theft was reported and the culprits imprisoned in 1951 but only 10 of the jewelry was eventually recovered Margaret was the last child of her parents to pass away she died on the 22nd of January 1954 14 years after her husband and 53 years to the day after her British grandmother Queen Victoria she was 81 years old born Princess Alex of hersa and Bovine Alexandra federovna Serena of Russia was born on the 6th of June 1872 at the new Palace in darmstadt she was the sixth child of Princess Alice of the United Kingdom and Louis IV Grand Duke of Hessa and Byron Alex had six siblings Victoria Elizabeth Irene Ernst Louis faredric and Marie Friedrich and Marie both died young Friedrich from a cerebral hemorrhage and Marie from diphtheria in 1873 Alex's older brother Friedrich was diagnosed with hemophilia he would die only months later after falling out of a window onto Stone steps Alex was nicknamed Sunny by her family by all accounts she was a very happy child she was close to her brother Ernst Louis and would remain so throughout her life as a young girl she was very close to her younger sister Marie they shared a nursery together and were often dressed identical the family lived a very simple life they were not wealthy compared to other royal families her mother was hands on in the care of her children and the siblings received strict education and were encouraged to be humble they lived modestly doing their own chores and their mother sewed for them their mother spoke to them in English and their father in German which helped them to become fluent in both languages when her father became the Grand Duke of Hessa and my rhyme the hastian children's lives remained mostly unchanged they spend time each year with their grandmother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom relishing their visits tragedy would strike the family again in 1878. members of Alex's immediate family including Alex herself fell ill with diphtheria on the 16th of November 1878 Alex's youngest sibling Marie died and less than a month later Alex's mother died the surviving siblings spent the subsequent years under the supervision of the maternal grandmother Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom the queen became close to her Hessian grandchildren becoming a sort of mother to them during the wedding of her sister Elizabeth Alex met sirovik Nicholas alexandrovich five years later they fell in love the prospect of marriage was met with opposition from Nicholas's parents and Queen Victoria the tsar and cyrina disliked all things German and wanted a higher profile Bride for their son Queen Victoria liked Nicholas but felt uneasy about her granddaughter marrying into the Russian imperial family that was not Democratic and did not have a constitutional monarchy like Britain which worried Queen Victoria Queen Victoria encouraged Alex to marry Prince Albert Victor of Wales but Alex showed little interest in Albert Victor Queen Victoria's favorite grandchild was Alex and Victoria wanted her to be happy so she gave in to Alex's wishes they became engaged in April 1894 while attending Alex's brother Ernst Louis wedding Alex refused the proposal of first she was a devout Lutheran and would have to convert to Russian Orthodoxy after Elizabeth urged her to reconsider Alex accepted the wedding was planned for the spring of 1895. sadly in the fall of 1894 Alexander III Nicholas's father fell ill Nicholas sent for Alex and she arrived in Russia on the 22nd of October the Tsar gave Alex his Blessing and died 10 days later Nicholas became the star of Russia on the 2nd of November Alex was received into the Orthodox church and took the name Alexandra federovna Nicholas wanted to marry immediately but was persuaded to wait until after the funeral so that some of the Pomp and ceremony of a traditional wedding could go ahead the wedding was quickly rearranged to take place on the 26th of November 1894. they were wed in the grand Church of The Winter Palace they went on to have five children together Olga Tatiana Maria Anastasia and Alexi Alex found her new life in Russia difficult she was extremely shy and the Russian people perceived to this as her being aloof she was an introvert whereas her mother-in-law The Dowager Empress was very outgoing and was loved by the people due to her German background the Russian people also distrusted her this hatred would be magnified during the first world war Alex felt great pressure to have a son in 1904 after four daughters Alex gave birth to her only son Alexi he had hemophilia which caused the empress great pain measures were taken to protect him from harm and hide his illness from the people when it did eventually become public knowledge it led to the Russian people blaming her for The Heirs illness and hating her even more Alex turned to Mystics and Faith healers to help Alexi this led to her disastrous relationship with Gregory Rasputin he appeared to bring Alexi back from the brink of death multiple times which cemented Alex's dependence on Rasputin in December 1916 Rasputin was murdered which devastated Alex during the first world war in March 1917 Nicholas was forced abdicate and the family was placed under house arrest in the Alexander Palace and then to bolsk following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 they removed a Pity of house in Casa reinburg on the 17th of July 1918 the family were woken up during the night and were brought to the basement of the house they were then assassinated their bodies were thrown down a mine before being retrieved and quickly buried in 1979 a masked grave was discovered they were exhumed in 1991 and in 1998 through DNA testing it was confirmed that these remains were those of Nicholas Alexandra and three of their daughters on the 17th of July 1998 80 years to the day of the murders The Remains were interned in Saint Catherine Chapel at the Peter and Paul cathedral in Saint Petersburg the remains of their last two children were not found until 2007 and were positively identified the following year these remains have not been buried despite being confirmed as the authentic bodies of the deceased Russian Royals Princess Mary Louise of Slash Rick Holstein was born on the 12th of August 1872 in Frogmore house she was the fourth child of Princess Helena of the United Kingdom and Prince Christian of Slash Rick Holstein she was named Francisca josepha Louise Augusta Marie Christina Helena but was known as Mary Louise she was nicknamed Louis by her family Mary Louise had five siblings but only three of her siblings survived past infancy they were Christian Victor Albert and Helena Victoria Marie Louise enjoyed a quiet family life and she was educated at home with her sister from a young age the sisters were brought up to appreciate the needs of those less fortunate and would accompany their mother and visits to Hospitals and Clinics Mary Louise had close relationships with many of her cousins the family often spent summer holidays with their cousins in Hessa and she was very close to her cousin Alex of hassa Mary Louise followed her mother's example and got involved in many Charities and organizations Mary Louise met her future husband Prince harrybert of Arnold during the wedding of her cousin Victoria of Prussia her cousin Wilhelm II German Emperor strongly encouraged the relationship in December 1890 the couple announced their engagement and were wed on the 6th of July 1891. though they appeared in love Crocs soon appeared ibert was more focused on his career in the military and had little interest in home life it soon became clear they had very little in common and rarely saw each other as time went on while on a trip to the United States in December 1900 Mary Louise's father-in-law dissolved the marriage between Ari Birch and Mary Louise without her knowledge he had done this on the insistence of aribert who wanted the marriage dissolved it's not clear if they ever consummated their marriage and there has been speculation that ibert may have been gay Mary Louise held her marriage vows as binding and never remarried Mary Louise set up her home in London after the divorce during the first world war Mary Louise lived in Kensington Palace with her aunt Princess Beatrice following the war she moved into Cumberland Lodge with her family in 1917 the king asked his family members to relinquish their German titles which marry Louise and her family did she retained her princess title but dropped the slushwick Holstein designation becoming known as Princess Mary Louise in 1917 Mary Louise's father passed away and six years later in 1923 her mother passed away Mario Louise and her sister divided their mother's Charities between them Mary Louise is best known for having contributed to the creation of Queen Mary's doll's house it is a replica of Royal Palace and it was presented to Queen Mary in 1924. Elijah went on display in Windsor Castle where it remains to this day during the second world war Mario luisler's sister took up residence in a flat of the home of Lady Grace Weigel near Ascot before moving to bantridge park with their aunt Princess Beatrice after the war they moved into 10 fitzmore's place in Berkeley Square Mary Louise's last years were spent quietly following the death of her sister Helena Victoria in 1948 Mary Louise made only occasional appearances in public one of her last public appearances was for the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953. at the suggestion of Elizabeth II Mary Louise began to write her memoirs which were published in 1956. soon after the book was published Princess Mary Louise died at her home on the 8th of December 1956. princess Marie of Hassan by Brian was the youngest child of Princess Alice of the United Kingdom and Libby IV Grand Duke of Hessa and Byron she was nicknamed May by her family she was born on the 24th of May 1874 in the new Palace in darmstadt she had six siblings Victoria Elizabeth Irene Ernst Louis Friedrich and Alex Friedrich passed away from a cerebral hemorrhage just under a year before Marie was born Marie was very close to her sister Alex and the two girls were inseparable sharing a nursery and being dressed identically for the most part Marie's early years were very happy her mother was hands on in the care of her children and the home was loving and warm Marie was described as being enchanting by her mother tragedy would strike the family in 1878. Marie and her family fell ill with diphtheria her sister Elizabeth did not contract the disease and was sent away for her safety Marie's mother quickly stepped into the role as caregiver and nursed both her husband and children Marie fell ill with diphtheria on the 12th of November 1878 and she quickly deteriorated on the 16th of November 1878 Marie succumbed to the disease and passed away her death devastated her brother Ernst Louis who was afraid of death in their mother's efforts to comfort him Alice kissed his forehead This Kiss would be deadly Alice felt ill with diphtheria and passed away on the 14th of December 1878. Alfred hereditary Prince of sax Coburg and gotha was born on the 15th of October 1874 at Buckingham Palace he was the eldest child of Prince Alfred Duke of Edinburgh and Leisure Duke of sacks Coburg gotha and Grand Duchess Maria alexandrovna of Russia Alfred had five siblings but one of his siblings was stillborn his surviving siblings were Marie Victoria militia Alexandra and Beatrice Alfred's father was one day expected to become the next Duke of sax Cobra can gotha so Alfred and his family lived mainly in Germany occasionally living in the United Kingdom and Malta depending on where his father was stationed for his job Alfred later served as a lieutenant in the Prussian First's foot guards in Potsdam and greatly disliked military life It is believed that Alfred contracted syphilis during this time in August 1893 Alfred's Grand Uncle Ernst II passed away and Alfred's father became the Duke of sax Coburg in gotha in early 1895 Alfred became engaged to Duchess Elsa of wurtenberg but the marriage never took place in January 1899 Alfred was absent from his parents 25th wedding anniversary the exact details of what happened are unclear Some say he had a tumor some say he was suffering from a breakdown others say he had consumption or that he was suffering from severe side effects of syphilis the general consensus is that Alfred shot himself while his family gathered for his parents anniversary celebrations Alfred survived the initial gunshot and was cared for at slosh friedenstein before being transferred to Martin's Brawn sanatorium his doctor was against the move but his mother ordered this to be done because she was embarrassed by what her son had done Alfred's condition deteriorated and he passed away on the 6th of February 1899 at the age of 24. Marie queen of Romania was a granddaughter of both Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Alexander II emperor of Russia she was born princess Marie of Edinburgh on the 29th of October 1875 in Kent England parents were Prince Alfred Duke of Edinburgh and later jiko sax Coburg and gotha and Grand Duchess Maria alexandrovna of Russia she have five siblings but one was stillborn they were Alfred Victoria Melita Alexandra and Beatrice Marie was nicknamed Missy by her family she grew up in Germany England and Malta depending on where her father was stationed for his job her father was absent frequently due to his career in the Navy and her mother raised Marie and her siblings when the Duke was home he was affectionate and would play with his children inventing games for them Marie was closest to her sister Victoria Melisha the sister's education was often neglected as their mother did not think they were very bright nor gifted she let them read but only in the field of painting and drawing Marie recalled her time in Malta as the happiest time in her life it was here she fell in love with Morris Burke the captain of her father's ship the infatuation was one-sided on Marie's part and went nowhere in the early 1890s her father became the Duke of sax Coburg and Gotham and the family then resided in Coburg Marie was close to her cousin Prince George of Wales the future George V of the United Kingdom marriage was considered between the prince and princess and almost everyone was in agreement with the marriage going ahead except their mothers when George proposed Marie rejected the proposal as her mother was against the marriage George and Marie continue to be close throughout their lives instead Marie married Ferdinand Crown Prince of Romania on the 10th of January 1893. a civil ceremony and two religious ceremonies in the Catholic and Protestant faiths were held together they had six children Carol Elizabeth Maria Nicholas Eliana and Mercia Marie was a free-spirited woman and found life in the Romanian Court challenging due to its strict nature the king Carol the first ferdinand's Uncle controlled every aspect of the couple's lives leaving the couple with very little free will her marriage was also a struggle as they found it difficult to live together during her marriage it is believed that Marie had several affairs and one of her lovers would possibly the father of her two youngest children Eliana and Mercia despite the speculation Ferdinand recognized and acknowledged the children as his own at the beginning of the first world war Carl the first died and Ferdinand ascended the Romanian throne during the war Marie participated in charity work rallying support for the war effort she also served as a nurse in 1919 after the war she represented Romania at the Paris peace conference and helped to bring about Romania's huge gains at the end of the conference in 1922 Ferdinand and Marie had their coronation ceremony an Orthodox Cathedral called the coronation cathedral was built and the two were crowned there in an elaborate ceremony a few years later Marie converted to the Orthodox faith which endeared her to the Romanian people she traveled extensively in her later years drawing huge crowds wherever she went on the 20th of July 1927 Ferdinand died their eldest son Carol had renounced his right to the throne so his five-year-old son Michael succeeded as king a Regency Council was established and led by Michael's Uncle Nicholas only three years later Carol returned to Romania and reclaimed the throne for himself he later abdicated in 1940 and Michael returned to the throne after several years and mourning Marie returned to public life while also enjoying her final years in the company of her children and grandchildren throughout her life she wrote her memoirs which were published Queen Marie of Romania passed away on the 18th of July 1938 in the presence of her son Carl her daughter Elizabeth and her grandson Michael her body lay in state for three days before she was buried at her request her heart was interned in the Stella Maris Chapel at balchik Palace one balchik became a part of Bulgaria her heart was then moved to Bran Castle before being moved to the National History Museum finally her heart was laid to rest at pelsier Castle Prince Harold was the fifth child of Princess Helena of the United Kingdom and Prince Christian of Slash Rick Holstein he passed away at eight days old Grand Duchess Victoria federbrovna of Russia was born Princess Victoria Melita of Edinburgh on the 25th of November 1876 in Malta she was the third child of Alfred Duke of sax Coburg and gotha and Grand Duchess Maria alexandrovna of Russia she had four siblings who survived past infancy Alfred Marie Alexandra and Beatrice Victoria was nicknamed ducky by her family growing up she lived in Clarence House in London and eastwell park in Kent she also spent some time in Germany and Malta her father was absent frequently due to his career in the Navy and her mother raised Victoria and her siblings Victoria militia was closest to her sister Marie the sister's education was often neglected by their mother as their mother did not think they were very bright and were gifted in 1893 Victoria melisha's father succeeded to the Juco Throne of sax Coburg and gotha and she became known as Princess Victoria Melita of sax Coburg and gotha back in 1891 Queen Victoria had encouraged a marriage between Victoria Melita and her first cousin Ernst Louis of hersa and by Ryan after seeing how well the two of them got on they married on the 9th of April 1894 and she moved to Hessa because Ernst Louis was now the Grand Duke of Hassan by Ryan they had two children Elizabeth and a stillborn son they were not well matched they tried to make their marriage work but Victoria militia craved her husband's attention when he would only pay attention to their daughter they did enjoy each other's company but after six years their marriage was over apparently the final blow for Victoria Malaysia was Finding Ernst Louis in an intimate situation with the male servant Queen Victoria was against the couple divorcing but 11 months after she passed away the couple were divorced in December 1901. Victoria militia returned to Coburg and shared custody of Elizabeth with Ernst Louis two years later their daughter passed away from typhoid severing Victoria melita's last connection to her ex-husband and her former home on the 8th of October 1905 Victoria Melita married another first cousin this time on her mother's side of the family he was Grand Duke curo vladimirovich of Russia they had first met in 1891 during a funeral and were attracted to each other however the Russian Orthodox Church forbade marriages between first cousins despite this they married each other when the Russians Tsar Nicholas II discovered this he stripped curell of his Royal funding titles and Military appointments and banished him from Russia the couple settled in France and had three children together Maria Kira and Vladimir in 1908 Nicholas II put aside his personal feelings and permitted cural and Victoria Molita to return to Russia recent deaths in the Imperial family brought Cyril to third in the line of succession and it was deemed necessary to allow his return to Russia his funding and Military appointments were restored and Victoria Melita was given the style of Imperial highness and Grand Duchess Victoria federovna during the first world war Victoria worked as a nurse with the Red Cross in 1917 Tsar Nicholas II abdicated Victoria and Carol left Russia with their children and lived in Finland for two years in 1918 Victoria and Carol moved to Munich where they were reunited with her mother they all moved to Zurich Switzerland following this in 1920 Victoria's mother died and the family inherited two of her mother's homes in 1926 the family settled into a quiet life in France during the christening of one of her grandchildren in February 1936. Victoria suffered a stroke and passed away on the 1st of March 1936. she was buried in Coburg in March 1995 her and her husband's remains were moved to the Grand jugal burial vault at the Peter and Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg Russia princess Alexandra princess of hon Lo langenberg was the fourth child of Alfred Duke of sax Coburg and Gotham and Grand Duchess Maria alexandrovna of Russia she was born princess Alexandra of Edinburgh on the 1st of September 1878 in Coburg she had four siblings who survived past infancy Alfred Marie Victoria Melita and Beatrice Alexandra grew up in Britian Cyprus Malta and Coburg and from the mid-1880s the family spent the majority of their time in Coburg as her father was the heir to his childless uncle Ernst II Duke of sax Coburg and gotha her father was often absent due to his career in the Navy and her mother raised Alexandra and her siblings in 1893 Alexandra's father succeeded to the Dual Throne of sax Coburg and gotha and she became known as Princess Alexandra of sax Coburg and gotha Alexandra's mother believed in marrying her daughter's young before they could really think for themselves and by the end of 1895 she had arranged Alexandra's engagement to Ernst hereditary Prince of honlo langenberg Queen Victoria Alexandra's grandmother dot Alexandra was too young and Alexandra's father thought ernst's status was too low the house of ho and lo langenberg was mediatized meaning they were a former ruling family who exceeded their Sovereign rights to others while retaining their equal birth the wedding went ahead on the 20th of April 1896. they had five children together Gottfried Marie militia Alexandra Irma and Alfred in 1899 Alexander and brother Alfred died and the following year her father died Ernst served as Regent for Alfred's successor Prince Charles Edward who was Alexandra's first cousin Alexandra often spent time with her mother in Coburg and visited her Sisters in 1913 her father-in-law died and Alexandra and Ernst became the prince and princess of honlo langenberg they lived a quiet life together and during the first world war Alexandra worked as a nurse in 1920 Alexandra's mother died and Alexandra inherited Pali Edinburgh Alexandra and several members of her immediate family were supporters of the Nazis and in 1937 Alexandra joined her husband and some of their children as a member of the Nazi party Alexandra passed away on the 16th of April 1942 and was buried in the Family Cemetery at slosh langenberg my great crown princess of Sweden was born Princess Margaret of connacht and strathearn on the 15th of January 1882 at bagshock Park in Surrey she was the eldest child of Prince Arthur Duke of connacht and Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia she had two siblings Arthur and Patricia and she was nicknamed Daisy Margaret grew up in bagshock park being educated by governesses and leading a quiet childhood with her parents and siblings in January 1905 Princess Margaret met Prince Gustav Adolf of Sweden jacobskana while in Cairo a ball was held at the abdene palace and the two young Royals met falling in love at first sight the prince proposed to Margaret and she accepted they were wed on the 15th of June 1905. in Saint George's Chapel in Windsor Castle Margaret was given a tiara from the kadiv of Egypt as a symbol of the courtship that had started there it is known as The kadiv Tiara and was warned by several of Margaret's descendants it is currently in the possession of her granddaughter Queen Anne-Marie of Greece Margaret and Gustav Adolf had five children together Gustav Adolf sigbard Ingrid Burchell and Carl Johan Margaret was quick to learn the Swedish language and history endearing her to the Swedish public in 1907 Margaret's grandfather-in-law passed away and she became the crown princess of Sweden Margaret was a keen photographer who would document her family's life and her photographs were published in news articles films and postcards despite her royal obligations Margaret found time for her creative interests like painting and gardening she loved to paint and was inspired by the impressionistic style of Madeline flurry who had taught Margaret she spent much of her time with artist took part in two exhibitions the Baltic exhibition in Malmo in 1914 Anaya adun in 1920. she loved to garden and with Gustav Adolf they created a garden at their summer residence Margaret also wrote two books about Garden planning Margaret was an avid lover of sports and appeared on the cover of a Sports magazine during her first summer in Sweden she loved to play tennis and golf and a horse ride in 1908 she founded Sweden's first women's team for Bandy called the crown princess's Hockey Club Margaret had a talent for organization and motivating others and understood that her royal position brought opportunities she took the initiative for charity projects based of the Royal Palace she began to send packages with Goods to the prisoners of war in Germany Austria and Russia and encouraged others to do the same when Margaret was eight months pregnant with her sixth child in 1920. she underwent mastoid surgery a serious to ear infection session that weakened her immune system she developed sepsis and died on her father's 70th birthday on the 1st of May 1920 along with her unborn child her family along with the Swedish and British public mourned her death greatly Margaret had left written instructions for her funeral and burial she requested to be buried wearing her wedding dress and Veil holding a crucifix in a simple coffin made from English Oak covered with British and Swedish Flags she was buried at the great church next to the Royal Palace in Stockholm in 1922 her remains were transferred to the Royal Cemetery in she was the first person to be buried at the Royal Cemetery in Hager Park Prince Arthur of connect was born on the 13th of January 1883. he was the only son of Prince Arthur Jacob connacht and Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia he had two siblings Margaret and Patricia Arthur grew up in bagshock park and had a quiet childhood he was educated at home before he attended Eaton College following this Arthur received his military education at the Royal Military College in Sanders and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the seventh czars in 1901. Arthur fosh in the second Boer War and the first World War he reached the rank of honorary Major General in 1920. when Arthur's cousin George V succeeded to the British throne in 1910. Arthur and his father were the most senior male members of the British royal family over the age of 18 who were living in the United Kingdom and as such they undertook a number of Royal duties on behalf of the king and the Royal Family Arthur also acted as a counselor of State when George V was out of the country on the 15th of October 1913 Arthur married Princess Alexandra second Duchess of Fife Alexandra was a granddaughter of Edward VII because Alexandra's father had died in 1912. Alexander's Uncle the king gave her way they had one son together Alistair who was born in 1914. in 1917 George V restricted the titles of prince and princess and the style of Royal Highness and from 1917 Alistair was styled with the courtesy title of Earl of macduff from 1920 to 1923 Arthur was governor general of South Africa Upon returning to the United Kingdom he supported several charitable organizations and served as a chairman on the board of directors of the Middlesex Hospital Arthur was also an act of Freemason and served as provincial Grandmaster for Berkshire in 1924. in the 1930s Arthur was diagnosed with stomach cancer he eventually died on the 12th of September 1938 at the age of 55. he was interred at Saint George's chapel and then transferred to the Royal burial ground in Frogmore in 1939. Alistair became his grandfather's heir to the dukedom of connacht in strathearn which he succeeded to in 1942 following his grandfather's death the death of Princess Alice Countess of athlone in January 1981 was the end of an era she was the last surviving grandchild of Queen Victoria and the longest-lived person of royal blood in the British royal family born on the 25th of February 1883 Princess Alice was the eldest child of Prince Leopold Duke of Albany and Princess Helena of valdek Piermont she had one brother Charles Edward Alice's father had hemophilia and Alison Harris at the gene from her father when Alice was just one years old her father passed away after falling down a staircase hitting his head and hemorrhaging Alice's brother was born after their father's death Alice and her brother were brought up by their mother in Claremont house in Surrey her childhood was full of visits to the many relations they had throughout Europe in November 1903 when Alice was 20 years old she became engaged to Prince Alexander of tech the youngest brother of Mary of tech the then Princess of Wales and the future Queen Mary Allison Alexander were wed on the 10th of February 1904 and Alice was escorted down the aisle by her Uncle Edward VII together Alison Alexander had three children may Rupert and Morris Rupert had hemophilia and died from injuries following a car accident in 1928 Morris died in infancy in 1917 when George V Alice's cousin issued letters patient ordering members of the British royal family to relinquish their German titles Alice her husband and their children did so Alice still remained a princess of Greek Britain in Ireland under Royal Highness in her own right the King created Alexander and Alice the Earl and Countess of athlone to the first world war Alice accompanied her husband to South Africa and Canada when her husband was governor general of each country in 1957 Alexander died at the age of 82 and was buried at the Royal burial grounds in Frogmore in 1966 Alice published her memoirs because Alice was the older surviving member of the British royal family Alice was often consulted on matters of raw protocol during the wedding of Princess Anne Princess Royal Alice was offered to ride in a carriage but she refused as she felt it was not fishing for a princess of a rank she traveled by car instead in 1978 Alice had a fall hurt her shoulder and was hospitalized for a few days this marked the beginning of deterioration of her health by 1980 Alice could no longer walk and on the 3rd of January 1981 Alice passed away peacefully in her sleep members from various European royal families attended her funeral Alice was buried at the Royal burial grounds of Frogmore Beatrice Duchess of Galleria was the fourth daughter and youngest surviving child of Alfred Duke of sacks Cobra and gotha and Grand Duchess Maria alexandrovna of Russia she was born Princess Beatrice of Edinburgh on the 20th of April 1884 in Kent United Kingdom she had four siblings who survived past infancy Alfred Marie Victoria Melita and Alexandra she was nicknamed baby or baby b by her family Beatrice grew up in Britain Malta and Coburg the family spent the majority of their time in Coburg as her father was the heir to his childless uncle Ernst II Duke of sacks Coburg and gotha her father was absent frequently due to his career in the Navy and her mother raised Beatrice and her siblings in 1893 Alexandra's father succeeded to the jukal throne of sax Coburg and gotha and she became known as Princess Beatrice of sax Coburg and gota in 1899 Beatrice's only surviving brother Alfred died and the following year her father died Beatrice and her mother then lived in Palace Edinburgh and slosh Rosenau In 1902 Beatrice began a relationship with her first cousin Grand Duke Michael alexandrovich of Russia the Russian Orthodox Church forbade marriages between first cousins and Michael's brother Nicholas II refused to allow an exception Michael ended the relationship devastating Beatrice during the wedding of her cousin Victoria Eugenie of baschenberg Beatrice mesh and Fanta Alfonso of Spain they fell in love and married on the 15th of July 1909 in Coburg both a Catholic ceremony and a Lutheran ceremony were held Beatrice did not convert to Catholicism prior to her marriage but she did later convert in 1913. while King Alfonso the 13th of Spain encouraged and supported the marriage the Spanish government would not allow him to give formal consent due to Beatrice being of Lutheran faith once the couple were wed the couple were banished from Spain and Alfonso was stripped of his honors and titles including that of Infante of Spain they settled in Coburg until 1912 when they were permitted to return to Spain Alfonso's titles and honors were restored Beatrice and Alfonso have three sons together Alvaro Alonso altofo in 1916 the couple were sent to Switzerland under the guise of an official mission however there were rumors that it was because of Beatrice's influence over Queen Victoria Eugenie or because Beatrice had rebuffed the Romantic advances of King Alfonso after some time in Switzerland the couple moved to England before returning to Spain after eight years in the following years the Spanish monarchy was overthrown and the country fell into Civil War Beatrice's son Alonso was killed in action and the family lost their properties Beatrice's son Alonso was killed in action the family lost their properties and they were exiled to England in 1937 they were eventually permitted to return to Spain and they settled at a new estate El botanico where they would live for the rest of the lives quietly Beatrice passed away on the 13th of July 1966 at her home her husband survived her by nearly nine years foreign Charles Edward was born at Claremont house in Surrey on the 19th of July 1884. he was the only son of Prince Leopold Duke of Albany and Princess Helena of valdach Piermont he had one sister Alice Charles Edward's father died three months before Charles Edwards birth his father had been interested in stewards who had lost the British throne and wanted to name his son Charles Edward for the Charles Edward Stewart the young Pretender also known as Bonnie Prince Charlie Charles Edward was nicknamed Charlie by his family and he inherited the title of Duke of Albany at Birth Charles Edward was educated at home by a governess before studying sunroyd's school Dan linderst and Eaton College in 1899 Charles Edward became the heir to his uncle's duchy of sax Coburg and gotha and he moved to Germany to continue his education he attended letterfeld military Cadet Academy his mother and sister accompanied him to Germany and stayed there from some time to allow him to adjust to the change just a year later Alfred the Duke of sax Coburg and goutha died on the 30th of July 1900. and Charles Edward became the Duke he continued his education at the University of Bonn studying law and political science until he reached the age of 21 Prince Ernst hereditary Prince of hon Lo langenberg the husband of Alfred's daughter Alexandra served as Regent of the duchy on the 15th of February 1905 during a bowl the engagement of Charles Edward and Princess Victoria adelhide of Slash Rick Holstein sonderberg luxberg was announced Victoria adelhide was the niece of empress Augusta Victoria the wife of Wilhelm II German Emperor and Charles Edwards first cousin they got married on the 11th of October 1905 and had five children together Johan Leopold sibila Hubertus Caroline matild and Friedrich Josiah Charles Edwards loved cars in aviation and in 1910 he built an airplane landing site with a hangar and a flying school in 1913 he was involved in the transforming in 1913 he was involved in transforming the gotha Coach Factory into an airplane manufacturer during the first world war Charles Edward fought on the German side and was a general of the staff of the general command of the third Army of the German Empire in December 1914 he was promoted to General of Infantry to show loyalty to the German Empire Charles Edwards signed a law in 1917 that prohibited non-german members of The house's sax Cobra gangota from succeeding to the throne if their home country was at war with the German Empire In 1902 he had been invested as a knight of the garter but was struck off the role in 1915 and in 1919 his British peerages and the title of Prince of the United Kingdom was removed by the British government on the 9th of November 1918 the workers and soldiers councils gota deposed Charles Edward as the Duke of sucks Cobra kangota and five days later Charles Edward signed a declaration relinquishing his rights to the throne after losing his throne and being branded a traitor by Britain Charles Edward became associated with the Nazis in 1929 after the first electoral success of the Nazi party in Coburg Charles Edward publicly supported them and in 1932 he supported Hitler in his presidential election Charles Edward was appointed to a number of positions and represented the party in Germany and abroad he became a member of the essay and Rose through the ranks he served as president of the German Red Cross from 1933 to 1945 and it soon became separate from the International Red Cross after Edward VII abdicated to marry Wallace Simpson Charles Edward hosted their unauthorized trip to Germany in 1937. although Charles Edward was too old for active service during the second world war all of his sons served and his son who purchased was killed in action in 1943. after the war had ended Charles Edward was placed under house arrest on the 4th of June 1945. Charles Edward and his wife were moved into a stable Cottage his sister Alice and her husband pleaded for his release but were unsuccessful they were successful in negotiating an improvement in his living condition and they were able to get him moved back into part of one of his houses in 1949 Charles Edward was heavily fined and became almost bankrupt after he was classified as a Nazi follower Charles Edward spent the rest of his life in seclusion and died of cancer on the 6th of March 1954 at the age of 69. his wife died in 1970. they were both buried in the Forest Cemetery at sloshed kollenberg lady Patricia Ramsey was born princess Patricia of connacht in strathearn on the 17th of March 1886 at bagshock Park Surrey she was the youngest child of Prince Arthur Duke of connacht and strathearn and Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia she had two siblings Margaret and Arthur like her siblings she grew up in bagshock park being educated by governesses and leading a quiet childhood with her parents and siblings Patricia spent two years in India while her father was stationed there and in 1911 Patricia accompanied her parents to Canada when her father the Duke of connacht was appointed governor general of Canada she was popular with the Canadian people during the five-year period in which she lived there during the first world war Patricia was named colonel in Chief of a regiment in the Canadian Army and held the appointment until her death during her time in Canada Patricia fell in love with the honorable Alexander Ramsey the third son of John Ramsey 13 Earl of Dalhousie and the Ada Camp of Patricia's father they married on the 27th of February 1919 at Westminster Abbey upon her marriage she gave up her royal style and title and assumed the style of Lady Patricia Ramsey she was not obligated to renounce her royal Style but she wished to have a social status and rank closer to that of her husband she still remained a member of the British royal family and remained in the line of succession he also attended all major Royal events Patricia and Alexander had one son together Alexander born in 1919. Patricia was a talented watercolor artist and was an honorary member of the Royal Institute of painters in watercolors in 1972 Patricia's husband passed away and Patricia passed away on the 12th of January 1974 at the age of 87. foreign first marquest of Charis Brook was born on the 23rd of November 1886 as Prince Alexander of baschenberg he was the eldest child of Princess Beatrice of the United Kingdom and Prince Henry of baschenberg he was nicknamed drino by his family and grew up with three siblings Victoria Eugenie Leopold and Maurice Alexander was raised in his grandmother's household and moved between Buckingham Palace Windsor Castle Balmoral Castle and Osborne house when Alexander was nine years old his father passed away from malaria Queen Victoria then gave apartments in Kensington Palace Alexander and his family after the Queen's death in 1901 Kensington Palace became their primary residence along with Osborne Cottage Alexander was educated at stubbington high school and following this he attended Wellington College from 1902 to 1908 Alexander served in the Royal Navy and in 1911 he joined the British army he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Grenadier guards and was promoted to Lieutenant in 1913. in 1915 he was promoted to captain during the first world war Alexander's youngest brother Morris was killed in action after George V issued his letters patient in 1917. Alexander and his brother Leopold relinquished their German Styles and titles and anglicized their name to man passion Alexander was created Marquez of carsbrook and Leopold was granted the rank of Precedence of the younger son of a Marquez becoming Lord Leopold my impassion on the 19th of July 1917 Alexander married lady Irene Dennison the only daughter of William Dennison second Earl of London spur because the wedding was held during the first world war there was no formal reception together they had one daughter Iris born in 1920. in 1919 Alexander resigned from the British Army and was placed in the general Reserve as a captain he started a career in business and worked as a clerk in the offices of the bank Lazard Brothers Alexander also worked for the Metropolitan Housing Corporation he later became the director of lever Brothers during the second world war Alexander joined the Royal Air Force and served as an officer after the war Alexander lived the king's Cottage and Kensington Palace in 1956 Irene passed away and her remains were cremated Alexander died four years later on the 23rd of February 1960 from a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 73. his remains were cremated and placed in the wall above his parents Tomb at Saint Mildred's Church on the Isle of Wight Victoria Eugenie queen of Spain was born Princess Victoria Eugenie of battenberg on the 24th of October 1887 at Balmoral Castle she was the only daughter of Princess Beatrice of the United Kingdom and Prince Henry of baschenberg she was also Queen Victoria's youngest granddaughter she was nicknamed Ina by her family and grew up with three brothers Alexandra Leopold and Morris Victoria Eugenie was raised in her grandmother's household and moved between Buckingham Palace Windsor Castle Balmoral Castle and Osborne house when Victoria Eugenie was eight years old her father passed away from malaria Queen Victoria then gave apartments in Kensington Palace to Victoria Eugenie and her family after the Queen's death in 1901 Kensington Palace became their primary residence along with Osborne Cottage in 1905 Victoria Eugenie met King Alfonso the 13th of Spain while he was visiting the United Kingdom they began writing to each other and fell in love several issues arose that would need to be resolved before marriage would be considered between the two first the threat of Hemophilia Victoria eugenie's brother Leopold at hemophilia and there was a greater understanding at the time of how hemophilia could be inherited so there was a good chance that Victoria Eugenie could pass it on to any future children she would have Alfonso did not seem too concerned about this the baker obstacles were Victoria eugenie's religion and status Victoria Eugenie was Protestant but was willing to convert to Catholicism and her Uncle Edward VII elevated Victoria Eugenie to a Royal Highness so there was no question of an unequal marriage these acts appeased Alfonso's mother and the engagement was announced the couple were wed on the 31st of May 1906 in Madrid following the ceremony as the party were returning to the Royal Palace an assassination attempt was made on the king and the new Queen both Alfonso and Victoria Eugenie were unharmed but several guards and bystanders were killed or injured over the course of their marriage Victoria Eugenie and Alfonso had seven children Alfonso Jamie Beatrice Fernando Maria Christina Juan and Gonzalo Alfonso and Gonzalo both inherited hemophilia King Alfonso blamed Victoria Eugenie and it began a rift in their marriage that never healed Victoria Eugenie began working with Charities and took an interest in nursing and hospital care she reorganized the Spanish Red Cross and helped to advance the healthcare system in Spain while her relationship with Alfonso deteriorated over time Victoria Eugenie became beloved by the Spanish people in 1931 the second Spanish Republic was established and Victoria Eugenie and her family went into exile they moved to France Italy and England Victoria Eugenie and her husband went their separate ways despite their separation Victoria Eugenie still cared deeply about Alfonso and worried about his health he passed away in 1941 surrounded by his family Victoria Eugenie eventually settled in Switzerland her later life was spent enjoying time with her grandchildren and socializing in 1968 Victoria Eugenie returned to Spain for the first time since going into Exile in 1931. this was one of her last public appearances she returned home to Switzerland and her health began to fail she passed away on the 15th of April 1969 on the exact same day she had left Spain in 1931. her funeral was held in Switzerland and she was buried in the cemetery Boise Devoe in April 1985 her grandson King Juan Carlos had her remains interred in Spain Lord Leopold mcbashin was born Prince Leopold of batenberg on the 21st of May 1889 at Windsor Castle he was the third child of Princess Beatrice of the United Kingdom and Prince Henry of baschenberg he grew up with three siblings Leopold was raised in his grandmother's household and moved between Buckingham Palace Windsor Castle Balmoral Castle and Osborne house when Leopold was six years old his father passed away from malaria after the Queen's death in 1901 Kensington Palace became their primary residence along with Osborne Cottage ironically Leopold was named for his uncle Leopold who also had hemophilia because of this Leopold would have been disqualified from active service in the military but he wanted to serve in 1909 he joined the eighth Isle of Wight rifles Battalion in 1912 he joined the king's Royal rifle Corps during the first world war Leopold's activities were restricted to a non-combat staff appointment two months after the War Began Leopold's younger brother Morris was killed in action after George V issued his letters patent in 1917 Leopold and his brother Alexander relinquished the German titles and styles and anglicized their name to ambassan Alexander was created Marcus of carlsbrook and Leopold was granted the rank and precedence of the youngest son of a Marquez becoming Lord Leopold mountbatten after the war Leopold returned to London and lived with his mother in Kensington Palace following a hip operation Leopold appeared to be recovering well but is conditioned deteriorated and he passed away on the 23rd of April 1922 at the age of 32. Prince Morris of battenberg was born on the 3rd of October 1891 at Balmoral Castle he was the fourth and youngest child of Princess Beatrice of the United Kingdom and Prince Henry of battenberg he grew up with three siblings Morris was the youngest grandchild and Grandson of Queen Victoria Morris was raised in his grandmother's household and moved between Buckingham Palace Windsor Castle Balmoral Castle and Osborne house when Morris was just four years old his father passed away from malaria he was the same age his mother had been when her father Prince Albert had died in 1861. after the Queen's death in 1901 Kensington Palace became their primary residence along with Osborne Cottage Morris greatly resembled his father and was his mother's favorite child he attended lockers Park school and then Wellington College in 1900 Morris was greatly distressed when he found out his cousin Prince Christian Victor Rick Holstein had died while participating in the Boer War Christian Victor had served with Maurice's father in the anglo-ashanti wars Morris declared that he would join the same regiment as Christian Victor when he was old enough he fulfilled This Promise in 1910 and joined the sixth yet King's Royal rifles when the first world war started Morris and his brothers all served in the British army on the 27th of October 1914 Morris was leading an attack on the German front line in West Flanders when he was mortally wounded by shrapnel Morris died before his men could bring him to a safer place he was 23 years old upon hearing the news King George V it was Morris's first cousin and Queen Mary drove to Kensington Palace to console his aunt and Maurice's mother Princess Beatrice the Secretary of State offered to have Morris's body brought back to England but Beatrice refused stating let him lie with his comrades a memorial service was held on the 5th of November 1914.
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