200-Year-Old Manor House Renovation Is Complete | Sarah Beeny's Restoration Nightmare S1 E3 | Abode

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong sarah beanie is in the final stages of the biggest project of her career saving her 97-room crumbling stately home by turning it into a top-class wedding venue all in just eight months dry rot infestation and britain's worst winter have all been overcome to bring about an amazing transformation the first time i feel as if we're actually going in the right direction now the race is on to finish the restoration in time for ryze's very first wedding there's so much at stake but time is running out [Music] sarah and graham have been hard at work throughout the easter holidays trying to get as much done before the kids have to get back to school oh that's looking great sarah's made a lot of promises to the bride and groom and now she's got to keep them in two months time she has to give them the best day of their lives the sooner we have a wedding the sooner we can get it ready to have more weddings the sooner we generate an income and the sooner this place is restored reputation is everything in the wedding game bad word of mouth could kill their fledgling business they've got to get everything right rise is made up of 97 rooms over two floors it's front third where sarah and her family stay was sound but needed serious refurbishment [Music] now its three main reception rooms including the entrance hall where the wedding will take place are as impressive today as they would have been during its heyday the wedding reception is due to take place in the sports hall a remnant of ryze's days as a convent school right now this is the last place you'd want to celebrate getting married so somehow sarah needs to turn it into an amazing function room it's like an ugly monster on the end of the house that's sort of waiting to be dealt with the plan as always with sarah is ambitious the 70s safety glass windows are due to be replaced with elegant french doors and the austere brick walls need to climb with pretty plants rather than algae at last this city sports hall is about to get a facelift um i'm about to jet wash off 20 years of mold from the inside and we're finally going to make some progress with it okay cool [Music] this is spring cleaning on an industrial scale sarah's got herself a pressure washer that's normally used to remove graffiti and make short shrift of the decades of grime and slime but this is just the first step in turning the old sports hall into somewhere a bride and groom might consider having their reception but the big issue with the gym was always the windows and sarah's just found out the company that was due to do the work can't deliver in time literally leaving a huge hole in her plans it's telling you to nightmare these windows in sports hall i have to say fact the whole sports hall i quite wish someone just blew it up the idea was to have floor-to-ceiling doors that would open out onto a beautiful patio where guests could enjoy the view while knocking back cocktails we need to find a different company they were doing this quite a good deal they were doing something yeah we i think they worked out that they couldn't do the deal that they were offering to do for us and that means that we don't have enough weeks left to do all the things that we do want to do yeah it's a bit to be honest this is a real headache if they can't find a new firm to manufacture and fit the windows in the next eight weeks they'll have to stick with what they've got which isn't a pretty thought i'm worried about them actually coming in looking at the whole thing together and going i don't want to get married in the 1970s school sports hall now they're really up against it there's an endless list of jobs to do and this is the last thing they need it's enough to make you lose the world to live sarah and graham's dream was not just to save 200 year old ryze from dereliction but to restore it to its former glory to give it back the swagger and style it once enjoyed so their plan is to create three very special bedrooms two will heart back to rise's past they'll be in regency and victorian styles and one will be cutting edge and contemporary they're kind of the main big periods of this house since it it was built it was built in the regency times and and then there's the victorian period that it it's lived through and then we've felt it was important to have a room that would have reflected design today so um they're probably going to be in those styles i have to say they're probably not going to be that accurate because we are actually going to have fitted plumbing which they would have had in the regency times another luxuries the bride and groom ben and selena will choose one of the period rooms as their bridal suite the other two will be taken by their respective parents so it's crucial that sarah and graham make them the most outstanding bedrooms in the house i'm really worried about selena and ben being a bit disappointed with it as well it's a really important day in people's lives and yeah i feel really crap if they turn up and walk away being disappointed with it but so far they've only managed to get some paint on the walls and what with their french window worries it's going to be touch and go if they get the rooms ready for the big day that's of course assuming sarah manages to get a wedding license she's finally completed all the paperwork and got it in the post but before rice can get the full license it'll need to be inspected and approved and at the moment rise is a bit of a building site things aren't in place and i still can't sign the license [Music] sarah beanie has six weeks left to save her 200 year old money pit by transforming it into a top class wedding venue that stop date has to be met and so we will have a wedding on the 19th of june turning rise hall from a family home into a business is going to be tough for the last decade the house has been a refuge for sarah and her family from the hustle and bustle of city life but they all know that things are going to have to move on if the hall's going to survive i love coming up to the house and i always in my head imagine that we were going to live here full-time um and this was going to be our home it's kind of weird to have moved on from that point where i was absolutely convinced this was only going to be our family home and we would be here full time now that private dream is over rise has to start paying for itself graham and sarah need to finish the work on the sports hall and bedrooms before the wedding deadline of the 19th of june but in a couple of days they've got to ship the kids back to london so they've got to crack the whip you'll never ever go to natural queen [Music] the bride and groom are due to look round in a couple of weeks and if there's been no progress there's a real chance they'll cancel [Music] one of rise's big selling points should be the period bedrooms they've done great things with the paintwork but no one knows how these rooms would have been furnished back in the 18th century so they're stealing some time for an inspiration trip to the magnificent beaver castle in lincolnshire to borrow some ideas that's totally splendid isn't it well you were looking for a a regency castle you can't get better than this no this is completely glorious and this was rebuilt after the fire by the fifth duchess um she had spent her honeymoon in france and after the fire here she said to her husband i want a room just like the one we stayed in so bless him he went back to france and bought the room see if you really loved me that's what you'd do for me yeah but i was going to warn you about that i'm sorry you have far too many children for me to be able to afford a room like this so mean but it's the bedrooms that sarah and graham have really come to see regency decor was inspired by greek and roman antiquity and swathes of silk and floral brocade were all the rage hey this is a sort of detailing it's things like that that we need to look at yes and also what's interesting about this is you can actually get away with quite cheap material if you get the trimmings right but getting this look on their budget won't be easy the regency period like the man that gave it its name the prince regent was all about excess and extravagance the prince liked the finer things in life as sarah and graham are about to find out this is the prince regent's bedroom now that's a bed and a half isn't it that's exactly right the plan for the bed again with the prince region's favourite colour hence the gold is it a water bed no it's bouncy it's just so comfortable it's lovely this is tremendous all our beds have to be this high as well as fancy fabrics the prince liked fine dining too a special big belly-shaped hole had to be gouged in the corridor between his bed and bathroom this is a tummy hole it is that's great it was there for you but you just had a child too early in terms of feel this is pretty much what we're trying to achieve which is this wonderful opulence but feeling like you can just sit on the sofa and have a chat i think that's so great [Laughter] graham and sarah are back at rise and buzzing with ideas from their trip to beaver first on sarah's to-do list is a super-sized regency style bed but there's no money for antiques so it's time for a bit of diy which is made so much easier by her army of little helpers who's going to come and hold this for me thanks now bring it back this way thank you honey running out of money you may have to get um labor where you can i don't have to pay you any money to help me [Music] really completely free how about kim oh my god i get i get paid limey that's brilliant a pound oh you do a pound for how long a plan for your whole life like that's on camera isn't it flipping excellent come 18 billy you're doing the washing up forever never never you haven't done a bad job of that you're so rude [Music] it's quite high i didn't realize it was so high oh no the big bed is too big so while sarah heads back to the drawing board the lads make a start on the modern contemporary bedroom this sleek minimalist look relies on keeping it simple like using large pieces of reconstituted granite around the bath which will be in the bedroom it is a real luxury suite it's something i've been wanting to do phrases put a bath in a bedroom i don't think it's something that you want you'd really want to live with all the time but i think in the context of this house it seems a shame not to have but time's up sarah and graham have got to get the kids back to london leaving the trades to get on without them so all the other businesses we're involved in will be imploding while we're up here but the site moves on much better which is great not that we haven't got some hiccups on their way i'm sure and there's an awful lot to do while the family hurtle down the m1 the bride and groom are back at rise for an inspection graham and sarah have decided not to charge them for the venue hire as they see this first wedding as a test run for ryze selena and ben are still spending a small fortune so they want to see real improvements from their last visit oh my god remind yourself mind that board yeah and then why yeah it definitely needs some work it's a bit of a scare factor in it yeah some nice exposed brickwork should we be worried that there's bricks coming out the walls we're not using this room though are we sure the corridors might need some work but at least the bedroom should take their breath away wow looking very um interesting it's a lot different than the last time we saw it but i don't know if it's any better than last time we saw it no it's worse it's why is the bathroom the bedroom pass and what about the old sports hall the venue for their posh reception oh no scaffolding oh wow so this room is huge isn't it this room needs loads of work still even though it's done loads we still need to ask about artwork that's going on in here that didn't quite go to plan obviously with graeme and said they have done a very lot in a short space of time but we've got five weeks it is our wedding we need it to look perfect i've jumped out this day for ages so i'm gonna be ringing them more constantly sending out emails checking on things and good to her word selena's straight on the phone to sarah in london i think the main thing that was i mean obviously there was no scaffolding in the sports hall yeah that's a good still concerned about the ceiling um yeah and the windows so he says that would be what he wants to know with that when that's getting finished now week by week now you'll see big strides forward hopefully yeah it's all very weird isn't it i'm kind of thinking it is actually her wedding day never really ever done building projects and we're building projects you kind of think well we'll get it done that'd be fine i kind of you know it's a really big deal someone's wedding day before sarah can focus on the details of the wedding she's got to get the major restoration work finished so there's only one thing for it an emergency dash up north in these last few weeks all the efforts going into the back of the house where the guest rooms need to be finished but this is the part of the house that was in the worst state and without all graham and sarah's efforts it may well have gone the way of one and a half thousand stately homes that have been lost in the last hundred years now structurally sound these rooms still need a lot of work if they're going to accommodate 60 guests in five weeks time when will you be out of these three rooms in this corridor probably thursday next week okay it's that tricky time in any build project with deadlines looming sarah and graham have to ask the workforce to redouble their efforts pushing too hard could cause even more problems i tried to push them on the other day a little bit and i didn't do it without pissing them off i might like something to take two days but actually it needs to take three or four because they're not prepared to leave a substandard product behind them with such a rush on all the trades are getting on top of each other and understandably people are getting stressed there's that many things going on in the back eye for the owls i think we'll be pushed to get it done sorry but now i'm starting to panic and if they're not they should be um but you need to talk to us about stuff anyway yeah at some point yeah we're gonna have to have some deadlines you know pigs we haven't been i mean it's not only karen and steve who were getting tense after their early start and hectic day sarah and graham are starting to feel the pressure too we got a problem well slightly i spent 25 minutes looking for you because you didn't answer i've just found it it fell off in here oh i'm glad you spent 25 minutes looking for me yeah could have done it before lunch can you you know in our three and a half hours that rise today anyway to be honest this wouldn't be possible i don't well i wouldn't be able to do this on my own without crying there's absolutely no way in hell i could on my own i'd like to think you couldn't do it without me maybe you'd do it better without me and i'll be honest with you quite not with whom me i don't even think we'd have bought the house without you so i don't think we need to worry about it domestic over there's just time for some tlc for the workforce you've been worried about the five-week deadline then but are you but for a normally ice school sarah that's not the easiest of prospects for years i've been involved in developing property and i've always said it's either your home or it's a business and it's a development and with this it is a home and it's a business and that makes for an awful lot of problems the workforce may be a bit happier but there's still one big stumbling block the lack of a wedding license so ten days later sarah's back up north to meet the local registrar and safety officer if they don't approve the venue there'll be no license and no wedding to make matters worse sarah's forgotten another bit of essential administration they're wanting the uh liability insurance which i've got a copy of here and they're wanting the letter from the fire officer which i've got here as well to say that they're happy with it oh my god i just realized there's something else they're looking for which i haven't done they're looking for the risk assessment as well which i meant to download and complete not a great start but uh they'll be fine do you want this room to be on the list as well yeah this one so this is the entrance hall um and i'd say um you could have i'd imagine that you'd have 200 yeah 200 quite successfully i would have thought that's tight okay how many do you think about 60 odd i promise it won't in four weeks time four weeks time yeah i i i trust me you have to trust me it will be fine i know you don't believe me but it'll be fine and there's a door going on there so um a license can't be granted yet the inspectors will be back on the 14th of june five days before the wedding because i know you said about fire extinguishers and signage and so you know yeah i'd like to sort of see that you know in place yeah yes yes okay well um they'll be kind of quite close to the end yeah so i can't sign any um license off she'll need to prove that she's complied with all the health and safety requirements such as all exit routes shall be maintained with non-slip and even floors such exit routes shall be unobstructed all exit doors should be available for immediate use without use of a key or similar fastening or fire doors should be maintained effectively if she doesn't the wedding will be off and rises future will be in jeopardy [Music] is in a race against time to complete the restoration of her crumbling country pile in time for its very first wedding ultimately this house doesn't stack up as a project it would cost more to refurbish than it would ever be worth but if we can give it a way of making an income and that income can be spent on continuing to to restore it then it sort of justifies it existing really they started the restoration project eight months ago but now there are only three working weeks left before the wedding and there's still a heck of a lot to do so sarah and graham are back up at rise for one final push but with the kids in tow the house has to take second place to family life for a few hours see if you can make it really pretty i like doing this because it looks like yellow poo stop at your monkey put some on half of it and then let charlie do something it does look amazing guys what a beautiful cake boys did you make that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] people this has been such a happy place for us it's from the minute that we first saw it we knew that it was going to be a lovely home and despite the fact it's big it's still a lovely home this is the last holiday the family will spend at rise before it opens for paying guests it won't any longer be a private home but it's the only way to ensure the whole survival celebration's over sarah and graham get back to work grinders grind and rollers roll the bedrooms need beds the sports hall needs windows the entrance gates need to be rendered and there's still no wedding license one of graham and sarah's big ideas is to create three period bedrooms but their victorian room is tricky as this era stretched over 60 years these pictures of ryze show how much they liked heavy fabrics big frame mirrors and dark wood furniture i've forgotten about that nicest was given to us by um sarah's father luckily sarah and graham have been collecting this type of furniture for years and anything they haven't got they should be able to pick up cheaply at auction not bad this good old victorian 400 quid an auction you want to be careful when you try and recreate a a period of the past not to you don't you don't want you want to just take the best bits really and pull those forwards one of the best bits of victoriana they have is this imposing walnut bed frame right i've got to remember how this went together hadn't i the bride and groom have chosen the victorian room as their bridal suite so graham and sarah's brother dicken who's here to lend a helping hand better make sure the bed is good and sturdy [Laughter] i know it'll fix it if you'll just stand here staring at it a tiny bit worried it's a little bit rocky victorian furniture has fallen out of fashion lately so you can pick it up for a decent price this wardrobe was 350 quid and the chest of drawers was 200 and with a bit of tlc they should last another 100 years it's important that the victorian room is in keeping with the rest of the house as ryze is a grade two star listed building that puts it in the top six percent of listed buildings in the uk sarah and graham have worked hard to keep their restoration sympathetic to the house's history they've taken a lot of advice from their local conservation officer edward atkinson with 40 years experience there isn't much that edward doesn't know about regency houses so will he be impressed by all the work at rise i wouldn't say no forget it but on the other hand i think it needs to be very sensitively done very lightly done when you find somebody like sarah who is wanting to retain its integrity they are few and far between yes have you repainted this i don't remember it being this no much better than this lovely terracotta if it had not been for them i think this building would now be in a polished state where one might not have been able to save it edward's really pleased and that's down to a big team effort to pay tribute to their workforce artist graham has decided to immortalize the decorators plumbers and roofers who've made all the difference in a series of pictures that is going to hang in risehall's new gallery it's a real joke to them and to me you know this is my day job this is what i do five days a week what will the team think of graham's efforts to capture their inner beauty the problem wasn't he had a bloody beard when i did you yeah oh yeah brilliant it's amazing you got all my wrinkles as well well you know you have to do that sort of thing they look good [Laughter] it's like crown watch i'd just like to say we all looked a lot younger before we started [Laughter] everywhere you look there's someone working feverishly to get rise ready for the wedding we're getting there although i do think that and then turn around and see something and think oh god in the old sports hall they finally found a company whose beautiful doors will transform it into a fantastic reception venue the race is on but with just five days before the wedding have they done enough to convince the local authority to give them the all-important wedding venue license my big big worry is what happens if the wedding license doesn't come through we're really stuffed then i could probably fix everything apart from not actually having a wedding licence sarah needs to prove that even though there's still some last minute work to be done rise is now a safe place for ben and selena's wedding right a bit better than last time i'm hoping you think how many chairs do you think you here we've got um six wide but you can fit eight wise i think with 120 in this room you'd feel quite it will be quite snug it's getting there isn't it it's better but has she done enough yeah i'm satisfied now that sarah's met all the requirements and i can go back to the office and sign off the license now we now officially have a wedding license for ryze hall so we are now open for naming ceremonies weddings and civil ceremonies i think quite pleased with myself about that and uh pretty happy thank flipping goodness is what i say there's no time to relax though the feature bedrooms still need finishing sarah and graham have had a regency style bed made out of mdf by greg the carpenter all for the princely sum of 200 quid there you go pauline the curtain lady had sarah's carefully designed coronet and drapery to make it fit for the prince regent himself it's not going over the top but trying to keep it elegant without it looking too sort of tacky really the contemporary room's bath is all plumbed in and they've stuck to the minimalist look by furnishing it with well not much really and in the victorian room pauline's worked her soft furnishing magic again it's now a fantastic bridal suite oh paulie there's an amazing fantastic so i just need to alter the push the rail back a little bit it does look as if it's curtains from a brothel doesn't it which is perfect because to be honest the best bit of victoriana is the brothel side of it probably not for them at the time but but looking back let's hope the bride and groom like the brothel look beautiful it's the day before the wedding and rise is a hive of activity swarms of people have arrived to make the final transformation an awful lot of random people that i have no idea who they are walking around my house today [Music] bride and groom selena and ben have turned up nice and early to make their final arrangements only to find a queue of people waiting to get into the sports hall or as it's now known the orangery the door's broken yeah how long does it take all these things well it takes about half an hour now just to get the tables and chairs in place right i was really calm when i arrived and i seemed to have my temperatures escalated now because it is crunch time everyone's here already and waiting we were not actually moving anywhere because we're still waiting for the floors to dry and think fortunately for selena sarah's seen sense and hired die an experienced wedding planner to help organize all the finer points of the big day how long before you think this will harden off so we can obviously get some tablespoons um about another 10 15 minutes do you think yes it has to be bone dry yeah exactly okay we may have to go over it just because we've obviously got some things to do with it but that's fine so 50 minutes you're a star thank you it's very chaotic lots of people coming and going there's lots of people i haven't seen lots of places i haven't been to but uh it's a bit manic there's still a lot to do there's lots of dust everywhere and uh we get there i'm sure but i think it might be a late night but where's the boss when you need her sarah's dashed down the drive to supervise the rendering of her brand new entrance gates which she hopes will look vaguely impressive by tomorrow morning i just think it would have been such a shame for the bride to come up up the road in a horse and carriage to some breeze block pillars at the moment somewhat anyway it's not gonna be a problem it's gonna look beautiful because dean's gonna be here till midnight and i need to get him a slab of beer things are a little more ship shaped back at the house eight months ago the back bedrooms were uninhabitable [Music] now remarkably they're ready for their first guests [Music] sarah and graham have dragged themselves away from their last minute scrambles to show selena and ben the three themed rooms which are finally finished when they last saw them four weeks ago they looked like this so what will the happy couple make of them now [Music] this is not what i was expecting this is amazing this one's completely different yeah it's got character this looks phenomenal this is the arabian princess room this one but yeah the regents bedroom regent's bedroom this isn't and it's huge but the most important room for selena is the victorian room as she's chosen it for her bridal suite that bed is amazing i'll have all my bits and bobs out here i should think well that seems to have gone down well elsewhere glasses are polished flowers arranged and chairs are dressed rise is being transformed into a wonderful wedding venue and now say for a last few minute adjustments by the hosts there's nothing left to do but hope you know it's been kind of a really great day today i've really enjoyed it but i'm really nervous about tomorrow [Music] it's june 19th 2010 after eight months of hard work rise is finally ready for its big day what was once a leaking near derelict shell is now as impressive as it was in its heyday the reception rooms would have made the bethel's the original owners of rise proud the 32 bedrooms have been completed and even the old sports hall is now worthy of its new name the orangery it really is a testament to a lot of hard work but today's the big test for sarah and graham they don't know anything about running a venue and even though they've had wedding coordinator die there's still a long list of last minute fixes the wedding party is due to arrive in a few hours so they better get their skates on um so yeah i'm gonna move the car the bins are here i'm going to hide the rubbish in a i know someone's car or something it's your sweet and then um and then i'm gonna put the fire extinguishers around did i put any makeup on this morning do i look really normal and i'm gonna put some makeup on so yeah that's what i'm doing rise is in the middle of nowhere so graham needs to get the freshly painted signs out to the entrance or the guests could drive past oblivious of where they're meant to be about the bloody wind dean came in at six o'clock this morning to scratch these down now do you know it's not as if we haven't all been up at until two or three in the morning all this week anyway leaving cutting things a bit fine back at the hall everyone is busy with the finishing touches but amidst all the activity the reality of what is happening at rise is just hitting sarah to be honest the only way i've been able to quite cope with the concept of of renting this house at is in my head thinking everything will be locked and it'll be fine because no one get in any of the bits that i really care about right now i can't lock anything up and i'm going to get a little bit stressed in a minute now all she has to do is work out which key locks which of the 97 rooms also i've renamed all the rooms into witty and amusing names in the last week which means i don't know any of the names names of the rooms i look like i'm some sort of obsessional weird key fanatic don't i um this this is why i'm locking this room though i don't need to speak do i should we just shut the door but sarah's lock fetish has backfired i think i might have locked it with an only locking knob unlocking keys sarah seems to have locked the door to the office which has everything that i need to put all the signs up my drills my screwdrivers tighten up things pretend it's me at least there's one door that's properly locked because you need to lock it okay the wedding party is on its way sarah and graham have just got time to smarten themselves up before they have to play host to rise's first wedding and the bride's in a flap all right where are we going right so we're going from bum's room now yeah i'm really impressed i'm glad everyone's here hair and makeup is here so i'm all good i don't care about anyone else they're in the rooms i need to get ready is she decent okay this is the preparation gown for the outfit really well we can crack it open but as the bride and groom get themselves ready graham realizes there's a problem ben and selena have brought five extra overnight guests who haven't been booked in now the problem is is i'm a fire marshal i need to know exactly who's in the house or else legally there's nothing graeme can do but go and confront ben luckily the groom is getting changed in the bathroom so it's the best men who get both barrels from graham yeah i don't really want to hassle ben with this now yeah yeah we should know about this a week ago and if anybody else is going to come out and say i'm expecting to stay yeah i need to know yesterday okay that's them told i hope it went okay what i don't want had to do is to be shoehorning pissed people out of the door with them calling me every name under the sun but you know fire is the thing that we have to take more seriously than anything else the wedding is now just minutes away the guests are waiting expectantly in the ceremony hall a horse and carriage stands patiently on the driveway but there's no sign of the bride and grooms has someone had second thoughts has sarah's key obsession got the better of her and she's accidentally locked them in as graham upset the groom what the heck is going on sarah beanie is staging rise's very first wedding the ceremony hall is full of excited guests but the bride and groom have gone missing we're meeting the carriage fortunately it's just down to the registrar's taking their time with the bride and groom's pre-wedding interviews you can't hurry the law can't believe we've got this building worked out and then the registrar's taking long went late because of that actually that's not very fair as they've been very nice at last ben takes his place and selena arrives in her horse-drawn carriage [Music] that feels like quite an achievement [Music] that just looks so amazing it's just as well i dressed up for the part isn't it i was gonna be a bit better than this just didn't get around to it i'd marry you again old man it's the day they thought would never come fifty workers ten thousand man hours three thousand tins of paint 32 bedrooms 8 months of hard work the restoration nightmare has turned into a dream we haven't got any daughters so it'll never be like this for us oh it's such a relief they'll be able to be there you'll have bought a different house by then trying to do the same thing to that weren't you a bigger house yeah got rid of this silly little cottage do you promise to love and respect her be honest and faithful to her from this day forward i do okay selena do you take benjamin to be your partner for life i do it gives me the greatest of pleasure to declare that you are now husband and wife [Applause] [Music] here's to the future of ben selena and ryze hall [Music] right well i'd call that seamless myself i didn't see very much that's having a cup of tea please greet your bride and groom mr mrs jones [Applause] even talking to graham and sarah earlier about the work they've done over the last few days and getting stuff ready for today even the little finishing touches which they couldn't finish i've not i've not noticed anything [Applause] a lot of people were a bit concerned when i says oh we're getting married in a state home not even being renovated and it's just gone so beautifully and i couldn't have asked for a better wedding day it's been a big day for sarah and graham after all it's not every day you hold a wedding in your own home there was a lot of things that could have gone wrong and and actually it would seem that they had a great day and it's kind of amazing to think that um isn't a great day well so far not shouting at us it must be all right the restoration of ryze has been a real team effort we've had texts for most of the builders here we've said it so many times but really seriously we love so lucky to have had the quality and the loyalty of the workforce that we've had here the biggest journey on this house was stopping the house falling down and we've done that for the budget that we had to spend on it i think it's looking really really good [Music] they've done it sarah and graham have staged rise's first wedding now hopefully they've found a way to keep this georgian treasure standing for the next 200 years [Music] you
Channel: Abode
Views: 244,795
Rating: 4.9027495 out of 5
Keywords: home and garden, Abode, Abode channel, home renovation, renovation, home and garden channel, home and garden tv shows, home design ideas, garden design ideas, manor house renovation, sarah beenys restoration nightmare, sarah beeny property ladder, sarah beeny, home design ideas 2021, renovation of old house, perfect wedding venue, wedding venue, victorian bedroom designs, interior bedroom designs, top wedding venues, home renovation before and after, Georgian manor house
Id: CK72YwEijig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 8sec (2768 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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