The Google Perks And Benefits You Don't Know About

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what's up everybody how's it goin a few weeks ago I posted a video about how much software engineers at Google make per year and a lot of you really liked that video by the way I'll put a link in the description below if you haven't seen it already a lot of you also wanted me to post another video about some of the other perks and benefits that software engineers at Google and just general Google employees get so this is that video sit back relax and smash the like button for your favorite youtuber this is where I'm supposed to say and then smash the like button from me in a sort of self-deprecating kind of way to imply that I'm not your favorite youtuber but no smash the like button for your favorite youtuber aka me I mean you know it's me and if you don't know it now you do so the first perk is this internal only website that all Google employees have access to now of course you've probably never heard of it because its internal only but think of it like an Amazon or some sort of shopping website that only Google employees can access and basically you can order any item that's on the website at any time for free and it'll be delivered to your desk either within a couple of hours or within one or two days at most now the items on the website are meant to improve the productivity of Google employees so you're not gonna find anything and everything there it is not quite Amazon but you will be able to find keyboards Mouse's yes you can say Mouse's when you're talking about a computer mouse Google is up to two very large computer monitors you can get monitor arms these things that you attach your computer monitors to that make them like moveable and the most popular item of all on that list is this pair of wireless headphones that is so nice they have the little way Google logo on them there's so nice everybody wants then everybody can get them they're always in stock and it's just such an awesome item to have I would tell you the headphones but I actually stopped using them after about a year because I started using air pods and I liked them even better to the point that I actually got two pairs of air pods yes there is a valid reason for having two pairs of air pods I'm happy to make a video on that if you want I bet like 10 people are gonna comment on this video weird flex but okay that seems appropriate the second really cool perk is the number of free classes that Google offers its employees basically when you work there you are allowed to enroll and take however many classes you want of the hundreds if not thousands of classes that Google offers all the time now these classes are typically computer science classes but they also cover topics that are completely unrelated to computer science - as an example I took a lot of machine learning classes that were really cool because they got me from someone who had never done any machine learning in my life - at least being able to hold a conversation about machine learning know what kinds of questions to ask about machine learning maybe train my own machine learning model they offer classes on programming languages and frameworks like c++ angular typescript they offer cooking classes in the New York City office there's a full-blown kitchen where you can go and take classes on knife handling on how to bake desserts on how to cook certain meals it's a really cool actually never took any cooking classes because I don't cook the extent of my cooking is putting a frozen pizza in the oven but that's a different story and they offer a lot of cool leadership classes there's this one leadership class that I attended right at the end of my tenure at Google actually got nominated for this class you had to get nominated for it and it was really awesome because they flew me out to California and brought me along with a couple other dozen people who had got nominated to some retreat where we did a bunch of leadership activities and team-building activities it was just really cool and just an awesome perk the third really cool benefit that very few people have heard about is Google's education reimbursement policy basically as a Google employee you can get partially reimbursed for almost any education that you do outside of Google there's an annual cap for how much you can get reimbursed I forget the exact figure but it's above ten thousand dollars which is kind of insane if you think about it and so if you buy some sort of course outside of work that relates to your work in some way shape or form so think of anything related to coding for instance if you're a software engineer maybe a Udacity degree or a cone Academy class of something like that Google pay the majority of that for you which is incredible you'll still pay a little bit out of pocket but they will pay the majority and similarly if you take a class outside of work that's completely unrelated to work as an example a cooking class or a dancing lesson or a gym class Google will pay part of it not the majority of it but part of it so it says if you could get a discount for any course like that whenever you want a really cool benefit that not many people know about you know I was thinking I've given so much free advertisement to Google through this YouTube channel they should really sponsor me Google sponsor me speaking of sponsorships if you think that these perks and benefits sound really good which they do and it would be really cool to have which they would be and you want to land a job as a software engineer at Google and check out how go expert do my company we help software engineers get into big tech companies and startups just like Google and use the promo code Clem see LEM for a discount on the platform so a bit of backstory for the fourth perk most software engineers at any company as part of their job has to be what's called on-call this means that during a period of time either at work or outside of work they have to be available to be paged or alerted if there is some sort of problem or outage with a product and they have to be ready to fix it or to find a person who can fix it this is something that's very common most software engineers at one point in their lives will be on-call the perk here is that at the majority of companies being on-call is just part of your job if you have to be on call during non-work hours maybe during the evenings or during the nights that's just part of your job if you're a Google engineer then if you're on call what's you likely will be it is gonna be part of your job but you're also gonna be paid for it I won't get into the nitty-gritty details but to give you an idea when I was at Google I was on call for roughly the second half of my tenure there so for about a year and basically every six weeks or so I would get an extra paycheck by being on call that is non-trivial money and that's an awesome perk about being a Google engineer they pay you a non-trivial amount for doing what most other company consider just a normal work duty the fifth perk is the fact that you can get very cheap if not free massages at Google this is a perk that you often read about and news articles but nobody really tells you how it works basically at Google you have access to massage points it's an internal currency that you can use to get massages right there at the offices you get some massage points for free when you start working at Google and you accrue them for free every year when you stay at Google you can also sometimes get some for doing special activities and you can buy these massage points but you end up being able to get these massages for a far cheaper price than what you would have to pay for a normal massage outside of Google now these massages are actually very very good they are done by professional masseuse is I think that's the plural for masseuse and the funny story here is that when I was at Google I actually hadn't gotten a single massage for my first like two years and one and a half months and so the last two weeks that I was there I realized I have a bunch of massage points that I haven't used I should go use them and I ended up scrambling the last two weeks trying to book a bunch of massages I unfortunately wasn't able to use up all my points but I was able to get a Thai massage and a chair massage it was amazing it's so cool you're like in the office you step into what looks like a conference room and suddenly you're in this like massage parlor with like nice and music and just like a relaxing vibe and is this amazing highly recommend it especially to those of you who are like oh is this a little bit weird which is kind of how I felt nope super awesome great perk the sixth perk might not be unique to Google I think a lot of other companies might have this but it's still worth mentioning and it's the fact that when you travel at Google and by the way you travel a lot I traveled a lot as a Google software engineer Google allows you to use your own airline account to book flights so for instance I was able to accrue a ton of miles with Delta which is the airline that I typically fly with to the point that I was able to get medallion status with Delta I got silver medallion status about halfway through this year and then I just recently got gold medallion which is really awesome because I also travel a lot personally and that basically means that right now on most domestic flights I get upgraded to first class for free super awesome perk this is gonna be another weird flex but okay but I just got my Delta gold medallion tags they're absolutely worthless pieces of plastic that you can attach to your luggage if you just want to show people that you're a gold medallion status holder I get excited about a really weird things another really cool perk and this is gonna fit very well in the whole Google perks theme which is that Google likes to throw money at its employees is that you get a lot of free stuff when you work at Google so if all the things that I mentioned previously weren't enough you also get things like a monthly gym subsidy even though you have gyms at most of the offices like in the New York City office you can get your internet bill paid by Google why you might ask because if you need to stay connected to the internet at home to perform work functions like maybe when you're on call then that constitutes a work expense so you are able to charge your entire monthly internet bill to Google and you also get a bunch of discounts we're talking hundreds of dollars discounts with a lot of companies computer companies airline companies restaurants all kinds of companies google also has fantastic normal benefits like health insurance and 401k plans its 401k is actually very very good the match that Google gives the employer match google it if you don't know what that is is actually insane it's one of the best that I've ever heard of and finally the last perk perhaps the best perk of all and I'm actually being serious here because some of you are gonna think I'm joking is that every software engineer at Google or normal Google employee but I'll go with software engineers for now will eventually become or most likely an X Google software engineer that title actually comes with a lot of brand equity it is actually incredible what having the ex-google epithet can do for you with that said that's gonna be it for this video I really hope that you enjoyed it let me know what you thought about it in the comments below and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Clément Mihailescu
Views: 68,484
Rating: 4.7985969 out of 5
Keywords: google perks, google perks and benefits, google perks for employees, google perks at work, google office perks, google benefits, google benefits to employees, google benefits and perks, google benefits video, what perks does google offer its employees, what benefits does google offer its employee, google is the best place to work, google employee benefits, google employee perks, google employee lifestyle, facebook benefits and perks, google nap pod, facebook employee perks
Id: fmkpwvqoqYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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